—— Read Me for Codes —— 1. “PrescribedDisplacement.m” Produces “.dat” files of parameter data for the system of a single line of neo-Hookean incompressible viscoelastic cells subject to a prescribed displacement. Files saved as: ‘K#1_#2_PD_#3.dat’ for individual simulations over time with eta = 0 where #1 is the value of K, #2 is either D (discrete system), C (continuum) or A (analytical) and #3 is the variable saved (x (boundary/node locations), xc (cell centre of mass, discrete), p (pressure), lambda (stretch), t (time)). Or Files saved as: ‘eta#1_#2_PD_#3.dat’ for individual simulations with K=0. #1 is the value of eta, #2 and #3 are as above. Files saved as: ‘#1_#2_PD_#2.dat’ for solutions against K or eta values (saved as ‘K_PD_Ks.dat’ and ‘eta_PD_etas.dat’ respectively) where #1 is either K (i.e. eta=0) or eta (K=0), #2 is either D (discrete), C (continuum) or A (analytical) and #3 is the variable saved (MaxP (maximum pressure in array), MinP (minimum pressure in array), MinLambda (minimum stretch in array), L (array length)). —— 2. “GrowthWithK.m” Produces “.dat” files of parameter data for the system of a single line of neo-Hookean incompressible viscoelastic cells subject to stress-driven growth with non-zero substrate damping. Files saved as: ‘K#1eta#2_SG_#3_#4.dat’ for individual simulations over time where. #1 is the value of K, #2 the value of eta, #3 is either D (discrete system) or C (continuum) and #4 is the variable saved (x (boundary/node locations), alph (elastic stretch), p (pressure), sig (stress), t (time)). Files saved as: ‘#1_SG_#2.dat’ for solutions against K or eta values (saved as ‘D_SG_Ks.dat’ and ‘D_SG_etas.dat’ respectively) where #1 is either D (discrete) or C (continuum), #2 is the variable saved (MaxP (maximum pressure in array), MinP (minimum pressure in array), MinAlpha (minimum stretch in array), L (array length)). —— 3. “GrowthWithoutK.m” Produces “.dat” files of parameter data for the system of a single line of neo-Hookean incompressible viscoelastic cells subject to stress-driven growth with no substrate damping (K=0). Files saved as: ‘eta#1_K0_#2_SG_#3.dat’ for individual simulations over time where. #1 is the value of eta, #2 is either D (discrete system) or C (continuum) and #3 is the variable saved (x (boundary/node locations), alpha (elastic stretch), p (pressure), sig (stress), g1 (growth in x direction), t (time)). Files saved as: ‘eta_#1_SG_#2.dat’ for solutions against eta values (saved as ‘eta_D_SG_etas.dat’) over time where #1 is either D (discrete) or C (continuum), #2 is the variable saved (MaxP (maximum pressure in array), MinP (minimum pressure in array), MinAlpha (minimum stretch in array), L (array length)). —— 4. “GrowthWithProliferation.m” Produces “.dat” files of parameter data for the system of a single line of neo-Hookean incompressible viscoelastic cells subject to stress-driven growth with proliferation. Files saved as: ‘K#1_#2_SGP_#3.dat’ for individual simulations with. #1 is the value of K, #2 is either D (discrete system) or C (continuum) and #3 is the variable saved (x (boundary locations), L (array length), t (time), p (pressure), alpha (elastic stretch), g1 (growth in x direction), xdiv (division location), tdiv (division time), tspandivindex (vector entry no. of t of division), Ldiv (array length at division), LRDiv (ratio of division location to array length)). Files saved as: ‘K_#1_SGP_#2.dat’ for solutions against K values (saved as ‘K_D_SG_Ks.dat’) over time where #1 is either D (discrete) or C (continuum), #2 is the variable saved (Nt (number of cells), Lt (array length), DivLoc (division locations), DivLocT (division times), t (time), DivNo (number of divisions), t (original time span), MinAlpha (minimum stretch), MaxPressure (maximum pressure in array), MinPressure (minimum pressure in array), Maxg1 (maximum growth in array), Ming1 (minimum growth in array), LDivs (array length at divisions), LRDivs (ratio of division location to array length)). ——