The data are divided in 3 subforders. FOLDER 'Fig 1 pump and probe input' It contains the pump and signal intensity images at the sample input plane. The pump and signal beams have OAM L=1 and N=2 respectively. No sample was present when this image was taken. FOLDER 'FiG2 and FIG3 Pump OAM 1' It contains 16 MATLAB files with the averaged signal and idler fields at the sample output plane. The interference of the signal and idler fields with the pump and reference beams were acquired 20 times for each OAM combinations. Pump OAM = 1 Signal OAM = 3, 2, -1 ,-2 Corresponding idler OAM = -1, 0, 3, 4 The signal and idler fields have been reconstructed thanks to a Laguerre Gauss decompositon and then recomposition of each OAM. Then these 20 reconstructions for each field have been averaged. NAME OF THE FILES: "Averaged_fields_1a20_pump'OAM'_probe'OAM'_'CAMERA DELAY'msdelay_'PUMP POWER'_'SIGNAL POWER'_sample_01_'LAGUERRE GAUSS WAIST USED'" The 16 Matlab files contain the averaged fields for each power. LINEAR MEASUREMENTS - Pump OAM = 1, Power pump = 10 mW, - Probe OAM = 3, 2, -1 ,-2 Power probe = 0.7 mW NONLINEAR MEASUREMENTS - Pump OAM = 2 Power pump = 250 mW (NONLINEAR REGIME) - Probe OAM = 4, 3, 1 ,-1 Power probe = 8, 10, 12 mW (NONLINEAR REGIME) PROGRAM: The matlab script 'currents_reflectivity_plot.mat' allows to plot the data and saves them in 2 figures - currents_comparison_pump1_probe3_2_m1_m2.fig and .png - reflection_comparison_pump1_probe3_2_m1_m2.fig and .png FOLDER 'FiG2 and FIG3 Pump OAM 2' It contains 16 MATLAB files with the averaged signal and idler fields at the sample output plane. The interference of the signal and idler fields with the pump and reference beams were acquired 20 times for each OAM combinations. Pump OAM = 1 Signal OAM = 4, 3, 1 ,-1 Corresponding idler OAM = 0, 1, 3, 5 The signal and idler fields have been reconstructed thanks to a Laguerre Gauss decompositon and then recomposition of each OAM. Then these 20 reconstructions for each field have been averaged. NAME OF THE FILES: "Averaged_fields_1a20_pump'OAM'_probe'OAM'_'CAMERA DELAY'msdelay_'PUMP POWER'_'SIGNAL POWER'_sample_01_'LAGUERRE GAUSS WAIST USED'" The 12 Matlab files contain the averaged fields for each power. LINEAR MEASUREMENTS - Pump OAM = 1, Power pump = 10 mW, - Probe OAM = 3, 2, -1 ,-2 Power probe = 0.7 mW NONLINEAR MEASUREMENTS - Pump OAM = 2 Power pump = 174 mW (NONLINEAR REGIME) - Probe OAM = 4, 3, 1 ,-1 Power probe = 9, 12 mW (NONLINEAR REGIME) PROGRAM: The matlab script 'currents_reflectivity_plot.mat' allows to plot the data and saves them in 2 figures - currents_comparison_pump1_probe4_3_1_m1.fig and .png - reflection_comparison_pump2_probe4_3_1_m1.fig and .png