These data and codes are used in the statistical analyses of paper "Understanding housing inequalities in urban Pakistan: An intersectionality perspective of ethnicity, income and education" published in the International Journal of Race, Ethnicity and the City. This folder consists of two folders - PlotEthnicPop (R code related to plot of ethnolinguistic population) and statistical data sets, including .do file (analysis based on Stata). **************************************** Regarding Statistical Analysis (Stata) **************************************** File name: PSLM 2014-15 Consists of: a) code (Complete do file with steps_SA1_FM_4); b) raw data from PSLM 2014-15; and c) questionaire Raw data, including supporting documents, are availabe on Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Government of Pakistan at, reference number Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey (2014-15). Codes along with raw data are also available at the UoG’s research data repository at Code is based on Stata/MP 16.0 for Windows (64-bit x86-64). It consists of following three types of files: Code (do file): Rawdata (dta file): A.dta C.dta D.dta E.dta F1.dta F2.dta G.dta hhweight.dta J.dta section B.dta section E.dta x.dta Questionaire (pdf file): District QUESTIONAIRE 2014-15(ENG).pdf By running code on these raw data you will get intermediate output files and results reported in the paper. **************************************** Ethnolinguistic Population Distribution (R) **************************************** This folder includes all required documents that can be used to plot ethnolinguistic population distribution across Pakistan using R (i.e. Fig1 in the paper). It consists of: a) ethnicity R code.R b) language.csv (extracted from PSLM 2014-15 data) c) rest all files are related to administrative boundary. Using these three sets of file you can plot Fig 1 of the paper.