README - ENLIGHTEN DEPOSIT - RESEARCH DATA ################################################################################################################### MANUSCRIPT: Alternative splicing and gene expression play contrasting roles in the parallel phenotypic evolution of a salmonid fish AUTHORS: Arne Jacobs & Kathryn R. Elmer Journal: Molecular Ecology Preprint: Alternative splicing and gene expression play contrasting roles in the parallel phenotypic evolution of a salmonid fish (2020) bioRxiv; doi: ################################################################################################################### All data were aligned to the Salvelinus alpinus genome assembly 'ASM291031v2' and analysed together with the corresponding Annotation Release 101. Datasets 1. Charr_RNAseq_ASM291031v2_filtered.vcf: VCF file containing the filtered SNP dataset called from genome-aligned RNA-seq data for all 24 individuals from all three lakes (Awe, Tay and Dughaill). The filtering is described in the Methods section of the manuscript. 2. A zip-compressed folder containing text files with the raw transcript counts for each individual in the study as produced by HTSEQ-count. These files served as input for the gene expression analysis in DESeq2. 3. AllPops_DESeq2_sample_table.csv: CSV file containing sample information (Name, Lake, Ecotype) for each individual. This file was used for the DESeq2 analysis. 4. AllPops_ExonCounts_combined_raw.csv: CSV file with raw exon counts produced using a modified HTSeq-count script provided with DEXseq. This file served as input for the exon usage analysis in DEXseq. 5. AllPops_combined_intronCounts_leafcutter_perind_numers.counts.gz: Gzipped text file with raw intron counts produced by leafcutter for introns detected across all 24 individuals from Awe, Tay and Dughaill. 6. AllPops_combined_leafcutter_ds_cluster_significance.txt: Text file with the differential splicing results between benthic and pelagic ecotypes from leafcutter for all populations combined. 7. AllPops_combined_leafcutter_ds_effect_sizes.txt: Text file with the differential splicing effect sizes (∆PSI)between benthic and pelagic ecotypes from leafcutter for all populations combined. 8. Awe_intronCounts_leafcutter_perind_numers.counts.gz: Gzipped text file with raw intron counts produced by leafcutter for introns detected across individuals in Awe. 9. Awe_leafcutter_ds_cluster_significance.txt: Text file with the differential splicing results between benthic and pelagic ecotypes in Awe as produced by leafcutter. 10. Awe_leafcutter_ds_effect_sizes.txt: Text file with the differential splicing effect sizes between benthic and pelagic ecotypes in Awe as produced by leafcutter. 11. Tay_intronCounts_leafcutter_perind_numers.counts.gz: Gzipped text file with raw intron counts produced by leafcutter for introns detected across individuals in Tay. 12. Tay_leafcutter_ds_cluster_significance.txt: Text file with the differential splicing results between benthic and pelagic ecotypes in Tay as produced by leafcutter. 13. Tay_leafcutter_ds_effect_sizes.txt: Text file with the differential splicing effect sizes between benthic and pelagic ecotypes in Tay as produced by leafcutter. 14. Dughaill_intronCounts_leafcutter_perind_numers.counts.gz: Gzipped text file with raw intron counts produced by leafcutter for introns detected across individuals in Dughaill. 15. Dughaill_leafcutter_ds_cluster_significance.txt: Text file with the differential splicing results between benthic and pelagic ecotypes in Dughaill as produced by leafcutter. 16. Dughaill_leafcutter_ds_effect_sizes.txt: Text file with the differential splicing effect sizes between benthic and pelagic ecotypes in Dughaill as produced by leafcutter. ################################################################################################################### The data in this repository can be freely used by anyone, but please cite the relevant manuscript: the final manuscript (no DOI yet, but you can find it under the provided title) or the preprint (see details above).