Summary statistics for the UK Biobank GWAS of IMT (PMID: 31801372). "These are the results for the GWAS of IMTmean, IMTmax and IMTmeanmax (sex combined) and IMTmean (women only and men only)" Column names: SNP = rsID CHR = chromosome BP = base pair position GENPOS = genetic position either from bim file or interpolated from genetic map. ALLELE1 = effect allele ALLELE0 = other allele (equivalent to allele 2 standard notation) A1FREQ = effect allele frequency INFO = imputation (IMPUTE2) info score CHISQ_LINREG = chi-squared statistic (linear regression) P_LINREG = p value for above BETA = effect size value for LMM GWAS model SE = standard error of above effect size CHISQ_BOLT_LMM_INF = chi-squared statistic for LMM (infinitesimal model) P_BOLT_LMM_INF = p value for BETA CHISQ_BOLT_LMM = chi-squared statistic for LMM (non-infinitesimal model) P_BOLT_LMM = p value for LMM (non-infinitesimal model)