Data for Manuscript =================== Data for manuscript "Exploring and Expanding the Fe-Terephthalate Metal-Organic Framework Phase Space by Coordination and Oxidation Modulation" Materials Horizons 2021 Authors: Dominic Bara Emily Meekel Ignas Pakamorė Claire Wilson Sanliang Ling Ross S. Forgan Experimental data in xy format for PXRD, txt for TGA, and images as tif or jpg files RSF thanks the Royal Society for a University Research Fellowship and the University of Glasgow for funding. This project received financial support in part from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and Innovation (grant agreement no. 677289, SCoTMOF, ERC-2015-STG). We acknowledge the use of the ARCHER supercomputer through membership of the UK HPC Materials Chemistry Consortium, which is funded by EPSRC Grant No. EP/R029431/1 CCDC 2088533–2088537 contain the supplementary crystallographic data for this work. These data can be obtained free of charge from The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre via Data available Thermogravimetric analysis, powder X-ray diffraction, SEM images.