%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Manuscript Dataset%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Contained are the data and MATLAB codes for manuscript ‘The propagation speed of optical speckle’. Below is a description of the codes: Tilt_Gaussian.m: generates the field of tilt planewaves with Gaussian intensity profile. This function is called by most subsequent codes. Interfering_FFT.m: generates the field of optical speckle with a given distribution of tilt planewaves, calculates its k-spectrum and probability distribution of kr^2, and calculates the statistic expectation. This function is called by program ‘F4_speckle_AdjTilt_Gauss’. F2F3_speckle_GaussDistr.m: plots the results with the generated optical speckle. Figs.2 & 3 are produced by running this code. F4_speckle_AdjTilt_Gauss: calculates the statistic expectation of kr^2 and the corresponding degree of slowing of optical speckle with various spreading angles. This code is used to prepare data for program ‘F4_vg_errorbar_Gauss.m’. The data is stored in the ‘matdata’ folder. F4_vg_errorbar_Gauss.m: plots Fig. 4 with the collected data by ‘F4_speckle_AdjTilt_Gauss.m’. F5_speckle_AdjAperture.m: calculates the optical speckle and its k-spectrum with adjusted aperture (beam aperture & numerical aperture). This code is used to prepare data for Fig. 5. The data is stored in the ‘matdata’ folder. F5_speckle_Aperture_NA_errorbar.m: plots the restrictions of aperture of practical system on slowing effect of optical speckle. F5_speckle_NA_errorbar.m: plots Fig. 5 with the collected data by ‘F5_speckle_AdjAperture.m’. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%