# LexOPS This directory contains all data and code used in the publication [*LexOPS: An R package and user interface for the controlled generation of word stimuli*](https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-020-01389-1). The following folders are included: * **dataset**: contains the data and code used to generate the LexOPS dataset, which is callable in R via `LexOPS::lexops`. * **package**: contains the source code for the most up to date version of the LexOPS package (as of 8 April 2021) taken directly from GitHub. The package's [GitHub repository](https://github.com/jackedtaylor/lexops) will continue to be updated. * **validation**: contains all code and data used in the Validation section of the paper. All code is written in R, and saved in `.R` (R Script) and `.Rmd` (R Markdown) files.