The Network Protocol Tool (npt) ================================= This is a snapshot (commit `b5b56d7c01d6580b42a97f0a42dee42232a302c9`) of an ongoing project hosted at, where future updates will also be found. While the code included in this snapshot is functional, and supports the architecture described in the paper, it is a work-in-progress. Issues and pull requests opened on the GitHub project will be considered. The following dependencies are required to run the Network Protocol Tool (npt) and build the Rust output that it generates: * Python 3.7 * pipenv (tested with version 2020.6.2) * rustc (tested with version 1.45.2) * cargo (tested with version 1.45.1) Two example drafts, which can be successfully parsed by the npt, are included: ``` examples/draft-mcquistin-augmented-ascii-diagrams.xml examples/draft-mcquistin-quic-augmented-diagrams.xml ``` Several example drafts are included. These can be parsed, and Rust code generated for them, within the virtualenv (created and initialised using the "Getting started" instructions below) with the following commands: ``` npt examples/draft-mcquistin-augmented-ascii-diagrams-07.xml -of rust npt examples/draft-mcquistin-augmented-udp-example-00.xml -of rust npt examples/draft-mcquistin-augmented-tcp-example-00.xml -of rust npt examples/draft-mcquistin-quic-augmented-diagrams-03.xml -of rust ``` These commands will generate Rust packages in the `examples/output///rust/` directory. These example drafts will also be parsed, and the Rust output generated and compiled, as part of the test suite described below. The code and software included is subject to the licence contained in the `LICENCE` file. Overview -------- The source code contained in the `npt` directory is broadly split into three categories: - input parsers (`parser_*.py`), that take a protocol described in a given format, and generate the intermediate representation; - helper classes (``, ``, ``, and ``), that are used to construct and inspect the intermediate representation; and - output formatters (`formatter_*.py`), that take the intermediate representation, and produce output in a given format. Additionally, there is a directory of examples (`/examples`), containing a number of protocol definitions in each of the input parsers, and a helper script that performs the end-to-end process of taking a protocol description, and generating output in a specified format. Getting started --------------- The project uses Pipenv for dependency management. To begin, run: ```~~~~~~~~ pipenv install --dev -e . ``` to create a Python virtual environment with appropriate packages installed, and the npt tool installed in editable mode ready for development. Then, run: ```~~~~~~~~ pipenv shell ``` to start the virtual environment, within which you can run the scripts. To run the project's test suite, run: ```~~~~~~~~ pipenv run tests ``` Generating a protocol description --------------------------------- npt can be executed in three modes using the following options : 1. **All new IETF drafts** : **-nd** [*from*], **--newdraft** [*from*] *Fetch new drafts since the last time tool was executed*. Example invocation : ``` python npt -d --newdraft [from] ``` If *from* is specified, all new IETF Drafts submitted since time *from* will be downloaded and processed. If *from* is not specified, the tool checks for a `.sync` file within the ** and resolves the previous time that at which the tool downloaded drafts from the IETF archive. executed. If `.sync` does not exist in `root-dir`, all drafts since "1970-01-01 00:00:00" will be downloaded and processed. The date *from* is specified with format `yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS`. All times are in UTC. After all required files are downloaded, the `.sync` file within the *root-dir* will be created / updated to the current time. 2. **All new IETF RFCs** : **-nr** [*from*], **--newrfc** [*from*] *Fetch new RFCs since the last time tool was executed*. Example invocation : ``` python npt -d --newrfc [from] ``` If *from* is specified, all new IETF RFCs submitted since time *from* will be downloaded and processed. If *from* is not specified, the tool checks for a `.sync` file within the ** and resolves the previous time at which the tool downloaded RFCs from the RFC index. If `.sync` does not exist in `root-dir`, all RFCs since "1970-01-01T00:00:00" will be downloaded and processed. The date *from* is specified with format `yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS`. All times are in UTC. After all identified RFCs are downloaded, the `.sync` file within the *root-dir* will be created / updated to the current time. 2. **Specified local files and/or IETF Drafts/RFCs** : Download specified IETF drafts/RFCs (if required), parse and generate parsers. Example invocation : ``` python npt -d draftname-[rev][.extn] rfcname[.extn] local-file ``` Resolution of the input source occurs in the following order : * If the document is provided as a local file-path and the file exists, it is analysed and the output is placed in an `output` directory in the same directory that the input file is placed in. Both absolute and relative file-paths are supported. * If it is not a local input resource, 1. If resource is an RFC name, query the RFC index and download the relevant RFC. If *extn* is specified along with the *rfcname*, download only specified extension if it is supported by the tool. Currently only "**.xml**" and "**.txt**" extensions are supported. 2. If resource is a draft name, query the IETF data tracker and download the relevant draft(s). If *rev* is specified, download only the relevant revision of the draft. Otherwise download all revisions of the specfied draft-name. If *extn* is specified along with the *draftname*, download only specified extension if it is supported by the tool. Currently only "**.xml**" and "**.txt**" extensions are supported. Each of the tool's three modes can take the following options : 1. **-d** *rootdir*, **--dir** *rootdir* : All downloaded documents are stored under *rootdir*. If *rootdir* is specified and does not exist, a new directory will be created. If *rootdir* is not specified, the script will generate the default directory *ietf-data-cache* in the current working directory. The tool will generate the following file schema within the specified directory. ``` rootdir |---- .sync │---- draft | |---- //-.xml | |---- //-.txt │---- rfc | |--- /.xml | |--- /.txt |---- output | |---- draft | | |---- //-.txt | | |---- // | |---- rfc | | |---- /.txt | | |---- /.rs ``` 2. **-of** *formats*, **--outformat** *formats* : List of outputs to generate from parsing the draft/rfc specification. *formats* is a comma separated string. In generating the output, the script performs a depth-first search of the intermediate representation, to determine the order in which the necessary functions of the specified formatter are called. Currently supported output formats are : - *simple* : a textual representation of the parsed IETF specification - *rust* : a rust protocol parser. 3. **-f**, **--force** : The default behaviour is to download a particular IETF *Draft/RFC* only if it has not already been downloaded. If the **-f**,**--force** flag is specified to over-ride this behaviour, an input file is downloaded and will over-write a pre-existing file. *Command usage* ``` python npt [-h | --help ] [-nd | --newdraft [from]] [-nr [from]] [-d dir] [-of format] [-f] [uri [uri ...]] positional arguments: uri Provide draft/rfc/filenames. If name exists as a file, treat it as a local file. If not search ietf datatracker / rfc-index and download file. If a file- extension is specified only that particular file-type is downloaded. Otherwise all file types that can be parsed are downloaded. If a revision is specified for drafts, only that revision will downloaded. Otherwise all revisions will be downloaded. draft format : draft[-rev][.extn].rfc format : rfc[.extn] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -nd [from], --newdraft [from] Get all new drafts from ietf data tracker. If from date is provided, pick up drafts from given date (fmt 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'). -nr [from], --newrfc [from] Get all new rfcs from ietf data tracker. If from date is provided, pick up drafts from given date (fmt 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'). -d dir, --dir dir Root directory for all files. If given directory does not exist, a new one will be created. Defaults to ietf_data_cache within current working directory -of format, --outformat format comma delimited list of output formats. Current output formats are simple,rust -f, --force Downloaded files will overwrite files in data directory ``` *Example Usage* ``` python npt examples/draft-mcquistin-quic-augmented-diagrams-03.xml -of simple python npt examples/draft-mcquistin-augmented-ascii-diagrams-07.xml -of simple python npt examples/draft-mcquistin-augmented-udp-example-00.xml -of rust python npt examples/draft-mcquistin-augmented-tcp-example-00.xml -of rust ``` ## Acknowledgements This work is funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, under grant EP/R04144X/1. See [more information about the project](