"1. Consent: I have read the information about the study, understand I can withdraw at any time, how my data will be used and that it will be deleted or destroyed by 31 August 2024 if I do not give permission for it to be stored in a data stores. I agree to participate in the study.","2. Please rate your level of experience and skill with the following technologies.","2.1. Smartphone","2.2. Tablet","2.3. Laptop computer","2.4. Desktop computer","2.5. Email","2.6. Messaging","2.7. Internet","2.8. Apps on a tablet or a smartphone","2.9. Apps on laptop or PC","3. Please comment on your willingness to learn new technologies and how easy you find this.","4. Which of the following formats would you prefer? Please give your order of preference. You can use the same number for two formats if you have equal preferences for them.","4.1. Apps on smartphones","4.2. Apps on tablets","4.3. Websites","4.4. Apps on laptops or desktop computers","4.a. Please describe any aspect of these different formats you like and also if some cause you difficulties.","5. Which of the following tools and support are of interest to you?","5.1. Strategies to overcome barriers to participation or access","5.2. Signposting to several sources of advice for dealing with new or difficult situations","5.3. Tools for structuring problems and prioritising actions","5.4. Confidence and assertiveness tools","5.5. Peer mentoring","5.6. Support network of autistic people","6. What types of information would you like signposting to?","6.1. Autistics and organisations of autistic people","6.2. Counselling services suitable for autistic people","6.3. Counselling and support for family, friends and relationship issues","6.4. Local advocates for guidance and support","6.5. Local sport and leisure activities","6.6. Online leisure activities","6.7. Health information","6.8. Support and training for independent living","6.9. Support and training for improving your qualifications and getting a more interesting job","6.10. Help in using technology","6.11. Help with online security","6.12. Help with personal finance","6.13. Sources of informal help with daily activities","7. Please provide any additional comments on the tools and supports and types of information you would find useful and how you would use them.","8. Please provide any additional comments on your experiences of technology and any suggestions for technologies you might find useful.","9. Please identify any tasks or activities you do or want to do that might benefit from some form of support or help.","10. What would you like a mobile application or website to do to help provide the support you identified in the previous question?","11. If a website or mobile application helped you to do the tasks or activities you identified in question 9, how do you think this would improve your quality of life?","12. What customisations would help make the mobile app or website more accessible to you?","12.1. Choice of screen layout","12.2. Choice of text size and colour","12.3. Audible feedback","12.4. Visual feedback","12.5. Option to turn any feedback on and off","12.6. Choice of text menus or icons to initiate actions","12.7. Speech input option","12.8. Speech output option","12.9. Changing the order of menus","13. What makes particular technologies easy or difficult to use by you?","14. Please provide any additional comments and suggestions that would help us make a mobile app or website most useful to you.","15. Which of the following payment models would enable you to use the system?","15.a. If you selected Other, please specify:","16. Which advertising and sponsorship technologies are acceptable to you?","16.1. Pop ups","16.2. Moving image","16.3. Background music","16.4. Colourful screens","16.5. Other","16.a. If you selected Other, please specify:","17. What types of organisations or individuals would you find advertising or sponsorship from acceptable?","18. What types of organisations or individuals would you find advertising or sponsorship from unacceptable?","19. Please add any comments about what makes sponsorship or advertising acceptable or unacceptable to you and how much you would be willing to pay, if at all, for a mobile app or website with some of the features and function you identified in the previous sections.","20. Are you autistic?","21. How old are you (in years)?","22. What is your gender identity?","22.a. If you selected Other, please specify:","23. How would you describe your ethnicity?","24. What are your living arrangements? Indicate all that apply.","24.a. If you selected Other, please specify:","25. Please provide more details about your living situation and any changes you would like to make in it.","26. Where do you live?","26.a. If you selected Other, please specify:","27. What country do you live in?","27.a. If you selected Other, please specify:","28. What is your employment status?","28.a. If you selected Other, please specify:","29. Please comment on your employment situation and any changes you would like to make to it.","30. Do you consent to having your anonymised responses stored in the Glasgow store of research data? As explained in the Consent page, if you answer Yes, your anonymous responses will be stored in the Glasgow store of research data and accessible to other researchers even after we finish all publishing activities related to this project. This may help other projects. Otherwise, if you answer No, only the three researchers will see the responses, they will not be shared with anyone else and we will delete or destroy all copies by two years from the end of this one-year project, by 31 August 2024. This will give us time to write up paper(s) for academic journals." "Yes",,"Use it often","Use it occasionally","Use it often","Don't use it","Use it often","Use it often","Use it often","Use it often","Use it often","I am willing but this is hampered by my autistic difficulty with change. When I commit to learning a new piece of technology, I know that I will soon be bombarded by updates and built in obsolescence which are intolerable.",,"3","3","1 (Prefer)","3","Apps seem to make me anxious. More often than not, I cannot keep up with the speed they work at.",,"Very interested","Very interested","Very interested","Somewhat interested","Very interested","Very interested",,"Very interested","Very interested","Very interested","Very interested","Somewhat interested","Very interested","Very interested","Very interested","Not interested","Very interested","Very interested","Very interested","Very interested","At present I have an autistic therapist which I spend 1 hour with per week. The rest of my support comes from my husband and the Twitter community. I have no experience of what other support would be like, so I am interested in trying most of the options. I have learnt that so called support from charities that don't listen to autistic people is very damaging and that would be a definite NO.","I am waiting to try the Brain in Hand app. Social Care have been promising to pay for it for me for many months but it has not materialised. I think I might have some kind of cognitive function difficulty, and phones and computers are often overwhelming just because of the amount of information I get exposed to. I get easily frightened if I can't find a file or a link or an email and it's a lot of work for me to cope.","I would like to communicate with the autistic community with less difficulty.","I would like something to bypass the algorithms on Twitter and Facebook that stop my communications reaching people. My communications are determined as being not ""social"" enough for social media and they get put to the bottom of the pile so I become isolated in the only platform I have available.","I think it would make a really big difference to not have to be thinking if only I could share this thought or ask this question several times a day.",,"Unsure","Unsure","Unsure","Unsure","Unsure","Unsure","Unsure","Unsure","Unsure","Nothing specific. Anxiety and fear is the same for all of them.",,"Annual subscription, based on what you can afford.,Monthly subscription, based on what you can afford,One-off payment, based on what you can afford,Sponsorship",,,"Difficult","Difficult","Difficult","Acceptable",,,"Need to have good ethics.","Tax dodgers.","I really hate when adverts are supposed to be suitable for me. They never are because I hate all of them. I'd rather they were not pretending to be what I want. I like to be given the option to close or skip them. ","Yes, I have a formal medical diagnosis of autism (including Asperger's syndrome or any other autism spectrum diagnosis)","55","Female",,"White English","With partner(s),With other family",,"I'm too burnt out to look after the house properly or move to a better place. I would be better off somewhere with good bus and train services.","Small town or city",,"England",,"Other","I am too unwell to work.","I would find work too challenging in many ways.","Yes" "Yes",,"Use it often","Use it often","Use it often","Use it occasionally",,"Use it often","Use it often","Use it often","Use it often","I found it easier to use the internet during the lockdowns as using the smartphone on a daily basis.",,"1 (Prefer)","1 (Prefer)","2","3","The apps on the computer sometimes, if the or the computer or the apps have to be updated.",,,"Somewhat interested","Not interested","Somewhat interested",,"Somewhat interested",,"Very interested","Somewhat interested","Somewhat interested",,"Somewhat interested",,,"Somewhat interested","Not interested","Somewhat interested","Somewhat interested","Somewhat interested","Somewhat interested","Ivwoukld find out about the names of autistic and organisationsthat offer help in my area.","I once did a course on it, which included the use of computers and solving problems.","I might want to join a group for autistic and people with Aspergers like a photography group or a cinema group which would involve meeting new people.","Yes, it it was possible to get an e-mail or a link to tell you about groups in your local area.","I think this would improve the quality of my life, given the right access to tools and the correct information.",,"Unsure","No",,,"Yes","Yes",,,"Yes","If there is a link or an e-mail sent to me, somtimes i have to check I have the correct information ",,"Monthly subscription, based on what you can afford",,,"No opinion","Difficult","Acceptable","Acceptable","No opinion","I would accept. music background or graphic images.","I would find the types of organisations or individualsls would find acceptable might through the council or an autistic group.","I would find advertising from adverts or commercial sponsorship unacceptable from a sports company or a utility company.",,"Yes, I have a formal medical diagnosis of autism (including Asperger's syndrome or any other autism spectrum diagnosis)","60","Male",,"Scottish","Alone",,"I live in council accomodation and I find I can living independently on my own.","Large city",,"Scotland",,"Unemployed",,,"Yes" "Yes",,"Expert user","Expert user","Expert user","Expert user","Expert user","Expert user","Expert user","Expert user","Expert user","Very happy and excited to learn new technologies. Find it generally very easy.",,"4","3","2","1 (Prefer)","Smartphone screens are too small and often the apps lack the features available on desktop machines. I like to feel in full control of my software.",,"Very interested","Very interested","Very interested","Somewhat interested","Not interested","Somewhat interested",,"Somewhat interested","Not interested","Not interested","Very interested","Somewhat interested","Somewhat interested","Very interested","Not interested","Not interested","Somewhat interested","Not interested","Somewhat interested","Very interested","I have good support from my wife and am in employment, so my needs are not so great in some respects. I tend to need support with specific things and in certain situations. ","I consider myself very fortunate to live in the digital age, because it really has enabled most of what I can do. At the same time, it can be frustrating. See aspects of some applications present barriers which I am unable to get past. These generally relate to unclear instructions, or certain assumptions about colour and design. So it is really a question of applying good design principles to technologies. One specific technology I would really like to have is an app that guides me to autism-friendly spaces in cities and towns. I have often struggled when travelling.","It's all about environment and especially navigation through the environment. So and app that could help with that would be great. Autism-friendly spaces, lighting mapping, perfume detection, sound reduction, anything that addresses sensory issues in the environment. ","Give me rolling real-time feedback on the environment and enable me to interact with comments, suggestions and tags. If many autistic people were to do this, then a changing picture of environments across the country could soon be produced.","It would enable me to go places more successfully.",,"Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes","No","No","Unsure","Good design that abides by accessibility design conventions.",,"Monthly subscription, based on what you can afford",,,"Difficult","Acceptable","Difficult","Difficult",,,"Don't mind, just so long as I cannot obviously read the algorithm. Too many adverts on social media are too obviously based on the fact that I searched for something that day, for example.","Anything involving violence, racism, sexism, political extremism, religion, and over-aggressive capitalism. Hat adverts from banks, for example. Come to think of it, I hate most adverts really, because they are all examples of aggressive capitalism, so I just ignore them. Can't stand charity adverts either - dying donkeys, starving children, cancer sufferers, etc. that can all be saved by me send £3 to some organisation who will then proceed to pepper me with demands until my dying day (and probably beyond). So an option to remove all advertising would be welcome. I'd pay for that!","I'd pay anything to get rid of adverts altogether, as per the reasons above. I'd add that adverts break my focus and are generally irrelevant. The commercial world is so debased!","Yes, I have a formal medical diagnosis of autism (including Asperger's syndrome or any other autism spectrum diagnosis)","63","Male",,"White British","With partner(s)",,"I am happily married and would like to make no changes at all.","Medium sized town or city",,"England",,"Part time employment",,"Approaching retirement. I'd like the university to offer a better environment for my needs. I'm doing what I can to bring about that change.","Yes" "Yes",,"Expert user","Don't use it","Expert user","Expert user","Expert user","Expert user","Expert user","Expert user","Expert user","I am always learning to use new technology at work, often there is a basic training package with, for example, new apps, my curiosity about how these apps work often leads to using them more effectively - and also finding fault with them where they have the potential to do so much more and the developer of the app has come up short. The skills learnt with technology at work are very transferable skills to use on my own devices such as a PC or smartphone and all the apps that come with those.",,"1 (Prefer)",,"2","2","Apps on tablets don't get a mention as I do not own one or have one provided at work.",,"Somewhat interested","Somewhat interested","Somewhat interested","Not interested","Not interested","Somewhat interested",,"Very interested","Somewhat interested","Somewhat interested","Somewhat interested","Very interested","Very interested","Very interested","Somewhat interested","Not interested","Somewhat interested","Somewhat interested","Somewhat interested","Somewhat interested","Living independently I appear to be managing quite well, as always though there may be thing I can learn to improve my life, hence the answers to Q6 above. I have a good job which I like, leading to the one 'not interested' answer.","Generally I have had no trouble finding apps that meet my needs for my own electronic devices, if any apps are found to not meet my needs, I simply look for another one. Unfortunately I don't have that option at work, but I can provide feedback on specialist apps.","I like to monitor my activity levels and general health, I have an app which provides most of the feedback I seek for those. This is important to me as my general health isn't as good now.","Simply to be easy to use, provide information in a logical way and also display trends.","I am then able to provide information to my healthcare team (GP, consultants, nurses etc) so that any advice or treatment offered is more likely to help maintain my health. ",,"Yes","Yes",,"Yes","Unsure","Yes","Unsure","Unsure","Yes","Clarity of the information, and a logical progression if using the app takes you through a sequence of steps to achieve what you have the app for. Some of the apps at work do not do this, they are hard to use and consequently using them takes an unneccesary length of time.","An app must be quick to use to deliver what the user wants from it, and possibly provide feedback to ensure that the right choices are made to get what the user wants.","Monthly subscription, based on what you can afford",,,"Difficult","No opinion","No opinion","No opinion",,,"Those that might provide products or services that would be specific to the needs of the user of the app to improve quality of life in some way.","Those providing products or services that sell well as they are generally popular, but may not meet the app users specific needs and therfore be a possible waste of money","Advertising or sponsorship pop ups are annoying when they interfere with any attempts to put information into interactive apps, it would be OK for these to be, for example, on the 'next page' of an app as you work through it to get what you want from an app, as you can just quickly continue on to do what you are using the app for. A fee of maybe £5 or 10 a month may be OK if niche advertising didn't provide sufficient to support the app.","Yes, I have a formal medical diagnosis of autism (including Asperger's syndrome or any other autism spectrum diagnosis)","60","Male",,"White, British","Alone",,"I live in a small 2 bed flat, one bedroom has been converted to a library, but the bookshelves now extend to other rooms. Would like more space for books. ","Medium sized town or city",,"Scotland",,"Part time employment",,"I work part time due to poor cardiac health, and am considering taking early retirement for health reasons, particularly as cost cutting has reduced numbers in the department I work in.","Yes" "Yes",,"Use it occasionally","Don't use it","Don't use it","Use it occasionally","Use it occasionally","Use it occasionally","Use it occasionally","Rarely use it","Rarely use it","Find learning tech operating/use difficult. Learnt how to by trial & error. Now answering this questiom on free train station wifi. Guess I'm learning..",,,,"1 (Prefer)",,"Have learnt a little about website use. Easier on a computer screen rather than a hand phone. Its new to me. Don't know like is approproate its about necessity. My app use is in its infancy. May be I will get used to it. It takes time",,"Somewhat interested",,,,"Very interested","Very interested",,,,,,,,,,"Not interested",,,,,"I prefer talking face to face. ","Confidence & time. Learn slowly. Aware I must as technology will further dominate our lives and society.","Friendship. Not sure that's whay you're asking. Don't know how to answer","I can't think",,,,"Yes","Yes",,"Yes",,,,,"They are all new and I take time to adjust to things. Just filling in this questionarre is something.",,,,,,,,,,,,,"Would need time to think about this. Its complex.","Yes, I have a formal medical diagnosis of autism (including Asperger's syndrome or any other autism spectrum diagnosis)","60","Male",,"Brtiish","Alone",,"Its a bit cluttered. Partly because I've lived in the same place for ages. ","Large city",,"England",,"Unemployed",,"I would like staff to be accepted me and allow me more bank shifts. Its difficult.","Yes"