Data archive for Optics Express manuscript ID: 389634 Title: Developing a portable gas imaging camera using highly tunable active-illumination and computer vision Authors: Kyle J. Nutt, Nils Hempler, Gareth T. Maker, Graeme P. A. Malcolm, Miles J. Padgett, and Graham M. Gibson, University of Glasgow Stored in this archive are the images and components used to make the figures presented in the manuscript, as well as the raw videos acquired and used to obtain those images and the supplementary visualisation video. Contents: LabVIEW Code \\ folder containing software for preparing the combined color videos with gas information overlay. For the code to work you need National Instruments LabVIEW with the Vision development module installed. Range and Flow Rate Images \\ folder containing the raw *.avi files for the experiments presented in the manuscript. Two *.avi files exist for each set of experimental parameters, one for the color video and one for the infrared video. The file names are structured as follows: (VIS or SWIR for color or infrared, flow rate in Lmin-1, and range of capture).avi Data for light profile figure.xlsx \\ Excel spreadsheet file containing the data for the line profiles in fig.5 of the manuscript. Various *.png and *.jpg images \\ images used to construct some of the figures presented in the manuscript. The file names are structured in a similar way to the *.avi files but also indicate whether the camera was static or moving, the sensitivity level used for the green gas information overlay, and the date and time of capture.