This DATSETNAMEreadme.txt file was generated on 2021-06-20 by Dr. Phallon B Mwaba GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Intervening on hypertension in Zambia; development of a culturally sensitized lifestyle programme to reduce disease incidence in urban areas. 2. Author Information A. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Dr. Phallon B Mwaba Institution: Ministry of Heath - Zambia Address: P.O. BOX 670080, Mazabuka Email: 3. Date of data collection: 2020-February-7th to 2020-February-16th 4. Geographic location of data collection: Maramba in Livingstone - Zambia 5. Funding sources that supported the collection of the data: PhD Scholarship (College of Social Sciences Scholarship 2017/18) SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION 1. This was primary data 2. Recommended citation for this dataset: Mwaba, Phallon Blessing (2021) Intervening on hypertension in Zambia; development of a culturally sensitized lifestyle programme to reduce disease incidence in urban areas. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. File List: Before_After_CHiPI implementation_QuantitativeData 2. The dataset has two sheets: i) Definition and characterisation of variables, ii) Quantitative data In sheet two, columns represent variables while rows represent participants indicated as serial numbers. METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION 1. Data Collection methods: A questionnaire addapted from the STEPWise surveillance for risk factors for non-communicable diseases was used to collect the data. Parameters were both self-reported (e.g. saltPlat = How often do you add salt or a salty sauce such as soy sauce to your food right before you eat it or as you are eating it?) and abjectively measured (e.g. Wt = body weight). 2. Methods for processing the data: Data were extracted from the questionnaires, entered in excel, cleaned and exported to and analysed in SPSS 3. Software-specific information needed to interpret the data: These data can be analysed in SPSS. 4. Quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: After the data were exported to SPSS, it was reviewed by the supervisory team. 5. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: The researcher collected the data. Guidance during data analysis was obtained from the supervisory team. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: [Before&After_CHiPI_QuantitativeData] 1. Number of variables: 67 2. Number of cases/rows: 34 3. Variable List: VARIABLE DEFINITION/VARIABLE LABEL LEVELS Sex Sex of participant - categorical, norminal "Male = 1, Female = 2, Missing = 99" Age Age in completed years - discrete, on a scale "Number, Missing = 99" Residence Place where the participant stays - categorical, nominal "Maramba = 1, Libuyu = 2, Linda = 3, Nottie Broad = 4, Ngwenya = 5, Messenger = 6, Burton = 7, Hellen Britel = 8" Quest1_Date Date when pre intervention questionnaire was administered Date Quest2_Date Dare when the post intervention questionnaire was administered Date SessionsAtt Number of sessions attended - Discrete "Number, Missing = 99" HstEduc Highest level of education (completed) - numeric on ordinal "No formal schooling = 1, Less than primary school =2, Primary school = 3, Secondary school = 4, High school = 5, College/University = 6, Post graduate degree = 7, Refused =88" Lang Language used to administer questionnaire - categorical "Tonga = 1, Nyanja = 2, Lozi = 3, Bemba = 4, Other = 5, Refused = 88" Marital Whether married or not - categorical, nominal "Never married = 1, Currently married = 2, Separated = 3, Divorced = 4, Widowed = 5, Cohabitating = 6, Refused = 88" Wrk Work status in past 12 months - nominal "Government employee = 1, Non-government employee=2, Self-employed = 3, Student = 4, Domestic worker = 6, Retired = 7, Unemployed (able to work)= 8, Unemployed (unable to work)=9, Refused = 88" HoushldNo. Number of people in the household - descrete and scale "Number, Missing = 99" AnIncom Estimated annual household income in past year - Continuous, ratio "Number, Refused = 88" SmoCur Currently smoke any tobacco products - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2" SmoDaily Currently smoke daily, Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2" SmoDura Duration of smoking -numeric, scale "Number, Don’t know = 77" SmoHEd Received advise to stop smoking by a health worker on visiting them? "Yes = 1, No = 2, No visit to health facility = 3" SmoHist Ever smoked tobacco - Dichotomous, norminal variable "Yes = 1, No = 2" SmoPass Anybody smoking in the home in past 30 days? - Dichotomous, Norminal "Yes = 1, No = 2" DrinEver Ever consumed alcohol? Dichotomous, Norminal "Yes = 1, No = 2" Drin12 Consumed alcohol in past 12 months? - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2" DrinStopHlht Stopped drinking for health reasons? - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2" DrinFreq12 Ever drunk alcohol in past 30 days? - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2" FruitDays Number of days in a week when fruit is eaten - Discrete "Number, Don’t know = 77" FruitServ Fruit servings eaten on one of the days above - Discrete "Number, Don’t know = 77" VegDays Number of days in a week when vegetables are eaten - scale "Number, Don’t know = 77" VegServ Vegetable servings eaten on one of the days above - scale "Number, Don’t know = 77" FryPerWk Meals fried per week - Discrete "Number, Don’t know = 77" DailyFry Average number of meals fried per day - continuous "Number, Don’t know = 77" FastFood Days in a week when one concumes fast foods - Discrete "Number, Don’t know = 77" CommFood Commonest fast foods eaten in a week - Categorical, nominal "Names, N/A = -1" SaltPlat How often do you add salt or a salty sauce such as soy sauce to your food right before you eat it or as you are eating it? - Categorical, Ordinal "Always 1, Often = 2, Sometimes = 3, Rarely = 4, Never = 5, Don't know = 77" Saltcook Frequency of adding salt, salt seasoning or salt sauce to food during preparation - Categorical, Ordinal "Always 1, Often = 2, Sometimes = 3, Rarely = 4, Never = 5, Don't know = 77" SaltPack Consumption of processed food with high salt intake- Categorical, Ordinal "Always = 1, Often = 2, Sometimes = 3, Rarely = 4, Never = 5, Don't know = 77" SaltPerc Salt intake perception (How much salt do you think you consume?)- Categorical, Ordinal "Far too much = 1, Too much = 2, Just the right amount = 3, Too little = 4, Far too little = 5, Don't know = 77" SaltLower How important to you is lowering salt intake in your diet? - Categorical, Ordinal "Very important = 1, Somewhat important = 2, Not at all important = 3, Don't know = 77" SaltHlthProb Do you think too much dietary salt could cause health problems? Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2, Don't know = 77" ActSaltRedPF Limit consumption of processed foods? Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2" ActSaltRedLabels:Look at the salt or sodium content on food labels - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2" ActSaltAlt Buy low salt/sodium alternatives - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2" ActAltSpices Use spices other than salt when cooking - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2" ActFOHome Control your salt intake by avoiding eating out of ones home - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2" OthActsSRed Do other things (not listed above) specifically to control your salt intake - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2" WlkCyclUse10 Walking or cycling to work - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2" DaysWlkCylc10 Number of days in a week when walks for at least 10 minutes to work - Discrete "Number, Don’t know = 77" WlkCyclTime Time spent walking or cycling for travel per day - Continuous "Number, Don’t know = 77" VigLeisure10 Whether one does vigorous intensity sports/fittness exercises for 10 minutes continuously - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2" DaysVig Number of days per week when vigorious activities - discrete "Number, Don’t know = 77" TimVig Time spent on recreation sports on a typical week day - Continuous "Number, Don’t know = 77" DayModLeisure Number of days/week on moderate leisure physical activities - Discrete "Number, Don’t know = 77" TimModLeisure Time spent on moderate physical activities on a typical day - Continuous "Number, Don’t know = 77" TimSed Time spent sitting/reclining on a typical day - Continuous "Number, Don’t know = 77" HlthEd12 History of receiving health education about healthy lifestyles in past 12 months - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2" Smok&Hlth Health Knowledge about smoking - Categorical, nominal "Smoking tobacco can cause HBP - 1, Smoking tobacco cannot cause HBP - 2, I do not know - 77" Salt&Hlth Health knowledge about salt intake - Categorical, nominal "Reduced salt in your diet can cause HBP - 1, High salt in your diet can cause HBP - 2, I do not know - 77" FruitVeg&Hlth Health knowledge about vegetable & Fruit intake - Categorical, nominal "Eat at least five servings of fruit and/or vegetables each day is good - 1, Eat at least five servings of fruit and/or vegetables each day is not good/its suffering - 2, I do not know - 77" FattyOily&Hlth Health knowledge about oily/fatty diets - Categorical, nominal "Low fat in your diet/low fried and fast foods are unhealthy/mean suffering - 1, Low fat in your diet/low fried and fast foods are healthy - 2, I do not know - 77" Walk&Hlth Health knowledge about walking (physical activity) - Categorical, nominal "Walking a lot is unhealthy - 1, Walking a lot are healthy - 2, Exercise e.g. sports, gymn are healthy - 3, I do not know - 77" BdyWt&Hlth Health knowledge about body weight - Categorical, nominal "Gaining weight means living well and being healthy - 1, Gaining weight is unhealthy - 2, I do not know which one is healthier - 77" Fizzy&Hlth Health knowledge about sugary drinks - Categorical, nominal "Reduced sugary beverages (e.g. coke, Fanta) in your diet is good life and healthy - 1, Reduce sugary beverages (e.g. coke, Fanta) in your diet is unhealthy - 2, I do not know - 77" VisitDr12 Whether one visited a doctor or health worker in past 12 months Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2, N/A = -1" HlthEdquitSmok Whether received health advise to stop or not to start smoking in past 12 months - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2, N/A = -1" HlthEdSalt Whether received health advise to stop or not to reduce salt intake in past 12 months - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2, N/A = -1" HlthEdFruitVeg Whether received health advise to eat at least 5 servings of fruits in past 12 months and/or vegetables - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2, N/A = -1" HlthEdFat Whether received health advise to reduce fat in the diet in past 12 months - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2, N/A = -1" HlthEdPA Whether received health advise to do more physical activies in past 12 months - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2, N/A = -1" HlthEdWtlos Whether received health advise to either maintain or lose weight in past 12 months - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2, N/A = -1" HlthEdFizzy Whether received health advise to reduce sugary beverages in their diet in past 12 months - Dichotomous, nominal "Yes = 1, No = 2, N/A = -1" SBPav Average of 3 systolic Blood pressure readings (taken at least 15 minutes apart) - Continuous Number DBPav Average of 3 diastolic Blood pressure readings (taken at least 15 minutes apart) - Continuous Number HrtRateAv Heart rate per minute - Continuous Number Ht Height in meters - Continuous Number Wt Body weight in Kgs - Continuous Number TxHBP2wks History of being treated for HBP in the past 2 weeks "Yes = 1, No = 2" Pregnt Whether pregnant or not (for women) "Yes = 1, No = 2" Wst Waist circumference - Continuous Number Body fat Body fat estimate - Continuous Number BMI Body Mass Index derived from Wt and Ht Number - Continuous Number Non applicable -1 Missing data 99