This folder contains the data used in the article "Two-Photon Interference LiDAR". Subdirectories are broken down into corresponding folders for each figure in the article. The formatting of the data is as follows: Figure_2 - contains ascii data for the HOM dip for each pixel in the image (with each file being a single pixel). Data is formatted into 4 rows - row1: delay stage position (mm) - row2: single photon count rate on one detector (Hz) - row3: single photon count rate on second detector (Hz) - row4: coincident event count rate (Hz) The same data is also used in Figure D in the Supplementary Material Figure_3 - contains a MatLab file with data from simulation, within this is two matrices - figure3a: two rows, the first contains the spot size (mm) and the second contains the depth uncertainty (microns) - figure3b: five rows. the first contains the standoff distance (m) and the following four contain the required transverse resolution (cm) for the 50, 100, 500, 1000 micron data respectively Figure_4 - contains photon timetagged data used to produce figure 4. The directory contains a series of binary files where the name corresponds to the delay stage position in mm. Data was acquired using a Picoquant HydraHarp in the T3 modality using a synchronised repetition rate of 80MHz. Each 32 bit binary sequence gives information on a photon arrival including detector number and time of arrival. The same data is used for Figure C in the Supplementary Material Figure_A - contains a single MatLab file including a single matrix with 2 columns. The first column contains the delay stage position (mm) and the second contains the normalised coincident events (arb.)