=================================================================================================================================== Rapid age-grading and species identification of natural mosquitoes for malaria surveillance =================================================================================================================================== Doreen J. Siria, Roger Sanou, Joshua Mitton, Emmanuel P. Mwanga, Abdoulaye Niang, Issiaka Sare, Paul C.D. Johnson, Geraldine Foster, Adrien M.G. Belem, Klaas Wynne, Roderick Murray-Smith, Heather M. Ferguson, Mario González-Jiménez*, Simon A. Babayan*, Abdoulaye Diabaté, Fredros O. Okumu, and Francesco Baldini* *Corresponding authors: Mario.GonzalezJimenez(at)glasgow.ac.uk Simon.Babayan(at)glasgow.ac.uk Francesco.Baldini(at)glasgow.ac.uk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The spectra are organised in folders according to the experiment to which they correspond and the country of origin. * The infrared spectrum of each mosquito is stored in a .mzz file. We have designed this format so that the spectra of our >40,000 mosquitoes take up as little space as possible. It consists of a zip-compressed text file in which the spectral information is summarised in a single column. As the wavenumbers in the spectrum are sequential and spaced at equal intervals, instead of including all of them in the file we have only indicated the starting wavenumber of the spectrum (first item in the column), the final (second item in the column) and the number of wavenumbers measured (the third item). This way the list of measured wavenumbers can be easily created with this formula: i * (a - b) wvn_i = a - --------------- for i from 0 to c. c Where: a -> Initial wavenumber (first item .mzz file) b -> Final wavenumber (second item .mzz file) c -> Number of measured wavenumbers (third item .mzz file) All wavenumbers were measured in units of reciprocal centimeters (cm-1). The remaining data in the column are the measured absorbances for each wavenumber. * The name of each spectrum contains the basic information of the measured mosquito. SS-C-xxD-TT-EE-yymmdd-YYMMDD-33.mzz where: SS: Species code: AA: Anopheles arabiensis AG: Anopheles gambiae AC: Anopheles coluzzi C: Country code: B: Burkina Faso S: Scotland T: Tanzania xx: Age of the mosquito in days (UNK if unknown) TT: Status of the mosquito: BF: Blood fed SF: Sugar fed UF: Unfed GR: Gravid WG: Gravid (wild mosquitoes) NP: Nulliparous(Gonotrophic cycle 0) P1: Gonotrophic cycle 1 P2: Gonotrophic cycle 2 P3: Gonotrophic cycle 3 P4: Gonotrophic cycle 4 UN: Unknown EE: Experiment TL: Laboratory variation TF: Genetic variation VF: Environmental variation WV: Wild mosquitoes yymmdd: Date the mosquito was collected YYMMDD: Date the mosquito was measured 33: Mosquito number identifier