The data is divided into two different folder for the two different experiments, rotation and splitting. In the case of the Rotation experiment, the magnetic field was oriented along 46 different angles, varying the transverse component of the magnetic field on the xy plane starting from x (folder name "0") to -x (folder name "45"). The total magnitude of the magnetic field is kept constant for the angles at 1G. Five HDF files include the acquired data for the same magnetic orientation in each of the numbered folders. This has been done for averaging purposes. The data in each file consist of 3 different 2D arrays corresponding to images in 8-bit Greyscale. The first array is the transparency of the probe after the absorption of the atoms. The second array is the intensity profile of the probe. Moreover, the third array is a background image. The three images can then be combined to obtain the Optical Density of the atoms in the presence of the probe. The other folder containing the splitting experiment data is organized in a similar matter with some difference. The magnetic field varies on the xz plane, starting from z to -z in 35 steps. The experiment is repeated 3 times, instead of 5, at each step. The magntitude of the magnetic field is the same as the other experiment at 1G, as well as the content of each HDF data file. In the stokes measurement folder are included 6 png images to extrapolate the polarization structure of the probe beam. The name of the images H,V,D,A,R,L represent the measured intensities of the horizontal, vertical, diagonal, antidiagonal, right and left polarizations respectively. List of experimental parameters: Total beam power: 0.13 μW (2π*0.26 MHz), Atoms number: 5*10^7, Density: 10^11 cm^-3, Temperature: 100 μK, Magnetic field strength: 1 Gauss, Vector beam charge: m=2.