Associated Data for Heterogeneous Migration Routes of DNA Triplet Repeat Slip-outs Authors: Simona Bianco, Tianyu Hu, Oliver Henrich, and Steven W. Magennis 1. MFD MFD files include correlation, SET, Rh110-thick, Rh101-thick, buffer, and sample of (CAG)40 -Correlation shows FCS data -SET shows details of setup of the Becker and Hickl cards -Rh110-thick shows decay of Rh110 thick solution -Rh101-thick shows decay of Rh101 thick solution -Buffer shows SPC files for the buffer -Sample shows SPC files for the sample 2. TIRF - Selected time traces 3. Coarse-grained modelling data # ./input/in.triplet # LAMMPS input file # # ./input/data.cag_10 # LAMMPS data file, initial configuration # # ./input/plumed.wtmeta.conf # PLUMED input file # # ./input/colvar.conf # Definition of collective variables # ./free_energy # free energy, trajectory and collective variable output # ./free_energy/plot_fe.gnp # Gnuplot plotting script for averaged FE landscape