Investigating Automatic Code Generation for Network Packet Parsing ================================================================== The data and code contained in this directory has been deposited in support of the following paper: Investigating Automatic Code Generation for Network Packet Parsing Stephen McQuistin, Vivian Band, Dejice Jacob, and Colin Perkins Proceedings of the 20th International IFIP TC6 Networking Conference, Networking 2021, Espoo, Finland, June 21-24, 2021 IFIP DL: The directory contains three codebases: * The Network Protocol Tool (npt) * smoltcp-generated, a fork of smoltcp (0.6.0) * smoltcp (0.6.0) The Network Protocol Tool (npt) code is a snapshot (commit `06b491466bc59b7817795b0e5e652d83a200d4e5`) of an ongoing project hosted at, where future updates will also be found. While the code included in this snapshot is functional, and supports the architecture described in the paper, it is a work-in-progress. Issues and pull requests opened on the GitHub project will be considered. The following dependencies are required to run the Network Protocol Tool (npt) and build the Rust output that it generates: * Python 3.7 * pipenv (tested with version 2020.11.15) * rustc (tested with version 1.53.0) * cargo (tested with version 1.53.0) A number of example drafts, which can be successfully parsed by the npt, are included in the `examples` directory. Instructions for using the npt are included in the file. The Network Protocol Tool (npt) is subject to the licence contained in the `LICENCE FILE`. `smoltcp-generated` contains a fork of smoltcp that has been modified to use the parser generated by running the Network Protocol Tool on draft-mcquistin-augmented-tcp-example-01. In addition, we have added a small utility script for parsing packet captures. The provided Makefile will typecheck and test the Network Protocol Tool, generate the packet captures described in the paper, and parse these using smoltcp-generated. To begin, run: `pipenv install --dev -e .` This will create a Python virtual environment with the appropriate packages. Next, run: `pipenv shell make` The output will show the results of the typechecking and tests, including the output from parsing the generated packet captures. `smoltcp` is an unmodified copy of smoltcp, included for reference. smoltcp is released under the zero-clause BSD licence, given in the LICENCE-0BSD.txt file contained in the `smoltcp` and `smoltcp-generated` directories. To allow the output to be more readable, the Makefile suppresses Rust compiler warnings when building `smoltcp-generated`. This means that `invalid_doc_attributes` warnings are not shown when compiling with recent versions of Rust. These warnings are likely to become hard errors in future versions of Rust, and `smoltcp-generated` (and the included `smoltcp`) may not build beyond the versions listed in this document. ## Acknowledgements This work is funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, under grant EP/R04144X/1. See [more information about the project](