Notes on Data for "Quantifying the Performance of a Hybrid Pixel Detector with GaAs:Cr Sensor for Transmission Electron Microscopy" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The data are arranged in directories labelled on the basis of which figure the data has been used to generate, with the exception that the data for the figures in the supplemental material are in one directory labelled "Supplemental". Below are notes on the contents of each directory. Figure1 ------- 1 binary data file representing the image of the Al knife-edge calculated by taking the average of the 128 frames featuring the knife-edge recorded by the GaAs:Cr detector operating in SPM with a counting threshold of 12.7keV using 300keV electrons. Format of data file is 64-bit float (little-endian byte-order). Figure2 ------- CSV files containing 60keV SPM MTF results for the Si and GaAs:Cr detectors at low, intermediate and high thresholds (Low_Threshold_MTF_Data_SPM_60keV.csv, Intermediate_Threshold_MTF_Data_SPM_60keV.csv and High_Threshold_MTF_Data_SPM_60keV.csv). CSV files containing the 60keV SPM DQE results for the Si and GaAs:Cr detectors at low, intermediate and high thresholds (Low_Threshold_DQE_Data_SPM_60keV.csv, Intermediate_Threshold_DQE_Data_SPM_60keV.csv and High_Threshold_DQE_Data_SPM_60keV.csv). Figure3 ------- CSV files containing 80keV SPM MTF results for the Si and GaAs:Cr detectors at low, intermediate and high thresholds (Low_Threshold_MTF_Data_SPM_80keV.csv, Intermediate_Threshold_MTF_Data_SPM_80keV.csv and High_Threshold_MTF_Data_SPM_80keV.csv). CSV files containing the 80keV SPM DQE results for the Si and GaAs:Cr detectors at low, intermediate and high thresholds (Low_Threshold_DQE_Data_SPM_80keV.csv, Intermediate_Threshold_DQE_Data_SPM_80keV.csv and High_Threshold_DQE_Data_SPM_80keV.csv). Figure4 ------- CSV files containing the 60keV SPM and CSM MTF(Nyquist) results as a function of counting threshold for the Si and GaAs:Cr detectors (60keV_MTF(Nyquist)_SPM_Threshold_Comparison.csv and 60keV_MTF(Nyquist)_CSM_Threshold_Comparison.csv). CSV files containing the 80keV SPM and CSM MTF(Nyquist) results as a function of counting threshold for the Si and GaAs:Cr detectors (80keV_MTF(Nyquist)_SPM_Threshold_Comparison.csv and 80keV_MTF(Nyquist)_CSM_Threshold_Comparison.csv). Columns headings in these CSV files are "Si_Thresholds(keV)" , "Si_MTF(Nyquist)", "GaAs_Thresholds(keV)", "GaAs_MTF(Nyquist)" and "MTF(Nyquist)_Difference". The final column is the result of subtracting the GaAs:Cr MTF(Nyquist) values from the Si MTF(Nyquist) value obtained using the counting threshold closest to that used when obtaining the GaAs:Cr MTF(Nyquist) value. Figure5 ------- CSV files containing the 60keV SPM and CSM DQE(0) results as a function of counting threshold for the Si and GaAs:Cr detectors (60keV_DQE(0)_SPM_Threshold_Comparison.csv and 60keV_DQE(0)_CSM_Threshold_Comparison.csv). CSV files containing the 80keV SPM and CSM DQE(0) results as a function of counting threshold for the Si and GaAs:Cr detectors (80keV_DQE(0)_SPM_Threshold_Comparison.csv and 80keV_DQE(0)_CSM_Threshold_Comparison.csv). Column headings in these CSV files are "Si_Thresholds(keV)", "Si_DQE(0)", "GaAs_Thresholds(keV)", "GaAs_DQE(0)" and "DQE(0)_Difference". The last column was calculated by subtracting each of GaAs:Cr DQE(0) values from the Si DQE(0) value obtained using the counting threshold closest to that used when obtaining the GaAs:Cr DQE(0) value. Figure6 ------- CSV files containing the 60keV SPM and CSM DQE(Nyquist) results as a function of counting threshold for the Si and GaAs:Cr detectors (60keV_DQE(Nyquist)_SPM_Threshold_Comparison.csv and 60keV_DQE(Nyquist)_CSM_Threshold_Comparison.csv) CSV files containing the 80keV SPM and CSM DQE(Nyquist) results as a function of counting threshold for the Si and GaAs:Cr detectors (80keV_DQE(Nyquist)_SPM_Threshold_Comparison.csv and 80keV_DQE(Nyquist)_CSM_Threshold_Comparison.csv). Column headings in these csv files are "Si_Thresholds(keV)", "Si_DQE(Nyquist)", "GaAs_Thresholds(keV)", "GaAs_DQE(Nyquist)" and "DQE(Nyquist)_Difference". The values in the final column were determined by subtracting each of the GaAs DQE(Nyquist) values from the Si DQE(Nyquist) value obtrained using the counting threshold closest to that obtained when using the GaAs:Cr DQE(Nyquist) value. Figure7 ------- CSV files containing 120keV SPM MTF results for the Si and GaAs:Cr detectors at low, intermediate and high thresholds (Low_Threshold_MTF_Data_SPM_120keV.csv, Intermediate_Threshold_MTF_Data_SPM_120keV.csv and High_Threshold_MTF_Data_SPM_120keV.csv) CSV files containing the 120keV SPM DQE results for the Si and GaAs:Cr detectors at low, intermediate and high thresholds (Low_Threshold_DQE_Data_SPM_120keV.csv, Intermediate_Threshold_DQE_Data_SPM_120keV.csv and High_Threshold_DQE_Data_SPM_120keV.csv). Figure8 ------- CSV files containing 200keV SPM MTF results for the Si and GaAs:Cr detectors at low, intermediate and high thresholds (Low_Threshold_MTF_Data_SPM_200keV.csv, Intermediate_Threshold_MTF_Data_SPM_200keV.csv and High_Threshold_MTF_Data_SPM_200keV.csv) CSV files containing the 200keV SPM DQE results for the Si and GaAs:Cr detectors at low, intermediate and high thresholds (Low_Threshold_DQE_Data_SPM_200keV.csv, Intermediate_Threshold_DQE_Data_SPM_200keV.csv and High_Threshold_DQE_Data_SPM_200keV.csv). Figure9 ------- CSV files containing 300keV SPM MTF results for the GaAs:Cr detector at low, intermediate and high thresholds (Low_Threshold_MTF_Data_SPM_300keV.csv, Intermediate_Threshold_MTF_Data_SPM_300keV.csv and High_Threshold_MTF_Data_SPM_300keV.csv). Headings of columns are "Spatial_Frequency" and "GaAs_MTF". CSV files containing the 300keV SPM DQE results for the GaAs:Cr detector at low, intermediate and high thresholds (Low_Threshold_DQE_Data_SPM_300keV.csv, Intermediate_Threshold_DQE_Data_SPM_300keV.csv and High_Threshold_DQE_Data_SPM_300keV.csv). Headings of columns are "Spatial_Frequency" and "GaAs_DQE". Figure10 -------- CSV files containing the 200keV SPM and CSM MTF(Nyquist) results as a function of counting threshold for the Si and GaAs:Cr detectors and the 300keV SPM and CSM MTF(Nyquist) results as a function of counting threshold for the GaAs:Cr detector (HighEnergy_MTF(Nyquist)_SPM_Threshold_Comparison.csv and HighEnergy_MTF(Nyquist)_CSM_Threshold_Comparison.csv). Column headings in these csv files are "Si_Thresholds(keV)", "Si_MTF(Nyquist)", "GaAs_200keV_Thresholds(keV)", "GaAs_200keV_MTF(Nyquist)", "GaAs_300keV_Thresholds(keV)" and "GaAs_300keV_MTF(Nyquist)". Figure11 -------- CSV files containing the 200keV SPM and CSM DQE(0) results as a function of counting threshold for the Si and GaAs:Cr detectors and the 300keV SPM and CSM DQE(0) results as a function of counting threshold for the GaAs:Cr detector (HighEnergy_DQE(0)_SPM_Threshold_Comparison.csv and HighEnergy_DQE(0)_CSM_Threshold_Comparison.csv). Column headings in these csv files are "Si_Thresholds(keV)", "Si_DQE(0)", "GaAs_200keV_Thresholds(keV)", "GaAs_200keV_DQE(0)", "GaAs_300keV_Thresholds(keV)" and "GaAs_300keV_DQE(0)". Figure12 -------- CSV files containing the 200keV SPM and CSM DQE(Nyquist) results as a function of counting threshold for the Si and GaAs:Cr detectors and the 300keV SPM and CSM DQE(Nyquist) results as a function of counting threshold for the GaAs:Cr detector (HighEnergy_DQE(Nyquist)_SPM_Threshold_Comparison.csv and HighEnergy_DQE(Nyquist)_CSM_Threshold_Comparison.csv). Column headings in these csv files are "Si_Thresholds(keV)", "Si_DQE(Nyquist)", "GaAs_200keV_Thresholds(keV)", "GaAs_200keV_DQE(Nyquist)", "GaAs_300keV_Thresholds(keV)" and "GaAs_300keV_DQE(Nyquist)". Figure13 -------- 2 binary data files, format of which is 64-bit float (little-endian byte order), which represent the mean-normalised average of the 128 flat field exposures recorded by the Si detector operating in SPM with a counting threshold of 12.4keV when exposed to 200keV electrons (200keV_SPM_Si_FlatField.bin) and the mean-normalised average of the 128 flat field exposures recorded by the GaAs:Cr detector operating in SPM with a counting threshold of 12.7keV when exposed to 200keV electrons (GaAs_200keV_SPM_Normalised_FlatField.bin). 1 CSV file (200keV_Si_GaAs_SPM_FlatField_Normalised_Histograms.csv) containing the histogram data plotted in figure 13(c) for the mean-normalised flat field images seen in figures 13(a-b). Column headings are "Normalised_Intensity" (values of the right-hand edge of the histogram bins), "Si_200keV_SPM" and "GaAs_200keV_SPM". Figure14 -------- 2 binary data files (64-bit float, little-endian byte order) representing images of a carbon cross grating with gold shadowing recorded by the GaAs:Cr detector operating in SPM with a counting threshold of 12.7keV with 300keV electrons, both of which have been nomalised to their mean value, one without any flat field correction and one with a flat field correction applied (300keV_SPM_GaAs_CrossGrating_Normalised.bin and 300keV_SPM_GaAs_CrossGrating_FlatFieldCorrected_Normalised.bin). 1 CSV file containing the histograms calculated for the mean-normalised corrected and uncorrected cross grating images (GaAs_300keV_SPM_CrossGrating_Histograms.csv) seen in figure 14(c). Column headings are "Normalised_Intensity" (values of the right-hand edge of the histogram bins), "Uncorrected" and "Corrected". 1 CSV file containing the line profiles for the mean-normalised corrected and uncorrected cross grating images (GaAs_300keV_SPM_CrossGrating_LineProfiles) seen in figure 14(d). Column headings are "Position", "Uncorrected" and "Corrected". Data in column labelled "Position" is signed 64-bit integer. Supplemental ------------ 1 binary data file, format of which is unsigned 16-bit integer (byte-order is big-endian), which represents a single image of the Al knife-edge recorded by the GaAs:Cr detector operating in SPM with a counting threshold of 12.7keV when using 60keV electrons, cropped from the full 256 by 256 pixel array to a region of interest that is 130 pixels by 176 pixels (S1_60keV_GaAs_SingleKnifeEdgeFrame.bin). 3 binary data files, format of which is 64-bit float (little-endian byte order), which represent images of the Al knife-edge in three different locations relative to the GaAs:Cr sensor calculated by taking the average of the 128 frames featuring the knife-edge in each location recorded by the GaAs:Cr detector operating in SPM with a counting threshold of 12.7keV using 300keV electrons (S2_300keV_SPM_KnifeEdgeA.bin, S2_300keV_SPM_KnifeEdgeB.bin, S2_300keV_SPM_KnifeEdgeC.bin). These correspond to the images in figure S2(a-c). 1 CSV file (S2_300keV_SPM_GaAs_MTF_PositionComparison.csv) containing the MTF results for the GaAs:Cr detector operating in SPM with a counting threshold of 12.7keV for each of the three knife-edge positions shown in figure S2 and which are plotted in figure S2(d). Column headings are "Spatial_Frequency", "MTF_A" (the MTF calculated for the region-of-interest in figure S2(a)), "MTF_B" (the MTF calculated for the region-of-interest in figure S2(b)) and "MTF_C" (the MTF calculated for the region-of-interest in figure S2(c)). Additional Notes ---------------- In the case of the CSV files containing MTF data in Figure2, Figure3, Figure7, Figure8 and Figure9, the column labels are "Spatial_frequency", "Si_MTF", "GaAs_MTF" and "Diff_MTF". The final column was calculated by subtracting the GaAs MTF results from the Si MTF results (i.e. subtracting the data in the column labelled "GaAs_MTF" from that in the column labelled "Si_MTF". For the CSV files containing DQE data in Figure2, Figure3, Figure7, Figure8 and Figure9, the column labels are "Spatial_Frequency", "Si_DQE", "GaAs_DQE" and "Diff_DQE". The last column was the result of subtracting the GaAs DQE results from the Si DQE results (i.e. subtracting the data in the column labelled "GaAs_DQE" from the data in the column labelled "Si_DQE". Data in all CSV files is 64-bit float, unless otherwise specified. These files can be loaded into programmes for managing spreadsheets (e.g. Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets etc) or can be analysed using mainstream scientific data analysis packages in widely used programming languages (e.g. using the Pandas package for code written in Python). Data in .bin files is in C-order (i.e. row major). There is no header or offset of any kind and the data can be loaded into most image-analysis software (e.g. ImageJ/Fiji or Digital Micrograph) or analysed using mainstream scientific data analysis packages in commonly used programming languages (e.g. using the Numpy package for code written in Python). Any questions can be directed to Kirsty A. Paton at the email address