The folder "1-Metasurface,Lattice&Patterning" contains the data underlying: 1a) the fundamental metasurface design, i.e. parametric results for the different pillar geometries summarised in "W-P-T-PillarResults_aniso_H150um_PureSi-15-30.csv" 1b) the python code that generated the metasurface pattern from design parameter and file a) named "" 1c) output files generated with the python code, namely a list of all lattice points (and 3 sperate lists of the 3 interlaced lattices) incl. parameter of the optimised pillars "CombinedLattices_dia2,4_Foc3.2_df0,6_PureSi.txt", "LatXY_2,4_Foc3.2_df0,6_PureSi.txt", "LatRL_dia2,4_Foc3.2_df0,6_PureSi.txt", "Lat+-45_dia2,4_Foc3.2_df0,6_PureSi.txt" 1d) the generated metasurface as 2D .gds file, which was used for the simulations of Fig.2 "Hexa-MP_dia2,4_Foc3.2_df0,6_PureSi.gds" 1e) the analysed results shown in Fig.1 as .opj files and .png files "Fig1a.png", "Fig1b_PhaseX_H150um_a40um.png", "Fig1c_TransX_H150um_a40um.png", "Fig1d.png" "Fig1bc_ParametricResults.opj", "Fig1d_HexaMpol_center_2x.opj" 1f) the measurement result of the surface profile of the fabricated metasurface obtained by optical profilometry "Fig1d_center_2x.opdx" _________________________________________________________ The folder "2-Simulation Data" contains the data underlying: 2a) The FDTD simulation results shown Fig. 2 a)-f) obtained with the .gds file of 1d) for a source with six different polarisations, explicitly the intensity distribution at the focal planes: "Intensity@focalPlane_X_incidence_Z3,2mm.txt", "Intensity@focalPlane_Y_incidence_Z3,2mm.txt" "Intensity@focalPlane_P45LP_incidence_Z3,2mm.txt", "Intensity@focalPlane_M45LP_incidence_Z3,2mm.txt" "Intensity@focalPlane_RCP_incidence_Z3,2mm.txt", "Intensity@focalPlane_LCP_incidence_Z3,2mm.txt" 2b) the calculation of unpolarised light of Fig.2g) according to the simulation company's recommendation ( , last accessed: 07.06.22) "Unpol_calculation.xlsx" 2c) the intensity distribution at the adapted focal planes Z for broadband simulations shown in Fig.2h)-i) i.e. the intensities at the adapted focal plane Z_xxxx_um with the wavelength Lambda_yyy_um "Intensity@Z3075um_Lambda134um.xlsx" "Intensity@Z4575um_Lambda85um.xlsx" 2d) the analysed results of Fig.2 as submitted in .opj and .jpg file format "Fig2_Simulations_reviewed.opj" "Fig2_submitted.jpg" ______________________________________________________________ The folder "3-Experimental Data" contains the data underlying: 3a) the illustration of Fig.3 showing the outline of the employed experimental setup "Fig3_ExperimentalSetup.jpg" 3b) a folder "Data_as_recorded" containing experimental data as recorded by the employed camera, incl. a descriptive readme.txt file and the recorded reference intensity in the reference beam path "Reference intensity.xlsx" 3c) a folder "Datafiles_used_for_Analysis" including only the corrected .raw files as used for further analysis, see accompanying "readme.txt" file for name methodology 3d) the folder "Fig4_Calibration" containing the six measurements of degenerate polarisation in .raw and .xlsx file format that were used by the matlab script "Calibration_Generate_CalibrationMatrix.m" to generate the calibration matrix "Calibration_Matrix.txt" and the flux matrix "Flux_Matrix.txt" I_c of Eq.3 in the main text. as well as the analysed data in "Exp. Calibration.opj" normalised with "ExpDataNormalisation.xlsx" to result in the "Fig4_submitted.jpg" illustrated as Fig.4 of the main text. 3e) the folder "Fig5_StokesCalculation" containing the analysis script "Stokes_Calculation_from_CalibrationMatrix.m" to calculate the Stokes parameter from the "Calibration_Matrix.txt" and any given input .raw file. "Theory_QWP_HWP_StokesOutput.m" calculates the expected Stokes parameters for any given orientation angle of the HWR and QWR of the setup (Horizontal incident light). Analysed results of all 64 measurements are summarised in "SOP_Analysis_results.xlsx" and analysed in "Fig5_PoincarePlot_LitComp.opj", which furthermore includes the analysis of 2 previous publications as comparison. "Fig5_submitted.jpg" shows the final graph as shown in Fig.5 of the main text. ______________________________________________________________ The folder "4-Simulation Files (per request via sharepoint link)" contains all native simulation files and results of Fig.1 and Fig.2. Due to large file size, we had to make this data abailable via a button that sends a sharepoint link via Email for downloading the files.