# # DUMP FILE # # Database is ported from MS Access #------------------------------------------------------------------ # Created using "MS Access to MySQL" form http://www.bullzip.com # Program Version 5.5.282 # # OPTIONS: # sourcefilename=//campus.gla.ac.uk/SSD_Home_Data_D/me84m/Desktop/Scotchap_project_2014.mdb # sourceusername= # sourcepassword= # sourcesystemdatabase= # destinationdatabase=scotchap_project_2014_sqldump # storageengine=MyISAM # dropdatabase=0 # createtables=1 # unicode=1 # autocommit=1 # transferdefaultvalues=1 # transferindexes=1 # transferautonumbers=1 # transferrecords=1 # columnlist=1 # tableprefix= # negativeboolean=0 # ignorelargeblobs=0 # memotype=LONGTEXT # datetimetype=DATETIME # CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `scotchap_project_2014_sqldump`; USE `scotchap_project_2014_sqldump`; # # Table structure for table 'Add_Copies' # DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Add_Copies`; CREATE TABLE `Add_Copies` ( `Copy_ID` INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Books_ID` INTEGER DEFAULT 0, `Repository_Code` VARCHAR(3), `Call_Number` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `Item` DOUBLE NULL, `Book_Size` INTEGER, `Copy_Notes` LONGTEXT, INDEX (`Call_Number`), INDEX (`Copy_ID`), PRIMARY KEY (`Copy_ID`), INDEX (`Repository_Code`), INDEX (`Books_ID`) ) ENGINE=myisam DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; SET autocommit=1; # # Dumping data for table 'Add_Copies' # # 0 records # # Table structure for table 'Add_Work_Book_Link' # DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Add_Work_Book_Link`; CREATE TABLE `Add_Work_Book_Link` ( `Works_ID` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `Books_ID` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, INDEX (`Books_ID`), PRIMARY KEY (`Works_ID`, `Books_ID`), INDEX (`Works_ID`) ) ENGINE=myisam DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; SET autocommit=1; # # Dumping data for table 'Add_Work_Book_Link' # # 0 records # # Table structure for table 'Books' # DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Books`; CREATE TABLE `Books` ( `Books_ID` INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Author_1` VARCHAR(70), `Author_1_corporate` TINYINT(1), `Author_2` VARCHAR(70), `Author_2_corporate` TINYINT(1), `Title` LONGTEXT NOT NULL, `Edition` VARCHAR(100), `Imprint` LONGTEXT NOT NULL, `Place` VARCHAR(50), `Publisher_Name1` VARCHAR(70), `Publisher_Name2` VARCHAR(50), `Date1` DATETIME NOT NULL, `Date2` DATETIME, `Pagination` VARCHAR(50), `Printed_Size` FLOAT NULL DEFAULT 0, `Illustration` VARCHAR(255), `Price` VARCHAR(50), `Series` VARCHAR(150), `Series_Number` VARCHAR(10), `Book_Notes` LONGTEXT, `Bibliographic_Reference` VARCHAR(50), `Serial` TINYINT(1), `Subject_Name` VARCHAR(70), `Subject_Name_corporate` TINYINT(1), INDEX (`Author_2`), INDEX (`Series_Number`), PRIMARY KEY (`Books_ID`), INDEX (`Series`), INDEX (`Books_ID`) ) ENGINE=myisam DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; SET autocommit=1; # # Dumping data for table 'Books' # INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The A, B, C. with the Shorter catechism, appointed by the General Assembly, to be a directory for catechising such as are of a weaker capacity. To which is added, some short and easy questions and answers for children at first beginning', NULL, 'Glasgow : John Bryce, 1767', 'Glasgow', 'Bryce, John', NULL, '1767-01-01 00:00:00', '1767-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The A, B, C. with the Shorter catechism appointed by the General Assembly, to be a directory for catechising children, and such as are of a weak capacity. To which are added, some questions of Scripture-names in the Old Testament', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by A. Duncan, 1774', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, A.', NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An abstract of the bloody massacre in Ireland... in the year 1641...', NULL, 'Glasgow : J. & J. Robertson, 1779', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, John', 'Robertson, James', '1779-01-01 00:00:00', '1779-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut frontispiece.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of terrible apparitions and prodigies, which hath been seen both upon earth and sea, in the end of last, and beginning of this present year, 1721', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Thomas Crawford, 1721', 'Glasgow', 'Crawford, Thomas', NULL, '1721-01-01 00:00:00', '1721-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (5, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the birth, life, and death of Judas Iscariot...', NULL, 'Glasgow, 1717', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1717-01-01 00:00:00', '1717-12-31 00:00:00', '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (6, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A full and true account of the birth, life, and death of Judas Iscariot...', NULL, 'Glasgow, 1771', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1771-01-01 00:00:00', '1771-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (7, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the loss of the Essex, from having been struck by a whale, in the South Seas... from the narrative of one of the survivors', NULL, 'Paisley : G. Caldwell, 1842', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1842-01-01 00:00:00', '1842-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (8, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the sufferings and dying words, of several French Protestants: under this present persecution...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Robert Sanders, 1717', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1717-01-01 00:00:00', '1717-12-31 00:00:00', '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '12mo', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (9, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Adam Bell, Clym of the Clough, and William of Cloudeslie', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '111', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'111\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nIllustration on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (10, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The adventures of Robinson Crusoe, the York mariner', NULL, 'Paisley : by J. Neilson, 1822', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcuts', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (11, 'Aesop', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fables of Æsop and others... To which is prefixed, The life of Æsop...', NULL, 'Aberdeen : James Chalmers and Co., 1781', 'Aberdeen', NULL, NULL, '1781-01-01 00:00:00', '1781-12-31 00:00:00', '144', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcuts', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (12, 'Aesop', 0, NULL, 0, 'Æsop\'s fables: with his life, morals and remarks. Fitted for the meanest capacities', 'A new edition carefully corrected', 'Glasgow : James Gillies, 1786', 'Glasgow', 'Gillies, James', NULL, '1786-01-01 00:00:00', '1786-12-31 00:00:00', '148', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcuts. This is the same as the edition of the same year \'Printed by Alex. Adam for the booksellers\'. James Gillies has had his own name inserted in the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (13, 'Aesop', 0, NULL, 0, 'Æsop\'s fables: with his life, morals and remarks. Fitted for the meanest capacities', 'A new edition, carefully corrected', 'Glasgow : James Gillies, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Gillies, James', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '156', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcuts', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (14, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The afflicted parents. Or, The undutiful child punished...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (15, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life & age of man, or, short description of the nature, rise, and fall, - according to the twelve months of the year. : To which is added, Crazy Jane, and The betray\'d lover', NULL, 'Glasgow : R. Hutchison, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (16, 'Aitken, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'The plebeian\'s alarm, on the resurrection of the Corn Bill. A poem, by John Aitken', 'Third edition', 'Glasgow : by T. Duncan, 1815', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (17, 'Aitken, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'The swinish multitude\'s push for reform. A poem, in three cantos, [John Aitken]', NULL, 'Glasgow : by W. Lang, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Lang, William', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (18, 'Aitken, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'The swinish multitude\'s push for reform. A poem, in three cantos. By John Aitken...', 'Second edition', 'Glasgow : Printed by W. Lang, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Lang, William', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (19, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Ali Baba: or The forty thieves, an interesting tale', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, '3', 'Illustration on title page.\r\n\'3.\' is printed below border.\r\nBoth the illustration (a standing figure in military dress) and the typeface on the title page differ from the copy at L.C.2849(13) (a rural scene with a ruin in the background). The text is identical. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (20, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'All the months in the year. To which are added, Bonny Mally Stewart, and, The fumbler\'s rant', NULL, 'Stirling : M. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (21, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Allan Tine O\'Harrow; to which are added, Highland laddie, Bonnie wood of Craigie lea', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by W. Macnie, bookseller, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (22, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Allan Tine o\' Harrow; to which are added, Jack in his element. The beds of roses', NULL, 'Falkirk, [n.d.]', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (23, 'Allusio Jocularis', 0, NULL, 0, 'Letter to Torquil M\'Tonaisgte, esq. introducing something new. By Allusio Jocularis...', NULL, 'Glasgow, 1808', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '32', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (24, 'Andrew, Merry', 0, NULL, 0, 'The ancient and modern history of Buck-Haven in Fifeshire... By Merry Andrew at Tamtallon', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, 1817', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'illus. - Attributed to Dougal Graham. - Fairley 182', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (25, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Buckhaven in Fifeshire. Containing the entertaining exploits of Wise Willie and Witty Eppie...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'Fairley 192.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (26, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Andrew Lammie, or, Mill of Tiftie\'s Annie.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by W. Macnie, bookseller, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'MacNie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (27, 'Andrews, John, of Paisley', 0, 'Sempill, Robert', 0, 'Raising the wind; or, Habbie Sympson and his wife baith deid. As originaly [sic] written and spoken by John Andrews, in the Exchange Rooms, Moss street. Together with The lyfe and deithe of Habbie Simpson, the famous pyper of Kilbarchan. Written by Robert Sempill, of Belltreis, between the years 1630 and 1640.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell & Co., 1865', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1865-01-01 00:00:00', '1865-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse and prose.', NULL, 0, 'Simpson, Habbie.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (28, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The arethusa; to which is added, Auld langsyne, The child of a tar, The willow tree, and The mariners of England', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by R. Hutchison & Co., [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (29, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Arthur M\'Bride. To which are added, The bard\'s legacy, Fair fa\' the lasses, Ca\' the ewes to the knowes, and Second thoughts are best', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by T. Duncan, 159, Saltmarket, [1815-1822?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nFair fa\' the lasses : Tune - Green grow the rushes, O.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (30, 'Athens, Romulus', 0, NULL, 0, 'Letter to James Block, esq. on the subject of his poetical effusion to the \"Sooty rabble,\" as he is pleased to term the labouring classes of society. By Romulus Athens, esq', NULL, 'Glasgow : by W. Lang, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Lang, William', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (31, 'Auborn, A. d\'', 0, NULL, 0, 'The French convert... To which is added, A brief account of the present severe persecutions of the French Protestants, [A. d\'Auborn]', '20th edition', 'Glasgow : by J. & J. Robertson, 1777', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1777-01-01 00:00:00', '1777-12-31 00:00:00', '108', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (32, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The auld wife ayont the fire; to which are added, Dennis Brulgruddery. Master Rooney Ballinafad\'s travels and voyage. \'Twas yes, kind sir, and I thank you too. Ah! Scotland, my country', NULL, 'Greenock : by W. Scott, [n.d.]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (33, 'Yarrington, Rob', 0, NULL, 0, 'The beautiful old song of The babes in the wood. Written by Rob. Yarrington, 1601', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan, [1816-1831?] ', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : P. Buchan, printer, Peterhead.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (34, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The babes in the wood: being a true relation of a Norfolk gentleman and his wife, who left two children to the charge of an uncle, who dealt most wickedly with them, and how he was punished for it. To which is added, The Yorkshire beauty', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (35, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent old song, The babes in the wood', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1806', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (36, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The two babes in the wood. To which is added, Mucking of Geordie\'s byre', NULL, 'Glasgow : published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, 10. Saltmarket [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (37, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The two babes in the wood; to which is added, The Highland laddie', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1828', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (38, 'Bacon, Nathaniel, 1593-1660', 0, NULL, 0, 'A relation of the fearful estate of Francis Spira. After he turned apostate from the Protestant Church to Popery. As also the miserable lives, and woeful deaths, of Mr. John Child... and Mr. George Edwards..., [Nathaniel Bacon]', NULL, 'Glasgow : for Robert Smith, 1761', 'Glasgow', 'Smith, Robert', NULL, '1761-01-01 00:00:00', '1761-12-31 00:00:00', 'xvi, 90', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut frontispiece.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (39, 'Bacon, Nathaniel, 1593-1660', 0, NULL, 0, 'A relation of the fearful state of Francis Spira. After he turned apostate from the Protestant Church to Popery..., [Nathaniel Bacon]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed, and sold by the booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland, 1780', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '40', NULL, NULL, 'Price three-pence.', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (40, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bailie Nicol Jarvie\'s journey to Aberfoil. To which are added, St. Patrick was a gentleman, and The auld sark sleeve', NULL, 'Glasgow : for J. Neil, 1829', 'Glasgow', 'Neil, J.', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (41, 'Baillie, Alexander', 0, NULL, 0, 'Miscellaneous poems. By Alexander Baillie', NULL, 'Edinburgh : sold by James Watson, 1799', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '60', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (42, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The banks o\' the Devon. To which are added, The land o\' the leal, Despairing Mary, The thorn, Sleeping Maggie, Fair Helen, Hal the woodman', NULL, 'Edinburgh : for the booksellers, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (43, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The barking barber. To which are added, Katherine Ogie, and The sailor dear', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (44, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bartholomew Fair. The mail coach. Haud awa frae me Donald. My soldier love', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (45, 'Renwick, James, 1662-1688', 0, NULL, 0, 'The saints\' duty in evil times : in two sermons preached from Isa. xxvi 20. By Mr. James Renwick, Minister of the Gospel, who suffered in the Grass-Market of Edinburgh, upon the 17th day of February, 1688 ...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson,MDCCXC [1790]', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (46, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Rosline fought on the plains of Rosline, 1303. To which are added, Jack in his element: When late I wander\'d.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1808.', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (47, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of the Boyne; to which are added, Get up and bar the door. Carle and the King come.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (48, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Waterloo, Homeward bound, and The gods of the Greeks', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for J. Fraser, 1817', 'Stirling', 'Fraser, John', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (49, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Waterloo. To which is added, The Irish haymaker, Sleepin\' Maggy, The chapter on pockets, The willow-tree, and Love and glory', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (50, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Be a good boy and take care of yourself. I dream\'d a dreary dream. There was an ancient fair. My father he left me a snug little cot. Allister M\'Allister', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1825] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (51, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The beauties of Glasgow: to which are added, I wonder\'d what he meant. Bonny Charley, The gleaners.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1806', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (52, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Beehive or, The sips of the season. Being a choice collection, of the newest songs, now singing at all public places of amusement', NULL, '[London] : J. Pitts, [n.d.]', 'London', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, 'One penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (53, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Beneath the willow tree. To which are added, The minute gun at sea. Now winter wi\' his cloudy braw. Gude forgi\'e me for liein. The braes o\' Lomond. Despairing Mary. The moment Aurora', NULL, 'Stirling : by M. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (54, 'Muirhead, James', 0, NULL, 0, 'Bess the Gawkie [by James Muirhead]. To which are added, Again the wish\'d for festive hour, I\'m weel sair\'d wi\' spunk, Cherry-cheek Patty, Captain Wattle and Miss Roe, Dear is my native vale', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1828', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (55, 'Muirhead, James', 0, NULL, 0, 'Bess the Gawkie [by James Muirhead]. To which are added, Peggy Irvine, The legacy, and Gude news', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, Cowgate, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (56, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Betsey Baker. To which are added, Who\'s master, or, A fight for the breeches, York youre wanted, and Emigrants farewell', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by and for J. Neil, 17, Bazar, 1829', 'Glasgow', 'Neil, J.', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nBetsey Baker : Air - \"Push about the jorum.\" As sung by Mr. Potts, Theatrical Pavillion, Glasgow.\r\nWho\'s master? or, A fight for the breeches : Sung by Mr. Potts, Theatrical Pavilion, Glasgow.\r\nYork, yo\'ure wanted : Air ', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (57, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the Holy Bible abridged', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by Lumsden & Son at their Toy Book Manufactory, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1892-12-31 00:00:00', '52', NULL, '8', 'Price sixpence', NULL, NULL, '8 engrs.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (58, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Song of Solomon. : Called, The Song of songs. Translated into English meeter, and fitted to be sung with any of the common tunes of the Psalms', 'The second edition', 'Glasgow : Printed by Robert Sanders, 1716', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1716-01-01 00:00:00', '1716-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (59, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bide ye yet. In winter when the rain rain\'d cauld. Variety is charming. How stands the glass around. O Jeanie there\'s naething to fear ye', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1825] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (60, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A biographical sketch of the life and labours of... the Rev. James Hall D.D. of the United Secession Church, Broughton-Place Meeting-House, Edinburgh', NULL, 'Paisley : by G. Caldwell for G. Dalzell, 1827', 'Paisley', 'Dalzell, G.', 'Caldwell, George', '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (61, 'Bisset, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'An alarm to careless sinners, Sabbathbreakers, and slothful ministers... by Mr. John Bisset...', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed for Alex. Ross travelling bookseller, 1789', 'Paisley', 'Ross, Alexander', NULL, '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1789-12-31 00:00:00', '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (62, 'Black, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'A soliloquy on the soul. By Mr. Thomas Black... To which is added, A meditation, wrote a little before the author\'s death', NULL, 'Stirling : M. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (63, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Roman nobleman and cruel blackamoor in the wood. An ancient ballad', NULL, 'Falkirk : by T. Johnston, 1814', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (64, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blackamoor of the wood. Being a tragical end of a gallant lord and virtuous lady; together with the untimely death of their two children...', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (65, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Black-ey\'d Susan\'s garland, in four parts', NULL, 'Edinburgh : for the Company of Flying Stationers, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (66, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Black-ey\'d Susan\'s garland, in four parts', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate. [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (67, 'Block, James', 0, NULL, 0, 'Hints to the disaffected \"sooty rabble,\" on their day of meeting, in order to petition for a reform in Parliament. By James Block, esq., place-hunter...', 'Seventh edition', 'Glasgow : by W. Lang, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Lang, William', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (68, 'Block, James', 0, NULL, 0, 'Hints to the disaffected \"sooty rabble,\" on their day of meeting, in order to petition for a reform in Parliament. By James Block, esq. place-hunter', 'Eighth edition', 'Glasgow : by W. Lang, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Lang, William', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (69, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blythesome bridal. Rail no more. A mile aboon Dundee. Bid ye yet. Some say kissing\'s a sin', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (70, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The boast of Old Gaul. To which are added The waterman\'s lamentation. The spotted cow. Fair Susanna', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1808', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (71, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bold dragoon. Gin I had a wee house. Paddy\'s legacy. Why, soldiers, why. The lassie I loe best of a, O wha\'s at my chaumber door. Yarrow', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1825] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (72, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bold hairy cap, also, The king\'s advice to his son, A humorous medley, and The pleasures of love', NULL, 'Falkirk : by T. Johnston, 1815', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (73, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonnie Jean, You\'ve surely heard of famous Neil, Matrimonial happiness, Fairfa\' the lasses, and Up in the morning early', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1818', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'You\'ve surely heard of famous Neil = Neil Gow\'s farewell.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (74, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bonnie lass o\' Bennachie; to which is added Oh! gin I was faur Gadie rins!', NULL, 'Fintray : Printed for the booksellers, MDCCCLXXXV. [1885] ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1885-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nContains musical score: treble clef vocal lines in standard notation.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (75, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Barbara Allan; to which are added, Yarrow braes, The hills of the Highlands, The lassie I lo\'e best of a\', Bessie Bell and Mary Gray, O meikle thinks my love', NULL, 'Edinburgh : for the booksellers, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (76, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bonny bridge of Findhorn, The radical battle at Bonny-Muir, and Up in the morning', NULL, 'Falkirk, 1820', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (77, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Johnnie Lowrie; to which are added, Whistle, and I\'ll come to you, The highland laddie, Love and glory, Gloomy winter\'s come again, Tam Glen, The banks of the Devon', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (78, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bonny lass of Banaphie; to which is added, The banks of Clyde.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1826', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (79, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bonny lass of Calder Braes. To which are added The pleasures of the primrose bank, Invitation to a country wedding, The silly young maid, The tell tale.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1806', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe lass of Calder braes : Tune - Logan Water.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (80, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The book of the Lamentations of Charles, the son of James, for the loss of the battle of Culloden, to which is annexed his farewell speech, to a general council of the rebels...', NULL, 'Edinburgh, 1746', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (81, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Borough reform, from a letter to a friend, with hints to the trades to incorporate themselves...', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson for R. Smith, [n.d.]', 'Paisley', 'Smith, Robert', 'Neilson, John', '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (82, 'Boston, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'Worm Jacob threshing the mountains: a sermon, preached on a sacramental occasion. By... Thomas Boston...', NULL, 'Glasgow : J. & J. Robertson, 1776', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, John', 'Robertson, James', '1776-01-01 00:00:00', '1776-12-31 00:00:00', '16', NULL, NULL, 'Price one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (83, 'Boston, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'Worm Jacob threshing the mountains: a sermon preached on a sacramental occasion. By... Thomas Boston...', NULL, 'Glasgow : J. & J. Robertson, 1779', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, John', 'Robertson, James', '1779-01-01 00:00:00', '1779-12-31 00:00:00', '16', NULL, NULL, 'Price one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (84, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bridal bed, an old ballad', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, 1817', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (85, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bride\'s burial or, The affectionate lovers, a true love song', NULL, 'Dumfries : C. M\'Lachlan for John Sinclair, [n.d.]', 'Dumfries', 'McLachlan, Cuthbert', 'Sinclair, John', '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (86, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A brief relation of the adventures of Bamfylde Moore Carew, who was far more than forty years king of the beggars', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page\r\n\'125.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, 'Carew, Bampfylde Moore, 1693-1758.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (87, 'Brightly, Richard', 0, NULL, 0, 'Britain\'s timely remembrancer: or, A warning from heaven to vile sinners on earth. Being Mr. Brightly\'s last sermon, which he preached in his shroud... To which is added, An account of the holy life of Mr. Richard Brightly...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed in the Saltmarket, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (88, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The British Neptune; or, Convivial songster: being a collection of the newest and most approved songs now singing at the several places of public amusement...', NULL, 'London : by Howard & Evans, [n.d.]', 'London', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, 'Price one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (89, 'Brown, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'Dying advices to the Associate congregation at Haddington. By... John Brown...', NULL, 'Falkirk : by Patrick Mair, 1787', 'Falkirk', 'Mair, Patrick', NULL, '1787-01-01 00:00:00', '1787-12-31 00:00:00', '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcuts.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (90, 'Brown, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'Two short catechisms mutually connected; the questions of the former being generally supposed and omitted in the latter... By John Brown...', 'The eleventh edition', 'Glasgow : by William Smith for William Anderson in Stirling, 1782', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '72', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (91, 'Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661', 0, NULL, 0, 'Christ\'s napkin; : a sermon preached in Kirkcudbright at the communion. / By that famous flower of the church, Mr. Samuel Rutherford', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, MDCCXCVI [1796]', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (92, 'Brownlee, Thomas, Laird of Torfoot', 0, NULL, 0, 'A narrative of the battles of Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge... By Thomas Brownlee, Laird of Torfoot... With an appendix...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for William Duncan; and sold by all the booksellers, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '40', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (93, 'Brownlee, Thomas, Laird of Torfoot', 0, NULL, 0, 'Narrative of the battles of Drumclog, and Bothwell Bridge... By the Laird of Torfoot...', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : by H. Crawford, 1825', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (94, 'Bruce, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'A sermon preached at the opening of the synod of Perth and Stirling... 1735. By... John Bruce...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by Thomas Lumisden and John Robertson for John Traill, 1735', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1735-01-01 00:00:00', '1735-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (95, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Buchanshire tragedy, or, Sir James the Ross', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (96, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Buchanshire tragedy; or, Sir James the Ross', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by W. Scott, [n.d.]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (97, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Buchanshire tragedy; or, Sir James the Ross.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson for G. Caldwell, [ca.1820]', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', 'Neilson, John', '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (98, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'The old Scots tragical song, of Sir James the Rose', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1835?] ', 'Stirling', 'Johnstone, E.', NULL, '1835-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nPrinter possibly E. Johnston.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (99, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'The old Scottish tragical ballad of Sir James the Rose', NULL, 'Dundee : Printed for the booksellers', 'Dundee', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Wide pages - 12.7 cm', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (100, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragedy of Sir James the Rose', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by W. Macnie, bookseller, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nAuthor from \'The mainstream companion to Scottish literature\' by T. Royle.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (101, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Buchan sangster: containing Bloody Dundee; Your ain fireside; The blue peat-reek; The love o\' barleybree; and The hare amo\' the corn', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the booksellers, 1871', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1871-01-01 00:00:00', '1871-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.\r\nBloody Dundee : Tune - Bonnie Dundee.\r\nYour ain fireside : Tune - Kelvin Grove.\r\nThe blue peat-reek : Tune - Afton Water.\r\nThe love o\' barleybree : Tune - Aiken Drum.\r\nT', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (102, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bundle and go; to which are added, Donald and Mary, The wonders, Sweet Kitty o\' the Clyde', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by W. Macnie, bookseller, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (103, 'Bunyan, John, 1628-1688', 0, NULL, 0, 'The pilgrim\'s progress, from this world to that which is to come. Delivered under the similitude of a dream.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by Orr and Sons, Brunswick St, [ca. 1840] ', 'Glasgow', 'Orr, Francis', 'Orr (sons of Francis)', '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '22', NULL, NULL, '43', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\n\'43\' is printed beneath the imprint.\r\n21 woodcuts with a very abbreviated text.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (104, 'Bunyan, John, 1628-1688', 0, NULL, 0, 'Rest for a wearied soul: or The pilgrim at his jouney\'s [sic] end. Being the last legacy of Mr. John Bunyan... to his children...', NULL, 'Edinburgh, 1719', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (105, 'Bunyan, John, 1628-1688', 0, NULL, 0, 'The riches of Christ: or, The glorious treasure of heavenly joys... By J. Bunyan', NULL, 'Glasgow : by James Duncan, 1732', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (106, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796 ', 0, NULL, 0, 'Aloway Kirk; or, Tam O\'Shanter: a tale..., [Robert Burns]', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, 1822', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nFour-line verse on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (107, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796 ', 0, NULL, 0, 'Tam O\'Shanter: a tale', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed for G. Caldwell, Jun. bookseller, 69, High-Street, 1825', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George, junior', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'On title page : Of brownyis and of bogilis full is this book. Gawin Douglas.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (108, 'Burness, John, 1771-1826', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical story of Thrummy Cap and the ghaist', NULL, 'Dundee : Printed for the booksellers [n.d.]', 'Dundee', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (109, 'Burness, John, 1771-1826', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical story of Thrummy Cap and the ghaist. To which is added the Highland story of Donald and his dog, [John Burness]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attributed to John Burness.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (110, 'Burness, John, 1771-1826', 0, NULL, 0, 'Thrummy Cap: a tale. To which are added, Young Whip Stitch, and The gig demolished, [John Burness]', NULL, 'Stirling : by M. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'The gig demolished, by Anna Letitia Barbauld', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (111, 'Burness, John, 1771-1826', 0, NULL, 0, 'Thrummy Cap and the ghaist, a diverting tale. To which are added, Young Whipstitch, and The gig demolished', NULL, 'Glasgow : J. Lumsden & Son, 1822', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon: J. Neilson, printed, Paisley. - The gig demolished, by Anna Letitia Barbauld.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 168.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (112, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0, NULL, 0, 'Extempore verses on dining with Lord Daer, accompanied with a prose letter to a friend. By Robert Burns, the Ayrshire poet. And The dominie depos\'d; or, Some reflections on his intrigue with a young lass. [Parts I and II]. By William Forbes…', NULL, 'Glasgow : Stewart & Meikle, [1799]', 'Glasgow', 'Stewart & Meikle', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '16', NULL, NULL, '2d', NULL, NULL, 'Cf. Egerer 42', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (113, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0, NULL, 0, 'Holy Willie\'s prayer, Letter to John Goudie, Kilmarnock, and six favourite songs, viz. Duncan Gray, The lass that made the bed to me, A man\'s a man for a\' that, Of a\' the airts the win\' can blaw, Now westlin winds, I gaed a waefu\' gate yestreen. By Robert Burns, the Ayrshire poet', NULL, 'Glasgow : Chapman and Lang for Stewart & Meikle, [1799?]', 'Glasgow', 'Chapman & Lang', 'Stewart & Meikle', NULL, NULL, '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'This is not the same as the edition described in Egerer 41', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (114, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Inventory. By Robert Burns, the Ayrshire poet. The dominie depos\'d, (concluded), Lines in the Palace of Scone, The comforts of marriage, and The plundered lark, &c', NULL, 'Glasgow : by Chapman & Lang for Stewart & Meikle, [1799]', 'Glasgow', 'Chapman & Lang', 'Stewart & Meikle', NULL, NULL, '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Egerer 43', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (115, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0, NULL, 0, 'The jolly beggars; or, Tatterdemallions. A cantata. By Robert Burns, the Ayrshire poet. To which are added, Lines on wrangling, The wish, and The lady\'s choice, [Robert Burns]', NULL, 'Glasgow : by Chapman and Lang for Stewart & Meikle, [1799]', 'Glasgow', 'Chapman & Lang', 'Stewart & Meikle', NULL, NULL, '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Egerer 39. - First edition of The jolly beggars. - This is the second of the Stewart & Meikle tracts', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (116, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0, NULL, 0, 'The kirk\'s alarm: a satire. A letter to a taylor, The deil\'s awa\' wi\' the exciseman, The holy toolzie, and Holy Willie\'s epitaph, &c. &c. By Robert Burns, the Ayrshire poet', NULL, 'Glasgow : by Chapman & Lang for Thomas Stewart, [1799?]', 'Glasgow', 'Chapman & Lang', 'Stewart, Thomas', NULL, NULL, '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'This is not the same as the edition described in Egerer 40', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (117, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0, NULL, 0, 'Address to the people of Scotland, respecting Francis Grose, esq; the British antiquarian. By Robert Burns, the Ayrshire poet. To which are added, Verses on seeing the ruins of an ancient magnificent structure [by R.G.]', NULL, '[Glasgow, 179-]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (118, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0, NULL, 0, 'Burns\' popular songs', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell & Co., 2 New St., [ca. 1860?] ', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1860-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (119, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0, NULL, 0, 'An unco mournfu tale. To which is added, The antiquarian. By Robert Burns', NULL, 'Glasgow : Stewart & Meikle, 1796', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8vo. - Egerer 33. - This is the first of the pamphlets containing much important original work of Burns which were printed by Stewart & Meikle.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (120, 'Calder, Robert', 0, NULL, 0, 'Reasons for a toleration to the episcopal clergie; and objections against it answer\'d, [Robert Calder]', NULL, 'Edinburgh, 1703', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '28', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (121, 'Cameron, Richard, 1655?-1680', 0, NULL, 0, 'Good news to Scotland. A sermon preached in the parish of Carluke, in Clydsdale, upon the 8th day of July, 1680. By... Richard Cameron. To which is added an acrostick upon his name, by a true lover of his memory...', NULL, 'Glasgow, 1756', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Preface and acrostic are signed by William Wilson and dated 1740.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (122, 'Camus, Jean Pierre', 0, 'B., R.', 0, 'The triumphs of love: containing, the surprising adventures, accidents, and misfortunes that many persons have encountered in the eager pursuit of their amorous inclinations. In fifteen pleasant relations or histories... Written originally in French by P. Camus... Translated by R.B. gent', NULL, 'Glasgow, 1774', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '120', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (123, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Candlemas offering. A poem', NULL, 'Paisley : J. Neilson jun. for R. Smith, 1819', 'Paisley', 'Smith, Robert', 'Neilson, John, junior', '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (124, 'Cant, Andrew', 0, NULL, 0, 'A sermon preached after the renovation of the National Covenant, and celebration of the Lord\'s Supper at Glasgow... 1638. By... Andrew Cant...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : William Adams, 1727', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1727-01-01 00:00:00', '1727-12-31 00:00:00', '38', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (125, 'Cant, Andrew, Bishop of Glasgow', 0, NULL, 0, 'A sermon preached on the XXX day of January 1703 at Edinburgh, by M.A.C., [Andrew Cant]', NULL, 'Edinburgh, 1703', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1703-01-01 00:00:00', '1703-12-31 00:00:00', '56', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (126, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Captain Barnwell, a love song. To which is added, The bribed lawyers', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (127, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Captain Barnwell, a love song. To which is added, The bribed lawyers', NULL, 'Falkirk : by T. Johnston, 1815', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (128, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Captain Ward and the Rainbow. To which are added, Chloe\'s kisses, and Harvest home.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '2012-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (129, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Captain Wedderburn\'s courtship. To which is added, The wandering boy.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by W. Macnie, bookseller, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (130, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Carle now the King\'s come; composed on the occasion of King George IV\'s visit to Scotland, in August, 1822. In two parts', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by W. Macnie, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (131, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The chapter on donkies; to which are added, Youth and bloom, Ellen of the Dee, and Hal, the woodman', NULL, 'Glasgow : R. Hutchison & Co., [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Also: The rigs of Hallow Fair', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (132, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Fly not yet. Hooly and fairly. Life is like a summer flower. Bide ye yet. Mary, I believ\'d thee true', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (133, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Christians daily practice of piety: or, Holy walking with God. As also, Scripture rules to be observed in buying and selling...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Reprinted ... by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, 1698', 'Edinburgh', 'Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson', NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Wing OC3955D; Aldis 3739', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (134, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Christians daily practice of piety: or, Holy walking with God...', NULL, 'Glasgow : by Robert Sanders, 1700', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1700-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Not in Wing', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (135, 'Church of Scotland', 1, NULL, 0, 'The Shorter catechism of the Reverend Assembly of Divines, with the proofs thereof out of the Scriptures...', NULL, 'Glasgow : John Robertson, 1764', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, John', NULL, '1764-01-01 00:00:00', '1764-12-31 00:00:00', '32', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '[32] p.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (136, 'Church of Scotland', 1, NULL, 0, 'The Shorter catechism of the Reverend Assembly of Divines, with the proofs thereof out of the Scriptures...', NULL, 'Glasgow : John Robertson, 1769', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, John', NULL, '1769-01-01 00:00:00', '1769-12-31 00:00:00', '32', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (137, 'Clark, Hugh', 0, NULL, 0, 'Meditations upon the love of Christ, in the redemption of elect-sinners. Written by... Hugh Clark...', NULL, 'Glasgow : by John Bryce, 1777', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1777-01-01 00:00:00', '1777-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (138, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Clydesdale wedding; to which are added, The legacy, The minstrel boy, When Jess and I the world began, The sacred isle', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by W. Macnie, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (139, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Cogitations upon death, or, The mirror of man\'s misery. Being very choice and profitable lessons for putting all Christians in a prepared condition for mortality. To which is added, The new Jerusalem', NULL, 'Stirling : by M. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (140, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of new songs. : Containing Ben Backstay. Begone dull care. The heaving of the lead. The death of Sally Roy. Nobody coming to marry me. Tom Starboard', NULL, 'Workington : Printed by John Foster, Portland-square, 1813', 'Workington', NULL, NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1813-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (141, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Collection of new songs. The bloody gardener. The sailor\'s return to his sweetheart. The quaker\'s courtship', NULL, 'Newcastle : G. Angus (printer), [ca.1820]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (142, NULL, 0, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, 'A collection of popular songs: viz. The fumbler\'s rant. Let ambition fire thy mind. The Birmingham button-maker. My Peggy is a young thing. [By Allan Ramsay]. A hunting song', NULL, 'Edinburgh : for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (143, 'Dudgeon, William', 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of popular songs: viz. Glasgow volunteers, Description of a fair, Queen Mary\'s lamentation, The maid who tends the goats [by William Dudgeon]', NULL, 'Edinburgh : for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (144, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of popular songs, viz. The mug of porter, Fair Margaret\'s misfortunes, Johnny Bluster\'s wife, The spinning wheel', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (145, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of songs, &c. Containing The storm. Ally Croaker. The boatie rows. Song of the mariner. March to the battle field. Bonnie Mary Hay. The hero may perish', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (146, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun: or Leper, the Tailor. In two parts, with a selection of entertaining anecdotes.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, '34', 'Title page includes illustration showing man in tall conical hat writing while flanked by two other men.\r\n\'34\' printed at foot of title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nVariant exists without \'34\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : L.C.2848(7)', 'Fairley 110.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (147, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry tricks of Leper the Taylor', NULL, 'Glasgow : J. Lumsden & Son, 1822', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon: J. Neilson, printer, Paisley. - Attributed to Dougal Graham. - Not in Fairley', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 165.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (148, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John, and his twelve misfortunes:', NULL, '(lost in cropping)', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attributed to Dougal Graham.', 'Fairley 271', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (149, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John, and his twelve misfortunes...', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by William Macnie, 1828', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attributed to Dougal Graham. - Fairley 267', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (150, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical sayings of Paddy from Cork, with his coat buttoned behind. Being an elegant conference between English Tom and Irish Teague; with Paddy\'s catechism, and his supplication when a mountain sailor.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page of man carrying scythe.\r\nThere is a variant with \'21.\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.1(18), 5.1009(16[14]), Mas.619(22), YY.8/2.1(32), L.C.2894(22), L.C.2852.A(23).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (151, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical sayings of Pady from Cork, with his coat button\'d behind. Being an elegant conference between English Tom and Irish Teague: with Pady\'s catechism, his opinion of Purgatory, the state of the dead; and his supplication when a mountain sailor. To which is added, A creed for all Romish believers.', NULL, 'Printed for J. Gillies, bookseller, Glasgow', 'Glasgow', 'Gillies, James', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attributed to Dougal Graham. - Fairley 170', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (152, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Water Warbler: containing The Cogie; The Pleasure Trip; The Rinderpest; The Clear, Cooling Wave; and the Sang O\' The Unemployed.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (153, 'Burness, John, 1771-1836', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical stories of Thrummy Cap and the ghaist. Margaret and the minister. Soda water.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, '16', 'Attributed to John Burness. \r\nDated from external evidence. \r\nIllustration on title page. \r\nIn verse and prose. \r\nThis is a different edition from the items placed at L.C.2849(3) and L.C.2852.A(15) ’The water drinker’ is the final work. StEdNL. \r\n’16.’ is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (154, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Comin\' thro\' the rye. A lassie lives by yonder burn. We\'ve a\' noddin\'. Thou hast left me ever. My native Highland home. Dainty Davie. The thorn. Naebody.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (155, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The constant shepherd, The youthful lover, A new broom sweeps clean, and The lover\'s summons', NULL, 'Falkirk : by T. Johnston, 1816', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (156, NULL, 0, NULL, 1, 'The constant swain. To which are added, The plowman\'s ditty. One parting kiss. Beauty\'s blossom', NULL, 'Stirling : by C. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1994-01-01 00:00:00', '2012-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (157, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The convent bell, to which are added, Song [The blue-eyes lassie] by Burns, Captain Thunderbolt\'s intrigue, Cupid the plough boy', NULL, 'Dunbar : by G. Miller, [n.d.]', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (158, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The copy of a letter from a sailor, on board the Royal Refuge, commanded by the truly Right Honourable Lord Emanuel, to his friend, giving an account of his ship\'s sailing to Mount Zion...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (159, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A correct account of the life, confession, and execution of Willm. Burke, who was executed at Edinburgh on Wednesday, 28 Jan. 1829.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed and sold by G. Caldwell, No. 2, New Street, [1829?] ', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1 (captioned: Burke ans Hare)', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Burke, William, 1792-1829.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (160, 'Craig, Hugh', 0, NULL, 0, 'In the appeal of Hugh Craig, esq., elder in the High Church, and one of the magistrates of Kilmarnock, against a sentence of the Presbytery of Irvine, confirmed by the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : by James Mathie, 1835', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1835-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (161, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The cruel father\'s tragedy; or, The loyal lover\'s downfall. To which are added, The Scots medley', NULL, 'Stirling : M. Randall, [ca.1815]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In the text the second item has title: Cocky Bendy', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (162, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Cruel murder committed by Robert Johnstone, on the body of Miss Jane Henderson, near Rosevale village on the banks of the Humber, a few miles from Hull, on Saturday, 27th June,1863.', NULL, '[Paisley?] : Printed for the booksellers, 1863', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, '1863-01-01 00:00:00', '1863-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication from external evidence.\r\nIn prose and verse.', NULL, 0, 'Johnstone, Robert.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (163, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Culloden-Day, an old song. To which are added, Scots wha hae wi\' Wallace bled. Neil Gow\'s farewel to whisky. Scotia\'s sons. Native highland home. Farewel to Eliza', NULL, 'Falkirk : [T. Johnston, Printer], Printed in the year 1821', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, 'Gow, Niel, 1727-1807.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (164, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Cumhadh do dh\'Iarla Earraghaidhail. Cuir a chinn dilis, tharum do lamh', NULL, '[Inveraray] : Printed for and sold by the publisher, Inverary, [ca. 1815] ', 'Inveraray', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nProbably printed by by Thomas Duncan in Glasgow, with an Inveraray imprint, for Paruig Tuainer, (Peter Turner) a chapman, and sold throughout the Highlands.', NULL, 0, 'Argyll, Archibald Campbell, Earl of, 1629-1685', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (165, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Cupid wounded! or The mischievous bee; a collection of entire new songs sung at all the places of public amusement', NULL, '[London] : J. Pitts, [n.d.]', 'London', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, 'Price one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (166, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A curious catechish, found in an odd corner, giving a detail of the cause of the present distresses, and their probable remedies. Also, a copy of a petition from the grave-diggers, against temperance societies', NULL, 'Paisley : by G. Caldwell, [n.d.]', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (167, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dairy maid; or, Vocal miscellany. Being a collection of choice songs, Scots and English. With a variety of toasts and sentiments', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by A. Robertson, 1784', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1784-01-01 00:00:00', '1784-12-31 00:00:00', '72', NULL, NULL, 'Price only fourpence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (168, 'Dean, Henry', 0, NULL, 0, 'Hocus pocus; or, The whole art of legerdemain in perfection... Written by H. Dean', 'The fifteenth edition...', 'Glasgow : by A. Napier for R. Hutchison & Co., 1817', 'Glasgow', 'Hurchisin, R. & Co.', 'Napier, A.', '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (169, 'Deans, Archibald', 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the last words of Christian Kerr, who dyed at Edinburgh on the fourth of February 1702, in the eleventh year of her age... By Mr. Archibald Deans...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Robert Sanders, 1703', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1703-01-01 00:00:00', '1703-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '12mo', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (170, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Dearest Helen, to which is added, The butcher\'s frolic, or, the affrighted taylor, The thistle, and Ianthe the lovely', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThe thistle : Tune - Sprig of shillelah.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (171, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The death of Bill Jones; a tale of terror', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (172, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1852', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1852-01-01 00:00:00', '1852-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '13 (one appears twice)', 'One penny', 'New and Improved Series', '40', 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (173, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The delights of the spring. Being a choice collection of songs...', NULL, '[London] : J. Pitts, [n.d.]', 'London', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, 'Price one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (175, 'Dickson, David', 0, NULL, 0, 'True Christian love. To be sung with any of the common tunes of the Psalms, [David Dickson]', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1680', 'Edinburgh', 'Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson', NULL, '1680-01-01 00:00:00', '1680-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '12mo. - Cf. Wing D1411. This edition not in Wing', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (176, 'Dickson, David', 0, NULL, 0, 'True Christian love. To be sung with any of the common tunes of the Psalms..., [David Dickson]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Robert Sanders, 1700', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1700-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '12mo', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (177, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The distracted sailor! The maid\'s lament, for her drown\'d lover. The young man\'s wish. The perplex\'d virgin', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (178, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Dolly Diggins. To which is added The maid of Lodi. My wife has ta\'en the gee. The woodpecker. Up in the morning early', NULL, 'Edinburgh : for the booksellers, 1818', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (179, 'Doolittle, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'A treatise concerning the Lords Supper... By Tho. Doolittle', 'The fourteenth edition', 'Glasgow : by Robert Sanders, 1700', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1700-12-31 00:00:00', '[4], 175', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'This edition not in Wing', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (180, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The door of salvation open\'d... By D.J. minister of the Gospel', NULL, 'Glasgow : by James Duncan, 1722', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1722-01-01 00:00:00', '1722-12-31 00:00:00', '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (181, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Dreams and moles interpreted...', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, [n.d.]', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1784-01-01 00:00:00', '1797-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (182, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The drunken tar of Sunderland, and The sweet Irish girl', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston (printer), [n.d.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (183, 'Guthrie, William, 1620-1665', 0, NULL, 0, 'Christ\'s care of his people under afflicting dispensations. : Two sermons preached on the seventeenth day of August, 1662, from Matthew XIV. 24, 25, 26. By Mr William Guthrie, author of the Trial of a saving interest in Christ, and Minister of the Gospel at Finwick', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Jand& M. Robertson, MDCCXCVI [1796]', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (184, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Duke of Gordon\'s daughters; to which is added, The challenge', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by W. Macnie, bookseller, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (185, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Duke of Gordon\'s three daughters; to which are added Jem of Aberdeen and The bonny House o\' Airly', NULL, 'Fintray : Printed for the booksellers, [1870-1885?] ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (186, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Dunois. O let me in this ae night. Pray Goody. Lash\'d to the helm. The rush light', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (187, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Elegy on Jamie Gemmill, tailor', NULL, '[Paisley, 1830]', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (188, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The entertaining story teller. Jeremy Diddler; or, Love at first sight. The rivals, a sketch from life. Geordie, or The professor of signs', NULL, 'Kirkintilloch : William M\'Millan, [18--]', 'Kirkintilloch', 'McMillam, William', NULL, NULL, NULL, '12', NULL, NULL, 'One penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (189, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lilly\'s Erra-Pater, or, New prognostication... With most excellent and approved rules for preserving the body in health. To which is added, sundry... observations in physick and husbandry... To which is subjoin\'d, An exact account of all the fairs within the Kingdom of Scotland...', NULL, '[S.l.] : [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (190, 'Erskine, Ebenezer, 1680-1754', 0, NULL, 0, 'The plant of renown. Being two sermons... preached by... Ebenezer Erskine...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by Alexander Alison for David Duncan, 1738', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1738-01-01 00:00:00', '1738-12-31 00:00:00', '28', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (191, 'Erskine, Ralph, 1685-1752', 0, NULL, 0, 'The believer\'s dowry: or, A poem upon Isaiah 54. 5. Thy Maker is they husband...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Robert Sanders, 1716', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1716-01-01 00:00:00', '1716-12-31 00:00:00', '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (192, 'Erskine, Ralph, 1685-1752', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comer\'s conflict: or, The beginner\'s battle with the devil... In some discourses... at Kinglassie... 1735. By... Ralph Erskine...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : David Duncan, 1736', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1736-01-01 00:00:00', '1736-12-31 00:00:00', '36', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (193, 'Evans, John, 1767 -1827', 0, NULL, 0, 'Evan\'s Sketch of all religions, abridged, exhibiting a concise view of the different sects and denominations into which the Christian world is divided [John Evans]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1851', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1851-01-01 00:00:00', '1851-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '0', 'One penny', 'New and improved series', '88', 'Table on contents on p. [2].', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (194, 'Ewart, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'A Protestant catechism; shewing the principal errors of the Church of Rome. Republished with the addition of a variety of facts, authorities, and arguments..., [John Ewart]', NULL, 'Dumfries : by Robert Jackson, 1778', 'Dumfries', NULL, NULL, '1778-01-01 00:00:00', '1778-12-31 00:00:00', '36', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (195, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent new songs. : I The new way of hooly & fairly. II. The ladies napkin. III. The favourite air of my Jocky. IV. The young man\'s lamentation. V. The criple of Cornwall. VI. The friar', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (196, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The ewie wi\' the crooked horn; to which are added, She lives in the valley below, The star of the East, The mill, mill, O, On friendship', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1828', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (197, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent collection of popular songs; viz. 1. Patie\'s wedding. 2. Roslin Castle. 3. I had a horse. 4. Lass, gin ye lo\'e me, tell me now', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (198, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent garland, containing four choice songs. The battle of the Sherriff-Muir. The betrayed lover. Tom and Sally. Dear Susanna. The lover\'s summons', NULL, '[Stirling] : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [n.d.]]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (199, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent garland: containing The cries of London, and the favourite song of Captain Ward', NULL, 'Warrington : by W. Eyres, [n.d.]', 'Warrington', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (200, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent new song, called, The smugglers and the gaugers. To which are added, Farewel to Coalsnaughton, and The smuggler\'s escape', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.\r\nThe smugglers and the gaugers : Air - Bonnets sae blue.\r\nFarewel to Coalsnaughton : Air ', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (201, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent new song, called, The sprig of shilale, &c. To which are added, The soldier\'s dream. The girl of my heart. the bay of Biscay, O! Tam Glen.', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed in this present year., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nPrinter possibly Charles Randall.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (202, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The excellent old Scottish song of The blaeberry courtship; to which is added The crook and plaid', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the booksellers, [1870-1885?] ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nThe text block differs from the copy at L.C.2830(20) and there is a semi colon in the title after \'courtship\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (203, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Executions in Scotland from the year 1600 up to the present time. Also, a sketch of the life of the Newgate executioner, Wm. Calcraft.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, MDCCCLIII. [1853] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1853-01-01 00:00:00', '1853-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 'Calcraft, William Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (204, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Extracts from the life of Thomas Paine, (author of the \"Age of Reason.\")', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed for the booksellers, 1822 (on back page : J. Neilson, printer.)', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (205, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The extraordinary life and adventures of James Reid, the unfortunate convict... With a serious advice to all young men and women. To which is now added, An excellent new song', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by John Muir, 1830', 'Glasgow', 'Muir, John', NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'The song is: J.C.\'s lament for the lass of the ship Union', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (206, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The face of our King is the picture for me, to which are added, Jamie Gay on the River Tweed, Buxom Nan of Dover, and Molly Malone', NULL, 'Greenock : by W. Scott, [n.d.]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (207, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The factor\'s garland, in four parts...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (208, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Fair Margaret\'s misfortunes; or, Sweet William\'s dream on his wedding night... To which are added, The blue-ey\'d lassie [by Robert Burns], Captain Mullegan, and, The day returns [by Robert Burns]', NULL, 'Stirling : by M. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (209, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Fair widow, are ye wauking. O I hae lost my silken snood. Madame Jane. When merry hearts were gay. The Irish fisherman', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1825] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (210, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The faithless captain; or The betry\'d virgin.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1805', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (211, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous history of Valentine and Orson.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '128', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page\r\n\'128\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (212, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous negro robber, and terror of Jamaica, or The history and adventures of Jack Mansong.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, '121', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page\r\n\'121.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, 'Mansong, Jack, d. 1781', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (213, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The farewell, When o\'er the hill the Eastern star [by Robert Burns], Come, my love, Raving winds around her blowing [by Robert Burns], and No hope, no comfort near me', NULL, 'Edinburgh : for the booksellers, 1818', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (214, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The farmer\'s glory, a new song...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (215, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The farmer\'s son. To which are added, Fair Jenny, or, The new way of pease strae. Comin\' thro\' the rye', NULL, '[Stirling] : by M. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (216, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The fisherman\'s garland; or, The cruel knight. In four parts...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (217, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs, The beautiful markets of Edinburgh. The heaving of the lead. Peggy Bawn. Britain\'s prosperity. And Old Adam', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Robinson [?Robertson, n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (218, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs. Findhorn Bridge. The farmers and meal-mongers lamentation for the downfall of the markets. Logan Braes. The answer to Logan Braes. The last guinea', NULL, 'Edinburgh : J. Morren (printer), [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Logan Braes, by John Mayne', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (219, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent songs. The flower o\' Dumblane. The yellow hair\'d laddie. The meeting of the waters. Life is like a summer flower. Bruce\'s address', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold wholesale and retail, by J M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton-Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (220, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent songs. National song. When danger threats. Three cheers for reform. Death of Abercrombie. The cause of reform', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold wholesale and retail, by J M\'Nairn, [1820-1832?] ', 'Newton-Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and internal evidence.\r\nThe cause of reform : Tune - Blue bonnets over the border.\r\nThree cheers for reform : Air - Bob and John.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (221, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent songs. Old Towler. Pease-strae. Blythe was she. Fairest of the fair. We\'ll meet beside the dusky glen.', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '9', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\n\'No. 9.\' is printed at the top of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (222, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent songs, Woo\'d and marry\'d and a\', Roslin Castle, Answer to Roslin Castle, The sailors farewell, The wayward wife', NULL, 'Dunbar : by G. Miller, [n.d.]', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (223, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five favourite songs. The golden glove. The answer. Get up and bar the door. The chough and crow. Now ye\'re far awa\', love', NULL, 'Glasgow : for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'sn. 15', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (224, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five favourite songs. Royal Charlie. John Anderson my jo. Whistle and I\'ll come to you my lad. Love and glory. Nobody coming to marry me', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (225, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five favourite songs. The triumph of reform. While o\'er the rising moon. The burial of Sir John Moore. The pigeon. Dinna ask me gin I lo\'e ye.', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed for the booksellers, by J. M\'Nairn, [1832?] ', 'Newton-Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal evidence.\r\nFirst song concerns the passing of the Parliamentary Reform Act, 1832.', NULL, 0, 'Moore, John, Sir, 1761-1809 Death and burial.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (226, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five new songs. Jockey\'s far awa\' with The answer. The queen\'s return. Begone dull care, and The bewildered maid', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (227, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five new song [sic]. The lass of Glenshee. My dear Highland laddie [by Tannahill]. Lady and her footman. Manchester massace [sic]. The soldier\'s gratitude', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (228, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. Abraham Newland. The three brothers of Dundee. The birken tree. The harper of Mull. The lass o\' Ballochmyle.', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton-Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThere is a variant with \'Newman\' in place of \'Newland\' on the title page. The text is identical. StEdNL : L.C.2858(24).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (229, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs, The girl I left behind me, Tullochgorum, The flowers of Edinburgh, The ploughman lad, A hunting song', NULL, 'Dunbar : by G. Miller, [n.d.]', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Tullochgorum, by John Skinner', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (230, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. The mariners of England. The lammie. Willie brew\'d a peck o\' maut. Tweed Side. Gramachree Molly', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : by H. Crawford, [n.d.]', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (231, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs viz. Captain Thunderbolt\'s intrigue. Britain\'s glory. The breeches on. Jamie Gay', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (232, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs; I, The cruel knight. II, An advice to married men. III, Dr. Sea\'s harangue. IV, The bonny highland man', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold in Niddery\'s Wynd, 1779', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (233, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs called Death of Parker. The silly drummer. The seige of Belisle. The banished soldier', NULL, 'Dumfries : Printed by C. M\'Lachlan for John Sinclair, [n.d.]', 'Dumfries', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (234, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, Dyster\'s mistake. The Tipperary beauty. Mary Neal. Banks of the Bawn', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (235, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, viz. Feyther and I. O dear, ladies I have plenty. The wig, the hat, and the cane. Free gardeners', NULL, 'Edinburgh : J. Robertson (printer), [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (236, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. Entitled I. The golden glove. II. The poor man\'s looking glass. III. The County of Cavin [sic]. IV. The young man\'s declaration.', NULL, '[Glasgow? Aberdeen?] : [James Chalmers?], Printed in June 18...[damage to book obscures full imprint]', 'Glasgow', 'Chalmers, James', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (237, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, Jeany Diver, Lord Douglas\'s tragedy, Highland Mary, Captain O\'Kaine', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Highland Mary, by Burns', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (238, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, viz. John Barleycorn, The distressed lover, The deceived batchelor, Young Colin', NULL, 'Edinburgh : J. Robertson (printer), [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (239, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, viz. Kelly-burn Braes. The lee rig. The rose\'s hue. The sun in the west, fa\'s to rest in the e\'enin\'', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Robertson (printer), [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (240, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. The soldier\'s return. The foggy dew. The betrayed lovers. Weel may we a\' be', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (241, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, intitled, The whisky still taken and retaken. The bonny maid of Coalsnaughton. The maid\'s lament for the young carter. The smuggler\'s advice', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [n.d.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (242, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent old songs, called, Bessy Bell & Mary Gray, with the history of the ballad. The valiant Scotsmen, Burns\' Honest man, Birks of Invermay', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1816', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (243, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent songs. Covent Garden. New way of Calder Fair. Mrs. burns, lament. Not to think of a man', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (244, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent songs. Home, sweet home. Up and warn a\' Willie. Royal Charlie. The piper o\' Dundee', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton-Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'No. 13', NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\n\'No. 13.\' is printed at the top of the title page.', NULL, 0, 'Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-17', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (245, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent songs. Kate Mooney\'s portion. When John and me were married. Kenmure\'s on and awa\'. Gow\'s farewell to shisky', NULL, 'Newton=Stewart : Printed, and sold wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Gow, Niel, 1727-1807.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (246, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent songs. What are you at? What are you after. Whistle o\'er the lave o\'t. The maid of Erin. O for ane an\'twenty', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed for the booksellers, by J. M\'Nairn, [n.d.]', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (247, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four interesting tales. A singular adventure. The robber. The red nose. The Newfoundland dog.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, '98', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'98.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (248, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four new songs. The Armagh tragedy. Sally\'s gardens. Lord Douglas\' tragedy. Cupid\'s plough boy. The bonny hawthorn', NULL, 'Edinburgh, : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (249, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four new songs. Daft Jamie. The two emigrants. The lea rig. Irish hafts for English blades', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1829-1837?] ', 'Newton-Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (250, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four new songs. Jamie Reilly and Cooleen Bawn. The emigrant\'s farewel. Kebbuckstone wedding. The Arethusa frigate', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (251, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four new songs, Waterloo. The sailor and his miss. The lass of Livingston. The Yorkshire-man in Lunnon', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [181-]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (252, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four popular songs, viz:- Alice Gray. My mither men\'t my auld breeks. Will the weaver, and O wat ye wha\'s in yon town', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by E. Johnstone, bookseller, [ca. 1835?] ', 'Stirling', 'Johnstone, Ebenezer', NULL, '1835-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (253, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. The adventurous sailor. Lary O\'Lash\'em. The land of shillellah. The restoration of the Bourbons', NULL, 'Edinburgh : J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (254, NULL, 0, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0, 'Four songs. And sae will we yet [by Walter Watson]. The hills of Traquair. Ha\'e you seen in the calm dewy morning. Bruce\'s address [by Robert Burns]', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (255, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. Annandale Robin. The blue eyed lassie. The birks of Aberfeldy. For a\' that and a\' that.', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, '5', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\n\'No. 5.\' is printed at the top of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (256, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. The battle of Sherra-Moor. Ayrshire naebody. Young man\'s lamentation. Glasgow lassie', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (257, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. Bonnet so blue. Lass gin ye lo\'e me tell me now. Johny\'s grey breeks. Jolly beggar', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (258, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. The Braes of Bewhither. The London merchant\'s daughter. Pretty Peggy Irvine. The drunkard reformed', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (259, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. Bundle and go. The Middlesex Flora. Willie o\' Campsie. The red, red rose', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (260, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. Crazy Jean. Death of Crazy Jean. Dougal creature\'s giving an account o\' hersel\'. Auld lang syne', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (261, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. The flower of Caledonia. Female coachman. Maid of Ryegate. The banks of a river', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (262, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. The flower o\' Dumblain. The answer, or, Jessie\'s marriage. The disappointed wife. The maid full of care', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (263, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs, The flower o\' Dumblane. Charming Andrew Carr. The Exeter shepherdess. The gift o\' wooing o\'t', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (264, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. The golden glove, with the Answer. The life of Poor Jack. Alaster M\'Alister. The wandering sailor', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (265, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. The happy farmer. The wounded farmer\'s son. My Nannie, O. Jockey\'s far awa', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (266, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. Love and brandy. Albion - the pride of the sea. Ther periwinkle. Macbeth and the gipsies', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (267, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. Over the hills to Traquire. My native Caledonia. Royal Charlie. The queen\'s lament', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Text title of first song: The Traquire shephards. Text title of last song: Queen Caroline\'s lament', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (268, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. The pretty plough boy. Courting too slow. Three drunken maidens. The love sick sailor', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (269, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. The Ulstershir tragedy, or, The farmer\'s son. Banks of Levan Water. How fair is the rose. The highland lad [= John Highlandman, by Robert Burns]', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (270, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. Youghal harbour. The exciseman. British bravery. Maid of Marlivale', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (271, 'Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790', 0, NULL, 0, 'The way to wealth; or Poor Richard\'s maxims improved, &c., [Benjamin Franklin]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'No. 143.', NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'143.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nAttributed to Benjamin Franklin', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (272, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The free & accepted Mason, Earl Ainsly\'s garland, The maid of the mill, and The Bay of Biscay', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1814', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (273, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The garb of Old Gaul. New song, to the tune of the Lee rig. Summer was smiling (Auld Robin Gray), and Let us range together', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1818', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nIn the garb of old Gaul : Tune - The highland march.\r\nO will I come : Tune - The lee rig.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (274, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The gentle shepherd; to which is added, The Saldana, and We fly in vain', NULL, 'Glasgow : by R. Hutchison and Co., [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (275, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gibby and the ghaist!!! An excellent Scotish poem', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for, and sold by, William Cameron, and other booksellers, [1820?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', 'Price one penny', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (276, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The ghaist, a favorite old Scots poem. By R. F. To which is added, Rab the Rhymer\'s Welcome to his bastard wean [= Address to an illegitimate child, by Robert Burns]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by James Dymock, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Dymock, James', NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (277, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gill Morice and Lord Barnara\'s lady, a lamentable old Scots ballad', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [n.d.]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (278, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gill Morice\'s tragedy. Who was unfortunately killed by Lord Barnard his stepfather. An old Scots ballad', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson for George Caldwell, [n.d.]', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', 'Neilson, John', '1784-01-01 00:00:00', '1784-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (279, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The mournful tragedy of Gill Morice, an old Scotch ballad', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1828', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (280, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragedy of Gill Morice', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (281, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragedy of Gill Morice', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (282, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Glasgow Bazar; to which are added, The fair maid in Bedlam, Royal Robe, and Toby Philpot', NULL, 'Glasgow : R. Hutchison & Co., [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (283, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gloomy winter\'s now awa [by Robert Tannahill]. To which are added, Come let us prepare. Joseph Tuck, or Jack of all trades', NULL, 'Stirling : by M. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Come let us prepare = The Free Mason\'s song', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (284, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The golden bull, or Crafty princess. An ancient ballad', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (285, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The golden dreamer; or, Dreams realised, containing the interpretation of a great variety of dreams', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, '17', 'Books 285, 402 and 534 carry same final disclaimer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (286, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The goldfinch: a new collection of five favourite songs, called, 1. Prison-music: or the debtor\'s welcome to the jail. 2. The flower of Edinburgh. 3. The pretty young seaman. 4. The old Scotch blue bonnet. 5. Lovely Jockey woo\'d me', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [n.d.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (287, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Good news to Britain, concerning peace and plenty: being an account of the wonderful manner in which these things were revealed to Mr. William Edwards, a farmer, near the town of Maidstone in Kent...', NULL, 'Glasgow : by Thomas Duncan, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, Thomas', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (288, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Gosport tragedy, or, The perjur\'d ship carpenter', NULL, 'Stirling : M. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (289, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Gosport tragedy: or, Perjur\'d ship-carpenter. To which is added, My only jo an\' dearie O.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [n.d.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (290, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The gown of green, Nell of Pinky-House, A hunting song, Woo\'d and marry\'d', NULL, 'Falkirk : by T. Johnston, 1815', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (291, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Grinning made easy; or, Funny Dick\'s unrivalled collection of ... jests, jokes, bulls, puns, epigrams, &c. With many other descriptions of wit and humour', NULL, 'Glasgow : T. Duncan, 1819', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, Thomas', NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut frontispiece.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (292, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Grog. Row, brothers, row. On a bank of flowers. Here\'s to the soger wha bled. Lovely Jean.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1825] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (293, 'Guthrie, William, 1620-1665', 0, NULL, 0, 'Two sermons preached by Mr. William Guthry, minister of the Gospel, at Finnick... 1662', NULL, 'Glasgow, 1693', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1693-01-01 00:00:00', '1693-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Wing G2276', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (294, 'Guthrie, William, 1620-1665', 0, NULL, 0, 'Two sermons preached by Mr. William Guthry minister of the Gospel at Finnick', NULL, '[Glasgow?, n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (295, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and adventures of David Haggart. Written by himself, while under sentence of death; with an account of his execution.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '2', NULL, NULL, '44', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'44\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, 'Haggart, David.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (296, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hallow Fair; to which are added, Bauldy Baird, The roses blaw, Sweet Kitty o\' the Clyde, Sandy and Jenny', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (297, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Hark away. The boys of Kilkenny. The land of delight. The plowman. Love in the horrors.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1825] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (298, 'Hart, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'Heavens glory, and hells horror; or, The parable of Dives and Lazarus opened and applyed... By J[ohn] H[art]...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Robert Sanders, 1713', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1713-01-01 00:00:00', '1713-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '12mo', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (299, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Haughs of Crumdel; giving a full account of that memorable battle fought by the great Montrose and the clans, against Oliver Cromwell;. To which are added, The broom of Cowdenknowes, the Highland plaid', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, By W. Macnie, bookseller, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page of two men fighting with swords.\r\nDecorative band above title on p. [2].\r\nUpper case \'B\' in \'By\' in imprint.\r\nThis is a different issue from the copies at StEdNL : L.C.2873(20), L.C.2876.A(15), L.C.2887(3), Hall.197.h.1(25), NG.1170.i.9(3), NG.1170.i.9(4) and NG.1170.i.9(5).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (300, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'He comes from the wars. Love\'s young dream [by Thomas Moore]. A soldiers gratitude. Father Paul. My fond shepherds. King David was a soldier', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the bookselle[rs], [ca. 1825] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'David, King of Israel Poetry.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (301, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The heir of Linne, an old ballad', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (302, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Highland Harry; to which are added, The braes o\' Gleniffer, The Highland widow, Jeanie\'s black e\'e, Jamie o\' the glen, My wife\'s a winsome wee thing, The rosy brier.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1828', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (303, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Highland pipers advice to drinkers. To which are added Home, sweet home. Wallace\'s lament. Connel and Flora. Here is the glen. Oh hey Johny lad, and Charlie is my darling', NULL, 'Airdrie : by J. & J. Neil, [n.d.]', 'Airdrie', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Also contains: March to the battle field.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (304, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A Highlandman\'s adventures, Tweedside. This ae night. With her answer, and Wha wadna be in love', NULL, 'Stirling : J. Fraser & Co., [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Fraser, John', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'The Turnimspike, attributed to Dougal Graham. - Tweedside - old verses. - O let me in this ae night, and O tell nae me of wind and rain, by Burns', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (305, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Hills o\' Gallowa; to which are added, Last May a braw wooer [by Burns], Green grow the rashes, O [by Burns], Sweet the rose blaws', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1826', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nAlso contains: Sic a wife as Willie had, by Burns.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (306, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history and adventures of that famous negro robber, 3 Finger\'d Jack, the terror of Jamaica', NULL, 'Falkirk Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1822', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Mansong, Jack, d. 1781', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (307, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history and comical transactions of Lothian Tom. In six parts.', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed and sold in Niddery\'s Wynd,, 1775.', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1775-01-01 00:00:00', '1775-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nP. [9] consists of a second title page for parts IV - VI.\r\nThere are two subsidiary title pages: Number II. Which contains the IV., V. and VI parts of The comical transactions [sic] of Lothian Tom. 1777; The last number of the comical transactions of Lothian Tom. Which contains a dialogue betwixt Tom and Pady about their questions, and Tom\'s song. - Attributed to Dougal Graham. - Fairley 56. - Also contains: Pady\'s new catechism. - Pady\'s humble petition or supplication. - Pady\'s creed for Romish believers. - The plowman\'s glory; or, Tom\'s song.\r\nThere is at least 1 incomplete work in this volume \'Pady\'s new catechism\'. StEdNL', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (308, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical transactions of Lothian Tom...', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for the booksellers, 1822', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nFairley 64.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (309, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, embellished with cuts; to which is added An account of Jonah\'s mission to the Ninevites.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '16', NULL, NULL, '42', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'42\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'2 P\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : H.17.d.56(4).', NULL, 0, 'Abraham (Biblical patriarch)\r\nIsaac (Biblical patriarch)\r\nJacob (Bibli', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (310, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Charles Jones, the footman. Shewing how he raised himself from the humble station of a foot-boy, to a place of great eminence and trust, by his strict honesty and integrity.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '45', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'45.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (311, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of Cinderella, or The little glass slipper', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1852', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1852-01-01 00:00:00', '1852-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '11', 'One penny', 'New and improved series, no. 45.', '45', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nP. [24] consists of a one-page advertisment for other titles in this, and other series.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (312, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of Dr. Faustus shewing his wicked life and horrid death…', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '119', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nVariant exists without \'119\' printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, 'Faust, d. ca. 1540.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (313, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack and the giants. In all its parts...', NULL, 'Glasgow : J. Lumsden & Son, 1822', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon: J. Neilson, printer', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 155.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (314, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of Jack the giant killer.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, '62', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'62.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'vii 3\' printed bottom right of the title page. StEdNL : Mas.618(9).\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (315, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of James Allan, the celebrated Northumberland piper...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '127', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (316, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Joseph and his brethren, embellished with cuts; to which is added, The life, journeyings, and death of the Apostle Paul.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '16', NULL, NULL, '41', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'41\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'2 Q\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : H.17.d.56(5).', NULL, 0, 'Joseph (Son of Jacob)\r\nPaul, the Apostle, Saint.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (317, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Mahomet, the great imposter…', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1821', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcuts', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (318, NULL, 0, 'Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731', 0, 'The history of Moll Flanders...', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by William Macnie, and sold wholesale and retail, 1828', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '6', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'A chapbook version of The life of Moll Flanders, by Daniel Defoe.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (319, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Moses; giving an Account of his birth, his being found by Pharaoh\'s daughter in the ark of bulrushes, and the miracles wrought by him for the deliverance of the children of Israel. Embellished with cuts.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '14 (including 1 used twice)', NULL, NULL, '151', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'151.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Moses (Biblical leader)', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (320, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of Paul Jones, the pirate.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, '101', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'101.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Jones, John Paul, 1747-1792.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (321, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, commonly called the Pretender', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '120', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page\r\n\'120\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, 'Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-17', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (322, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of Sir William Wallace, the renowned Scottish champion', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, '107', 'Dated from internal and external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page of bust of man with crown on head.\r\n\'107\' printed at foot of title page.\r\nThere is a variant with a different illustration. StEdNL : L.C.2852.E(10).\r\nAnother variant exists with \'ix. 4\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : Mas.618(13).', NULL, 0, 'Wallace, William, Sir, d. 1305.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (323, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the Black Douglas. With an account of the battle of Otterburn', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by Francis Orr & Sons, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Orr, Francis', 'Orr (sons of Francis)', '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '34, [i.e. 24]', 12, '0', NULL, NULL, '163', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'163\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThe page numbering is erratic.\r\nOn title page : \"Hosts have been known at that dread sound to yield, And Douglas dead, his name has won the field.\".', NULL, 0, 'Douglas, James Douglas, Earl of, ca. 1358-1388.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (324, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of the Kings and Queens of England: from the reign of William the Conqueror to Victoria the First. Part I', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '24', NULL, NULL, '133', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'133 .\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (325, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of the life and death, of the great warrior Robert Bruce, King of Scotland', NULL, 'Glasgow : for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (326, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the wicked life and horred death of Dr. John Faustus shewing how he sold himself to the devil, to have power for 24 years to do what he pleased. Also the strange things done by him and Mephistophiles. With an account how the devil came for him at the end of 24 years, and tore him to pieces.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the book-sellers, [1820-1830?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Faust, d. ca. 1540.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (327, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the wicked life and horrid death of Dr. John Faustus... Also the strange things done by him and Mephostophiles [sic]...', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Printed for J. Lumsden & Son, Glasgow, [1816-1820?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from Roscoe & Brimmell.', NULL, 0, 'Faust, d. ca. 1540.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (328, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Thomas Hickathrift.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, '75', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'75.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'viii. 7\' printed bottom right of the title page. StEdNL : Mas.618(5).\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (329, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Whittington and his cat.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1852', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1852-01-01 00:00:00', '1852-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '12', 'One penny', 'New and Improved Series', '43', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nP. [24] consists of a one-page advertisment for other titles in this, and other series.', NULL, 0, 'Whittington, Dick, 1357?-1423.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (330, 'Hogg, James, 1770-1835', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Duncan Campbell, and his dog, Oscar. From Hogg\'s Evening tales', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by William Macnie, and sold wholesale and retail, 1828', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (331, 'Hogg, James, 1770-1835', 0, NULL, 0, 'The long pack, or The robbers discovered : A Scottish story / By James Hogg, The Ettrick Shepherd.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [c.1850]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, '24', 'Illustration on title page of man on horse with trees beyond.\r\n\'24\' printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nThere is a variant without \'24\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2850.D(21).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (332, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The housewife\'s cookery book, : containing directions for roasting, boiling, frying, broiling, stewing, hashing, soups, sauces, cakes, vinegars, puddings, jellies, pies, tarts, catchups, wines, and all the necessary branches of cookery', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (333, NULL, 0, 'Mickle, William Julius', 0, 'How sweet in the woodlands, to which are added, The boy and the flagelet, The miller, There\'s nae luck about the house [by William Julius Mickle], Young Daphine, and The beautiful maid', NULL, 'Greenock : by William Scott, [ca.1815]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (334, 'Hume, Alexander', 0, NULL, 0, 'The flyting betwixt Polward and Montgomery, [Alexander Hume]. Newly corrected and amended', NULL, '[Edinburgh], 1688', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1688-01-01 00:00:00', '1688-12-31 00:00:00', '32', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Wing H3654; Aldis 2760', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (335, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The humours of Glasgow Fair. Also the comical song of Auld John Paul', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (336, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hunting of Chevy-Chace.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson for George Caldwell, bookseller', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', 'Caldwell, George', '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (337, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hunting of Chevy-Chace. A Scots ballad', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1828', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Percy, Henry, Lord, 1364-1403.\r\nDouglas, James Douglas, Earl of, ca. 1', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (338, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Hurrah for the bonnets of blue, Pray Goody, Donald of Dundee, The cypress wreath, I\'d be a butterfly, Oh say not women\'s love is bought, He\'s o\'er the hills that I lo\'e weel, The captive maniac', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1829', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (339, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An interesting history of Robert Burns; the Ayrshire bard', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '2', NULL, NULL, '60', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'60.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nBoth the layout and typeface on the title page differ from the copy at L.C.2847(14). The text is identical. StEdNL', NULL, 0, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (340, 'Mudford, William, 1782-1848', 0, NULL, 0, 'The iron shroud; or, Italian revenge', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '149', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'149\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nAttributed to William Mudford.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (341, 'Mudford, William, 1782-1848', 0, NULL, 0, 'The iron shroud; or, Italian revenge.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by Caldwell and Son, 2, New Street, 1839', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', 'Caldwell, George, junior', '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1839-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attributed to William Mudford.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (342, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Elegy on the death of an old bawd, or bawdy-house keeper, a well-known character in the New Street of Glasgow. : with a popular song', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', 'Price, one penny', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (343, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jew pedlar, to which are added, Behold my love, Unmov\'d I\'ll brave, One kiss, old girl, Molly of the mill', NULL, 'Greenock : by W. Scott, [n.d.]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (344, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jock Blate\'s night vision, courtship and marriage. As described by himself... To which is added Maggy Johnston\'s elegy', NULL, 'Edinburgh, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (345, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jockey the shepherd. Also, The rambling boy. Braes o\' Lomond. The willow tree. Banks of Doon [by Burns]', NULL, 'Falkirk : by T. Johnston, 1816', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (346, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'John Anderson my Jo. Low down in the broom. It was upon a Lammas night. The banks of Doon. Land of the leal. Lubin is away', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1828', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (347, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'John Highlandman\'s remarks on Glasgow. To which is added, Katherine Ogie, and The ewe-bughts Marion', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1814', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (348, 'Boston, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'Christ the saviour of the world. : A sermon; preached immediately before the celebration of the Lord\'s Supper, at Ettrick, June 7th, 1724. By the Rev. Mr. Thomas Boston, late Minister of the Gospel at Ettrick', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, MDCCXCVII [1797]', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1797-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (349, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jolly fat friar, Wat ye wha\'s in yon town [by Burns], Good night and joy [by Sir Alexander Boswell, My love is breathing a prayer for me, and Gloomy winter [by Tannahill]', NULL, 'Stirling : for J. Fraser, [ca.1820]', 'Stirling', 'Fraser, John', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'No. 28. - Also: Tweedside (old verses)', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (350, 'Kae, Adam', 0, NULL, 0, 'A sermon concerning the believer\'s siting under Christ\'s shadow... By... Adam Kae... 1648...', NULL, 'Broadwood : for William Wilson, 1735', 'Broadwood', NULL, 'Wilson, William', '1735-01-01 00:00:00', '1735-12-31 00:00:00', '36', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (351, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Kattie\'s answer to Wabster Jock, together with, Jock\'s reply, with, The roving batchelor, and Roger of Coverly.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for the booksellers, 1806', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nKattie\'s answer to wabster Jock : Tune - Here\' awa\' there awa\' had awa\' hame.\r\nPrinter possibly Charles Randall.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (352, NULL, 0, 'Moore, Thomas', 0, 'The Kebbuckston wedding. Oh, haste and leave this lonely isle. Rest, warrior, rest. the Meeting of the Waters [by Thomas Moore]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1825] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (353, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry and entertaining history of the King and the cobler in two parts', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Robertson, 1811', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (354, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'King George IV. his welcome to Scotland. To which are added, Gloomy winter\'s now awa\'. Gloomy winter\'s come again. The emigrants\' farewel to Ayrshire. The sailor\'s life', NULL, 'Falkirk : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1822', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830 Journeys Scotland.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (355, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'King Robert Bruce\'s garland. An heroic ballad. Or, The history of the famous Battle of Bannockburn... Also, The famous battle of Chevy-Chace... Both to the tune of Chevy-Chace', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nIn verse.\r\nTitle in text: The battle of Bannockburn.', NULL, 0, 'Robert I, King of Scots, 1274-1329 Songs and music.\r\nPercy, Henry, Lor', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (356, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The King\'s muster, to which is added, Nae luck about the house, and Up in the morning early, and Bauldy Baird', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, bookseller, 19 Saltmarket, 1823', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nThe king\'s muster : Tune - The auld wife ayont the fire.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (357, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The knight of Elle; a scarce and favourite old Scotch ballad', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '38', 'Illustration on title page is of a man in classical(?) dress, reaching forward. This differs from the copy at L.C.2845(2). StEdNL.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'38\' is printed beneath the imprint.\r\nA variant exists with \'No. 33\' in top left hand corner.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (358, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lady Isabella\'s tragedy; or, The step-mother\'s cruelty, with The master-cook and step-mother\'s lamentation. To which is added, The poor exile of Erin', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (359, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lament of Flora M\'Donald; to which are added, Within a mile of Edinburgh, Tweedside, Go plaintive sounds, The yellow hair\'d laddie, The Lord\'s Marie', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (360, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Lancashire lads: a love song. To which are added, The bonny maid milking her cow, and The Falkirk gardeners\' ball', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [n.d.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (361, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The land o\' the leal. Lubin is away. Tyrolese song. Irish providence. The beautiful maid. The traveller', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (362, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lass near Woodhouslee, O love is a plague, The blacke\'ed lassie, General female toast, William Tell, the Swiss patriot, and You poor negro girl', NULL, 'Stirling : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (363, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The last words of Mr. Donald Cargil, when on the scaffold July 27. 1681', NULL, 'Glasgow : by James Duncan, 1737', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (364, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The leg of mutton. Modern idolatry.', 'New edition', '[Paisley : ca. 1820?] ', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '18', 13.4, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse and prose.\r\nPlace of publication and date from both internal and external evidnce.\r\nThere are several quotes and verses on the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (365, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of Fair Rosamond, concubine to King Henry the II', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, 'Clifford, Rosamond.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (366, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of Fair Rosamond, concubine to King Henry II. To which is added The lass o\' Gowrie', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1835?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1835-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, 'Clifford, Rosamond.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (367, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and meritorious transactions of John Knox, the great Scottish reformer.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, '61', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'61.\' printed beneath the imprint.\r\nThere is a variant with \'X\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : HALL.224.H.4(12).', NULL, 0, 'Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572 Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (368, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and transactions of Mrs. Jane Shore, concubine to K. Edward 4th...', NULL, 'Paisley : by J. Neilson, 1816', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (369, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and transactions of Mrs. Jane Shore, concubine to K. Edward 4th...', NULL, '[S.l.] : 1822', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (370, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and transactions of Mrs. Jane Shore, concubine to K. Edward 4th...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden and Son, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nFoot of p. 24 reads : J. Neilson, printer.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 161.', 0, 'Shore, Jane, d. 1527?', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (371, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and wonderful prophecies of Donald Cargill. Who was executed at the Cross of Edinburgh, on the 26th July, 1680…', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '123', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page\r\n\'123.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'2 B\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : Hall.224.h.4(17).', NULL, 0, 'Cargill, Donald, 1619?-1681.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (372, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life of the martyr, John Brown, of Priesthill, in the parish of Muirkirk, Ayrshire, who was murdered by Graham of Claverhouse, near his own house, in 1685. Also, an account of his companions in suffering, during the last persecution in Scotland, between the years 1680 and 1688...', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by William Macnie, and sold wholesale and retail, 1828', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'There are two quotes on the title page.', NULL, 0, 'Brown, John, d. 1685.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (373, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life, trial, and execution, of Mary Thompson, aged nineteen, who was executed at York, on the 22nd March...', NULL, 'Paisley : G. Caldwell (printer), 1841', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1841-01-01 00:00:00', '1841-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (374, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lilies of the valley. To which are added, Hills of Gallowa. The birks o\' Aberfeldy. The banks o\' Clyde. How sweet the rose blaws', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (375, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Lincolnshire knight. To which are added, The British Grenadiers, Sorrow and care, Seize occasion', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (376, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The little taylor\'s wedding. To which are added, Macpherson\'s farewell [by Burns]. O poortith cauld [by Burns]. The falsehearted young man. Bonny Dundee', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (377, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lord Thomas of Winsberry. To which are added, A touch on the times. Old Adam the father of us all. A new love song', NULL, 'Stirling : by M. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (378, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Lothian lassie. To which are added, My Nanie O. Tink a tink. The banks of Doon', NULL, 'Haddington : by G. Miller, [n.d.]', 'Haddington', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (379, 'Love, David', 0, NULL, 0, 'A serious advice to the redeeming of time; with a few remarks on the present times. By David Love...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren for the author, 1812', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (380, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lovely Gragal Machree, with the Answer. The sprig of shellala. Young Sally Macgee. Love and despair.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [n.d.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (381, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lovley Jean. To which are added, The bush aboon Traquair, The lass in yon town, The pitcher, The death of Wolfe', NULL, 'Stirling : M. Randall, 1820', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (382, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lover, to which, are added, The jovial cruising sailor, Get up and bar the door, A song in praise of the colliers', NULL, 'Dunbar : by G. Millar, [n.d.]', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (383, 'Magee, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'Some account of the travels of John Magee, pedlar and flying stationer, in North and South Britain, in the years 1806 and 1808... Written by himself', NULL, 'Paisley : by G. Caldwell jun., 1826', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George, junior', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '48', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (384, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The magic oracle, or Conjuror\'s guide; containing the whole art of legerdemain...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, 'One penny', 'New and improved series; no. 20', '20', 'In verse.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (385, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Daniel O\'Rourke\'s wonderful voyage to the moon. Also, Master and man; or, The adventures of Billy MacDaniel, [William Maginn]', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1827', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn prose and verse.\r\nAlso contains: Cormac and Mary (verse).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (386, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The maid of Carronshore, to which are added, The jolly farmer, The minister\'s maid, and The Falkirk Volunteers', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (387, 'Maxwell, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'Poetical pieces on various subjects. By John Maxwell...', NULL, 'Stirling : C. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1994-01-01 00:00:00', '2012-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (388, 'Meanwell, Lady', 0, NULL, 0, 'The two orphans, a pathetic tale. By Lady Maxwell, [Lady Meanwell, pseud.]', NULL, 'Stirling : M. Randall, 1820', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (389, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Memoirs of the life and gallant services of Admiral Lord Nelson, containing a full statement of the varius battles... in which he has been engaged; and the melancholy account of his death...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.', NULL, 0, 'Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount, 1758-1805 Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (390, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merchant of Bristol\'s daughter. To which is added, The adieu', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1808', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (391, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A merry song, called, Love in a barn, or, Right country courtship, shewing how a London Lord was tricked by a farmer\'s daughter', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [n.d.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (392, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Middlesex Flora. As also, A tailor\'s goose can never fly. The lovely soldier. Kate Kearney. The answer to Kate Kearney', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by Sanderson & Co., [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (393, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The miller of Gloucestershire. To which is added, The happy workman', NULL, 'Haddington : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1810?] ', 'Haddington', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (394, 'Mitchel, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'The way to true honour and happiness. A friendly address to all parents, masters of families and landlords... To which is added, A memorandum for mothers. By John Mitchel', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, 1699', 'Edinburgh', 'Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson', NULL, NULL, NULL, '36', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Wing M2288; Aldis 3873', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (395, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The family prayer-book : adapted to the services of domestic worship. With a few short graces before and after meat', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1856', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1856-01-01 00:00:00', '1856-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', 'Price one penny', NULL, '83', 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (396, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Molly O\'Rigge. Sit ye awhile and tipple a bit. The delights of wine. Caledonia! Native land! The warrior bard. Beadle of the parish', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1825] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (397, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Monimia. An ode', NULL, 'Glasgow : Cameron & Murdoch, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (398, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Mother Bunch\'s Golden fortune-teller.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, '94', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'94.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nList of contents on the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (399, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Mounseer Nong Tong Paw, to which are added, John Anderson, my joe [by Burns], The governing fair, The mariner\'s wife', NULL, 'Dunbar : by G. Miller, 1800', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'The mariner\'s wife = There\'s nae luck about the house, by Wm. Julius Mickle', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (400, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Much ado about nothing. A poem', NULL, 'Glasgow : by John Graham and Co., 1826', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (401, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'My only Joe and deary O: to which are added, O whistle and I\'ll come to you my lad, Banks and braes of bonny Doon, Polly Stewart, Sweet Annie, A love song.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1806', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (402, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Napoleon Bonaparte\'s Book of fate', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, '104', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'104\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nAncient Egyptian oracle discovered and used by Napoleon.\r\nOriginally translated by H. Kirchenhoffer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (403, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Narrative of the battles of Drumclog, and Bothwell Bridge.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'Z\' printed beneath the imprint.\r\nThere is a variant with \'1.\' printed beneath the imprint and type set slightly differently. StEdNL : H.17.e.25(11), [Ao].8/3.2(9), NG.1177.d.12(7), L.C.2852.A(1).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (404, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The negro boy: to which are added, The wish, Johnny Coup, Vulcan\'s cup, To Signora Cuzzoni.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1806', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Cope, John, Sir, d. 1760', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (405, 'Clergyman of the Church of England', 0, NULL, 0, 'The negro servant: an authentic and interesting narrative, in three parts... [By] \'a clergyman of the Church of England\'', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, 1812.', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (406, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The negro servant; an authentic and interesting narrative... by a clergyman of the Church of England', NULL, 'Paisley : by J. Neilson, 1813', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1813-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (407, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'New fortune book, or, Conjuror\'s guide; the only real fortune-teller.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.4, '53 (52 are playing card faces)', NULL, NULL, '132', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'132.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIn prose and verse.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (408, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new historical catechism: containing answers to important questions, in ancient history...', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell, 1828', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (409, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song called Auld Scotia free, to which are added O Helen thou art my darling, The lovely lass of Allan-down, Will ye go to the ewe bughts, and a Lamentation for the death of the brave McKay.', NULL, 'Airdrie : Printed by J. and J. Neill. Printers and bookbinders, No. 21 High Street. where may be …', 'Airdrie', 'Neill, J. and J.', NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (410, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song, composed in honour of the late Lord Nelson! To which are added, The gudewife\'s advice, and The boatie rows.', NULL, 'Stirling: : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1800 [i.e. 1805?]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThis item is dated 1800 and has been reported to ESTC, but it is in fact later, probably 1805.', NULL, 0, 'Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount, 1758-1805 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (411, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new way of Oxter my laddie, and The beauties of Falkirk', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1814', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nThe beauties of Falkirk : Tune - Jockey to the fair.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (412, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The news, to which is added, The humours of Glasgow Fair', NULL, 'Glasgow : by R. Hutchison, 1823', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (413, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The nobleman and the lepers', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold for the Glasgow Religious Tract Society (J. Niven printer), [18--]', 'Glasgow', 'Glasgow Religious Tract Society', 'Niven, John?', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (414, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Northumberland life-boat; to which are added, Anna\'s complaint; and The sluggard', NULL, 'Haddington : by G. Miller & Son, [n.d.]', 'Haddington', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'The sluggard, by Isaac Watts', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (415, 'Ogilvie, William, 1688 or 9-1729', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Laird of Cool\'s ghost. Being a copy of several conferences and meetings that passed betwixt the Reverend Mr. Ogilvie... and the ghost of Mr. Maxwell, late Laird of Cool. As it was fund in Mr. Ogilvie\'s closet after his death, very soon after these conferences. Written with his own hand', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1822', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nFoot of p. 24 reads : J. Neilson, printer.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 159.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (416, 'Ogilvie, William, 1688 or 9-1729', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Laird of Cool\'s ghost...', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (417, 'Ogilvie, William, 1688 or 9-1729', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Laird of Cool\'s ghost: being several conferences... betwixt... Mr. Ogilvie... and the ghost of Mr. Maxwell, late Laird of Cool... as it was found in Mr. Ogilvie\'s closet after his death - written with his own hand', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, '48', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'48\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with a full stop after the \'48\'. StEdNL : L.C.2852.B(24).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (418, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Oran do dh\'Eoin breac Mac Leoid na Hearadh; le Ruaridh Mac Mhuirich. Oran gaisgidh seilge do Bhailli Bharra le fear Bhattarsa. Beannachadh Luinge, maille ri prosnachadh Fairge a rinneadh do sgioba sdo Bhirlin le tighearna chlan Raonuill, le Alastair Mac Dhomnuill', NULL, '[Inveraray] : Printed for and sold by the publisher, Inverary, [ca. 1815] ', 'Inveraray', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nProbably printed by by Thomas Duncan in Glasgow, with an Inveraray imprint, for Paruig Tuainer, (Peter Turner) a chapman, and sold throughout the Highlands.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (419, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Oran Gaoil, Cuir a chinn dilis. An Duanag, ullamh le Bard mhic Ileain do chailein Iarla Earraghaidheal. Beannachadh nan arm', NULL, '[Inveraray] : Printed for and sold by the publisher, Inverary, [ca. 1815] ', 'Inveraray', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nProbably printed by by Thomas Duncan in Glasgow, with an Inveraray imprint, for Paruig Tuainer, (Peter Turner) a chapman, and sold throughout the Highlands.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (420, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Oran le Uilliam MacCoinnich, do ninghein Choinnich ruaidh mhic fir no Comraich. Marbhrann Mhic-\'ic-Ailein, le Niall Mac Mhuirich. Dhordaicheadh a mach fear beairte', NULL, 'Inverary, [n.d.]', 'Inveraray', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (421, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Oran muirt Ghlinne Comhann, leis a Bhard Mhucanach. Do Thigearna Chlannraonuill, le Mac Dhughaill Mhic Lachuinn. Chuireadh leth fear inse nan uisgeachan \'s an fhairge air cintinn, tuille as molach \'s thoirt an stucramaich ris.', NULL, 'Printed for and sold by the publisher, Inverary : [n.d.]', 'Inveraray', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (422, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Our goodman came hame at e\'en; to which is added, Tak\' me Jenny', NULL, 'Glasgow : R. Hutchison & Co., [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (423, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Oxford tragedy or, Fair Rosanna, who was cruelly murdered by her sweetheart.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [n.d.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (424, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Pat Murphy. Up in the morning early. Green grow the rashes. Charlie he\'s my darling. The Craigs o\' Kyle', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (425, 'Peden, Alexander', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Lord\'s trumpet sounding an alarm against Scotland, and waining off a bloody sword. Being the substance of a preface, and two prophetical sermons preached at Glenluce, anno 1682. By... Alexander Peden...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Reprinted for Moses Martine in Lochmaben and Robert Stevenson bookseller in Glasgow, 1731', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '46', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (426, 'Perkins, William', 0, NULL, 0, 'Deaths knell, or The sick mans passing bell... Written by William Perkins', 'The thirteenth edition', 'Glasgow : Printed by Robert Sanders, 1705', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1705-01-01 00:00:00', '1705-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '12mo', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (427, 'Pettigrew, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical notes and sayings of the late Reverend Mr. Pettegrew, Minister of the Gospel, at Long-Govan, near Glasgow, [John Pettigrew]', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed for George Caldwell, bookseller, 1808', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', 'Neilson, John?', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (428, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasing art of money-catching, and the way to thrive, by turning a penny to advantage; with a new method of regulating daily expenses', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, 1840', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nBoth the illustration and typeface on the title page differ from the undated edition. The text is identical. StEdNL : L.C.2828(26).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (429, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Poems. The gudeman of Ballangeich. A royal tale. The twa lairds of Lesmahagow. The whiskey brewers\' lamentation. And a new song called Callum\'s hill', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, bookseller, 19, Saltmarket, 1822', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nA new song called Callum\'s hill : Tune - Logan Water.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (430, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A poetical epistle to J*** T***, esquire, on his suppression of music and dancing within the City of Edinburgh', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by John Moir, 1807', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Signed at end: Anti-Harmonicus', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (431, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry exploits of Poor Robin, the merry saddler of Walden...', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston, 1822', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (432, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasant history of Poor Robin, the merry sadler of Walden... Very diverting for a winter-evening fire-side', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1820-1830?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '1', NULL, 'No. xv', NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.\r\nOn title page : Very diverting for a Winter-evening fire-side.\r\n\'No. XV\' appears at foot of title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (433, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Pope\'s knavery or Old Nick\'s invention. To which are added, Sweet Alison. The maid in Bedlam. She\'s as the op\'ning lilly fair', NULL, 'Stirling : M. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (434, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Popular Irish stories; a collection of the most interesting tales and legends of Ireland compiled from the best authors', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, 'One penny', 'New and improved series no. 23', NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nTable of contents on p. [2].', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (435, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The popular stories of The spectre bridegroom and The mason of Granada', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', 'One penny', 'New and improved series no. 29.', NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (436, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Portsmouth tragedy. In four parts...', NULL, 'Stirling : by M. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (437, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A pretty dialogue betwixt Robin-Hood and a beggar', NULL, 'Glasgow, 1710', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1710-01-01 00:00:00', '1710-12-31 00:00:00', '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (438, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The prodigal daughter; or The disobedient lady... Being a true relation of one Jean Nicholson...', NULL, 'Glasgow, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (439, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The proud Dutchess, or, Death and the lady. To which is added, The wounded hussar, The cold winter night, and Ance Crowdie', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1816', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk, Printed by T. Johnston.\r\nThe pages are incorrectly imposed, the numbering sequence is as follows : [1],2,5,6,3,4,7,8. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (440, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The public meeting; or my Lord Shallow at his last gasp!! A tragi-comedy, in three acts. By a looker-up', 'Fourth edition', 'Glasgow : by D. Mackenzie, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Mackenzie, D.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (441, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Queen Mary\'s lamentation. To which are added, The orange and blue, Lord Gregory, Tak\' your auld cloke about ye, and The sailor\'s return', NULL, 'Glasgow : R. Hutchison, 1823', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Lord Gregory, by Burns.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (442, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of Scotch proverbs, containing all the wise sayings and observations of the old people of Scotland, [Allan Ramsay]', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed and published by G. Caldwell, [ca. 1840?] ', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nOn title page : I will hae books gin I suld sell ye kye.\r\nOn title page : Vox populi vox dei. That maun be true that a\' men say.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (443, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of Scots proverbs consisting of the wise sayings and observations of the old people of Scotland, [Allan Ramsay]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1821', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAt foot of p. 24 : J. Neilson, printer.\r\nOn title page : Vox populi vox dei. That maun be true that a\' men say.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 146.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (444, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'The gentle shepherd, a Scots pastoral comedy. With all the songs..., [Allan Ramsay]', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by P. Mair, 1790', 'Falkirk', 'Mair, Patrick', NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '58', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (445, 'Renwick, James, 1662-1688', 0, NULL, 0, 'The saint\'s duty in evil times: in two sermons... By Mr. James Renwick...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Robert Sanders, 1719', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1719-01-01 00:00:00', '1719-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (446, 'Richmond, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'The last testimony of John Richmond, who lived in the parish of Gauston, who suffered at the Cross of Glasgow, upon the 19th day of March, 1684, for adhering to the truth, cause, and interest of the Gospel. [Never before printed.]', NULL, 'Glasgow : by James Duncan, 1722', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1722-01-01 00:00:00', '1722-12-31 00:00:00', '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (447, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Robin Red-breast and the wren: or, Robin\'s complaint on the vanity of the times. To which is added three hymns... Compyl\'d above sixty years ago', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Robert Sanders, 1719', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1719-01-01 00:00:00', '1719-12-31 00:00:00', '16, 8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '12mo', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (448, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The roof of straw, Clutha! wild thy banks appear, Matty, Blythe hae I been on yon hill [by Burns], and Bonnie Lassie, blink over the burn', NULL, 'Edinburgh : for the booksellers, 1818', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (449, 'Ross, Robert', 0, NULL, 0, 'A drop of honey from the rock Christ, the crown and glory to the saint\'s everlasting rest. With a spiritual hymn... By Robert Ross', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by Alexander Robertson, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1764-01-01 00:00:00', '1785-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (450, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The roving batchelor. To which is added, Rattlin\' roarin\' Willie, The pleasures of wooing, and Bess the gawkie', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed & sold by T. Johnston, 1816', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk, Printed by T. Johnston.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (451, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The roving boy; or, New Deer prodigal. To which are addad [sic] Gloomy winter. For lack of gold', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan, [1816-1831?] ', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (452, 'Row, James', 0, NULL, 0, 'A sermon preached by Mr. James Row... in St. Geillie\'s Kirk at Edinburgh, which has been commonly known by the name of pockmanty preaching', NULL, 'Glasgow : by William Duncan, 1738', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (453, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The royal dream book; containing the interpretation of every kind of dream', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '17', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'17\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (454, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Roy\'s wife of Aldivalloch. To which is added, The highland plaid, Neil Gow\'s fareweel, John Anderson, my Jo, Maria', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, bookseller, 19 Saltmarket, 1823', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Gow, Niel, 1727-1807.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (455, 'Russel, Robert', 0, NULL, 0, 'The accepted time, and day of salvation, &c. Or, Sinners flee from the wrath to come... By Robert Russel', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Robert Sanders, one of His Majesties printers, 1700', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1700-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Not in Wing.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (456, 'Russel, Robert', 0, NULL, 0, 'The accepted time, and day of salvation, &c. Or, Sinners flee from the wrath to come... By Robert Russel', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Robert Sanders, one of His Majesties printers. Printed for John Crosby, anno dom. 1700', 'Glasgow', 'Crosby, John', 'Sanders, Robert', '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1700-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 10.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Wing R2347B', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (457, 'Russel, Robert', 0, NULL, 0, 'The future state of man: or, A sermon of the Resurrection... by Mr. Robert Russel', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Robert Sanders, 1716', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1716-01-01 00:00:00', '1716-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '12mo', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (458, 'Russel, Robert', 0, NULL, 0, 'The sin against the Holy Ghost, or, the sin unto death... By Mr. Robert Russel', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Robert Sanders, 1713', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1713-01-01 00:00:00', '1713-12-31 00:00:00', '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (459, 'Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661', 0, NULL, 0, 'Christ\'s love to His Church: a sermon, preached upon a sacramental occasion; by... Samuel Rutherfoord... Never before printed. To which is added, A poem on the vanity of worldly things. By a citizen of Glasgow', NULL, 'Glasgow : by Joseph Galbrath, 1798', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '48', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (460, 'Renwick, James, 1662-1688', 0, NULL, 0, 'The saints\' duty in evil times. : In two sermons preached from Isa. xxvi. 20. By Mr. James Renwick, Minister of the Gospel, who suffered in the Grass-Market of Edinburgh, upon the 17th day of February, 1688 ...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (461, 'Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661', 0, NULL, 0, 'The door of salvation open\'d: or, A loud and chirl voice from heaven, to unregenerate sinners on earth... By Mr. Samuel Rutherford', NULL, 'Edinburgh, 1735', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1735-01-01 00:00:00', '1735-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (462, 'Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661', 0, NULL, 0, 'The last and heavenly speech and glorious departure of John Viscount Kenmuir', NULL, 'Glasgow : by Robert Sanders, 1712', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1712-01-01 00:00:00', '1712-12-31 00:00:00', '26', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (463, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s widow\'s lament for his death: to which are added, Fine harvest weather, The sailor\'s caution', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1806', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (464, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'St. Andrew\'s Day, a favourite Masonic song. Stirling Tower, composed on the death of Col. Gardener, 1745. The Ayrshire laddie, and The lovers\' dispute', NULL, 'Falkirk : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1820', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (465, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sair sair was my heart; to which are added, The hero\'s orphant girls, The lass o\' Ballochmyle, Allister M\'Allister, The Highland plaid', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1826', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (466, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sally\'s love for a young husband. To which are added, O\'er the muir amang the heather. And A braw wooer came down the lang glen.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [n.d.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (467, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Satan\'s decoy, or The youth\'s faith in Christ... To which is added, two occasional prayers. (Price one penny)', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (468, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Saturday night at sea. To which are added, The married man, Poor little Jane, Lucy Gray of Allendale, Blue ey\'d Sue, and The cabin boy', NULL, 'Greenock : by William Scott, [n.d.]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (469, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Scotia\'s sons. To which are added, Hap me wi\' thy petticoat. Truth laid open. We\'ll meet beside the dusky glen', NULL, 'Edinburgh : for the booksellers, 1821', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'We\'ll meet beside the dusky glen, by Tannahill', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (470, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Scots medley, Duncan Gray, Johny Bluster\'s wife, and, The blue ey\'d lassie', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1817', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (471, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'John Falkirk\'s cariches, to which is added Tam Merrilees; a capital story', NULL, 'Glasgow; Printed for the booksellers. [1840-1850?]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence. Anonymous: attributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nThere are two variants. A : \'59\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2852.C(10). B : \'s\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : Hall.224.h.4(10).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (472, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sea-captain and the nobleman\'s daughter. To which is added, Farewel Eliza dear. By Burns', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [n.d.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (473, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The seaman\'s confidence. A dialogue between two seamen after a storm...', NULL, 'Glasgow : by Thomas Duncan, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, Thomas', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Cap. Tit', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (474, 'Secker, William, d.1681?', 0, NULL, 0, 'A wedding-ring fit for the finger: or, The salve of divinity on the sore of humanity... By William Secker...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by John Bryce bookseller and by W. Baird and J. Niven chapmen, 1775', 'Glasgow', 'Bryce, John', NULL, '1775-01-01 00:00:00', '1775-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (475, 'Secker, William, d.1681?', 0, NULL, 0, 'A wedding-ring, fit for the finger: or, the salve of divinity on the sore of humanty [sic]. Laid open in a sermon at a wedding in St. Edmonds: by William Secker...', NULL, 'Glasgow : R. Hutchison, 1822', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (476, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The second downfall of Paris. The broad swords of old Scotland, Rule, Rule Britannia. Make hay while the sun shines. The joys of harvest', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (477, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sentimental songster: an elegant selection of songs, duets, & glees...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '150', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIn verse.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'150\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nTable of contents on p. 24.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (478, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sequel to The bonnet so blue; to which is added, the Deserter\'s lamentation, and The Saldana', NULL, 'Glasgow : R. Hutchison & Co., [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (479, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The seven days work. To which is added, The blue-ey\'d lassie; The bold mariners; and The lammie.', NULL, 'Glasgow : published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, 10 Saltmarket.', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (480, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven excellent songs. The year that\'s awa. Blue bonnets over the border. The Laird o\' Cockpen. Jock o\' Hazeldean. Pity and protect the slave. Hurrah for the bonnets of lbue. Here\'s a health to all good lasses - a glee', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : J. M\'Nairn, [n.d.]', 'Newton-Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (481, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven favourite songs. Blink bonniely, thou e\'ening star. The despairing goatherd. See the moon o\'er cloudless Jura. I gaed a waefu\' gate yestreen. The maid of Arundel. Sweet evening bells. Life let us cherish', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed for the booksellers, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThe pages are incorrectly imposed - the numbering sequence is as follows : [1], [2], 6, 4, 5, 3, 7, 8 StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (482, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven favourite songs. A Scots sang. The song of the olden time. Candran side. Roy\'s wife. The bonnie wee wife. Tweedside. Rule Britannia', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [18--]', 'Newton-Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (483, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The seven maidenheads. To which are added, Joseph Tuck\'s last shift, and, The wooing o\'t', NULL, 'Stirling, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'The wooing o\'t = Duncan Gray, by Burns', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (484, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. The post captain The maid of Lodi The beggar girl Sally in our alley The woodland maid', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market ..., [n.d.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (485, 'Sinclair, George, d. 1696 ', 0, NULL, 0, 'Satan\'s invisible world discovered... to which is added The marvellous history of Major Weir and his sister, [George Sinclair]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, '116', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nThere is a variant without \'116\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : RB.S.836(12)\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nPrinted height of title page 13.7 cm.', NULL, 0, 'Weir, Thomas Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (486, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent songs. Clarinda. The Highland plaid. Musing on the roaring ocen. A red, red rose. The young Highland rover. A mother\'s lament for the death of her son', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed, and sold wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (487, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent songs. Farewell. Drucken Jenny Din. The gallant weaver. John Anderson my jo. The nightingale. Scotland\'s hills for me.', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed for the booksellers, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (488, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent songs. Farewell to Lochaber. Harvest home. Mary\'s dream. Roslin Castle. The soldier slumbering after war. All\'s well', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by J M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (489, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent songs. It was upon a Lammas night. How cruel are the parents. The bonnie wee thing. O condescend dear charming maid. Thine am I. Why, why tell thy lover.', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed for the booksellers, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (490, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six favourite songs. John Anderson my jo. There\'s nae luck about the house. I gaed a waefu gate yestreen. Auld langsyne. Blythe and happy are we. The rose will cease to blow.', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (491, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six new songs. Sally\'s gardens. \'Twas on the banks of Claudy. The bonny hawthorn, The town-crier describing the lost dandy, The Savoyard boy, Rob Roy Macgregor, --- a new song', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (492, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six songs. Braes of Galloway. Mine ain dear Somebody. Oh! send me Lewis Gordon hame. Bonny winsome Mary. Why unite to banish care. Wat ye wha\'s in yon town', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, 'No. 6', NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\n\'No. 6.\' is printed at the top of the title page.\r\nPrinted height of title page 12.6 cm.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (493, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of the sleeping beauty in the wood', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1852', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1852-01-01 00:00:00', '1852-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '11 (one used twice)', 'One penny', 'New and Improved Series', '48', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nP. [24] consists of a one-page advertisment for other titles in this, and other series.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (494, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of the King and the Cobbler : Containing the entertaining and merry tricks, and droll frolicks, played by the cobbler. - how he got acquainted with the King, became a great man, and lived at Court ever after.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, '56', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'56.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nTitle page has decorative border and includes illustration of a full-face head and shoulders portrait of King Henry VIII.\r\nThere is a variant with \'F\' printed at the foot of the title page, and another has title page without border and with illustration of left-side full-length view of standing figure with separate crown above.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (495, 'Smithson, Samuel', 0, NULL, 0, 'Christ on the Cross, suffering for sinners... Written by S. Smithson', NULL, 'Glasgow : by James and William Duncan, 1719', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, James', 'Duncan, William', '1719-01-01 00:00:00', '1719-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (496, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Soldier\'s dream; to which are added, Hap me with thy petticoat, At the dead of the night, Bonny Mally Stewart, Lochaber no more, Down the burn Davie', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by W. Macnie, bookseller, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (497, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Songs. Loch na Gar. On wi\' the tartan. Oft in the stilly night. Charlie is my darling. The last rose of summer. Farewell thou fair day. Alice Gray. Oh no! we never mention her. O, come to me when daylight sets. The King\'s Anthem.', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nOn wi\' the tartan : A Scottish song, set to music by R. A. Smith.', NULL, 0, 'Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-17', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (498, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The spaewife; or Universal fortune-teller... Also, A distinct treatise on moles', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '2', NULL, NULL, '76', 'Dated from examination of text and style. Place of publication from external evidence.\r\n\'76\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with a full stop after the \'76\'. StEdNL : L.C.2852.C(28).\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (499, 'Spearing, George', 0, NULL, 0, 'A wonderful account of Mr. George Spearing... who fell into a coal pit... Also, the surprising manner of his deliverance... Published by himself...', NULL, 'Paisley : G. Caldwell jun., [n.d.]', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George, junior', NULL, '1842-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (500, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The story of Blue Beard; or, The effects of female curiosity. To which is added The murder hole an ancient legend', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, '20', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'20\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nPrinted height of title page 14 cm.\r\nThere is a variant with \'vii. 4\' printed bottom right of the title page. StEdNL : Mas.618(10).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (501, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The story of Sinful Sally. Told by herself...', NULL, 'Stirling : by C. Randall, 1807', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1994-01-01 00:00:00', '2012-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (502, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The story of the little white mouse: or The overthrow of the tyrant king', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, '30', 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'30\' printed at foot of title page.\r\nVariant exists with \'viii. 6\' printed at bottom right hand corner of title page. StEdNL : Mas.618(4).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (503, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The story teller, containing a choice selection of amusing and entertaining stories', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, 'Price one penny', 'New and improved series. No. 3.', NULL, 'Illustration on title page\r\nTable of contents on p.[2].', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (504, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The stubborn wife\'s warning-piece: or, Good instructions for a scolding wife...', NULL, 'Glasgow : by Robert Sanders, 1700', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1700-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 10.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Wing OS6068A', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (505, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The stubborn wifes warning-piece: or, Good instructions for a scolding wife...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Robert Sanders, 1717', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1717-01-01 00:00:00', '1717-12-31 00:00:00', '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '12mo', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (506, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The surprising life and adventures of the gentleman-robber, Redmond O\'Hanlon...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, '93', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'93.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nThere is a 4-line verse on the title page.\r\nCover print height 14.6 cm.', NULL, 0, 'O\'Hanlon, Redmond O\'Hanlon, Count, d. 1681', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (507, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Susan Py: or, Young Bichen\'s garland. : Shewing how he went to a far country, and was taken by a savage Moor, and cast into prison, and delivered by the Moor\'s daughter, on promise of marriage: and how he came to England, and was going to be wedded to another bride: with the happy arrival of Susan Py on the wedding day', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (508, 'Sutherland, William', 0, NULL, 0, 'The genuine declaration of William Sutherland, hangman at Irvine...', NULL, 'Paisley : G. Caldwell, 1828', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (509, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A tale of the Rebellion of 1745; or, The broken heart. To which is added, The three wishes, and the adventures of two tee-totallers', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 1.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nIn prose and verse.\r\nThe story of James Dawson, executed in London for his support of the Pretender, Charles Edward Stuart.\r\nVariant exists with ’118’ printed at foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2847(16)', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (510, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The talisman, consisting chiefly of original pieces in verse and prose', NULL, 'Glasgow : by N. Douglas, 1812', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (511, NULL, 0, 'Moore, Thomas', 0, 'The tempest. My daddie is a canker\'d carle. Mary, I believ\'d thee true. The young May moon [by Thomas Moore]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (512, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tempest; to which are added, The rose tree, Sweet Willy O, Katherine Ogie, The cuckoo', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1805', 'Stirling', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Wolfe, James 1727-1759.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (513, NULL, 0, 'Burness, John, 1771-1826', 0, 'The prophecies of Thomas the Rhymer, and The comical story of Thrummy Cap and the ghaist', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, '114', 'In verse and prose.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'114\' printed at foot of title page.\r\nVariant exists without \'114\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : L.C.2848(12).', NULL, 0, 'Thomas, the Rhymer, 1220?-1297? Prophecies.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (514, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs, Bonny Mally Stewrat [sic] The soldier\'s return. Answer to The soldier\'s return', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (515, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. Captain Delany\'s garland, Young Beatman\'s ghost, The new way of the Marques of Granby', NULL, 'Edinburgh, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (516, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs, viz. The trial of Jamie Reily and Cooleen Bawn. Bonny Jean of Aberdeen, and Patrick and Norah', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Robertson, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (517, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent old songs, I. The Boston tea-garland, II. A tragical account of two brothers, who were killed by their father in a mistake, he being in the American Rebellion, and they in the Royal Army. Also an excellent comic song, called The toom meal pock', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, 1827', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (518, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent songs, viz. The Belfast shoemaker, The bad wife, and, The lass of Richmond hill', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (519, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three famous new songs called Effects of whisky. The valley below. Larry O\'Gaff.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by and for G. Caldwell, Jun. bookseller, 69, High Street, [1825-1828?] ', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George, junior', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (520, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three new songs. 1. The crafty millar. 2. The lady\'s love to the sailor. 3. Buchal Bane', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by Archibald Martin, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (521, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. Captain Glen\'s unhappy voyage. The Blanch frigate. The cheering bowl', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (522, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. Captain Ward and the rainbow. Argyle\'s courtship to an English lady. The highland rover', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (523, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. The dawning of the day. Katharine Ogie. The sailing trade', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (524, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. Innocent mirth. Lord Douglas\' tragedy. The banks of Doon [by Burns]', NULL, 'Edinburgh : J. Morren printer, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (525, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. The lass of Benochie. An advice to the Fifeshire lasses. The thorn', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (526, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. The sailor\'s courtship. The Scots medely. Humours of Christmass', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (527, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. Wonderful dandy horse. Dick the ploughman\'s courtship. The haughs of Cromdale', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (528, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Todlen hame. The bandy-legged officer. What have we with day to do. Hae ye seen in the calm dewy morning. It was in and about the Martinmas time. Deserted by the waning moon', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1825] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (529, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Totterdown-Hill\'s garland, containing a great collection of new songs; I. The Venus of Totterdown-Hill. II. The jolly Crispin\'s ramble. III. The jolly young waterman. IV. The ladies breast knots', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by Tho. Forrest, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (530, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragedy of the valiant knight, Sir Wm. Wallace: to which is prefixed, A brief historical account...', NULL, 'Glasgow : R. Hutchison & Co., [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (531, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical end of William and Margaret. To which are added Wolfe\'s lament, The sailor\'s courtship.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1806', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (532, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The travels and adventures of Wm. Lithgow, in Europe, Asia, and Africa, during nineteen years.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, '122', 'Dated from internal and external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'122.\' printed at foot of title page.\r\nVariant exists without \'122.\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : L.C.2848(14).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (533, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The true fortune teller; or Universal book of fate...', NULL, 'Dalkeith : by D. Lyle, [18--]', 'Dalkeith', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (534, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The true fortune teller; or, Universal book of fate.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '78', 'Books 285, 402 and 534 carry same final disclaimer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (535, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The true lover\'s garland, containing, Will\'s courtship, and Katie\'s victory. The laughing song. Shannon\'s flowery banks, and The lass at the mill', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1817', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (536, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tullochgorum, The death of Sally Roy, Roslin Castle, and Was you at the Shirra-Muir', NULL, 'Stirling : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, [1816-1820?]', 'Stirling', 'Fraser, John', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (537, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tullochgorum [by John Skinner], to which is added, The highland plaid [by Tannahill], Hallow fair', NULL, 'Glasgow : by R. Hutchison, 1823', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (538, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The twa weavers. The minstrel boy [by Thomas Moore]. Canadian boat song. Gaily still the moments roll. Tho\' you leave me now in sorrow. The year that\'s awa\'. I gaed a waefu\' gate yestreen. Rule Britannia', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the bookse[llers,] [ca. 1825] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (539, NULL, 0, 'Nicholson, William', 0, '\'Twas on the morn of sweet May day. To which are added, Lovely Jean [by Burns]. Haluket Meg, Blythe, blythe, an\' merry are we [by William Nicholson]', NULL, 'Glasgow : for J. Neil, 1829', 'Glasgow', 'Neil, J.', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (540, 'Bisset, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'A doctrinal testimony against many prevailing evils of this day. : A sermon, preached in the New Church of Aberdeen, upon the 11th of April, 1744, being the national fast-day. On Jeremiah xix. 15... By John Bisset, M.A. Minister of the Gospel in Aberdeen.', 'The second edition', 'Glasgow : Printed by John Bryce, printer, and sold by Patrick Bryce, at his shop above the Cross; and by Robert Smith bookseller in the Salt-mercat, and other SCottish booksellers in town and country, M.DCC.XLIV [1744]', 'Glasgow', 'Bryce, John', 'Bryce, Patrick', '1744-01-01 00:00:00', '1744-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 14.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (541, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two ancient ballads, viz. The hireman chiel, and Adonis\' garden', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (542, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The two contented cuckolds. To which are added, Lord Thomas of Winsberry, and A lament for General Wolfe', NULL, 'Stirling : C. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1994-01-01 00:00:00', '2012-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (543, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent love songs, called, Take care lads whom you marry, and The Turkish lady', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1817', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (544, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent songs. John of Badenyon. And Tullichgorum', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (545, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two old songs. The perjured maid, and The wakerife mammy', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (546, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The unco bit want: and The Egyptian wedding. Two merry and diverting new Scots songs.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [n.d.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (547, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The valiant sailor, to which, are added, Queen Mary\'s lamentation, Bonny Bett, The high mettled racer, The maid in Bedlam', NULL, 'Dunbar : by G. Miller, [n.d.]', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (548, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Vice punished, and virtue rewarded; being the history of Mr. Tommy Thoroughgood, and Mr. Francis Froward...', NULL, 'Edinburgh, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (549, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The village curate: an interesting tale', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, '57', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nVariant exists without \'57\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2847(7)', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (550, 'Vincent, Henry, Esq. ', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Irish assassin, or The misfortunes of the family of O\'Donnel.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, '77', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'77.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (551, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Visits from the world of spirits, being a collection of facts relating to the appearances of ghosts, spectres and apparitions: to which is prefixed, The best cure for imaginary terrors.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, '85', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (552, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A voice from the dead, or, The apparition of William Clarkson, late of Grewel-thorpe in Yorkshire, to William Mann of the above place', NULL, 'Paisley : Caldwell and Son, [n.d.]', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', 'Caldwell, George, junior', '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1842-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (553, 'Walker, Patrick, 1666?-1745?', 0, NULL, 0, 'Some remarkable passages of the life and death of Mr. Alexander Peden... To which is added, A second part. Containing, thirty new additional passages; likewise an exact copy of a letter from Mr. Peden to the prisoners of Dunnottar Castle... 1685..., [Patrick Walker]', NULL, 'Glasgow : J. & J. Robertson, 1781', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, John', 'Robertson, James', '1781-01-01 00:00:00', '1781-12-31 00:00:00', '56', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (554, 'Walker, Patrick, 1666?-1745?', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and prophecies of Mr. Alex. Peden, late minister of the Gospel at New Glenluce, Galloway. And his remarkable letter to the prisoners of Dunnottar Castle, July 1685, [Patrick Walker]', NULL, 'Edinburgh : for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Abridged', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (555, 'Walker, Peter', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and prophesies of that Faithful Minister of God\'s word, Donald Cargill,... By Peter Walker', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by John Neilson (Cumberland) for George Caldwell, 1800', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', 'Neilson, John', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '48', 14.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (556, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty\'s travels to Carslile [sic], in search of a place. To which are added: Will ye go to the Trosachs. Blue bonnets over the Border. Down the burn Davie.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell, 1826', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (557, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty\'s wedding, or, The old maiden\'s marriage. To which is added, The answer to Gragal machree, Moll and her mistress, The honest sailor', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed & sold by T. Johnston, 1817', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.- 1817.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (558, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The webster of Brichen\'s mare, an old merry song. To which is added, Fee him, Father, fee him, and A real love song', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (559, 'Welch, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'A cry to the whole earth. A sermon, preached... by... John Welch...', NULL, 'Stirling : M. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (560, 'Whalley, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'Doctor John Whaley\'s strange and wonderful prophecy for... 1721...', NULL, 'Dublin, 1721', 'Dublin', NULL, NULL, '1721-01-01 00:00:00', '1721-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Reprinted in Glasgow', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (561, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'What a beau my granny was, To which are added, Ca\' the ewes to the knows [by Burns], Toby Philpot, Hey how, Johny lad, The lass of Peaty\'s mill [by Allan Ramsay], The days o\' lang syne', NULL, 'Dunbar : by G. Miller, 1800', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (562, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'When late I wander\'d. To which are added, Poor Maudlin. The Scotch shepherd [and others]', NULL, 'Stirling : M. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'The Scotch shepherd = My Nannie O, by Burns', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (563, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'When the wars are all o\'er. To which are added, The farmer and lace-merchant. The old man\'s wish. Colin and Phoebe', NULL, '[Stirling] : by M. Randall, [n.d.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (564, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The whole proceedings of Jockey and Maggy\'s courtship; with the great diversion that ensued at their bedding. In three parts', NULL, '[Paisley] : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'Fairley 23', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (565, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The whole proceedings of Jocky and Maggy\'s courtship with the great diversion that ensued at their bedding. In three parts.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1855-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, '113', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (566, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The whole proceedings of Jocky and Maggy: in five parts...', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [n.d.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '48', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (567, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The whole prophecies of Scotland, England, Ireland, France, and Denmark. Prophecied by Thomas Rymer. Marvellous Merling, Beid, Berlington, Waldhave, Eltrain, Bannester, and Sybilla... (Copied from the Edinburgh edition, 1683). To which are now added, Bishop Usher\'s Wonderful prophecies of the times... (Copied from the London edition, 1689)', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Robertson, [1822?]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '48', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (568, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wanton wife of Bath. A curious old ballad. From an ancient copy in black-print', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan, [1816-1831?] ', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nAnonymous ballad based on Chaucer\'s tale of The wife of Bath.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (569, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith: being an allegorical dialogue. Containing nothing but what is recorded in Scripture.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, '49', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'49\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThere is a variant with a full stop after \'49\', and one with with \'2 R\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : H.17.d.56(6); also one with nothing printed below imprint.\r\nBased on the tale by Geoffrey Chaucer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (570, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith. Reformed and corrected. Giving an account of her death, of her journey to Heaven... The whole being an allegorical conversation...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (571, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith reformed and corrected', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nBased on the tale by Geoffrey Chaucer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (572, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith, with a description of her journey to Heaven', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (573, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith; with a description of her journey to heaven', NULL, 'Falkirk : for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'An anonymous ballad suggested by Chaucer\'s tale of The wife of Bath', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (574, 'Wilcocks, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'A choice drop of honey from the rock Christ: or, A short word of advice to all saints and sinners. By Thomas Wilcocks', 'The forty-third edition', 'Glasgow : by John Bryce, 1777', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1777-01-01 00:00:00', '1777-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (575, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'Rab and Ringan. A tale. To which is added, Verses, occasioned by seeing two men sawing timber, in the open field, in defiance of a furious storm. By Alexander Wilson, author of the American ornithology', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed for G. Caldwell, 1827', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1827-12-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (576, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty & Meg; or, The wife reformed. Owere true a tale', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell & Co., 2 New St., [1860-1865?] ', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1860-01-01 00:00:00', '1865-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style and the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nAttributed to Alexander Wilson.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (577, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An elegy in memory of that valiant champion, Sir R. Grierson, late Laird of Lag, who died Dec. 23d, 1733. Wherein the Prince of Darkness commends many of his best friends, who were the chief managers of the late persecution.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, '142', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'142.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'2 c\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : Hall.224.h.4(19).\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nVariously attributed to W', NULL, 0, 'Grierson, Robert, Sir.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (578, 'Wilson, William', 0, NULL, 0, 'An elegy in memory of that valiant champion, Sir Robert Grierson, late Laird of Lag; or, The Prince of Darkness, his lamentation for... the Laird of Lag..., [William Wilson]', NULL, 'Falkirk : by T. Johnston, 1823', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (579, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan, who was commonly called, the King\'s fool. In six parts, complete. To which is added, several entertaining jests', NULL, 'Falkirk, 1795', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (580, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan. Who was commonly called the king\'s fool... To which is added, Several witty and entertaining jests', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1810', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (581, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan, commonly called the King\'s fool. In two parts', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1822', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAt end of text on p. 24 reads : J. Neilson, printer.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 171.', 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (582, 'Wolcott, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'A poetical epistle to the Pope. By Peter Pindar, esq., [John Wolcott]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Stewart & Meikle, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, 'Price one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (583, 'Wolcott, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'A poetical epistle to the Pope. By Peter Pindar, esq., [John Wolcott]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Stewart & Meikle, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (584, 'Wolcott, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'The royal sheep. A tale. By Peter Pindar. To which is added The Adventures of Young Whipstitch. A tale, [John Wolcott]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Stewart & Meikle, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (585, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The woman\'s spleen abated: or, A little labour well bestowed, in quelling the rage and fury of a scold. Performed by Peter Painter...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Robert Sanders, 1716', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1716-01-01 00:00:00', '1716-12-31 00:00:00', '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '12mo', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (586, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The woodman; to which are added, The galley slave, I\'m weel sair\'d wi\' spunk, Jock of Hazeldean, William\'s farewell, Jenny the maid of the moor, Oh! lady fair', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by W. Macnie, bookseller, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (587, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The woodpecker; to which are added, Maggy Lauther. Flowers of the forest. The lover\'s chain', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (588, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wrongs of the widow & fatherless justly punished', NULL, 'Glasgow : by T. Duncan, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, Thomas', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Cap. Tit', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (589, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The year that\'s awa\', Waes me for Prince Charlie, A man without a wife, Blythe, blythe, an\' merry are we, The Irish farmer, Kelvin Grove, The dashing white sergeant.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1829', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe year that\'s awa\' : Set to music by Moore.\r\nWaes me for Prince Charlie : Tune - Bonnie House o\' Airley.\r\nA man without a wife : Air - My eye and Betty Martin, o.\r\nThe Irish farmer : Tune - Sir John Scot\'s favourite.', NULL, 0, 'Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-17', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (590, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Allan; to which are added, Highland Harry. The recruit\'s fareweel. Bonny Leslie', NULL, 'Stirling : by W. Macnie, 1823', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (591, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Bateman\'s ghost! and The Chevalier\'s lament after the Battle of Culloden', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1817', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nYoung Bateman\'s ghost : Tune - Flying fame.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (592, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Biechan, and Susie Pye. To which is added, The poor sailor boy', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (593, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The coalman\'s courtship to the creel-wife\'s daughter. In three parts...', NULL, 'Stirling : by W. Macnie, [182-]', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attributed to Dougal Graham.', 'Fairley 50', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (594, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Gregor\'s ghost. In three parts. To which is added, Gloomy December', NULL, 'Edinburgh : by J. Morren, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Gloomy December, by Burns', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (595, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Grigor\'s ghost! To which is added, Wandering Willie', NULL, 'Glasgow : T. Duncan, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, Thomas', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (596, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Lochinvar; to which are added, The rose of Dunmore, Scottish whisky, Blythe was she but and ben, Sleeping Maggie, Shepherds, I have lost my love.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1828', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (597, 'Dewar, Neil', 0, NULL, 0, 'Affecting narrative of the extreme personal sufferings of Neil Dewar (who has lost both his legs and arms,) sometime seaman out of Greenock, but late of the schooner Rebecca of Quebec, wrecked on the coast of Labradore, 20th November 1816, and of the painful enterprises and death of Captain Maxwell and crew, belonging to the said schooner Rebecca.', 'Second edition, with aditions [sic]', 'Second edition... . Glasgow : Printed by William Lang, 62, Bell-Street, 1822. Price sixpence.', 'Glasgow', 'Lang, William', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 14.3, '1', 'Price sixpence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (598, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Aladdin; or, The wonderful lamp. An eastern tale', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'5.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (599, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bailie Nicol Jarvie\'s song book', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Cameron, George?', NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 11.6, '1', 'Price one penny.', NULL, NULL, 'Blue inked white paper cover with picture', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (600, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Roslin, fought on the Plains of Roslin, 1303, and John Highlandman\'s remarks on Glasgow', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1806', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (601, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new pictorial Bible', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, 'probably 45 (incl. missing pages)', NULL, NULL, '40', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'40.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'2 M\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : H.17.d.56(1).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (602, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the Bible, a selection of the most interesting stories, incidents and narratives, from the Old and New Testament', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1851', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1851-01-01 00:00:00', '1851-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '9', 'One penny', 'New and improved series, no. 89', NULL, 'Woodcuts.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (603, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The black-bird songster: being a choice selection of the most popular songs', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut. - no. 140', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (604, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blaeberry courtship, and The turtle dove, or True lover\'s farewell. Two humorous songs', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1813', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1813-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (605, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonnie Baby Livingstone; to which is added The twa martyrs\' widows', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '78', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'78.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (606, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Jean; to which are added, Tweedside. Although my Meg\'s gi\'en me the bag. Samuel Macaree\'s ghaist', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1824', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (607, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Prince Charlie\'s song book', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'No. 91', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (608, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The British humourist: a choice collection of popular comic songs', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, '67', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'67.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (609, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'The old Scottish tragical ballad of Sir James the Rose, [Michael Bruce]', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the booksellers, [1870-1885?] ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nThe first verse of the song also appears on the title page.\r\nThe typeface on the title page differs from copy at L.C.2830(7).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (610, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0, NULL, 0, 'Burns\' songs. No. 1', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca.1840]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '23', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (611, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0, NULL, 0, 'Robert Burn\'s [sic] song-book. Being a collection of the most favourite Scots songs', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'No. 138', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (612, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The celebrated history of the renowned Robin Hood, the merry outlaw of Sherwood Forest. To which is added The professor of signs.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, '23', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration of stag on title page.\r\n\'23\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThe text on p. [3] varies slightly from the item placed at StEdNL : L.C.2852.A(27), which also has a full stop after the \'23\' at the foot of the title.\r\nThere is another variant without \'23\'. Both these also have a significant variation in the text at the bottom of p. [3].', NULL, 0, 'Robin Hood (Legendary character)', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (613, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The celebrated Scottish song of Tullochgorum [by John Skinner]; to which are added Roy\'s wife, and Braw lads on Yarrow braes', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the booksellers, [1870-1885?] ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nContains musical score: treble clef vocal lines in standard notation.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (614, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comic reciter; a selection of the best and most popular comic pieces for recitation', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, 'Price one penny', 'New and improved series, no. 11', NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (615, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The complete letter writer; or, Whole art of polite correspondence...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, '55', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'55.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (616, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A copy of a remarkable prophecy, relative to the present times... Lacy\'s singular prophecy, concerning the French Revolution, Lacy\'s preface, and a prophecy, found in the sepulchre of Bishop Cristianus Ageda... predicting the present calamities in France', NULL, 'Dunbar : G. Miller, [ca.1800]', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (617, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Coronation. The missletoe bough. Billy O\'Rourke. The friar of orders gray. Dumbarton\'s bonnie dell', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '60', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'60.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (618, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Dreadful narrative of the loss of the Kent East-Indiaman, by fire...', NULL, 'Montrose : Printed by James Watt, [1840-1850?] ', 'Montrose', 'Watt, James', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn prose and verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (619, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Dublin lads\' penny comic song book', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Cameron, George?', NULL, '1930-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '40', 12.2, '1', 'penny', NULL, NULL, 'Green inked white paper wrap-around cover with illustration. Inside page numbers run 41-76.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (620, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Christ on the cross suffering for sinners : to which is added two godly songs', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year 12748', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1748-01-01 00:00:00', '1748-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 10.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (621, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Elocutionist; a choice selection of the most popular poems for recitation', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '70', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'70.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nTable of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (622, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The English minstrel: containing a selection of the most popular songs of England. No. I', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, 'Price one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (623, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Entertaining history of John Cheap the Chapman...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '58', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nAnonymous: attributed to Dougal Graham.\r\n\'58.\' printed beneath the imprint.\r\nThere is a variant with \'G\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : Hall.224.h.4(11).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (624, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lilly\'s new Erra-Pater. Or, A prognostication for ever... With most excellent and approved rules for preserving the body in health. To which is added, sundry... observations in husbandry...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Robert Sanders, 1701', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1700-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (625, 'Erskine, Ebenezer, 1680-1754', 0, NULL, 0, 'The plant of renown: being two sermons, preached by the Rev. Ebenezer Erskine, late Minister of the Gospel in Stirling.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '135', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (626, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The family receipt book; a selection of receipts, advices, and directions, relative to housekeeping, cleaning, &c., from the most approved sources', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850 ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, NULL, 'Price one penny.', 'New and improved series, no. 9', NULL, 'Table of contents on p. [2].', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (627, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous exploits of Robin Hood, Little John, and his merry men all. Including an account of his birth, education, and death.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Published by R. Martin, Brown Street, 1846. MDCCCXLVI.', 'Edinburgh', 'Martin, R.', NULL, '1846-01-01 00:00:00', '1846-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (628, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Female policy detected. Or, The arts of designing women, laid open', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page\r\n\'124.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (629, 'Fleetwood, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and voyages of the Apostle Paul, [John Fleetwood]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1851', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1851-01-01 00:00:00', '1851-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', 'One penny', 'New and improved series, no. 91', NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Paul, the Apostle, Saint.\r\nPaul, the Apostle, Saint Journeys.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (630, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The flower of Caledonia. To which is added Kirriemuir wedding. Begone dull care. Touch on the times. The Methodist parson.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by Sanderson & Co., No 252, High Street, 1817.', 'Edinburgh', 'Sanderson & Co.', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (631, 'Forbes, William, Schoolmaster', 0, NULL, 0, 'The dominie depos\'d, or, Some reflections on his intrigue with a young lass, and what happened thereupon. Intermix\'d with advices to all precentors and dominies. With the sequel, by William Forbes, A.M. late schoolmaster at Petercoulter, Aberdeenshire.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, [n.d.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (632, 'Forbes, William, Schoolmaster', 0, NULL, 0, 'The dominie deposed, with the sequel... To which is added Maggy Johnston\'s elegy, [William Forbes]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'0\' printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'141\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2852.F(20).\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (633, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The fortune-teller; a universally approved guide to the future, by which all may learn the particulars of their future history', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1855', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, 'Price one penny', 'New and improved series, no. 5.', NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (634, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song called William and Nancy. : To which are added, A weaver\'s song; and The long lost child', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year 1827', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '[8]', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (635, 'Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790', 0, NULL, 0, 'The art of swimming rendered easy; with directions to learners, [Benjamin Franklin]. To which is prefixed, Advice to bathers', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page. - No. 81', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (636, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical history of Gill Morice, an ancient ballad.', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the booksellers, [1870-1885?] ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (637, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The banks of Clady. : To which are added, Aristippus\'s rules. Billy & Nancy\'s kind parting. Nottingham ale. Paul and Nanny. The batchelor deceived. Oh no, my love, no! The neat little cottage.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, 1809', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (638, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The miseries of poor simple innocent silly Tam. [Dougal Graham]', NULL, '[Edinburgh, n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'No cover/title page. Type size reduced for last 3 pages (approx 10pt? to 7-8 pt)', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (639, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Grinning made easy; or, Funny Dick\'s unrivalled collection of jests, jokes, bulls, epigrams &c. With many other descriptions of wit and humour.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '74', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'74.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'T\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : Hall.224.h.4(9).\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (640, 'Gwinnett, Ambrose', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and unparalleled adventures of Ambrose Gwinnett; ... Written by himself.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, '5', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (641, 'Gwinnett, Ambrose', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and unparalleled adventures of Ambrose Gwinnett... written by himself', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New & improved series no. 21', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (642, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Beauty and the Beast', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by Francis Orr & Sons, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Orr, Francis', 'Orr (sons of Francis)', '1835-01-01 00:00:00', '1847-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24 p. [misnumbered 34]. - The title page states that this is \"embellished with coloured engravings\" but in fact it has no illustrations', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (643, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Blue Beard', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1852', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1852-01-01 00:00:00', '1852-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '12', 'One penny', 'New and improved series no. 42.', '42', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nP. [24] consists of a one-page advertisment for other titles in this, and other series.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (644, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of Fair Rosamond, otherwise Eleanor Clifford; and her royal paramour, Henry the Second, King of England...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '92', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'92.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn prose and verse.\r\nThere is a variant with \'ix. 3\' printed bottom right of the title page. StEdNL : Mas.618(8).', NULL, 0, 'Clifford, Rosamond.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (645, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of John Brown of Priesthill, commonly called the Christian carrier, who was murdered by the bloody Claverhouse.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed & published by J. Brydone, South Hanover Street, [1839-1858?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Brydone, J.', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '4', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nNo. 4 of a series of numbered chapbooks.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (646, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Master Jackey and Miss Harriot', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by A. Paterson, [ca.1820]', 'Glasgow', 'Paterson, A.', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'A toy book', NULL, 'Woodcuts.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (647, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the Empress Josephine, the consort of Napoleon Bonaparte', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed & published by J. Brydone, South Hanover Street, [1839-1858?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Brydone, J.', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '3', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nNo. 3 of a series of numbered chapbooks.', NULL, 0, 'Josephine, Empress, consort of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1763', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (648, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of the Kings and Queens of Scotland and England; from the reign of James the first to Victoria... Part II', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1845?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1845-01-01 00:00:00', '1845-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '14', NULL, NULL, '134', 'Dated from internal evidence.\r\n\'134 .\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'ix. 2\' printed bottom right of the title page. StEdNL : Mas.618(15).\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (649, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the wicked life and horrid death of Dr. John Faustus...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '22', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (650, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the yellow dwarf', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1852', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1852-01-01 00:00:00', '1852-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '12', 'Price one penny.', 'New and improved series, no. 47.', '47', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (651, 'Hogg, James, 1770-1835 ', 0, NULL, 0, 'The long pack; or, A shot with Copenhagen... Also... The dreadful story of Macpherson, [James Hogg]', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1827', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (652, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Irish minstrel: containing a selection of the most popular songs of Ireland. No. 1', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Price one penny', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (653, 'Jones, Andrew', 0, NULL, 0, 'The black book of conscience: or, God\'s great and high court of justice in the soul. Wherein the truth and sincerity, the deceit and hypocrisy of every man\'s heart and ways, and judged and discovered by theor consciences. Very seasonable for these times wherin wicked men, under pretence of liberty of conscience, take liberty to sin and blaspheme. The 29th edition.', '29', 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold in Pearson\'s Close, opposite to the Cross, North-side ... MDCCLXVI.', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1766-01-01 00:00:00', '1766-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (654, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The juvenile prayer-book, containing a selection of prayers for children, from two to twelve years of age. With graces before and after meat', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New & improved series, no. 81', NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (655, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The King\'s daughter; together with Catherine Johnstone', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '77', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'77.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (656, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and adventures of Robin Hood.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1855', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1855-01-01 00:00:00', '1855-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '11', 'One penny', 'New and improved series no. 34.', '34', 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (657, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life of Africaner, the terror of the Cape of Good Hope', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed & published by J. Brydone, South Hanover Street, [1839-1858?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Brydone, J.', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '13', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nNo. 13 of a series of numbered chapbooks.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (658, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life of King Robert Bruce', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1852', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1852-01-01 00:00:00', '1852-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '1', 'One penny', 'New and improved series, no. 38', NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Robert I, King of Scots, 1274-1329', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (659, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lord Nelson', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by James Watt, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Watt, James', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1852-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 13.7, '7', 'one penny', 'Watt\'s Penny Library', NULL, 'Pink printed wrapper appears to possibly have been pasted onto inner 12-page book. Same woodcut used on cover and first inside page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (660, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life of our Blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1851', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, 'Price one penny.', 'New and improved series, no. 90', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (661, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life of the celebrated Scottish patriot Sir Wm. Wallace. Containing An account of his wonderful exploits, and his battles with the English, &c., &c.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1852', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1852-01-01 00:00:00', '1852-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.6, '1', 'One penny', 'New and improved series', '36', 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Wallace, William, Sir, d. 1305.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (662, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Daniel O\'Rourke\'s wonderful voyage to the moon. Also, Master and man; or, The adventures of Billy MacDaniel, [William Maginn]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, '51', 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'51\' printed beneath the imprint.\r\nThere is a variant with \'D\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : Hall.224.h.4(18).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (663, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry tales of the wise men of Gotham', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'No. 110', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (664, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new comic vocalist', NULL, 'Glasgow : John S. Marr, 194 Buchanan Street. [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', 'Marr, John S.', NULL, '1864-01-01 00:00:00', '1886-12-31 00:00:00', '40', 12.1, '1', 'Price one penny.', 'New series of penny song books', '13', 'Title and contents pages followed by 30 pp. songs, plus 4 pp. advts.in ablue-inked illustrated wraparound cover.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (665, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new minstrel: a collection of popular songs', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '12', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\n\'12\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nTable of contents on p. [24].', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (666, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new scrap-book. A selection of choice bon mots, Irish blunders, rapartees, anecdotes, &c', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '37', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\n\'37.\' printed to the left of the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2852.B(11).\r\nVariant has \'33\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.1(8), L.C.2852.B(6). Another variant is unnumbered. StEdNL : L.C.2847(12).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (667, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Odds and ends, or, A groat\'s-worth of fun for a penny. Being a collection of the best jokes, comic stories, anecdotes, bon mots, &c', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'106\' printed beneath the imprint and type set slightly differently. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.1(3), L.C.2852.E(9).\r\nVariant has \'P\' printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (668, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The old Scottish ballad of Andrew Lammie; or Mill of Tifty\'s Annie.', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (669, 'Lillo, George, 1693-1739', 0, NULL, 0, 'Pathetic history of George Barnwell the London apprentice; who, by keeping company, and following the advice of a woman of the town, was reduced to the lowest pitch of infamy...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '2', NULL, NULL, '72', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'72\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\n2 illustrations side by side on title page.\r\nAnonymous. By George Lillo.', NULL, 0, 'Barnwell, George.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (670, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The penny songster. No.XX.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson.(Inside : Vol.II.Aberdeen : Published by Lewis Smith. MDCCCXL.', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', 'Smith, Lewis (Aberdeen)', '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '26', 10.2, '0', 'twopence', '2d Series', '8', 'Page numbering (457-480) and paper differences suggest Neilson printed covers for pages from Smith originally intended for a book.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (671, 'Percy, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'The hermit of Warkworth: a Northumberland tale. In three parts', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcuts', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (672, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasing art of moneycatching, and the way to thrive, by turning a penny to advantage; with a new method of regulating daily expenses', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (673, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A prayer book for families and private persons... To which are added, Graces for young persons', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, NULL, NULL, NULL, '35', '\'35.\' printed below decorative border on title page.\r\nPrinted height of title page: 14.2 cm.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (674, 'Prichard, Samuel', 0, NULL, 0, 'Jachin and Boaz: or The Free Mason\'s catechism. To which is subjoined, the Mason-word', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, 'No. 144', NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'144.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (675, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent collection of the best Scotch proverbs, selected by Allan Ramsay', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '54', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nThere is a variant without \'54\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2850.D(22).\r\nThis title page has an illustration of two men standing. This differs from the item placed at [Ao].8', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (676, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The real Virginny melodist', NULL, 'Montrose : sold by James Watt, [n.d.]', 'Montrose', 'Watt, James', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1852-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcuts', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (677, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Reform and Church discipline... to which are added, State of the High Church of Paisley... also, Protest taken at the first election of a Member of Parliament to serve for Paisley, and other political documents...', NULL, '[Paisley] : Printed by Caldwell and Son for R. Smith, 1833', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (678, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A remarkable family adventure of Saunders Watson. Ghost of Bill Jones. Mysterious murders', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '2', NULL, NULL, '22', 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'22.\' printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant without \'22\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2849(12)', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (679, 'Russel, Robert', 0, NULL, 0, 'The saint\'s duty and exercise; or, An earnest invitation to the Throne of Grace. By Robert Russel of Wedhurst in Sussex.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold in Swan-Close, 1750', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1750-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 15, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (680, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scottish minstrel; containing a selection of the most popular songs of Scotland... First series', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, 'Price one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (681, 'Secker, William, d.1681?', 0, NULL, 0, 'A wedding-ring, fit for the finger: laid open in a sermon, preached at a wedding in St. Edmond\'s, by William Secker, late preacher of the Gospel. Genesis ii. 18. And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '63', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (682, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The second part of the life of Mr Alexander Peden, late minister of the Gospel at New-Glenluce in Galloway. Containing thirty new additional passages. To which is addeed, An exact copy of a letter from Mr. Alexander Peden to the prisoners of Dunottar Castle in the month of July, 1685, &c. Together with his thoughts on the Covenant of Redemption.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed in the year, M,DCC,LXXIV', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1774-01-01 00:00:00', '1774-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 15.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (683, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The select miscellany: a collection of pieces moral, historical, and humourous, by celebrated authors', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (684, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The select miscellany, a collection of pieces moral, historical, and humourous, by celebrated authors', NULL, 'Dalkeith : Printed and sold by David Lyle, [18--]', 'Dalkeith', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (685, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new Valentine writer, or Mirror of love. : A choice selection of the newest Valentine verses and acrostics...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, '32', '\'32\' printed at foot of title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (686, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The seraphim; a selection of the most popular songs', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, '11', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIn verse.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'11\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThe navy and the army : Music by Parry.\r\nThe snow-drop : Music by Bishop.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (687, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The shepherdess of the Alps, a very interesting, pathetic, and moral history', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut. - no. 97', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (688, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six favourite songs. Kathleen O\'More. The doctors. Macpherson\'s farewell. Laddie, oh leave me. The death of Nelson. Merry and wise.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '50', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'50.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, 'Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount, 1758-1805.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (689, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six popular songs. The deuks dang o\'er my Daddie. John Anderson, my jo. Fy gar rub her owre with strae. My boy Tammy. An auld man would be wooing. Banks of Allan water', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '48', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'49.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (690, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sleeping beauty of the wood, an entertaining tale', NULL, 'Edinburgh : published by R. Martin, Brown Street. MDCCCXLVI', 'Edinburgh', 'Martin, R.', NULL, '1846-01-01 00:00:00', '1846-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (691, 'Smith, William', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of the King and the cobler; (part first,) containing The entertaining and merry tricks, the droll frolicks, played by the cobler - How he got acquainted with the king, became a great man, and lived at court ever after.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the Booksellers in Town and Counry, By R. Menzies, Lawnmarket. [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Menzies, R.', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', 'Price threepence', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (692, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Thom Ruby and his social mates; to which is added, Dusty Robb\'s lament, An Irishman\'s certificate, and The excursion of three waggish lads and lassies.', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed for Willie Smith, who lives in Auld Reekie. Price THRIP Pence, 1826.', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, Willie', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '20 incl cover', 12.3, '1', '3 pence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (693, 'Smith, William', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Edinbury gleaner, being a collection of anecdotes, &c. for the amusement of youth. [No.1]', NULL, ' To be published in numbers with a beautiful wood engraving. By W. Smith, Bristo Port, Edina.', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '16 plus cover and insert sheet', 11.8, '1 [on insert sheet]', '3 pence', NULL, NULL, '16-page book has brown wrap-around printed cover and woodblock-printed oversize insert', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (694, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The song book; a choice selection of songs, duets, and glees, sung at the different places of public amusement. No. II', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'No. 87', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (695, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The song book; a choice selection of songs, duets, and glees sung at the different places of public amusement. No. IV', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'No. 89', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (696, 'Spearing, George', 0, NULL, 0, 'A wonderful account of Mr. George Spearing... who fell into a coal pit... Also, the surprising manner of his deliverance... To which is added, A hymn of praise for his deliverance. Published by himself...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by R. Menzies, [n.d.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (697, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The spouter\'s companion', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '105', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'105\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nList of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (698, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Stories of Bewick and Graham. The Berkshire lady\'s garland. And Margaret and the minister', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '102', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'102.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe Berkshire lady\'s garland : Tune - \'The Royal Forester\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (699, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Stories of The two drovers, and Countess of Exeter', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '2', NULL, NULL, '38', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'38\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (700, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The story of Aladdin, or The wonderful lamp. To which is added, The king and the cobbler', NULL, 'Montrose : Published by James Watt, [n.d.]', 'Montrose', 'Watt, James', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1852-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 9, '14', 'penny', 'Penny books. New & improved series.', '20', 'Outer cover pink, white inner. Full book size approx. 7.5cm wide x 11.8cm deep.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (701, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Story of the bitter wedding', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'19\' printed at foot of title page.\r\nVariant exists without \'19\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : L.C.2849(15)', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (702, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The story teller. The murder discovered. The widow and her son. Encounter with a lion. The soldier\'s wife. The conflict between Grand and M\'Pherson...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page. - No. 80', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (703, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Storys of the three beggars, Soldier\'s wife, Baron Trenk, and Jack Easy', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '31', 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'31\' printed at foot of title page.\r\nVariant exists without \'31\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : L.C.2849(11).', NULL, 0, 'Trenck, Friedrich, Freiherr von der, 1726-1794', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (704, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tales of instruction: in verse and prose. Containing: The hermit, by Parnel [sic]. Content, a vision, by Cotton. The Father & Jupiter, a fable, by Gay. Aparable against persecution by Franklin. And, The Wisdom of Providence: an apologue, from the German of Gellert', NULL, 'Dunbar : G. Miller, [ca.1800]', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Cheap tracts, calculated to promote the interests of religion, virtue, and humanity. No. XII', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (705, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A token for mourners. With a selection of Scripture promises, relative to the troubles of life.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '112', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'112.\' is printed bottom left of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page\r\nThere is a 4-line verse on the title page.\r\nLast page blank.\r\nPrinted height of title page 14.7 cm.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (706, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical ballad of Lord John\'s murder; together with The cruel brother', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '79', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'79.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (707, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tragical history of Jane Arnold, commonly called Crazy Jane; and Mr. Henry Percival; giving an account of their birth, parentage, courtship, and melancholy end.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, '71', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'71.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (708, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three new songs : viz. 1. The dandy, or exquisite. 2 The companion to the dandy. 3 Up an\' waur them a\', Willie', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Title at head of text. Prefatory note signed \'W.S.\'', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (709, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The vermin killer; being a complete and necessary family book...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, '39', 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'39\' printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant without \'39\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2849(8).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (710, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Some remarkable passages of the life and death of Mr Alexander Peden, late minister of the Gospel at New-Glenluce in Galloway..., [Patrick Walker]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed in the year, M, DCC, LXXIV', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1774-01-01 00:00:00', '1774-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 14.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (711, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wandering young gentlewoman, or The Cat-skins\' garland; in five parts…', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nPrinted by half-sheet imposition.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (712, 'Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748', 0, NULL, 0, 'Watts\' Divine songs for the instruction of youth..., [Isaac Watts]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1855', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', NULL, NULL, 'Price one penny.', 'New and improved series, no. 94', NULL, 'Woodcuts.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (713, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : I. The heads: or the year 1778. II. The engagement betwixt the Terrible (Captain Death Commander) and the Vengeance privateer. III. The sailor\'s farewel', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (714, 'Wilcocks, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'A choice drop of honey from the rock Christ: or, A short word of advice to all saints and sinners, by Tho. W£ilcocks. The forty-sixth edition.', '46', 'The forty-sixth Edition. Edinburgh : Printed by J. Reid, for W. Gray, front of the Exchange. MDCCLXI.', 'Edinburgh', 'Reid, J.', 'Gray, W.', '1771-01-01 00:00:00', '1771-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (715, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan, commonly called the King\'s fool', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page: Full-length figure of plump man, standing, wearing hat and laughing.\r\nTitle page has no border.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nThere is a variant with \'18\' printed at the bottom left of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2894(17).\r\nThere are two other editions with decorative borders and a different illustration on the title pages, and variant contents.', 'Fairley 235.', 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (716, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wonderful advantages of drunkenness; to which is added, Protest against whisky.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell, High Street, 1826', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (717, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wonderful adventures of sixteen British seamen; also, A cure for the toothache', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '103', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'103\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (718, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Grigor\'s ghost, an old Scotch song.', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the booksellers, [1870-1885?] ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (719, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An abridgment of the New Testament; or, the life, miracles, and death, of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. Embellished with beautiful engravings', NULL, 'Glasgow : Sold wholesale by J. Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '47', 8, '16', 'Two-pence', NULL, NULL, 'Title page on verso of wrappers.\r\nCaption title: Life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 32.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (720, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The accomplish\'d courtier; or, a new school of love: ...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by Archibald Martin, opposite the foot of Forrester\'s Wynd, Cowgate 1764', 'Edinburgh', 'Martin, Archibald', NULL, '1764-01-01 00:00:00', '1764-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (721, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of a diverting courtship, that happened in this neighbourhood. Between a woman of fourscore and a youth of eighteen, whom she married...', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (722, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Account of a dreadful murder, near Ayr, committed on the body of Mr john McLure,... Also an account od another shocking murder, committed by John Matw. Williams a few miles from Perth…', NULL, 'Copied from the Free Press Newspaper, Glasgow… Reprinted by J. Glass, Edinburgh, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Glass, J.', NULL, '1823-08-15 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (723, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A account of a most extraordinary forewarning... in the family of Lord Tyrone, in Ireland...', NULL, '[Manchester?] : [s.n.], [s.a.]', 'Manchester', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Taken from Cowdroy\'s Manchester Gazette.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (724, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of a most surprising savage girl; who was caught wild in the woods of Champagne, a province of France. Translated from the French', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (725, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the behaviour of Mrs. M\'Kinnon, who was executed at Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 16th of April, 1823, for the inhuman murder of William Howat. Also, An advice to her friends, while under sentence of death.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers. [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-04-16 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (726, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the dispute between Russia, Sweden and Denmark, and Great Britain. To which is prefixed, The outlines of the treaty of peace between Great Britain and Russia, concluded the 17th June, 1801.', NULL, 'Air : Printed by J. and P. Wilson, 1801', 'Ayr', 'Wilson, J.', 'Wilson, P.', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '0', 'two-pence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (727, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the Harmonist Society, near Pittsburgh, from Mellish\'s travels in America.', NULL, 'Glasgow : published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1821 (on back page : J. Neilson, Printer.)', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Neilson, John', '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Not listed in Roscoe & Brimmell.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (728, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the life of Gilder Roy,...', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (729, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the life, transactions, and death of Rob Roy M\'Gregor, a famous Highland chieftain', NULL, 'Edinburgh printed - price one penny (on back page)', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '0', 'one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (730, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the remarkable life and transactions of Capt. J. Hodson…', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed for this present year. [s.a.]', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 14.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (731, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An address to the Protestant interest in Scotland. Being an humble and seasonable warning, wherein is clearly demonstrated, the inexpediency and danger of repealing our penal laws against Popery, or allowing that dangerous and idolatrous religion to be openly prefest within this realm. …', 'Second edition', 'Second edition with improvements. Glasgow : Printed for W. McArthur, bookseller, Paisley.', 'Glasgow', NULL, 'McArthur, W.', '1778-01-01 00:00:00', '1779-12-31 00:00:00', '60', 13.7, '0', 'Fourpence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (732, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Admiral Duncan\'s victory over the Dutch fleet. To which is added, The rigs o\' barley.', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by W. Scott, [s.a.]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (733, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Admiral Duncan\'s victory over the Dutch fleet, Oct. 11th 1797. To which are added, No grumbling. Britain\'s guardian angels. A pye-man-\'s trip to Bagshot Camp.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (734, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, '[Adonis\' Garden.]', 'B?', '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '22 (13-34 incl.)', 14.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Pages 13-34 of a larger volume, possibly not a chapbook', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (735, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Adventures of Bamphylde Moore Carew, who was for upwards of 40 years, King of the Beggars.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (736, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The adventures of Captain Gulliver, in a voyage to Lilliput', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1815', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '47', 8.7, '11', 'Twopence', 'Ross\'s juvenile library', NULL, NULL, 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 45..', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (737, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The adventures of Captain Gulliver in a voyage to Lilliput. Embellished with beautiful coloured plates', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '28', 10.9, '11', NULL, 'Lumsden & Son\'s improved edition of coloured twopenny books embellished with numerous engravings', NULL, 'Wrappers included in pagination.\r\nTitle on wrappers: Gulliver\'s travels.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 46.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (738, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The adventures of Jack Okham & Tom Splicewell two sailors who went a pirating on the King\'s highway. How that Tom Splicewell was taken and condemned to be hanged. How his messmate Jack, applied to the king, and got him pardoned. With a copy of Jack\'s polite letter to His Majesty.', NULL, 'Stirling, : - Printed by C. Randall., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (739, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Adventures of John of Badenyon: to which is added The cold Winter. The pretty chamber-maid', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1801', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1801-02-01 00:00:00', '1801-02-28 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (740, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The affecting & tragical history of Queen Mary of Scotland: who was beheaded for High Treason against Queen Elizabeth, of England', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (741, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Age and life of man... To which is added, My dear Highland laddie, O', NULL, 'Printed and sold by J. Morren, Cowgate.', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1997-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (742, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Alibaba; or, the forty thieves destroyed by Morgiana, a female slave. On which is founded the new operatical Romance of the forty thieves.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate.[s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1997-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (743, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Allan Tine O\'Harrow; to which are added, Jack in his element. The beds of roses', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1830-1840?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (744, 'Merry Andrew at Tamtallon', 0, NULL, 0, 'The ancient and modern history of Buckhaven in Fifeshire... By Merry Andrew at Tamtallon.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, 1817', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '13', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (745, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The notted history of Mother Grim, commonly called Goody Grim\'s witty tales, very curious for a winter evening', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed this present year, [179-?]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (746, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Andrew Lammie: an ancient ballad', NULL, 'Brechin : Printed for A. Black, bookseller, 1837', 'Brechin', 'Black, Alexander', NULL, '0137-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (747, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Andrew Lamie. or, Mill of Tifties Annie.', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (748, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Andrew Lammie; or, Mill o\' Tiftie\'s Annie. This tragedy was acted in the year 1674.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (749, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Andrew Lammie (the trumpeter of Fyvie) or, Mill of Tifties\' Annie. As was composed, and acted in the year 1674.', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by and sold wholesale by P. Buchan, 1817', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (750, 'Andrews, John, of Paisley', 0, NULL, 0, 'Raising the wind; or, Habbie Simpson & his wife baith deed...', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by George Caldwell, 1858', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George, junior', NULL, '1858-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse and prose.', NULL, 0, 'Simpson, Habbie.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (751, 'Gentleman, who has paid many years particular attention', 0, NULL, 0, 'Apendix to the almanacks; or, observations on the weather... \'by a gentleman, who has paid many years particular attention…\'', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Robertson, Horse-Wynd [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, James', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (752, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The art of courtship; or, the school of Love ...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed in the year 1764.', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1764-01-01 00:00:00', '1764-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (753, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The atheist converted; or, the unbeliever\'s eyes opened...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold in Niddry\'s Wynd., [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1770-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Printer possibly Alexander Robertson.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (754, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Atholl Highlanders; or, the LXXVII Regiment\'s triumph. To which is added, Etrick Banks', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1993-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (755, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Atholl Highlanders. To which are added, The betrayed lover. And Jockey\'s far awa.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1821', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (756, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The auld goodman; or, the goodwife victorious. To which is added, The valiant soldier. Remedy for pain. Pray be quiet. Do! Patty Clover. The faithful Tar.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (757, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Auld Robin Gray, Queen of the May, Logie o\' Buchan, and A pastoral song', NULL, 'Falkirk, T. Johnston Printer, [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (758, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Auld Robin Gray, with The answer. And The death of Robin Gray. To which are added, Miss Forbes\'s farewel to Banff, and Mary\'s gane awa\'.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed in the year 1820', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (759, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Auld Rob Morris. The gowden locks o\' Anna. Corn rigs. The banks o\' Doon. Down the burn Davie. Scots wha haw wi\' Wallace bled.', NULL, 'Glasgow, - printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (760, 'Bacon, Nathaniel, 1593-1660', 0, NULL, 0, 'An awful memorial of the state of Francis Spira, after he turn\'d apostate from the Protestant Church to Popery', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, 'Spira, Francesco, d. 1548.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (761, 'Axford, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'Hidden truths come to light; or, a true concordance to the noblest of all histories of the sacred volumes, of the Old and New Testament, &c. With the true account of different passages, for the understanding of those that are to learn or can read the Bible. Both curious and entertaining. For all Christians.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by Alex Robertson, Niddry\'s Wynd. - 1784.', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1784-01-01 00:00:00', '1784-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '0', 'two-pence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (762, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The babes in the wood... To which is added, The sailor\'s adieu', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1993-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (763, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bailie Nicol Jarvie\'s journey to Aberfoil. To which are added, St. Patrick was a gentleman. And The auld sark sleeve.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by and for J. Neil, 17, Bazar, 1829 ', 'Glasgow', 'Neil, J.', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nBailie Nicol Jarvie\'s journey to Aberfoil : Air - Quaker\'s wife.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (764, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Baillie Nicol Jarvie\'s journey to Aberfoyle. Pat Murphy. The gowden locks of Anna. When Britain, first, &c', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (765, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The banished soldier. To which are added, Sailor Jack. Answer to sailor Jack. Jack in his element. Down the burn Davie. The lover\'s summons', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (766, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The banks of the Dee, with The answer. To which are added, The beggar\'s resolution. The siege of Carrick-Fergus. To Lethe repair. As sure as a gun.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (767, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The banks o\' the Devon. To which are added, The land o\' the leal, Despairing Mary, The thorn, Sleeping Maggie, Fair Helen, Hal the woodman.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (768, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bateman\'s tragedy; or, the perjured bride justly rewarded: being the history of the unfortunate love of German\'s wife and young Bateman.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall. [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (769, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Lochinvar : to which are added, The rose of Dunmore, Scottish whisky, Blythe was she but and ben, Sleeping Maggie, Shepherds, I have lost my love.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for the booksellers, [1820-1830?]', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (770, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of Chevy-Chace. An excellent old ballad', NULL, 'Edinburgh; printed for the booksellers in town and country.', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (771, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of Prestonpans; to which is added Waly, waly.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (772, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Rosline; fought on the plains of Rosline, 1803. To which are added, Nanny of the hill. The sailor\'s allegory.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (773, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Roslin, fought on the plains of Roslin, 1303, and John Highlandman\'s remarks on Glasgow.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1823 [or 1828]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nLast digit of date is indistinct in all copies examined: 1823 or 1828.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (774, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The last words of Mr. Donald Cargill, when on the scaffold, July 27th. 1681', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Hugh Duncan, and are to be sold at his shop, above the Cross, MDCCXIII [1713]', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, Hugh', NULL, '1713-01-01 00:00:00', '1713-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (775, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Battle of the Boyn; to which are added, The milking pail, Thro\' the wood laddie', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1826', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (776, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Trafalgar. To which are added, The charming beauty. The despairing shepherdess. The sailor\'s lamentation, with the answer. The green purse.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (777, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Trafalgar. To which are added, The despairing shepherdess. The parson\'s foible. Aspire no farther. The green purse.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, [No.20.] Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (778, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Waterloo; To which is added, I can\'t for I\'m in haste, My Nannie, O, and Lovely Sally\'s misfortune.', NULL, 'Glasgow : published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co, 10, Saltmarket. - 1817', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (779, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Beauties of Glasgow. To which are added, I wondered what he meant. Bonny Charley. The gleaners. She\'s what I dare not name.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (780, 'More, Hannah, 1745-1833', 0, NULL, 0, 'The beautiful and interesting account of the shepherd of Salisbury Plain', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1820-1830?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (781, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Beauty and the beast: a tale for the entertainment of juvenile readers. Ornamented with elegant engravings', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold by J. Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '49', 10.8, '7', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Label on front wrapper: Lumsden & Son\'s edition of Beauty and the beast.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 53.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (782, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The beds of roses. To which are added, Arra Captain Agra. The reformed drunkard. The choice of a wife. The choice of a husband. O! wonder to hear!', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (783, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The beds of roses. To which are added, The girl I left behind me. The lass o\' Gowrie. She\'s as the opening lily fair. The braes o\' Yarrow', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1820', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (784, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Bellfast mountains. To which are added, The second of August; and, the funny old song of The parsons fat wedder, with Let me in this ae night', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan, [1816-1831?] ', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (785, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Bennachie budget: containing The strayed ox; Stap the flood\'s wall-e\'e; Tenant-right; Huntly\'s blessin\'; and The \"occasional\" of the excise.', NULL, 'Fintray : Printed for the booksellers, 1879', 'Fintray', 'Cumming, John?', NULL, '1879-01-01 00:00:00', '1879-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe strayed ox : Tune - Send me.\r\nStap the flood\'s wall-e\'e : Tune - Jenny\'s bawbee.\r\nTenant-right : Tune - Wha wadna fecht for Charlie?\r\nHuntly\'s blessin\' : Tune - Maggy Lauder.\r\nThe \"occasional\" of the excise : Tu', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (786, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Berkshire lady, or, Batchelors of every station. In four parts, to which is added, A new song.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (787, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Berkshire lady\'s garland. In four parts', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe Berkshire lady\'s garland : Tune - The royal forrester.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (788, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Barkshire lady\'s garland: in four parts...', NULL, 'Printed for J. Wal[?]er, at the hand and Pen in High Holbourn, [s.a.]', 'London', 'Wal[?]er, J.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (789, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bess the Gawkie. To which are added, Again the wish\'d for festive hour. I\'m weel sair\'d wi\' spunk. Cherry-cheek Patty, Captain Wattle and Miss Roe. Dear is my native vale.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1828', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (790, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bess the Gawkie. To which are added, Peggy Irvine. The legacy and Gude news', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate.', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (791, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bessy Bell and Mary Gray. Cauld kail in Aberdeen. Dear Tom, this brown jug. One morning very early', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (792, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Billy and Nancy\'s parting. To which are added, A patriotic song. The young lady\'s praise. The sailor\'s rant. The joyful widower.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No.20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (793, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Billy and Nancy\'s parting. To which are added, The young lady\'s praise, and the humours of Smithfield.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (794, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Birmingham button-maker. To which are added, The tell-tale. O rare country lasses. My heart\'s my ain. The lass of Patie\'s mill.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (795, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blackbird: a selection of popular comic & love songs. From the best authors.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for the booksellers, 1834', 'Stirling', 'Johnstone, E.', NULL, '1834-01-01 00:00:00', '1834-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Printer possibly E. Johnston.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (796, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The very old song of the Roman nobleman; or, the cruel blackamoor in the wood', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed and sold wholesale by P. Buchan, 1817', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (797, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blaeberries; or, Allan\'s love, &c. To which is added, the tankard of ale.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '2012-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (798, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bold British tars... To which are added, The novice. Rejected Strephon. A good wife and a kept-up miss contrasted, with the Answer.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.\r\nThe brave tars of old England : Tune - English roast beef.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (799, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bold Dougherty and the tinker. To which are added, Edward and Betsy. The happy marriage. The Irish courtship. How happy the soldier. Thro\' the wood laddie.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (800, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bold dragoon. A wee bird cam to our ha\' door. Rest thee babe rest thee. My daddie is a canker\'d carle', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (801, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bold mariner; or, the dangers of the sea. To which are added Jamie Gay. The bold hairy cap. Merry may the maid be. The despairing lover', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1798', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '6 (5 border pieces)', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (802, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonaparte; or, The threaten\'d invasion. To which are added, The invasion. Original of Tweedside. Johnny Bluster\'s wife.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (803, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Annie\'s elopement, with the pursuit and disappointment. To which are added, The lover\'s disappointment. Phillis and Nancy. Saint Patrick\'s glory. The contented ruricolist. None so pretty.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1803 edition at Bh13-d.3', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (804, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Barbara Allan. The minstrel. Oh! Nannie, wilt thou gang wi\' me. Here awa, there awa. Naebody', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (805, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Barbara Allan; to which are added, Yarrow braes. The hills of the Highlands, The lassie I lo\'e best of a\'. Bessie Bell and Mary Gray. O meikle thinks my love.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (806, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bonny lass; a new love song. To which are added, I\'ll clout Johnny\'s grey breeks. Tell me the way to woo, and Every man take his glass', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed in the year 1822', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Publisher probably Thomas Johnston.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (807, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Bonny Lassie\'s plaidy awa, Flora\'s lament for Charlie; to which are added, The banks of the Dee, Go plaintive sounds, The lass of Ballochmyle.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by W. Macnie, bookseller, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-17', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (808, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bonny Lowland laddie. To which are added, Success to the loom. Come under my plaidy. I\'m wearing awa\' Jean. And The young maid\'s lament', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed in the year 1820 (on back page : Falkirk - T. Johnston, Printer)', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (809, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Mally Stewart; to which are added, Her blue rollin\' e\'e. The braes o\' Gleniffer. Waes me for prince Charly.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-17', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (810, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bonny Scot: to which are added, Slighted Nancy. The faithful shepherd. My love Gildroy. Fy gar rub her o\'er wi\' strae', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed by C. Randall, 1805', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (811, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bony lad, Jamie the rover, and The roving maids of Aberdeen.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (812, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bony lass, Whistle and I\'ll come to you my lad. I\'ll awa\' to Nannie. My Lady\'s gown there\'s gairs upon\'t. The birks of Aberfeldy', NULL, 'Falkirk : - pinted by T. Johnston, 1814', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (813, 'Boyd, Allan, fl. 1789-1820.', 0, NULL, 0, 'The prophecies of Thomas Rymer... wherein is contained remarks on what is already come to pass... [To] which is added, An account of the memorable battle of Bannockburn, fought in the year 1315', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (814, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The boys of Kilkenny. Paddy in London. I\'m wearing awa, Jean. Low down in the broom', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (815, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Braes of Birniebouzle. To which are added, The birks of Invermay. Merry may the maid be. Nan of Logie Green. The languishing maid.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1820', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (816, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Braes o\' Birniebouzle; To which are added, The parting kiss, Johnny Bluster\'s wife. Contented lover. Happy Dick Dawson. My Willie was a sailor bold.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nBraes o\' Birniebouzle : Air - Braes o\' Tullymet.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (817, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Braes of Yarrow. To which are added, Robin Adair. The forlorn damsel. The birth of May. The woodpecker. Lay thy loof in mine lass. Far, far at sea.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1820', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (818, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Braes o\' Gleniffer; to which are added, Nancy\'s to the Greenwood gane. The present time is ours. The miller of Dee.', NULL, 'Stirling : nprinted by W. Macnie, 1825', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (819, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A brief relation of the adventures of Bamfylde Moore Carew, for more than forty years King of the Beggars', NULL, 'George Angus, printer, Side, Newcastle, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (820, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The brisk young sailor. To which are added, The widow\'s lamentation. The dying swan. To Signora Cuzzoni.', NULL, '[Stirling?], Entered according to order, 1799.', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Printer possibly Charles Randall.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (821, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Britain\'s contest. To which are added, O rare country lasses. My heart\'s my ain. The lass of Patie\'s mill', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (822, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bruce\'s address. To which is added, My love is like a red, red rose. The ploughman. Robin Adair. Away with this sadness. Highland whisky.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, bookseller, 19 Saltmarket, 1823', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nConvivial song : Air - Green grow the rashes, O.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (823, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Bucahnshire tragedy; or, Sir James the Ross.', NULL, 'J. Morren, printer, Edinburgh, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (824, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scots Chronicle: or, a short history of Scotland...', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1808', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (825, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Buchanshire tragedy; or, Sir James the Ross: an excellent old ballad', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed and sold by P. Buchan [s.a.]', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (826, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Buchanshire tragedy; or, Sir James the Ross', NULL, '[Stirling?] : Entered according to order., 1799.', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nAnonymous. By Michael Bruce.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (827, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0, NULL, 0, 'Six songs by Burns: 1. My Nannie O. 2. The banks o\' Doon. 3. Fareweel to Ayrshire. 4. She\'s fair and fause. 5. The red red rose. 6. Green grow the rashes, O', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (828, 'Burton, Robert', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the nine worthies of the world... illustrated with poems, and the picture of each Worthy.', NULL, 'by Robert Burton. Glasgow : Printed in the year MDCCLXIX.', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1769-01-01 00:00:00', '1769-12-31 00:00:00', '156', 14.5, '10', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (829, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The buxom dame of Reading; or the cuckold\'s cap. To which are added, A smiling full bowl. Wallace\'s lament after the Battle of Falkirk. Has she not dole enough... A Summer piece. A Winter piece. Bad luck to the penny. The neat little cottage.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, [1809] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, 1809.\r\nWallace\'s lament after the Battle of Falkirk : Tune - Maids of Arrochar.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (830, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Caladonia. To which are added, Queen Mary\'s lamentation. The maid of the mill. Despairing Mary. Patriotic song. Nobody coming to marry me.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nA patriotic song : Tune - Johnny Cope.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (831, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Canty Carly; or, The raveled bridal of Achronie', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan, for A. Keith, and W. Gordon, Aberdeen, [1816-1831?] ', 'Aberdeen', 'Keith, Alexander and Gordon, William', 'Buchan, Peter', '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 12.6, '1', 'one penny', NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 12 reads : P. Buchan, printer, Peterhead.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (832, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Captain Glen\'s unhappy voyage to New Barbary; to which is added, the excellent song of The tempest', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan, [1816-1831?] ', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (833, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Captain Thunderbolt\'s garland. To which are added, The wounded Hussar. The Irish rebels. Hap me with thy petticoat', NULL, '[S.l.], entered according to order, 1799', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '5 (4 border pieces)', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (834, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, : viz. The sailor dear. The answer to The sailor dear. Pattie\'s wedding. Logan braes', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (835, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Captain Wedderburn\'s courtship to Lord Roslin\'s daughter, to which is added, Henry is true.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed in this present year, [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Printer possibly Charles Randall.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (836, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Captain Wedderburn\'s courtship. To which is added, Hey Jonnie Coup', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers. [s.a.]', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '6', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (837, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The soldier\'s wife; or, The fruits of a victory, : a lesson to Bonaparte and his admirers; to wehich is added, Hal the woodman', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (838, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The charming songster; or, chearful companion. Being a collection of choice songs. Among which are several originals. To which is added Toasts and sentiments.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by A. Robertson, and sold nat his shop in Niddry\'s-wynd 1784.', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1784-01-01 00:00:00', '1784-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 13.5, '0', '\'only fourpence\'', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (839, 'Chicken, Edward', 0, NULL, 0, 'The collier\'s wedding: a poem', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by George Angus, in the Side, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (840, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The child of a tar. The midnight bowl. Come gie\'s a sang the lady cried. The Winter sat lang on the Spring of the year.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1819', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (841, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Peridy detected! or, The children in the wood, restored', NULL, 'Banbury : Printed and sold by J.G. Rusher, Bridge-Street, [s.a.]', 'Banbury', 'Rusher, J.G.', NULL, NULL, NULL, '20', 9.4, '12', 'One penny', NULL, NULL, 'Title on front wrapper: The children in the wood, restored.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (842, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The child\'s instructor; or, picture alphabet', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale, by Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 8.9, '28', 'Twopence', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 7.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (843, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The child\'s new spelling primer; or, first book for children. To which is added The stories of Cinderella, and The little Red Riding Hood', NULL, 'Dublin : Printed by T. Wilkinson, No. 40, Winetavern-Street, 1799', 'Dublin', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 7.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (844, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The clown: to which is added, Cape of Good Hope.', NULL, '[Stirling?] Entered according to order, 1806', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Printer possibly Charles Randall.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (845, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Clydesdale wedding. To which are added, Flora\'s lament for Charly. The banks of the Dee. Go plaintive sounds', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1822', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (846, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The coalman\'s courtship. To a creel-wife\'s daughter. In three parts...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (847, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The coalman\'s courtship to the creel-wife\'s daughter. In three parts…', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', 13.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (848, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The coalman\'s courtship to the creel-wife\'s daughter. In three parts', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall.Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.8, '2 (p. 20 & 22)', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nIn prose and verse.\r\nThe pages are incorrectly imposed - the numbering sequence is as follows : [1], [2],... 16, 19, 17, 20, 18, 21, 22, [23], 24. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (849, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The coggie. Mary\'s dream. O for ane and twenty, Tam. Let\'s be jovial. Lilies of the valley.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1819', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (850, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of new songs. 1. Sally in our alley. 2. Pretty Sally\'s kind answer. 3. Green grow the rashes. 4. The Highland laddie', NULL, 'Printed by George Angus, Side, Newcastle, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (851, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of old Scottish songs; called, The haughs of Cromdale, to which is added, Jenny\'s bawbee, and Young Jamie.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1828', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (852, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of songs, &c. No. V, containing Hooly and fairly. Taste life\'s glad moments. Donald Caird. Bruce\'s address. The sprig of shillelah.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '5', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (853, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of songs, &c. No. VII…', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (854, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Collection of songs, &c. No. IX.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers. [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (855, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of songs, &c. No X.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (856, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of songs, &c. No. XVIII.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (857, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of songs, &c. No. XIX.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (858, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Come under my plaidie. On a bonny day when the heather was blooming. I loo\'d ne\'er a laddie but ane', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1819', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nCome under my plaidie : Tune - Johnny Macgill.\r\nI loo\'d ne\'er a laddie but ane : Tune - My lodging is on the cold ground.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (859, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comic reciter; a selection of the best and most popular comic pieces for recitation.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', 'one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (860, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical and merry tricks of Tom Thumb, the wonderful. To which is added, Three wishes.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell, 2, New Street, Where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive assortment of histories, songs, children\'s story books, school books, &c. &c. &c., [1828-1831?] ', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George, junior', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.6, '6', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (861, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical notes, and sayings, of the Reverend Mr. John Pettegrew, late minister of the Gospel at Long-goven, near Glasgow.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by Archibald Martin at his printing-house in the Horse Wynd, 1767.', 'Edinburgh', 'Martin, Archibald', NULL, '1767-01-01 00:00:00', '1767-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (862, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical story of Thrummy cap, and the ghaist; to which is added, William and his dog.', NULL, 'Elgin : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Elgin', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (863, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical tricks of Lothian Tom. With a selection of anecdotes.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nThe title page includes an illustration of a cow in a field. Both the illustration and the typeface on the title page are different from the copy at StEdNL : L.C.2852.A(5). The text is identical.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (864, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The considerate nymph; or, the bashful shepherd. To which are added, Ready money and no trust. The young man\'s dream. The maid\'s kind answer. The milkmaid. A maid and wife contrasted.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (865, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The constant lover\'s happy meeting; or, the faithful soldier\'s return. To which are added, Princess Elizabeth\'s lamentation. A king smitten by a beggar wench. Vauxhall watch. Nymphs of Britain.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (866, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Cottage tales for little people; or, The amusing repository for all good boys and girls', NULL, 'Glasgow : Lumsden & Son, 60 Queen-Street, Glasgow.', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 8.2, '12', 'Twopence', 'Lumsden & Son\'s juvenile library', NULL, NULL, 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 59.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (867, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The crafty chambermaid; or, beauty and virtue rewarded. In three parts.', NULL, 'printed and sold by T. Evans, No 79, Longlane, Smithfield, London, [s.a.]', 'London', 'Evans, T.', NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 15, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (868, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Crispine and Crispianus; or, the history of the gentle craft.', NULL, 'London : Printed and sold by J. Hollis, Shoemake (sic) Row, Black-Friars [s.a.]', 'London', 'Hollis, J.', NULL, NULL, NULL, '72', 14.2, '5', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (869, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The curious and entertaining history of Whittington and his cat.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers. By R. Menzies, Lawnmarket. [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Menzies, R.', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 13, '1', 'twopence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (870, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A curious catechism... Also, a copy of a petition from the grave-diggers, against Temperance Societies', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell, [ca. 1830?] ', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (871, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A curious collection of Scottish poems, in two parts…', NULL, 'Aberdeen : Printed by A. Imlay for Alex. Keith, Long Acre, and Sold by him and most other books, 1821', 'Aberdeen', 'Keith, Alexander', 'Imlay, A.', '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '54', 15.6, '0', 'sixpence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (872, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Dainty Davie. Sic a wife as Willie had. The blue-eyed lassie. The rantin dog the daddie o\'t. A plague on all musty old lubbers. O my love is like the red red rose.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (873, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dawning of the day; or, the milk maid beguiled. To which are added, Sweet Robin\'s elopement. A patriotic song. Beauty\'s blossom. The parting kiss.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (874, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The death and burial of Cock Robin', NULL, 'Printed by J. Catnach, 2, & 3, Monmouth-court, London. Sold by all booksellers.London, [s.a.]', 'London', 'Catnach, J.', NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 11.9, '17', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (875, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The death and funeral of William Stevenson, a miser who died at Kilmarnock, on the 17th July, 1820. With an account of his preparations before death. ...', NULL, 'Edinburgh; printed for the booksellers in town and country.', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-07-17 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '0', 'one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (876, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Death of Nelson. The rakish sailor. The Lanarkshire lads. And The Greenock sailor.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1819', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount, 1758-1805.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (877, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Death of Wolfe. Love has eyes. The girl of my heart. Sally Roy. Stay, traveller, tarry. The woodland maid.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Wolfe, James 1727-1759.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (878, 'Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and most surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, mariner', NULL, 'Glasgow, 1774', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1774-01-01 00:00:00', '1774-12-31 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (879, 'Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Embellished with eight elegant engravings.', 'New edition', 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '[2], 51, [2]', 11.7, '8', 'Sixpence', NULL, NULL, 'Engraved paper label on front wrapper: Lumsden & Son\'s new edition of Robinson Crusoe.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 115.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (880, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wonderful life and suffering adventures, of that renowned hero, Robinson Crusoe...', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1823', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (881, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Deil tak the wars: to which are added Tak your auld cloak about ye. Lilies of the valley. The maid who tends the goats. Ah! Chloris', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in Scotland, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (882, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A description of the Four Parts of the world. Viz. Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. With the several kingdoms, states, &c contained therein. Together with the religion, nature of the air, soil, and different traffics of each province or kingdom, &c.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '5', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (883, 'Dewar, Neil', 0, NULL, 0, 'Narrative of the shipwreck and sufferings of Neil Dewar, seaman of the Rebecca of Quebec, wrecked on the coast of Labradore, who had both his legs and arms amputated for the third time, by Drs. Corkindale and Cumin, of Glasgow. Edited by James Smith, Esq., of Jordanhill. ; edited by James Smith of Jardanhill', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed for Neil Dewar, 1843', 'Greenock', 'Dewar, Neil', 'Malcom, John', '1843-01-01 00:00:00', '1843-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 13.8, '1', 'Sixpence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (884, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The disappointed lover; to which are added, Up in the morning. Wellington\'s address. My bonny Jean', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (885, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The discreet princess; or, the adventures of Finetta. : an entertaining story for the amusement of young masters and misses.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1818', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '57', 11.6, '13', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Engraved paper label on front wrapper: Lumsden & Son\'s edition of Finetta.\r\nDedication to Lady Mary Montague by R. Samber (pp v-viii).', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 61.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (886, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The distressed sailor\'s garland. In three parts…', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (887, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A diverting courtship which lately happened in this neighbourhood, between a woman of fourscore, and a youth of sixteen, whom she married.', NULL, 'Glasgow Printed in the Saltmarket. MDCCXII.', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1712-01-01 00:00:00', '1712-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (888, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A diverting dialogue, both serious and comical. That passed the other day between a noted shoemaker and his wife, living in this neighbourhood.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1807', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (889, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Donald and Norna: a tale', NULL, 'Brechin : Printed for Alex. Black, bookseller, 1837', 'Brechin', 'Black, Alexander', NULL, '1837-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 13, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (890, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Donald Caird. The absent lover. The way-worn traveller. For lake of gold. The flowers of the forest. No more by sorrow chas\'d', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (891, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Donald M\'Donald. To which are added, The tempest. Anither gill', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed in this present year, [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1994-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Printer possibly Charles Randall.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (892, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The downfal of Buonaparte', NULL, 'Printed by J. Niven, for the Glasgow Religious Tract Society. The Society\'s tracts are sold by ...', 'Glasgow', 'Niven, J.', 'Glasgow Religious Tract Society', '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.5, '1', 'four pence per dozen, 2shillings &.8 pence per 100', 'Glasgow Religious TRact Society', '22', 'Lists bulk sellers of Glasgow Religious Tract Society publications', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (893, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Down the burn Davie. The meeting of the waters. Andro wi\' his cutty gun. The soldier\'s dream. For lake of gold', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (894, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Dragoon & Peggy. To which are added, The swain design\'d for love and me. O\'er the moor to Maggy. The generous gentleman. A good hint.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, [No. 20.] Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1802 edition at Bh13-d.3', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (895, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A dreadfule example for wicked husbands; or The Virtuous Wife in Distress', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren. [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (896, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Dragoon and Peggy. To which is added, Oxter my laddie.', NULL, 'T. Johnston,Printer, Falkirk (on last page; front page imprint possibly lost in cropping) [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1897-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (897, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Dublin baker. To which are added, Tea and brandy. The greenwood tree. Jockie lad an ye wa\'d steal me. Lovely Nancy and the handsome Sergeant. Masonry an art.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (898, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Dugald MacTaggart. The last rose of Summer. I have parks, I have grounds. I\'ll think on thee, my love. Love\'s blind, they say.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (899, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Duke of Gordon\'s three daughters, to which are added, Mary I believ\'d thee true, and Prince Charlie', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-17', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (900, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Duke of Gordon\'s three daughters. To which is added Mrs. Burns lament for Burns', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan [s.a.]', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '2016-01-01 00:00:00', '2019-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (901, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Durham garland. In four parts', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold opposite the foot of Forrester\'s Wynd, Cowgate', 'Edinburgh', 'Martin, Archibald', NULL, '1760-01-01 00:00:00', '1765-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (902, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dying groans of Sir John Barleycorn. Being his grievous complaints against the brewers of bad ale. To which is added, Donal Drouth\'s reply, with a large description of his drunken wife. Also the copy of a Summons, for any drunken person, by inserting their names in the blanks.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Published at the desire of all barley bibbers and lovers of good ale [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 16.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (903, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Easter Monday. To which are added, The milking pail, Lochaber no more, The birks of Invermay, and Miss Drummond.', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by W. Scott, [s.a.]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (904, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Easy lessons for children', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for James Duncan, Junior, bookseller, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, James', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (905, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Edwin and Emma; to which are added, The meeting of the waters, I\'m grieved to leave my comrades all, I ha\'e a wife o\' my ain', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nEdwin and Emma - anonymous. By David Mallet.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (906, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Egyptian wedding. To which are added, The pleasures of love, With The answer, Love at a wedding, and The fickle fix\'d', NULL, '[Stirling?] : Entered according to order, 1805', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1 (used sideways)', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (907, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Eight favourite songs. Hurra for the bonnets o\' blue. A soldier\'s gratitude. Thou hast left me ever, Jamie. Had I a heart for falsehood framed. Up in the morning early. On Belvidera\'s bosom lying. Away with melancholy. It is not so', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed for the booksellers, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (908, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Eight new songs. Tell her I\'ll love her, King Robert\'s address, The Lowland lads think they are fine, The garland of love, O don\'t forget me, For the sake of gold she\'s left me. The thorn. The days o\' langsyne', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston. [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (909, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An elegy on Sir Robert Grierson, of Lag. Who died December 23d, 1733. Or, The Prince of Darkness\' Lamentation for the Laird of Lag, and others.', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (910, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The enchanted lover, with the answer. To which are added, Bonny Ketty sitting spinning; and Bess in Bedlam.', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan, 1817.', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (911, 'Day, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'The entertaining & instructing history of little Jack. Embellished with eight elegant engravings', 'New edition', 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 11.6, '8', 'Sixpence', NULL, NULL, 'Paper label on front wrapper: Lumsden & Son\'s edition of Little Jack.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 93.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (912, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The entertaining storyteller... To which are added, A receipt for lowness of spirits. Description of the different kinds of drunkenness. And the Irishman\'s new method of challenging a jury', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1801', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (913, 'Erskine, Ebenezer, 1680-1754', 0, NULL, 0, 'The believer exalted in imputed righteousness: a sermon preached at a sacramental occasion. By the late Rev. Mr Ebenezer Erskine, Minister of the Gospel at Stirling.', NULL, 'Glasgow : [Slexander Adam?], [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Adam, Alexander', 'Caldwell, George', '1774-01-01 00:00:00', '1782-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (914, 'Erskine, Ralph, 1685-1752', 0, NULL, 0, 'The River of Life; proceeding out of the throne of God, and of the Lamb, a sermon preached immediately before the Sacrament of the Lord\'s Supper, at Dunfermline, July 6th, 1735.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Alex. Adam. for George Caldwell, bookseller, near the Cross, Paisley. MDCCLXXVII', 'Glasgow', 'Adam, Alexander', 'Caldwell, George', '1778-01-01 00:00:00', '1778-12-31 00:00:00', '40', 15.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (915, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Esk Mill, Tune - Banks of the Devon. To which are added, The Scottish exile, Woo\'d and married an\' a\'. The galley slave. The beds of roses.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1820', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (916, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The ewie wi the crooked horn. The maid in Bedlam. Whate\'er my lot. Life is like a Summer flower', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (917, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent collection of popular songs; 1. My Nannie, O. 2. The soldier\'s adieu. 3. Kate Kearney. 4. King Robert\'s address. 5. Gloomy Winter\'s now awa\'. 6. Old Towler. 7. Judy O\'Flannikin. 8. This is no mine ain lassie.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (918, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent collection of popular songs; viz. 1. A jolly Jack Tar. 2. Once more I\'ll tune. 3. My deary, if thou die. 4. The cobbler. 5. Ah, well-a-day, my poor heart!', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country. [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (919, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The excellent old Scots song of the blaeberry courtship. To which is added, The crook and plaid', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (920, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent old Scottish song. The blaeberry courtship.', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed for the booksellers by J. M\'Nairn, [n.d.]', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (921, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent old song, intitled Young Beichan and Susie Pye. To which is added, Britannia\'s call.', NULL, 'Glasgow : published by J. Lumsden and Son, 1821. (On back cover:) J. Neilson, printer.', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Printer was John Neilson', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 150.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (922, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The exploits of wise Willie, and Witty Eppie, the ale-wife of Buckhaven.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1820-1830?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (923, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The face of our King is the picture for me, to which are added, Jamie Gay on the River Tweed, Buxom Nan of Dover, and, Molly Malone.', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by W. Scott, [s.a.]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (924, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The factor\'s garland, and The cruel Captain. In four parts', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (925, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The factor\'s garland. In four parts', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (926, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The factor\'s garland. In four parts.... To which is added, Beauty & rigour.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, [20.] Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (927, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Fair Margaret\'s misfortunes; To which are added, A cogie of ale. The weary pund o\' tow. Song in Rosina.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (928, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Fair Margaret\'s misfortunes; to which are added, A cogie of ale. The weary pund o\' tow. Song in Rosina.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (929, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The faithless sea-captain: a love song, in three parts', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed in the year 1821 (on back : \'Falkirk - T. Johnston, printer\')', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (930, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A false friend... To which are added, Ad. Duncan\'s victory over the Dutch fleet. The auld man\'s best argument. Lay thy loof in mine lass. Sylvia\'s charms.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, [No.20.] Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (931, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Famous and memorable history of the battle of Chevy-Chace... To which is added an old ballad on the same subject', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers. No. IX. [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (932, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous and memorable history of the battle on Chevy-Chace... To which is added, an old ballad on the same subject', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1811', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1811-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 'Percy, Henry, Lord, 1364-1403.\r\nDouglas, James Douglas, Earl of, ca. 1', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (933, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous history of Friar Bacon...: with the lives and deaths of the two conjurers, Bunget and Vandermast.', NULL, 'London : Printed and sold by J. Hollis, No. 21, Shoemaker-Row, Blackfriars, [s.a.]', 'London', 'Hollis, J.', NULL, NULL, NULL, '72', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (934, 'Bicknell, Mrs', 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous history of the whimsical Mr. Spectator. By the famous Mrs Bicknell with agreeable letters, both witty and very entertaining for a winter\' evening, or a summers retreat.', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed by A. Robertson oposite to the Old Assembly Close., [1785-1795?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander?', NULL, '1785-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', '2d', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (935, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous sea-fight between Capt. Ward and the Rainbow: To which is added, The haughs of Crumdel…', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson for G. Caldwell, [s.a.]', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', 'Neilson, John', '1784-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (936, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A famous sea-fight between Capt. Ward, and the Rainbow. To which is added, The ship paid off. Jack Tar. Jolly toper', NULL, 'Printed by J Chalmers & Co, Castlestreet, Aberdeen, [s.a.]', 'Aberdeen', 'Chalmers, James', NULL, '1771-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (937, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The farmers glory', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (938, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The first part of the history of the king and the cobbler…', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by G. Angus in the Side, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '11', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (939, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five comic songs. The sawyer and the lawyer. Paddy\'s balloon. Neighbour Sly. What are you at? What are you after? and Peg Briggs and her pigs', NULL, 'Falkirk, sold by T. Johnston. [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (940, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent love songs, called We\'ve ay been provided for, &c. The Bologne expedition, The chains of love, The time to love, The lee rigs.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1808', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (941, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs; called The disappointed sailor. The rapture. Teach me the art of love. Lord Thomas of Winsbery. The ship paid off', NULL, 'printed by J. Chalmers & Co Castlestreet Aberdeen, [s.a.]', 'Aberdeen', 'Chalmers, James', NULL, '1771-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (942, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs; entituled I. An American song, to the Sons of Liberty. II. A new song on America. III. A song in praise of the Light Infantry. IV. The female dragoon. V. The sailor\'s lamentation.', NULL, '[Stirling?] : Printed in the year 1775', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1775-01-01 00:00:00', '1775-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (943, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent songs. The Bay of Biscay. Sandy Gray. Tom and Poll. There\'s nae luck about the house. O\'er the water to Charlie', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1830-1840?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (944, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs, entitled, The cottager\'s daughter. Dulce domum. Toby Filpot. The beggar girl. Eliza.', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed by C. Randall, [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nThe sailor dear : Tune - The vicar and Moses.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (945, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs, viz. The chapter of kings. Paddy Bull\'s expedition. Poor Emma. Hey for a lass wi\' a tocher. The meadows look cheerful.', NULL, 'J. Robertson, printer, Horse-Wynd, Edinburgh, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, James', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (946, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs, viz. The exile of Erin. Crazy Jane. Listen to the voice of love. And saw will we yet. Parting moments.', NULL, 'J. Robertson, printer, Horse-Wynd, Edinburgh, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, James', NULL, '1993-01-01 00:00:00', '2006-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (947, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs, viz. The lammy. Flowers of the forest. The weary pund o\' tow. Jockey. Cowden-Knowes.', NULL, 'J. Robertson, printer, Horse-Wynd, Edinburgh, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, James', NULL, '1993-01-01 00:00:00', '2006-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (948, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs, viz. The shipwreck. The shipwreck\'d tar. The brown jug. The mariner\'s wife. Jenny\'s bawbie.', NULL, 'J. Robertson, printer, Horse-Wynd, Edinburgh, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, James', NULL, '1993-01-01 00:00:00', '2006-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (949, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs, viz, We\'ll hap and row the feety o\'t. The lass of Patie\'s mill. The poor little blind beggar boy. Dumbarton\'s drums. The old man\'s song', NULL, 'Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1993-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (950, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five favourite new songs, viz. A wonderful song. Yougal harbour. The new way of, my coggie: Britons strike home. The hero comes.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (951, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five favourite songs. Allan Water. O life is like a summer flower. My Highland home. A trip to Loch Lomond. The blythesome bridal', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (952, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five favourite songs. The bonny lass of Auchinbee. Flora\'s lament. My Highland home. Donnel and Flora. The Highland minstrel boy.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1830-1840?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (953, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five new songs. Namely, The sailor\'s adieu. The sailor\'s return. A choice duck. The sovereign bank. The drummer', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (954, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five new songs. Neil Gow\'s farewel to whisky The Stirlingshire ploughman. My Jean and native Caledonia. From the Forth to the Barn. The Traquire shepherds', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1993-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (955, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five old Scottish ballads. Bessy Bell and Mary Gray. Down the burn Davie. My joe Janet. Hooly and fairly. Waly, waly, gin love be bonny', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (956, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five popular songs: Culloden day. Hame, hame, hame. Bonnie Charlie. Contented wi\' little. Lewie Gordon.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by R. Taylor, [1825-1826?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Robert', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 10.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (957, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five popular songs. There came to the beach. Jim Crow\'s trip to Greenwich. My mither ment my auld breeks. Lash to the helm. Braes o birniebouzle.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (958, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five Scots comic songs. Rab Roryson\'s bonnet. Meg\'s dochter. Bobing John. The carle he cam o\'er the craft. My love she\'s but a lassie yet.', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (959, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. Black eyed Susan. O gin my love were yon red rose. My tocher\'s the jewel. Bessy\'s lament. The undaunted maiden.', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (960, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. Bruce\'s address. The maid of Erin. The birks of Invermay. The braes of Balquhither. The craigs o\' Kyle', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (961, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. George Reilly\'s return. Auld Robin Gray. The banks of the Dee. Robin Adair. Dainty Davie', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren.', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1993-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (962, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. Loudon\'s woods and braes. The peck o\' maut. Paddy\'s seven ages. The Rose of Dunmore. Sleepin\' Maggy', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (963, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. O Willie is a canty chiel. John Anderson my jo, New edition. The weary pund o\' tow. I dearly love my Jean. What ails you Pate', NULL, 'Falkirk- printed by R. Taylor, [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Robert', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (964, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. The banks of Clyde. Within a mile of Edinburgh town. The sailor from Dover. The Scots Fuzileers. The beggar girl', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (965, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. The happy farmer. Expedition to Dunkirk. Sally M\'Ghee. The county of Cavin. The happy man', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1997-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (966, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. The lad the lasses wish to have. The Irish divorce. The hero of Ballinacrazy. Boys of Kilkenny. The lass in yon town', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (967, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. The rigs of barley. Crabbit Carlin. The lass of Cartside. Lovely Nan. The revengeful lover', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (968, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. The sailor\'s dream. We\'ve aye been provided for. Siege of Copenhagen. The Canadian boat song. Ellen of the Dee', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (969, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. The sprig of Shillelah. The chapter of toddling. The Scottish exile. The true lovers. The drunkard reformed', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (970, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. The star of the east. The braes of Bewhither. Paddy Whack. Every thing has but its time. Ballendine Braes', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (971, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. Whistle o\'er the lave o\'t. Auld Janet Baird. The boatie rows. I gaed a waefu\' gate yestreen. Auld John Borthwick.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Book printed by half-sheet imposition.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (972, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. Willie was a wanton wag. Bailie Nicol Jarvie\'s journey to Aberfoil. Whistle, and I\'ll come to you. Bonny Johnnie Lowrie. Scottish whiskie', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nBaillie Nicol Jarvie\'s journey to Aberfoil! : Air - Quaker\'s wife.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (973, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The flower of Dumblane... To which is added, We\'ve ay been provided for. The tankard of ale... And Ianthe the lovely', NULL, 'Falkirk - T. Johnston, printer, 1814', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (974, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The flowers of the forest. The shipwreck; or, the Middlesex Flora. The battle of Flowden-Hill, and Kate of Aberdeen', NULL, 'Falkirk - printed by T. Johnston, 1817', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (975, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The flowers of the forest. The soldier\'s return. Corn rigs are bonny. Blyth, blyth & merry was she', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1825] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (976, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The folly of witless women displayed; or, the history of haverel wives: written by Humphray Clinker the clashing wives clerk.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the company of flying stationers, in town and country. MDCCLXXXI.', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1781-01-01 00:00:00', '1781-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2 decorative bloclks on front cover', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (977, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dominie depos\'d... To which is added, Maggy Johnston\'s elegy', NULL, '[Paisley?] : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (978, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The forlorne damsel. To which are added, The handsome country maid. Tom and Polly\'s courtship. Cruel Nell. The linen weavers.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (979, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, 1, Auld Robin Gray. 2, Auld Robin\'s answer. 3, The tankard of ale. 4, The Galloway shepherds.', NULL, 'Printed and sold in Niddry\'s-Wynd, 1778', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1778-01-01 00:00:00', '1778-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (980, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, viz. The blithsome bridal. The chapter of fashions. Tweed-side. The definition', NULL, 'J. Robertson, printer, Horse-Wynd, Edinburgh, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, James', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (981, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent songs; viz:- The boatie rows. The lass of Patie\'s mill. Jock o\' Hazledean. Tak\' your auld cloak about ye.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by E. Johnstone, bookseller, [ca. 1835?] ', 'Stirling', 'Johnstone, Ebenezer', NULL, '1835-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (982, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, viz. The cottager\'s daughter. Lilies of the valley. Ca\' the ewes. Braw lads on Yarrow Braes. Banks of bonny Doune', NULL, 'J. Robertson, printer, Horse-Wynd, Edinburgh, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, James', NULL, '1993-01-01 00:00:00', '2006-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (983, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs; 1. The cries of Edinburgh. 2. Tamie Lamie\'s cure for a drunken wife. 3. The jolly miller. 4. The braw lads of Gala-water', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed in Niddery\'s-wynd. [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1773-01-01 00:00:00', '1785-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (984, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. I. The deserter. II. The wounded swain. III. Sailor Jack with the answer. IV. A favourite song.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year 1789', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1789-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (985, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, Dogs. Domestic bliss. Obstinate dog. Britannia at Nelson\'s tomb', NULL, 'J. Robertson, printer, Horse-Wynd, Edinburgh, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, James', NULL, '1993-01-01 00:00:00', '2006-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (986, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, viz. The drunken sexton. The raw recruit. Long life to the petticoat. Bob of Dunblane.', NULL, 'J. Robertson, printer, Horse-Wynd, Edinburgh, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, James', NULL, '1993-01-01 00:00:00', '2006-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (987, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, viz. Feyther and I. O dear, ladies I have plenty. The wig, the hat, and the cane. Free gardeners.', NULL, 'J. Robertson, printer, Horse-Wynd, Edinburgh, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, James', NULL, '1993-01-01 00:00:00', '2006-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (988, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent songs, viz. Genius of gardnery, Poor Jack, Rose of Glenrino, and The banks and braes of bonny Doon', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed and sold by P. Buchan, [1816-1831?] ', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThe rose of Glenrino : Tune - Woo\'d an\' married an\' a\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (989, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. The great messenger of mortality; or, a dialogue betwixt Death and a lady. To which are added, The sailor from Dover', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (990, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. Viz. I. The Highland drum. II. The haughs of cromdale. III. The miller of Dee. IV. Roslin castle', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed June 5th, 1776', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1776-06-05 00:00:00', '1776-06-05 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (991, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. The Highland laddie, Bonny Annie, Doctor Stafford, The true lovers farewel.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1997-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', NULL, 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (992, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, viz. Kelly-burn Braes. The lee rig. The rose\'s hue. The sun in the West, fa\'s to rest in the e\'enin\'', NULL, 'J. Robertson, printer, Horse-Wynd, Edinburgh, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, James', NULL, '1993-01-01 00:00:00', '2006-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (993, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs; called Ketty\'s love to Jocky. Johnny\'s kind answer. The fair maid. The longing maid', NULL, 'Printed by J. Calmers & Co Castlestreet Aberdeen, [s.a.]', 'Aberdeen', 'Chalmers, James', NULL, '1771-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (994, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, Louden\'s bonny braes. The Greenock sailor. The cropy boy\'s lamentation. The tanner and Molly', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1997-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (995, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs: viz. - The maid of Lodi. Is there a heart. Came ye o\'er frae France. Falkirk Muir,', NULL, '[Falkirk : Printed by R. Taylor], Printed in the year 1825', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Robert', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 10.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon on p. 8 reads : Falkirk, Printed by R. Taylor.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (996, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four highland comic songs. The turnimspike. The auld Highlandman. Her nainsel tuked amang her head. Haud awa\' frae me, Donald', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (997, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four love songs. Mary I believ\'d thee true. I had a horse. The disappointment. Gaberlunzie man', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (998, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four popular songs: viz. What murrian now. The German Lairdie. Kenmure\'s on and awa. And The miller', NULL, '[Falkirk] : R. Taylor, Printer, Falkirk, [1825-1826?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Robert', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (999, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. Bundle and go. A new love song. The buxom young dame. Love and duty', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '2005-01-01 00:00:00', '1940-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1000, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. Doctor Stafford and the weaver\'s daughter. The sailor prentice boy. Donald of Dundee. Never think of a man', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate.', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1997-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1001, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. Donald McDonald. Answer to the happy stranger, And sae will we yet. O\'er the muir', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1002, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. Ewebuchts Marion. The dawtie. Country lassie. Johnny\'s grey breeks', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1003, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. Humours of Bartholemy Fair. Jockey the shepherd. The battle of Vittoria. Bonaparte\'s rout; or, the 18th of June.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1997-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1004, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. King-making Bonaparte. Poor old horse. The whistling maid. Lash\'d to the helm', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1997-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1005, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. King Solomon\'s temple. The accepted Mason. The obstinate sailor dog. Death of General Moore.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1997-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1006, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. The adventurous sailor. Larry O\'Lash\'em. The land of shillellah. The restoration of the Bourbons', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. MORREN, Cowgate [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1007, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. The banks of Claudy. Roger the miller. The mariner\'s compass. Wonderful old man', NULL, '[Kilmarnock] : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1008, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. The Flower of Caledonia. Female coachman. Maid of Ryegate. The banks of a river.', NULL, 'Edinburgh,printed by J. Morren, Cowgate [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1009, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. The flower of Dumblane. Jamie is slain in the wars I\'m afraid. The banks of the Dee. Bonny Dundee', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1997-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1010, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. The way for to woo. The disappointed sailor. The wounded sailor\'s complaint. Bonaparte\'s flight', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1997-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1011, 'Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790', 0, NULL, 0, 'The way to wealth, with maxims for married ladies and gentlemen, &c.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', 'one penny', 'New and Improved Series', '7', 'Illustration on title page\r\nTable of contents on p.[2].', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1012, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Fraserburgh wedding! being a diverting account of Willy Lawson\'s courtship with Bessy Gibb also, two love letters. . .', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1013, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The free-mason\'s garland, containing The building of Solomon\'s Temple, a masonic song. A new song, by a brother of St. Luke\'s Lodge, Edinburgh and Maggie\'s lament.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed in the year 1821', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1014, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The free-mason\'s garland, containing The building of Solomon\'s Temple: a Masonic song, A new song, by a Brother of St. Luke\'s Lodge, Edinburgh, and Maggie\'s Lament', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed in the year 1821 (On back page : Falkirk - T. Johnston, printer.)', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1015, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The free-mason\'s garland, containing The building of Solomon\'s Temple, A masonic song. A new song, by a brother of St Luke\'s Lodge, Edinburgh. And Maggie\'s lament.', NULL, 'Falkirk : [T. Johnston, Printer], Printed in the year 1821', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.\r\nThe building of King Solomon\'s Temple, a masonic song : Tune - Derry-down, down.\r\nA mason song. By a brother of the Lodge of St. Luke, Edinburgh : Tune - I', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1016, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The French convert; being a true revelation of the happy conversion of a noble Fench lady, from the errors and superstitions of Popery, to the reformed religion, by means of a Protestant gardener, her servant.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '82', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1017, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The friar & boy; or, the young piper\'s pleasant pastime...', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1018, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Full and particular account of the trial and condemnation of Mess John Presbytery, who is to be hanged on or before - day of May 1798.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for and sold by A. Guthrie, No. 25. South Bridge, 1798', 'Edinburgh', 'Guthrie, A.', NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '18', 15.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1019, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun; or, the humours of a Fair. : Giving a description of the curious amusements in early life: also an account of a mountebank doctor and his merry Andrew.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Sold by J. Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '48', 8.6, '16', 'Twopence', NULL, NULL, 'First and last leaves are paste-downs on plain wrappers. Most illustrations are terracotta and on one side of paper.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 72.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1020, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Funny Joe\'s laughable budget of wit; a selection of choice bon mots; repartees, anecdotes, &c.', NULL, 'Ayr : Printed and sold by D. Macarter & Co., [s.a.]', 'Ayr', 'Macarter, David & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1021, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Galloway shepherds. To which are added, The Royal Highlander\'s farewel. Love inviting reason. The new way of Lochaber. With the answer', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 15.2, '6 (5 border pieces)', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1022, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gammer Gurton\'s Garland of nursery songs, and Toby Tickle\'s Collection of riddles. Compiled by Peter Puzzlecap, Esq.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale, by Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 8.1, '24', 'Twopence', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 17.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1023, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of bells, wherein each rings to its proper tune', NULL, 'Printed for J. Bell, on the Quay, by George Angus, in the Side, Newcastle, MDCCCXV', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Bell, John', 'Angus, George', '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '9', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1024, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs, containing, 1. God save the King. 2. Rule Britannia. 3. The invasion. 4. All on board of a Man of War. 5. The faithful lover', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by M. Angus and Son, in the Side. [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', 'Angus, son of Angus M. (possibly George?)', '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1025, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs, containing, 1. The little P.D. 2. John Diggons. 3. Dick Dock. 4. I were Yorkshire too. 5. Love and whiskey.', NULL, 'M. Angus & Son, Printers, Newcastle, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus. M.', 'Angus (son of Angus, M.)', '1980-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1026, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. The battle of the Nile. Tom Starboard. The sailor\'s adieu. Tom Bowling. True courage. The sea boy.', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1027, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. The Bay of Biscay, O. All\'s well. Poor Joe the Marine. The mid watch. The sea-boy. The sailor\'s adieu', NULL, 'Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, Newcastle, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1028, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. Jessie the flower o\' Dumblane. O stay my love. Lilies of the valley. Sally Roy. Dear maid I love thee. Just like love. Green grow the rashes, O. Far, far at sea.', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1029, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. The raw recruit. Major Macpherson. Caleb Quotem. Young love among the roses.', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '2018-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1030, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. The tempest. The old commodore. Sweet Poll of Plymouth. Tom Starboard', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1031, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'General Abercrombie\'s elegy. To which are added, John o\' Badenyon. And Address to Sandy.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1821', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nGeneral Abercrombie\'s Elegy : Tune - Mourn for Melpomene.\r\nAddress to Sandy : Air - The hills o\' Glenorchy.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1032, 'Genlis, Madame', 0, NULL, 0, 'The solitary family; or, the Norman hut.', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by G. Angus, in the Side [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1033, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The genuine history of John M\'Pherson, Pat Fleeming, and Dick Balf, three notorious Irish robbers. Also, An account of the life of Gilder Roy.', NULL, 'Glasgow, published by R. Hutchison, bookseller, 16 Saltmarket [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1034, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'George and Britain save; to which are added The plowman\'s ditty, Lay thy loof in mine, lassie, By Logan streams.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nTitle page contains an illustration of a sailing ship. Ths differs from the copy at L.C.2874(14) StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1035, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The ghost of my uncle. To which is added, The out-witted tax-gatherer.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, '25', 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'25\' printed at foot of title page.\r\nVariant exists without \'25\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : L.C.2849(16).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1036, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gill Morice. To which is added, The crabit carline.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1037, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An Gille Dubh Ciar-dhubh. Do dh Inghean fir thir na Dris, le Mac fir Dhail\'neas. Chuireadh air leth fear air calpa na tairne', NULL, '[Inveraray] : Printed for and sold by the publisher, Inverary, [ca. 1815] ', 'Inveraray', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nProbably printed by by Thomas Duncan in Glasgow, with an Inveraray imprint, for Paruig Tuainer, (Peter Turner) a chapman, and sold throughout the Highlands.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1038, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The girl I left behind me, with The answer. To which are added, Anna\'s urn, all my comfort! and Low down in the broom.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1039, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The golden bull. In four parts...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country. [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1040, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The golden bull; or, the crafty princess\'s garland, in four parts', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1997-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1041, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gow\'s fareweel to whisky; to which are added, Oh take me to your arms. The Gaberlunzie man. Up in the morning.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Gow, Niel, 1727-1807.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1042, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical and witty jokes of John Falkirk the merry piper; when in courtship to an old fiddler\'s widow, who wanted all the teeth. With a copy of the love-letter he sent to her, who is commonly called F-ting Betty.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed in the year 1777.[on back page : \'From John Kirk\'s Wind-mill at Corky Crown.\']', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1777-01-01 00:00:00', '1777-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1043, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John and his twelve misfortunes, which happened all in twelvedays after the unhappy day of his marriage.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers. [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1044, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John, and his twelve misfortunes...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the company of flying stationers, in town and country. MDCCLXXX.', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1045, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John and his twelve misfortunes…', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1821', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1046, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John and his twelve misfortunes, which happened all in twelve days after the unhappy day of his marriage.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, '53', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nTitle page includes illustration of a laughing \'fool\'. There is a border on the title page. This differs from the copy at L.C.2852.C(3). StEdNL.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\n\'53.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1047, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John, and his twelve misfortunes', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1048, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical sayings of Paddy from Cork, with his coat buttoned behind... with Paddy\'s catechism, and his Supplication when a mountain sailor', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, '21', 'Illustration on title page of man carrying scythe.\r\n\'21\' printed below border.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1049, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical sayings of Pady from Cork, with his coat button\'d behind. In three parts. To which is added, Pady\'s humble petition, and A creed for Irish Roman believers.', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1050, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical sayings of Pady from Cork, with his coat button\'d behind. Being an elegant conference betwixt English Tom and Irish Teague: - with Pady\'s catechism, his opinion on Purgatory, the state of the dead, - and his supplication when a mountain sailor. To which is added, his creed for all Romish believers.', NULL, 'Edinburgh; printed by J. Morren, Campbell s Close, Cowgate [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attribution to D. Graham seems spurious.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1051, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical transactions of Lothian Tom. In six parts…:', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1823', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Kilmarnock - printed by H. Crawford. And sold by him wholesale and retail, at his shop, at the cross; - where may be had, Bibles, Testaments and Psalm books, gilt and plain, - also, the following c', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1053, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun; or, the comical and merry tricks of Leper the tailor. In two parts', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Campbell\'s Close, Cowgate [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attribution to D. Graham seems spurious.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1054, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun; or, the comical and merry tricks, of Leper the tailor. In two parts.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1055, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun; or, the comical merry tricks of Leper the taylor: in two parts. To which are added, The grand solemnity of the taylor\'s funeral, who lay nine nights in state on his own shop-board. Together with his last will.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year 1816.', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1056, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun: or, the comical and merry tricks of Leper, the taylor, in two parts', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by William MacNie, And sold wholesale and retail, 1828', 'Stirling', 'MacNie, William', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1057, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Grannie McNab\'s lecture in the Society of Clashing Wives, Glasgow, on witless mothers and their skyracket dandy daughters, who bring them up to hoodwink the men, and decive them with their braw dresses, when they can neither wash a sark, mak\' their own parritch, or gang to the well.', NULL, 'Edinburgh:- Printed for the booksellers in town and country [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1058, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history and comical transactions of Lothian Tom. In six parts...', NULL, 'Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. Printers, Stirling. [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Fraser, John', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1059, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history and comical transactions of Lothian Tom. In six parts…', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, [No, 18] Saltmarket, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Roberston, Matthew', '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1060, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history and melancholy misfortunes of Simple John, the sackweaver. Giving a particular account of his courtship and marriage to a scolding wife - which has been a mortifying misery to many a poor man', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for, and sold by William Cameron, and other booksellers [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Cameron, William', NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', 'one penny', NULL, NULL, 'Attribution to D. Graham seems spurious', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1061, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of John Cheap, the chapman. Containing above a hundred merry exploits done by him, and his fellow traveller, Drouthy Tom, a sticked shaver.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed, and sold by M. Randall. [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1062, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of John Cheap the chapman: containing above a hundred merry exploits done by him and his fellow traveller, Drowthy Tom, a sticked shaver. In three parts.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, MDCCXCVIII.', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1063, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of John Cheap the chapman... In two parts', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in Scotland, [1810-1820?]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1064, 'Clinker, Humphrey', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the haveral wives; or, the folly of witless women displayed.', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1065, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the Haverel Wives: or, the folly of witless women displayed. Written by Humphray Clinker the clashing wives clerk... To which is added an oration on the virtues of the old women, and the pride of the young... Dictated by Janet Clinker…', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attribution to D. Graham seems spurious.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1066, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'An impartial history of the rise, progress, and extinction of the late rebellion in Britain, in the years 1745 and 1746...', 'Third edition with amendments', 'Glasgow : Printed by John Robertson, MDCCLXXIV', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, John', NULL, '1774-01-01 00:00:00', '1774-12-31 00:00:00', '196', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1067, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'An impartial history of the rise, progress, and extinction of the late rebellion in Britain, in the years 1745 and 1746...', 'Eighth', 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '172', 11.5, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1068, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'An impartial history of the rise, progress, and extinction of the late rebellion in Britain, in the years 1745 and 1746...', 'Ninth edition', 'Falkirk, 1812', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1069, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Janet Clinker\'s oration on the virtues of the old women and the pride of the young.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1070, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'John Falkirk\'s cariches. And Janet Clinker\'s oration, on the virtues of old women, and the pride of the young.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year 1823', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1072, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry tricks of Leper the taylor. In two parts', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1073, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scots piper\'s queries: or, John Falkirk\'s cariches, made both plain and easy.', NULL, 'Stirling, : -Printed by C. Randall,, [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nJohn Falkirk is a pseudonym.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1074, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The whole proceedings of Jocky and Maggy: in five parts', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '48', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attribution to D. Graham seems spurious.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1075, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The whole proceedings of Jockey and Maggy: in five parts...', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, 1814. Carefully corrected and revised by the Author.', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 14.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1076, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The whole proceedings of Jocky and Maggys courtship with the great diversion that ensued at their wedding. In three parts', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers. [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '20', 13.1, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1077, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The whole proceedings of Jockey and Maggy. In five parts.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. & J. Robertson, M,DCC,LXXIX.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. & J.', NULL, '1779-01-01 00:00:00', '1779-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 14, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Note says: \'Carefully corrected and revised by the author\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1078, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The whole proceedings of Jockey & Maggy\'s courtship with the great diversion that ensued at their bedding. In three parts.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, 1815', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1079, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The whole proceedings of Jockey & Maggy\'s courtship and marriage. In five parts…', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 14.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1080, 'Grant, Joseph', 0, NULL, 0, 'The warlock of Glendye; from \"Tales of the glens\" by the late Joseph Grant', NULL, 'Brechin : Alexander Black, bookseller : Printed by Black and Co., [s.a.]', 'Brechin', 'Black, Alexander', NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', 14, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1081, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Greenock railway. The snow-drop. O what will a\' the lads do. All\'s well. A man without a wife.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '35', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'35\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1082, 'Guthrie, James, 1612?-1661', 0, NULL, 0, 'A cry from the dead; or, the ghost of the famous Mr. James Guthrie appearing. Being the last sermon he preached in the pulpit of Stirling, before his martyrdom at Edinburgh, June 1661. To which is added, His last speech upon the scaffold.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. & J. Robertson, M,DCC,LXXVII.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, John', 'Robertson, James', '1777-01-01 00:00:00', '1777-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, 'minor decorations only', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1083, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hallow fair. To which are added, Queen Mary\'s lamentation. The contented lover. Ungrateful Nanny. Homeward bound.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1084, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hallow fair; to which are added, Queen Mary\'s lamentation, The contented lover, Ungrateful Nanny, Homeward bound', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1826', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1085, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Halucket Meg. Bess the gawkie. The mansion of peace. Poor little Jane', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1819', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1086, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Hark, hark, from the shore; to which are added, Culloden day. Lewis Gordon. Young Henry. The thorn.', NULL, 'Edinburgh; printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1087, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The haughs of Crumdel... To which are added, I\'d think on thee my love. Mutual love. The fumbler\'s rant', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1088, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The heaving of the lead. Lash\'d to the helm. The lass o\' Arranteenie. Cauld blaws the wind. Dearest Ellen. From the white-blossomed sloe.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1825] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1089, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The heroic exploits of Sir William Wallace and King Robert Bruce...', NULL, 'Falkirk : printed by T. Johnston, 1813', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1813-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1090, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hero of Ballinacrazy. Fly not yet. The tempest. The year that\'s awa', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1091, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The highland laddie. Pray, Goody. Kate Kearney. With the answer. The fairest of the fair. Hal the woodman', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1092, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The highland piper\'s advice to drinkers. To which are added, Home, sweet home, Wallace\'s lament, Connel and Flora, Here is the glen, Oh hey Johny lad, and Charlie is my darling', NULL, 'Airdrie : Printed by J. & J. Neil. Bookbinders, and printers, No. 21 High Street, where ..., [s.a.]', 'Airdrie', 'Neil, J. and J..', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1093, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The highland plaid; to which are added, The way worn traveller. Lament for Burns. Logan braes. From night till morn. Dame Durden.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1094, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history and adventures of Obi; or, three-fingered Jack. Embellished with beautiful coloured plates', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '28', 10.8, '11', NULL, 'Lumsden & Son\'s improved edition of coloured twopenny books embellished with numerous engravings', NULL, 'Wrappers included in pagination.\r\nTitle on wrappers: Obi; or, three-fingered Jack.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 107.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1095, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history and chivalrous exploits of Jack the Giant Killer. In all its parts', NULL, 'Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. Printers, Stirling. [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Fraser, John', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1096, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Adam Bell, Clim the Clough, and William of Cloudeslie', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by J. Morren, Cowgate.', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1097, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough, and William of Cloudeslie, who were three archers good enough, the best in the North Country', NULL, 'Paisley: : Printed by J. Neilson,, [1800?] ', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nA second part was first published ca. 1608.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1098, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Aladdin; or, the wonderful lamp: an eastern tale', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '28', 10.8, '11', NULL, 'Lumsden & Son\'s improved edition of coloured twopenny books embellished with numerous engravings', NULL, 'Wrappers included in pagination.\r\nTitle on wrappers: Aladdin, or The wonderful lamp.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 47.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1099, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Buchaven, in Fifeshire, containing the witty and entertaining exploits of Wise Willie, and Witty Eppy, the ale wife.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers.[s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '10', NULL, NULL, '50', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1101, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Charles Jones, the footman... Also, On pride, & The country clergyman.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by Caldwell and Son, 2, New Street, 1839', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', 'Caldwell, George, junior', '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1839-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn prose and verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1102, 'Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661', 0, NULL, 0, 'A cry from the dead, from the flower of the Church of Scotland or an exhortation at a communion to a SCots congregation in London. By Mr. Samuel Rutherford. From a manuscript never before printed', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed in the year, 1766', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1766-01-01 00:00:00', '1766-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 13.1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1103, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Cinderella, or, the little glass slipper. To which is added The babes in the wood.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, '9', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1104, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Dick Whittington and his cat. To which is added. The remarkable account of Ambrose Guinett', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for J. Rankine, bookseller, M,DCC,XCVIII', 'Falkirk', 'Rankine, J.', NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1105, 'Hogg, James, 1770-1835', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Duncan Campbell, and his dog Oscar.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '10', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nAttributed to James Hogg.\r\n\'10\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1106, 'Hogg, James, 1770-1835', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Duncan Campbell and his dog, Oscar.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nAttributed to James Hogg.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1107, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Duncan Campbell, and his dog, Oscar...', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, where there is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive ...[s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1108, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of Eugene Aram, who was convicted at York Assizes, of the murder of Daniel Clark of Knaresborough, fourteen years after the crime was committed.', NULL, 'Printed and sold by W. Fordyce, 48, Dean Street, Newcastle. Agent to the Yorkshire Fire & ... [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Fordyce, W.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1109, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Fortunatus. To which are added, The lives and adventures of Ampedo, and Andolocia, his two sons.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1110, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Fortunatus: setting forth his birth, life, travels, and adventures in most parts of the world: hoe the Lady Fortune appeared to him, and gave him a rich purse...', NULL, 'Glasgow : published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co, 10, Saltmarket. [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1111, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Goody Two Shoes with the adventures of her brother Tommy. Embellished with elegant engravings', 'Improved edition', 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son. & sold by Stoddart & Craggs, Hull, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '[2], 52, [2]', 9.7, '16', 'Sixpence', NULL, NULL, 'Paper label on front wrapper: History of Goody Two Shoes and her brother Tommy.\r\nAt head of text: Improved edition.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 79.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1112, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack and the bean stalk', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell, bookseller, [ca. 1825?] ', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1113, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack and the bean stalk.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by Francis Orr & Sons, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Orr, Francis', 'Orr (sons of Francis)', '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '34 [i.e. 24]', 12.2, '0', NULL, NULL, '162', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'162\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThe page numbering is erratic.', NULL, 0, 'Scot, Michael, ca. 1175-ca. 1234.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1114, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack Horner...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed in the year, 1799', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1115, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of James Allan, the celebrated Northumberland piper', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '127', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page\r\n\'127\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, 'Allan, James 1734-1810.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1116, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of James Allan, the celebrated Northumbrian piper...', NULL, 'Printed and sold by W. & T. Fordyce. 48, Dean Street, Newcastle, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Fordyce, W.', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1117, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jane Shore, concubine to King Edward IV.', NULL, 'George Angus, printer, Side, Newcastle, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1118, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Johnny Armstrong shewing his many noble deeds in his youth, in divers countries; also; an account of his many victories over the Scots: And how he and his valiant men were all slain.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1119, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of little King Pippin; : with an accountof the melancholy death of four naughty boys, who were devoured by wild beasts; and The wonderful delivery of Master harry Harmless, by a little white horse.', NULL, 'Glasgow : published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1814', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '48', 18.8, '22', 'Twopence', 'Ross\'s Juvenile Library.', NULL, NULL, 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 94.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1120, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Moll Flanders who was born in Newgate...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country. [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '5', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1121, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Moll Flanders, who was born in Newgate, and, during a life of continued varieties for threescore years, was twelve years a whore, five times a wife, whereof once to her own brother, twelve years a thief, was eighteen times in Bridewell, nine times in New Prison, eleven times in .. .. Written from her own memorandums and adorned with cuts', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by George Angus, in the Side, where is always kept on Sale, a choice ... [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '6', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1122, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Nicolas Pedrosa, and his escape from the Inquisition in Madrid. A tale.', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', NULL, 0, 'Pedrosa, Nicolas Early works to 1800.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1123, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, called by some \"The Young Pretender\"...', NULL, 'Printed and sold by W. & T. Fordyce. 48, Dean Street, Newcastle, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Fordyce, W.', 'Fordyce, T.', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1124, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Sinbad the sailor, containing an account of his surprising voyages.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1824', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 14.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1125, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Sindbad, the sailor. : containing an account of his seven surprising voyages', NULL, 'Glasgow : published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1819', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '50', 12.5, '8', NULL, 'Lumsden & Son\'s children\'s library', NULL, 'Title on paper label on front wrapper: Sinbad the sailor.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 121.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1126, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of Stoney Bowes, otherwise Andrew Robinson Bowes...', NULL, 'Printed and sold by W. & T. Fordyce, 15, Grey Street, Newcastle [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Fordyce, W.', 'Fordyce, T.', '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1127, 'Dodsley, Robert, 1703-1764', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the blind beggar of Bethnal Green. Shewing... Adorned with cuts', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attributed to Robert Dodsley.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1128, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the destruction of Troy...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren. Cowgate [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1129, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the four kings of Canterbury, Colchester, Cornwall, and Cumberland, their queens and daughters. Being the merry tales of Tom Hodge and his school-fellows', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive assortment of histories, songs, children\'s story books, school books, &c., &c., [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1130, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the frolicksome courtier, and the jovial tinker', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, MDCCLXXXV!', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1786-01-01 00:00:00', '1786-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1131, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The History of the Giants.', NULL, 'London : Printed and sold by J. Hollis, Shoemaker-Row, Black-Friars, [s.a.]', 'London', 'Hollis, J.', NULL, NULL, NULL, '72', 14.2, '7', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1132, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the haveral wives; or, the folly of witless women displayed...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1997-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1133, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the hunting at Chevychase... Also, two historical ballads, giving the Scotch account of Chevychase & Haughs of Cromdale', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1801', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1134, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the king and the cobler...', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall. [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1135, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the king and the cobler...', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '10', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547, in fiction, drama, poetry, etc', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1136, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of the life and death of the great warrior Robert Bruce, King of Scotland.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, '108', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'108\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'ix. 5\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : Mas.618(11)\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Robert I, King of Scots, 1274-1329.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1137, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the life and sufferings, of the Reverend John Welch, sometime minister of the Gospel at Ayr. To which is added Some prophetical letters, Wrote by him, when prisoner in Edinburgh and Blackness Castles.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold in Niddery\'s-wynd, M,DCC,LXXX.', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1138, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the wicked life and horrid death of Dr. John Faustus', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1820-1830?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, 'Faust, d. ca. 1540, in fiction, drama, poetry, etc.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1139, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the wicked life and horrid death of Dr. John Faustus, shewing, how he sold himself to the devil, to have power for 24 years to do what he pleased. Also, strange things done by him and Mephistopholes. With an account how the devil came at the end of twenty-four years, and tore him in pieces.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall. [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1140, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Tom Thumb. Wherein is declared, his marvellous acts of manhood, full of wonderful merrimenr. Part the first.', NULL, '[Birmingham] : D. Wrightson, printer, Edmund Street. [on back : In Snow Hill, Birmingham,/ They sell histories ...', 'Birminham', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '14', 'onw penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1141, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Tommy Playlove and Jacky Lovebook. : wherein is shown the superiority of virtue over vice, however dignified by birth or fortune. Embellished with elegant cuts', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1819', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '51', 12.2, '13', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Paper label on front wrapper: Lumsden & Son\'s edition of Tommy Playlove & Jacky Lovebook.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 130.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1142, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Valentine and Orson; to which is added, The comical history of the courtier and tinker.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. booksellers, No. 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1143, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Valentine and Orson. With a coloured engraving.', NULL, 'Derby : Thomas Richardson. [s.a.]', 'Derby', 'Richardson, Thomas', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 9.8, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1144, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Whittington and his cat. To which are added, Two poems', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall. [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, M.', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1145, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History, witty questions, and answers, of that noted philosopher, The miller of Whittingham Mill, and Bessy Puslem his wife.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed this present year 1793. Opposite the foot of the Old Assembly Close.', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1793-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1146, 'Hogg, James, 1770-1835', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Duncan Campbell and his dog Oscar. From Hogg\'s evening tales.', NULL, 'Printed by D. Macarters and Sons, Ayr, for J. Lumsden & Son, Glasgow, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Macarter, David', '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1147, 'Hogg, James, 1770-1835', 0, NULL, 0, 'The long pack; or, the robbers discovered. A Scottish story, by the Ettrick Shepherd', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, '24', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page of seated man playing bagpipes.\r\n\'24\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nAuthor\'s name: James Hogg', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1148, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Holiday entertainment; or, the good child\'s fairing. Containing the plays and sports of Charles and Billy Welldon, and other little boys and girls who went with them to the fair.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale, by Lumsden and Son, [c. 1820.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 8.7, '10', 'Twopence', 'Lumsden & Son\'s juvenile library', NULL, NULL, 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 84.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1149, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The holy disciple; or, the history of Joseph of Arimathea... To which is added, Meditations on... Christ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. n& J. Robertson. MDCCLXXVII.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, John', 'Robertson, James', '1777-01-01 00:00:00', '1777-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1150, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A humerous trial: to which is added Gouf-ma-logie...', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers. [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1817-05-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1151, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The humorous adventures of Jump Jim Crow', NULL, 'Glasgow, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1152, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The humorous exploits of Watty and Meg; or, the wife reformed', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G.Caldwell, 2, New-street. [s.a.]', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George, junior', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1857-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1153, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hunting of Chevy-Chace: a Scots ballad', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers. [s.a.]', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1154, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hunting of Chevy-Chace: a Scots ballad...', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1155, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hunting of Chevychase, a bloody battle fought by Earls Douglas and Percy...', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1156, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hunting of Chievy Chace: an heroic ballad.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1997-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1157, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The improvements on Hartfield: a poem. Giving a particular account of the successful exertions of Robert Fulton, Esq. to improve that formerly uncultivated estate', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, for the author, 1803', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1158, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Indian lover\'s garland. In two parts...', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n., 1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe Indian lover\'s garland : Tune of What is greater joy and pleasure.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1159, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The intrepid & daring adventures of sixteen British seamen. To which is added, A cure for the toothach.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed and published by G. Caldwell, 1837', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George, junior', NULL, '1837-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1160, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Ioram na truaighe, le Issachari M\'Aula do Thighearna Assinn. Oran le te ga Leannan. Am freagradh.', NULL, '[Inveraray] : Printed for and sold by the publisher, Inverary, [ca. 1815] ', 'Inveraray', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nProbably printed by by Thomas Duncan in Glasgow, with an Inveraray imprint, for Paruig Tuainer, (Peter Turner) a chapman, and sold throughout the Highlands.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1161, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Irish maniac. To which are added Welcome Royal Charley. Mary Morrison. And De\'il\'s awa\' wi\' the Exciseman', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by R. Taylor, [1825-1826?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Robert', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-17', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1162, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Irish wedding. To which are added, The rigs of barley. The tinker\'s song. The milk maid got with child at a wake. A seafaring song. The auld yellow-hair\'d laddie.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, JamesRobertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1163, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Christ\'s Kirk on the Green. In three cantos...', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'The first canto attributed to James I, King of Scotland, the other two being Allan Ramsay\'s.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1164, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jamie and Nancy; or, the Yarmouth tragedy…', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1165, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jamie\'s bad wife. To which are added, Success to the loom. The delicate maid. Labour in vain. The season of love.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1817] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printers 1817.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1166, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jammy and Nancy of Yarmouth; or, the constant lovers. In four parts', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1801', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1167, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jeany Diver. To which are added, Tom Broun. Charming Sally. The new way of Taliho. Katharine Ogie.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1168, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jemmy and Nancy of Yarmouth; or, the constant lovers. In four parts', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1169, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jemmy & Nancy of Yarmouth; or, the constant lovers. In four parts', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.7, '1 (probably 2 separate blocks side by side)', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1170, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jenny dang the weaver. To which are added, The green purse. The king and the miller. Bonny Bet. Esk mill. The cobler\'s happiness.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1820', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nEsk mill : Tune - Banks of the Devon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1171, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jerusalem\'s captivities lamented; or, a plain description of Jerusalem from Joshua\'s time to the year 1517, both from scripture and ancient history... To which is added, A singular instance of Turkish justice', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, by R Menzies, Lawnmarket, [1810-1836?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Menzies, R.', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1836-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '0', 'Price three pence', NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1172, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jervis taking the Spanish fleet. To which are added, Measure for measure, The flowers of Edinburgh, The love-sick taylor, and Heigh for the petticoat.', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by W. Scott, [s.a.]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1173, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'John Anderson my Jo. Low down in the broom. It was upon a Lammas night. The banks of Doon. Land of the leal. Lubin is away.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1828', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1174, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Johnnie Cope; to which are added, Whistle o\'er the lave o\'t, My dear Highland laddie, O. The maid in Bedlam.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1826', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Cope, John, Sir, d. 1760', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1175, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Johnny Faa. Maggie Lauder. Fee him, father, fee him. Faint and wearily', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1176, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'John of Badenyon: to which are added, Fair maid who \'tends the goats. The hawthorn', NULL, '[S.l.], Entered according to order, 1799', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1177, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'John Thompson\'s man; or, a short survey of the difficulties and disturbances that may attend a married life. To which are added, some very extensive and most salutary observations thereon. With certain and approved rules for the choice of a wife.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1178, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jolly beggar. To which are added, The Duke of Argyle\'s courtship to an English lady, and The weaver\'s daughter', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1830-1840?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1179, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jolly sailor\'s description of, a Man of war. To which are added, Happy Dick Dawson. Chloe\'s kisses. The contented lover.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, 1806', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1180, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jovial cruising sailor. To which are added, Wer\'t thou but my ain thing. Bessy Bell and Mary Gray. The county of Cavin. The laugh spoil\'d.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1181, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jovial sailor\'s wedding: or, All parties pleased. To which are added, My wife has ta\'en the gee. The grand tack. The rose in Yarrow. The Britannia. Ma chere amie.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, [No.20.] Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1182, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Katharine Ogie, to which is added, John Anderson, my Jo, Jean Anderson, my Jo, Maria.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, bookseller, 19 Saltmarket, 1823', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1183, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Kentshire tragedy; or, the constant lovers overthrow. To which are added, The hogg\'s tub. The ploughman\'s love to the farmer\'s daughter. The shepherdess lamenting her drowned lover.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1184, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Kentshire tragedy; or, The constant lover\'s overthrow. : To which are added, The hogg\'s tub. The shepherdess lamenting her drowned lover. The ploughman\'s love to the farmer\'s daughter. The modern marriage question. A song for three voices.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1185, 'Ker, Robert', 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the bad treatment, that I Robert Ker met him with in the town of Falkirk...', NULL, '[S.l.] : [1717]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1717-01-01 00:00:00', '1717-12-31 00:00:00', '5', 11.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Press cutting.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1186, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The keys of love. To which are added, The lass of Galawater. The wounded farmer\'s son. The rover reclaim\'d. Lovely Damon.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1187, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'King James the first and the tinker. To which are added, The charming beauty. Caledonia look\'d down. The sailor\'s lamentation. With The answer. For the love of Jean. The cobler\'s tragical end.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, no. 20. Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1188, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'King Robert Bruce\'s garland: an heroic ballad...', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1189, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The ladies\' amusements. To which are added, The gallant sailor. Nature\'s richest mine. Jenny dang the weaver. O\'er the muir amang the heather. Lilies of the valley', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1820', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1190, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Laird of Cool\'s ghost. Being a wonderful and true account of several conferences betwixt the late Rev. Mr. Ogilvie, Minister of the Gospel at Innerwick, and the ghost of the deceased Mr. Maxwell, late Laird of Cool. Written by Mr. Ogilvie\'s own hand, and found in his closet after his death, which happened very soon after these conferences.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1817.', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '2 (on cover)', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1191, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lament for Abercrombie; to which are added, The harper of Mull. John Anderson my jo John. Wood of Craigie lea. Let drunkards', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1192, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lament of Flora M\'Donald; to which are added, Within a mile of Edinburgh, Tweedside, Go, plaintive sounds, Yellow-haired laddie, and The Lord\'s Marie.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1828', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1193, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lammy; to which are added, The soldier\'s return. Gow\'s fareweel to whisky. Gloomy Winter\'s now awa', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1823', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Gow, Niel, 1727-1807.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1194, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The land o\' the leal. To which are added, Tullochgorum. Allister M\'Allister. The nymph\'s reply.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1821', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1195, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lassie wi\' the raven locks. It was upon a Lammas night. Hills o\' Gallowa. The tear. Mary, I believed thee true', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1819', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1196, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lass of Ballochmyle. Auld Rob Morris. Wandering Willie. For a\' that and a\' that. Meg o\' the mill.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1826', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'reprint of 1823 edition - see Bh13-d.4', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1197, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lass of Livingston: to which are added, Within a mile of Edinburgh, Over the hills and far away, and The bonny brucket lassie', NULL, 'Falkirk - printed by T. Johnston, [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1198, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lass of Peatie\'s mill. To which are added, Ca\' the ewes to the knows, Barbadoes\' bells, The maid of Islay, and, With horns and hounds.', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [s.a.]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1199, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lass o\' Glenshee: to which are added, Donald Caird\'s come again. The braes o\' Balquither. The betray\'d lover', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1200, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The last dying speech, and travels, of William Walker... To which is added, The plumber', NULL, '[Aberdeen] : (Printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Castlestreet Aberdeen.), [1800?] ', 'Aberdeen', 'Chalmers, James', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIn prose and verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : (Printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Castlestreet Aberdeen.).', NULL, 0, NULL, 1); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1201, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Last May a braw wooer. Mucking o Geordie\'s byre. Mary\'s dream. Parting moments. Rosy morn.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1818', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nLast May a braw wooer : Tune - The Lothian lassie.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1202, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The last speech of the farmer\'s colly, also The farmer\'s lament, and The Rochester lass.', NULL, 'Stirling : [s.n.], Printed in the year, 1806', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPrinter possibly Charles Randall.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1203, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Laughable budget of wit: a selection of choice bon mots, repartees, anecdotes, &c', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H Crawford for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1529, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tweed side. To which are added The weary pund o\' tow Tarry woo\'. Dull care.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1808', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1530, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tweedside, to which is added, Hallow Fair, Katharine Ogie, and The lass of Aranteenie', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, bookseller, 19 Saltmarket, 1823', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nHallow Fair : Tune - Fy let us a\' to the Bridal.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1531, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Twelve days of Christmas: an old English carol', NULL, 'Marshall, printer, Newcastle, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '1', 26.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Single-sided broadsheet', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1532, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The two babes in the wood; to which is added, The Highland laddie', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1533, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The two constant lovers who died on the road. To which are added, Neptune\'s mistake. The Middlesex Flora; or, the ship-wreck\'d sailor. The naval heroes.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1534, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent new songs. I. A new song called the king and tinker. II. The humours of Glen (note: \'the latter work of the title is missing.)', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year 1777', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1777-01-01 00:00:00', '1777-12-31 00:00:00', '4 (last 4 pages missing?)', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1535, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent old songs. The blaeberries; and Johnny Cope', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan, [1816-1831?] ', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Cope, John, Sir, d. 1760 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1536, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two old songs. The perjured maid, and The waukrife mammy', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1830-1840?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1537, 'T. M. ', 0, NULL, 0, 'Two original songs, by T.M. Viz. The banks of Ugie, and Ben Stout. To which is added, The new Ramilies', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan, [1816-1831?] ', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nBanks of the Ugie : Tune - The bonny lass of Aberdeen.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1538, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two popular songs: viz. - Falkirk Fair. Highland widow\'s lament', NULL, 'Falkirk : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1825', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Robert', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPrinter possibly Robert Taylor.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1539, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The two sailors outwitted; or, eggs and bacon. To which are added, The smart Robin Gray. The jealous husband well paid. English good ale. Maids be not too nice in the matter.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1540, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tyrant\'s views frustrate. To which are added, I wonder\'d what he meant. The shepherd\'s holiday. Drive me not to despair. There\'s my thumb I\'ll ne\'er beguile thee. The Highland lassie. You\'re fitter for a lover\'s arms. Cynthia\'s perplexity.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, [No.20] Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1541, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The unfortunate fair; or, the sad disaster. To which are added, The rock & a wee pickle tow. The resolute lady; or, fortunate footman. Beauty and rigour.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1542, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Ungrateful nanny. To which are added, Truth laid open.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1543, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The unhappy couple. To which are added, Lord Howe\'s victory. The lass of Humber-side. Jenny May.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, 'Howe, George Augustus, 3rd viscount, 1724-1758.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1544, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Valentine\'s gift; or, a plan to enable children of all denominations to behave with honour, integrity and humanity. To which is added, Some account of old Zigzag, and of the horn which he used to understand the language of birds, beasts, fishes, and insects', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold by J. Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '67', 11.2, '15', 'Sixpence', NULL, NULL, 'Paper label on front wrapper: Lumsden & Son\'s edition of Valentine\'s gift.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 134.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1545, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The valiant Sir James the Rose\'s garland.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed this present year, 1798', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1546, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The valiant soldier. To which are added, Had awa\' frae me, Donald. Britons to arms. Corn riggs are bonny. Carle and the King come.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1547, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The valiant soldier. To which are added, Had awa\' frae me, Donald. Britons to arms. Corn riggs are bonny. Carle and the King come.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1548, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The vanity of life. To which are added, I ken he loo\'s me weel. Moll in the wad. The waterman\'s lamentation. The beggar.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1549, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The vanity of life. To which are added, I ken he loo\'s me weel. Moll in the wad. The waterman\'s lamentation. The beggar.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1550, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Vice punished, and virtue rewarded. Being the history of Mr. Tommy Thoroughgood, and Mr. Francis Froward, two apprentices to the same Master.', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed this present year., [1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1551, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Vicissitude; or, the life and adventures of Ned Frolic: an original comic song. For the entertainment of all good boys and girls in the British Empire', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold by J. Lumsden & Son, 1818', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 11.2, '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustrations on one side of pages not included in pagination.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 22.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1552, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The village sexton, to which is added, The boatie rows, The days o\' lang syne, The lass o\' Gowrie, We\'re a noddin\'.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, bookseller, 19 Saltmarket, 1823', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nThe village sexton : Tune - Cameron\'s got his wife again.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1553, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A voice from the dead; or, the apparition of William Clarkson...', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by Caldwell and son [s.a.]', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', 'Caldwell, George, junior', '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1842-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1554, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The volunteer boys; to which are added, Barring o\' the door, Days o\' langsyne, The hen-peck\'d husband.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers., [1815?-1825?]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1555, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The volunteer boys. To which are added, I wou\'d if I was not so young. The narrow escape of Murphy Delaney. A favourite hunting song. The naval heroes. The blush. The soger laddie.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.\r\nThe volunteer boys : Tune - Let the toast pass.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1876, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A short explanation of the ten commandments, designed for the use of Sunday\'s schools. And calculated to assist parents in teaching their children their duty to God and man.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by David Paterson, and sold by M. Gray, Exchange. MDCCLXXXIX', 'Edinburgh', 'Paterson, David', NULL, '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1789-12-31 00:00:00', '52', 15, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1877, 'Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748', 0, NULL, 0, 'Two sets of catechisms for children. ...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for J. Dickson, Front of the Exchange. M,DCC,LXXXV.', 'Edinburgh', 'Dickson, J.', NULL, '1785-01-01 00:00:00', '1785-12-31 00:00:00', '40', 15, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'poss printed by David Paterson?', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1878, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty and Meg, or the wife reclaimed; together with Habbie Simpson and his wife, or A new way of raising the wind; Donald and his dog; The West Country weaver turned teetotaler; The loss o\' the pack; John Tamson\'s cart; Takin\' it out o\' his mouth.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, '130', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page\r\n\'130.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nAnonymous author: Alexander Wilson\r\nIn prose and verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1879, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The negro minstrel: containing a choice selection of the most populat negro songs. No. I', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850.', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12, NULL, 'One penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1880, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of fair Rosamond, concubine to King Henry II.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, '14', 'In verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nTitle page includes an illustration.\r\n\'14\' is printed beneath the imprint.\r\nVariant exists with \'No. 14,\' printed top left of title page and type set slightly differently. StEdNL : L.C.2851(15).', NULL, 0, 'Clifford, Rosamond.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1881, 'Macneill, Hector, 1746-1818', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Will and Jean: or, The sad effects of drunkenness.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '2', NULL, NULL, '36', 'Dated from external evidence.\r\n\'36.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nTitle page includes illustration of a soldier in Highland dress leaning on a musket. This differs fron the item placed at L.C.2852.B(10). The text is identical. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1882, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The vocalist; a choice selection of songs, duets, and glees, sung at the different places of public amusement', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers. of an Eastern palace.', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, '47', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1884, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Reading for winter evenings; a selection of amusing and instructive stories', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '1', 'One penny', 'New and improved series', '22', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nTable of contents on p. [2].', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1885, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life of Louis Philippe, late king of the French; containing a correct account of his early education; his trials & adventures during his travels in Europe & America; his political career; abdication; and revolution of 1848, with the causes which led to that event.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.6, '0', 'One penny', 'New and improved series', '25', NULL, NULL, 0, 'Louis Philippe, King of the French, 1773-1850.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1886, 'Cottin, Madame (Sophie), 1770-1807', 0, NULL, 0, 'Elizabeth; or, The exiles of Siberia', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n., 18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'At foot of title page: A large collection of song books qand histories always on hand.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1887, 'Bunyan, John, 1628-1688', 0, NULL, 0, 'The pilgrim\'s progress, from this world to that which is to come. Delivered under the similitude of a dream.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Orr and Sons, Brunswick Street, 1837', 'Glasgow', 'Orr, Francis', 'Orr (sons of Francis)', '1837-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '22', NULL, NULL, NULL, '20 woodcuts, including title page, with a very abbreviated text.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1888, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The adventures of Robert Earl of Huntington, vulgarly called Robin Hood. Being a complete history of all his merry adventures and valiant battles which he, little John, William Stutley, and William Scarlet, fought on divers occasions.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, MDCCXCIV.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson M.', '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '84', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1889, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The gude Wallace; to which is added Lord Thomas Stuart.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '76', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'76.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, 'Wallace, William, Sir, d. 1305 Poetry.\r\nStuart, Thomas, Lord Poetry.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1890, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Otterbourne; together with the old ballad of Lady Anne.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '75', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'75.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1891, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Harry Bluff. Logie of Buchan. Within a mile of Edinburgh town. Oh! no, we never mention her. Oh, say not womam\'s [sic] love is bought. Dearest maid, my heart is thine. Meet me in the moonlight. Tell me why men will deceive us.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '37', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'37\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1892, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven of the most popular songs. The bridal ring. What are you going to stand. The lassies of Scotland. The Macgregor\'s gathering. Farewell to the mountain. The banks of the blue Mozelle. \'Twas merry in the hall.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '45', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'45\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1893, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six popular songs. Alice Gray. England, Europe\'s glory. A light heart and a pair of breeches. The braes of busbie. Waes me for Prince Charlie. Scotland yet.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '46', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'46\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1894, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven excellent songs. Blythe was she. The braes of Balquhither. The young May moon. Loudon\'s bonny woods and braes. Bonnie Mary Hay. O are ye sleeping Maggie. Such tears are bliss.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '40', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'40\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1895, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent songs. Jack Robinson. The girl I left behind me. Lord Lovel. The haughs of Cromdale.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '32', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'32\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1896, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two favourite songs. Sheriff-muir. The bonnie boatman.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers. 29.', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '29', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1897, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Adam Bell, Clym of the Clough, and William of Cloudeslie', NULL, 'Glasgow : Francis Orr and Sons, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Orr, Francis', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIn verse.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nThere is a 4-line verse on the title page.\r\nL.4 reads \'Yarrow\', not \'Tarrow\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1898, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Allan Tine o\' Harrow; To which are added, Jack in his Element. The Beds of Roses', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1899, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Anecdote Book: a choice collection of anecdotes, jest, witty sayings, bon mots, &c, &c, selected from the best sources.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', 'One penny', 'New and Improved', '1', 'Illustration on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1900, 'Partridge and Flamsted (London, England)', 0, NULL, 0, 'Partridge and Flamsteads, new and well experienced fortune book, : delivered to the world from the Astrologer’s Office, in Greenwich Park. For the benifit [sic] of young men, maids, wives and widows, who by drawing cards according to the directions of this fortune book, may know whether life will be long o[r] short, whether they shall have the person desired, and what part of the world is most profitable to live in, and all lawful questions whatsoever. The signification of moles in any part of the body, and the interpretation of dreams, as they relate to good or bad fortune. To which is added The whimsical lady..', NULL, 'Edinburgh : J. Morren, printer, East Campbell’s Close, Cowgate, [ca. 1800]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated on internal evidence. \r\nIn verse and prose. \r\nThis item is different from the one placed at StEdNL: L.C.2804(13). There are several differences - for example there is a colon after ’Edinburgh’ in the imprint and ’benefit’ is spelt incorrectly in the title.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1901, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Harlaw; to which are added Willie\'s drowned in Gamrie and Bogie-side', NULL, 'Fintray : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 10.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1902, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Prestonpans. To which are added, Johnnie Cope. Damon\'s Treachery. The Idol', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to Order', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '5', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1903, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Black-Bird, a Collection of Songs', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '110', 13.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Includes appendix', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1904, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Blind Beggar of Bednal Green, in two parts.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to Order', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1905, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Bon-Accord Sangster: containing Bon-Accord; Saturday Eve; Liberty, Equality and Fraternity; The Pipes; The Pipe and Bowl; and Welcome to the Festival', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the Booksellers', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1875-01-01 00:00:00', '1875-12-31 00:00:00', NULL, 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3018, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six Scotch songs : The garb of old Gaul. Wha wadna fight for Charlie. The standard on the braes. Dumbartons bony dell. The last breathings of Napoleon. When Jenny and I were married. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3019, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent songs : The braes of Balquhither. Loudon\'s bonny woods and braes. The young May moon. Blythe was she. O are ye sleeping Maggie. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3020, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Wae\'s me for Prince Charlie : Sweet home. Billy O\'Rourke. And, Though I\'m forsaken. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, 'Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-17', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3021, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two new songs : L, A, W, Law. And, Jock and Nelly\'s courtship; or The old folks outwitted. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3022, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven of the most popular songs : The bridal ring. What are you going to stand? The lassies of Scotland. The banks of the blue Mozelle. Farewell to the mountain. The Macgregor\'s gathering. \'Twas merry in the hall. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3023, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jaunting car : to which are added. The light guitar; The coronation, and The isle of beauty. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3024, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four popular songs : viz. The doctors, The Drygate Brig, Merry and wise, and Kathleen O\'Moore. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3025, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four popular songs : viz. Lucy\'s flittin\'. The wee bit totums. Hopeful Jamie. And, Clean pease strae. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3026, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'This is no my plaid : To which are added, The auld man gaun to be married. Thour\'t gane awa. And, The warning moan. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3027, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four popular songs : viz. My mither men\'t my auld breek\'s. The toom meal pock. I beg you would not mention her. And, The angels whisper. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3028, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The old Scottish ballad of Andrew Lammie; or Mill of Tifty\'s Annie. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nThere is a 4-line verse on the title page.\r\nThe title page includes an illustration of a young man \'courting\' a young woman. This differs from the copies at L.C.2845(33), L', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3029, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Duke of Gordon\'s three daughters : To which is added, All round my hat. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3030, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of fair Rosamond : concubine to King Henry the II. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nTitle page includes an illustration of a coat of arms suppoted by a lion and a unicorn. This differs from the items at L.C.2851(15), L.C.2851(16) and L.C.2892(34) StEdNL.', NULL, 0, 'Clifford, Rosamond.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3031, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical history of Gill Morice : an ancient ballad. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page is of a soldier standing holding a pike. This differs from the copies at L.C.2851(4) and L.C.2892(13) StEdNL.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3032, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Collection of the best Scottish songs : Lass of Patie\'s mill; Ca\' the yewes to the knows. Charlie is my darling: Away with melancholy; and She never blamed him. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3033, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four popular songs : viz. Glasgow fair; Oh what a parish. A beauty I did grow; and The adventures of a shilling. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3034, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The old Scottish ballad of Andrew Lammie; or, Mill of Tifty\'s Annie. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nThere is a 4-line verse on the title page.\r\nThe title page includes an illustration of a man in \'Eastern\' dress. This differs from the copies at L.C.2845(24), L.C.2851(6), ', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3035, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four popular songs : viz. Auld Rob Morris, The gowden locks of Anna, What are you going to stand, and The rush light. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3036, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three auld sangs : The auld man that liv\'d in Beith, The brewer laddie, and The Bay of Biscay, O. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3037, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Captain Wedderburn\'s courtship : To which is added, Hey Johnnie Coup. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the bookseller, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nBoth the illustration and typeface on the title page differ from the copies at L.C.2851(24), L.C.2887(19) and [Ao].8/3.4(24). The text is identical. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, 'Cope, John, Sir, d. 1760', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3038, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Lochinvar : to which are added, The rose of Dunmore, Scottish whisky, Blythe was she but and ben, Sleeping Maggie, Shepherds, I have lost my love. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3039, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Herring in sa\'t with The answer. : To which are added, The ladies\' amusement, and Hawke\'s engagement.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Entered according to order,, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe answer to herring in sa\'t : To the foregoing tune.\r\nHawke\'s engagement : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T189449', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3040, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pretty green-coat boy\'s garland. : In four parts. Part I. Shewing how a rich Lord\'s son in France fell in love with a poor farmer\'s daughter. Part II. How they were discovered near a grove-side, and how they were overheard by his father. Part III. How', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T181733', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3041, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'John of Badenyon; or, A man in search of a friend. : To which is added, Sir John Barleycorn. The young maid\'s praise of her soldier. The happy shepherd.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\n\'John of Badenyon\' is by John Skinner.', 'ESTC T189118', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3042, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The beds of roses. : To which is added, Tea and brandy. Time caught and drown\'d in wine. The reformed drunkard. The choice of a wife. The choice of a husband. Contentment.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T189285', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3043, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The poor man\'s counsel: or, The married man\'s guide. : To which is added, The shady green tree. Highgate oath. I tickl\'d each phyz. The dumb woman turn\'d scold. Charming fellow.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T178698', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3044, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new way of Johnny\'s grey-breeks. : To which are added, The new way of the mucking of Geordie\'s byre. My Jo Janet. Billy\'s courtship, with the answer. A new song.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T188669', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3045, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bonny Scot. : To which are added, Slighted Nancy. The faithful shepherd. Gilderoy.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe bonny Scot : Tune - Boat-man.\r\nSlighted Nancy : Tune - If the Kirk wad let me be.\r\nThe faithful shepherd : Tune - Auld lang syne.\r\nGilderoy : To its own proper t', 'ESTC T183730', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3046, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The buxom dame of Reading; or, The cuckold\'s cap. : To which are added, A summer piece. A winter piece. Plato\'s advice. Has she not dole enough that has an old man. The king and the miller. Lovely nymph.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order,, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe buxom dame of Reading : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T167380', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3047, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Patie\'s wedding; or, All parties pleased. : To which are added, Absence ill to bide. Johnny and Mary. The braes of Yarrow.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nAbsence ill to bide : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T180468', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3048, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The London \'prentice; or, The wanton mistress. To which are added, Welcome, welcome brother debtor. Down the burn Davie.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T171687', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3049, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The frolicsome lady; or, The happy footman. : To which is added, The woman\'s weapon; or, The kind husband\'s complaint of his wife\'s unruly tongue. A new hunting song. Envy has eyes. The maid of the mill.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe woman\'s weapon &c. : To the tune of The milking pail.\r\nA new hunting song : To its own proper tune.\r\nEnvy has eyes : To its own proper tune.\r\nThe maid of the mil', 'ESTC T184315', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3281, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Auld Robin Gray : The original story. ', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThere is an 8-line verse on the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3282, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Dreams and apparitions : Containing Tibby Hyslop\'s dream and The sequel. Part first. ', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1827-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3283, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Dreams and apparitions : Containing Tibby Hyslop\'s dream and The sequel. Part second. ', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1827-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts', 'No. III', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3284, 'Burness, John, 1771-1826', 0, NULL, 0, 'Thrummy Cap and the ghaist : a diverting tale. To which is added The life of Thomas Rombold, a highwayman, and The guardian snake. ', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1827-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts', 'No. IV', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn prose and verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nAnonymous author: John Burness', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3285, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tea, a poem : to which is added, Dutch tea parties, Ichabod Crane, Superstition, & The Frenhcmen [sic]. ', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Published and sold wholesale and retail by J. M\'Nairn, [1827-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts', 'No. XV', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn prose and verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nIchabod Crane is a character in Irving\'s \'The legend of Sleepy Hollow\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3286, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jock Haxton : To which is added Coffee and coffee-houses. A story from Portuguese life. Major cartwright. Fortune telling by the grounds of a tea or coffee cup. ', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed, and sold wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3287, 'Walker, Patrick, 1666?-1745? ', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and prophecies of Mr. Alex. Peden : late minister of the Gospel at New Glenluce in Galloway. To which is added, his remarkable letter to the prisoners of Dunnotar Castle. ', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Peden, Alexander, 1626?-1686.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3288, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song, The fumbler detected; or, The cautious maid\'s escape. : A true story. In four parts. Part I. The fumbler\'s charge; or, The humble petition of Archd. M\'T-sh against his bride Fl-ry Cr-f-rd, To the Revd. Moderator, and to the rest of the venerab', NULL, '[Paisley] : Printed for James Maxwell., M.DCC.LXXXV. [1785] ', 'Paisley', 'Maxwell, James', NULL, '1785-01-01 00:00:00', '1785-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nPlace of publication from internal and external evidence.', 'ESTC T181576', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3289, 'Clinker, Humphrey', 0, NULL, 0, 'An oration on the virtues of the old women, and the pride of the young; : with a direction for young men what sort of women to take, and for women what sort of men to marry / dictated by Janet Clinker, and written by Humphray [sic] Clinker, the clashing w', NULL, '[Paisley] : Printed for the Company of Flying Stationers, in town and country., MDCCXC. [1790] ', 'Paisley', 'Company of Flying Stationers', NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication from internal and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nHumphray [sic] Clinker is a pseudonym.', 'ESTC T180842', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3290, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical sayings of Paddy from Cork : with his coat button\'d behind, being an elegant conference between English Tom and Irish Teague; with Paddy\'s catechism, his opinion of purgatory, the state of the dead; and his supplication when a mountain sailor.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, 1815. ', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3291, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical transactions of Lothian Tom : In six parts. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell, High Street, 1828. ', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3292, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The popular story of Blue Beard; or, The effects of female curiosity. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell, High Street, 1828. ', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '3', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3293, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun; or, The comical and merry tricks of Leper the tailor : In two parts. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell, 1, New Street, Where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive assortment of histories, songs, children\'s story books, school books, &c. &c. &c. [1828] ', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George, junior', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3294, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'The loss of the pack / by Alexander Wilson. To which is added, The auld sark sleeve. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell, 2 New Street, [1828-1831?] ', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George, junior', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3295, 'Burness, John, 1771-1826', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical story of Thrummy Cap and the Ghaist : to which is added William and his dog. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed and sold by G. Caldwell, 1831. ', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George, junior', NULL, '1831-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attributed to John Burness.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3296, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The causes and cure of spiritual darkness : being a letter from an old minister to another in a depressed state of mind. Also, The life of Mr. John Bunyan, author of The pilgrim\'s progress, &c. &c. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, [1811-1819?] ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Bunyan, John, 1628-1688.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3297, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun: or, The comical and merry tricks of Leper the tailor : In two parts. To which is added, The wicked life and most deplorable death of Mr. John MacGrigor. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, 1820. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3298, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life of the martyr, John Brown, of Priesthill, in the parish of Muirkirk, Ayrshire : who was murdered by Graham of Claverhouse near his own house in 1685 Also, An account of his companions in suffering, during the last persecution in Scotland, betwee', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford bookseller, 1825. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'There are two quotes on the title page.', NULL, 0, 'Brown, John, d. 1685.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3299, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical sayings of Paddy from Cork : with his coat button\'d behind. Being an elegant conference between English Tom and Irish Teague; with Paddy\'s catechism, his opinion of purgatory, the state of the dead; and his supplication when a mountain sailor.', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1827. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3300, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and exploits of Rob Roy M\'Gregor : the highland freebooter. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1827. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Rob Roy, 1671-1734.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3301, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and transactions of Jane Shore, concubine to King Edward IVth : containing an account of her parentage, wit, and beauty; her marriage with Mr. Shore; the King\'s visits to her; her going to Court, and leaving her husband; her great distress and mi', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1830?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, 'Shore, Jane, d. 1527?', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3302, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of a most surprising savage girl : who was caught wild in the woods of Champagne, a province in France. Containing a true narrative of many curious and interesting particulars, respecting this wonderful child of nature / Translated from the Fre', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, 1831. ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1831-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nSometimes attributed to Charles Marie de la Condamine.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3303, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Donald M\'Donald : To which are added, And sae will we yet. Answer to the happy stranger. O\'er the muir amang the heather. Love and glory. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3304, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs : Youghal harbour. Come under my plaidy. Revengeful lover. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3305, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs : Loudon\'s woods & braes. Battle of Waterloo. Roger the miller. The woodland maid. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3306, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs : The weaver\'s garland. Lanarkshire farewel. Lovely Doon. Bess the ballad-singer. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nWeavers garland. Part I : Tune - Cropies lie down.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4262, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The smock wedding\'s garland : composed with several excellent new songs : I. The comical smock wedding. II. The comical labourer; or, the coachman got with child by the postilion. III. The drunken wife of Galloway', NULL, '[S.l.] : Licensed and entered according to order, [18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4263, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The four Indian kings. : Garland. A faithful and true account how the powerful charms of a young lady conquered the heart of one of the four Indian kings', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year 1786', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1786-01-01 00:00:00', '1786-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4264, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Camelon nailers\' garland, and Roslin Castle', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year 1796', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4265, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wandering young gentlewoman; or, Cat-skin\'s garland : Part I. How an esquire\'s daughter near London was forced from home by her father\'s cruelty, but thro\' her tender mothe, was well educated and clothed in rich array...', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 16.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4266, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The fisherman\'s garland; or, The cruel knight. : in four parts. Part I. The farmer\'s daughter born to be the knight\'s bride. Part II. Striving to alter what fortune had decreed. Part III. How the secret was discovered]. Part IV. Concluding with their happy marriage', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 16.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4267, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Goudhurst garland, in three parts.... To which is added, My dog and my gun.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4268, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor and farmer\'s daughter\'s garland in three parts', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed this present year, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4269, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'King Crispin\'s garland, or, The praise of the grand procession of the shoe-makers in Falkirk, October 25th. 1796. : To which is added, The spinning wheel, The tempest, and The jolly miller', NULL, '[S.l.] ; Entered according to order, [1796?]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4270, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Luckidad\'s garland, or, When my old hat was new. : To which is added The fickle shepherd', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4271, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Chester garland, or, The villain brought to justice. In four parts', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4272, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The batchelor\'s garland, in four parts', NULL, '[S.l.] ; Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4273, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent old song, intitled Young Beichan and Susie Pye', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4274, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The ruined virgin\'s garland, in two parts...', NULL, 'Newcastle : M. Angus and Son, printers, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4275, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Daniel Mackwire\'s garland; : shewing how he went to Dublin, and was employed by a merchant to be his factor ... To which are added, Come under my plaidy, and The tripple plea', NULL, 'Penrith : Printed by Anthony Soulby ..., [[17--]', 'Penrith', 'Soulby, Anthony', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4276, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Lincolnshire farmer\'s garland; or, The convinced cuckold. : To which are added Woman\'s only wish. And To-morrow\'s a cheat', NULL, 'Penrith : Printed by Anthony Soulby ..., [[17--]', 'Penrith', 'Soulby, Anthony', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4277, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Garland of new songs. Star of the East. Banks of Doon. Beautiful hill of Dromore. Come sit down my cronies. Anna', NULL, 'Dumfries : Printed by John Sinclair, [17--]', 'Dumfries', 'Sinclair, John', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4278, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of Newcastle songs. : Weel may the keel row. The new keel row. Bonny keel laddie. The little P.D. Ma\' canny hinny', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by J. Marshall, Old Flesh-Market, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4279, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. : Crazy Jane, Sequel to Crazy Jane, The Irish smugglers, The sisters, The lover\'s story', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by J. Marshall, Old Flesh-Market, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4280, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. : Fat Dolly the cook. General Wolfe\'s song. Young William. Brisk Billy and Susan. The yawner. My native land', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by J. Marshall, Old Flesh-Market, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1760-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4281, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. : Canny Newcassel. The bonny geatsiders. Newcastle Fair. The water ofTyne', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by J. Marshall, Old Flesh-Market, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1760-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4282, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. : The roses blaw. Loudon\'s bonnie woods and braes. Of a\' the airts the wind can blaw. Logan braes. Sweet Kitty o\' the Clyde', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by J. Marshall, Old Flesh-Market, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1760-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4283, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. : Swalwell hopping. The skipper\'s wedding. The bonny pit laddie', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by J. Marshall, Old Flesh-Market, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1760-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4284, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The shamrock; or, The Hibernian songster : a choice selection of Irish songs ...', NULL, 'Penrith : Printed by Anthony Soulby, [17--]', 'Penrith', 'Soulby, Anthony', NULL, '1760-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4285, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The gold-finch collection of songs : with toasts & sentiments', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed MDCC.XCIV [1794]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '48', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4286, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven excellent songs : viz. I. The turtle dove. II. May I never be married. III. The wandering sailor. IV. My bottle is my wife and friend. V. Milton\'s landscape. VI. Johnny and Mary. VII. The disconsolate sailor', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4287, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent songs : viz. I. The batchelor\'s hall. II. Logie o\' Buchan. III. The tar for all weathers. IV. Spanking Jack. V. Sandy o\'er the lee', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4288, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent songs : I. The rock and the tow. II. Mary Scott. III. Carle came o\'er the craft. IV. Poor Anthony\'s case', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4289, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent songs, : The jolly ploughman, The fisher lasses\' rant, and The Highlandman\'s courtship', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year 1796', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4621, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous battle fought on the Sheriff Muir, on the 13th day of November, 1715. : To which is added, The lover\'s choice', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815.', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4622, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor and farmer\'s daughter. : In three parts', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morre, [17--]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4623, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Black-ey\'d Susan\'s garland, : containing several delightful new songs, Sweet William\'s farewell to Black-ey\'d Susan when he was on board in the Downs...', NULL, 'Newcastle : G. Angus, printer, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\n5 songs listed on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4624, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of new songs. : Swalwell hopping. The banks of the river', NULL, 'Newcastle : G. Angus, printer, Side, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4625, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of new songs. : 1 The soldier\'s return 2 The raw recruit 3 O wat ye wha\'s in yon town', NULL, '[Newcastle upon Tyne] : Angus printer, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPrinter\'s name in colophon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4626, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : The soldier\'s return. Answer to the soldier\'s return. The blanch frigate', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [17--]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4627, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Thespian songster; : being a choice collection of celebrated songs, most of them sung at the Theatre-Royal in Newcastle, by Mess. Braham, Grimaldi, Newton, Lancaster, Miss Byrne, &c.', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '18 songs listed on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4628, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tak\' your auld cloak about ye. : To which is added, Nelson\'s last victory and death, and Wandering Nelly', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, 10, Saltmarket, [18--]', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4629, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of new songs. 1 Tom Starboard. 2 Ah! No my love no. 3 A new touch on the times. 4 Jack at Greenwich', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by George Angus, in the Side, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Printer\'s name in colophon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4630, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The unfortunate weaver. : To which are added, The farmer\'s daughter. And the blue flowers and the yellow', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by W. Scott, [18--]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4631, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The village tragedy; or, Murder upon murder!! : written and now published to warn all young men and women against the horrid crime of seduction; which proved so fatal, a fw weeks ago, to a young woman near York...', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4632, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of new songs. : The vicar of Bray. The lass of Ballochmyle. My friend and pitcher. One bottle more', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by G. Angus, in the Side, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4633, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent old song, called, The wandering shepherdess', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [18--]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, M.', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4634, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Captain Ward and the rainbow; : to which is added, The chapter of politicians', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [18--]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4635, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The whale. Bruce\'s address. The exile of Erin. Blithe was she. Tom Bowling', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, 10, Saltmarket, [18--]', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4636, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The whale. : To which are added, Mary\'s dream. I lo\'e nae a laddie but ane country lassie. And The fickle fix\'d', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [18--]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4637, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Grigor\'s ghost', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [18--]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', NULL, 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4638, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The juvenile learner; : or, the child\'s early guide.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 12, '7', NULL, 'Lumsden and Son\'s superior edition of penny books', NULL, 'Title page on recto of front cover, which is included in pagination.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 10.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4639, 'Winlove, Mrs', 0, NULL, 0, 'The rise of learning, : or, Ground-work of science. Shewing how good boys and girls by attending to the rules contained in this book and obeying their parents and guardians, may acquire wisdom, riches and honour. By Mrs Winlove.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '48', 8.6, '36', 'Twopence', 'Ross\'s juvenile library', NULL, 'Wrappers included in pagination.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 16.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4640, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tommy Thumb\'s song-book, for all little masters and misses : to be sung to them by their nurses till they can sing them themselves. By Nurse Lovechild. To which is prefixed A letter from a lady on nursing', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1815', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Ross, G.', '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '31', 8.8, '28', 'Price twopence', 'Ross\'s juvenile library', NULL, 'As Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 21, but wrapper has imprint: Edinburgh : Printed and published by G. Ross, with different illustration on back.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4641, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An elegy on the death and burial of Cock-Robin', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale, by J. Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 8.5, '15', 'One penny', NULL, NULL, 'No separate wrappers. Title and imprint on verso of fol. 1.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 62.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4642, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An elegy on the death and burial of Cock Robin', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 11.6, '14', 'One penny', 'Lumsden and Son\'s superior edition of penny books', NULL, 'First and last pages constitute wrapper, with title and imprint on both, and text on versos.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 63.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1204, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lawyer and Nell; or, The lawyer humbugg\'d, to which are added, Now sit down my cronnie, The Highland laddie, and Galla water.', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by W. Scott, [s.a.]', 'Grenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1205, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The learned dominie', NULL, '[Paisley?] : [S.l.]], [s.a.]', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, '1817-09-30 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '5', 14.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1206, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The letter writer, containing a variety of epistolary correspondence on different subjects, in thee parts. viz. Duty and friendship; Love, courtship and marriage, Business, and the Death of relatives. To which are added, Superscriptions and addresses for letters. The whole forming a useful companion for the youth of both sexes.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1814.', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1207, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and adventures of Robin Hood', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1858', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1858-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '11', 'one penny', NULL, '34', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1208, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life and astonishing adventures of Peter Williamson, who was carried off when a child from Aberdeen and sold for a slave.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1757-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, '83', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1209, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and curious adventures, of Bertholde of Bertagnona: a man, who was endowed with all the deformity of Aesop, the wisdom of Solomon, and the poverty of Job.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1210, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of a toper; or, the drunkard\'s last will. To which are added, Get married betimes. The drowned mariner. Catch hold on to day. The happy marriage.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1801 edition at Bh13-d.3', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1211, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of fair Rosamond, concubine to King Henry the II', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1212, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of fair Rosamond... To which is added The lass o\' Gowrie', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Johnstone, E.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Printer possibly E. Johnston.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1213, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of Jane Shore, concubine to King Edward IV. With a genuine letter from Jane to the King.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed & sold by T. Johnston, 1813', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1214, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of Robin Hood, the renowned out-law. And the famous exploits performed by him and Little John.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, '73', 'Martin Parker\'s true tale of Robin Hood.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'73\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1215, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of Sheffery Morgan, the son of Shon ap Morgan', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1216, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life and death of Tom Thumb, the little giant. And Grumbo the great giant, king of the country of eagles.', NULL, 'Edinburgh; : Printed at the foot of the Horse-Wynd., [1720?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1720-01-01 00:00:00', '1720-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 11, '3', 'Price one penny', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1217, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and history of Mary, Queen of Scots.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by Francis Orr & Sons, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Orr, Francis', 'Orr (sons of Francis)', '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '34, [i.e. 24]', 11.7, '0', NULL, NULL, '165', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'165\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThe page numbering is erratic.', NULL, 0, 'Mary, Queen of Scots, 1542-1587 Biography', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1218, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and prophecies of Mr. Alexr. Peden, late minister of the gospel, at New Glenluce in Galloway. In two parts. To which is added his remarkable letter to the prisoners in Dunnotar-Castle, July, 1685.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1818', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '60', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1219, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and surprising adventures of Frederick Baron Trenck. Corrected and abridged.', NULL, 'Printed by G. Angus, Side,Newcastle, Where always is kept on sale, ... [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1 [captioned]', 'twopence', NULL, NULL, 'Glasgow edition at Bh13-d.5', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1221, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and surprising adventures of that renowned hero, Sir William Wallace', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1222, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and transactions of Mrs. Jane Shore, concubine to King Edward IVth. Adventure of Allan Barclay, a private soldier in the -- Regiment. Love and torture.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, '8', 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nThis is a different edition from the item placed at L.C.2849(10) : there is no border on the title page and there is an \'8\' printed at the foot of title page. The text is identical. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, 'Shore, Jane, d. 1527?', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1223, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and transactions of Mrs Jane Shore, concubine to King Edward the Fourth.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1224, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life and transactions of Mrs. Jane Shore, concubine to K. Edward IV...', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1225, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and transactions of Mrs. Jane Shore, concubine to K. Edward 4th, containing an account of her parentage, with, and beauty. Her marriage with Mr. Shore. The King\'s visits to her, her going bto Court, and heaving her husband. Her great distress and misery after the King\'s death, &c.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, 1816', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Shore, Jane, d. 1527?', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1226, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life of Jack Sheppard the notorious house and gaol breaker.', NULL, 'Newcastle-on-Tyne : Bowman, publisher. Nuns\' Lane, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Bowman', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', 'one penny', 'Penny Histories', '21', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1227, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life of Oliver Cromwell', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1828.', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', 'one penny', 'A swelection of amusing and instructive pamphlets; comprising lives of great warriors & statesmen, battles on sea & land, histories of different ...', '11', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1228, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life of Richard Turpin, a most notorious highwayman…', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, '117', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page\r\n\'117.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nPrinted height of title-page 14.5 cm.', NULL, 0, 'Turpin, Richard, 1706-1739.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1229, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life of Robert Burns', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1828', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', 'one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1230, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life of the late Right Honourable George Canning, Prime Minister of England', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers 1827', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1231, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life, trial and awful execution of Agnes Rae, aged 22, who was executed at Maidstone for the murder of Mr George Wilson: With a copy of verses she wrote before her execution.', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Printed by J. Muir, Trongate Street [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Muir, John', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1232, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life, trial, and execution, of Mary Thompson, aged 19...', NULL, 'J. Brown, printer, Edinburgh, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Brown, John', NULL, '1841-02-22 00:00:00', '1845-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1233, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The light dragoon. To which are added, A new patriotic song. The orange and blue. Billy and Molly\'s parting. The thing we beg\'s a toy.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, [ No. 20.] Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1234, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'List of all the criminals who have been executed in Glasgow, for the last eighty-six years, with their names, crimes, and place and time of their suffering: Likewise, a list of the names and crimes of persons who have been executed in Edinburgh, Stirling, Perth, Dumfries, Ayr, Jedburgh, Greenock, Paisley, Aberdeen, Inverness, &c. For 180 years, also, A list of unfortunate individuals who were strangled and burned for witchcraft. Being a very curious and interesting book.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. Muir, 49, Trongate Street [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Muir, John', NULL, '1840-08-03 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 13.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1235, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lochaber no more. Queen Mary\'s lamentation. Banks of Banna. Auld acquaintance. The land of the leal', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1236, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Loch-Erroch side; To which are added, The merry fellows. Long and dreary is the night. My Nannie, O. The miller of Dee. Highland Harry', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in Scotland, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1237, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Margaret and the Minister; a true tale. To which is added, Soda water.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell, 2, New Street, [1825-1830?] ', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attributed to Robert Lochore.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1238, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The London astrologer; or, A young girl put to the blush. To which are added, Drinking drowns care. Jenny dang the weaver. Poverty\'s no sin. Matilda\'s lament. The soldier\'s widow.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, [No. 20.] Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1239, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The London spy; or, the frauds of London described. Being a complete disclosure of all the dark transactions in and about that great city.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1240, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The longing maid. To which are added, Birniebouzle, William and Nancy, and Roy\'s wife of Aldivalloch', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed & sold by P. Buchan [s.a.]', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1241, 'Longmuir, John, 1803-1883', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Covenanters\' coronal: containing The banner blue; The Wigtown martyrs; Dunnottar castle; and Our Covenanters. Selected from the publications of Dr. Longmuir', NULL, '[Fintray, Aberdeen] : Printed by J. Cumming, Fintray, Aberdeen, 1881', 'Fintray', 'Cumming, John', NULL, '1881-01-01 00:00:00', '1881-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1242, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The long pack: a Northumbrian tale, an hundred years old', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by G. Angus in the Side, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1243, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lord Duncan\'s victory over the Dutch fleet, Octr. 12th, 1797. To which are added, The girl I left behind me. With the answer. The shepherd outwitted', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.\r\nLord Duncan\'s victory over the Dutch fleet : Tune - Fy, Let us a\' to the bridal.', NULL, 0, 'Duncan, Adam Viscount Duncan of Camperdown Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1244, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lord Ruthven\'s daughter, an ancient ballad, to which are added, The maid that tends the goats, The captive negro. Jenny dang the weaver.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1245, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The loss of the pack; to which is added The pack\'s address.', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1246, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lost and undone son of perdition; or, the life and death of Judas Iscariot.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1828', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1247, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lost daughter. An interesting tale, founded on facts.', NULL, 'M. Angus and Son, Printers, Newcastle [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M', 'Angus (son of M., poss George?)', '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1248, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Loudon\'s bonny woods and braes. To which are added, The battle of Sherra Muir. And, Donald M\'Donald.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1249, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lovley Jean. To which are added, The bush aboon Traquair, The lass in yon town, The pitcher, The death of Wolfe', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, 1820 ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nThere is a variant in which \'Lovley\' in the title is spelled \'Lovely\' StEdNL : L.C.2872(29).', NULL, 0, 'Wolfe, James, 1727-1759 Death and burial.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1250, 'Macdonald, Donald', 0, NULL, 0, 'The remarkable adventures of Don. Macdonald a Scotch Highlander. During a course of continual viscissitude and roguish exploits in which he was periodically concerned. Written by himself.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall. [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1251, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The mad pranks of Tom Tram, son-in-law to Mother Winter. To which is added His merry jests, odd conceits, and pleasant tales: being delightful to read.', NULL, 'Printed and sold in Niddry\'s-Wynd, 1777', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1777-01-01 00:00:00', '1777-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1252, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The mad pranks of Tom Tram, son in law to Mother Winter. To which are added, His merry jests, and pleasant tales', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1817', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Falkirk:- Printed by T. Johnston. 1817.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1253, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Maggy Lauther. To which are added, The pitcher. Bonny Jean. Yarrow Braes.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1823', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1254, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Man of War\'s garland; or, the brave British Tars. To which are added, For freedom and his native land. The heavy hours. The step-daughter\'s relief. Nelson\'s victory over the French.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1800 edition at Bh13-d.3', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1256, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Martin\'s wonderful prophecies, relating to England, Scotland, & Ireland. With an account of the wonderful changes that must shortly take place in the Government, and in the state and condition of the people.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by John Muir, 30, Prince\'s Streeet, 1829', 'Glasgow', 'Muir, John', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1257, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Mary le More, a lamentable Irish song. To which is added, George is the mildest king; or, A new touch on the times.', NULL, '[Stirling?], Entered according to order [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1994-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Printer possibly Charles Randall.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1258, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Mary, O. Address to Caledonia. She rose and let me in. Logan Water. The garden of love.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1819', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1259, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The massacre of Glenco...', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, for George Caldwell, bookseller, 1819', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', 'Neilson, John', '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'On title page : \"William R. As for MackIan of Glenco, and \" that tribe,...14th article of instructions, Jan. 16. 1692.\r\nColophon on p. 8 reads : Printed by J. Neilson.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1260, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable C.J. Fox, the man of the people, Secretary of State for the Foreign Department, &C.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1823', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1261, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merchant of Bristol\'s daughter. To which is added, This is no my ain house.', NULL, 'Printed by G. Miller, Highstreet, Dunbar, [s.a.]', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '2 (1 rule piece)', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1262, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merchant\'s son and the beggar wench. To which are added, The praises of wine. Absence ill to bide. Johnny and Mary. The braes of Yarrow.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1263, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry and diverting exploits of George Buchanan. In two parts.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1264, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry and entertaining jokes of George Buchanan; who was servant or teacher to King James VIth as his private counseller, but publicly acted as his fool. The whole compiled in three numbers, for the entertainment of youth. Number I.', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by G. Angus in the Side, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1265, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry cobler, and his musical alphabet', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale by J. Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '31', 7.2, '29', 'Two-pence', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 101.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1266, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry frolics; or, the comical cheats of Swalpo a notorious pickpocket. And the pranks of Roger the clown.', NULL, 'Seven Dials : Reprinted by J. Jones, ballad-monger, poster-printer, &c. Cards for raffles..., [s.a.]', 'Seven Dials', 'Jones, J.', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 13.4, '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1267, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry life and mad exploits of Capt. James Hind, the great robber of England.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1268, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Merry life and mad exploits of Captain Hynd, the great robber of England... To which is added, two poems. One by his friend, and another by his father, both upon honesty.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by A. Robertson, Horse Wynd,M,DCC,LXXXVIII', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1788-01-01 00:00:00', '1788-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '0', 'two pence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1269, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry songster', NULL, 'Ryle & Paul, Printers, 8&?, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials [s.a.] [on page 8, bottom right corner]', 'London', 'Ryle & Paul', NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 11, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1270, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry tales of the wise men of Gotham', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold in Niddery\'s-Wynd. [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1773-01-01 00:00:00', '1785-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1271, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry tales of the wise men of Gotham', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive assortment of histories, songs, children\'s story books, school books, &c., &c., [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nOn title page : Of merry books this is the chief, It is a purging pill, To carry off all heavy grief, And make you laugh your fill.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1272, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry tales of the wise men of Gotham. To which is added a collection of jests.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, [No. 20] Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '24?', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1273, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Middlesex Flora; to which are added, Neil Gow\'s farewell to whisky; The golden glove, and The answer', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan, and sold by A. Keith, Aberdeen [s.a.]', 'Aberdeen', 'Keith, Alexander', 'Buchan, Peter', '2016-01-01 00:00:00', '2019-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1274, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Middlesex flora; or, the ship-wreck\'d sailor. To which are added, The charming beauty. Neptune\'s mistake. The despairing shepherdess. The parson\'s foible.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1275, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The milking-pail. To which are added, The north country lass. Oxter my laddie. Old King Coul. The humble beggar.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, [No.20.] Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1801 edition at Bh13-d.3', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1276, 'Milne, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'A song in praise of the Highland lads. To the tune of Johnny Cop.', NULL, 'Aberdeen : Printed by A. Imlay, 22 Long Acre, 1826', 'Aberdeen', 'Imlay, A.', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1277, 'Milne, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'Lamentation for the death of the illustrious and most noble, Alexander, Duke of Gordon... By John Milne, Glenlivat, Parish of Inveraven.', NULL, '[S.l.] : by John Milne, Glenlivat, Parish of Inveraven [s.a.]', NULL, 'A. Imlay?', NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 14.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1278, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The miraculous life and adventures of Sinbad, the sailor...', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1279, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The miseries of poor simple innocent silly Tam.', NULL, '[Edinburgh? : s.n., ca. 1820?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nCaption title.\r\nAnonymous. By Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1280, NULL, 0, 'Johnson, Ben', 0, 'The history of the wits jubilee, or, The chearful companion. Containing variety of diverting jests.', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed in this present year, 1793.', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1793-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nFrank Merryman and Ben Johnson are pseudonyms.\r\nAppears to be printed by the same printer who used \'printed… opposite the foot of the Old Assembly Close\' imprint', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1281, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Monro\'s tragedy. To which are added, The banks of a river. The true Briton\'s wish. The downfall of the coalition. Tom Careless\' maxim.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1282, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Monro\'s tragedy. To which are added, The banks of a river. The true Briton\'s wish. A new song of old sayings. The return from the chace. Tom Careless\' maxims.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, No. 20. Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1283, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Mother Bunch\'s closet newly broke open; containing rare secrets of nature and art, tried and experienced by learned philosophers, and recommended to all ingenious young men and maids, teaching them, in a natural way, how to get good wives and husbands. Approved by several that have made trial of them; it being the product of forty-nine years of study. By our loving friend Poor Tom, for the King, a lover of Mirth, but a hater of Treason. In two parts.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, 1817', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1284, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Mother Bunch\'s golden fortune teller; a new and approved guide to the future.', NULL, 'Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Bowman, publisher, Nun\'s Lane, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Bowman', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', 'one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1285, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The mountain hermit; or, the history of solitary Simon', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by M. Angus & Son, Side.[s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', 'Angus (son of M., poss George?)', '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1286, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The mournful tragedy of the valiant knight Sir Wm. Wallace...', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1822', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1287, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The moving market: or, Cries of London. For the amusement of good children.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and published by G. Ross, 1815.', 'Edinburgh', 'Ross, G.', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 8.8, '28', 'Twopence', 'Ross\'s Juvenile Library', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1288, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'My bonnie Mary. It was upon a Lammas night. Tho\' women\'s minds. Yestreen I had a pint o\' wine. There\'s nought but care on ev\'ry hand. Ye banks and braes', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1289, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'My heart with love is beating. London, agrah! is the devil\'s own shop. Love among the roses. Mary. Robin Adair. Their groves o\' sweet myrtle', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1290, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'My poll and my partner Joe. To which are added, The ship in distress. The toper\'s advice. An excellent new song, called, Esk Mill. And The happy fire-side', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nEsk mill : Tune - Banks of the Devon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1291, 'Brownlee, W. C. (William Craig), 1784-1860', 0, NULL, 0, 'Narrative of the Battles of Drumclog, and Bothwell Bridge', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, '1', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'1.\' printed beneath the imprint.\r\nThere is a variant with \'Z\' printed beneath the imprint and type set slightly differently. StEdNL : HALL.224.H.4(15).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1292, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of Waterloo : to which are added, Come under my plaidy. and Cowden Knowes;', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1293, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A narrative of the extraordinary adventures of four sailors', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1294, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A narrative of the extraordinary adventures of four Russian sailors, who were cast away on the desert island of East-Spitzbergen. To which is added The story of the King and Fairy Ring', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. booksellers, No. 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1295, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The neglected tar; or, the British seamen. To which are added, The ups and downs of life. A fox-hunting song. To the Greenwood gang wi\' me. Advice to the fair sex.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1296, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The neglected tar; or, The British Seamen. To which are added, Now sit down my cronnie. Drive me not to despair. The ups and downs of life. To the Greenwood gang wi\' me. Cynthia\'s perplexity.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, 20. Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1297, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The negro servant. An authentic and interesting narrative of a young negro…', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, for the booksellers, [1811-1819?] ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1298, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The negro servant an authentic and interesting narrative, in three parts. Commissioned by a clergyman of the Church of England.', NULL, 'George Angus, Printer, Side, Newcastle. [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1299, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Neil Gow\'s Strathspey. To which are added, Down the burn Davie, and I\'ll prie your bonny mou\' lassie.', NULL, '[F]alkirk : Printed by T. Johnston', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1300, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Nelson\'s lament. To which are added The boast of old Gaul. The praises of wine. Bonaparte in love.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1806', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount, 1758-1805.\r\nNapoleon I, Emperor of t', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1301, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Netherton Ball; to which are added, Bonny Jean, and A popular new song Air - Logan Braes.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nA popular new song : air - Logan streams.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1302, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new description of the Emperor of China\'s palace, gardens and pleasure grounds. To which is added, A description of Mahometan temples, and mosques.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1813', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1813-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1303, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new fortune-teller: with the interpretation of dreams and moles', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year M LIII XVIII [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1304, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new guide to matrimony; or, The whole art of courtship, containing a collection of ingenious letters on love and marriage, and hints to young women.', NULL, 'Newcastle-on-Tyne : Bowman, printer & publisher [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Bowman', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1305, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new history of all religions, in particular, the Churches, sectaries, and parties, of the Holy Christian religion.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1306, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new proverbs on the pride of women; or, the vanity of this world displayed. Part first and second...', NULL, '[Stirling?] : Entered according to order., 1799', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1307, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song, called The good queen of Fife, To which are added, I sigh for the girl I adore, On beauty, The poor exile of Erin, and The happy fire-side.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1807', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1308, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song, called Oral valley To which are added, My only Joe and deary O, Banks and braes of bonny Doon.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1807', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1309, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song, called, Scottish glory display\'d at the Battle of Waterloo. To which is added, Bundle and go.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T Johnston, 1817', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1310, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song, called Wandering Nelly; or, Corunna\'s lone shore. To which are added, Down in the broom, and The Scots bonnet', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed in the year 1821', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Publisher probably Thomas Johnston.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1311, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song in praise of Stirling. To which are added, A song in praise of the weaving craft. And The virgin\'s choice.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1803', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1312, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song... Macbeth. To which are added Tis past! The pangs of love are past, and The Royal Ark', NULL, 'Belfast : pronted for the hawkers, [s.a.]', 'Belfast', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1313, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song of old sayings. To which are added, A touch of the terrific. Saw ye my wee thing? Britons only conquer to save. Caledonia look\'d down. An Irish drinking song. The yellow-haired laddie.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, No. 20. Saltmarket, 1809', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1314, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song on the times. To which are added, Young Donald o\' Dundee', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan [s.a.]', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '2016-01-01 00:00:00', '2019-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1315, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'New songs. Sailor\'s farewell. He\'s aye kissing me. A rose tree. Tibby Fowler. The jolly toper.', NULL, 'Banff : Printed in July, 1798', 'Banff', NULL, NULL, '1798-07-01 00:00:00', '1798-07-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1316, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The news, To which is added, The humours of Glasgow Fair.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, bookseller, 19 Saltmarket, 1823', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nThe news : Tune - Cameronians\' Rant.\r\nThe humours of Glasgow Fair : Tune - The Hallow Fair.', NULL, 0, 'George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830 Journeys Scotland Edinburg', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1317, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new touch on the times; To which are added, The broom of the Cowdenknows, Young Jockey.', NULL, '[Stirling?] : Printed in this Present Year [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Printer possibly Charles Randall.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1318, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new touch on the times. To which are added, The cherry girl. The fire-side companions. If I e\'er do well \'tis a wonder. This is no mine ain house. Roger and Dolly. Drink while you can.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, [No. 20] Saltmarket, 1809', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1319, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'New way of the plow boy, The old plow boy, and The saucy lass with the beard', NULL, '[Stirling?] : Entered according to order, [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nPrinter possibly Charles Randall.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1320, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Madrid shaver\'s singular adventures and wonderful escape from the Spanish Inquisition. A true story.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '66', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\n\'66\' printed beneath the imprint.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nVariant exists without \'66\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2847(17)).', NULL, 0, 'Pedrosa, Nicolas.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1321, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Nid Nid Noddin. Caledonia. Farewell to Lochaber. Waes me for Prince Charlie. Mary, I believ\'d thee true', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1322, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The nightingale: a collection of songs, Scots, English, and Irish.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for and sold by the booksellers, 1798.', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '64', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'A number of the works included appear in 19th century chapbooks.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1323, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Nightingale: a collection of choice songs, Scots, English, and Irish, from favourite authors, Burns, Sen. and Jun. Tannahill, &c', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson. For W. & P. Jenkins, booksellers, 18, Saltmarket, Galasgow, 1819', 'Glasgow', 'Jenkins, W, and P.', 'Neilson, John', '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '48', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1324, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The noble and renowned history of Guy, Earl of Warwick…', 'Eighteenth edition', 'London : Printed and sold by J. Hollis, Shoemaker-Row, Black-Friars : And sold by the booksell, [s.a.]', 'London', 'Hollis, J.', NULL, NULL, NULL, '60', 14.2, '9', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1325, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The northern ditty; or, the citizen outwitted by a country damsel. To which is added, A ten year\'s siege. The new way of the blind boy. The old way of the blind boy.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, 1800', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'other editions: books no. 1326 and 1327)', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1327, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The northern ditty; or, the citizen outwitted by a country damsel. To which are added, A ten year\'s siege. The new way of the blind boy. The old way of the blind boy.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'other editions: books no. 1325, 1326)', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1328, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The northern ditty; or, The citizen outwitted by a country damsel, to which are added, Yo, yea. Montelia\'s charms.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1808', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1329, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The northern garland; or, the bonny lass of Benachie. To which are added Tarry woo. Hap me with thy petticoat', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 13.3, '1 (mortar and pestle with words: \'The Laboratory\'', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1330, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Nothing like grog. Rule, Britannia. What ails this heart o\' mine. Saw ye Johnny comin\'.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1331, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Nurse Dandlem\'s little repository of great instruction, : containing The surprising adventures of Little Wake Wilful, and his deliverance from the giant Grumbolumbo, written by the famous Prussian, for the sole amusement of the Chickabiddy generation. Embellished with copperplates.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale, by J. Lumsden and Son, [c. 1815]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '47', 8.5, '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Title page and p. 47 are pastedowns.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 106.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1332, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'O tell me the way for to woo. The flowers of the forest. A lassie fair. Daintie Davie. My kimmer and I.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1821', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1333, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Oh! a\'body\'s like to be married but me. To which are added, The gude forgi\'e me for liein. The handsome country maid. The young kintry laird\'s courtship. Tom and Polly. The negro\'s complaint. If e\'er I do well \'tis a wonder.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1809', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1334, 'O\'Lavery, Murtaugh', 0, NULL, 0, 'Purgatory proved, illustrated, and set forth in a clear light: a funeral sermon. By Father Murtagh O\'Lavery, Priest of the parishes of St John\'s, Dromore, and Machrelin. Upon the death of one of his parishioners. To which is added, The consecration of a murderer of heretick princes; used by the Jesuits in Popish countries Also, a number of Popish miracles.', NULL, '[Kilmarnock] : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Father Murtaugh O\'Lavery is a pseudonym.\r\nPlace of publication from external and internal evidence. Date from examination of text and style.\r\nSatire in Irish-accented English.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1335, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The old commodore. To which are added, Bonny wood of Craigie-lee. The fire-side companions. K. John and the Bishop of Canterbury. Of a\' the airts the wind can blaw. The cherry girl.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, [No. 20.] Saltmarket, 1809', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1336, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The old man outwitted; or, the fortunate lovers. To which are added, The marriage act, and Friendship a jewel.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1337, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The old man outwitted; or, the fortunate lovers. To which are added, Thro\' the wood laddie. How happy the soldier. The marriage act. Friendship\' a jewel.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1338, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Old mother Hubbard, and her dog. Embellished with beautiful coloured plates', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '28', 11, '10', NULL, 'Lumsden & Son\'s improved edition of coloured twopenny books embellished with numerous engravings', NULL, 'Wrappers included in pagination.\r\nTitle on wrappers: Mother Hubbard and her wonderful dog.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 109.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1339, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The old Scots tragical song of Sir James the Rose...', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1340, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Old Scottish songs. The farmer\'s daughter. Scornfu\' Nancy. The sodger laddie', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1341, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An old woman clothed in gray; To which are added, The bird, A new song. Nobody coming to marry me. I would if I was not so young', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1825', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1342, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The oracles of Christ, and the abominations of Antichrist compared: or, A brief view of the errors, impieties, and inhumanities of Popery, and of the great danger of its speedy prevalence in Britain. In a letter to a friend.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by William Smith; for W. Smith, and W.Anderson, bookseller in Stirling;MDCCLXXIX.', 'Glasgow', 'Smith, W.', 'Anderson, W.', '1779-01-01 00:00:00', '1779-12-31 00:00:00', '98', 14.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1343, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Over the hills & far away. To which are added The lass of Patie\'s mill. The gallant souls. Slighted Nancy. A new song', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '6 (last 2 pages of 8 missing)', 15.1, '4 (3 border pieces)', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1344, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Oxfordshire tragedy; or, the virgin\'s advice. In two parts... To which is added, The protest.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1345, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'The pack\'s address; to which is added The loss of the pack', NULL, '[Paisley? : s.n., ca. 1840?] ', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Date and place of publication from examination of text and style and external evidence.\r\nCaption title.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1346, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Paddy Bull\'s expedition. To which are added, The maid that tends the goats. The reformed cobler. The plough boy.', NULL, 'Printed by G. Miller, High-Street, Dunbar, [s.a.]', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1347, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Paddy Carey. March to the battle field. My Patie is a lover gay. The beautiful maid', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1348, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Paddy the Piper. Hear me, ye Nymphs. Beautiful maid. Pollacca. The gypsie laddie', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1349, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A particular account of the murder of Mr. Thos. Weare, the trial of John Thurtell and Joseph Hunt, and the execution of J. Thurtell.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1824?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '23', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, '42', 'Dated from internal evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\n\'No. XLII\' appears at foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, 'Thurtell, John, 1794-1824 Trials, litigation, etc.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1350, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Patie\'s wedding; or, all parties pleased. To which are added, Absence ill to bide. Johnny and Mary. The braes of Yarrow.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1351, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A patriotic song; or, Buonaparte will be here... Tune, - Tullochgorum. To which are added, Britain\'s contest, and The soldier\'s return.', NULL, 'printed by and for A. Keith, Aberdeen, [s.a.]', 'Aberdeen', 'Keith, Alexander', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1352, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Paul and Nanny. To which are added, The batchelor deceived. Aristippus\'s rules. Davy Jones\'s locker. The unfortunate fair. The Scottish exile. Oh no, my love, no! Beauty and rigour.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, 20. Saltmarket, 1809', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1353, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The peck o\' maut; to which are added, This is no my plaid. The Highland courtship.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1354, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A penny-worth of wit. In three parts…', NULL, 'on back page : Glasgow, printeed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1355, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A pennyworth of wit, or, the deluded merchant...', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan [s.a.]', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '2019-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1356, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The perjur\'d maid who foreswore herself for riches: giving an account, what an example she made, which I hope will be a warning to all young people. To which are added, Willy\'s lovely voice. O gentle sleep. Sweet and smart.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1357, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasant and delightful history of Johnny Armstrong…', NULL, 'George Angus, printer, Side, Newcastle, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1358, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasant history of Poor Robin, the merry sadler of Walden. Shewing..', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year 1817', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1359, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasing art of money-catching; and the way to thrive...', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nBoth the illustration and typeface on the title page differ from the edition dated 1840. The text is identical. StEdNL : L.C.2828(27).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1360, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasures of matrimony, interwoven with sundry comical and delightful stories, with The charming delights and ravishing sweets of wooing and wedlock, in all its diverting enjoyments', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1825', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1361, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The ploughman\'s courtship. To which are added, Johnny Coup\'s defeat, and The distressed lover.', NULL, 'Falkirk - T. Johnston, Printer, [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1362, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The plowman\'s ditty. To which are added, Kenmure\'s on and awa. Ah Chloris. Ungrateful Nanny. Smirky Nan', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1820', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nAh Chloris : Tune - Gilderoy.\r\nSmirky Nan : Tune - My Nanny O.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1363, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Poetical scrap book: a selection of poems for recitation.', NULL, 'Dalkeith : Printed by David Lyle. [s.a.]', 'Dalkeith', 'Lyle, David', NULL, '1852-01-01 00:00:00', '1900-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1364, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Poor Jack sailor, to which is added, Nothing like grog, and The sailor\'s advice.', NULL, 'Falkirk - printed by T. Johnston : 1817', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1365, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The poor man\'s counsel; or, the married man\'s guide. To which are added, Auld Robin Gray, with The answer. The captain of love. The cock and the bull.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, No. 20. Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1366, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The poor man\'s labour never done; or, the mother\'s advice. To which are added, A satyr on all trades. And The auld man\'s mare\'s dead.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1367, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A prayer book, for families and private persons...', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by A. Johnston [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Archibald', NULL, '1831-01-01 00:00:00', '1867-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1368, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The press-gang; or, true-blue. To which are added, Ridges of rye. And Cato\'s advice.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1369, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Queen Mary\'s lamentation. To which are added, The orange and blue. Lord Gregory, Tak\' your auld cloke about ye, and The sailor\'s return', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, bookseller, 19 Saltmarket, 1823', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1370, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Queen Mary\'s lamentation; to which are added, The sodger laddie. The minstrel boy. Jockey\'s far awa\', The Highland laddie. Bonny Leslie', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1824', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1371, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Queen of the (May). To which are added, The drunken wife of Galloway. And Time has not thinn\'d, &c.', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed by C. Randall., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1372, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The rambler from Clare. To which are added, Davy Jones\'s locker. Mankind all tanners. The bonny boy. O dear. I\'m so pleas\'d. Friendship\'s a jewel. The marriage act. The taylor\'s downfal. The North Country lass.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1373, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of Scotch proverbs...', NULL, 'Falkirk printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1374, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'The monk and the miller\'s wife: by Allan Ramsay, the Scots poet', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Printed for the Company of Stationers., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Date and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1375, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scots proverbs; or, the wise sayings of the old people of Scotland', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T Johnston, 1801?. Where a variety of small pamphlets may be had in wholesale...', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1376, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Reily\'s courtship to Coolin Bawn. To which are added, Let war sound the trumpet. Dear Mary, adieu! Jack\'s disaster, or turn in or turn out. Stick a pin there. The sailor\'s lamentation, with The answer. The green purse.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (no.18.) Saltmarket, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1377, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The releasement of Jamie Reily and his marriage with Coolin Bawn. To which are added, A new song of old sayings. A sup of good whisky. The honey-dew drops from his lip. The return from the chace. The true Briton\'s wish.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1378, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Remarkable & memorable history of Sir Robt. Bewick and the Laird Graham... Also, The Berkshire lady\'s garland. In four parts', NULL, 'Printed and sold by W. & T. Fordyce, Newcastle and Hull; and J. Whinham & Co....Car;lisle [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Fordyce, W.', 'Fordyce, T.', '1990-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '7', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1379, 'Johnson, Richard, 1573-1659?', 0, NULL, 0, 'The renowned history of the seven champions of Christendom; viz. ...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAn edition of \'The most famous history of the seven champions of Christendome\'.\r\nAnonymous. By Richard Johnson.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1380, 'Johnson, Richard, 1573-1659?', 0, NULL, 0, 'The renowned history of the seven champions of Christendom...', NULL, 'Glasgow: : Printed for George Caldwell, bookseller in Paisley., 1784.', 'Glasgow', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1784-01-01 00:00:00', '1784-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'An edition of \'The most famous history of the seven champions of Christendome\'.\r\nAnonymous. By Richard Johnson.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1381, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The resolute lady; or fortunate footman.To which are added, Britannia pensive & Minerva\'s consolation. I thought it was queer. Let war sound the trumpet. Dear Mary, Adieu. The wedding day. Love in my pocket. A hunting song.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805.\r\nBritannia pensive, and Minerva\'s consolation : Tune - Thirtieth of November.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1382, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A right merry garland of Northumberland heroes', NULL, 'Printed for J. Bell, on the Quay, Newcastle upon Tyne, MDCCCXIV', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Bell, John', 'Angus, George', '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1383, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The rigs o\' barley. To which are added, The bush aboon Traquair. Charlie\'s my darling. Oscar\'s ghost. The pitcher', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, 1820 ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nOscar\'s ghost : Tune - Roslin Castle.', NULL, 0, 'Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-17', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1384, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Robin aboon; To which are added, Steer her up and ha\'d her gawn. A sup of good whisky. A highland lad my love was born', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1385, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Rob Roy MacGregor, To which are added, Mrs. F.\'s delight, The Highland laddie, Billy and Nancy\'s parting, Together let us range.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, bookseller, 19 Saltmarket, 1823', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nMrs F\'s delight : Composed by her husband.', NULL, 0, 'Rob Roy, 1671-1734.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1386, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Rochester lass, The poor exile of Erin, The Middlesex Flora, and Hey for a lass with a tocher.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1387, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Roman nobleman and cruel blackmoor in the wood. An ancient ballad.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1814', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1388, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Roman stories; or, the history of the seven wise masters of Rome…', 'Forty-third edition', 'London : Printed and sold by J. Hollis, 21, Shoemaker-Row, Black-Friars, [s.a.]', 'London', 'Hollis, J.', NULL, NULL, NULL, '96', 14.2, '9', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1389, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Roman stories; or, the history of the seven wise mistresses of Rome...', 'Thirty-third edition', 'London : Printed and sold by J. Hollis, Shoemaker-Row, Blackfriars, [s.a.]', 'London', 'Hollis, J.', NULL, NULL, NULL, '60', 14.2, '7', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1390, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of the King and the Cobbler : Containing the entertaining and merry tricks, and droll frolicks, played by the cobbler. - how he got acquainted with the King, became a great man, and lived at Court ever after.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, '56', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'56.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThis is a variant with \'F\' printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nTitle page has decorative border and includes illustration of a full-face head and shoulders portrait of King Henry VIII.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1391, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The royal courtly garland; or, joy after sorrow. In six parts', NULL, '[S.l.] : Licensed and entered, 1792', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1792-01-01 00:00:00', '1792-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1392, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The royal game at cards; or, a pack of cards changed into a complete and perpetual almanac...', NULL, 'Edinburgh:printed for the booksellers in town and country [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', 'one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1393, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The royal riddle-book: for the trial of dull wits...', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for J. Rankine, bookseller; and sold at his shop, opposite the well... M,DCC,XCVIII', 'Falkirk', 'Rankine, J.', NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '2 plus decorations', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1394, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Royal riddle-book. Being a choice selection of the most popular guesses now extant', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by Stephen Young gor G. Caldwell, Jun. 69, High-Street, 1825', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', 'Young, Stephen', '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', '0ne half penny', 'Youth\'s Library', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1395, 'Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661', 0, NULL, 0, 'Heavenly salutations, with pleasant conferences betwixt Christ and his people. Iin a sermon preached in Antwoth before the Communion, Anno 1630. On Canticles ii. 14, 15, 16, 17. By that flower of the Church. Mr. Samuel Rutherford, sometime Minister of the Gospel at Antwoth.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by John Bryce, and sold at his shop oposite Gibson\'s-wynd, Salt-market. - 1778', 'Glasgow', 'Bryce, John', NULL, '1778-01-01 00:00:00', '1778-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1396, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailing trade. To which are added, The disconsolate sailor, The sailor\'s caution. British loyalty. The indifferent fair.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1397, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor bold. To which is added. The recruiting serjeant. Wat ye wha I met yestreen', NULL, 'Printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Castlestreet Aberdeen, [s.a.]', 'Aberdeen', 'Chalmers, James', NULL, '1771-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1398, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor dear, with The answer. To which are added, The choice properties of a wife, and For the sake of gold.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1399, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor farmer\'s daughter. To which is added Bold Jockey', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate.', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1997-01-01 00:00:00', '2022-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1400, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s courtship, a favourite song, to which are added, I\'ll soon ha\'e a wife o\' my ain. My lovely owen, and The smile and the tear', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1830-1840?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1401, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s courtship, a new song. To which are added, I\'ll soon ha\'e a wife o\' my ain, My lovely Owen, and The smile and the tear.', NULL, 'Falkirk : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1822', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1402, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s return. To which are added, The female soldier. The true hearted maiden. The forsaken nymph. The gin drinker\'s frolic. A trip to the fair.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1403, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s tragedy; or, false oaths punished. To which are added, Mary\'s dream, and The distressed sailors on the rocks of Scilly', NULL, '[S.l.], [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1799 edition by J. & M. Robertson, Glasgow, at Bh13-d.5', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1404, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s tragedy; to which are added, Highland Mary, The Irish wedding', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1405, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s tragedy; to which is added The wee wifukie.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1406, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sair sair was my heart; to which are added. The hero\'s orphant girls. The lass o\' Ballochmyle. Allister M\'Allister. The highland plaid', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1407, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sawney & Bonaparte: a dialogue. And A letter from Hanover...', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1807', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 in fiction, drama, poetry', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1408, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sawney and Donnel\'s exploits at Waterloo. To which are added, My country & my lass, The broadsword of Scotland and We\'ve aye been provided for', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1817', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.\r\nThe adventures of Sawney and Donnel at Waterloo : Air - Thurots defeat.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1409, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The scolding wife. To which are added, The young sea captain. A new hunting song. Fair Eliza, blooming maid. The Highland queen.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1410, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scots rogue; or, the life and actions of Donald Macdonald, a Highland Scot…', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed in the year M,DCC,LX', 'Glasgow', NULL, 'Weir, Alexander (Paisley)', '1760-01-01 00:00:00', '1760-12-31 00:00:00', '140', 13.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1411, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The second part of Jack and the giants...', NULL, 'Printed by G. Angus, Side, Newcastle. Where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive... [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '3 (on front)', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1412, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The second part of the witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan, who was commonly called the King\'s Fool, to which are added witty and entertaining jests, &c', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by G. Angus in the Side, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1413, 'Sempill, Francis (attrib)', 0, NULL, 0, 'The blythsome brid[al]; or, the lass wi\' the gowden ha[ir] Supposed to be written by Francis Sempill. To which are added, A new touch on the times, and Love and life.', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [s.a.]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1414, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Serious reflections on the death of Her Late Majesty, Queen Caroline who died on the 7th August, 1821 - aged fifty-three years.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1821-08-07 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '0', 'one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1415, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A servant man became a Queen. To which is added, The Highland Queen. My granny was.', NULL, 'printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Castlestreet Aberdeen, [s.a.]', 'Aberdeen', 'Chalmers, James', NULL, '1771-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1416, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven excellent new songs. Viz. - Sae far awa\'. Wilt thou be my dearie. Mary I believ\'d thee true. Fairest maid on Devon. Lovely lass of Inverness. Had I the wyte, &c. Country lassie', NULL, '[Falkirk] : T. Johnston, Printer, Falkirk, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1417, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven excellent songs. Fair Eliza. Helen\'s tomb. Strathallan\'s lament. The land of the leal. To the evening star. The banks of Nith. Bonnie Doon', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed, and sold wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1418, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven excellent songs, entitled, The poor exile of Erin, Gude forgi\'e me for liein\', On beauty, I sigh for the girl I adore, The hawthorn, Low down in the broom, and O\'er the muir amang the heather', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1799', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1419, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven popular songs. Isobell. O see where the sunblinks. Why, fair maid, in every feature. O merry row the bonny bark. The way-worn traveller. Bruce\'s address. The lassie o\' the glen', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1420, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven popular songs; Viz. Listen to the voice of love, Leader haughs and Yarrow. Happy pair: a duet. The morning fresh. To Chloe. Had I a cave. And Maggy Lauder', NULL, 'Falkirk - printed by R. Taylor, 1825', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Robert', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1421, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven popular songs: viz. This night the heath, &c. Mary\'s dream. The last rose of Summer. Lass gin ye loe me tell me now. And we\'re a noddin\' Roy\'s wife. The meeting of the waters', NULL, 'Falkirk : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1826', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Robert', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPrinter possibly Robert Taylor.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1422, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven select songs. Willie brew\'d a peck o\' maut. This is no my ain lassie. Willie Wastle. The day returns. Hey for a lass wi\' a tocher. I gaed a waefu\' gate yestreen. I hae a wife o\' my ain', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1423, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The shady grove. To which are added, The maid\'s complaint for Jockey. Happy Lizzy, blooming maid. The lass of Primrose-hill. The unfortunate swain. She wakes, Sabina wakes.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1799 edition at Bh13-d.5', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1424, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'She rose and loot me in. O Mither dear. The maid of Arundel. The despairing goatherd. Jenny Nettles', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '5', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1425, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The shepherd lad. To which are added, The prevailing fashions. Willy of the dale. Dick the joiner. For freedom and his native land. Rogues all! Rogues all!', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1426, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The shipwreck; or, Middlesex Flora. To which is added, The braes of Gleniffer. The Scots bonnet. Sweet Nan of the vale. The king & the miller.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1814', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1427, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Short stories, for little folks; or, little tales, calculated to excite juvenile minds, to the love and practice of virtue.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1428, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The siege of Carrick-Fergus; or, Thurot\'s defeat. To which are added, I answered No, no. I thank\'d him for nothing. As sure as a gun. Bill Bobstay. Alloa House.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', NULL, 0, 'Thurot, Franpcois, 1727-1760, Poetry.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1429, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sir Neil & Glengyle, the Highland chieftains', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1855-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 8.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1430, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sir Neil, and Glengyle. The Highland cheftains. A tragical ballad. To which is added Unfortunate Miss Bailey!', NULL, 'Falkirk : [R. Taylor, Printer, Falkirk], Printed in the year 1825', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Robert', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon on p. 8 reads : R. Taylor, Printer, Falkirk.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1431, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent new songs. Royal Charley\'s now awa\'. White cockade. Farewell my dame. Will you go to Sherriff-Muir. To daunton me. Todlen hame', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed in the year 1825', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Robert', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 10.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Printer possibly Robert Taylor.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1432, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent new songs. Viz: Jamie. Cease your funning. This is no my ain lassie. Whais she that loes me. Phillis to the Fair. Thine am I my faithful fair', NULL, '[Falkirk] : T. Johnston, Rrinter [sic], Falkirk, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1433, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellant new songs: viz. Why fair maid in ev\'ry feature March and on wi Charlie See the ship. Kind Robin loes me. The hero comes. And Tweed side', NULL, 'Falkirk : [Printed by R. Taylor], Printed in the year 1826', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Robert', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 10.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon on p. 8 reads : Falkirk, Printed by R. Taylor. 1826.\r\nThe pages are incorrectly imposed, the numbering sequence is as follows : [1], 2, 4, 3, 6, 5, 7, 8. StEdNL.\r\nMarch and on wi\' Charlie : Sir - Whistle o\'er th', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1434, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six favourite songs, called Auld Langsyne. Flow\'r o\' Dumblane. Up in the morning. Louden\'s bonny woods. Moulines Maria. Banks of the Devon', NULL, 'Falkirk.printed by T. Johnston, [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1435, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six humourous poems. Loss of the pack, Auld sark sleeve with sequel, Margaret and the minister, Soda water, Watty and Meg, and The farmer\'s blunder.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell, 2 New-Street, [s.a.]', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1842-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1436, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six love songs. O wha\'s at the window. The lover\'s mistake. Jenny dang the weaver. The braw fickle wooer. Come under my plaidie', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1437, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six love songs. See the ship. I sigh for the girl I adore. Haud awa frae me, Donald. Had I the wyte. The fair young Knight. Banks of Doun', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1830-1840?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1438, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six popular new songs. : viz. Sweet Jenny the maid of the moor. Mary the maid of the green. \'Tis wither\'d. No one shall govern me. The lovers\' kiss. The farmer', NULL, 'Penrith : Printed by J. Allison, [18--]', 'Penrith', 'Allison, J.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1439, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six popular songs; viz: Donald Card. Gin a body meet a body. Come auld acquaintance, stop awee. Donald o\' Dunblane. The thistle. Address to the woodlark', NULL, '[Falkirk] : R. Taylor, Printer, Falkirk, [1825-1826?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Robert', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1440, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sleeping beauty in the wood: an entertaining tale. To which is added, The story of the envious man, and him that he envied.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, 1817', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1441, 'Perrault, Charles, 1628-1703', 0, NULL, 0, 'The sleeping beauty of the wood; an entertaining tale, to which is added Paddy and the bear, a true story', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '52', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nTitle page includes illustration of a girl with a bird perched on her hand. There is no border on the title page. This differs from the variants at StEdNL : Mas.619(7), [Ao].8/3.3(12), L.C.2852.C(1) and Mas.618(14), which have a bordered title page with an illustration of a different girl holding a caged bird.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1442, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The slighted father; or, the unnatural son justly reclaim\'d. To which are added, Lovely Amora, and The farewel.', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.\r\n\'The slighted father\' is another edition of \'A cabinet of good counsel\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1443, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The snug little island. To which are added, The way to keep him. Britain\'s glory; or, Johny & Molly\'s parting. See your country righted. The road to ruin.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1444, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The soldier\'s last letter in praise of Sir Ralph Abercromby. To which are added. Stangy Hay\'s rant, The sailor\'s return.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1806', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1445, 'Spearing, George', 0, NULL, 0, 'A wonderful account of Mr. George Spearing... who fell into a coal pit... To which is added, A hymn of praise for his deliverance. Published by himself…', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by and for G. Caldwell, Jun. bookseller, 69, High Street, [1825-1828?] ', 'Paisley', 'Spearing, George', 'Caldwell, George, junior', '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nIn prose and verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1446, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The spendthrift clapt into limbo; or, the rake reclaim\'d. To which are added, In praise of sweet Polly. The answer to sweet Polly. On board of a man of war.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1447, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The spotted cow. To which are added, The power of beauty. Britain\'s monitor. The waterman\'s lamentation. Sylvia\'s marriage. Carle and the King come.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.\r\nBritain\'s monitor : By Joseph Coules.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1448, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Staffordshire maid, and the tinker. To which are added, Daphne and Amintor. The Drummajor\'s garland. The seaman and his sweetheart. The false nymph.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1449, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The storm. Katharine Ogie. Bonny lassie, will ye go', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', NULL, '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1450, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The story of little Dick and his playthings: showing how a naughty boy became a good one; being an example for all little masters and misses in the British Empire', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold by J. Lumsden & Son, 1823', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 10.8, '9', 'Sixpence', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 124.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1451, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Storys of the bewitched fiddler, Perilous situation, and John Hetherington\'s dream', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, '28', 'Illustration on title page.\r\n\'28\' printed at foot of title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nVariant exists without \'28\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : L.C.2849(18)', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1452, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Storys of the young robber, and Puss in boots.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, '29', 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nPrinted height of title page 13.8 cm.\r\nThere are two variants. A \'29\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.3(5), Mas.619(8), Mas.621(8), L.C.2852.B(3). B \'viii. 5\' printed bottom right of title page. StEdNL : L.C.2849(1).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1453, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A strange and wonderful account of James M\'Gregor, who departed this life of the 14th of las month, but rose up in his bed twelve hours after his death, to the great terror and amazement of all present, making confession of many heinous sins he had been guilty of.... Also... the substance of a sermon, which was preached on the ocassion, by the Reverend Mr. Jones.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : prined for the booksellers, in town and country, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', 'one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1454, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The strange and wonderful history and prophecies of Mother Shipton', NULL, '[Stirling] : Printed by M. Randall, Stirling, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Shipton Mother (Ursula) Prophecies.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1455, 'Raspe, Rudolf Erich, 1737-1794', 0, NULL, 0, 'The surprising adventures, miraculous escapes, and wonderful travels, of the renowned Baron Munchausen, who was carried on the back of an eagle over France to Gibraltar, &c., &c.', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Entered according to order, [ca. 1820] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from examination of text and style, and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1456, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The surprising history of a ballad singer', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1818', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1457, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The surprising history of the Leviathan, or, river-horse, found in the rivers of Africa.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1801', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1458, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The surprising old man. To which are added, The taylor done over. The lady and \'prentice boy. Stick a pin there. Dunganna\'s lady. Dear Mary adieu. Arrived at Portsmouth. Wit and beauty.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1459, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The swaggering man. To which are added, The betrayed maiden. The orange and blue. God save the Queen.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1460, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sweet barley mow; or, ragged and true. To which are added, All in the taste. Since he\'s gone, farewel he. Clean paternal seat. Wap your wealth together.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1461, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sweet Hellen of the Dee. Hal, the woodman. The rigs of Hallow-fair. Ans. to the blue bonnet. Lovely lass of Inverness. Robin shure in haerst', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1462, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sweet William of Plymouth\'s garland. In four parts... To which is added. Fortune is fickle', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 13.5, '3 (2 border pieces)', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1801 edition by J. & M. Robertson at Bh13-d.5', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1463, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An cronan. Le mairi n\'ighin Alastair Ruaidh Mhic Leoid. Marbh-ran Ach-nabreac', NULL, 'Inverary : Printed for and sold by the publisher, [ca 1815]', 'Inveraray', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1464, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dreadful character of a drunkard. ; or The most odious and beastly sin of drunkenness described and condemned .... By Andrew Jiones, a lover of sobriety', 'The seventh edition', 'Glasgow : Robert Sanders, printer to the Town, and to be sold in his shop, 1769', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1769-01-01 00:00:00', '1769-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1465, 'Swift, Jonathan', 0, NULL, 0, 'The adventures of Captain Gulliver, in a voyage to the Lilliputian country...', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston 1808', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1466, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Symon and Janet; to which is added, The old song of The Sheffield prentice', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed and sold by P. Buchan [s.a.]', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1467, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A tale of three bonnets. In four cantos', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, MDCCXCI', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1791-01-01 00:00:00', '1791-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1468, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tam Glen. To which are added, The gowd o\' Gowrie. The valiant soldier. Our trade to work in clay began. The royal cottager.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, [No.20] Saltmarket, 1809', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1469, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tartan plaidie. To which are added, Soldier Dick. The volunteer. The thirsty lover. The parting kiss. British loyalty. The sailor\'s return. Advice to the fair sex.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No.20) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1470, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Taste life\'s glad moments To which are added, Begone dull care. Lovely Nan. The woodman. Cuckoo.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1471, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tax\'d dogs\' garland. To which are added, The maid of Primrose-hill. Hap me with thy petticoat.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1806', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1472, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tempest. To which are added, The Cambridge tender. With the answer. Davie Jones\'s locker. The patriot fair. Smirky Nan.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1473, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The theatrical speaker. A selection of the newest and most popular recitations of the present day.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by Caldwell and Son, 2, New Street, 1840', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George, junior', 'Caldwell, George, junior', '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nList of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1474, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tho\' Geordie reigns in Charlie\'s Ha\'; to which are added, It was a\' for our rightfu\' king. The white cockade. Go plaintive sounds.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country. [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1475, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent, and at present very fashionable songs, viz. Birniebouzle, (as sung by Mr. Wright in the Theatre Peterhead with great applause.) Bauldy Fraser, and the celebrated Dr. Monro.', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed and sold by P. Buchan, [1816-1831?] ', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nBirniebousle : Tune - Braes of Tullymet.\r\nBauldy Fraser : Tune - Whigs o\' Fife.\r\nDoctor Monro : Tune - Humours o\' Glen.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1476, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs, called; Lady Charlotte Lenox. Johnie Cope. The siege of Bellisle', NULL, 'Aberdeen : Printed for the company of Flying Stationers, in town and country, [s.a.]', 'Aberdeen', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8 (pages 3-6 missing)', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1477, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs, called, Peggy Bawn\'s courtship Sweet sings the mavis, and The Glasgow packman', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by and sold by T. Johnston, [1817] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.- 1817.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1478, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs, called, The waefu\' want o\' siller. The muckin\' o\' Geordie\'s byar. Johnny\'s grey breeks.', NULL, 'Falkirk - printed by T. Johnston, [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1479, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. 1, Nae dominies for me ladie, a garland. 2, Scornfu\' Nancy. 3, The trifle.', NULL, 'Printed and sold in Niddry\'s-Wynd, 1777', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1777-01-01 00:00:00', '1777-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1480, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs: viz:- The Irish duel. My thoughts delight to wander, and Lesbia has a beaming eye', NULL, ' : - printed by J. Clark, 1828.', 'Falkirk', 'Clark, J.', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1481, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. The old man\'s song. Sylvia, Sylvia, on a day. Britain\'s contest', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1992-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1482, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent old songs, called The London astrologer. To which are added, Robin\'s cure for a bad wife, and The bonny lass of Anglesley', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1825?]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1483, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent old songs, called The lost child. The emigrant\'s farewell, and Poll and my partner Joe', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers [S.l.], [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fount/type sizes mixed.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1484, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent popular new songs. Viz. The Lowlands of Holland. The cobbler\'s marriage. Saucy Tibby.', NULL, '[Falkirk] : R. Taylor, Printer, Falkirk, [1825-1826?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Robert', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 10.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1485, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent songs. Birniebouzle. Robie and Jeanie. To which is added, The new way of Auld Langsyne.', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed and sold by P. Buchan [s.a.]', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1486, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent songs 1. The Duke of Argyle\'s courtship. 2. The battle of Prestonpans. 3. My love he is a sailor bold.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate. -M,DCCC,III', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1487, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent songs. The sailor\'s caution, The happy clown, and The belfast shoemaker', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed and sold wholesale by P. Buchan, [1816-1831?] ', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1488, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three favourite songs. As I stood by yon roofless tower. John Barleycorn. Husband, husband, cease your strife', NULL, 'Newtown-Stewart : Printed for the booksellers, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThe pages are incorrectly imposed - the numbering sequence is as follows : [1], [2], 6, 4, 5, 3, 7, 8 StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1489, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three favourite songs. Highland lad and lowland lass. Bonnie Jean. The storm.', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed for the booksellers, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThe pages are incorrectly imposed - the numbering sequence is as follows : [1], [2], 4, 6, 3, 5, 7, 8 StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1490, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three new songs. A touch on the times. Old Adam. The Braes of Bewhidder', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1992-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1491, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three new songs. The lady\'s love for the blue bonnet. The happy st[r]angers. With The answer. Symon and Janet.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1992-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1492, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three new songs: viz. Falkirk Muir. The unfortunate shepherdess, and Lament for the loss of the ship Union', NULL, 'Falkirk : - printed by Mrs Taylor, 1826', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Mrs Robert', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1493, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three old Scottish songs. Jockey and Jenny. Jockey\'s lamentation. I yield, dear lassie', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1494, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three Scotch songs. Donald Caird. Bundle and go. The Haughs of Crumdel.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1495, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs: Admiral Benbow. Donald and Bess. O wha\'s that but Finlay.', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1 (2 separate blocks?)', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1496, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. Hibernia\'s lovely Jane. The turnimspike. Farewell to Ireland', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1497, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. The Kebbuckston wedding. The trumpet sounds. Patie\'s wedding', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers[s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1498, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. The lass of Benochie. Banks of Clady lovers. Gloomy Winter', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1992-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1499, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. Lizie Lindsay. Get up and bar the door. Donald M\'Donald.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1992-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1500, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. The Sheffield prentice. Highland Mary. The French king and Charlie', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1992-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1501, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. Stewarton Lodge. The humours of Glasgow Fair. All\'s well', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1502, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. A touch on the times. Scots brose. The birken tree', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1503, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tibby Fowler in the glen. Burn\'s farewel to Scotland. Queen Mary\'s lament for the death of her husband', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1504, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tibby Fowler. Up in the morning early. The thorn. Donnochthead. Fareweel to whisky', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1825] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1505, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tinker\'s cure for all conditions: to which are added, The birks of Aberfeldy, The weary pund o\' tow.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1506, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'To the battle march away. To which are added, Beautiful Nancy. Sweet Alison. My Poll and my partner Joe. What a beau my Granny was. Vulcan\'s cup', NULL, '[Stirling] : Printed, and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1507, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tommy Thumb\'s song-book, for all little masters and misses. By Nurse Love-child. To which is prefixed A letter from a lady on nursing', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1814', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '31', 8.7, '24', 'Price twopence', 'Ross\'s juvenile library', NULL, NULL, 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 20.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1508, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tommy Thumb\'s song-book, for all little masters and misses : to be sung to them by their nurses till they can sing them themselves. By Nurse Lovechild. To which is prefixed A letter from a lady on nursing', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1815', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '31', 8.8, '28', 'Price twopence', 'Ross\'s juvenile library', NULL, NULL, 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 21.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1509, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragedy of Sir James the Rose', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers. [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 11.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1510, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical ballad of the miller of Whittingham mill: or, A warning to all young men and maidens.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (20) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nThe miller of Whittingham Mill : Tune - Chevy chace.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, 1808.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1511, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical end of William and Margaret. To which are added, Wolf\'s lament. The sailor\'s courtship. Jamie with his trousers on.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1512, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical end of William and Margaret: to which are added, Wolf\'s lament, The sailor\'s courtship, Jamie with his trousers on', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C.Randall, 1805', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1513, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical history of Gill Morice: an ancient ballad. To which is added, Highland Mary', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1514, 'Wilkinson, Sarah Scudgell', 0, NULL, 0, 'Tragical history of Jane Arnold, commonly called Crazy Jane; and Mr. Henry Percival; giving an account of their birth, parentage, courtship, and melancholy end. Founded on facts.', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidece. Dated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1515, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The traveller\'s return, The jolly beggar, Wae\'s me for Prince Charlie, and Sweet home.', NULL, 'Kincardine : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Kincardine', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1516, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The trial of Jamie Reily for running away with Coolin Bawn. To which are added, Life\'s but a hum, a hum! The French fleet defeat by Borlase Warren. A touch of the terrific. Saw ye my wee thing? As sure as a gun.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No.20.) Saltmarket, 1809', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1517, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The triumph of goodnature, : exhibited in the history of Master Harry Fairborn, and Master Trueworth. Interspersed with tales and fables. Embellished with elegant cuts', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold by J. Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '70', 11.4, '14', 'Sixpence', NULL, NULL, 'Paper label on front board: Lumsden & Son\'s edition of The triumph of good nature.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 133.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1518, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The triumphs of Britannia! or, chapter of kings and admirals, to which are added, A trip to the Fair, Jockey and Maggy\'s courtship, Bonny Willy Dawson.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston. Where variety of pamphlets & ballads may be had in wholesale [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1519, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A true country courtship; or, Love in a barn. Shewing how a London lord was tricked by a farmer\'s daughter. To which are added, The maid\'s advice, and She\'s what I dare not name.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1520, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The true hearted maiden. To which are added, A sweet country life. A trip to the Fair. The constant lady. The gin drinker\'s frolic. The forsaken nymph.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1521, 'Peter Balfour', 0, NULL, 0, 'A true statement of Mr. Watt\'s conduct towards Alexander Balfour, son of Peter Balfour, weaver in Paisley, &c', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neieson (sic) for Peter Balfour, 1803', 'Paisley', 'Balfour, Peter', 'Neilson, John', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1522, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, '? [Tullochgorum.]', NULL, 'Printed by George Miller, High Street, Dunbar', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '?', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Imprint from colophon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1523, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tullochgorum, to which is added, The highland plaid, Hallow Fair.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, bookseller, 19 Saltmarket, 1823', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1524, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A Turkish lady\'s love to a British sailor. To which are added, My mother did so before me. Jockey to the fair. The happy beggars. The swain design\'d for love and me.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No.20) Saltmarket, 1809', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1525, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The turn-coat; or, Jack of all religions. To which are added, The British Tars. Lovely Willie\'s voice. The pitcher.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-10 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1526, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The turn-coat; or, Jack of all religions. To which are added, The British Tars. Lovely Willy\'s voice. The pitcher.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1527, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Turnimspike. To which are added, The wounded Hussar, The indifferent fair, The green wood tree, Blushes eloquently speak', NULL, 'Printed by G. Miller, High-Street, Dunbar, [s.a.]', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1528, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, '\'Twas on the morn of sweet May Day. To which are added, Lovely Jean. Haluket Meg. Blythe, blythe, an\' merry are we.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by and for J. Neil, 17, Bazar, 1829', 'Glasgow', 'Neil, J.', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\n\'Twas on the morn of sweet May Day : Tune - Jockie to the fair.\r\nLovely Jean : Tune - Miss Admiral Gordon\'s Strathspey.\r\nHaluket Meg : Air - The mucking o\' Geordie\'s byre.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1556, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The volunteer boys. To which are added, When the wars are all over. The Yorkshire bite. Go look! Go look! Friendship a jewel.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1557, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The volunteer. To which are added, John Reid\'s lamentation. Vaux-hall watch. The dawn of hope. The withered thing despised.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1558, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A voyage in the coal trade; with an address to seamen, especially the rising youth.', NULL, 'Newcastle-on-Tyne, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Bowman', NULL, '1797-12-01 00:00:00', '1797-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1559, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Wandering shepherdess; or, the betrayed damsel. To which is added The Laird of Cockpen', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1830-1840?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1560, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Wanton Tom; or, the merry history of Tom Stitch the tailor...', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, '2 (p. 6 and 10)', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nFour-line verse on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1561, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wanton virgins frightened. To which are added, The rejected maid. Different humours. The disconsolate sailor. Billy and Molly\'s parting. The busy crew.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1562, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wanton wife; To which are added, The Hallow Fair. Tweedside', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in Scotland, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1563, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The warbler: a selection of choice songs, Scots, English, and Irish', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson. For W. & P. Jenkins, booksellers, 18, Saltmarket, Galasgow [s.a.]', 'Paisley', 'Jenkins, W, and P.', 'Neilson, John', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '48', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1564, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The watchman. To which are added, The lucky escape. A wife for any man. The sailor\'s adventure for a wife.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.\r\nThe Watchman : From Mr. Dibdin\'s \'Castles in the Air\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1565, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wat\'ry god. To which are added, High Jenny high. The cold Winter night. The young man\'s petition. The nymph\'s reply', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.\r\nThe wat\'ry god : Tune - The faithful tar.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1566, 'Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748', 0, NULL, 0, 'Dr Watts\'s Divine songs, for children', NULL, 'Banbury : Printed and sold by J.G. Rusher, [s.a.]', 'Banbury', 'Rusher, J.G.', NULL, NULL, NULL, '20', 9.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Wrappers included in pagination.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1567, 'Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748', 0, NULL, 0, 'Divine songs, in easy language, for the use of children.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by G. Ross, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Ross, G.', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '31', 8.8, '9', 'Two-pence', 'Ross\'s juvenile library', NULL, 'Imprint on front wrapper: Glasgow: Published by J. Lumsden & Son.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 37.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1568, 'Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748', 0, NULL, 0, 'Watts\' Divine songs, in easy language, for the use of children', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '47', 9.3, '15', 'Twopence', NULL, NULL, 'Wrappers included in pagination.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 39.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1569, 'Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748', 0, NULL, 0, 'Divine songs, in easy language, for the use of children. By I. Watts, D.D. …', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1814', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 8.9, '8', 'Twopence', 'Ross\'s juvenile library', NULL, 'On front wrapper: From Ross\'s juvenile library.\r\nWrappers included in pagination.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 38.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1570, 'Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748', 0, NULL, 0, 'Twenty-eight divine songs for the use of children; and a Catechism on the principles of religion, for children from seven to twelve years of age.', 'A new edition', 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Ruthven & Sons, 1798', 'Edinburgh', 'Ruthven, J.', NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 12.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1571, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty and Meg; or, the wife reformed', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1572, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty and Meg or the wife reformed. A tale.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1573, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty and Meg; or, the wife reformed: a tale. To which is added, My ain kind deary, O.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1574, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The way to be happy; or, the history of the family at Smiledale. To which is added, The story of little George', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1819', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '[2], 47, [3]', 12.1, '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Card wrappers.\r\nPaper label on front wrapper: Lumsden & Son\'s edition of the Smiledale family.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 136.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1575, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The way to wealth; or, poor Richard\'s maxims improved; to which is added, The whistle, a true story; and the advantages of drunkenness.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1828', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1576, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The weary pund o\' tow. To which are added. The gallant seamen. The heaving of the lead. Dull care. The drunken wife of Galloway. The lass of Richmond Hill', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed and sold by C. Randall., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1577, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The weather-beaten sodger; or, the Burgo-Master of Venice. In four parts.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1578, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blind beggar, of Bethnal Green. : In four parts... To which is prefixed, Violent friendship, an anecdote', NULL, 'Penrith : Printed by A. Soulby, [ca 1800]', 'Penrith', 'Soulby, Anthony', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 12.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon: Printed for the booksellers.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1579, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Welch traveller; or, the unfortunate Welchman', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M Randall, [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1580, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Wellington\'s address; To which are added, The banks of Clyde. The wells o\' Weary. Haud awa frae me Donald.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1824', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1581, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Weymouth frigate. To which are added, When William at eve meets me. The deceived batchelor. Sweet Jenny. London Kate.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1582, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The whimsical love of Thomas Whittle, with the commical reception he found from that imperious beauty, Ann Dobson.', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by George Angus, in the Side. Where always is kept on sale, a choice ... [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '5', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1583, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Auchtermuchty: To which is added, Cupid\'s pastime.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1806', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1584, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith, reformed and corrected...', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell, No. 1, New Street, [1828] ', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George, junior', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', 'One penny', NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nBased on the tale by Geoffrey Chaucer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1585, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith reformed and corrected...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & J. Robertson, MDCCLXXVII.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. & J.', NULL, '1777-01-01 00:00:00', '1777-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1586, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith reformed and corrected…', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, [No. 20.] Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1587, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wig, the hat, &c. Yawning. Laughing song. Little Kitty. Doctor Brown. The village maid.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1588, 'Wilkinson, Sarah Scudgell', 0, NULL, 0, 'Albert of Werdendorff; or, the midnight embrace: a romance from the German. To which is added, The danger of pleasures', NULL, 'George Angus, Printer, Side, Newcastle, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1589, 'Wilkinson, Sarah Scudgell', 0, NULL, 0, 'Albert of Werdendorff; or, the midnight embrace: a romance from the German. To which are added, The danger of pleasures, and The shower', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by G. Angus, in the Side, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1590, 'Wilkinson, Sarah Scudgell', 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical history of Crazy Jane and young Henry. Giving an account of their birth, parentage, courtship, and melancholy end.', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed by J. Morren, Campbell\'s Close, Cowgate., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPage 3 is blank.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1591, 'Wilkinson, Sarah Scudgell', 0, NULL, 0, 'Tragical history of Jane Arnold, commonly called Crazy Jane; and Mr. Henry Percival…', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, '71', 'Cover print area height 14.1 cm.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1592, 'Wilkinson, Sarah Scudgell', 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical history of crazy Jane, and young Henry. Giving an account of their birth, parentage, courtship, and melancholy end.. Founded on facts.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1593, 'Wilkinson, Sarah Scudgell', 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical history of Miss Jane Arnold, commonly called Crazy Jane, and Mr. Henry Percival, giving an account of their birth, parentage, courtship, and melancholy end. Founded on facts, by Sarah Wilkinson.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, by R. Menzies, Lawnmarket, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Menzies, R.', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.6, '1', 'threepence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1594, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'William and Margaret. The bush aboon Traquair. Charlie he\'s my darling. March to the battle field', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1595, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Willie was a wanton wag. The jolly miller. When trees did bud. The brown jug', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1596, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Willie Wastle. Willie brew\'d a peck o\' maut. Fee him father. The brown jug. O\'er the muir amang the heather', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1597, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'Rab and Ringan. A tale. To which is added, Verses, occasioned by seeing two men sawing timber, in the open field, in defiance of a furious storm.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell, 69, High-Street, 1827', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1598, 'Wilson, Robert Thomas, Sir', 0, NULL, 0, 'A short account of Bonaparte\'s cruel conduct in Syria. Taken from Sir Robert Wilson\'s history of the British expedition in Egypt, &c. lately published.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for the booksellers, 1806', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1599, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan commonly called The King\'s Fool. The whole in six parts complete.', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. and M. Robertson., MDCCXCV. [1795] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582, in fiction, drama, poetry, etc.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1600, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan,... To which is added, Several entertaining jests', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed in the year, 1799', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1601, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The woeful hunting at Chevychase...', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1802', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1602, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wonderful life of Gilder Roy, a noted murderer, ravisher, incendiary, and highwayman. A native of the Highlands of Perthshire, who was executed, at Edinburgh, about the year 1656, and hung in chains, on a gibbet forty feet high, on Leith Walk.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1845-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', 'one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1603, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wonderful magic pill; or, Davie and Bess: a tale.', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1604, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wonderful song. To which are added, The collier\'s daughter, The lass of Richmond Hill. A mason one time.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall [s.a.]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1605, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wonder of wonders; being a strange and wonderful relation of a mermaid, that was seen and spoke with, on the Black Rock, nigh Liverpool, by John Robertson, mariner, who was tossed on the ocean for six days and nights; together with the conversation he had with her, and how he was preserved; with the manner of his death, five days after his return home.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in this present year [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '6 (last 2 pages? Missing)', 12.8, '2 (1 border piece)', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1606, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wonderful advantages of drunkenness; to which is added, Protest against whisky', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell, High Street [1828]', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1607, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wonderful advantages of drunkenness; to which is added, Protest against whisky.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell, High Street, 1828', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1608, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The woodpecker; To which is added, Maggy Lauder, and an Advice to lasses', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nAn advice to lasses : Air - Logan streams.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1609, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The world turn\'d upside down, to which are added, The farmer & lace-merchant, Ye fair lovers at my call.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1810', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '6 (5 border pieces)', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1610, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Yarmouth tragedy. Shewing how by the cruelty of their parents, two lovers were destroyed.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed bt T. Johnston. [s.a.]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1611, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A York dialogue between Ned and Harry: or, Ned giving Harry an account of his courtship and marriage state. To which are added, Two excellent new songs and The shower.', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by G. Angus, in the Side. Where is always kept... [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1612, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'York, you\'re wanted; To which are added, The Irish wedding. My Peggy is a young thing. Lochaber no more', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1823', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1613, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Biechan, and Susie Pye. To which is added, The poor sailor boy', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1992-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1614, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The young coal-man\'s courtship to a creel-wife\'s daughter; or, a dialogue between an old woman and her son: wherein she instructs him in the real art of courtship. Containing all its three parts.', 'Tenth edition', 'Glasgow : Printed ans sold by J. and J. Robertson. MDCCLXXXII.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and J.', NULL, '1782-01-01 00:00:00', '1782-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1615, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Grigor\'s ghost, : who, at the desire of his deceitful uncle, was pressed for a soldier, and sent to America, where he was barbarously murdered by the Indians', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1992-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1616, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jolly beggar. Neil Gow\'s fareweel. My kimmer and I. Rob Morris.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Gow, Niel, 1727-1807.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1617, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Baillie Nicol Jarvie\'s journey to Aberfyle. Pat Murphy. The gowden locks o\' Anna. When Britain, first, &c.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1823.', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1618, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Cauld kail in Aberdeen. Gude forgie me for liein\'. Whaur hae ye been a\' day. The Vale of Ovoca.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1823.', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1619, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Highland plaid. Irish Providence. The braw wooer. I\'ll love thee no more.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1825] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1620, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two favourite songs. Sheriff-Muir. The bonny boatman.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, '29', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'29\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1621, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A night frae hame, Oration on teetotalization, and Parody on the last rose of summer.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell and Son, New Street, 1842', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', 'Caldwell, George, junior', '1842-01-01 00:00:00', '1842-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1622, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Dialogue between John and Thomas on the Corn Laws, the Charter, Teetotalism, and the probable remedy for the present distresses.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed for the author, by G. Caldwell, 1842', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1842-01-01 00:00:00', '1842-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1623, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Improbability; or, the batchelor\'s dislike to a married life. To which are added, Betsy Taylor\'s lamentation. Twelve month\'s are past. The gallant souls. Bonny Bell. The pitcher.', NULL, '[S.I.] : Entered according to order, [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1760-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '7 (6 border pieces)', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1624, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Bannockburn; an old heroic ballad.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1625, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Jean of Aberdeen, Bess is but a Gawkie, Tom Starboard, King Louis\' lament.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815.', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1626, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The farmer\'s glory, a new song.Shewing, the antiquity and usefulness of the plow, above all other implements of art in the world', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1627, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The improbability; or, the bachelor\'s dislike to a married life. To which are added, Betsy Taylor\'s lamentation. The gallant souls. Bonny Bell, The pitcher. The answer to Cooley Shore.', NULL, 'Glasgow, J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, John', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-12 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1628, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The humble beggar: to which is added, The dearth of the meal. The tradesman\'s lamentation. The ungrateful lover.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1629, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Goudhurst garland, in three parts. To which is added My friend and pitcher', NULL, '(lost - book is badly damaged)', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1630, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bride\'s burial. To which is added, Roslin Castle, with the answer.', NULL, '(lost - book is badly damaged)', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1631, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of the King and the Cobbler : Containing the entertaining and merry tricks, and droll frolicks, played by the cobbler. - how he got acquainted with the King, became a great man, and lived at Court ever after.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, '56', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'56.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nTitle page has includes illustration of left-side full-length view of standing figure with separate crown above; it has no border.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1632, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragedy of Sir James the Ross', NULL, 'Edinburgh - printed for the booksellers [s.a.)', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1770-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1633, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'John Anderson, my Joe. To which are added. The tight little island. And The maid of Erin.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1994-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1634, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, '[title lost]', NULL, '[S.l.] ; [s.n.], [18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-12 00:00:00', '2', 14.8, '0', 'One penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1635, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and prophecies of Alexander Peden', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, '115', 'Illustration on title page.\r\n\'115\' printed beneath the imprint.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nVariant exists without \'115\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2847(9)', NULL, 0, 'Peden, Alexander, 1626?-1686.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1636, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of the life & sufferings of the Rev. John Welch, sometime minister of the gospel at Ayr.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\n\'2 A\' printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere are two variants. A : \'64.\' printed at the foot of the title page and a different decorative border. StEdNL : L.C.2852.C(15). B : This also has \'64.\' printed at the foot of the title page but with a different decorative border. StEdNL : L.C.2852.C(16).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1637, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scotch haggis; a selection of choice bon mots, Irish blunders, repartees, anecdotes, &c.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, '37', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nOn title page : Care to our coffin adds a nail no doubt, While every laugh so merry, draws one out.\r\n\'37\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1638, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The golden dreamer; or, dreamers\' interpreter, clearly showing how all things past, present, and to come, may be ascertained by means of dreams; to which is added a correct signification of moles.', NULL, 'Newcastle-on-Tyne : Bowman, printer & publisher, 12 Nuns\' Lane', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Bowman', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1639, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Blind Allan. A tale, from \"Lights and shadows of Scottish life.\"', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.5, '0', NULL, NULL, '69', 'Dated from examination of text and style. Place of publication from external evidence.\r\n\'69.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1640, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Storys of Prince Lupin, yellow dwarf, and the three wishes.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '3', NULL, NULL, '7', 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'7\' printed at foot of title page.\r\nPrinted height of title page 13.9 cm.\r\nThere is a variant with \'vii 6\' printed bottom right of title page. StEdNL : Mas.618(1).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1641, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous history of the two unfortunate lovers, Hero & Leander', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '65', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'65.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1642, 'Moir, David MacBeth', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life of Mansie Wauch tailor in Dalkeith', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, '79', 'Condensed from a larger work.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1643, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The golden bull: or the crafty princess. In four parts.', NULL, '[Newcastle?] : Angus printer (on back page)', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', NULL, '1770-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1644, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Love in a barn, or the country courtship, in three parts.', NULL, '[Newcastle?] : Angus printer (on back page)', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', NULL, '1770-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '9', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1645, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The curious and entertaining history of Valesio, the treacherous innkeeper; &c.', NULL, '[Stirling?] : Printed this present year', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1646, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A dialogue betwixt Death & a Lady. To which are added, Davie Jones\'s locker. The waywayd wife. The forsaken nymph. The difference between a good wife and a kept-up miss, with the answer, Phillis despise me not.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No, 18) Saltmarket, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, John', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1647, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs, conatining. 1. The tempest. 2. The down-hill life. 3. Bundle of proverbs. 4. Poor Jack.', NULL, '[Newcastle?] : Printer (on back page)', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1648, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland, of new songs, containing, 1. Thomas Clutterbuck and Polly Higginbottom. 2. The trumpet sounds a victory. 3. The graet nation. 4. The maid of the cot.', NULL, 'M. Angus and Son, Printers, Newcastle (on back page : Angus, Printer)', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', 'Angus (son of M.)', '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1649, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs, containing 1 The soldier\'s return 2 The raw recruit 3 O wat ye wha\'s in yon town', NULL, '[Newcastle upon Tyne] : Angus printer, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Printer\'s name in colophon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1650, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs, containing 1. Nobody, no. 2. Maggie Lauder. 3, The spotted cow. 4. Auld Robin Gray.', NULL, 'M. Angus & Son, printers, Newcastle', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', 'Angus (son of Angus, M.)', '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1651, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs, containing 1. Duke William\'s ramble, 2. The pitman\'s revenge against Buonaparte. 3, The affectionate soldier.', NULL, 'Angus, printer (on back page)', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1652, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs, containing 1, Robinson Crusoe. 2. Jack at the windlass. 3. The sons of Britannia.', NULL, '[Newcastle upon Tyne] : Angus, printer, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Printer\'s name in colophon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1653, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs, containing, 1. The Greenwich pensioner. 2, The tobacco box. 3. The neglected tar. 4. Poll and my partner Joe.', NULL, 'M. Angus and Son, printers, Newcastle.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', 'Angus (son of Angus, M.)', '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1654, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs, containing 1. The wounded hussar. 2. The banks of Bonny Doune. 3. The Rochester lass. 4. The quay-side shaver.', NULL, 'Angus, printer', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1655, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lawyer & Nell; or, The lawyer humbugg\'d. To which are added, Drive me not to despair. Now sit down my cronnie. The shepherd\'s holiday. Old Ireland free. You\'re fitter for a lover\'s arms.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, [No.20] Saltmarket, 1808.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1656, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The fumbler\'s rant. To which are added, Smirky Nan. Davie Jones\'s locker. I\'d think on thee my love. Mutual love. The patriot fair. O fortune hear my prayer.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No.20.) Saltmarket, 1808.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1657, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new way of woo\'d, and Marry\'d, and a\'. To which are added, My lodging is on the cold ground. A walk by Pinky-House. O gentle sleep. Willy\'s lovely voice.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No.18) Saltmarket, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1658, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs, containing 1. Tom Starboard. 2. Ah! No my love no. 3. A new touch on the times. 4. Jack at Greenwich. 5. The happy strangers.', NULL, '[Newcastle upon Tyne] : Angus, Printer, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Printer\'s name in colophon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1659, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The young squire\'s frolic. To which are added, The naval heroes. A favourite hunting song. Gragal ma chree, with the answer. A hunting song. The wounded hussar.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson (18) Saltmarket, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 18.) Saltmarket, 1807.\r\nA hunting song : Tune - Bright Phoebus.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1660, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lord Thomas of Winsberry. To which are added, Alexis and Clarinda. Pretty Nancy. The modern marriage question. Lay thy loof in mine lass. In my pleasant native plains. A song for three voices.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No.20.) Saltmarket, 1808.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1661, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty & Meg; or, the wife reformed. Also, the fate of MacGregor and Lochiel\'s warning.', NULL, 'Newcastle-on-Tyne : Bowman, publisher, Nuns\' Lane, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Bowman', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '3', 'one penny', NULL, NULL, 'Imprint from colophon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1662, 'Blind Harry', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and acts of the most famous and valiant champion Sir William Wallace Kight of Ellerslie, maintainer of the liberty of Scotland.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Johhn Robertson and Mrs McLean, book-sellers in the Salt-market, 1747', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, John', 'McLean, Mrs', '1747-01-01 00:00:00', '1747-12-31 00:00:00', '312', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1663, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jolly sailor: or, the Lady of Greenwich, toi which are added Pretty Peggy\'s love to sailor Jack. The sailor\'s widow\'s lament for his death on board the Trial. Lunardi\'s balloon.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1664, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The maid milking her cow. To which are added, A song by General Wolf. The loving and united Valentine. Louisa the fair.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Roberston, Saltmarket, 1800.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1665, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The northern lord. in four parts. Giving and account of his good and bad fortune. To which is added, Montelia\'s charms.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1666, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merchant outwitted: or, Love in a tub. To which are added, Honest Mall Boye. O to be married if this is the way. Gay Damon.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1667, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The humours of the age: or, a touch on all trades. To which are added, The young man\'s declaration. A bonny wee wifie. Harvest home. Britannia\'s maidehead.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1668, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bonny Highland lad. To which are added, The pleasures of a country life. Blythe Jockie. Dick and Nell; or, Linky Lanky. The town miss.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.\r\nThe town miss : Tune - My fond shepherds of late.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1669, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The auld goodman; or, the goodwife victorious. To which are added, The valiant soldier. Pray be quiet! Do! Remedy for pain. The faithful tar. Johnny and Molly.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1802 edition at Bh13-d.3', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1670, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Irish widow. To which are added, Astraea\'s smart. From clime to clime. The tempest of war. The greenwood tree. Good natur\'d Nancy.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1671, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The injured fair. To which are added, The roving maids of Edinburgh. The sweet temptation, That\'s the real dandy. Nanny of the hill.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1672, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Kent of Irvine and Paddies ever more. : Sweet Mary of Ayr. Sandy\'s courtship. Jammy & Nancy', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the stationers, [18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1673, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Lincolnshire knight; or, the poor rich man. To which are added, Harvest home. The lady\'s complant. The grand procession on St George\'s Day. Howeward bound. Listen to the voice of love.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1674, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The little couple. To which are added, O that I ne\'er had been married. All the months in the year. Celia\'s praise. If I should get laughing at that.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1675, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Caledonia garland. To which are added, Teasing me so. The beautiful damsel of Virgin City. The female drummer.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1676, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Pope\'s knavery; or, Old Nick\'s invention. To which are added, The fortunate young farmer. The young lady\'s praise. Gay Strephon\'s petition. Sylvia to Alexis.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1677, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Peace & plenty; or, Britons rejoice. To which are added, Dick and Nell; or, Linky Lanky. That\'s the real dandy. Nanny of the hill. The town miss.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.\r\nThe town miss : Tune - My Fond shepherds of late.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1678, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The scene changed; or Betty\'s ta\'en the gee. To which are added, Molly\'s grief for the loss of her sailor. Molly\'s answer to her sailor. The old man\'s advice to his son. Ye virgin powers.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1679, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The folly and fashion of the present time. To which are added, A trip to Botany Bay. The happy wedding. Jack Tar\'s return. The cruel parents deceived; or, the happy lovers meeting. The willow will. The moment aurora.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1680, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Fair Margaret of Craignargat: or, the indulgent mother and disobedient daughter. To which are added, My goddess, or, my devil. And Love and friendship.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1681, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lamp-lighter. To which are added, Sweet Jean of Tyrone. Sailor Jack. Answer to sailor Jack. My slave at last.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.\r\nThe lamp-lighter : Sung by Mr. Dibdin.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1682, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dunghil-cock; or, Turpin\'s valiant exploits. To which are added, Rob\'s Jock, a very old ballad. And Britons to arms your sister Km. To defend.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1683, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The stark naked robbery. To which are added, Ungrateful Nanny. The mug of porter. A friendly advice.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1684, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Captain Wedderburn\'s courtship to Lord Roslin\'s daughter. To which are added, Petticoat wooing. Colin\'s reply. Bess of Bedlam.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1685, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'If tars are fortune\'s sport, they still are fortune\'s care. To which are added, Ben the sailor. Paddy\'y delight. The prevailing fashions. To the battle march away. Carle and the king come.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1800 edition at Bh13-d.3', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1686, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The recruit\'s farewell to his wife and three children. To which are added, Nature\'s richest mine. The jolly toper. Convey a kiss. The Caledonian laddie. Johnny Bluster\'s wife.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, No. 20. Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1688, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Fair Margaret of Craignargat: or, the indulgent mother and disobedient daughter. To which are added, My goddess, or, my devil. And Love and friendship.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1802 edition at Bh13-d.2', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1689, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lass of Ballochmyle. Auld Rob Morris. Wandering Willie. For a\' that and a\' that. Meg o\' the mill.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1823', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1690, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s tragedy; or, False oaths punished. To which are added, Mary\'s dream. And The distressed sailor on the rocks of Scilly.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'different, undated version at Bh13-c.4', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1691, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The London astrologer; or, a young girl put to the blush. To which are added, Drinking drowns care. The lady\'s diray. The love and rage of Highland Donald. The maltman. Jenny Nettles.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1692, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The rambling boy with The answer. To which are added, The gallant sailor. The new way of Admiral Benbow. Cynthia\'s perplexity.', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1693, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The way to be happy; or, the New way of Tullochgorum. To which are added, Ready money and no trust. The gentle sailor. The cruel nymph. A maid and wife contrasted.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1694, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The servants\' pedigree; or, their pride laid open. To which are added, The tell-tale. The battle of Killiecrankie. Celia\'s complaint for the loss of her shepherd.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1695, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The shady grove. To which are added, The maid\'s complaint for Jockey. Happy Lizzy, blooming maid. The lass of Primrose-hill. The unfortunate swain. She wakes, Sabina wakes.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1807 edition at Bh13-d.2', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1697, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The recruiting officer: or, Over the hills and far away. To which are added, Poor gaffer Gray. The paradox. Nancy sighing for her true love Jemmy, The old woman ground young again.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1698, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pursuers deceived and Johny left baking. To which are added, Billy and Molly\'s parting. Beauty and wit. Merry may the maid be. The joyful widower. The maid\'s advice.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1699, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Fortunatus. : Setting forth his birth, life, travels, and adventures in most parts of the world. How the Lady Fortune appeared to him, and gave him a rich purse that never wanted money; and also (in his travels) how he got from the Soldan a wishing hat...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, MDCCCI', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '824', 14.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1700, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the seven wise masters of Rome…', 'Forty-third edition', 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Roberston, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Roberston, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1701, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Felix\'s complaint, with Molly\'s answer. To which are added, My cottage lay distant a mile. I love you for that. The price of a dish of tea. The lass with the delicate air. Braes of Ballenden.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.\r\nThe price of a dish of tea : Tune - Carrick Fergus.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1702, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Yorkshire Bite. To which are added, Go look! go look! When the wars are all o\'er. Friendship a jewel. The volunteer boys. My temples with clusters. I thought it was queer.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1703, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s misfortune and happy marriage. To which are added, The rover reformed. The description of a man of war. The royal sailor. A monstrous good song. Jenny\'s impatience for Jocky\'s return.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1704, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sweet William of Plymouth\'s garland. In four parts... To which are added, Fortune is fickle.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1705, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The siege of Bellisle. To which are added, The nove. The lamenting maid. The answer. Bung your eye. Catch hold on to day. The poor little orphan. To Lethe repair. She is fair and unkind.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1706, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The young man\'s dream; with The maid\'s kind answer. To which are added, The beauties of Glasgow. Willy\'s lovely voice.', NULL, '[S.l.} : Entered according to Act of Parliament, …', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1707, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'General Abercromby\'s last battle. to which are added, A patriotic song. Beauty\'s blossom. The parting kiss.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No.20) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1708, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of the Boyn; or, King William crossing the Boyn Water. giving a full description of that bloody battle, fought on the first of July, 1690. To which are added, The virgin\'s choice. Tarry woo. Let ambition fire thy mind.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1709, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The rocking of the cradle; or, hushy-ba baby. To which are added, The affectionate soldier. The virgins frightened. The generous soul. Despise me not Phillis.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1710, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pride of poor Britain or, The folly of man. To which are added, Advice to the fair sex. The old woman ground young again. The sailor\'s departure. Thomas loved Harriet. My pretty brunette.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.\r\nThomas loved Harriet : Tune - Allen\'s return.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1711, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dame of honour. To which are added, Fint a crum of thee she faws, and The shannon-side: or, Cap. Thunderbolt\'s intrigue.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1712, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The shepherd\'s lament for the loss of his sweetheart. To which are added, The sailor\'s return. A sweet country life. The soldier\'s return. The constant lady. The cripple of Cornwall.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, MDCCCII.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1713, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The shepherd\'s daughter. To which are added, The sailor\'s return. The gown of green. Foolish fort, a heart.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1714, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Roy\'s wife of Aldivalloch, with The happy relief; or, O\'er the muir amang the heather. To which are added, All in the taste. Wap your wealth together. Clean paternal seat. Fair Eliza, blooming maid.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802 [sic].', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1715, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Roger of Coverly; or, Monsieur come if ye dare. To which are added, The good ship Rover. Tibby Fowler. Genuine beauty. A description of a fair.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.', NULL, 0, 'De Coverly, Roger, Sir, 1728-1796.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1716, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The cunnie\'s garland. To which are added, Britons to arms. Corn riggs are bonny. Carle and the king come.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1717, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jolly miller. To which are added, Jack the sailor parting with his Molly. Charming Celia. Jamie out at sea. Homeward bound. Sons of care. The heaving of the lead.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1718, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The gallant shaver: or, the ghost frighted. To which are added, The forsaken maid. The auld wife beyond the fire. Cynthia\'s perplexity.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No.18,) Saltmarket, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1719, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Dutchess of Newcastle\'s lament. To which are added, The deceived batchelor. O fortune hear my prayer. Mutual love. The modern marriage question. A song for three voices.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No.20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1720, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The suprising adventures of Frederick Baron Trenck, giving an account of his being confined in a dungeon, with chains of 68 pounds weight; and afterwards guillotined in France, in the time of the revolution, 1795.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1827.', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Newcastle edition at Bh13-d.38', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1723, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The British Grenadiers. To which are added, A servantman become a queen. The maid who tends the goats', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1724, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The humorous adventures of Jump Jim Crow', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers. (n.d.)', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1725, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Hen-peck\'d husband; or, Easy John. To which are added, Cupid\'s pastime. The sailor\'s journal. The lover\'s summons. The sailor\'s departure.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1999-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1802 edition at Bh13-d.3', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1726, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The golden days of good Queen Bess. To which are added, A sequel to the favourite song of good Q Bess. Or The golden days we now possess, and Sylvia\'s marriage.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1803 edition at Bh13-d.3', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1727, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The glorious victory by Sir John Borlase Warren over the French fleet on the coast of Ireland, near Loch Swilly. To which are added Rodney\'s conquest; or, British resolution. The good ship Rover. A description of a fair. Nature\'s richest mine. Genuine beauty.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1730, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The forsaken maid. To which are added, The gallant shaver, and The auld wife beyond the fire.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1731, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The farmer\'s son. To which are added. The captain of love. My mother did so before me. Just the thing. The wild rover.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1732, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A false friend; or, a worthy master betrayed. To which are added, Ad. Duncan\'s Victory over the Dutch fleet. The Bay of Biscay O. Cauld kail in Aberdeen.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1733, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tibby Fowler; or The lass with the siller bridle. To which are added, Jack Tar. The world\'s a stage. The jolly toper. Convey a kiss.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1736, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The matrimonial farce; or, Three weeks after marriage. To which are added, John Anderson my joe. Sweet poll of Plymouth. The Vicar of Bray. A favourite song.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1737, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lunardi\'s flight; or, Tuesday\'s wonder. To which are added, A new song on tobacco. Seek the riddle in the skies. THe sodger\'s return. A new love song.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1738, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lord Howe\'s glorious victory over the French fleet, on the 28th and 29th of May, and 1st of June, M,DCC,XCIV. To which is addded, I never can believe it.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1739, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bold sailor. To which are added, The irish invasion. A touch on the times. The faint-hearted batchelor. The maid\'s answer. The travelling chapman. Tears wash my sad cheeks. If e\'er I do well \'tis a wonder.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1740, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The death of General Wolf. to which are added, What dreadful news. The prevailing fashions. Rogues all! rogues all!', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1741, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tam Glen, To which are added, The gowd o\' Gowrie. Soldier Dick. The tartan plaidie. Our trade to work in clay began. The royal cottager.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1742, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'If tars are fortune\'s sport, they still are fortune\'s care To which are added, Ben the sailor. Paddy\'s delight. The prevailing fashions. To the battle march away. Carle and the king come.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1805 edition at Bh13-d.2', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1743, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The man of war\'s garland, or, The brave British tars. To which are added, For freedom and his native land. The heavy hours. The step-daughter\'s relief. Nelson\'s victory over the French.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1805 edition at Bh13-d.2', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1744, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hunting of Chevy-Chace', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1745, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The happy revolution by King William, 1688. To which are added, Now or never. Britain\'s monitor. Advice to the fair sex. Let\'s be jovial fill your glasses. Sylvia\'s charms.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1746, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Goudhurst garland, in three parts.... To which is added, My dog and my gun.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1747, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gosport tragedy; or The perjured ship carpenter. To which are added, The Scots bonnet. The rtelief by the bowl. Get married as soon as you can.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1748, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Galloway shepherds, to which are added, The Royal Highlander\'s farewel. Love inviting reason. The new way of Locaber, with THe answer. Love, drink and debt.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1749, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The young squire\'s frolic. To which are added, The naval heroes. A favourite hunting song. Cragal ma Chree, with The answer. A hunting song. The foresaken nymph. The terrible law.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.\r\nA hunting song : Tune - Bright Phoebus.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1750, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lord Thomas of Winsberry. To which are added, The modern marriage question. Alexis and Clarinda. In my pleasant native plains. A song for three voices. Pretty Nancy.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1751, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The courtship and marriage of Bryan O\'Lin. To which are added, Poor Ned\'s advice to his sweetheart. Lord Thomas of Winsbery. John and Nell\'s parting. The blush.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1752, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Buchanshire tragedy; or Sir James the Ross. An historical ballad. Printed from the Original Manuscript.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1753, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The crafty princess; or, the golden bull. In four parts.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1754, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The crafty farmer, or The biter bit. To which are added, The female robber, and The soldier\'s return.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1755, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The factor\'s garland. In four parts.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1756, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Dorsetshire garland; or, The beggar\'s wedding in three parts. To which are added, The cock and bull story, and Cheat as cheat can', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1757, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of a toper; or, the drunkard\'s last will. To which are added, Get married betimes. The drowned mariner. Catch hold on to day. The happy marriage.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1758, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'King William and the plowman; or, industry rewarded. To which are added, Sawny and teague. A beau is but an ass. The power of love.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1759, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The beds of roses. To which are added, Arrah Captain Agra. The reformed drunkard. The choice of a wife. The choice of a husband. O! wonder to hear!', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1760, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The milking pail. To which are added, The north country lass. Oxter my laddie. Old King Coul. The humble beggar.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1761, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The miser bit: or, A trick upon the parson by the sailor. To which is added, The naked truth', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1762, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Hen-peck\'d husband; or, Easy John. To which are added, Cupid\'s pastime. The sailor\'s journal. The lover\'s summons. The sailor\'s departure.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1763, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The handsome cobler; or, The father outwitted. To which are added, A cann of grog, and Tyburn tree.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1764, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The goodman of Auchtermouchtie; or, The goodwife turn\'d goodman. Being a merry account how the goodman was fitted to his mind. To which is added, When I do, may I never drink more.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.\r\nThe goodman of Auchtermouchtie : Tune - Willie was a wanton wag.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1765, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The humours of Smithfield; or, Jack taken and plundered. To which are added, The three jolly colliers. Merry may the maid be. The joyful widower.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.\r\nThe price of a dish of tea : Tune - Carrick Fergus.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1766, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Lawrence Lazy. Containing, His birth and slothful breeding; how he served the school-master, his wife, the squire\'s cook, and the farmer; which by the laws of Lubberland, was accounted High Treason. His arraignment and trial; and happy deliverance from the many treasons laid to his charge.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, MDCCCII.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1767, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dominie depos\'d; or some reflections on his intrigue with a young lass and what happened thereupon. Intermix\'d with advice to all precentors, and dominies. With the sequel. By William Forbes, A.M. late schoolmaster at Petercoulter. To which is added, Maggy Johnston\'s elegy.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, MDCCCII', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1768, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The contented wife, with The husband\'s answer. To which are added, Gentlemen rakes of the town. The country lass\'s love for her sweetheart. The happy marriage. O dear! I\'m so pleas\'d. The soldier\'s return. The patriot fair.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1769, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The conquest of France by King Henry Vth. To which are added, The parson\'s fat wedder. The cares of a married life. The virgin\'s walk.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, 'Henry V, King of England, 1387-1422.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1770, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The buxom dame of Reading; or, The cuckold\'s cap. To which is added, A summer piece. A winter piece. Has she not dole enough has an auld man. The king and the miller. A smiling full bowl.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1771, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The British grenadiers. To which are added, O the days when I was young. Invasion threatened. A new sea song. The kind are young and fair. Queen Mary\'s lamentation', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1772, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bonny Scot. To which are added, Slighted Nancy, The faithful shepherd, My love Gilderoy. Fy gar rub her o\'er wi\' strae', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.\r\nThe bonny Scot : Tune - Boatman.\r\nSlighted Nancy : Tune - If the kirk wad let me be.\r\nThe faithful shepherd : Tune - Auld lang sy', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1773, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The days o\' langsyne. To which are added, The happy stranger, new way. The contented wife, with The husband\'s answer. The happy marriage. O dear! I\'m so pleas\'d. A trip to the fair.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1774, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The cruel father. Or The loyal lover\'s downfal. To which are added, The Royal George. The milking pail. Short repose. My stubborn heart.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1775, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The crafty miller; or, The mistaken batchelor. To which are added, Farewel to spring. Thundering roaring guns. Beautiful Nancy. A favourite hunting song.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1776, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The frigate well mann\'d. To which are added, Fair Margaret\'s misfortunes; or Sweet William\'s dream on his wedding night. Weary Anthony. Why did I believe him.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1777, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The fortunate weaver\'s uprise, or, The landlady well pleased. To which are added, The Lady\'s diary. The love and rage of Highland Donald. Drinking drowns care. Brave Donald McCraw. Jenny Nettles. The maltman.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1778, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The fireside companions. To which are added, Colin and Phebe. King John and the Bishop of Canterbury. With a frown she can kill.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1779, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The drunkard\'s consolation, on the ale being raised. To which are added, The election; or the description of a Coalition weather-cock. The two loyal lovers. Old England turned new. Beautiful Nancy.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.\r\nOld England turned new : Tune - The roast beef of old England.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1780, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Duke of Hamilton and Lord Mohun\'s fight. To which are added, Captain Glen\'s unhappy voyage to New Barbary. New infancy. Brave Donald McCraw.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, 'Hamilton, James Douglas Hamilton, 4th Duke of, 1658-1712.\r\nMohun, Char', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1781, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Dragoon and Peggy. To which are added, The swain design\'d for love and me. O\'er the moor to Maggy. The generous gentleman. A good hint.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1782, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Laird of Logie, an old song. To which are added, The sailor\'s epitaph; or, Tom Bowling under the hatches. The phoenix. \'Twas yes, kind sir. For the love of Jean.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1787, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The maiden\'s choice. To which are added, The forlorn lover. Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hartford. The wake on the green. The cherry girl, a favourite song.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1788, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The auld goodman; or, the goodwife victorious. To which are added, The valiant soldier. Pray be quiet! Do! Remedy for pain. The faithful tar. Johnny and Molly.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1789, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Berkshire lady. In four parts. To which is added, A new song.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1790, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hawking wench; or, Gowf my logie. To which are added, The ploughman\'s rant. Mira\'s charms. Tamie Lamie\'s cure. For a drunken wife.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1791, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The harp of old Assian; or, Caledonia triumphant. To which are added, The resolute lady; or, the fortunate footman, and The rock and a wee pickle tow.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1792, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The golden days of good Queen Bess. To which are added, A sequel to the favourite song of good Q Bess. Or The golden days we now possess, and Sylvia\'s marriage.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1793, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The London \'prentice; or, The wanton mistress. To which are added, Damon and Florella, and Down the burn Davie', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1794, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The British volunteers. To which are added, God save the king. Mally Bann. Tippling John. Johny Faa, the gypsie laddie.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.\r\nThe British volunteers : Tune - Push about the jorum.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1795, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Annie\'s elopement, with the pursuit and disappointment. To which are added, The lover\'s disappointment. Phillis and Nancy. Saint Patrick\'s glory. The contented ruricolist. None so pretty.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1796, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The happy marriage. To which are added, The Irish courtship. The wake on the green. How happy the soldier. Friendhip\'s a jewel. The marriage act. The taylor\'s downfal. The north country lass.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1797, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The happy revolution by King William, 1688. To which are added, I\'d think on thee my love. Britain\'s monitor. O Fortune hear my prayer. O\'er the muir amang the heather. The patriot fair. Ah well-a-day! my poor heart!', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1799, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The glorious 1st of June. To which are addded, The British volunteers. A patriotic song. Sweet Robin\'s elopement.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, MDCCCV.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1800, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hallow fair. To which are added, Ah Chloris. Hap me with thy petticoat. Tweed side. Sylvia\'s marriage. The rapture.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1801, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The invitation; or challenge. To which are added, The praises of Referilan. The fair maid\'s lament. The Highland lassie O. Let gay ones and great. Maids be not too nice in the matter', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (20) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1802, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Imperial chit chat; or, the northren confederacy. : To which are added, In my pleasant native plains. Smirky Nan. Alexis and Clarinda. Pretty Nancy. The modern marriage question', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1803, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The heires\'s resolution. To which are added, A new song, sung at the meeting of the Perthshire Florist and Vegitable Society. The crisis; or Britain\'s glory. Now sit down my cronnie. Roger and Dolly.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (20) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1804, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gosport tragedy; or The perjured ship carpenter. To which are added, The Scots bonnet.The naval heroes. Get married as soon as you can. The relief by the bowl.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1805, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Glasgow volunteers. To which are added, Bonaparte\'s garland. My apron dreart. The soldier\'s farewel. drive me not to despair. Sweet Robin\'s elopement.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1806, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Goudhurst garland, in three parts.... To which is added, The protest.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, 1809', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1808, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Elegy on Jamie Gemmill, tailor', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed this year [s.i.] [s.a.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 10.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1809, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John and his twelve misfortunes, which happened all in twelve days after the unhappy day of his marriage.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, '53', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1810, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack and the giants. In all its parts.', NULL, 'Printed and sold at the foot of the Old Assembly Close. - 1786', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1786-01-01 00:00:00', '1786-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1811, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of John Cheap, the comical chapman. Containing above a hundred merry exploits, done by him and his fellow traveller drouthy Tom, a sticket shaver', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1812, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s courtship, a favourite song; To which are added, I\'ll soon ha\'e a wife o\' my ain, My lovely Owen, and The smile and the tear.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1813, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The two contented cuckolds; or, Tit for tat. To which are added, Robin a\' boon, and Charge the musket', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1814, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Britain\'s alarm. To which are added, O dear! I\'m so pleas\'d. The bonny boy. Davy Jones\'s locker. Thro\' the wood laddie. Mankind all tanners. Edward and Betsy. Arrived at Portsmouth. Oaths in fashion', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1816, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Mally Stewart. To which are added, Truth laid open. Twelve months are past. Beauty\'s blossom.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1817, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new way of Admiral Benbow. To which are added, The gallant sailor. A thousand kisses. A new patriotic song. The sailor\'s rant. The cobler\'s merit.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1818, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of songs, &c. No. XVIII, containing Jack at Greenwich. The Kebbuckston wedding. Tom Bowling. All\'s well. The smile and the tear.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '18', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1819, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lilies of the valley. To which are added, This is no my plaid. Up in the morning. Flora\'s lament for Charly. Johnny Bluster dwalt on Clyde.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'MacDonald, Flora, 1722-1790.\r\nCharles Edward, Prince, grandson of Jame', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1820, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Title unknown (title page damaged)', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed in the year 1822 (on back : Falkirk, T. Johnston, printer)', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1821, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A dispute between the gardeners and the tailors for the antiquity of their trades.', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan, and sold by Alex. Keith & Wm. Gordon, Aberdeen, 1824.', 'Aberdeen', 'Keith, Alexander & Gordon, William', 'Buchan, Peter', '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 13.1, '1', 'one penny', NULL, NULL, 'cover note reads: \'This curious poetical Dialogue, where each trade claims the origin, was written about a hundred years ago, ans now reprinted at the sincere request of many of the Brethren.\'', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1822, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Selector No. II Friday, June 20, 1817', NULL, 'Sold by Clark & Sangster, and at the printing-office, Peterhead. P. Buchan, printer.', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1817-06-20 00:00:00', '1817-06-20 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'may be a larger publication (nos 10-16 are imprinted on pages but text appears continuous)', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1823, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasant and delightful history of Johnny Armstrong…', NULL, 'M. Angus & son, printers, Newcastle, [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', 'Angus, son of M.', '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Another edition at Bh13-c.13', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1824, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. The storm, by Mrs Robinson. A Free Mason\'s song. My eye and Betty Martin.', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1980-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1825, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. The death of Nelson. Lochaber. The yellow-hair\'d laddie. Whistle, and I\'ll come to you, my lad. The Yorkshire concert.', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1826, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. Tweed Side. My Nanie, O. Highland Laddie. Up in the morning early. Flowers of the forest.', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1827, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. Bess the gawkie. Blythe was she. Yorkshireman in London. Pray Goody.', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1828, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. Lovely Kitty. Woo\'d and married and a\', The battle of Sherra-Muir. If he will take the hint. By the gaily circling glass.', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1829, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. Allen A--Dale. Paddy Carey. Ma Cherie Amie. William Tell. Oh the moment was sad. The cottage on the moor.', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1831, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The press-gang; or, true-blue. To which are added, Ridges of rye. And Cato\'s advice.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1832, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailing trade. To which are added, The disconsolate sailor, The sailor\'s caution. British loyalty. The indifferent fair.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1834, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The genuine history of John M\'Pherson, Pat Fleeming, and Dick Balf, three notorious Irish robbers. Also, An account of the life of Gilder Roy.', NULL, 'Glasgow, published by J. Lumsden and son.', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, son of J.', '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Not listed in Roscoe & Brimmell.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1835, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, '\'and others\'', 0, 'Laugh and be fat! Or, A cure for melancholy, and other disorders of all ill-natured people, and discontented fools.', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Printed for the publishers', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1783-01-01 00:00:00', '1783-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1836, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Number II. Which contains the IV. V. and VI parts of the Comical Transactions of Lothian Tom', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed and sold in Niddery\'s Wynd, 1777.', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1777-01-01 00:00:00', '1777-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, 'The comical transactions of Lothian Tom', '2', 'page numbering continues from first in series', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1838, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The last Number of the Comical transactions of Lothian Tom', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed and sold in Niddery\'s Wynd, 177-.', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1777-01-01 00:00:00', '1779-12-31 00:00:00', '17-24', 14.6, '1', NULL, 'The comical transactions of Lothian Tom', '3', 'page numbering continues from second in series', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1839, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. Daft Watty\'s ramble to Carlisle. I was the boy for bewitching \'em. Mary once had lovers two. The little farthing rush-light. Paddy O\'Leary.', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1840, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. The country club. The chandler\'s shop. Paddy M\'Shane\'s seven ages.', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1841, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. Young Johnston. A man\'s a man for a\' that. The tinker. The constant shepherd. Hope told a flatt\'ring tale.', NULL, 'Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, Newcastle.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1842, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. William and Margaret. Death or liberty. Roy\'s wife of Aldivalloch. The jubilee.', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1843, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. The battle of the Nile. Tom Starboard. The sailor\'s adieu. Tom Bowling. True courage. The sea boy.', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1844, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. Tweed side. My Nanie O. Highland laddie. Up in the morning early. Fowers of the forest.', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1845, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. The death of Nelson. Lochaber. The yellow-hair\'d laddie. Whistle, and I\'ll come to you, my lad. The Yorkshire concert.', NULL, 'Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, Newcastle.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1846, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Will\'s courtship, and Kate\'s victory. : Sweet Mary of Ayr. Sandy\'s courtship. Jammy & Nancy', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the stationers, [18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1847, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. The mid-watch. Faithful Mary. Poor Jack. Ned Mizzen. Heaving of the lead.', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1848, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty and Meg; or, the wife reformed. Also, the Fate of MacGregor, and Lochiel\'s warning.', NULL, 'Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Price one penny.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '0185-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '3', 'one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1850, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Dreadful narrative of the loss of the Kent East-Indiaman, by fire, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, with upwards of 600 souls on board. Also, account of the dreadful suffering of six deserters from the Island of St. Helena.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1851, 'S. W.', 0, NULL, 0, 'The praise of W.S. by S.W.', NULL, 'London : Printed for William Clarke, New Bons Street, 1823.', 'London', 'Clarke, William', 'Dove, J.F.', '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 13.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1852, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Mary the maid of the inn', NULL, 'Printed by J. Ross, Arcade, Newcastle.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Ross, John', NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1853, 'F. W. S.', 0, NULL, 0, 'The worthies o\' Dundee, by F.W.S.', NULL, '[Dundee?] : All rights reserved.', 'Dundee', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1854, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Entertaining stories, &c. &c. - (viz.) - Female heroism. The wooden leg. Poetry. The wounded soldier. The gipsey wanderer. Epistle from Mary Queen of Scots to Kirkaldy of Grange, &c. &c.', NULL, 'Newcastle Upon Tyne : Printed by J. Mitchell, Dean-Street, 1803.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Mitchell, J.', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '28', 14.4, '6', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1855, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life of Launcelot Cooper, commonly called Old Lance; from his earliest infancy to the day of his execution at Warwick, April 25, 1810.', NULL, 'London : Printed and published by R. Harrild, 20, Great Eastcheap : and sold by Basford, Bilston; T...', 'London', 'Harrild, R.', NULL, '1810-04-26 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1856, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The town and country joker; being a choice selection of jests and witticisms, calculated to banish care from the festive board, and enliven the social circle', NULL, 'London : Printed and sold by R. Harrild, No. 20, Great Eastcheap', 'London', 'Harrild, R.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 15.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1857, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The seige of Alicant. To which are added, anecdotes of Judge Hale, Mr George Whitfield & Professor Junker, together with The cobbler of Mesina, and Franklin and the gout.', NULL, 'Newcastle on Tyne : Printed by J. Mitchell, Dean Street, 1808.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Mitchell, J.', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '40', 13.5, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Etchings printed on one side of separate sheet', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1858, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Park\'s entertaining fairy tale of the Two sisters, or Industry rewarded, and the punishment of idleness', NULL, 'London : A. Park, 47, Leonard Street, Finsbury', 'London', 'Park, A.', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 10, '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, '8 printed pages plus pink wrap-around cover; book size is about 9 cm wide x 12.5 cm deep.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1859, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Park\'s entertaining fairy tale of Riquet with the tuft, containing a full and true account of the whole of his sadventures, together with his interviews with the beautiful princess; showing how she consented to marry him, and made him a very handsome prince.', NULL, 'London : A. Park, 47, Leonard Street, Tabernacle Walk, Finsbury', 'London', 'Park, A.', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 10, '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, '8 printed pages plus pink wrap-around cover; book size is about 9 cm wide x 12.5 cm deep.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1860, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Park\'s surprising history of Jack and the beanstalk, detailing his journeys up the beanstalk. the way in which he obtained possession of the bags of gold, and effected the destruction of the ogre, by chopping down the beanstalk.', NULL, 'London : A. Park, 47, Leonard Street, Tabernacle Walk, Finsbury', 'London', 'Park, A.', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 10, '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, '8 printed pages plus yellow wrap-around cover; book size is about 9 cm wide x 12.5 cm deep.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1861, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sketch of the eccentric life of Daniel Dancer, esq. To which are added, Story of the Duke of Newcastle; Humourous epistle to Mr Cunningham after his marriage, by Burns; The newspaper editor, by Peter Pinder; and The recruiting sergeant, by Southey.', NULL, 'Newcastle on TYne : Printed by J. Mitchell, Dean-street.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Mitchell, J.', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '36 pages of text plus separsate etching page, printed one side only', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1863, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wonderful life and remarkable death of the renowned John Faustus, D.D. Containing all his acts of necromancy, from the time of his compact with Lucifer to his miserable end, at the expiration of that term. Newly translated from the original MSS.', NULL, 'London : Printed for T. and R. Hughes, 35, Ludgate-hill, ..., at the Franklin Press, Queen-street...', 'London', 'Hughes, T. and R.', 'Franklin Press', '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '40?', 14, '0', 'Sixpence', NULL, NULL, 'Copy incomplete, runs to 38 pages', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1864, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The penny songster. No.XXII', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson.', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1940-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '28', 10.2, '0', 'twopence', '2d Series', '10', 'Page numbering (505-528) and paper differences suggest Neilson printed covers for pages originally intended for a book.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1865, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The penny songster. No.XXIII', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson.', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1940-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '28', 10.2, '0', 'twopence', '2d Series', '11', 'Page numbering (505-528) and paper differences suggest Neilson printed covers for pages originally intended for a book.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1866, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The penny songster. No.XXIV', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson.', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1940-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '26', 10.2, '0', 'twopence', '2d Series', '12', 'Page numbering (505-528) and paper differences suggest Neilson printed covers for pages originally intended for a book.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1867, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Millar\'s monthly miscellany. Conversations, between James Block, esq. and Millar, the Editor of the Monthly miscellany, upon the causes of the distresses of the country, and their probable remedies. Founded upon a fact. In which are noticed, The debt, falsely called, National - Interest of that debt - Sinking fund - Seventy millions of taxes - Tax eaters - £200,000 which the borough faction pocket annually out of the taxes - State paupers - Abolition of sinecures, pensions, grants and emoluments, not merited by public services - Sale of seats in the Parliament - Unequal state of the representation, and reform of the Commons House vof Parliament - Equal laws - Universal suffrage - Annual Parliaments, &c. &c. Part I.', NULL, 'Ayr : Printed by D. Macarter & Co. for the author, 1817. Entered in Stationer\'s Hall.', 'Ayr', 'Millar', 'Macarter, D. and Co.', '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 13.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1868, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of new songs. : A dialogue between a drunken husband and a scolding wife. The black\'s lamentation. The chamber-maid\'s unkind answer to the black\'s lamentation, who now lies mad in Bedlam for the loss of his love', NULL, 'Newcastle : printed by George Angus, in the Side, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1869, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the yellow dwarf', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1852', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1852-01-01 00:00:00', '1852-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '12', 'One penny', 'New and improved series', '47', 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1870, 'Smyth, Jane', 0, NULL, 0, 'Narrative of the life of Jane Smyth: being a statement of the sufferiungs and privations she has undergone; shewing the state to which she has been re[duce]d by various occurences over which she had no control.', NULL, 'Liverpool : Printed by R. Short, 1831', 'Liverpool', 'Short, R.', NULL, '1831-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Captioned woodcut of Jane Smyth appears to be a separet sheet from the 36-page chapbook, possibly a loose insert?', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1871, 'Shele, Richard', 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of Chevy Chace by Richard Shele. To which is added, A drinking-match at Eden-hall. In imitation of the famous ballad of Chevy Chase.', NULL, 'Alnwick : Printed and sold by W. Davison, Bondgate Street, Where may be had a large assortment ...', 'Alnwick', 'Davison, W.', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1872, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of Jack Sheppard, a most notorious housebreaker & footpad. ...', NULL, 'Newcastle and Hull : Printed and sold by W. & T. Fordyce. May be had also of J. Whinham & Co....', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Fordyce, W. & T.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1873, 'Percy, Dr Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'The hermit of Warkworth: a Northumberland tale. In three parts. By Dr. Thomas Percy, Bishop of Dtomore.', NULL, 'Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Printed and published by John Ross. Royal Arcade.', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Ross, John', NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1852-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcuts', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1874, 'Smith, William', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Edinbury gleaner, being a collection of anecdotes, &c. for the amusement of youth. [No.2]', NULL, '[W. Smith, Bristo Port, Edina. - see No, 1]', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 11.2, '1', '3 pence', NULL, NULL, '16-page book has brown wrap-around printed cover and woodblock-printed oversize insert', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1875, 'Brown, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'Two short catechisms mutually connected; the questions of the former being generally supposed and omitted in the latter. By John Brown, Minister of the Gospel at Haddington. The eleventh edition.', '11', 'Edinburgh:Printed for William Anderson, Bookseller in Stirling. M,DCC,LXVIII.', 'Edinburgh', 'Anderson, W.', NULL, '1788-01-01 00:00:00', '1788-12-31 00:00:00', '72', 14.9, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1906, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonaparte\'s Card to John Bull, with Bonaparte\'s Answer to John Bull\'s Card. To which is added, Love and Friendship', NULL, 'Stirling : C. Randall', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1907, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Bell, a Love song. To which are added, The Brave Sailor, Buxom bonny Willie. Bonny Betsy Taylor. The Highland Laddie', NULL, 'Falkirk : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1823', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1908, 'Brightly, Richard', 0, NULL, 0, 'Britain\'s Timely Remembrancer: or, a Warning from Heaven, to vile Sinners on Earth; being Mr. Brightly\'s Last Sermon Whech he preached in his Shroud, and died immediately after he concluded the same. An aacount of the holy Life of Mr. Richard Brightly.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed this year, for the Booksellers', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1909, 'Hyslop, James, 1798-1827', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Cameronian\'s Vision', NULL, '[Fintray, Aberdeen] : Printed by J. Cumming, Fintray, Aberdeen, MDCCCLXXIV. [1874] ', 'Fintray', 'Cumming, John', NULL, '1874-01-01 00:00:00', '1874-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nIncludes a prefatory note on p. 1', NULL, 0, 'Brown, John, 1627-1685.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1910, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Complete Letter Writer, Containing forms of Letters on Business, Love, &c. &c.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1911, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Confusion: or, the World in Disorder. A New and True song.', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 16.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1912, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Dear is my little native vale; To which are added The Crook and Plaid. Tarry woo is ill to spin. Oh Nanny wilt thou fly with me', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1913, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Ewe-Boughts Marion. To which are added, Nobody coming to Marry me. The Mountain Flower. Caledonia. Beneath the Willow Tree. The Maid of the Mill, The King\'s Anthem', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, M.', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1914, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Famous Sea-Fight between Capt. Ward and the Rainbow : to which are added, charge the Musket, She Wakes, Sabina Wakes.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to Order', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1915, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five Songs. The Peck o\' Maut. \'Tis the last rose of summer. To Mary in Heaven. The Highland Laddie. The Confession.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '64', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'64.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1916, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, '4 Scots Songs', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1917, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four Songs', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : H. Crawford', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1918, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Golden Glove to which is added, Captain O\'Gra, or the Irish Recruit. The brisk Damsel of sunderland.', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1813-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Date on back cover reads 1812, not 1813', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1919, 'Bunyan, John, 1628-1688', 0, NULL, 0, 'A Heavenly Rest for a Weary soul: or, The PILGRIM at his Journey\'s End: BEING The Last LEGACY of a FATHER to his CHILDREN, when on his Death-Bed. CONTAINING, I. The Children\'s Duty to GOD, their Mother and Themselves. II. A COPY of VERSES, written by the Father, a little before his Death. III. Some GODLY MEDITATIONS. IV. The FATHER\'s last GIFT to his CHILDREN', NULL, 'Glasgow : [s.n.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1920, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The HERD\'S GHAIST; or, the PERJURED LAIRD\'S DOOM. Alegend of the Auld Kirk O\' Pert. To which is added NANCY BEAN-A SKETCH.', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the booksellers, [1870-1885?] ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1921, 'Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748', 0, NULL, 0, 'Twenty-eight divine songs, attempted in easy language for the use of children. By I. Watts, D.D....', 'The fortyfirst edition', 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, MDCCXCIII [1793]', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1793-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1922, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The History of Mahomet, the Great Imposter. Containing His Birth and Parentage-His Wives-His Journey into Heaven, and the extraordinary things which he saw-His alcoran and War, and his Death and Burial at Medina', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, '126', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page\r\n\'126.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, 'Murhammad, Prophet, d. 632.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1923, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Hunting of Chevy Chace.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : J. Morren', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1924, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Hunting of Chevy-Chace.', NULL, 'Paisley : J Neilson', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, J', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1811-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1925, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Hunting of Chevy-Chase a bloody battle fought by Earls Douglas and Percy, where above fourteen hundred Scotsmen, and near two thousand Englismen, were slain in one day.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the Booksellers', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1926, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jim Crow.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '66', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'66.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1927, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The London Spy. Or the Frauds of London Described. Being a complete Disclosure of all the Dark Transactions In and about that great City.', NULL, 'Stirling : C. Randall', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1928, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Love in a Barn; or, Right Country Courtship: shewing, How a London Lord was tricked by a Farmer\'s Daughter to which is added, The Caution.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to Order', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1929, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Magic Pill; or, davie and Bess', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, for George Caldwell, bookseller, 1819', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon on p. 8 reads : J. Neilson, printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1930, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, '[Bonny] Mally Stewart to which are added, Truth Laid Open, and Cupid\'s Pastime', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to Order.', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1931, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Murder of King Kenneth A.D. 994-5 A Legend of St. Palladius\' Well at Fordoun.', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the booksellers, [1870-1885?] ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1932, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Caledonian Songster', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1811-12-31 00:00:00', '60', 12.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Contents on p.60', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1933, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Old Adam the Father of us All. To which are added, The Cruel Parents. And A Thousand Kisses.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to Order.', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1934, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Old Hawkey; or The Properties of the Cow, A Poem, Recited at the Dinner, after the Exhibition of Cattle, at Trearne on Saturday the 5th of September 1829, by John Fulton', NULL, 'Beith : John Smith', 'Beith', 'Smith, John', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '7', 13.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1935, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Old Scottish Tragical Ballad of Sir James the Rose.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the Booksellers', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1936, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Roslin; Fought On the Plains of Roslin, 1303: and John highlandman\'s Remarks on Glasgow', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1937, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Affecting History of Lady Bertha A Poem. To which is added, the Laidley Worm of Spindleston Heugh.', NULL, 'Stirling : Randall', 'Stirling', 'Randall', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1938, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Chapter of Kings, A new Royal Song, To which is added, Captain Mulligan, A Favourite Comic Song, My Love was Lost in the Ramalie. Beauties of Carronbraes and Donald of Dundee', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston, Printer, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1939, 'Lieutenant Colonel', 0, NULL, 0, 'Christian Corporal. A Dialogue betwixt A corporal and a Soldier. By \'a Lieutenant Colonel\'', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : H. Crawford', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1940, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Blue Bonnets o\'er the Border. The Faithful Lovers. Scotia\'s Isle, Laddie, O Leave me. The Ploughman.', NULL, 'Dumfries : I. M\'Lachlan', 'Dumfries', 'M\'Lachlan, I.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1941, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Divine Breathings, Or A Pious Soul Thirsting After Christ. In Fifty Pahetical meditations.', '10th', 'Stirling : M. Randall', 'Stirling', 'Randall, M.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PSALM lxxiii 25. Whom have I in heaven but thee? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee\' printed on front', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1942, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, '5 Comic Songs', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1943, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five scots Popular Songs. The land o\' the leal. Bonny Wood of Craigie lea. The Harper of Mull. The braes o\' Balquither. And sae will we yet.', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1944, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Capt. Ward and the Rainbow. To which are added, Tom Bowling. Moll in the Wad.', NULL, 'Stirling : C. Randall', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1945, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, '4 Scots Songs', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1946, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Gallant Sailor. To which are added, Cobler\'s Daughter\'s Wedding. Every Inch a Sailor. Wit Women and Wine. The Constant Lady', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and Sold by M. Randall', 'Stirling', 'Randall, M.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1947, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Grannie M\'Nab\'s Lecture In the Society of Clashing Wives, Glasgow, On Witless Mithers and their Dandy Daughters who bring them up to hood-wink the Men, and deceive them with their braw Dresses, when they can neither wash a sark, mak\' purritch, or gang to the well.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', 'one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1948, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Robert de Bruce Garland or, A Heroic Song on the Battle of Bannock-burn; fought by a Scots army of 30,000, on the 24th of June, 1314. Against king Edward the II. With a might army of 300,000 men.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to Order', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caption below illustration reads \'I will Fight for my King.\'', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1949, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Rob Roy, the Celebrated highland Freebooter; or, memoirs of the Osbaldistone Family', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nVariant exists with \'2\' printed at foot of title page and type set slightly differently. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.2(11), L.C.2852.A(2), NG.1177.d.12(10).\r\nThis is a different work from the item placed at StEdNL : L.C.2849(2).', NULL, 0, 'Rob Roy, 1671-1734.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1950, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Railway Rhymer: containing The Pleasure Trip; The Channel Fleet; The Brake; Lament for Mary Bourke; and The Bird on the Wire', NULL, 'Fintray : Printed for the booksellers, 1879', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1879-01-01 00:00:00', '1879-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe pleasure trip : Tune - Comin\' thro\' the rye.\r\nThe Channel fleet : Tune - The Lass o\' Patie\'s Mill.\r\nThe brake : Tune - Hagar.\r\nThe Lament of Morian Shehone for Mary Bourke : Tune - The meeting of the waters.\r\nTh', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1951, 'Sempill, Robert, of Beltrees', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Life and Death of the Famous Pyper of Kilbarchan; or, the Epitaph of HABBY SIMPSON, Quha on his Drone bore bony Flags: He maid his cheiks as reid as crimson, And bobbit quhan he blew his Bags.', 'Millar\'s second', '[S.l.] : [s.n.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, NULL, NULL, 'Paisley Repository', '23', 'Contains introduction, anecdote & notes', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1952, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Tragedy of Sir James the Rose', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1953, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Thrummy Cap; A tale. To which are added, Young Whip Stitch and the Gig Demolished', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed, and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, M.', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThrummy Cap - Anonymous. By John Burness.\r\nThe gig demolished. A poem : By Mrs. Barbauld.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1954, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three Songs. The Lass o\' Glenshee. Roger O\'Hare', NULL, 'Kimarnock : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1955, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Songs. The Penny-Wedding', NULL, 'Dumfries : I. McLachlan', 'Dumfries', 'M\'Lachlan, I.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1956, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Songs. The Broad Swords of Scotland. When the Kye come hame. The Lassie\'s Answer', NULL, 'Dumfries : M\'Lachlan', 'Dumfries', 'M\'Lachlan, I.', NULL, '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1957, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sir Neil And Glengyle, The Highland Cheftains: A Tragical Ballad. To which is added Black Ey\'d Susan. And Plain Dealing.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1958, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'Sir James the Rose; An Old Scottish, Tragic Song.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nTitle page includes an illustration of two male figures facing each other, one with a raised sword. This differs from the copies at L.C.2851(12) and L.C.2892(44). StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1959, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Short Stories for Little Folks or, Little Tales, calculated to excite Juvenile Minds to the Love and Practice of Virtue.', NULL, 'Stirling : C. Randall', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1960, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Scots Medley. To which are added, Banks of Forth. The bonny Lass in yontown. And Tak\' your auld Cloak about ye', NULL, 'Stirling : C. Randall', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1961, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Chapter of Cheats. The Bonnie Lassie\'s Plaidy. The Unhappy Dream.', NULL, 'Dumfries : I. M\'Lachlan', 'Dumfries', 'M\'Lachlan, I.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1962, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Popular Songs. Soldier\'s Return. The Rent Day. Royal Charlie.', NULL, 'Dumfries : I. M\'Lachlan', 'Dumfries', 'M\'Lachlan, I.', NULL, '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1963, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'O\'er the Muir amang the Heather. To which are added, Caledonia Triumphant. Paddy\'s Trip to London and Mary Le More, or, the Irish Maniac', NULL, 'Stirling : C. Randall', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1964, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, '9 Love Songs. Donald of dundee. Rest, Warrior, rest. Ah ! See the pale lily. Flora\'s Lament. The winter it is past. Away with this pouting. The rosebud of summer. The maid of Castile. The parting kiss.', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1965, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The New Way of whirry Whigs awa\', Man', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, NULL, 'one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1966, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'New Songs. Up an\' waur them a\' Willie. A Drap Mair. Curled Hair.', NULL, 'Dumfries : I. M\'Lachlan', 'Dumfries', 'M\'Lachlan, I.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1967, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'New Songs. The Toom Meal Poak. Daft Jamie. The Lucky Farmer\'s Boy.', NULL, 'Dumfries : I. M\'Lachlan', 'Dumfries', 'M\'Lachlan, I.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1968, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'New Songs. Rab Rorison\'s Bonnet. The Painful Plough. Great Britain\'s Lamentation.', NULL, 'Dumfries : I. M\'Lachlan', 'Dumfries', 'M\'Lachlan, I.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1969, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Maggie\'s Tocher. To which are added, Bess of Bedlam. Beauty\'s Blossom', NULL, 'Stirling : C. Randall', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1970, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'John Barleycorn. To which are added, Banks of the Shannon. And Mary Le More, Or the Irish Maniac', NULL, 'Stirling : C. Randall', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1971, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life of George Schaw. Abbot of Paisley.', NULL, 'Paisley : Andrew Young', 'Paisley', 'Young, Andrew', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, NULL, NULL, 'Paisley Repository', '22', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1972, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Grigor\'s Ghost, An Old Scotch Song', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1973, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Water Warbler: containing The Cogie; The Pleasure Trip; The Rinderpest; The Clear, Cooling Wave; and the Sang O\' The Unemployed.', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1974, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Water Lily: Containing The Licensed Grocer; Fa Pushioned the Doggie? Nearing the Dawn; The New Year\'s Advice; And Wattie\'s Pipes', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1975, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'New Songs. Somethimg To Do. Sandy M\'Kay. The Mermaid.', NULL, 'Dumfries : I. M\'Lachlan', 'Dumfries', 'M\'Lachlan, I.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1976, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two Songs. True Love Despised. William Ryley.', NULL, 'Dumfries : I. M\'Lachlan', 'Dumfries', 'M\'Lachlan, I.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1977, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four Excellent New Songs: I. A new Song on Prince Ferdinand. II. Bonnocks of Barley-Meal. III. A New SONG, call\'d Sleepy Davy. IV. Britons to Arms.', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1978, 'Real Friend of the People', 0, NULL, 0, 'A Serious Expostulation With The Lower Orders of the People. [By] \'A Real Friend of the People\'', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 15.4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1979, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Universal Valentine Writer, Containing Serious,-Sentimental,-Amorous,-Satirical,-Quizzical,-Comical,-And Humorous Letters; For Persons of all Trades, Professions, and Characters in life.', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : M. Crawford and Son', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, M.', NULL, '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1980, 'T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1622-1687', 0, NULL, 0, 'A choice Drop of Honey, from the Rock, Christ. Or, a Short Word of Advice To All Saints and Sinners', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1821', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, 'Crawford\'s Tracts', '7', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1981, 'Walker, Peter', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Life and Prophecies of Mr. Donald Cargill, Sometime Minister in the Barony Parish of Glasgow…Also, A Copy of the Torwood Excommunication', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '48', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1982, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Toast-Mater\'s Companion; A Collection of the Best and Newest Loyal, Patriotic, Military, Naval, Love, Masonic, Drinking, Sporting, and Miscellaneous, Toasts and Sentiments', NULL, 'Stirling', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1983, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Surprising Savage Girl, Who was caught wild in the Woods of Champagne, a Province in France. Containing a true and faithful Narrative of many curious and interesting particulars respecting this Wonderful Phenomenon - Translated from the French', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, T', NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1984, 'Smithson, Samuel', 0, NULL, 0, 'Christ on the Cross Suffering for sinners: or The Sinner\'s Redemption, Sanctification and Exaltation, by the Death and bitter Passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Matth. Iii. 16, 17. Verses. And Jesus, when he was baptised, came straight out of the Water, and John saw the Spirit of God descending like a Dove, and lighting upon him. And lo a Voice came from Heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased', NULL, 'Edinburgh', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1985, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Life and Death of Robin Hood, the Renowned Out-law, and the Famous Exploits Performed by Him and Little John.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, '73', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1986, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A New Historical Catechism: Containing Answers to Important Questions, in Ancient history, Relative to the Light of the Heathen World-the Miracles that happened at our Saviour\'s Birth-the Usurpation, Cruel Murders, and Miserable Death of Herod-the Deaths of Pontius Pilate, nero, Simon Magus-the Destruction of Jerusalem-the Stories of the Divining Ape, and Seven Sleepers, &c. &c.', NULL, 'Stirling : W. Macnie', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1987, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The New Art of Thriving; Or, The Way to Get and Keep Money. Containing Sixteen Excellent Rules and Observations for Promoting Good Husbandry : with A Table of Expences. To Which Are Added, The Way To Make Money Plenty In Every Man\'s Pocket. An Infallible Cure for Hard Times; and Rules To Make A Good Tradesman.', NULL, 'Dundee : T. Donaldson', 'Dundee', 'Donaldson, T.', NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 13.6, NULL, 'Two-pence', NULL, NULL, 'Title page contains the lines \'Spare in they YOUTH, lest AGE should find thee poor,/When time is past, and thou canst spare no more;/No coupled misery so great in either,/As AGE and WANT, when both do meet together.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1988, 'Muckarsie, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Children\'s Catechism : or, an Help to the more Easy Understanding of the Doctrine Taught in our Confession of Faith, and Catechisms, Larger or Shorter. Humbly offered for Instructing the Young and Ignorant.', '20th edition', 'Falkirk : T. Johnston', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 17, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1989, 'McLaren, Archibald', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scottish Volunteers. A Musical Farce. In Two Acts.', NULL, 'Paisley : J. Neilson', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '28', 16, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1990, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Laird o\' Coul\'s Ghost', NULL, 'London : Elliot Stock', 'London', 'Stock, Elliot', NULL, '1892-01-01 00:00:00', '1892-12-31 00:00:00', '73', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'An Eighteenth-Century Chap-Book. From the original MS. In the possession of the Rev. Dr. Gordon, St. Andrew\'s, Glasgow', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1991, 'Killiray, Matthew', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Sinner\'s Sobs, or, the Sinner\'s Way to Sion\'s joy. A Sermon : Plainly demonstrating the Absolute Necessity of True Godly Sorrow, for the Sinner\'s Safety.', NULL, 'Stirling : M. Randall', 'Stirling', 'Randall, M.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1992, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Linnet', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '48', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'P.48 is the contents page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1993, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Whole Proceedings of Jockey & Maggy\'s courtship, with the Great Diversion that Ensued at the Wedding. In Three Parts.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, '113', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'(113.)\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1994, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The History of Charles Jones, The Footman. Shewing How He Raised Himself From The Humble Starion of a Foot-Boy, To a Place of Great Eminence and Trust, By His Strict Honesty and Integrity.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '45', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1995, 'Hart, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'Peter\'s Repentance, After he had denied his Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. A Sermon ; Preached from Matth. Xxvi. 75. And Peter remembered the words of Jesus, which he said; Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice, so he went out and wept bitterly. Matth. V. 4. Blessed are ye that mourn, for ye shall rejoice. With several spiritual hymns.', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : H. Crawford', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1996, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Storys of the young robber, and Puss in boots.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nThere are two variants. A \'29\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.3(5), Mas.619(8), Mas.621(8), L.C.2852.B(3). B \'viii. 5\' printed bottom right of title page. StEdNL : L.C.2849(1).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1997, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The humours of Glasgow Fair. And the comical song of Auld John Paul', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '42', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'42\' is printed beneath the imprint.\r\nPrinted height of title page 12.5 cm.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1998, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A prayer book for families and private persons... To which are added, Graces for young persons', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [n.d.]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (1999, 'Hart, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'Memoirs of A Babe in Christ ; A Book for Boys and Girls, illustrative of the Gospel', NULL, 'Kilmarnock; William Muir', 'Kilmarnock', 'Muir, William', NULL, '1846-01-01 00:00:00', '1846-12-31 00:00:00', '40', 10.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2000, 'Brown, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Fearful Shame and Contempt, Of those Professed Christians, who neglect to raise up Spiritual Children to Jesus Christ. Being the Substance of Two Sermons, Preached, The one after the Ordination of Mr. EBENEZER BROWN, at Inverkeithing; and the other after a Sacramental Occasion at Whitburn. On Deutoronomy xxv. 5,-10.', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2001, 'Campbell, A.', 0, NULL, 0, 'A History of All Religions, in particular, the Churches, Parties and Sectaries, of the Holy Christian Religion, viz; Heathens, Mahometans, Jews, christians, Papists, Jesuits, Protestants, Episcopals, Presbyterians, Sabbatarians, Jumpers, Reformed Presb, Seceders, Burghers, Antiburghers, Old Light Burghers. New Light Burghers. Presbytery of Relief, Independents, Pedobaptists, Theophilantrophists, Tabernacles, Quakers, Bereans, Arians, Arminians, Socinians, Antinomians, Erastians, Douglasites, Dunkers Sandemanins. And An Account of the Origin of Burning Heretics in England.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '14', 13.6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2002, 'Bunyan, John, 1628-1688', 0, NULL, 0, 'A Race for Eternal Life. Being an Epistle to all slothful People. A Sermon, On 1 Corin. Ix. 24.-So run that ye may obtain, From the Heavenly Footman. Also, the Misery of Uncharitable Persons.', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : H. Crawford', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2003, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Life of the Right Honourable Sir Robert Peel; containing a Sketch of His Birth, parentage, Early Life, Political Career, &c.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1851', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1851-01-01 00:00:00', '1851-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, NULL, 'One Penny', 'New and Improved', '26', NULL, NULL, 0, 'Peel, Robert, Sir, 1788-1850.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2004, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Life of John Knox, the Celebrated Scottish Reformer; containing an Account of his Early Education, His Persecution by the Roman Catholics, and His efforts to Establish the Protestant Religion in Scotland.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1851', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1851-01-01 00:00:00', '1851-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.6, NULL, 'One Penny', 'New and improved series', '92', NULL, NULL, 0, 'Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2005, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Life of the Duke of Wellington; containing An Account of His Early Life; His Brilliant Achievements in the Peninsular Wars; and His Crowning Victory At Waterloo', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1851', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1851-01-01 00:00:00', '1851-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, NULL, 'One Penny', 'New and Improved', '27', NULL, NULL, 0, 'Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2006, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life of Napoleon Bonaparte; containing A Correct Account of His Early Education, His Military Career, His Overthrow at Waterloo, His Exile, and Death.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, NULL, 'One Penny', 'New and Improved', '28', NULL, NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2007, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A Selection of Religious Anecdotes, Choice Sayings of Wise Men, &c. &c.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', 'One Penny', 'New and Improved', '86', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2008, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Sentimental Valentine Writer, containing a selection of The Best and Newest Valentine Poetry', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850 ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', 'One Penny', 'New and Improved', '13', 'In verse.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2009, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Universal Toast Masters\' Companion A Selection of the Most Appropriate Naval, Military, Patriotic, and Masonic Toasts, With a Choice Selection Of sentiments.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '2', NULL, NULL, '4', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2010, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The New Dream Book', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 12, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2011, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Drunken Exciseman; To Which is Added, Young Donald of Dundee. When I Was Young. Langsyne Beside the Woodland Burn. And Robin Hood.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, '65', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'65.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2012, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Dreamer\'s Dictionary, or Future Revealer, Found in the Ark of A Late Celebrated Wizard', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2013, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The History of Fair Rosamond, The Beautiful Mistress of King Henry the Second. Her Birth, & Education At the Nunnery of Godstow. And Her Death.', NULL, 'Glasgow : W. & R. Inglis, & Co.', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2014, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scottish Minstrel; containing A Selection of The Most Popular Songs of Scotland, As Sung By Wilson, Templeton &c.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '[67]-90', 12.2, NULL, 'One Penny', 'Fourth Series', NULL, 'Table of contents on p. [68].\r\nThe braes of Balquhither : Words by Tanahaill. Air - \"The three carls o\' Buchanan.\" Key-note D.\r\nLogan water : Words by Burns. Air very old. Key-note G minor.\r\nThe bridal day : Words by W. Paul. Music by J. P. Clarke.\r\nBessi', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2015, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A Selection of Amusing and Entertaining Irish Stories, compiled From Various Sources', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', 'One Penny', 'New and Improved', '30', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nTable of contents on p. [2].', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2016, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Sentimental Valentine Writer, Containing a Selection of The Best and Newest Valentine Poetry', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', 'One Penny', 'New and Improved', '13', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2017, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Comic Valentine Writer, containing a Selection of The Best and Newest Quizzical Valentine Verses', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', 'One Penny', 'New and Improved', '14', 'In verse.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2018, 'Bierce, Ambrose Gwinnett', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Life and Unparalleled Voyages and Adventures of Ambrose Gwinnett; Containing An Account Of His Being Tried, Convicted, and Hanged in Chains At Deal, For the Supposed Murder Of Mr. Collins; His Surprising Recovery; His Voyage to the West Indies, and being taken by the Spaniards, among whom he met with the supposed murdered Mr. Collins, and proposal to return to England together; His Being Taken By The Algerines And Carried Into Slavery, And, After Many Hardships, his Return To England. Written By Himself', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, NULL, 'One Penny', 'New and Improved', '21', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2019, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Margaret And The Minister; A True Tale To Which Is Added Soda Water', NULL, 'Paisley : G. Caldwell', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '\'She ne\'er before saw sicken fairlies, Sae mony antic turly-whurlies\' printed below title', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2020, 'Marmontel, Jean Franpcois, 1723-1799', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Shepherdess of the Alps, A Very Interesting, Pathetic, and Moral History', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, '97', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'97.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2021, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Maid Servant\'s Guide : Containing Directions For Performing All Kinds Of Household Work.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, NULL, 'One Penny', 'New and Improved Series', '17', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2022, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Housekeeper and Butler\'s Guide; Or, A System Of Cookery, And Making Of Wines Adapted To The Use Of Small And Private Families', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '3', NULL, NULL, '27', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\n\'27\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2023, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five Popular songs. The Angel\'s Whisper. Helen The Fair. The Wind Blew The Bonny Lassie\'s Plaidy Awa. Mistress Johnston Do You Ever Think On Me, Peg?', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '59', 'Illustration on title page.\r\n\'59\' printed beneath the imprint.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nVariant exists without \'59\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : 5.1899(9).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2024, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Iron Shroud ; Or, Italian Revenge', NULL, 'Glasgow : Orr & Sons', 'Glasgow', 'Orr', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1839-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2025, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Autobiography of William Love, P. C. A Native Of Paisley. Better Known As The Roving Scotchman, The Greatest Traveller Alive ! Having Already Walked More Than = Six Times Round The Earth Containing An Account Of His Birth, Parentage, And Education, Travels To Remarkable Places, Love Adventures, Opinions On Things In General, With Philosophical Remarks On Particular Subjects.', NULL, 'Paisley : G. Caldwell', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1857-01-01 00:00:00', '1857-12-31 00:00:00', '56', 13.8, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, '7 Chapters with a dedication and a preface', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2026, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Mill o\' Tiftie\'s Annie, or, Andrew Lammie, the trumpeter of Fyvie. ', NULL, 'Aberdeen : Geo. Clark and Son, 17 Broad Street, 1868.', 'Aberdeen', 'Geo. Clark & Son', NULL, '1868-01-01 00:00:00', '1868-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Wood-engraving on title page.\r\nAt foot of p.8: \'W. Bennett, printer\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2027, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Laird of Ardenoaige and the Ghost of Fenhaglen. ', NULL, 'Crieff : Printed by T. M\' Donald, 1838.', 'Crieff', 'M\' Donald, T.', NULL, '1838-01-01 00:00:00', '1838-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 18.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2028, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The three crump twin brothers of Damascus : an Eastern tale. To which is added, An instance of Turkish justice. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by J. Morren, Cowgate, 1809.', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2029, 'Bruce, Michael, 1787-1861. ', 0, NULL, 0, 'Sir James the Rose : an old Scottish tragic ballad / by Michael Bruce. ', NULL, 'Aberdeen : James Clark, 17, Broad Street, 1891.', 'Aberdeen', 'Clark, James.', NULL, '1869-01-01 00:00:00', '1891-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAt foot of p.8: \'Geo Clark & Son, 17, Broad Street\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2030, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hermit of Powis : a ballad romance of the olden times. ', NULL, 'Aberdeen : George Middleton, Skene Square, 1873.', 'Aberdeen', 'Middleton, George', 'Davidson & Smith', '1873-01-01 00:00:00', '1873-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'At foot of p.8: \'Davidson & Smith, printers, Aberdeen\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2031, 'MacQueen, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'The village pestilence : a poem / by Thomas MacQueen. ', '2nd ed. ', 'Beith : James Arnot, 1835.', 'Beith', 'Arnot, James.', NULL, '1835-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'At foot of p.8: \'David Arnot, printer, Beith\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2032, 'Aitken, Andrew, Farmer in Overton, Beith', 0, NULL, 0, 'The miser and the prodigal, a moral tale : To which is subjoined the drunkard\'s soliloquy / by Andrew Aitken. ', NULL, 'Beith : Printed by J. Smith, 1830.', 'Beith', 'Smith, J.', NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Notes at foot of pages 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2033, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A remarkable account of a shipwreck on an uninhabited island : near the coast of Terra Australis Incognita, in the year 1569; where all the crew parished[sic] except one man and four women by which accident this island in the course of ninty[sic] eight years was peopled to the amount of twelve thousand souls. Authenticated by Cornelius Van Sloetten, a Dutch captain in the year 1667. ', NULL, 'Beith : Printed and sold by J. Smith, 1830.', 'Beith', 'Smith, J.', NULL, '1834-01-01 00:00:00', '1834-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 11.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2034, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A selection of songs, &c. : containing Josie Strathern. Donald Monro. The auld begar man. The grave digger &c. ', NULL, 'Beith : Printed by J. Smith, 1835.', 'Beith', 'Smith, J.', NULL, '1835-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2035, 'Fulton, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'Two new songs viz : Comical will and The old wife at her wit\'s end / by John Fulton. ', NULL, 'Beith : J. Smith, printer, Beith, 1835.', 'Beith', 'Smith, J.', NULL, '1835-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2036, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'True and correct narrative of the dreadful burning of the steam-ship Amazon : with 115 persons burned and drowned and only 46 saved. ', NULL, 'Dundee : Printed for R. Crombie and G. Gordon by James Redger, March 5, 1852.', 'Dundee', 'Crombie, R.', 'Gordon, G.', '1852-01-01 00:00:00', '1852-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2037, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A picture of war : being an account of the storming of Badajoz and the Russian campaign. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1826.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '2', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 3', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2038, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tales for the farmers\' ingle-neuk : consisting of The murderer discovered, The spoiled child, The broken bridge and Domestic management. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1826.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 7', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2039, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty & Meg or the wife reformed. A tale. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by T. Oliver, Fountain Well, High Street, 1801.', 'Edinburgh', 'Oliver, T.', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2040, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0, NULL, 0, 'Burns\' celebrated songs : Of a\' the airts the win\' can blaw. Gude forgi\'e me for liein\'. My nannie o. Bonnie Doon. The soldier\'s return. To which are added, Tom Tough. The wounded hussar. Jenny\'s bawbee. Gin a body meet a body. Come under my plaidy. Crazy Jane, and God save the King. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Robertson, Horse-Wynd, 1805.', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, J.', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 13.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2041, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs; : called Bryan O\'Lin. Capt. Delany\'s ramble. The lady\'s answer. Lovely Nancy and the handsome serjeant.. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen] : Printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Castle street Aberdeen, [1771-1810]', 'Aberdeen', 'J. Chalmers & Co.', NULL, '1771-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182757', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2042, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bride\'s burial. : To which is added, The siege of Gibraltar. And The barking barber, or, new bow, wow, wow.. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen] : Chalmers & Co. printers, Aberdeen, [1771-1810]', 'Aberdeen', 'J. Chalmers & Co.', NULL, '1771-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nImprint in square brackets at foot of title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T166690', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2043, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The patient countess. : An old ballad.. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen] : Printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Aberdeen, [1771-1810]', 'Aberdeen', 'J. Chalmers & Co.', NULL, '1771-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon on page 8 reads : Printed by J Chalmers & Co. Aberdeen.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T197795', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2044, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The crafty squire\'s garland. : To which is added, The betray\'d lover. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen] : Printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Castlestreet Aberdeen., [1771-1810]', 'Aberdeen', 'J. Chalmers & Co.', NULL, '1771-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nImprint in square brackets at foot of title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon on p. 8, in square brackets, reads : Printed by J. Chalmers & Co Castlestreet Aberdeen.\r\nIn verse.\r\nCrafty squire\'s garland - ', 'ESTC T192096', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2045, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent new song: called the farmer\'s glory.. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen] : Printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Castlestreet Aberdeen., [1771-1810]', 'Aberdeen', 'J. Chalmers & Co.', NULL, '1771-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nImprint in square brackets at foot of title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon on p. 8, in square brackets, reads : Printed by J. Chalmers & Co Castlestreet Aberdeen.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T198031', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2046, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs; : called The jovial tinker and the farmer\'s daughter. To which are added, The Conghannan maid. The amorous lover. The grateful admirer. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen] : Printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Castlestreet Aberdeen., [1771-1810]', 'Aberdeen', 'J. Chalmers & Co.', NULL, '1771-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon on page 8, in square brackets, reads : Printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Castlestreet Aberdeen.\r\nImprint in square brackets at foot of title page.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182670', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2047, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs; : entitled Johnny\'s grey-breeks with The answer. The tempest. The considerate nymph.. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen] : Printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Castlestreet Aberdeen., [1771-1810]', 'Aberdeen', 'J. Chalmers & Co.', NULL, '1771-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Imprint in square brackets at foot of title page.\r\nColophon on page 8, in square brackets, reads : Printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Castlestreet Aberdeen.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182818', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2048, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun; or, Leper the tailor : In two parts. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen, 1880-1900] ', 'Aberdeen', NULL, NULL, '1880-01-01 00:00:00', '1900-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nImprint and date from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2049, 'Macneill, Hector, 1746-1818', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Will and Jean. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen, 1880-1900] ', 'Aberdeen', NULL, NULL, '1880-01-01 00:00:00', '1900-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAuthor from information on title page.\r\nImprint and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2050, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Mill o\' Tiftie\'s Annie. or Andrew Lammie, the trumpeter of Fyvie. ', NULL, 'Aberdeen : Lewis Smith & Son, 1893.', 'Aberdeen', 'Lewis Smith & Son', NULL, '1893-01-01 00:00:00', '1893-12-31 00:00:00', '10 ill. ;', 13.5, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2051, 'Burness, John, 1771-1826', 0, NULL, 0, 'Thrummy cap : a legend of the Castle of Fiddes / by John Burness. ', NULL, 'Aberdeen : Lewis Smith & Son, [1880-1900]', 'Aberdeen', 'Lewis Smith & Son', NULL, '1880-01-01 00:00:00', '1900-12-31 00:00:00', '15', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2052, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty and May, or The wife reclaimed : Together with Habbie Simpson and his wife, or A new way of raising the wind; Donald and his dog; The West Kintra weaver turned teetotaler; The loss o\' the pack; John Thomson\'s cart; Takin it out o\' his mouth. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen, 1880-1900] ', 'Aberdeen', NULL, NULL, '1880-01-01 00:00:00', '1900-12-31 00:00:00', '23 ill. ;', 12.5, '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nImprint and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2053, 'Tannahill, Robert, 1774-1810', 0, NULL, 0, 'Gems of Tannahill\'s songs. &c. & c. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen, 1880-1900] ', 'Aberdeen', NULL, NULL, '1880-01-01 00:00:00', '1900-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Imprint and date from external evidence.\r\nList of contents on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2054, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Songs of bonnie Scotland by her sweetest singers. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen, 1880-1900] ', 'Aberdeen', NULL, NULL, '1880-01-01 00:00:00', '1900-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nImprint and date from external evidence.\r\nList of contents on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2055, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry humours, wise sayings, and curious adventures of George Buchanan : known as \"The king\'s fool\". ', NULL, '[Aberdeen, 1880-1900] ', 'Aberdeen', NULL, NULL, '1880-01-01 00:00:00', '1900-12-31 00:00:00', '23', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nImprint and date from external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2056, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of Geo. Buchanan : commonly called the king\'s fool. ', NULL, 'Aberdeen : Printed for the booksellers, [1880-1900]', 'Aberdeen', NULL, NULL, '1880-01-01 00:00:00', '1900-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '0', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2057, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796 ', 0, NULL, 0, 'Gems of Scottish song : chiefly by Robert Burns. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen, 1880-1900] ', 'Aberdeen', NULL, NULL, '1880-01-01 00:00:00', '1900-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nImprint and date from external evidence.\r\nList of contents on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2058, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The laird o\' Drum and The baron o\'Leys : two Deeside ballads, correctly rendered. With illustrations. ', NULL, 'Aberdeen : Lewis Smith & son, 1888.', 'Aberdeen', 'Lewis Smith & Son', NULL, '1888-01-01 00:00:00', '1888-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 13.5, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2059, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The taylor\'s garland. : In five parts. Part I. Shewing a talor\'s courtship to a young lady who often denied him and abused him before she gave consent, and how her parents threatened her. Part II. How her parents sent her to London to stay with a friend where she wrote home for the taylor. Part III. how the taylor went to London married her privately and got her with child and then returned home without her. Part IV. How her father sent for the taylor when he knew she was with child, hired him to take her, and be the child\'s father. Part V. Shewing when the taylor had got the money, and his marriage over told her father how he had tricked him.. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen] : Printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Castlestreet Aberdeen, [1771-1810]', 'Aberdeen', 'J. Chalmers & Co.', NULL, '1771-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon on p. 8 reads : Printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Castlestreet Aberdeen.\r\nIn verse.\r\nP. 2 reads : \'To the tune of, King William and his Forresters\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2060, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A patriotic song, or Bonaparte will be here : abstracted from the Aberdeen Journal. Tune,-Tillochgorum. To which is added, A new song, in favour of our militia. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen] : Printed by and for A. Keith, Aberdeen, [1810-1835]', 'Aberdeen', 'Keith, Alexander', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2061, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The faithless captain; or The betray\'d virgin. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen] : Printed & sold by A. Keith, Aberdeen, [1810-1835]', 'Aberdeen', 'Keith, Alexander', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2062, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song on the death of General Abercrombie : to which are added, The turtle dove. Father and I. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen] : Printed & sold by A. Keith, Aberdeen, [1810-1835]', 'Aberdeen', 'Keith, Alexander', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2063, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The canty carlie, or The raveled bridal of Auchronie. ', NULL, 'Aberdeen : Printed for A. Keith, Long Acre, and W. Gordon, Upperkirkgate, [1810-1835]', 'Aberdeen', 'Keith, Alexander', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', 'Price one penny ', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2064, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Excellent new song, : called The blae berries. ', NULL, 'Aberdeen : Printed by A. Imlay, No. 3 George Street, [1801]', 'Aberdeen', 'Imlay, A.', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and internal evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : A. Imlay, printer, Aberdeen. 1801.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2065, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs : entitled, Come under my plaidie. With The answer. To which is added A touch on the times. ', NULL, '[Banff] : Davidson, printer, Banff, [1820-1837]', 'Banff', 'Davidson, James', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2066, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dusky night : A young lady turned soldier. Gragal ma chree. O\'er the muir to Maggy. ', NULL, '[Banff] : Davidson, printer, Banff, [1820-1837]', 'Banff', 'Davidson, James', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2067, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Scotch songs : Maggy Lauder. Katharine Ogie. Tullochgorum. ', NULL, 'Ayr : Printed for the booksellers, [1817-1818]', 'Ayr', NULL, NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon on p. 8 reads : Macarters, printers, Ayr.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2068, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0, NULL, 0, 'Burns\'s songs, : Again rejoicing nature sees. Green grow the rashes. The bonnie banks of Ayr. Eliza. The farewell, &c. ', NULL, 'Ayr : Printed for the booksellers, [1817-1818]', 'Ayr', NULL, NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon on p.8 reads : Macarters, printers.\r\nIn verse.\r\nAgain rejoicing nature sees, p. 2 : \'Tune-Jocky\'s grey breeks\'.\r\nBonnie banks of Ayr, p. 5 : \'Tune-Roslin Castle\'.\r\nEliza, p. 6 :', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2069, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The historical ballad of May Culzean : founded on fact. With, A poem on the times. ', NULL, 'Ayr : Printed by D. Macarter & Co, [1817-1818]', 'Ayr', 'David Macarter and Co.', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8 ill. ;', 11.4, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe historical ballad of May Culzean, p. 2 : \'Tune-Gil Morrice\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2070, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The historical ballad of May Culzean : founded on fact. ', NULL, '[Ayr] : Printed for the booksellers, [1817-1818]', 'Ayr', NULL, NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDate from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe historical ballad of May Culzean, p. 4 : \'Tune-Gil Morrice\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2071, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The complete budget of wit : a selection of laughable stories, choice bon mots; repartees, anecdotes, &c. ', NULL, 'Ayr : Printed for the booksellers, [1817-1818]', 'Ayr', NULL, NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.9, '1', '\'Price threehalfpence\'. ', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2072, 'Hogg, James, 1770-1835', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Duncan Campbell, and his dog Oscar : from Hogg\'s Evening tales. ', NULL, '[Ayr] : Printed by D. Macarter & Sons, Ayr, [1817-1818]', 'Ayr', 'David Macarter and Co.', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', '\'Price three half-pence\'. ', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2073, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Elegant extracts : containing An awful instance of disobedience to parents-Divisions, how to heal-Mysteries-Composition-Abilities-Action of men-Advice-Affectation-Genius-Happiness-Novelty-Openness-Prudence-Party spirit-Cheerfulness in religion. ', NULL, 'Ayr : Printed by D Macarter & Co, 1817.', 'Ayr', 'David Macarter and Co.', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nOn title page beneath woodcut : \'Ah! Sir had I attended to your admonition, I would not have been in this awful situation to-day. Page 2\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2074, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four funny tales : Alloway Kirk, or Tam o\' Shanter. Watty and Meg, or The wife reformed. The loss o\' the pack. And, The monk and the miller\'s wife. ', NULL, 'Air : Printed by J. & P. Wilson, 1802.', 'Ayr', 'J. & P. Wilson', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nColophon on p. 24 reads : Air, Printed by J. & P. Wilson, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2075, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Twenty remarkable passages in the life and prophecies of Mr. Alex. Peden : late minister of the gospel at New Glenluce, in Galloway. And his remarkable letter to the prisoners in Dunnotar Castle, July 1685. ', NULL, 'Ayr : Printed and sold by David Macarter and Co., 1817.', 'Ayr', 'David Macarter and Co.', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Peden, Alexander, 1626?-1686. Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2076, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0, NULL, 0, 'Aloway Kirk; or, Tam o\' Shanter. A tale : and Man was made to mourn. A poem, with a sketch of Burns\'s life &c. / by Robert Burns, The Ayrshire poet. ', NULL, 'Ayr : Printed and sold by D. Macarter & Co., 1817.', 'Ayr', 'David Macarter and Co.', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2077, 'Macneill, Hector, 1746-1818', 0, NULL, 0, 'Scotland\'s skaith, or, The history o\' Will and Jean : owre true a tale : and, The waes o\' war, or, The upshot o\' the history o\' Will and Jean, in four parts / By Hector MacNeil Esq. ', NULL, 'Ayr : Printed and sold by D. Macarter & Co., 1817.', 'Ayr', 'David Macarter and Co.', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2078, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the devil, ancient and modern : containing a state of the devil\'s circumstances, from his expulsion out of heaven, to the creation; with remarks on the several mistakes concerning his fall. ', NULL, 'Ayr : Printed and sold by D. Macarter & Co., 1817.', 'Ayr', 'David Macarter and Co.', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2079, 'Hogg, James, 1770-1835', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Duncan Campbell, and his dog Oscar : from Hogg\'s Evening tales. ', NULL, '[Ayr] : Printed by D. Macarter & Sons, Ayr, For J. Lumsden & Son, Glasgow, [1817-1818]', 'Ayr', 'David Macarter and Co.', 'James Lumdsen & Son.', '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2080, 'Secker, William, d.1681? ', 0, NULL, 0, 'A wedding ring fit for the finger: or, The salve of divinity on the sore of humanity : laid open in a sermon, preached at a wedding in St. Edmond\'s. / by William Secker, late preacher of the gospel. ', NULL, 'Ayr : Printed and sold by D. Macarter & Co., 1817.', 'Ayr', 'David Macarter and Co.', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon on p. 24 reads : \'D. Macarter & Co. printers, Ayr\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2081, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Anecdotes of singular and remarkable conversions : selected by the Rev. George Douglass. ', NULL, 'Ayr : Printed by D. Macarter & Co. for John Stewart, Bookseller, Kilmarnock, [1817-1818]', 'Ayr', 'David Macarter and Co.', 'Stewart, John', '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', '\'Price three half-pence\'. ', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2082, 'Thomas, the Rhymer, 1220?-1297? ', 0, NULL, 0, 'Prophecies of Thomas the Rhymer : the ancient Scotch prophet ; containing the wonderful fulfilment of many of his predictions, and those not yet accomplished. With subjoined, Thrummy Cap and The ghaist. ', NULL, 'Dalkeith : Printed and sold by D. Lyle, [1855-1865]', 'Dalkeith', 'Lyle, David', NULL, '1855-01-01 00:00:00', '1865-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.', NULL, 0, 'Thomas, the Rhymer, 1220?-1297? Prophecies.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2083, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jeanie Deans and the lily of St. Leonard\'s. ', NULL, 'Dalkeith : Printed by David Lyle, [1855-1865]', 'Dalkeith', 'Lyle, David', NULL, '1855-01-01 00:00:00', '1865-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2084, 'Moir, D. M. (David Macbeth), 1798-1851', 0, NULL, 0, 'Important passages in the life of Mansie Wauch, tailor in Dalkeith. ', NULL, 'Dalkeith : Printed by David Lyle, [1855-1865]', 'Dalkeith', 'Lyle, David', NULL, '1855-01-01 00:00:00', '1865-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2085, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Duke of Gordon\'s daughters.. ', NULL, '[Dumfries] : Printed for John Sinclair, Dumfries,, [1798-1802]', 'Dumfries', 'Sinclair, John', NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed at the St. Michael Press, by C. M\'Lachlan, Dumfries.', 'ESTC T35012', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2086, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'reuse', NULL, 'reuse', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2087, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'reuse', NULL, 'reuse', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2088, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Select songs. : This is no my ain lassie. Wilt thou be my dearie. Lassie wi\' the lint-white locks. On the seas and far away. O let me in this a\'e night. And The answer.. ', NULL, 'Dumfries : Printed for the booksellers., [1793-1797]', 'Dumfries', NULL, NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1797-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2089, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Select songs. : Roslin Castle, & The answer. Gloomy winter. The braes o\' Gleniffer. Last May a braw wooer. My nannie\'s awa\'. The lass o\' Arranteenie.. ', NULL, 'Dumfries : Printed for the booksellers., [1793-1797]', 'Dumfries', NULL, NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1797-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2090, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life of James Renwick : who was born in the parish of Glencairn, Dumfries-shire, Feb. 15, 1662, and where a monument was erected to his memory in 1827. Suffered martyrdom at Edinburgh, February 17th, 1688. ', NULL, 'Dumfries : Printed for the booksellers, [1830-1840]', 'Dumfries', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Renwick, James, 1662-1688.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2091, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Mother Hubbard\'s fortune teller. ', NULL, 'Dumfries : Printed for the booksellers, [1830-1840]', 'Dumfries', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nList of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2092, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan : commonly called the king\'s fool. ', NULL, 'Dumfries : Printed for the booksellers, [1830-1840]', 'Dumfries', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2093, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The celebrated ballad of the lass of Fair Wone; or, the parson\'s daughter betrayed. ', NULL, 'Brechin : Printed by Black & Co. and sold by A. Black, bookseller, 1832.', 'Brechin', 'Black & Co.', 'Black, Alexander', '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2094, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The humorist : containing Margret and the minister, The monk and the millers wife, and The loss of the pack. ', NULL, 'Brechin : Printed by Black and Co. Alexander Black bokseller, 1833.', 'Brechin', 'Black, Alexander', 'Black & Co.', '1833-01-01 00:00:00', '1833-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2095, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Grigor\'s ghost; or, The constant lovers : in three parts. ', NULL, 'Brechin : Printed for A. Black, bookseller, 1835.', 'Brechin', 'Black, Alexander', NULL, '1835-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2096, 'Balfour, Alexander, Poetical Writer', 0, NULL, 0, 'The old maid and widow, or, The widow the best wife / by Alexander Balfour. ', NULL, 'Brechin : Printed by Black and Co., for Alexander Black, bookseller, 1835.', 'Edinburgh', 'Black, Alexander', 'Black & Co.', '1835-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.4, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2097, 'Burness, John, 1771-1826', 0, NULL, 0, 'Thrummy cap, a tale : and The brownie o\' Fearnden, a ballad. ', NULL, 'Brechin : Alexander Black bookseller, 1839.', 'Brechin', 'Black, Alexander', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1839-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2098, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Songs : containing The boatie rows, Long long ago. Birniebouzle, Jean o\' Lona. Oh! why left I my hame, The gathering, and Burns and Highland Mary. ', NULL, 'Brechin : Printed for Alexr. Black, bookseller, 1844.', 'Brechin', 'Black, Alexander', NULL, '1844-01-01 00:00:00', '1844-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2099, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'Scots proverbs, ancient and modern / selected from Allan Ramsay and others. ', NULL, 'Brechin : Printed for Alexander Black, bookseller, 1834.', 'Brechin', 'Black, Alexander', NULL, '1834-01-01 00:00:00', '1834-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2100, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The great importance of parental instruction : with illustrations. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1826.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 1', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2101, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The loss of the Comet steam-boat : on her passage from Inverness to Glasgow, on Friday the 21st October, 1825. Including an account of the circumstances attending the raising and bringing the wreck to land on 23rd July, 1826. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1826.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 4', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2102, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Awful phenomena of nature! Earthquakes : being an account of the earthquake at Lisbon in 1755-at Caraccas in 1812,-in Scotland in 1816,-and at Aleppo in 1822. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1826.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 5', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2103, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Awful phenomena of nature! Burning mountains : an account of a late eruption of Vesuvius; discovery of Herculaneum; which was overwhelmed by an eruption in the year 79: with an historical account of Mount Etna. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1826.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 6', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2104, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Book of knowledge : containing a gardeners\' calendar of work to be done in each month. Economical receipts and useful information on various subjects. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1826.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 8', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2105, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The doctrine of the cross of Christ : stated and improved. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1826.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 9', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2106, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'True religion a source of happiness; A sermon : with thoughts on The shortness & importance of time. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1827.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 20', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2107, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A short illustration of the commission given by Jesus Christ to his apostles : part second, what believers are called to practise. ', 'Second edition. ', 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1828.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 19', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2108, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The songster\'s garland : consisting of the following excellent songs. The laird o\' Cockpen, Jock o\' Hazeldean, Soldiers return, Jockey\'s far awa, John Anderson my Joe, This is no my ain lassie, The auld man\'s mare\'s dead, O poortith cauld, Nobody comin\' to marry me, The highland widow, The land o\' the leal, I gaed a waefu\' gate yestreen, Sleeping Maggie, A red red rose, The minute gun, Fairfa\' the lasses O, Heaving of the lead, Charlie he\'s my darling, O swiftly glides, The bush aboon Traquair, Black ey\'d Susan. ', '3rd edition. ', 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1833.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1833-01-01 00:00:00', '1833-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2109, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Christian\'s pocker-book: or, A bundle of familiar exhortations to the practice of piety : succinctly and advisedly adapted to the meanest capacities, both as to style and matter / by a minister of the gospel. To which are added, Directions for reading the Bible; and shewing its worth and excellency. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson. Saltmarket, 1802.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2110, 'Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661', 0, NULL, 0, 'A testimony to the work of refomation in Britain and Ireland / by the late Reverend Mr. Samuel Rutherfoord, Professor of Divinity at St. Andrews. To which are added a short account of his life, with some of his last words. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No, 18.) Saltmarket, 1806.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at foot p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 18.) Saltmarket, 1806.\r\nBrackets in imprint are actually square brackets.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2111, 'Brooks, Thomas, 1608-1680', 0, NULL, 0, 'The godly man\'s ark: or, City of refuge in time of trouble / by the Reverend Mr. Thomas Brooks. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No, 18.) Saltmarket, 1806.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 18.) Saltmarket, 1806.\r\nBrackets in imprint and colophon are actually square brackets.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2112, 'Renwick, James, 1662-1688', 0, NULL, 0, 'The saint\'s duty in evil times : in two sermons preached from Isaiah xxvi. 20. / by Mr. James Renwick, Minister of the Gospel, who suffered in the Grass-Market of Edinburgh, upon the 17th day of February, 1688. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No, 18.) Saltmarket, 1806.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 18.) Saltmarket, 1806.\r\nBrackets in colophon are actually square brackets.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2113, 'Guthrie, James, 1612?-1661', 0, NULL, 0, 'A cry from the dead; or, The ghost of Mr. James Guthrie appearing : being the last sermon he preached in the pulpit of Stirling, before his martyrdom at Edinburgh, June 1st 1661. To which is added, his last speech upon the scaffold. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No, 18.) Saltmarket, 1807.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 18.) Saltmarket, 1807.\r\nBrackets in imprint and colophon are actually square brackets.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2114, 'Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661', 0, NULL, 0, 'Christ\'s napkin : a sermon preached in Kirkcudbright, at the communion / by that famous flower of the church, Mr. Samuel Rutherford. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No, 18.) Saltmarket, 1807.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon on p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1807.\r\nBrackets in imprint are actually square brackets.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2115, 'Erskine, Ralph, 1685-1752', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comer\'s conflict : or, The beginner\'s battle with the devil, when essaying to come to Christ by faith. : In some discourses upon Luke ix 42. before and after the sacrament of the Lord\'s Supper, at Kinglassie, July 20. 1735. / By the late Reverend Mr. Ralph Erskine, minister of the gospel at Dunfermline. ', 'The fourteenth edition. ', 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No, 18.) Saltmarket, 1807.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon on p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1807.\r\nBrackets in imprint are actually square brackets.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2116, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new riddle book, : comprehending, (besides many others) all the riddles contained in a whetstone for dull wits. To which is added The merry tales, &c. Thereto anexed for the entertainment of youth. FOUR wings I have, which swiftly mount on high, On sturdy pinions, yet I never fly; And though my body often moves around, Upon the self-same spot I\'m always found; And, like a nurse who chews the infant\'s meat, I chew for man before that he can eat. A wind mill.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed for and sold by G. Miller at whose shop may be had, a variety of small histories, s', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2117, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The deserter. : By others blest with genius rays\', Let noble acts be told, While I, content with humbler praise, A simple tale unfold. The Spaniard left the hostile plain, To seek his native land, Beneath the sails that swept the main, Cabeysa join\'d the band:. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had, a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2118, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Burning mountains : An account of two great and dreadful volcanic eruptions viz, that of Mount Aetna in Sicily, 1669. Which laid waste a great part of the beautiful city of Catania and destroyed in its progress the property of near thirty thousand persons. And tha late dreadful eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Italy. Which broke out on the 15th of June 1794 and continued in force about 10 days; the lava of which, overwhelmed, burnt and destroyed the greatest part of the town of Torre del Grico, allowing the unfortunate inhabitants scarcely time to save their lives, and heating the water to such a degree, where it fell into the sea; that a great many boiled fish were seen floating on its surface. (Collected from Gregory\'s economy of nature.). ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed for and sold by G. Miller at whose shop may be had, a variety of small histories, s', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2119, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of a dreadful hurricane, : which happened in the island of Jamaica, in the month of October, 1780. - Also of another in the year following. And of an awful phaenomenon called a tornado, which took place, in the parish of Ednam in Berwickshire, this present year, 1799. To the great terror of the spectators who beheld its alarming aspect.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed for and sold by G. Miller at whose shop may be had, a variety of small histories, s', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal and external evidence.\r\nColophon at foot of p.24 reads : Printed by G. Miller: Dunbar.', 'ESTC N043395', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2120, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Melancholy consequences of two sea storms, : being, an account of the shipwreck of a Portuguese snow, on her passage from Goa to Madras, in the year 1782 on board of which was Donald Campbell esq; of Barbeck, (as related in his journey to India.) And a narrative of the loss of the Halsewell East-Indiaman, Capt. Richard Pierce; Unfortunately wrecked at the isle of Purbeck, coast of Dorsetshire January 6th 1786; compiled from the communications of the two chief officers who escaped the dreadful catastrophe.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed for and sold by G. Miller at whose shop may be had, a variety of small histories, s', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, 'Campbell, Donald, 1751-1804.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2121, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of some imaginary apparitions, the effects of fear or fraud. / From various authors.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed for and sold by G. Miller at whose shop may be had, a variety of small histories, s', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\n14-line verse on title page.', 'ESTC T66797', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2122, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Comical sayings of Pady from Cork; : With his coat button\'d behind. Being an elegant conference betwixt English Tom and Irish Teague; with Pady\'s humble petition, or supplication, and a creed for Romish believers.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed for and sold by G. Miller at whose shop may be had, a variety of small histories, s', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nOther editions by Roymore McClosky, which is a pseudonym.\r\nSometimes attributed to Dougal Graham.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2123, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of notable things worth knowing : comprising an account of remarkable objects, striking incidents and occurrencies, peculiar customs, &c. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1828.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 1', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2124, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A penny-worth of wit : consisting of choice sayings and whimsical incidents, suited to promote cheerfulness and good humour', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1828.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 2', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2125, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A wonderful magazine of strange adventures, singular occurrences, and remarkable incidents. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1828.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 3', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2126, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Amusing stories of animals : being instances of the instincts, manners, & propensities, of some of the brute creation. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1828.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 4', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2127, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Accidents and disasters on land : exhibiting many useful warnings to avoid danger. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1828.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 5', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2128, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A picture of war : being an account of the storming of Badajoz and the Russian campaign. ', 'Second edition ', 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1828.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '2', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 7', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2129, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the dreadful accident and great loss of lives which occurred at Kirkcaldy, on Sunday the 15th June, 1828 : by which upwards of twenty-eight persons lost their lives, and many were severly injured. ', 'Second edition ', 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1828.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 8', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2130, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Awful phenomena of nature! Boiling fountains in Iceland : A visit to the cataract of Niagara; (the greatest water-fall in the world.) A late ascent to Mount Blanc; (the highest mountain in Europe.) And, state of London during the plague. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1828.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 10', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2131, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The execution; or, the affecting history of Tom Bragwell : an unhappy young man, who was cut off for his crimes in the morning of his days; with some account of his companions in iniquity. ', 'Second edition. ', 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1828.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.9, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 11', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2132, 'Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790', 0, NULL, 0, 'The way to wealth; or, Poor Richard\'s maxims improved : to which is added The whistle, a true story; and The advantages of drunkenness. ', 'Second edition. ', 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1828.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 12', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2133, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Deplorable effects of heathen superstition : as manifested by the natives of Hindoostan in pilgrimages to their idols-burning of widows, treatment of women,-murdering their female children, &c. ', 'Second edition. ', 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1828.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'no. 13', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2134, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Magdalen: or, the history of a reform\'d prostitute. In two letters, / written by herself, & published by Dr. Dodd. Giving an account of the means of seduction, the subsequent conduct and misery of an unfortunate female, and her providential deliverance, from a state of sin and shame. To which is added The forsaken maid\'s lamentation.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : [Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had, a variety of pamphlets, ballads, childre', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'No. I', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\nUnder the series title reads : Calculated to promote the interests of religion, virtue and humanity.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2135, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Maria: or, The wanderer reclaim\'d : an affecting story of a young lady; Who was seduced from her father\'s house, the treatment she met with, the deplorable situation to which she was reduced, her vicious life and its horrible consequences, until she was providentially found by a humane gentleman in the strets; by whose direction and favour, she was admitted into a place of refuge and safety, from the haunts of misery and vice. / wrote by herself, in two parts, to which is added, The fatal effects of guilty love.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'No. II', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\nUnder the series title reads : Calculated to promote the interests of religion, virtue and humanity.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2136, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The slave trade: : being a display of some of the shocking consequences, of that inhuman traffic: described in an account of a voyage to Africa to trade for slaves. Treatment of Negro-slaves before they reach the West Indies And, An account of the manner which slaves are sold in the plantations.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'No. III', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\nUnder the series title reads : Calculated to promote the interests of religion, virtue and humanity.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2137, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The generous libertine : : a tale recommended to the perusal of the uncharitable of both sexes. To which are added, a prose and poetical translation of a singular instance of generosity in a man, who had bought a slave. A French tale.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'No. IV', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\nUnder the series title reads : Calculated to promote the interests of religion, virtue and humanity.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2138, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Counsels to young men: : in a letter from a father to his son.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'No. V', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\nUnder the series title reads : Calculated to promote the interests of religion, virtue and humanity.\r\nBeneath title reads : Happy is the man that', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2139, 'Hervey, James, 1714-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'Serious thoughts for the living. : From Hervey\'s Meditations among the tombs.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'No. VI', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\nUnder the series title reads : Calculated to promote the interests of religion, virtue and humanity.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2140, 'Hervey, James, 1714-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'Reflections among the monuments. : Extracted from Meditations among the tombs, by the Rev. Mr. Hervey.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'No. VII', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nSix line verse on title page.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2141, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Moral tales: : containing, The unkind daughter, The dutiful daughter & grand-daughter, The complaining husbands, and The desponding couple, to which is added, The country lass and her milk-pail.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'No. VIII', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\nUnder the series title reads : Calculated to promote the interests of religion, virtue and humanity.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2142, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The drunken husband: or, The fatal effects of drunkenness, : illustrated in the bad life and premature death of Timothy Sparks. To which is added, The magnanimous Englishmen; or, True greatness of mind displayed, in the conduct of Captain Wilson and crew when ship-wrecked in the Antelope East-India Packet, upon an island in the Pacific Ocean: in which, is depicted the happy result of sobriety and submission to the dictates of reason.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'No. IX', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\nUnder the series title reads : Calculated to promote the interests of religion, virtue and humanity.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2143, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'True humanity usefully exerted. : An affecting story. To which is added The effects of gratitude timeously applied. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'No. X', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\nUnder the series title reads : Calculated to promote the interests of religion, virtue and humanity.\r\n5-line quote appears on the title page.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2144, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The death bed: or, patience & resignation (to the will of God) displayed, : In the last moments of Susan Davison. To which is added, The murmurer corrected a moral tale.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'No. XI', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\nUnder the series title reads : Calculated to promote the interests of religion, virtue and humanity.\r\n3-line quote appears on the title page.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2145, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Short stories for little folks: or, Little tales, : calculated to excite juvenile minds to the love and practice of virtue.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'No. XV', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\nUnder the series title reads : Calculated to promote the interests of religion, virtue and humanity.\r\nProverb on title page reads : Train up a ch', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2146, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The power of affection. : Illustrated by examples of parental, fillial, fraternal, conjugal, & natural affection.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'No. XVI', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\nUnder the series title reads : Calculated to promote the interests of religion, virtue and humanity.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2147, 'Dodsley, Robert, 1703-1764', 0, NULL, 0, 'The little fabulist: or select fables. : (From Dodsley\'s collection.) Recommended to the perusal of both sexes.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'No. XVII', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\nUnder the series title reads : Calculated to promote the interests of religion, virtue and humanity.\r\nVerse on title page reads : \'Tis the very e', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2148, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The instructor: : containing, Reflections & maxims, for the conduct of life. Maxims for parents, to promote piety and virtue in children. Maxims of filial duty. Advice to servants. And Rules to make a good trades-man.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'No. XVII', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2149, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An antidote to superstition: or, A cure for those weak minds which are troubled with the fear of, ghosts and witches, : or who tremble at the consequences of inauspicious dreams or bad omens. In two parts. To which is annexed, The art of fortune telling exposed: or, The Delphic Oracle of the Old Bailey out of his reckoning for once.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'No. XIX', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\nUnder the series title reads : Calculated to promote the interests of religion, virtue and humanity.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2150, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An evening walk, with suitable reflections. : Motives to piety and virtue, drawn from the omniscience and omnipresence of the deity, What man is , considered in himself; and the natural homage he owes his creator: with some happy effects which flow from a trust in God. Gratitude a duty we owe to God- its amiableness- A pleasing exercise &c. With a beautiful hymn on gratitude.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts ;', 'No. XX', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\n3-line quote on title page.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2151, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The monthly scrap book, for January. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Published by John Miller, 1832.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nTable of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2152, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The monthly scrap book, for February. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Published by John Miller, 1832.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nTable of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2153, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The monthly scrap book, for March. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Published by John Miller, 1832.', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nTable of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2154, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The monthly scrap book, for April. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Published by John Miller, [1832]', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nTable of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2155, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The monthly scrap book, for May. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Published by John Miller, [1832]', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nTable of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2156, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The monthly scrap book, for June. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Published by John Miller, [1832]', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nTable of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2157, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The monthly scrap book, for July. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Published by John Miller, [1832]', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nTable of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2158, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The monthly scrap book, for August. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Published by John Miller, [1832]', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nTable of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2159, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The monthly scrap book, for September. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Published by John Miller, [1832]', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nTable of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2160, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The monthly scrap book, for October. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Published by John Miller, [1832]', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nTable of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2161, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The monthly scrap book, for November. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Published by John Miller, [1832]', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nTable of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2162, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The monthly scrap book, for December. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Published by John Miller, [1832]', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nTable of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2163, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A help unto prayer for children; : and these that are weak, in knowledge.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by Mr. Andrew Sysmon,, 1704..', 'Edinburgh', 'Symson, Andrew', NULL, '1704-01-01 00:00:00', '1704-12-31 00:00:00', '15,[1]', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nFinal page originally blank but with manuscript inscription. StEdNL', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2164, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new comedy; or, a dialogue between the coalman and his son: : together with the town-guard. In two acts. As it was acted at Edinburgh in St Andrew\'s Lodge, to which is added, The exploits of sour-milk Andrew, with his horse and an English rider: and a large advertisement.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order this present year,, [1750?]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1750-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nImprint and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174244', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2165, 'Boyd, Allan, fl. 1789-1820', 0, NULL, 0, 'The explication of Thomas Rymer\'s prophecies, : wherein is contained. Certain remarks of what is already come to pass: with some curius [sic] observations on what is yet to come: which is carefully collected and compared with old prophecies, and the Book of arms. / By that famous student, Mr Allan Boyd, M. A. L[ p ] in London.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold in Bailie Close, Cowgate, opposite Magdalen chaple [sic],, 1794..', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ESTC T183916', 0, 'Thomas, the Rhymer, 1220?-1297? Prophecies Early works to 1800.\r\nThoma', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2166, 'Merry Andrew at Tam-Tallan', 0, NULL, 0, 'The ancient and modern history of Buck-haven in Fife-shire. : Wherein is contained, the antiquities of their old dress. The Bucky boat, with the flag of a green tree; with their dancing, Willy and his trusty rappier; their burgess ticket, with a view of their new college: the noted sayings and exploits of wise Willy in the Brae, witty Eppie the ale-wife, and lingle-tail\'d Nancy. / By Merry Andrew, at Tamtallan.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '14', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T21869', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2167, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history and comical transactions of Lothian Tom, in six parts. : Wherein is contained a collection of roguish exploits done by him both in Scotland and England.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T201681', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2168, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical sayings of Pady from Cork. : With his coat button\'d behind. Being an elegant conference betwixt English Tom and Irish Teague, with Pady\'s catechism, his opinion of purgatory, the state of the dead, and his supplication when a mountain sailor. To which is added his creed for all Romish believers.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, East Campbell\'s Close Cowgate,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nOther editions by Roymore McClosky, which is a pseudonym.\r\nSometimes attributed to Dougal Graham.', 'ESTC T183397', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2169, 'Falkirk, John.', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scots piper\'s queries : or, John Falkirk\'s caraches. : To which is added, his comical and witty jokes, when in courtship with an old fiddler\'s widow, who wanted all the teeth. With a copy of a love letter he sent to her, who was commonly called Flinging Betty. Concluding with The Quaker and the clown, a wonderful tale.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nJohn Falkirk is a pseudonym.', 'ESTC T172478', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2170, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical sayings of Pady from Cork, : with his coat button\'d behind. Being an elegant conference betwixt English Tom and Irish Teague:- with Pady\'s catechism, his opinion of purgatory, the state of the dead,- and his supplication when a mountain sailor. To which is added his creed for all Romish believers.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, East Campbell\'s Close Cowgate [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nOther editions by Roymore McClosky, which is a pseudonym.\r\nSometimes attributed to Dougal Graham.', 'ESTC T195880', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2171, 'Falkirk, John.', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scots piper\'s queries, or John Falkirk\'s carriches. : To which is added, his comical and witty jokes, when in courtship with an old fiddler\'s widow, who wanted all the teeth. With a copy of a love letter he sent to her, who was commonly called Flinging Betty. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [1790?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nJohn Falkirk is a pseudonym.', 'ESTC T047202', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2172, 'Clinker, Janet', 0, NULL, 0, 'An oration on the virtues of old women, and the pride of the young. : With a direction for young men what sort of women to take, and for women what sort of men to marry. / Dictated by Janet Clinker and written by Humphrey Clinker, the clashing wive\'s clerk. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nJanet Clinker is a pseudonym.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC T180841', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2173, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack and the giants, : in all its parts. Containing, I. Jack\'s birth and parentage, his dispute with a country vicar &c II. How he slew a monstrous giant on the Mount of Cornwall and got the name of Jack the Giant-Killer. III. How King Arthur\'s son met with Jack, and the wonderful things they performed in their travels. IV. How Jack saved his master\'s life, and drove the evil spirit out of a lady, &c. V. With a full account of his victorious conquests over the north conntry [sic] giants, how he destroyed the enchanted castle kept by Golligantus, dispersed the fiery griffins, pnt [sic] conjurors to flight, released many ladies and knights, likewise a duke\'s daughter whom he afterwards married- with many more of his adventures. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed by J. Morren Cowgate., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC T167588', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2174, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Wife of Beith. : Reformed and corrected. Giving an account of her death, of her journey to heaven; how on the road she fell in with Judas, who led her to the gate of hell; and what conversation she had with the Devil, who would not let her in also, how at last she went to heaven and the difficulties she encountered before she got admittance there. The whole being an allegorical conversation containing nothing but that which is recorded in the scriptures for our example.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nBased on the tale by Geoffrey Chaucer.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2175, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan : who was commonly called the king\'s fool. The whole in six parts complete. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren Campbell\'s Close, Cowgate, 1809.', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2176, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the king and the cobler. : In two parts. Part I. Shews how King Henry VIIIth used to visit the watches in the city ; his acquaintance with a merry cobler ; how he was entertained in the cobler\'s cellar, and what had like to have befallen them : how upon parting the King invited him to court and what befell him there. [P]art II. Informs what passedbetween [sic] the cobler andhis [sic] wife Joan on his return from court ; also how the queen, hearing of their mirth which the cobler made, was desirous of seeing him ; upon which the kin disguised himself as a tanner and went to sell the cobler some leather, and took the queen with him, as a young country maid: how the King invited the cobler and his wife to dine with them atan [sic] inn, and what passed there, and lastly haw [sic] the cobler was put in fear of his life and came of with flying colours.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren. Cowgate., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC T185501', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2177, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sleeping beauty in the wood, : an entertaining tale.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '7', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC T160123', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2178, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Fairy tales. : Containing the stories of Cinderilla, or, The little glass slipper; Little Red Riding-Hood, Princess Fair-Star and Prince Cherry, and Ebouli Sina. To which is added, The fairy song.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC T186343', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2179, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the king and the cobbler. : In two parts. Part I. Shews how King Henry VIII. used to visit the watches in the city; his acquaintance with a merry cobbler ; how he was entertained in the cobbler\'s cellar, and what had like to have befallen them ; how upon parting the king invited him to court, and what befel him there. Part II. Informs what passed between the cobbler and his wife Joan on his return from court ; also how the queen, hearing of their mirth which the cobbler made was desirous of seeing him ; upon which the king disguised himself as a tanner and went to sell the cobbler some leather, and took the queen with him as a young country maid: how the king invited the cobbler and his wife to dine with them at an inn, and what passed there, and lastly how the cobbler was put in fear of his life, and came off with flying colours.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC T185502', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2180, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Henry Blyth\'s contract. : Containing an account of the way and manner of his wooing his lass, in a fine and elegant discourse to the Minister\'s wife, his mistress.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by J. Morren, East Campbell\'s Close, Cowgate., 1800..', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2181, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry tales of the wise men of Gotham. : To which is added, a collection of jests.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ESTC T172167', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2182, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A comical and entertaining dialogue, between a generous tradesman and his old stingy wife, : concerning her locking up the cupboard-door, and keeping victuals from his apprentices.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC T184283', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2183, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of a most surprising savage girl, : who was caught wild in the woods of Champagne, a province in France. Containing a true and faithful narrative of many curious and interesting particulars respecting this wonderful phenomenon. Translated from the French.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nSometimes attributed to Charles Marie de la Condamine.', 'ESTC T163462', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2184, 'Partridge and Flamsted (London, England)', 0, NULL, 0, 'Partridge and Flamstead\'s new and well experienced fortune book, : delivered to the world from the astrologer\'s office in Greenwich Park. For the benefit of young men maids, wives and widows. Who by drawing cards according to the directions ofthis [sic] fortune book m[ ] know whether lif[e] wi[ll] be [l]on[g] or short, [w]hethe[r] they shall have the person desired and what part of the world most profitable to live in, and all lawful questions whatsoever. The signification of moles in any part of the body, and the interpretation of dreams, as they relate to good or bad fortune. To which is added The whimsical lady.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : J. Morren, printer, East Campbell\'s, Close Cowgate,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence. \r\nIn verse. \r\nThis item is different from the one placed at StEdNL: RB.s.1879(8). There are several differences - for example there is no colon after ’Edinburgh’ in the imprint and ’benefit’ is spelt correctly in the title.', 'ESTC T197491', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2185, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life & transactions of Mrs. Jane Shore. Concubine to King Edward IV. : Containing an account of her parentage, wit and beauty, her marriage with Mr Shore, the King\'s visits to her; her going to court, leaving her husband; her great distress and misery after the King\'s death, &c.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T168441', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2186, 'Booker, John, 1603-1667', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of dreams. Or dreams interpreted, &c. : Containing, Advice to all bachelors, maids, widowers, widows, &c. II. A true interpretation of dreams. III. The birth of children on every day of the week. IV. A division of man\'s age by twelve times six years. V. Whether the party may live or die that falleth sick on any day of the month. VI. To know if a woman be with child : and whether male or female. VII. An excellent way for any person to know in the morning when they go forth, whether they shall have good or bad luck. VII. To make man or woman put of their clothes. IX. A receipt to make a maid\'s face fair. X. A ready way how to cure the felon. XI. How to heal one that is scalded with liquor. XII. The signification of moles on any part of the body of man or woman. XIII. Exact rules to know whether a man or woman shall have those they love. XIV. How to choose a good husband or wife. XV. Rule and art to know whether a woman be a pure virgin or not. XVI. To know whether a man be a chaste bachelor or not. XVII. To make any person love you whether they will or not. XVIII. How to restore a lost maiden head, ot to a solder a cracked one. / By John Booker, Astrologer.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh; : Printed by J Morren, Campbell\'s Close Cowgate., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC T167527', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2187, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough, and William of Cloudeslie.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Prinsed [sic] and sola [sic] by J. Morren, Cowgate [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T194139', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2188, 'Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the Devil, ancient and modern, : In two parts. Part I. Containing a state of the Devil\'s circumstances, from his expulsion out of Heaven to the creation, with remarks concerning his fall. Part II. Containing his more private conduct down to the present times; his government, his appearances, his manner of working, and the tools he works with.-Also an account of St Peter\'s key, and Dr Faustus.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh; : Printed by J. Morren, Campbell\'s Close, Cowgate,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nAn abridgment of Daniel Defoe\'s \'Political history of the Devil\'.', 'ESTC T185423', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2189, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of Waterloo : Containing, the Duke of Wellington\'s dispatch to Earl Bathurst, also, The flight from Brussels; and A visit to the field of battle, with A description of the bloody engagement; and A visit to the French hospitals. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate, [1815?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2190, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Gosport tragedy : to which is added, A new touch on the times. And The bachelor\'s pride.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nThe first \'The\' in the title is misspelled \'Ete\'.', 'ESTC T164414', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2191, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jamie and Nancy of Yarmouth.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T187784', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2192, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pretty green-coat boy\'s garland. : In four parts. Part I Shewing how a rich Lord\'s son in France fell in love with a poor farmer\'s daughter. Part II. How they were discovered near a grove-side, and how they were overheard by his father. Part III. How his father banished him, and thought to transport, her, but she got herself a green livery, and went with him as a page. Part IV. After seven year\'s travel they returned home and how his father and mother received them with joy and gladness, and had them married.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed J. by [sic] Morren, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nP.7 is printed on the verso of the title page, and p.2 on the verso of p.8. StEdNL\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T181734', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2193, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The age and life of man. Or, a short description of the natur [sic], rise, and fall, according to the twelve months of the year. : To which are added I\'ll never love thee more, Henry\'s cottage-maid.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe age and life of man : Tune - Isle of Kell.', 'ESTC T164625', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2194, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent, new songs, : Jeany Diver, Lord Douglas\'s tragedy, Rindordin, or The mountains high,. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T174861', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2195, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Andrew Lammie, or, Mill of Tiftie\'s Annie, : this tragedy was acted in the year 1674.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T021886', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2196, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The great messenger of mortality. Or A dialogue betwixt death and a lady. : The wealthy farmer, Love, drink, and debt;. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh; : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC T164414', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2197, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A penny worth of wit, : in three parts, Part I. Shewing how a merchant was deluded from his lady by a harlor [sic]. Part II. And how he sailed to a far country, Part III. How he returned to the British shore.. ', NULL, 'Edinhurgh [sic] : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T197594', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2198, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Dorsetshire garland, or, The beggar\'s wedding : in three parts, to which is added, The weavers lamentation. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T165619', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2199, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. : The Lord of Roslin\'s daughter. The maid of Lodi. Love and glory. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Pinted [sic] by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC T176071', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2200, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six songs. : Jack the tar. The kail brose of auld Scotland. Tail toddle. The gardener. The woudned [sic] hussar, Willie\'s rare.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T175014', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2201, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. : The Gosport tragedy. Lord Douglas\' tragedy. My grandfather\'s farm.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC T176070', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2202, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The poor nevoy press\'d at the desire of the deceitful uncle: or, Young Grigor\'s ghost. : To which is added. Green grows the rashes.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC T179166', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2203, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hunting of Chievy Chace : an heroic ballad.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC T036858', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2204, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. : The sea captain\'s frolick; The lass on the banks of the Boyn. The flowers of the forest. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T176072', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2205, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sweet William of Plymouth, : in four parts.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T168301', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2206, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. : Louden bonny woods, George he is the mildest king. Youghal Harbour. Sleepin\' Maggy The disconsolate sailor. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Mor[r]en., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nThe second \"r\" of \"Morren\" in the imprint has failed to print.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T178385', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2207, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hunting of Chevy Chace.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T178385', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2208, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Beichan and Susie Pye. : To which is added, The faithful lovers.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh; : Prsnted [sic] by J. Morren, Compbells [sic], Close Cowgate., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T179632', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2209, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The old man outwitted; or The fortunate lovers. : To which is added The lawyer and client.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T186235', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2210, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragedy of Gill Morice.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2211, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Gregor\'s ghost in three parts. : To which is added, Gloomy December.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T177712', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2212, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The handsome cobler: or The father outwitted.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T166563', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2213, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Gosport tragedy : to which is add[e]d A new touch on the times. Boney in England.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J Morren, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC T164415', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2214, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The weather beaten soger; or The burgo-master of Venice. : In four parts.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren Cowgate,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T179469', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2215, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. : Duke of Gordon\'s three daughters. Crazy Jean, The death of crazy Jean and Auld lang syne. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren C[owgate], [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T191176', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2216, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new sons [sic]. : Young Doctor Stafford The unco bit want, with The answer,. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T174877', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2217, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four new songs. : Up in the morning early. O\'er the muir amang the heather. The maid of Lodi. The lady and farmer\'s son,. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, East Campbell\'s Close, Cowgate., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T183033', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2218, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blaeberries. : To which is added, a new song, call\'d The wanton wives and girls of Hull.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Prlnted [sic] by J. Morren,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T189588', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2219, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Oxfordshire tragedy; or the virgin\'s advice. : In two parts. Part I. How fair Rosanna of the city of Oxford was betrayed by a young gentleman of her virginity. Part II. His cruelty in murdering her and how a rose bush sprung upon the grave, which blossomed all the year through, and how the murder came to be fond [sic] out by his cropping the roses.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren Cowgate,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T169907', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2220, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of the Boyn; o[r], King William crosing [sic] the Boyn Water. : Giving a full description of that bloody battle, fought on the first of July, 1690. To which is added, The Battle of Rosline fought on the plains of Rosline, 1303. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T164393', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2221, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Berkshire lady, or, Batchelors of every statioh [sic]. : In four parts, to which is added, A new song.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T189893', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2222, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs. : The bonny hawthorn. The death of Queen Jean The happy lovers; or, Jamie and Aillie\'s farewel. The beauty of Broomfauld The echoing horn.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed and sold by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '7 [1]', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nThe happy lovers : Air- Banks of the Dee.\r\nThe beauty of Broomfauld : Air- Erin go braugh.', 'ESTC T178989', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2223, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The fisherman\'s garland; or, The cruel knight. : in four parts. Part I. The farmer\'s daughter born to be the knights bride. Part II. Striving to alter what fottune [sic] had decreed. Part III. How the secret was descovered [sic]. Part IV. Concerning with their happy marriage.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T213861', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2224, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A penny worth of wit : in three parts. Part I. Shewing how a merchant was deluded from his lady by a harlot, Part II. And how he sail\'d to a far country. Part III. How he returned to the British shore,. ', NULL, 'Edinhurgh [sic] : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T197590', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2225, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The heir of Linne, an old ballad. : The heir of Linne seems not to have been a Lord of Parliament, but a laird whose title went with the estate. Explanation of some of the obsolete words which occur in the b[ ]allad. Fay\' faith -\'God\'s-pennie earnest money -\'losealls,\'- spendthrifts - redde.\' testament, advice, counsel; or dying words - \'rude,\' cross- wend,\' go - wud,\' angry.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T166794', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2226, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Buchanshire tragedy, or, Sir James the Ross.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren Cowgate, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T167266', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2227, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Age and life of man: : a short description of the nture [sic], rise, and fall, according to the 12 months of the year. To which is added My dear highland laddie, o.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed and sold by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T164626', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2228, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The factor\'s garland, : in four parts. Part I. Being a true account how a young man (after having rioted away part of his estate) became factor to several merchants in London. How he found the corpse of a dead Christian lying on the ground in Turkey, and gave fifty pounds for its burial. Part II. How he freed a young woman from being strangled, and brought her to London. Part III. And how by a vest of her flowering, the prince came to hear of his daughter. Part IV. And how he was betrayed, and cast over board, and what way and manner he was preserved, and brought to the prince\'s palace, and married to the damsel, &c. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T185888', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2229, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The factor\'s garland : in four parts. I. Being a true account how a young man (after having rioted away part of his estate) became factor to suveral [sic] merchants in London. How he found the corpse of a dead Christian, lying on the ground, in Turkey, and gave fifty pounds for its burial II. How he freed a young woman from being strangled, and brought her to London. III. And how by a vest of her flowering, the prince her father, came to hear of his lost daughter. IV. How the factor was betrayed and thrown overboard, with the way and manner he was preserved, and brought to the prince\'s palace, and married to her.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T185893', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2230, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Black-ey\'d Susan\'s garland, : in four parts. To which is added Here awa, there awa.. ', NULL, 'Edinbrngh [sic] : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC T189579', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2231, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent new songs, : The Belfast maid\'s lament John Anderson my Jo, The yellow hair\'d laddie; Lass of the brow of the hill; The butcher\'s frolic: or the affrighted tailor. Every man to his humour. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T174353', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2232, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. : King Solomon\'s temple. The accepted mason. The banks of the Bawn.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T176066', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2233, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. : The constant shepherd, Jack Munroe. Don\'t be in such a hurry.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T176069', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2234, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six new songs. : Master Rooney of Ballifanad\'s travels and voyages. The hounds are all out, Donald and Maggy M\'Craw\'s battle. Jenny, the flower of Aberdeen. The complaints of the poor. And the snuff-takers. ', NULL, 'Edinburg [sic] : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nTwo separate woodcuts side by side on title page.\r\nDonald and Maggy M\'Craw\'s battle : Tune of Killycrankie.', 'ESTC T174358', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2235, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wandering shepherdess, or, The betrayed damsel. : To which is added, The free Caledonian.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T175887', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2236, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs : Wellington\'s victories in Spain. The frolicsome widow. or, Nine times a night. The Oxford Lord\'s daughter; The red heather and thistle so green. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh; : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1814?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and internal evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2237, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Boyn Water. : To which are added, William & Margaret\'s ghost. And The happy man.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T164796', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2238, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. : Lodgings for single gentlemen. Young man\'s frolic. The lady and soldier.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T176068', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2239, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, : viz. Dunsegen, Solomon\'s temple, The grand lodge, Auld Robin Gray, The crafty maid,. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T182989', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2240, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five sonsg [sic]. : The Traquire shepherd. My native Caledonia. My trusty friend. A dandy described, or, a peep at high life. The bewildred [sic] maid,. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nMy trusty friend : Tune - John Anderson my Jo.', 'ESTC T178320', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2241, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs. : Captain Ward and the rainbow. Argyle\'s courtship to a an [sic] English lady. The Highland rover.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nMy trusty friend : Tune - John Anderson my Jo.', 'ESTC T176061', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2242, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, : Duke of Argyll\'s courtship. Battle of Prestonpans. Oh the moment was sad. Lochaber no more.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182766', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2243, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. Young Doctor Stafford The sailor prentice boy. Donald of Dundee, Jockey\'s far awa\', Robin Adair. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by J. Morren,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T178381', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2244, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs : Jockey to the fair. Beauties of Glasgow. Roy\'s wife of Aldivalloch. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T176065', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2245, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. : The lass of Benoehie, The banks of the river. The rose bud, The lamentation of Thomas Smith and George Stevenson, the horse stealers. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [1807?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and internal evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2246, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three new songs : A servant man became a Queen. Sweet Sally Gray. Take care of your money. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren Cowgate., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T176043', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2247, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent. [sic] new songs, : Carzy [sic] Jane The death of crazy Jane. The temple, The threaten\'t [sic] invasion, A man\'s a man for a\' that. Auld lang syne.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T174351', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2248, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, : viz The Frenchman\'s dream Royal arch mason. Answer to the soldier\'s return. ', NULL, 'Edburginh [sic] : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182991', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2249, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs, : The maid milking her cow, The beauties of Glasgow, Johnny baking, or Athol\'s gate.. ', NULL, 'Edinburg [sic] : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T174868', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2250, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. : Billy & Molly\'s parting. The aukward reeruit [sic], The blythesome bridal. Johnny Cope.. ', NULL, 'Edinburg [sic] : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182715', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2251, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent. [sic] new songs, : viz. The lass amang the heather Gude forgi\'e me for liein, Willie brew\'d a peck o\' maut. Mary\'s dream. Up amang the cliffy rocks Roy[ ]s [sic] wife of Aldivalloch. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T174355', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2252, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent new songs: : The begging girl, My only Joe and deary o. The blind beggar boy, The galley slave, Scotland\'s comfort, Bleak was the morn,. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T174352', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2253, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs : Monro\'s tragedy, The lucky escape, The lady\'s love with an apprentic [sic] boy, The Irish boy, One bottle more.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T180206', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2254, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellient [sic] new songs, : The Egyptian wedding, The jaunting car, Down with the French, The praises Referilan.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDown with the French : To the tune of Derry down.', 'ESTC T182893', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2255, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent songs, : The rock and the wee pickle tow. The maid\'s advice to get married. Poor Anna.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, 1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T174898', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2256, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent songs. : The Sheffield prentice. Highland Mary. Johnny Cope\'s race.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T174890', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2257, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two songs. : The Duke of Gordon\'s three daughters. Captain O\'Gra, or the Irish recruit.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T175005', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2258, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two songs, : The blaeberries. The Dutchess of Newcastle\'s lament.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T178221', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2259, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent songs : John Highlandman\'s remarks. Gouf my logie. Irish whisky. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T174886', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2260, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four Excellent Songs. Highland Harry. The Storm. The Boatie Rows. Bonny Jean.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '63', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'63.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2261, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Raising the Wind ; Or, Habbie Sympson & his Wife Baith Deid. As Originaly Written And Spoken By John Andrews, In The Exchange Rooms, Moss Street. Together With The Lyfe And Deithe Of Habbie Simpson, The Famous Pyper Of Kilbarchan. Written By Robert Sempill, of Belltreis, Between The Years 1630 And 1640', NULL, 'Paisley : G. Caldwell & Co.', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1863-01-01 00:00:00', '1863-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2262, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Life and Death of Judas Iscariot, Or The Lost and Undone Son of Perdition', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '129', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page\r\n\'129\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'20\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : H.17.d.56(3).', NULL, 0, 'Judas Iscariot Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2263, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An Account of the Imprisonment and Execution Of Poor Dennis An Irishman, Who was Hung for Robbery, and afterwards restored to life by his Friends, and is now living in America! ! !', NULL, 'Glasgow : W. & R. Inglis & Co.', 'Glasgow', 'Inglis, W. & R.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2264, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Medical Guide; Containing Plain And Simple Directions For The Treatment Of The More Common Diseases', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, NULL, 'One Penny', 'New and Improved', '8', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2265, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Life and Prophecies of Alexander Peden', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Variant exists with \'115\' printed at foot of title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2266, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scottish Minstrel; Containing A Selection of The Most Popular Songs of Scotland, As Sung By Wilson, Templeton, &c', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '[111]-134', 12.1, NULL, 'One Penny', NULL, '6th', 'Table of contents on p. [112].\r\nIn verse.\r\nA Highland laddie heard of war : Air - \"Merrily danc\'d the Quaker\'s wife.\" Key-note G.\r\nThe bonnie Scotch lassie : Words by A. Rodger. Music by W. H. Lithgow.\r\nCaledonians brave and bold : Words by George M\'Farre', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2267, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Life and Unparalleled Voyages and Adventures of Ambrose Gwinnett; Containing An Account Of His Being Tried, Convicted, and Hanged in Chains At Deal, For the Supposed Murder Of Mr. Collins; His Surprising Recovery; His Voyage to the West Indies, and being taken by the Spaniards, among whom he met with the supposed murdered Mr. Collins, and proposal to return to England together; His Being Taken By The Algerines And Carried Into Slavery, And, After Many Hardships, his Return To England. Written By Himself', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1859-01-01 00:00:00', '1859-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, NULL, 'One Penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2268, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The History of Duncan Campbell And His Dog Oscar', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '10', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2269, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Prolegomena', NULL, '[S.l.] : Andrew Young', NULL, 'Young, Andrew', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 12.2, NULL, NULL, 'Paisley Repository', 'VI', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2270, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Continuation of Hardyknute', NULL, 'Paisley : J. Neilson', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, NULL, NULL, 'Paisley Repository', 'VII', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2271, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scrap-Book: A Selection Of The Best Jokes, Puns, Comic Sayings, Jonathanisms, &c., &c.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2272, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Twine weel the Plaiden. Beadle of the Parish. O Jeanie there\'s naething to fear ye. The Irish Fisherman. Meeting of the Waters. The Deer Hunter. Native Land.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1825] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2273, 'Cottin, Madame (Sophie), 1770-1807', 0, NULL, 0, 'Elizabeth, or The Exiles Of Siberia', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1851-01-01 00:00:00', '1851-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', 'One Penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2274, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A Biographical Sketch of the Life and Labours Of That Eminen Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: The Rev. James Hall D.D. Of The United Secession Church, Broughton-Place Meeting-House, Edinburgh', NULL, 'Paisley : G. Caldwell', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 12.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2275, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Continuation of Hardyknute', NULL, 'Paisley : J. Neilson', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, NULL, NULL, 'Paisley Repository', 'VI', 'Starts at verse L.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2276, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs : The northern ditty, or Cold and raw The Middlesex flora. Generous love', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [[18--]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '2006-05-16 00:00:00', '2006-05-16 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2277, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The History of Charles Jones, The Footman. Shewing How He Raised Himself From The Humble Station Of A Foot Boy, To A Place Of Great Eminence And Trust, By His Honesty And Integrity. Also, On Pride, & the Country Clergyman.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed and published by G. Caldwell, 1837', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1837-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn prose and verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2278, 'T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1622-1687', 0, NULL, 0, 'A Choice Drop Of Honey From The Rock Christ; Or, A Short Word Of Advice To Saints And Sinners', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, '96', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'96.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2279, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Three Advices An Irish Tale; To Which Is Added The Silent Man. With A Variety Of Anecdotes', NULL, 'Glasgow : W. & R. Inglis & Co.', 'Glasgow', 'Inglis, W. & R.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2280, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Theatrical Speaker. A selection Of The Newest And Most Popular Recitations Of The present Day. Contents:-Outalissi\'s Death Song-How-d\'ye-do and Good-bye-Gertrude Von Der Wart-Billy Dip-Tell\'s Speech-The Country Schoolmaster-Alonzo the Brave-The Old Man, his son, and Ass-On the Downfall of Poland-Parody on Lord Ullin\'s Daughter-The Drunkard and his Bottle-Death of Marmion-The Father Reformed', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by F. Orr & Sons, 1840', 'Glasgow', 'Orr, F. & Sons', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nList of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2281, 'Cottin, Madame (Sophie), 1770-1807', 0, NULL, 0, 'Elizabeth, Or The Exiles Of Siberia', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1851', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1851-01-01 00:00:00', '1851-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15.3, '1', 'One Penny', 'New and Improved', '31', 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2282, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Anecdote-Book : A Choice Collection Of Anecdotes, Jests, Witty Sayings, Bon Mots, &c., &c. Selected From The Best Sources', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-01-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', 'One Penny', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2283, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A Memorable Song On The Hunting Of Chevy-Chase', NULL, 'Leith : Alex. Robertson', 'Leith', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1764-01-01 00:00:00', '1764-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2284, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The History And Comical Transactions Of Lothian Tom. In Six Parts. Wherein Is Contained, A Collection Of Roguish Exploits Done By Him Both In Scotland And England', NULL, 'Glasgow : J. and M. Robertson, 1806', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2285, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The cruel Father ; To which are added, An old woman clothed in gray. And My heart with love is beating', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2286, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A Collection Of songs, &c. [no.] XV Containing Tullochgorum. Ben Bowlings Departure. The Wanton Widow. Hey For A Lass Wi\' A Tocher. Tam Glen', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2287, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Ewie wi\' the Crooked Horn ; To which are added, She Lives in the Valley Below, The Star of the East, The Mill, Mill, O, On Friendship', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for the Bookseller', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2288, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Hallow Fair : To which are added, Queen Mary\'s Lamentation. The contented Lover. Ungrateful Nanny. Homeward Bound.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the Booksellers', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2289, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Taste life\'s glad moments To which are added, Begone dull care. Lovely Nan. The Woodman. Cuckoo.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the Booksellers in Town and Country', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2290, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Three Crump Twin-Brothers Of Damascus. An Eastern Tale', NULL, 'Edinburgh : R. M?', 'Edinburgh', 'M?, R.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', 'Threepence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2291, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Edinbury Gleaner, Being A Collection Of Anecdotes, &c. For The Amusement of Youth - Dancing', NULL, '[Edinburgh : W. Smith]', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 11.2, '1', '3 pence', 'The Edinbury Gleaner', '[3]', 'Page numbers 33-48', NULL, 1, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2292, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Edinbury Gleaner, Being A Collection Of Anecdotes, &c. For The Amusement of Youth', NULL, '[Edinburgh : W. Smith]', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 11.7, '1', '3 pence', 'The Edinbury Gleaner', '[4]', 'Page numbers 49-64', NULL, 1, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2293, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Edinbury Gleaner, Being A Collection Of Anecdotes, &c. For The Amusement of Youth', NULL, '[Edinburgh : W. Smith]', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 12, '1', '3 pence', 'The Edinbury Gleaner', NULL, 'Page numbers 81-96', NULL, 1, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2294, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Edinbury Gleaner ; Being A Collection Of Anecdotes, &c., For The Amusement of Youth - Fortune Telling', NULL, '[Edinburgh : W. Smith]', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 11.5, '1', '3 pence', 'The Edinbury Gleaner', NULL, 'Page numbers 97-112', NULL, 1, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2295, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Edinbury Gleaner ; Being A Collection Of Anecdotes, &c. For The Amusement of Youth', NULL, '[Edinburgh : W. Smith]', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 12, '1', '3 pence', 'The Edinbury Gleaner', NULL, 'Page numbers 129-144', NULL, 1, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2296, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Edinbury Gleaner ; Being A Collection Of Anecdotes, &c. For The Amusement of Youth', NULL, '[Edinburgh : W. Smith]', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 11.7, '3', '3 pence', 'The Edinbury Gleaner', NULL, 'Page numbers 145-160', NULL, 1, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2297, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Edinbury Gleaner : Being A Collection Of Anecdotes, &c. For The Amusement of Youth', NULL, '[Edinburgh : W. Smith]', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 11.3, '1', 'Three-pence', 'The Edinbury Gleaner', NULL, 'Page numbers 145-160', NULL, 1, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2298, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Edinbury Gleaner ; Being A Collection Of Anecdotes, &c. For The Amusement of Youth', NULL, '[Edinburgh : W. Smith]', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 11.5, '1', 'Three Pence', 'The Edinbury Gleaner', NULL, 'Page numbers 161-176', NULL, 1, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2299, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Edinbury Gleaner : Being A Collection Of Anecdotes, &c. For The Amusement of Youth. This Number Contains The Blunders of a Country Clown, Who Gained £10,000 At The Lottery, And Came To Auld Reekie To Learn Manners.', NULL, '[Edinburgh : W. Smith]', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 11.1, '1', '3 Pence', 'The Edinbury Gleaner', NULL, 'Page numbers 225-240', NULL, 1, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2300, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Edinbury Gleaner : Being A Collection Of Anecdotes, &c. For The Amusement Of Youth.', NULL, '[Edinburgh : W. Smith]', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 11.2, '1', '3 Pence', 'The Edinbury Gleaner', NULL, 'Page numbers 241-256', NULL, 1, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2301, 'Smith, William', 0, NULL, 0, 'First Lessons In Teaching A Child To Read And Spell English, On A Plain And Easy (Learned) Method.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : J. Glass', 'Edinburgh', 'Glass, J.', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 11.1, NULL, 'Twopence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2302, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A New and Easy Learned Multiplication Table.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : W. Smith', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 6.9, NULL, 'One Penny', NULL, NULL, 'Inside back and front covers printed', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2303, 'Smith, William', 0, NULL, 0, 'A Short Account Of the Life and Death of P. Heaman & F. Gautiez, Who Were Executed Within the Flood Mark of Leith, on the 9th January 1822, For Murder And Piracy. To which is added, A Short Account Of the Life and Death of Mary M\'Kinnon, Who was Executed at Edinburgh, on the 16th April 1823, For The Murder Of William Howat.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : W. Smith', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '64', 12.1, NULL, 'One Shilling', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2304, 'Smith, William', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Ceremony of Halloween Displayed : To Which Is Added First Of April, Hunt The Gowk! Or All Fools\'Day.', NULL, '[Edinburgh : W. Smith]', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 12.2, '1', 'A Groat', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2305, 'Smith, William', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Snab\'s Glory, Or The Blessings Of Industry. Exemplified in a short History of SIR SIMON EYRE ; gratefully addressed to the Cordwainer\'s Company, for their generous offer of the freedom thereof, to JOHN, Earl of Rochester. To Which Is Added, The Happy Cobbler.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Willie Smith', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, Willie', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', 'Tip Pence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2306, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An Advertisement For A Runaway Wife. Family Fracas', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Willie Smith', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, Willie', NULL, '1825-10-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', 'Tip Pence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2307, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Auld Grannie\'s Advice To Witless Mithers And Their Belle Daughters, Who Bring Them Up To Deceive Themselves And Their Lads Wi\' their Braw Dresses ; When they can neither wash a sark, mutch, hippen, nor a bowl to hold their meat in, or even mak parritch, also, so much of the lady, that they\'ll carry naething on the Street, unless it may be their parasol or ridicule, wi\' their pocket handkercher in\'t ; and to go to the well is entirely out o\' the question. To Which Is Added, The Choice Of A Wife', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Willie Smith', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, Wm', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '48', 12.4, '3', 'Three Half Groats', NULL, NULL, 'Front and back covers - verso of both printed; frontispiece with printed verso', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2308, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Comical History Of The King And The Cobbler ; To Which Is Added the Undertaker Overtaken, &c.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : W. Smith', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '42', 12.1, '1', 'Sax Pence', NULL, NULL, 'Frontispiece; work on unnumbered back page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2309, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A Wheen Scraps For A Laugh - Part First', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Willie Smith', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, Willie', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '50', 12.8, '1', 'IX Pence', NULL, NULL, 'Frontispiece', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2310, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An Authentic Narration Of The Life And Death Of Robert Kirkwood, Better Known By The Name Of Boby Awl, An Idiot, who strolled about Auld Reekie and its vicinity.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : [W. Smith]', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '48', 11.5, '8', 'One Shilling', NULL, NULL, 'Frontispiece; 2 unnumbered pages with illustrations at the start of the book & 2 unnumbered pages with illustrations and blank versos between pp.16 & 17', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2311, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A Laconic Narrative Of The Life & Death Of james Wilson, Known By The Name Of Daft Jamie. In Which Are Interspersed, Several Anecdotes Relative To Him And His Old Friend Boby Awl, An Idiot Who Strolled About Edinburgh For Many Years', 'Second', 'Edinburgh : W. Smith', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 11.2, '1', 'Thrip Pence', NULL, NULL, 'Frontispiece - \'Portrait Of Daft Jamie.\'', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2312, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The New Amusing And Instructive Valentine Writer ; Or The Lover\'s Dumb Signs. A Selection Of The Newest and Best Valentine Verses, &c. For The Use of Ladies & Gentlemen ~Who Wish To Learn The Art Of Making Love', NULL, 'Edinburgh : W. Smith', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, W.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '18', 11.9, NULL, 'Two Pence', NULL, NULL, 'Frontispiece', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2313, 'Weston, Richard', 0, NULL, 0, 'A New Treatise On The Art Of Swimming, With Full Practical Directions On The Various Branches. For Young Beginners', NULL, 'Edinburgh : R. Weston & Son', 'Edinburgh', 'Weston, R. & Son', 'Watson, George', '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 11, '3', 'Threepence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2314, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Plain & Short Directions To Those who Wish To Learn To Swim', 'Stereotype', 'Edinburgh : William Smith', 'Edinburgh', 'Smith, William', NULL, '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '10', 12.3, '5', 'One Penny', NULL, NULL, 'Frontispiece', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2316, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Hardyknute. A Heroic Scottish Ballad', NULL, '[Paisley] : J. Neilson', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, J', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, NULL, NULL, 'Paisley Repository', 'IX', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2317, 'Meanwell, Lady', 0, NULL, 0, 'The two orphans, : A pathetic tale. / By Lady Meanwell. ', NULL, 'Ayr : Printed by D. Macarter & Co, 1818. ', 'Ayr.', 'Macarter, David & Co.', NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2318, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Saturday night : a dialogue between Wm. Ready & Robert Wise, at the pay table. To which is added, The toper\'s tale, over his jug of ale ; Being a particular account of a merry day\'s drinking, with all the circumstances of the robbery and a full history of', NULL, 'Ayr : Printed by D. Macarter & Co., 1817. ', 'Ayr.', 'Macarter, David & Co.', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPrinters advert at foot of p. 24.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2319, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and prophecies of Alexander Peden. ', NULL, 'Dumfries : Printed for the booksellers, [1830-1840] ', 'Dumfries', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Peden, Alexander, 1626?-1686 Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2320, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and wonderful prophecies of Donald Cargill : who was executed at the Cross of Edinburgh, on the 23d July, 1680. For his adherence to the Covenant and work of Reformation. ', NULL, 'Dumfries : Printed for the booksellers, [1830-1840] ', 'Dumfries', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Cargill, Donald, 1619?-1681.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2321, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Songs : William and Margaret; Pity the lads that are free; Janet an\' me; Young Willie the ploughman, and Bruce\'s lines. ', NULL, 'Brechin : Printed for Alexander Black, bookseller, 1834. ', 'Brechin.', 'Black, Alexander', NULL, '1834-01-01 00:00:00', '1834-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2322, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The deserter. : By others blest with genius rays\', Let noble acts be told, While I, content with humbler praise, A simple tale unfold. The Spaniard left the hostile plain, To seek his native land, Beneath the sails that swept the main, Cabeysa join\'d the band:. ', NULL, 'Dunbar: : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had, a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'s books, pictures, catechisms, &c. Whole sale and retail., [1795-1804] ', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2323, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A sermon on malt : to which are added, grave considerations on the use of the barley bree. With a song / by a reclaimed drunkard. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1831. ', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1831-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2324, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Shipwrecks and disasters at sea : comprising an account of a winter in Greenland and Wreck of the Medusa frigate, &c. ', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1828. ', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts', 'no. 6', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2325, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Awful phenomena of nature! Snow storms, third of March and twenty-third April, 1827 : Fall of an avalanche in the Alps; and wonderful preservation of three women buried under it. Dreadful sand storm in the desert ; with several other memorable occurrences', NULL, 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1828. ', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts', 'no. 9', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2326, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tales for the farmers\' ingle-neuk : consisting of The murderer discovered, The spoiled child, The broken bridge and A lesson on domestic management. ', 'Second edition. ', 'Dunfermline : Printed and sold by John Miller, 1828. ', 'Dunfermline', 'Miller, John', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts', 'no. 14', 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2327, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An affecting history of an inn-keeper in Normandy: : together with A tragical story, on the unhappy consequences of an immoderate attachment to riches.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar: : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'s books, pictures, catechisms, &c. Wholesale and retail., [1795-1804] ', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts', 'No. XIII', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\nUnder the series title reads : Calculated to promote the interests of religion, virtue and humanity.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2328, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The honest debtor: or, The virtuous man struggling with, rising superior to, and overcoming misfortune.. ', NULL, 'Dunbar: : Printed by G. Miller:- at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'s books, pictures, catechisms, &c. Wholesale and retail., [1795-1804] ', 'Dunbar', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '0', NULL, 'Cheap tracts', 'No. XIV', 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.\r\nUnder the series title reads : Calculated to promote the interests of religion, virtue and humanity.\r\n8-line quote on title page.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2329, 'Merry Andrew at Tam-Tallan', 0, NULL, 0, 'The ancient and modern history of Buck-haven in Fife-shire. : Wherein is contained, the antiquities of there old dress. The Bucky-boat, with the flag of a green tree; with their dancing, Willy and his trusty rapper; Their burgess ticket, with a view of th', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate,, [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '14', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page is of a standing male figure with a hat. This differs from the copies at L.C.2803(1), L.C.2813(4) and L.C.2884(4). There are also textual differences. StEdNL.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2330, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The coalman\'s courtship to a creel wife\'s daughter; or, A dialogue between an old woman and her son; : wherein she instructs him in the real art of courtship. Very beneficial for young beginners, or blate wooers. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh, : Printed and sold by J. Morren, Cowgate,, [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC T185113', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2331, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith. : Reformed and corrected. Giving an account of her death, of her journey to heaven; how on the road, she fell in with Judas, who led her to the gate of hell; and what conversation she had with the Devil, who would not let her in : also,', NULL, 'Edinburgh, : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page, which is an image of a couple dancing.\r\nBased on the tale by Geoffrey Chaucer.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2332, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Ancient and modern history of the Russian Empire : giving an account of its extent, population, cities, trade and commerce, with a description of the artificial and natural curisities in the vast Empire ; together with the customs and manners of the Russi', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren. Cowgate, 1813. ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1813-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2333, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A penny-worth of wit, : in three parts. Part I. Shewing how a merchant was deluded from his lady by a harlot. Part II. How he sailed to a far country. Part III. And how he returned to the British shore.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh; : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate,, [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T197599', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2334, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent songs. : We\'ve ay been provided for. Amo amas. The golden glove, with The answer. The highland laddie.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh, : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T182997', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2335, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs: : The constant shepherd, Jack Munroe The sailor from Dover. O had I ne\'er been married. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T191183', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2336, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs, : The Cumberland courtship, The Irish wedding. The rigs of barley, O gin my wif wad drink hooly and fairly. The Irish oyster girl.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh, : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T178497', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2337, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, : Come under my plaiddie, with the answer. The plough boy and farmer\'s daughter. The praises of Referilan.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182765', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2338, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs : viz. The girl I left behind me, with the answer. Nelson\'s last victory. The unkind shepherdess; An\' o for ane an\' twenty. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [1805?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount, 1758-1805.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2339, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs : The wee wifukie, Roving journeyman. Lovely Molly, The Belfast mountains.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : -Printed by J. Morren., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182980', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2340, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs : The distressed sailor on the rocks of Scilly, Nelson\'s victory, John Barleycorn, Roy\'s wife of Aldivalloch. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [1805?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and internal evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount, 1758-1805.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2341, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs : The old man\'s song. The brewer and the cooper\'s wife, The lady\'s love for the bonnet so blue, The fathful [sic] lover\'s,. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh, : Printed be [sic] J. Morren., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nFaithful lovers : Tune- Galley slave.', 'ESTC T174871', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2342, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, : Captain Thunderbolt\'s intrigue Britain\'s glory. The banished sailor. The banished soldier. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182764', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2343, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, : viz. The sailor dear, The answer to The sailor dear, Pattie\'s wedding. And Logan braes.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh. : -Printed by J. Morren, [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182996', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2344, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excel[l]ent new songs, : A\' the arts the win\' can blaw Thurot\'s defeat. The Blanch frigate. The bonny hawthorn, Kattie and wabster Jock,. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T180213', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2345, 'Dixon, Joseph ', 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excelkant [sic] new songs : The battle of Trafalgar. To which is added The unco bit want. With the answer. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [1805?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and internal evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2346, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellient [sic] new songs : The sheering\'s no for you, The old man s [sic] song. The happy stranger. The orange boys.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh; : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182942', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2347, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs, : Gragal Ma Chree, with the answer. Tom Tough, The death of Queen Jean. Nancy and the handsome serjeant. The disconsolate sailor.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed by J. Morren, [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T178493', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2348, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, : Patrick O\'Neil the sailor, Jamie Reily & Coleen Bawn Hearts of oak. The cottager\'s daughter.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182882', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2349, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs : Young Doctor Stafford, Tonald \'mong the barm The happy soldier.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh; : Printed by J. Morren, [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nTonald \'mong the barm : Tune- Whistle o\'er the lave o\'t.', 'ESTC T174881', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2350, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs, : viz. The blaeberries. Abraham Newland. The crafty maid.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh, : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T174876', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2351, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs : The poor exile of Erin. Soldiers lamentation. Tamie Lamie\'s cure for a drunken wife. The sailing trade.. ', NULL, 'Edinhurgh [sic] : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182940', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2352, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs, : Bold Irvine, or Belfast shoemaker. Lord Douglas\'s tragedy Rindordin, or The mountains high.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh, : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T174802', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2353, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs : 1 The female drummer. 2 The ploughman turned sailor. 3 The birks of Invermay. 4 Bonny Jem of Aberdeen. 4 [sic] Bright Phoebus.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh; : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T180203', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2354, 'Porteous, John, d. 1736', 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the trial of Captain John Porteous.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed in the year, 1736.. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1736-01-01 00:00:00', '1736-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T160636', 0, 'Porteous, John, d. 1736.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2355, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History upon death or, The mirror of man\'s misery. : Being very choice and profitable lessons for putting all Christians in a prepred [sic] condition for mortality. With the pious Christian\'s preperation for his latter end.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed this present year., [1750?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1750-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 13.2, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T167713', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2356, 'Willison, John, 1680-1750', 0, NULL, 0, 'Some ejaculations and dying words of the late Reverend Mr. John Willison, : Late Minister of the Gospel at Dundee. Or, His last words to his wife & children.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold in Nidd[r]y\'s Wynd, [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T179398', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2357, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The historical tragedy, of young Beateman\'s ghost, or The perjured maid, justly rewarded.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed according to order., [1778?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1778-01-01 00:00:00', '1778-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.8, '5', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThere is a half page introduction before the work proper starts.', 'ESTC T201679', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2358, 'Love, Christopher, 1618-1651', 0, NULL, 0, 'The strange and wonderful predictions of the Reverend martyr, Mr. Christopher Love, : Minister of the gospel at Laurence-Jury, London, who was beheaded on Tower-Hill, in the time of Oliver Cromwell\'s government of England. Giving an account of Babylon\'s f', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by Alex. Robertson, foot of the Old Assembly Close,, 1786.. ', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1786-01-01 00:00:00', '1786-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.2, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T119469', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2359, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, : 1, Ready mony and [n]o trust. 2, Royal Charlotte. 3 Peggy Bawn, 4. The conquring maid.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order,, [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182885', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2360, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs: : 1. Auld Robin Cray. 2. Auld Robin\'s answer 3. Auld Robin\'s death, 4 The female press gang. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182713', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2361, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs, : 1, The Americans in tears since Collier\'s victory. 2, A new song on a French fleet having appeared in the Frith of Forth. 3. The Quaker\'s courtship.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T174736', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2362, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs : 1, A new song called Rare Nell, 2, Curragh of Kildare. 3, The May morning.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T174688', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2363, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs; : 1. Down by a river side. 2. The Laird of Glen-Lee. 3. Donnel and Flora. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T174714', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2364, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new, songs : 1, The captain\'s frolic. 2, Picking lillies, 3, The distressed saillors [sic] on the rocks of Scylla. 4, The generous gentleman.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182889', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2365, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs; : 1, The Turkish lady, 2, Get married betimes, 3, The lady in the wood, 4, The female press-gang. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order, 1782.. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1782-01-01 00:00:00', '1782-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182979', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2366, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new, songs; : 1, The captain of love, 2, Sandy the Scots traveller, 3, The famale [sic] sailor of Sunderland, 4, The Lee riggs. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according order [sic], [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182887', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2367, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five exccllent [sic] new songs, : 1. The valiant M\'Craw\'s. 2. The spendthrift clapt into limbo. 3. The garb of old Gaul, 4. The North Highland volunteers 5. I cannot love thee more.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe valiant M\'Craw\' : Tune, Arthur\'s Seat.\r\nThe spendthrift clapt into limbo : To its own tune.\r\nThe North Highland volunteers : Tune- In the garb of old Gaul, &c.', 'ESTC T180211', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2368, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, : 1. Tibby Fowler of the glen. 2: The answer thereto. 3 The young man\'s courtship, 4. A song from Love in a village,. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182983', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2369, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs : 1, Captain Johnston\'s last farewell. 2, De\'il tak\' the wars. 3, Bonny Jean of Aberdeen. 4, Banks of Forth.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182824', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2370, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, : 1. The Yorkshire bite, 2. The golden glove, 3. The bold hairy cap, 4. The Laplander\'s wish,. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182981', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2371, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. : 1, M\'Naughton\'s valour. 2, Forlorn damsel. 3, The keeper. 4, The sailor\'s rant.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T182880', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2372, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The factor\'s garland, : containing many strange and wonderful deliverances. In four parts.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T185895', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2373, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, : I. The roving maids of Edinburgh. II. The injur\'d fair. III. The faithful shepherd. IV. Sylvia\'s marriage.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe faithful shepherd : Tune- Auld lang syne.', 'ESTC T182941', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2374, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent new song: called The Cunnie\'s garland.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T183752', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2375, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent new songs. : Containing, The knight and shepherd\'s daughter. To which is added, The soldier\'s farewel.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed this present year., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T177877', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2376, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Captain Ward and the Rain-Bow, : to which is added, The dandy o; and The gawkie.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed this present year., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T186713', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2377, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Turkish lady, : to which is added, The truth laid open, and The dusky night.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T177841', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2378, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jamie and Nancy of Yarmouth\'s garland.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T187786', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2379, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragedy of, Jamie and Nancy; of Yarmouth.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order., 1787.. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1787-01-01 00:00:00', '1787-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2380, 'Positive, Paul. ', 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent songs, : containing, A song, to a robin red-breast by Paul Positive, A new song, on the Dutch, and The ploughman\'s love to the farmers daughter.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed this present year., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T174884', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2381, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The fight at Bothwel-Bridge. Composed, into metre,. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh. : Printed, and sold by William Forrest, at the head of the Cow-gate, and at his shop South-side of the Corn-market,, 1766.. ', 'Edinburgh', 'Forrest, William', NULL, '1766-01-01 00:00:00', '1766-12-31 00:00:00', '10', 14.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', 'ESTC T183271', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2382, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A grand history on curious subjects, both entertaining and pleasant, : never before published. / By a craftsman in this town, in November 1793. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed in the present year, 1793.. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1793-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T166211', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2383, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs : The rakish sailor. Bonapart\'s ramble, Yougal Harbour, The roving bachelor, The maid\'s complaint. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [1805?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and internal evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2384, 'Guthrie, William, 1620-1665', 0, NULL, 0, 'The christian\'s great interest; : by way of question and answer. Being a short summary of the Rev. Mr. William Guthrie\'s trial of a saving interest in Christ, and the way how to attain it. (Printed by the desire of an honourable and pieous [sic] lady.) Th', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed at the foot of the Old Assembly Close., 1785. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1786-01-01 00:00:00', '1786-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Passage from the Bible appears on title page.', 'ESTC T161536', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2385, 'Willison, John, 1680-1750', 0, NULL, 0, 'Some ejaculations and dying words of the late Reverend Mr. John Willison, : Minister of the Gospel at Dundee.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed in the year,, 1790.. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.\r\nFirst published in 1764 as \'Some dying words\'.', 'ESTC T155359', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2386, 'Boyd, Allan, fl. 1789-1820', 0, NULL, 0, 'The explication of Thomas Rymer\'s prophecies, : wherein is contained certain remarks of what is already come to pass: with some curious observations on what is yet to come, carefully collected and compared with ancient old prophecies; and the Book of arms', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed in the year,, 1793. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1793-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T183919', 0, 'Rymer, Thomas, 1641-1713.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2387, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Europe\'s warning-piece. Or good to news Britain. : Giving an account of one William Edwards a farmer, near the town of Maidstone in Kent, who was charitable to the poor, his lands producing corn more plentiful than his neighbours, and like a good christia', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] : Printed this present year,, 1795.. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T183266', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2388, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new and diverting dialogue, both serious and comical : that passed the other day between a noted shoe maker and his wife, living in this neighbourhood, taken down in short hand by a nimble pen man one of his bon companions.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174280', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2389, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sketch of the life and transactions of Peter Brown : An English sailor. Who, at early period of life, run away from his father\'s house, and went to sea;... ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1820-1830?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2390, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scots piper\'s queries; or, John Falkirk\'s cariches : To which are added his comical and witty jokes When in courtship with an old fidler\'s widow, who wanted all the teeth. With the copy of the love letter he sent to her, who was commonly called Fling', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1820-1830?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external and internal evidence.\r\nJohn Falkirk is a pseudonym.\r\nThere is a \'List of Histories\' on p. 2\r\n\'No. XVI\' appears at foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2391, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A groat\'s worth of wit for a penny: or, The interpretation of dreams, moles, &c. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1820-1830?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external and internal evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nThere is a \'List of Histories\' on p. 24.\r\n\'No. XXX\' appears at foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2392, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Buchaven [sic] in Fifeshire, : containing the witty and entertaining exploits of Wise Willie and Witty Eppie. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1823. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.3, '10', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2393, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life of David Haggart who was executed at Edinburgh, 18th July, 1821, for the murder of the Dumfries jailor : containing the whole of his depredations and murders faithfully copied from the large book written by himself; being the whole substance, without', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1821?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 'Haggart, David, 1800-1821 Death and burial.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2394, 'Maclean, Hector, sailor. ', 0, NULL, 0, 'Of the history and travels of Hector Maclean, late sailor.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printd [sic] by Alex. Robertson, for Hector Maclean: and sold for his own beneft [sic]., M,DCC,LXXI. [1771] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', 'Maclean, Hector', '1771-01-01 00:00:00', '1771-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '3', 'Price two pence. ', NULL, NULL, 'At head of titlepage, enclosed in square brackets : Number II.\r\nThere is an advertisement on p. 24.\r\nFirst published in Edinburgh in 1768 as \'The history and travels of Hector Maclean, late sailor\'.', 'ESTC T186365', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2395, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry piper; or, the popish fryar & boy. : In two parts.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed and sold in Niddery\'s-Wynd,, 1778. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1778-01-01 00:00:00', '1778-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ESTC T172169', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2396, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchannan, : who was commonly called the King\'s fool. The whole in six parts complete.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed this present year, [1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '31, [1]', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ESTC T175806', 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582 Humor Early works to 1800.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2397, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack and the giants. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed and sold at the foot of the Horse-Wynd,, 1789.. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1789-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nThere is a table of contents on p. 2\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T167586', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2398, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack and the giants.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Anno, 1795.. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nThere is a table of contents on p. 2', 'ESTC T167587', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2399, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'The monk and miller\'s wife : A tale / By Allan Ramsay. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by and for Oliver & Boyd, Netherbow, 1808. ', 'Edinburgh', 'Oliver & Boyd.', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 10.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2400, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry and entertaining history of the king and the cobler : in two parts. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Robertson, No. 30 Nicholson Street, 1811. ', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, J.', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1811-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2401, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Exploits of wise Willy, and witty Eppie of Buckhaven : With a description of their college, and a coat of arms, Lang Sandy and rolling coughing Jenny\'s wedding. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the bookseller, 1818. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2402, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the seven wise masters, of Rome : containing ; many excellent and delightful examples, with their explanations, and modern significations, which (by way of allusion) may be termed an historical comparison of sacred and civil transactions. T', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1816. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2403, 'Clinker, Janet', 0, NULL, 0, 'Janet Clinker\'s oration, on the villanies of the old women, and the pride of the young, : shewing young men and young women how to avoid the buying of Janet Juniper\'s stinking butter, which will have a rotten rift on their stomach, as long as they live / ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for and sold by, William Cameron and other booksellers, [1820?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Cameron, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2404, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A most excellent song, called, The sodger\'s return : To which are added, A the airts the win can blaw. The girl I left behind me. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the hawkers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2405, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The way for to woo : Dinna think, bonny lassie, Amo amas, and Wonderful song. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1817. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2406, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of popular songs : viz. Ofa\' [sic] the airts the wind can blaw; Tak your auld cloak about ye. Wap your wealth thegither. Auld langsyne. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2407, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The land of the thistle : Nothing at all. Tom Bowling. And Jockey to the fair. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1817. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe land of the thistle : Tune- Black Jock.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2408, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sprig of shilelah : I\'ll soon hae a wife o\' my ain, Doctor Monro and, The tear. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1817. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2409, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Birks of Aberfeldy : Plaid amang the heather, On the death of Burns, Highland laddie, and King\'s anthem. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1817. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2410, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Highland plaid : Mark yonder pomp, What ails you now my daintie Pate, Poor Mary, Now rosy May comes in wi\' flowers. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1818. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nMark yonder pomp : Tune- Deil tak the wars.\r\nWhat ails you Pate : Tune- For a\' tat an\' a\' that.\r\nPoor Mary : Tune- A\' body\'s like to get married but me.\r\nNow Rosy May : Tune- Dainty Davie.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2411, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Clutha : Wi\' truest love I love thee, Jean, Blyth hae I been, Lowland lassie, will ye go, Hie bonnie lassie. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1818. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nClutha : Tune- Miss Admiral Gordon\'s Strathspey.\r\nThe black-ee\'d lassie : Tune- My only Jo and dearie o\'.\r\nBlyth hae I been : Tune- Liggeram cosh.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2412, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'For a\' that and a\' that : The soldier\'s gratitude. Lowland lassie, wilt thou go. The year that\'s awa. The land o\' the leal. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2413, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The calm dewy morning : To which are added, Gloomy winter. Bundle and go. I had a horse I had nae mair O send Lewie Gordon hame. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2414, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Irish wedding : To which are added. O leeze me on my spinning wheel. Bonnie wood of Cragie lea. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2415, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The maid & her barley : to which are added Paddy Whack. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2416, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Crazy Jane : To which is added, Ere around the huge oak, My friend and pitcher, The light of the moon, Let\'s be jovial. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2417, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The soldiers dream : To which are added, Johnny Bluster\'s wife. Banks of Doon. Death of Sally Roy. Braes aboon Bonaw. A victim of delicate love. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2418, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Quite politely : To which is added. The braes aboon Bonaw, The maid of Ilay, Fuddling day. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2419, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The haws of Cromdale : To which are added, Highland laddie, O ay my wife she dang me, Will you go and marry Katie. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1822 ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2420, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonnie wood of Craigie lea : To which are added, Allan Tine O\' Harrow. Highand laddie. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1822 ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2421, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Her blue rollin e\'e : To which are added, Wolfe\'s lament. What ails a\' the lasses at me? Will ye go and marry, Katie? ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1822 ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2422, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two new songs : called The humours of Glasgow fair, Wat ye wha I met yestreen. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1823. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2423, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Green grow the rashes : to which are added, The lassie o\' my heart. The hen-pick\'d [sic] husband. The lass o\' Glenshee. Tom Starboard. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1823. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2424, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The land in the ocean : to which are added, The way-worn traveller. The all of love. When the rosy morn. Gentlemen of England. Lay thy loof in mine, lass. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1823. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2425, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The cruel father : to which are added, An old woman clothed in gray. And My heart with love is beating. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1824. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2426, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent collection of popular songs : viz. 1. The hawthorn. 2. Lillies of the valley. 3. Paudien O\'Rafferty. 4. Charlie he\'s my darling. 5. The Bay of Biscay, o. 6. Tam Glen. 7. Far, far at sea. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2427, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent collection of popular songs : viz. 1. Ye gentlemen of England. 2. John o\' Badenyon. 3. The sprig of shillelah and shamrock so green. 4. The maid of Lodi. 5. Drink to me only. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2428, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent collection of popular songs : viz. 1. The Duke of Gordon\'s three daughters. 2. The challenge. 3. Woo\'d and married and a\'. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2429, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent collection of popular songs : viz. 1. The braes o\' Gleniffer. 2. The exciseman. 3. Whack, Paddy Whack. 4. Willie brew\'d a peck o\' maut. 5. Crazy Jane. 6. Begone dull care. 7. She\'s fair and fause. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2430, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent collection of popular songs : viz. 1. Duncan Gray. 2. Black-ey\'d Susan. 3. A sup of good whisky. 4. O\'er the muir amang the heather. 5. The post captain. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2431, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent collection of popular songs : viz. 1. Nobody coming to marry me. 2. The days o\' Langsyne. 3. The cobler. 4. The Arethusa. 5. The thorn. 6. Gaffer Gray. 7. The Irish wedding. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2432, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent popular ballad : called Sir James the Ross. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2433, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent collection of popular songs : viz. 1. The gypsie laddie. 2. The maid in Bedlam. 3. The farmer. 4. The bonny house of Airley. 5. Molly O\'Rigge and Cornelius O\'Whack. 6. The maid that tends the goats. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2434, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent collection of popular songs : 1. Paddy Carey\'s fortune. 2. Black-ey\'d Susan. 3. The midnight bowl. 4. Tullochgorum. 5. When \'tis night. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2435, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, '4 songs : viz. Maggie M\'Apie\'s lilt. A Highland laddie heard of war. Donald Caird. I\'ve naething to do. &c. ', NULL, 'Edinr [sic] : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nMaggie M\'Apie\'s lilt : Tune- Toddlin\' but and toddlin\' ben.\r\n\'Disaster of the Irishman\'s wife at a Scotch fair\' is in prose.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2436, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'The ancient history of three bonnets. : In four cantos.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed in this present year, 1793.. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1793-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAnonymous. By Allan Ramsay.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPage [2] contains a list of characters.', 'ESTC T060654 ;Martin 226', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2437, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The first and secood [sic] parts of the new proverbs on the pride of women; gr [sic], the vanity of women displayed. : With their high heads, hoops, and gezies. To which is added a receipt to all men who want wives, how to wale them by the mouth, as Mungo', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Entered according to order, [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T183712', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2438, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history and comical transactions of Lothian Tom, in six parts. : Wherein is contained a collection of roguish exploits done by him, both in Scotland and England.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed, by J. Morren, East Campbell\'s Close, Cowgate, [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.', 'ESTC T201682', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2439, 'Walker, Patrick, 1666?-1745?. ', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and prophecies of the Reverend Mr Alexander Peden, : late Minister of the Gospel, at New Glenluce, in Galloway. In which he fortells what is to happen to Ireland and Scotland in these letter days, particularly, to the south and west of Scotland, ', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed and sold in East Campbell\'s Close, Cowgate, MDCCXCIX. [1799] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nExtracted from \'The life of Mr. Alexander Peden\' by Patrick Walker.', 'ESTC T169184', 0, 'Peden, Alexander, 1626?-1686.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2440, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the life and death of fair Rosamond, : concubine to King Henry II. hewing [sic] how Queen Eleanor plotted to destroy fair Rosamond, to prevent which, she was removed to a stately bower, at Woodstock, near Oxford; and while the King was in F', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed and sold by J. Morren, Cowgate, and at No 29, Leith Street,, [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal and external evidence.', 'ESTC T185515', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2441, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and transactions of Mrs Jane Shore, : concubine to King Edward VI. Containing an account of her parentage, wit and beauty, her marriage with Mr Shore, the King\'s visits to her. Her going to court, leaving her husband. Her great distress and miser', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed and sold by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T168440', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2442, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of John Cheap the comical chapman. : Containing above a hundred merry exploits done by him and his fellow traveller. Drouthy Tom. A sticket shaver.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed and sold by John Morren. East Campbell\'s Close, Cowgate,, [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nThere is a 1-page introduction on page 3.\r\nPage 2 is blank.', 'ESTC T167602', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2443, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The coalman\'s courtship to a creel wife\'s daughter, or a dialogue between an old woman and her son: : wherein she instructs him in the real art of courtship. Very beneficial for young wooers or blate beginners.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal and external evidence.', 'ESTC T185422', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2444, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A full, and true account of that arrival and landing of Enoch that wonderful Roman prophet, : being now near one hundred and fifty-five years old, who has traveled almost over the whole habitable world. Also an account of his travels and prophccies [sic] ', NULL, 'Edinburgh; : Prsnted [sic] by J. Merren [sic, i.e. Morren], Campbell\'s Close Cowgate, [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal and external evidence.', 'ESTC T183975', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2445, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Fairy tales, : containing the stories of Cinderilla. Or, the little glass slipper Little Red Riding-hood. Princess Fair-Star and Prince Cherry. And Ebouli Sina. To which is added The fairy song:. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T186344', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2446, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith, : Reformed and corrected. Giving an account of her death, of her journey to heaven; how on the road she fell in with Judas, who led her to the gate of hell, and what conversation she had with the Devil, who would not let her in: also, h', NULL, 'Edinburh [sic]: : Printed by J. Morren,, [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nBased on the tale by Geoffrey Chaucer.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nThere is a 1-page introduction \'To the reader\' on p. [2].', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2447, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The whole proceedings of Jockey and Maggy. In five parts. : I. Jockey and Maggy\'s courtship, as they were coming from the market. II. The wonderful works of our John, shewing how he made Janet like an Elshinhaft, and got his ain Maggy wi\' bairn forby. III', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate, 1803. ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 14.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2448, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Negro servant, an authentic and interesting narrative of a young Negro servant. In three parts : Part the first. Shewing how he was made a slave in Africa, and carried to Jamaica, where he was sold to a captain in his Majesty\'s Navy, by whom he was taken ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by J. Morren, Cowgate and at No 15, Broughton Street, [1805-1815?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nDate of publication may actually be later, possibly after 1833, as suggested from internal evidence. A note on p. 7 reads : This circumstance took place in the year 1803 before the late ha', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2449, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'For a\' that and a\' that : When Kate was nineteen, Let drunkards sing, and Blythe and happy. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1818. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nKate o\' Gowrie : Tune- Dainty Davie.\r\nLet drunkards sing : Tune- Willie brew\'d a peck of maut.\r\nBlythe and happy are we : Tune- Andro and his cutty gun.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2450, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'New song, to the tune of Cauld kail in Aberdeen : While Phoebus reposes. O welcome winter. Come wi\' me. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1818. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nLong and dreary is the night : Tune- Cauld kail in Aberdeen.\r\nThe farewell : Tune- Jockie\'s far awa.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2451, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tight little island : When the hollow drum, and There was an old woman in our town. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1818. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2452, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragedy of Sir James the Ross. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1819. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2453, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lucy\'s flittin\' : There\'ll never be peace till Jamie comes hame. The friend that\'s awa. \'Twas ae day in Autumn. While Luna in splendour. ', NULL, 'Ed[i]nburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1819. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe \'I\' in Edinburgh has failed to print.\r\nLucy\'s flittin : Tune - Paddy O\'Rafferty.\r\nNancy : Tune - Humours of Glen.\r\nMary-Ann : Tune - The wounded hussar.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2454, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blackamoor in the wood : A lamentable ballad on the tragical end of a gallant lord and virtuous lady; together with the untimely death of their two children, wickedly performed by a heathenish and blood-thirsty villain their servant. The like of which', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1819. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2455, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Banks of Forth : Bet sweet blossom. Braes o\' Lomond. The braes o\' Ballochmyle. Lowland Willie. Nan of Logie green. Roslin Castle. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1820. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2456, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of popular songs : viz. Bonny Mally Stewart, The good ship Rover, The recruit\'s farewell. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2457, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Willy Rilly or The constant lovers : To which are added, The hurl-barrow; The lass o\' Glenshee. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2458, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five popular songs. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2459, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Peggy Bawn : To which are added, Lucy of the vale. Roben is my only Jo. Young William. The minute gun. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2460, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The mug of porter : To which are added, The sailor\'s return. M\'Pherson\'s farewell. The blue-eyed lassie. This is the night my Johnny set. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1821. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2461, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Old maids : To which are added, Come under my plaidy. Meg o\' the mill. Nancy\'s to the Greenwood gane. Bannockburn. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1821. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2462, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The travelling chapman : To which are added, The Yorkshire-man in London; Another cup and then. Ungrateful Nanny. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1821. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2463, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Broom of Cowdenknows : To which are added, The Dougal creature\'s account o\' hersel\'. Tak your auld cloak about ye. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1824. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2464, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tibby Fowler : To which are added, The Fumbler\'s rant. The jolly sailor. Roslin Castle. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1824. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2465, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'O bonny lassie : To which are added, The lass o\' Aranteenie. Tullochgorum. Green grow the rashes, o. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1824. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2466, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Robin Aboon : To which are added, Steer her up and ha\'d her gawn. A sup of good whisky. A highland lad my love was born. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1825. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2467, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, : viz. Kelly-burn Braes. The lee rig. The rose\'s hue. The sun in the West, fa\'s to rest in the e\'enin\'.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Robertson, printer, Horse-Wynd, Edinburgh., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, James', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence and period of activity of the publisher.', 'ESTC T182985', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2468, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'O will I come : Bonny was yon rosy brier, How lang and dreary is the night, Sweet fa\'s the eve on Craigie-burn, Now rosy May comes in wi\' flowers, and Together let us range. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the bookselers [sic], 1818. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 10.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nO will I come : Tune - The Lee Rig.\r\nThe rosy brier : Tune - I wish my love was in a mire.\r\nLong and dreary is the night : Tune - Cauld kail in Aberdeen.\r\nNow rosy May : Tune - Dainty Davie.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2469, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A most choice collection of popular songs : 1. Highland Mary. 2. Corporal Casey. 3. Tam Glen. 4. Black-ey\'d Susan. 5. Willie brew\'d a peck o\' maut. 6. The galley slave. 7. Parting moments. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2470, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Mary, O : Address to Caledonia. She rose and let me in. Logan Water. The garden of love. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1819. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nMary, O : Tune - Gloomy Winter\'s now awa\'.\r\nAddress to Caledonia : Tune - Erin go bragh.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2471, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Waes me for Prince Charly : to which are added, Tarry woo. Love and despair. Let ambition fire thy mind. Highland laddie. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1820. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2472, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent collection of popular songs : viz. 1. A man\'s a man for a\' that. 2. Lilies of the valley. 3. Of a\' the airts the wind can blaw. 5. The Bay of Biscay, O. 6. Tam Glen. 4. Charlie he\'s my darling. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2473, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of songs. &c. : Containing Rob Roy MacGregor. Ca\' the ewes to the knowes. My Nannie o. A famous man was Robin Hood. My native highland home. \'Twas merry in the hall. General Wolfe\'s song. Bid me discourse. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, 'A collection of songs &c.', 'No. IV.', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Wolfe, James 1727-1759.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2474, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of songs. &c. : Containing Within a mile of Edinburgh. Logie o\' Buchan. The Bay of Biscay, O! Hie bonnie lassie. Hohenlinden. The mariner\'s song. Hearts of oak. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, 'A collection of songs &c.', 'No. VI.', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2475, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of songs. &c. : Containing The hero of Ballinacrazy. And ye shall walk in silk attire. Broad swords of old Scotland. Connel and Flora. Bacchanalian. Lash\'d to the helm. Bonny wood of Craigie lee. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, 'A collection of songs &c.', 'No. III.', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2476, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of songs. &c. : Containing Hey the bonnie breast knots. Here\'s to the maiden of blushing fifteen. The dashing white serjeant. Galla water. Nothing like grog. Giles Scroggins. Friend of my soul. M\'Pherson\'s farewell. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, 'A collection of songs &c.', 'No. I.', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2477, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of Sheriff Muir : To which are added, Scotia\'s sons, Lilies of the valley The woodpecker, Young Allan. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1823. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2478, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Hallow fair : To which are added, Queen Mary\'s lamentation. The contented lover. Ungrateful Nanny. Homeward bound. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2479, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of songs. &c. : Containing Charlie is my darling. Come tell me where the maid is found. Down in a valley. Doctor Monro. Rosy May comes in wi\' flowers. Waken lords and ladies. Hope told a flattering tale. O Jeanie, there\'s naething to fear ye.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, 'A collection of songs &c.', 'No. II.', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2480, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Catharine Ogie : To which are added, Daddy Neptune and The Lincolnshire knight. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : [P]rinted for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2481, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The drucken wife o\' Gallowa : The bud on the brier. Roy\'s wife of Aldivalloch. The rosy brier. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2482, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'This is no my ain lassie : O\'er the muir amang the heather. The roof of straw. Roslin Castle. Old Towler, Oscar\'s ghost. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1823. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2483, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of popular songs : viz. The emigrant\'s lamentation, Bonny Mally Stewart, The maid who tends the goats, Nan of Logie Green. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2484, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Wellington\'s address : To which are added, The banks of Clyde. The wells o\' Weary. Haud awa frae me Donald. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the book[sell]ers, 1824. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2485, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tibby Fowler : To which are added, The fumbler\'s rant. The jolly sailor. Roslin Castle. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1824. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2486, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Ellen More : To which is added, Sir William Wallace, A red, red rose. Sleeping Maggie. I gaed a waefu\' gate yestreen. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1824. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Wallace, William, Sir, d. 1305 Poetry.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2487, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Maggy Lauther : To which are added, The miller. Bonny Christy. Tam Glen. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the book-sellers, 1824. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2488, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'O that I had ne\'er been married : To which are added, The blush. Merry may the maid be. O rare country lasses. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1825. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2489, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent collection of popular songs : viz. 1. Patie\'s wedding. 2. Roslin Castle. 3. I had a horse. 4. Lass, gin ye lo\'e me, tell me now. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2490, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Memoirs of Mrs. Harriet Newell. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [i.e., Leith: printed by Allardice] 1828. ', 'Edinburgh', 'Allardice, Robert', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', 'Price one penny. ', 'A selection of amusing and instructive pamphlets', 'No. XV', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nA selection of amusing and instructive pamphlets; comprising lives of great warriors & statesmen, battles on sea & land, histories of different countries, accounts of wonderful events, singular characters and notorious offenders, u', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2491, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The duke of Gordon\'s daughters : To which are added, The honest sailor; The hurl-barrow. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2492, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hawthorn : Calder fair, The gallant sailor, Bonny Dundee. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1817. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2493, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The mill, mill, o : Bruce\'s address, My only Joe and dearie, Cauld kail in Aberdeen, and, The broom of Cowdenknows. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1817. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2494, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The braes of Balquither : Love is the saul, &c. Up in the morning early, All\'s well, Far, far at sea, and, The happy pair. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1817. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2495, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The braes o\' Bowhither : The sailor\'s adieu, For a\' that and a\' that, O\'er the muir among the heather. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1817. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2496, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jessy, the flower o\' Dunblane : Jack Munro, and The maid in Bedlam. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1817. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2497, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent collection of popular songs : 1. The soldier\'s adieu. 2. My Nannie, o. 3. Old Towler. 4. The lammy. 5. Kate Kearney. 6. King Robert\'s address. 7. This is no mine ain lassie. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2498, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent collection of popular songs : 1. Logan braes. 2. Paddy Carey\'s fortune. 3. Jessie, the flow\'r o\' Dumblane. 4. Dulce Domum. 5. Tom Starboard. 6. Willie brew\'d a peck o\' maut. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2499, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bessy Bell & Mary Gray : Blythe arouud [sic] the nappy, Andro and his cutty gun, Hae you seen, in the calm dewy morning, The spotless maid, and From the white blossom\'d sloe. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1818. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nSctoia\'s sons : Tune - Andro and his cutty gun.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2500, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Robin Adair : A new way of Waterloo, The thorn, O let me in this ae night, and Highland Mary. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1818. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nMy merry hearts of gold : Tune - Whistle o\'er the lave o\'t.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2501, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of popular songs : viz. The jolly sailor, Betsy Taylor\'s lamentation, The hen-peck\'d husband, The gallant sailor. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2502, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of popular songs : viz. The sailor\'s journal, Truth laid open, Beauty\'s blossom. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2503, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lass of Ballochmyle : Nannie wilt thou gang wi\' me? Keen blaws the wind. Queen Mary\'s lamentation. The willow tree. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1819. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2504, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Dinna think bonny lassie : Lewie Gordon. O let me in this ae night. With Her answer. How lovely the hour. Remember me. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1819. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2505, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Louden\'s bonny woods and braes : The hills of Gallowa. Last May a braw wooer. My days roll pleasant and fair. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1819. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe hills of Gallowa : Tune - The lee rig.\r\nLast May a braw wooer : Tune - The Lothian lassie.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2506, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of Roslin : Fought on the Plains of Roslin, 1303, and John Highlandman\'s remarks on Glasgow. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1820. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2507, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The cruel father. Or The loyal lover\'s downfal : To which are added, The hallow fair. The Bay of Biscay. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1820. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2508, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Highland laddie : to which are added, The weary pund o\' tow. Stand to your guns. The sodger laddie. Buxom bonny Willie. Comin thro\' the rye. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1820. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2509, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Crazy Jane : to which are added, Down the burn Davie. Corn rigs are bonny. The birks of Invermay. The marriage act. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1820. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2510, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Catherine Ogie : To which are added, The spinning o\'t. Pretty Peggy\'s love to sailor Jack; Rantin\' highlandman. We\'ve ay been provided for. The midnight bowl. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1820. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2511, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'I had a horse : to which are added, The soldier\'s return. Bonny Dundee. Cauld kail in Aberdeen. Lassie wi\' the lint-white locks, The day returns. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1820. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2512, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Now westlin winds : To which are added, The rigs o\' barley. Burns\'s fareweel to Ayr. The green purse. The beds of roses. The lasses of Dublin. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1820. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2513, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of popular songs : viz. The tempest. The merry plowman. Todlen hame. A master I have. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1820. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2514, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The braes of Yarrow : to which are added, Robin Adair. The forlorn damsel. The birth of May. The woodpecker. Lay thy loof in mine lass. Far, far at sea. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1820. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2515, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new way of The soldier\'s return : To which is added, The ewe-bughts, Marion. Lochaber no more. Flora\'s lament for Charlie. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, 1822. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2516, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The highland plaid : Remember me. The girl of my heart. The last rose of summer. Love has eyes. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2517, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Come under my plaidie : Soldier\'s song. I lood ne\'er a laddie but ane. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2518, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tarry woo : The banks o\' Banna. Waes me for Prince Charlie. Woo\'d an\' married an\' a\'. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2519, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'March to the battle field : Corn riggs. No more by sorrow chas\'d. The young chevalier. The soldier\'s return. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2520, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Select collection No. XXVIII : 1. The bonny house of Airly. 2. The woodpecker. 3. The bloody plains of Waterloo. 4. The lass of Woodhouselee. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, 'Select collection', 'No. XXVI', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2521, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of popular songs : viz. The fumbler\'s rant. Let ambition fire thy mind. The Birminghambutton-maker [sic]. My Peggy is a young thing. A hunting song. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2522, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The birks of Invermay : Go where glory waits thee. Lash\'d to the helm. Bruce\'s address. The peck o\' maut. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2523, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Select collection No. XXX. : 1. The braes o\' Lomond. 2. Kind Robin loes me. 3. Neilson\'s last victory. 4. Dainty Davie. 5. Sweet Polly of Plymouth. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, 'Select collection', 'No. XXX.', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount, 1758-1805.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2524, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of songs. &c. : Containing Wha\'s at the window, wha? Ye mariner\'s of England. Washing day. The flower o\' Dumblane. The woodpecker. Green grow the rashes, o. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, 'A collection of songs &c.', 'No. XX.', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2525, 'Meanwell, Lady', 0, NULL, 0, 'The two orphans : A pathetic tale. / By Lady Meanwell. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2526, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of fair Rosamond : concubine to King Henry the II. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Clifford, Rosamond Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2527, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Gregor\'s ghost; in three parts : To which is added, Clerk Colville. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2528, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Satan\'s decoy, or the youth\'s faith in Christ : Shewing how a merchant\'s son, of the city of Bristol, was attacked in the fields as he went to Ringswood School, by a man in black clothes, whom he found out to be the Devil, and how the fiend tempted him wi', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2529, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The magic pill; or, Davie and Bess : A tale. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, by R. Menzies, Lawnmarket, [1810-1836?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Menzies, R.', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1836-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2530, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The voyages and travels of a Bible. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed & published by J. Brydone, South Hanover Street, [1839-1858?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Brydone, J.', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nNo. 1 of a series of numbered chapbooks.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2531, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Columbus : The discoverer of America. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed & published by J. Brydone, South Hanover Street, [1839-1858?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Brydone, J.', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nNo. 2 of a series of numbered chapbooks.', NULL, 0, 'Columbus, Christopher.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2532, 'Gwinnett, Ambrose ', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and unparalleled adventures of Ambrose Gwinnett : Containing an account of his being tried, convicted, and hanged in chains at Deal, for the supposed murder of Mr Collins-his surprising recovery-his voyage to the West Indies, and being taken by t', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed & published by J. Brydone, South Hanover Street, [1839-1858?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Brydone, J.', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nNo. 5 of a series of numbered chapbooks.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2533, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'King James and the Egyptian robbers, or the court cave of Fife. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and published by J. Brydone, South Hanover Street, [1839-1858?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Brydone, J.', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nNo. 6 of a series of numbered chapbooks.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2534, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The demon ship, or The pirate of the Mediterranean. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed & published by J. Brydone, South Hanover Street, [1839-1858?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Brydone, J.', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nNo. 7 of a series of numbered chapbooks.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2535, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sorrow-dispenser, or Humpy Funnydoss\' bundle of mirth : carefully revised by Jacob Sidesplitter, Esq. Author of \'Laugh and grow fat,\' \'There\'s nae sorrow here, John,\' \'Dull care banished,\' &c. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed & published by J. Brydone, South Hanover Street, [1839-1858?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Brydone, J.', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nNo. 8 of a series of numbered chapbooks.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2536, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Napoleon\'s book of fate : To which are added a few passages from The dull man\'s companion. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed & published by J. Brydone, South Hanover Street, [1839-1858?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Brydone, J.', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nNo. 10 of a series of numbered chapbooks.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2537, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the man with the iron mask : Together with The life of the bloody Robespierre. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed & published by J. Brydone, South Hanover Street, [1839-1858?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Brydone, J.', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nNo. 11 of a series of numbered chapbooks.', NULL, 0, 'Man in the Iron Mask.\r\nRobespierre, Maximilien, 1758-1794.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2538, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Guy Fawkes, or The history of the gunpowder plot. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed & published by J. Brydone, South Hanover Street, [1839-1858?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Brydone, J.', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nNo. 12 of a series of numbered chapbooks.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2539, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the Scottish patriot, Sir Wm. Wallace : Knight of Ellerslie. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed & published by J. Brydone, South Hanover Street, [1839-1858?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Brydone, J.', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nNo. 14 of a series of numbered chapbooks.', NULL, 0, 'Wallace, William, Sir, d. 1305 Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2540, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of King Robt. Bruce : Containing the memorable battle of Bannockburn, &c &c. &c. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed & published by J. Brydone, South Hanover Street, [1839-1858?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Brydone, J.', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nNo. 15 of a series of numbered chapbooks.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : James Brydone, Printer, 17 South Hanover Street, Edinburgh.', NULL, 0, 'Robert I, King of Scots, 1274-1329 Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2541, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun; or, The comical and merry tricks of Leper the tailor : In two parts. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2542, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of the King and the cobler : Containing the entertaining and merry tricks, and droll frolicks, played by the cobler-how he got acquainted with the King, became a great man and lived at court ever after. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2543, 'Walker, Patrick, 1666?-1745? ', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and prophecies of Mr Alex. Peden : Late minister of the gospel at New Glenluce, Galloway. And his remarkable letter to the prisoners of Dunnottar Casle [sic], July 1685. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Peden, Alexander, 1626?-1686.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2544, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The village curate : An interesting tale; to which is added, The country clergyman, a poem. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2545, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Whittington and his cat. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2546, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and transactions of Mrs Jane Shore : Concubine to King Edward IV. Containing an account of her parentage, wit and beauty: her marriage with Mr Shore; the King\'s visits to her; her going to court, and leaving her husband; her great distress and mi', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Shore, Jane Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2547, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasing and entertaining history of the famous Moll Flanders : Who was born in Newgate, and during a life of continued varieties, for three score years, was twelve years a whore, five times a wife, (once to her own brother) twelve years a thief, was ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '0', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2548, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry tales of the wise men of Gotham. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nOn title page : \"Of merry books this is the chief,/ It is a purging Pill/ To carry of all heavy grief,/ And make you laugh your fill.\"', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2549, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Interesting stories : Containing, The military mendicant. Female heroism. The patriotic clergyman. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2550, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The negro servant : an authentic narrative of a young negro; Shewing how he was made a slave in Africa, carried to Jamaica; and sold to a captain in his Majesty\'s Navy; then taken to America, where he became a Christian; and afterwards brought to England,', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2551, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of John M\'Pherson, Dick Balf, and Gilder Roy : Three notorious robbers. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2552, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of Sheffery Morgan : The son of Old Shon Ap Morgan. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.6, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2553, 'Boyd, Allan, fl. 1789-1820', 0, NULL, 0, 'The prophecies of Thomas Rymer : The ancient Scots prophet. wherein is contained remarks on what has already come to pass; with some curious observations on what is yet to come. / By the famous Mr. Allan Boyd, M. A. To which is added, An account of the me', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1820. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse and prose.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2554, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Moll Flanders : Who was born in Newgate, and, during a life of continued varieties for threescore years, was twelve years a whore, five times a wife, whereof once to her own brother, twelve years a thief, was eighteen times in Bridewell, f', NULL, 'Edinburch [sic] : Printed for the booksellers, 1822. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '5', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2555, 'Haggart, David', 0, NULL, 0, 'Life of David Haggart, who was executed at Edinburgh, 18th July, 1821, for the murder of the Dumfries jailor : Containing the whole of his depredations and murders faithfully copied from the large book written by himself; being the whole substance without', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1823. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 'Haggart, David, 1801-1821 Death and burial.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2556, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The interpretation of dreams and moles : With several other observations, courtship and love. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2557, 'Killiary, Mathew', 0, NULL, 0, 'The sinner\'s sobs; or, The sinner\'s way to Sion\'s joy : Plainly demonstrating the absolute necessity of true Godly sorrow, for the Sinner\'s Safety. / By Mathew Killiary, M. D. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2558, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of the Scottish rebellion, 1745. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [i.e., Leith: printed by Allardice] 1828. ', 'Edinburgh', 'Allardice, Robert', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', 'Price one penny. ', 'A selection of amusing and instructive pamphlets', 'No. XIII', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nA selection of amusing and instructive pamphlets; comprising lives of great warriors & statesmen, battles on sea & land, histories of different countries, accounts of wonderful events, singular characters and notorious offenders, u', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2559, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life of Napoleon Buonaparte. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [i.e., Leith: printed by Allardice] 1828. ', 'Edinburgh', 'Allardice, Robert', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', 'Price one penny. ', 'A selection of amusing and instructive pamphlets', 'No. X', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nA selection of amusing and instructive pamphlets; comprising lives of great warriors & statesmen, battles on sea & land, histories of different countries, accounts of wonderful events, singular characters and notorious offenders, u', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2560, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Battles of Quatre Bras & Waterloo. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, By R. Allardice, Leith, 1828. ', 'Edinburgh', 'Allardice, Robert', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', 'Price one penny. ', 'A selection of amusing and instructive pamphlets', 'No. VIII', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nA selection of amusing and instructive pamphlets; comprising lives of great warriors & statesmen, battles on sea & land, histories of different countries, accounts of wonderful events, singular characters and notorious offenders, u', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2561, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The complete letter writer. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, By R. Allardice, Leith, 1828. ', 'Edinburgh', 'Allardice, Robert', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', 'Price one penny. ', 'A selection of amusing and instructive pamphlets', 'No. VII', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nA selection of amusing and instructive pamphlets; comprising lives of great warriors & statesmen, battles on sea & land, histories of different countries, accounts of wonderful events, singular characters and notorious offenders, u', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2562, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Battles of the Nile and Alexandria. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, By R. Allardice, Leith, 1828. ', 'Edinburgh', 'Allardice, Robert', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', 'Price one penny. ', 'A selection of amusing and instructive pamphlets', 'No. VI.', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nA selection of amusing and instructive pamphlets; comprising lives of great warriors & statesmen, battles on sea & land, histories of different countries, accounts of wonderful events, singular characters and notorious offenders, u', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2563, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life of John Knox. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, By R. Allardice, Leith, 1828. ', 'Edinburgh', 'Allardice, Robert', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', 'Price one penny. ', 'A selection of amusing and instructive pamphlets', 'No. V', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nA selection of amusing and instructive pamphlets; comprising lives of great warriors & statesmen, battles on sea & land, histories of different countries, accounts of wonderful events, singular characters and notorious offenders, u', NULL, 0, 'Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572 Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2564, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of the Scottish martyrs. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, By R. Allardice, Leith, [1828?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Allardice, Robert', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', 'Price one penny. ', 'A selection of amusing and instructive pamphlets', 'No. XVII', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nA selection of amusing and instructive pamphlets; comprising lives of great warriors & statesmen, battles on sea & land, histories of different countries, accounts of wonderful events, singular charac', NULL, 0, 'Hamilton, Patrick, 1504?-1528 Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2565, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life of Sir William Wallace. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1828. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', 'Price one penny. ', 'A selection of amusing and instructive pamphlets', 'No. IV.', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nA selection of amusing and instructive pamphlets; comprising lives of great warriors & statesmen, battles on sea & land, histories of different countries, accounts of wonderful events, singular characters and notorious offenders, u', NULL, 0, 'Wallace, William, Sir, d. 1305 Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2566, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life, trial and execution of Mary Thompson, aged 19 : Who was executed at Edinburgh, on Mon. 22nd Feb. 1841, for the murder of her master and mistress; giving an account of her innocence being proved and the real murderer discovered. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : J. Brown, Printer, Edinburgh, [1841?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Brown, John', NULL, '1841-01-01 00:00:00', '1841-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nDated from internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2567, 'Percy, Thomas, 1729-1811. ', 0, NULL, 0, 'The hermit of Warkworth : A Northumberland tale. In three parts. / By Dr. Thomas Percy, Bishop of Dromore. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Published by R. Martin, Brown Street, MDCCCXLVI. [1846] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Martin, R.', NULL, '1846-01-01 00:00:00', '1846-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2568, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The true fortune teller : Containing the tree of fate.- Directions by which any one may know under what planet they were born.- An account of the evil and perilous days of the year.- How to read a person\'s character by their nails.- How to know what fortu', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Trade supplied. John Sanderson, 148 Canongate, Edinburgh, [ca. 1870] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Sanderson, John', NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1870-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.6, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2569, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The golden dreamer; or Dreamer\'s oracle : Showing how future events may be ascertained by means of dreams, with a chapter on the signification of moles. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : John Sanderson, 148 Canongate, [ca. 1870] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Sanderson, John', NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1870-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2570, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The spaewife; or, universal fortune teller : Wherein your future welfare may be known by physiognomy, palmistry, and coffee grounds; also the true method of telling your fortune by cards. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1870] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1870-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nThere is a publisher\'s advert on p. 24.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2571, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Hardy, the soldier : Shewing how he left the plough to enlist in the army; and after being engaged in many battles abroad, returned to end his days in the cottage in which he was born. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by A. and J. Aikman. Sold by D. Brown, 59 South Bridge; A. Johnstone, 110 West Bow; and W. Finlay, 12 Calton Street, [1811-1816?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Aikman, A. and J.', 'Brown, David', '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2572, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life, trial and execution of Agnes Rae. Aged 22 : Who was executed at Maidstone for the murder of Mr George Wilson; with a copy of verses she wrote before her execution. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for Patrick Brown, [1820?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Brown, Patrick', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nIn verse and prose.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2573, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Remarkable life and death of Agnes Webster : Daughter of a respectable tradesman, residing at Cambuslang, near Glasgow, who was seduced by a young gentleman. Likewise an account of the causes of prostitution, and the number of houses of ill fame in some o', NULL, 'Edinburgh : [s.n.], [1820-1840?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 13, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIn verse and prose.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2574, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of songs. &c. : Containing The storm. Ally Crcaker [sic]. The boatie rows. Song of the mariner. March to the battle field. Bonnie Mary Hay. The hero may perish. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, 'A collection of songs &c.', 'No. XII.', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2575, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The London spy; or, the frauds of London described : Being a complete discovery of all the dark transactions in and about that great city. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2576, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan : Commonly called the Kings fool. ', NULL, '[Elgin] : Printed by A.C. Brander, Elgin, [1831-1859?] ', 'Elgin', 'Brander, Alexander Cosmo', NULL, '1831-01-01 00:00:00', '1859-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.', NULL, 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2577, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blackbird : A selection of popular comic & love songs from the best authors. ', NULL, '[Elgin] : Printed by A.C. Brander, Elgin, [1831-1859?] ', 'Elgin', 'Brander, Alexander Cosmo', NULL, '1831-01-01 00:00:00', '1859-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nList of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2578, 'Cameron, Richard, 1655?-1680', 0, NULL, 0, 'Good news to Scotland. : A sermon, preached in the parish of Carluke, in Clydesdale; upon the 8th day of July, 1680, / by that faithful minister and martyr of Jesus Christ, Mr. Richard Cameron. To which is added, an acrostic upon his name, by a true lover', NULL, 'Falkirk: : Printed and sold by Daniel Reid, at his printing-office, in High-street, near the South-Gate of the Church,, M,DCC,LXXVI. [1776] ', 'Falkirk', 'Reid, Daniel.', NULL, '1776-01-01 00:00:00', '1776-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.5, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'The title page is preceded by two pages, the first has a woodcut and advertisement for the printer, the second contains the acrostic : \'An acrostic upon the name of that godly, faithful and zealous minister and martyr of Jesus Christ, Mr. Richard Cameron ', 'ESTC T164272', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2579, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The entertaining story-teller : Containing I. A remarkable and curious story of a lead mine in Derbyshire, England. II. The story of the benevolent sailor and a blind man in Edinburgh. III. The story of a beggar and his dog. IV. A curious story of the lat', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1801. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p.16 reads : Falkirk, Printed by T. Johnston: Of whom may be had variety of pamphlets & ballads in wholesale & retail.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2580, 'Walker, Patrick, 1666?-1745? ', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and prophecies of Mr. Alexander Peden : Late minister of the Gospel at New Glenluce, in Galloway. In two parts. To which is added his remarkable letter to the prisoners in Dunnotar-Castle, July, 1685. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1810. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '60', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Peden, Alexander, 1626?-1686.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2581, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The entertaining history of the early years of General Bonaparte : Commander in chief of the French forces in the present war: From his birth, to his receiving the command of the army of Italy. / By a royal emigrant. One of Bonaparte\'s school fellows. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, [1]810. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 16 reads : Falkirk: T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2582, 'Topham, Edward, 1751-1820', 0, NULL, 0, 'The remarkable history of the miser of Berkshire: John Elwes, Esq. : Member of three successive parliaments for that county. With singular anecdotes, &c. Supposed to be the greatest instance of penury that ever existed / Written by Captain Topham. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1810. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 'Elwes, John, d. 1789 Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2583, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The royal riddle book, for the trial of dull wits : Being a collection of ingenious guesses. Composed for the instruction of all that desire to try their wits, by reading these merry questions and answers. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1811. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1811-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : T. Johnston, Printer, Falkirk.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2584, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry life & mad exploits of Capt. James Hynd, the great robber of England : Who was drawn, hang\'d and quarter\'d, at Worcester, 1652. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1811. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1811-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Hind, James 1616-1652.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2585, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The entertaining life & death of the amiable Lady Jane Gray : Who reigned only nine days Queen of England: After which, both her and her husband were beheaded in one day at the Tower of London, for high treason by order of Q. Mary, her successor. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1812. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Grey, Jane, Lady, 1537-1554.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2586, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and exploits of Rob Roy M\'Gregor. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1814. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Rob Roy, 1671-1734', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2587, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Douglas & Piercy: or, The hunting at Chevychase, in prose and verse : A memorable battle fought by Earls Douglas and Piercy: in which about fourteen hundred Scotsmen, and near two thousand Englishmen, were slain in one day. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Percy, Henry, Lord, 1364-1403.\r\nDouglas, James Douglas, Earl of, ca. 1', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2588, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scotch proverbs, or, the wise sayings of the old people of Scotland. / By Allan Ramsay. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2589, 'Gibson, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'The widow\'s son raised from death : A lecture on Luke vii. 11,-16. Delivered before the presbytery of Fourdoun, Kincardine-shire, December 5th, 1804. / By Thomas Gibson, now master of the Grammar-school of Falkirk. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2590, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An elegy in memory of that valient champion, Sir Robert Grierson, late laird of Lag; or, The prince of Darkness : His lamentation for, and commendation of, his trusty and well-beloved friend, the laird of Lag. Who died December 23d, 1733. Wherein the Prin', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1823. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'On title page : Very useful and necessary to be read by all who desire to be well informed concerning the chief managers and management of the late persecuting period.', NULL, 0, 'Grierson, Robert, Sir.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2591, 'Boyd, Allan, fl. 1789-1820', 0, NULL, 0, 'Prophecies of Thomas the Rhymer, the ancient Scotch prophet : Containing the wonderful fulfilment of many of his predictions; and those not yet accomplished. / Collected, examined and now promulgated by Mr. Allan Boyd, F.S.A. sub-deputy janitor\'s clerk in', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1813-1830?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nIn prose and verse.', NULL, 0, 'Thomas, the Rhymer, 1220?-1297?', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2592, 'Doddridge, Philip, 1702-1751', 0, NULL, 0, 'The most remarkable passages in the life of the honourable Colonel James Gardiner : Who was slain at The Battle of Prestonpans in the rebellion, 1745. / By P. Doddridge, D.D. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1805. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : T. Johnston, Printer, Falkirk.', NULL, 0, 'Gardiner, James, 1688-1745.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2593, 'T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1622-1687. ', 0, NULL, 0, 'A choice drop of honey from the rock Christ: or, A short word of advice to all saints and sinners. / By Thomas Wilcocks. ', 'The forty fourth edition. ', 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1807. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Falkirk, T. Johnston Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2594, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'The monk and the miller\'s wife : A most diverting story. To which is annexed, Robin-redbreast and the wren: or, Robin\'s complaint on the vanity of the times. ', NULL, '[Falkirk?] : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1813. ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1813-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nAnonymous author of The monk and the miller\'s wife: Allan Ramsay\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2595, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lag\'s elegy, or The prince of darkness\' : Lamentation for, and commendation of his trusty & well-beloved friend, Sir Robert Grierson, of Lag, who died Dec. 23, 1733. Wherein the Prince of Darkness sets forth the properties of many of his best friends, who', 'The fourteenth edition. ', 'Falkirk : Printed & sold by T. Johnston, 1814. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.\r\nOn title page : Very useful and necessary to be read by all who desire to be well informed concerning the chief managers and management of the late persecuting period.', NULL, 0, 'Grierson, Robert, Sir.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2596, 'Walker, Patrick, 1666?-1745? ', 0, NULL, 0, 'Twenty remarkable passages in the life and prophecies of Mr Alexander Peden : Late minister of the gospel at New Glenluce, in Galloway. And his remarkable letter to the prisoners in Dunnotar-Castle, July 1685. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Peden, Alexander, 1626?-1686.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2597, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the wicked life and horrid death of Dr. John Faustus : Shewing, how he sold himself to the devil, to have power for 24 years to do what he pleased. Also, the strange things done by him and Mephostophiles. With an account how the devil came ', NULL, '[Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston] Printed in the year 1816. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer. 1816.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2598, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasures of matrimony displayed, : and the charming delights & ravishing sweets of wooing and wedlock, in all its diverting enjoyments.. ', NULL, '[Falkirk?] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Date and Place of publication from examination of text and style.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2599, 'Blair, Robert, 1699-1746', 0, NULL, 0, 'The grave, A poem. Or, A view of life, death and immortality. / By that sublime poet Mr. Robert Blair. ', 'The fifteenth edition. ', 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, and sold at his shop, East side of the Post-Office, [1806] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from period of activity of publisher.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2600, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack Horner : Containing the witty pranks he play\'d, from his youth to his riper years, being pleasant for winter evenings. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : [s.n.], Printed in the year, 1823. ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '7', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2601, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The travels and adventures of Willm. Lithgow, in Europe, Asia, and Africa : during nineteen years. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1825. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Lithgow, William, 1582-1645?', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2602, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Laugh and grow fat!!! Or, The comical budget of wit : A selection of choice bon mots, Irish blunders, repartees, anecdotes, &c. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1827. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2603, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Ali Baba, or, The forty thieves : An interesting tale. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1827. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2604, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'West-Port Murders! : A full and correct account of the trial of William Burke, and Helen M\'Dougal, before the High Court of Justiciary, on Wednesday the 24th Dec. 1828, for the wilful murder of Mary Campbell or Docherty, with the felonious intent of selli', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1829?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Burke, William, 1792-1829 Trials, litigation, etc.\r\nM\'Dougal, Helen, b', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2605, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical tricks of Lothian Tom : In five parts. Wherein is contained, A collection of diverting exploits done by him, both in Scotland and England. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1810-1830?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2606, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan, : Commonly called the King\'s fool.. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Entered according to order,, [1800?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC', 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2607, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The exploits of Wise Willie and Witty Eppie, the ale-wife, of Buckhaven. : With a description of their college and coat of arms, Lang Sandy and Rolicoughing Jenny\'s wedding, &c. &c. &c.. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2608, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun! Or, The merry tricks of Leper the Taylor. : In two parts. To which are added, The grand solemnity of the Taylor\'s funeral, who lay nine nights in state on his own shop board. Together with his last will & testament.. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2609, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scot\'s piper\'s queries, or, John Falkirk\'s cariches. : To which are added, his comical and witty jokes, when in courtship with an old fidler\'s widow, who wanted all the teeth.. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nJohn Falkirk is a pseudonym.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nOn title page : Old John piper if you desire/ to read at leis', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2610, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Coalman\'s courtship to a creelwife\'s daughter. : In three parts.. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2611, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The History of John Cheap, the chapman. : Containing an account of the merry exploits done by him and his fellow traveller, Drowthy Tom, a sticked shaver. In three parts.. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2612, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent love songs : Called, 1. My galloping\'s all at an end. 2. The banks of the Devon. 3. Blythe was she, &c. 4. Auld langsyne. 5. Highland Mary. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston, Printer, 1811. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1811-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : T. Johnston, Printer, Falkirk.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2613, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wandering shepherdess of Exeter : A true love song. And The Turkish lady\'s love for an English slave. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed & sold by T. Johnston, 1813. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1813-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : T. Johnston, Printer, Falkirk.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe wandering shepherdess : Tune - Factor\'s garland.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2614, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, '[The] farmer\'s fortunate marriage, or, The golden glove : Tom Starboard. The bold hairy cap. The beggar girl. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1814. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2615, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The downfall of Paris, and Bonaparte dethron\'d : To which is added, Every inch a sailor, The disconsolate sailor, and The lovely soldier. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1814. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk, Printed by T. Johnston, 1814.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2616, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jolly weaver\'s garland : To which is added, Get up & bar the door, and The lovely nymph. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.\r\nThe jolly weaver\'s garland : Note at end of song - \'By P.M.W.F. 1815.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2617, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The virgin martyr : To which is added, The bonny house of Airley, and John & Nell\'s frolic. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2618, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Hearts of oak, or, The jolly tars of Great Britain : Also, The poor exile of Erin, and The Breadalbane lads. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston, Printer, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer,- 1815.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2619, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragedy of Sir James the Rose : To which is added, Hearts of oak, &c. Queen Mary\'s lament, Fair Susannah. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2620, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jolly miller of Dee : The poor sailor boy, The disappointed lover, and The Caledonian laddie. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe disappointed lover : Note at end reads \'By A.S.\'.\r\nThe pages are incorrectly imposed, numbering sequence is as follows : [1],[2],5,6,3,4,7,8. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2621, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bony Jean of Aberdeen : Bess is but a gawkie, Tom Starboard, King Louis\' lament. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, 'Louis XVI, King of France, 1754-1793.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2622, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Barbara Allan : Macpherson\'s rant, The sprig of shelela. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2623, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The maid in Bedlam : To which is added The sailor dear, and The pretty sailor. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer. - 1815.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2624, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The banks of the Nile : A love song. To which is annexed, Prince Charles answer to the King of France, and Rouse Britons, rouse. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer. - 1815.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2625, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bonny Highland lad : Birks of Abergeldie, Lash\'d to the helm, Miss Forbes\' farewel to Banff. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston, Printer, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2626, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous battle fought on the Sherriff Muir, on the 13th day of November, 1715 : To which is added, The lover\'s choice. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2627, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent old songs : Called, King James the first and the tinker. King William and his forrester. And The shepherd lad. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1816. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer,- 1816.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2628, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs : Called, I\'ll soon hae a wie o\' my ain. The bonny lassie. And Falkirk stump-fairs. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : [Printed by T. Johnston], [P]rinted in the year 1816. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer,- 1816.\r\nImprint from colophon.\r\nI\'ll soon hae a wie o\' my ain : Tune - Muckin\' o\' Geordie\'s byre.\r\nThe bonny lassie : Tune - Blythe, blythe and merry was sh', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2629, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bonny lass of Calder Braes : To which are added, The snug little island, Jenny\'s bawbee, and Q Mary of Scotland\'s farewel to Calais. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : [s.n.] Printed in the year 1820. ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe bonny lass of Calder Brae : Tune - Logan water.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2630, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs : Called Handsome Katie. The valiant maiden. Drummer\'s courtship. The barley-bree. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : [T. Johnston, Printer.], Printed in the year 1821. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nHandsome Katie : Tune - Sleepy Maggy.\r\nThe barley-bree : Tune - Wilie brew\'d a peck o\' maut.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.\r\nImprint from colophon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2631, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The fortunate sailor, and the farmer\'s daughter, in the county of Kent : A love song, in three parts. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : [s.n.] Printed in the year 1821. ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2632, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song called The Kebbuckstone wedding : To which is added, The sprig of shelela, Jockey the shepherd, My dear Highland lad, and Sweet Peggy Alavan. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1821. ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2633, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s tragedy : A new sea-song. Also The dandy frill. Jamie frae Dundee. The King\'s anthem. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1823. ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2634, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excelent songs : Viz. Andrew and his cutty gun. The voice of her I love. Mutton chops, or Dripping pan lovers. The sow\'s tail to Geordie. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1826. ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe sow\'s tail to Geordie : Tune - Auld wife about the fire.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2635, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new pease strae : To which is added, The minister\'s maid. Also, Jenny, lass my bonny bird, and Whistle and I\'ll come t\'ye. (By R. Burns.). ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : (Falkirk, Printed by T. Johnston.) Where variety of ballads & pamphlets may be had, in wholesale, on the lowest terms.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2636, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Emperor\'s wedding, or Bonaparte\'s 2d marriage : Mariners of England, Are ye sleepin\' Maggie, Bonny Kate Kearny, The answer. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston, Printer, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 Relations with women Song', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2637, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sally Gray : A new love-song. To which is added, The happy stranger, Jockey the shepherd, The bonny muir-hen, and The wounded hussar. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston, Printer, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2638, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The drunken tar of Sunderland : And The sweet Irish girl. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston, Printer, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2639, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Burns\' farewel to Ayrshire : Banks of the Devon, Caledonian laddie, Bonny hawthorn, A\' the airts the win\' can blaw, Highland Donald\'s unlucky marriage. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston, Printer, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2640, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The young lasses\' song, or What wou\'d a young lassie do wi\' an auld man : Bonaparte o\'er the sea, Auld gudeman ye\'re a drunken body, Lord Nelson\'s garland. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 Songs and music.\r\nNelson,', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2641, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scotch medley : A favorite song. To which is added A new love song, The bonny beds of roses, and, The broom of the Cowden Knows. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk, Printed by T. Johnston.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2642, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs : Called, The knight & shepherd\'s daughter. The spinning-wheel. Corn-riggs are bonny. Carle & the king come. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston, Printer, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2643, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The adventures of John o\'Badenyon, in pursuit of happiness : To which are added, The matrimonial song, and The British tar. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston, Printer, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2644, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Astonishing Abraham Newland : To which is added, Cheat upon cheat: or, Honesty\'s quite out of fashion: Ranting Johnny Magee. The banks of a river. My love is but a lassie yet. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston. Where variety of history books & ballads maybe [sic] in wholesale and retail, on most ', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2645, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Robin\'s cure for a bad wife : To which are added, Bad news is come to town, and The flower of Edinburgh. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2646, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jenny of Aberdeen : To which are added, Black-ey\'d Susan, The king & the tanner, and The Bonny house of Airly. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- Printed by T. Johnston.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2647, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song, called The unco bit want, with the anwer : To which is added, The Emperor Alexander\'s advice to Maddison. And Corporal Casey. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1814-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2648, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six favorite songs : called, Auld Langsyne. Flow\'r o\' Dumblane. Up in the morning. Louden\'s [sic] bonny woods. Moulines Maria. Banks of the Devon. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2649, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wicked wife : Mary of Glenkilloch, and Up with the orange. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1814-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.\r\nThe pages are incorrectly imposed, the numbering sequence is as follows : [1],2,5,6,3,4,', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2650, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs : Intitled, The whisky still taken and retaken. The bonny maid of Coalsnaughton. The maid\'s lament for the young carter. The smuggler\'s advice. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nThe bonny maid of Coalsnaughton : Tune - Bonnets sae blue.\r\nThe smuggler\'s advice : Tune - Haughs of Cromdale.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2651, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jovial rantin\' Highlandman : To which are added, Yougal harbour: or, Pretty Nancy of Capperquin. My ain dear Jean. Logan-Braes & answer. And Roy\'s wife of Aldivalloch. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2652, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five old songs : This is no my ain house. The mariners of Britain. The King\'s anthem. The mountains high. Celia and Damond. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2653, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Athole Highlanders : To which is added, Cupid\'s adventure. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Printed for the booksellers, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2654, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jovial songster : Being a selection of the most popular & fashionable comic songs, from the most approved authors. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nPaddy\'s burying : Air - The Irish wedding.\r\nThe hero of Ballinacrazy : Air - Young May moon.\r\nFat rump soup : Air - Cherry ripe.\r\nOh! no, I never name my w', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2655, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and exploits of Rob Roy M\'Gregor : The Highland chieftain. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Rob Roy, 1671-1734.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2656, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The musical garland : Containing a choice collection of love, patriotic, comic, naval, and sentimental songs. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade index and external evidence.\r\nOn title page : Music \'tis thine to charm the soul, and all its harsher powers controll [sic].', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2657, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The celebrated history of the famous Robin Hood : Captain of the merry outlaws of Sherwood Forest. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Robin Hood (Legendary character)', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2658, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The spaewife : or, Universal fortune-teller : Wherein your future welfare may be known, by physiognomy-cards-palmistry-and coffee grounds. Also, a distinct treatise on moles / By an astrologer. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the bookseller, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nThe pages have been incorrectly imposed : page 3 appears before page 2.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2659, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The goldfinch : Containing twenty-four of the most popular and fashionable love songs. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2660, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The crafty princess: or, The golden bull : In four parts. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1809. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2661, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bride\'s burial, or, The affectionate lovers : A true love song. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1810. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon on p. 8 reads : Falkirk: Printed by T. Johnston. 1810.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2662, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The handsome jolly cobler and the lovely chambermaid : A most humorous love song. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1810. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : T. Johnston, Printer, Falkirk:', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2663, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bonny lass of Banaphie : And, Hap me wi\' thy petticoat. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1810. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe bonny lass of Banaphie : Tune - The gallant Grahams.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2664, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scots medley : A love song. The bonny beds of roses. And The broom of Cowden Knows. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston, Printer, 1813. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1813-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk - T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2665, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jolly miller of Drone : To which is added, Bessy Bell & Mary Gray, with the history of the ballad. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed & sold by T. Johnston, 1813. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1813-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2666, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The mournful tragedy of Gill Morice : An old Scots ballad. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1814. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2667, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Charming young Nancy. If ye were my ain : To which added, My sailor dear, and Tom Bowling the sailor. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1814. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2668, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Gilderoy : Plato\'s advice, and Gen. Wolfe\'s victory. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston, Printer, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Wolfe, James 1727-1759.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2669, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The rock and the wee pickle tow, with The answer : To which is added, Tarry woo\' is ill to spin. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2670, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous battle of Waterloo, fought on the 18th day of June, 1815. Tune - Thorot\'s defeat : To which is added, Fee him, father, The happy pair, Brose and butter. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk, Printed by T. Johnston.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2671, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Duke of Montrose\'s garland, or, I\'ll never love thee more : To which is added, The royal oak tree. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2672, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A pennyworth of wit, or, The deluded merchant, and his harlot : A curious old song. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk - T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2673, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent songs : Called, Andrew Carr, The answer to the happy stranger, and The Kebbuckstone wedding. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1816. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2674, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lass of Glenshee : The answer to The blue bonnets, The mournful widows, and Bonny Jessie. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1816. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2675, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Polly privateer : A new song. To which is added, The young man\'s dream, and Bonaparte\'s escape from the Elba. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1816. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nBonaparte\'s escape from Elba : Tune - Woo\'d an\' married an a\'.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2676, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Mary of Glenkilloch : To which is added Ye mariners of Britain, This no mine ain house, My Jockey\'s far awa\', and The King\'s anthem. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1817. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2677, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lass wi\' the twa-handed wheel : To which is added, Bonaparte\'s gone to St. Helana. The rambling boy. And Up in the morning early. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston, Printer, 1817. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer. 1817.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2678, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bonny bridge of Findhorn : The radical battle at Bonny-muir, and Up in the morning. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1820. ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2679, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sir Neil, and Glengyle, The Highland chieftains : A tragical ballad. To which is added, The drunken exciseman. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : [T. Johnston, Printer], Printed in the year 1822. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2680, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A favorite new song, called Saucy Tibby, wi\' her fifty mark : To which are added, Jocky at the fair, The tartan plaid, and The braes of Balquither. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : [T. Johnston, Printer], Printed in the year 1822. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2681, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The death of Queen Caroline : To which are added, Sae merry as we hae been. Twenty day\'s courtship. The busy bee. The spinning-wheel. The joys of harvest. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : [T. Johnston, Printer], Printed in the year 1822. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.', NULL, 0, 'Caroline, Queen, consort of George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-173', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2682, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bonny lass : a new love song. To which are added, I\'ll clout Johnny\'s grey breeks. Tell me the way to woo, and Every man take his glass. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1822. ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2683, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The companion of mirth : A collection of love, sea, patriotic, comic and sentimental songs, which are calculated to enliven the spirits around the social bowl. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2684, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Allan the freebooter; or, The witch of Glenross : With an account of the sufferings of Roderick, the Laird of Glenross, and his beautiful bride Malvina, destruction of the princely Hall of Glenross, and the marriage of their daughter Helen to the Freeboot', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2685, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life of Richard Turpin : A most notorious highwayman. Giving a particular account of all his daring robberies and burglaries. His broiling a woman to make her discover her property.- Robbing a wealthy farmer at Charlton.- Robbery and brutal conduct to', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Turpin, Richard, 1706-1739.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2686, 'Lillo, George, 1693-1739', 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical history of George Barnwell : The London prentice. Founded on facts. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nAnonymous. By George Lillo.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2687, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Hocus pocus; or, The whole art of legerdemain in perfection : By which any one may perform the most strange and curious tricks of slight of hand, with cards, rings, fire, ribbons, money &c. without a teacher. To which are now added, numerous new and rare ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn fact a revised edition by Henry Dean of the anonymous \'Hocus pocus junior\'.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2688, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life of David Haggart who was executed at Edinburgh, 18th July, 1821 for the murder of the Dumfries jailor : Containing the whole of his depredations and murders, faithfully copied from the large book written by himself.- Being the whole substance, withou', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Printed for the booksellers, [1821?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from internal evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Haggart, David, 1800-1821 Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2689, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and transactions of James Sharp, : Arch Bishop of St Andrews:. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1788. ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1788-01-01 00:00:00', '1788-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 14, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T213803', 0, 'Sharp, James, 1613-1679.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2690, 'Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fortunes and misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders, : who was born in Newgate: and during a life of continued variety for threescore years, besides her childhood, was twelve times a whore: five times a wife, (whereof once to her own brother) twelve year', NULL, 'Falkirk: : Printed and sold by Patrick Mair., MDCCLXXXVIII. [1788] ', 'Falkirk', 'Mair, Patrick', NULL, '1788-01-01 00:00:00', '1788-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'An abridgment and adaptation of the work by Daniel Defoe.', 'ESTC T182516', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2691, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Botany-Bay, : and particularly Port-Jackson, where the convicts from this country are sent, and the British settlement formed. With an account of the manners and customs of the inhabitants, and of the climate and soil of that country. Colle', NULL, 'Falkirk: : Printed and sold by T. Johnston., 1798.. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T167518', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2692, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack and the giants, : in all its parts.. ', NULL, 'Falkirk: : [s.n.], Printed in the year, M,DCC,LXXXVII. [1787] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1787-01-01 00:00:00', '1787-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T167585', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2693, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tom Thumb\'s royal riddle book: : For the trial of dull witts. Being a collection of new and ingenious guesses. Composed for the benefit of all that desire to try their wits, by reading these merry questions and answers.. ', NULL, 'Falkirk: : Printed for the travelling booksellers., 1788.. ', 'Falkirk', 'Travelling booksellers', NULL, '1788-01-01 00:00:00', '1788-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nOn title page : Of merry books this is the chief, It is a purging pill, To carry off all heavy grief, And make you laugh your fill.', 'ESTC T222488', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2694, 'Boyd, Allan, fl. 1789-1820', 0, NULL, 0, 'The prophecies of Thomas Rymer, : The ancient Scots prophet. Wherein is contained, remarks on what is already come to pass: with some curious observations on what is yet to come. Carefully collected and compared with ancient old prophecies and the book of', NULL, '[Falkirk] : [s.n.], Prnted [sic] in the year, 1794.. ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse and prose.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T176985', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2695, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, '[The] Surprising and melancholy account of Richard Smith, : book-binder, and prisoner for debt within the liberty of the King\'s-Bench, and Bridget Smith, his wife, who were found hanging near their bed; and in another room, their child, about 2 years old,', NULL, 'Falkirk: : Printed and sold at the printing-office, in the High Street, opposite to the Cross-Well, where variety of other pamphlets are sold in wholesale and retail., 1785.. ', 'Falkirk', 'Mair, Patrick', NULL, '1785-01-01 00:00:00', '1785-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPossibly printed by Patrick Mair.', 'ESTC T192950', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2696, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty & Meg, or, The wife reform\'d : A tale. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1816. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.\r\nOn title page : We dream in courtship, but in wedlock wake.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2697, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The vision of Almet : And No life pleasing to God, that is not useful to man. Two Eastern stories. To which are added. The art of growing rich. An instrctive [sic] tale. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1827. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'There is a quote from Pope on the title page : Fortune her gifts may variously dispose; ...', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2698, 'Brownlee, W. C. (William Craig), 1784-1860', 0, NULL, 0, 'Narrative of the Battles of Drumclog, and Bothwell Bridge : The former fought on the 1st, and the latter on the 22d of June, 1679. Between the King\'s troops and the Covenanters / By the Laird of Torfoot, an Officer in the Presbyterian army. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1828. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPurports to be an account of events during and after the battles by a Covenanter participant, the Laird of Torfoot.\r\nSigned W. C. B.\r\nW.C.B = William Craig Brownlee.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2699, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The honest debtor: or, The virtuous man struggling with, rising superior to, and overcoming misfortune.. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\n10-line quote on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2700, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith : With a description of her journey to heaven. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nBased on the tale \'The wife of Bath\', by Geoffrey Chaucer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2701, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of Scotch proverbs : Containing all the wise sayings and observations of the old people of Scotland / by Allan Ramsay. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nOn title page : I will hae books gin I suld sell my kye.\r\nOn title page : Vox populi vox dei.\r\nOn title page : That maun be true that a\' men say.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2702, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Daniel O\'Rourke\'s wonderful voyage to the moon : Also, Master and man; or, The adventures of Billy MacDaniel. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2703, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The humorous exploits of Mally Dyver : To which is added, The farmer\'s witty remarks on the dog-tax. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Licensed according to order, [1802] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : (T. Johnston, Printer, Falkirk 1802) Where a good assortment of pamphlets may be in [sic] wholesale on the lowest terms.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2704, 'Inglefield, John Nicholson, 1748-1828', 0, NULL, 0, 'The wonderful and surprising narrative of Capt. John Inglefield, : concerning the loss of His Majesty\'s ship the Centaur of 74 guns, and the miraculous preservation of their pinnace, with the Captain, Master, and ten of the crew, in a traverse of near 300', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Printed and sold by Patrick Mair, Falkirk., [1785?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Mair, Patrick', NULL, '1785-01-01 00:00:00', '1785-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 13.9, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T179790', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2705, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan : Commonly called the King\'s fool. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2706, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John, and his twelve misfortunes : which happened all in twelve days after the unhappy day of his marriage. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2707, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The whole proceedings of Jocky & Maggy\'s courtship : with the great diversion that ensued at their bedding. In three parts. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2708, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical sayings of Paddy from Cork : with his coat buttoned behind. Being an elegant conference between English Tom and Irish Teague; with Paddy\'s catechism, his opinion of purgatory, the state of the dead; and his supplication when a mountain sailor.', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2709, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of Buckhaven : or The exploits of Wise Willie and Witty Eppie. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2710, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of Buckhaven : with The exploits of Wise Willie and Witty Eppie. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2711, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of John Cheap, the Chapman : Containing. Above a hundred merry exploits done by him and his fellow traveller, Drouthy Tom, a sticked shaver. In three parts. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2712, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical tricks of Lothian Tom : With a selection of anecdotes. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2713, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical tricks of Lothian Tom : In five parts. Wherein is contained, A collection of diverting exploits done by him, both in Scotland and England. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2714, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun: or Leper the tailor : In two parts. With a selection of entertaining anecdotes. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2715, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'John Falkirk\'s cariches : And Janet Clinker\'s oration, on the virtues of old women and the pride of the young. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from internal and external evidence.\r\nJohn Falkirk is a pseudonym.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2716, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Latin prayers not fit for Irishmen : to which are added Margaret and the minister; and Soda water. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2717, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Madrid shaver\'s adventures in the Spanish inquisition. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page: A coat of arms with two lions as supporters.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nBoth the illustration and typeface on the title page differ from the copy at L.C.2828(14). The text is identical. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, 'Pedrosa, Nicolas.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2718, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Madrid shaver\'s adventures in the Spanish inquisition. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title pag: Four human figures, standing, two large two small (possibly children); one of the larger figures (the male, the other is female) has a dog on a lead.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nBoth the illustration and typeface on the title page differ from the copy at L.C.2828(13). The text is identical. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, 'Pedrosa, Nicolas.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2719, 'Marmontel, Jean Franpcois, 1723-1799', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Shepherdess of the Alps : A very interesting, pathetic, and moral tale. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2720, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of the king & the cobler : Containing the entertaining and merry tricks, and droll frolicks, played by the cobler.- How he got acquainted with the King, became a great man and lived at court ever after. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2721, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Grinning made easy ; or, Funny Dick\'s unrivalled collection of curious, comical, odd, droll, humorous, witty, whimsical, laughable, and eccentric jests, jokes, bulls, epigrams, &c : with many other descriptions of wit and humour. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidece. Dated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2722, 'Vincent, Henry, Esq. ', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Irish assassin, or The misfortunes of the family of O\'Donnel / by Henry Vincent, Esq. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2723, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and exploits of Rob Roy M\'Gregor : The Highland freebooter. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nOn title page : \"The eagle he was lord above, But Rob was lord below.\" Woodsworth [sic].', NULL, 0, 'Rob Roy, 1671-1734', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2724, 'Macneill, Hector, 1746-1818', 0, NULL, 0, 'Scotland\'s skaith ; or, The sad effects of drunkenness : Exemplified in the history of Will and Jean. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2725, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Thomas Hickathrift. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from internal and external evidence.\r\nBefore the work proper starts there is a 4-line verse, \'He that does buy this little Book,...\'', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2726, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of Robin Hood, the renowned out-law : who lived and died A.D. 1198; being the ninth year of the reign of King Richard I. commonly called Coeur de Lion. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Robin Hood (Legendary character)', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2727, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jack the giant-killer : being the history of all his wonderful exploits against the giants. And British intrepidity. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1860?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nIn prose and verse.\r\nThe pages are incorrectly imposed : p. 23 appears before p. 22.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2728, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Blind Allan : A tale from \"Lights & shadows of Scottish life.\". ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from internal and external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Professor John Wilson.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2729, 'Ogilvie, William, 1688 or 9-1729', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Laird of Cool\'s ghost : Being a copy of several conferences and meetings that passed betwixt the Rev Mr Ogilvie, late minister of the Gospel at Innerwick in East Lothian and the ghost of Mr Maxwell, late Laird of Cool. As it was found in Mr. Ogilvie\'s', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2730, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith : with a description of her journey to Heaven. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page: An angel(?) appearing in the sky; in the foreground four soldiers are cowering.\r\nIn verse.\r\nBased on the tale by Geoffrey Chaucer.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nBoth the illustration and typeface on the title page differ from the copy at L.C.2828(31). The text is identical. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2731, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith : with a description of her journey to Heaven. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page: Two women sitting beside a tree.\r\nIn verse.\r\nBased on the tale by Geoffrey Chaucer.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from internal and external evidence.\r\nBoth the illustration and typeface on the title page differ from the copy at L.C.2828(30).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2732, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of Scots proverbs : Containing all the wise sayings and observations of the old people of Scotland / By Allan Ramsay. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by A. Johnston, Bookseller, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Archibald', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nOn title page : I will hae books gin I suld sell ye kye.\r\nOn title page : Vox populi vox dei.\r\nOn title page : That maun be true that a\' men say.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2733, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The budget of wit and drollery : A selection of choice bon mots, Irish blunders, repartees, anecdotes, &c. &c. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2734, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Stories of Prince Lupin : Yellow dwarf, and The three wishes. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2735, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous history of the two unfortunate lovers : Leander & Hero. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2736, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Storys [sic] of The wild huntsman : and The force of conscience, an interesting tale. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2737, 'Spearing, George. ', 0, NULL, 0, 'A wonderful account of Mr. George Spearing : (A Lieutenant in the Navy,) Who fell into a coal pit in Northwoodside, near Glasgow; where he remained seven days and seven nights, without any other support than rain water. Also, the surprising manner of his ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1803. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2738, 'Barrington, George, 1755-1804', 0, NULL, 0, 'The London spy : or, The frauds of London described : Eeing [sic] a complete disclosure of all the dark transactions in and about that great city / By the celebrated George Barrington, Superintendant of the convicts at Botany Bay. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1809. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : T. Johnston, Printer, Falkirk.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2739, 'Forbes, William, Schoolmaster', 0, NULL, 0, 'The dominie depos\'d, or, Some reflections on his intrigue with a young lass and what happened thereupon : Intermix\'d with advices to all precentors and dominies. With The sequel / By William Forbes, A. M. late schoolmaster at Petercoulter, Aberdeenshire. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1814. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2740, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Duniwhistle\'s testament, or, A diverting tale of three bonnets : In four cantos. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1820. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2741, 'Burness, John, 1771-1826', 0, NULL, 0, 'Thrummy Cap and the ghaist : a diverting tale. To which are added, Young Whip-stitch and The gig demolishld [sic]. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1820. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2742, 'Forbes, William, Schoolmaster', 0, NULL, 0, 'The dominie depos\'d, or Some reflections on his intrigue with a young lass : Intermix\'d with advice to all precentors and dominies. With the sequel / . By William Forbes, A. M. late schoolmaster at Petercoulter, by Aberdeen. To which is added Maggy Simpso', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Entered according to order, [1810-1820?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2743, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the king and the cobler : In two parts. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1820. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2744, 'Day, Thomas, Author of \"Sandford and Merton\". ', 0, NULL, 0, 'The entertaining history of Sandford and Merton : Two amiable young boys. Harry Sandford was a farmer\'s son : and Tommy Merton was the son of a wealthy gentleman. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2745, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new history of Botanybay [sic] and Port Jackson : Where the convicts from this country are sent, and the British settlement. Together with an account of the manners and customs of the inhabitants. ', NULL, 'Falkirk Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1821. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2746, 'Lillo, George, 1693-1739', 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical history of George Barnwell : The London prentice. Founded on facts. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1821. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAnonymous. By George Lillo.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2747, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The mirror of wit : and universal jester. Containing witty and entertaining stories & anecdotes. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, 1821. ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Falkirk, T. Johnston, Printer. 1821.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2748, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of Jane Shore : Concubine to Edward IV. To which is added, a genuine letter from Jane to the King. Also a short account of fair Rosamond, concubine to Henry II. ', NULL, '[Falkirk : T. Johston, 1810-1825?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from both internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Shore, Jane Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2749, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasures of matrimony : Interwoven with sundry comical and delightful stories, with the charming delights and ravishing sweets of wooing and wedlock, in all its diverting enjoyments. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1823. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2750, 'Love, Christopher, 1618-1651', 0, NULL, 0, 'The remarkable predictions of Mr. Christopher Love : Late minister of the Gospel, at Laurence-Jury, London : who was beheaded on Tower-Hill the 22d day of Augt. 1651, in the time of Oliver Cromwell. With three remarkable letters, which passed betwixt him ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1823. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Love, Christopher, 1618-1651.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2751, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry tales of the wise men of Gotham : To which is added A collection of jests. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1823. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2752, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the four Kings of Canterbury, Colchester, Cornwall, & Cumberland : Their queens and daughters. Being the merry tales of Tom Hodge and his school-fellows. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1823. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on verso of title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2753, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Laugh and be fat!!! : The golden dreamer, or Dreams interpreted : Also Amorous dreams in verse. To which is added, A treatise on moles. With their significations, &c. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Printed for the flying stationers, 1827. ', 'Falkirk', 'Flying Stationers', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2754, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The distracted sailor : I\'m wearing awa\' Jean. The jolly soldier. The carle came o\'er the craft. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2755, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven popular songs : Viz. Listen to the voice oe [sic] love, Leader haughs and Yarrow. Happy pair a duet, The morning fresh. To Chloe. Had I a cave. And Maggy Lauder. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by R. Taylor, 1825. ', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Robert', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2756, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four popular songs : Viz. Easter Monday. When I\'ve money. What\'s a woman like? And A cobler there was. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by Mrs. Taylor, 1826. ', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Mrs Robert', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 10.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2757, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six popular songs : Robin Adair. I hae lost my love. Drown it in the bowl. The year that\'s awa\'. &c. &c. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : Printed for the booksellers, 1830. ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2758, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of popular songs : The sailor\'s courtship. The drowned mariner. And Had I a heart. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by R. Taylor, [1825-1826?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Robert', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2759, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Love songs : Jamie Gay. \'Twas post meridian. How sweetly smells the simmer green. And By moonlight on the green. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by R. Taylor, [1825-1826?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Robert', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 10.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2760, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four popular songs : Viz. Oh! waes me for Prince Charley. The Highland laddie. Twa-score-and-twa. Hey Johnny Cope. ', NULL, '[Falkirk] : R. Taylor, Printer, Falkirk, [1825-1826?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Taylor, Robert', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-17', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2761, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. : Viz. I. The Scots rover, II. Captain Bell\'s unhappy voyage. III. The lover\'s petition. IV. Brave Donald M\'Craw.. ', NULL, 'Falkirk: : [Printed and sold by Patrick Mair, 1780?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Mair, Patrick', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nImprint and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T182986', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2762, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new garland, : Containing three excellent new songs; viz. 1. The Highlandman\'s lament. 2. Captain Ward and the rainbow 3. There\'s my thumb I\'ll ne\'er beguile thee.. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold at the south-gate of the old kirk, in High Street; where travelling booksellers may be served for rags or money at the Stirlingshire printing-house., [1780?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T186166', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2763, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs. : Viz. I Sarah Collins, or the Irish girl II The ladies breast-knot. III Jack Rand\'s farewel to Miss Roch. IV Anna, a favourite song V Malton Lordship.. ', NULL, 'Falkirk: : Printed and sold by Patrick Mair, at his new printing office, in the High-Street, opposite to the Cross-Well,, 1783.. ', 'Falkirk', 'Mair, Patrick', NULL, '1783-01-01 00:00:00', '1783-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\n\"Sarah\" is as thus, and the \"V\" has slipped and appears below the line; a variant has \"Sarch\" and the \"V\" is in where it should be.', 'ESTC T178434', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2764, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hunting of Chevychase : A bloody battle fought by Earls Douglas and Percy, where above fourteen hundred Scotsmen, and near two thousand Englishmen were slain in one day. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Percy, Henry, Lord, 1364-1403.\r\nDouglas, James Douglas, Earl of, ca. 1', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2765, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three old Scottish songs : The farmer\'s daughter. Scornfu\' Nancy. The sodger laddie. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1830-1840?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2766, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'No. 2. Five excellent songs : Namely : - We\'ll meet beside the dusky glen. A sailor\'s life. The banks of the Devon. Lash\'d to the helm. The Bay of Biscay. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Sold by T. Johnston, [1820-1830?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2767, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four popular songs : Rigs of the fair. My mither men\'t my auld breeks. Black-eyed Susan. O say not woman\'s tongue is stopped. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2768, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four Scottish songs : The haughs of Cromdale. Battle of the Nile. Despairing Mary. I\'ll aye ca\' in by yon town. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2769, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four comic songs : Namely, The washing day, Maggy Lauder, Hey the bonny gill stoups, Doctor Monro. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, [1820-1830?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2770, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six favourite songs : Cooper Davie. The ploughman. My love is like a red, red rose. The lea rig. The shepherd\'s courtship. Scotia\'s sons. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, [1820-1830?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade index and external evidence.\r\nCooper Davie : Air - Dainty Davie.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2771, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four popular comic songs : Namely The old bachelor. The fireman waterman. The west countryman. The Irish smugglers. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston, [1820-1830?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2772, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'The old Scots tragical song of Sir James the Rose. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1830-1840?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.\r\nThe first verse of the song also appears on the title page.\r\nBoth the illustration and typeface on the title page differ from the copy at L.C.2829(29). The text is identical. S', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2773, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'The old Scots tragical song of Sir James the Rose. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1830-1840?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.\r\nThe first verse of the song also appears on the title page.\r\nBoth the illustration and typeface on the title page differ from the copy at L.C.2829(21). The text is identical. S', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2774, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The old Scots ballad of Andrew Lammie, or, Mill of Tifty\'s Annie. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [1830-1840?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2775, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hunting of Chevy-chase : A bloody battle fought by Earls Douglas and Percy, where above fourteen hundred Scotsmen, and near two thousand Englishmen, were slain in one day. ', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the booksellers, [1870-1885?] ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Percy, Henry, Lord, 1364-1403.\r\nDouglas, James Douglas, Earl of, ca. 1', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2776, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Bon-Accord Sangster : containing, Bon-Accord; Saturday eve; Liberty, equality and fraternity; The pipes; The pipe and bowl; and Welcome to the festival. ', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the booksellers, 1875. ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1875-01-01 00:00:00', '1875-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.\r\nBon-Accord : Tune - For a\' that an\' a\' that.\r\nSaturday eve : Tune - Jeanette et Jeannot.\r\nLiberty, equality and fraternity : Tune - Rob Rorison\'s bannet.\r\nThe pipes : Tu', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2777, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'The old Scottish tragical ballad of Sir James the Rose. ', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the booksellers, [1870-1885?] ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nThe first verse of the song also appears on the title page.\r\nThe typeface on the title page differs from copies at L.C.2830(8), etc.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2778, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Harlaw : to which are added Willie\'s drowned in Gamrie and Bogie-side. ', NULL, 'Fintray : Printed for the booksellers, [1870-1885?] ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2779, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Duke of Gordon\'s three daughters : to which are added Jem of Aberdeen and The bonny House of Airly. ', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the booksellers, [1870-1885?] ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2780, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Duke of Gordon\'s three daughters : to which are added Jem of Aberdeen and The bonny House o\' Airly. ', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the booksellers, [1870-1885?] ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2781, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The old Scottish ballad of Andrew Lammie; or Mill of Tifty\'s Annie. ', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the booksellers, [1870-1885?] ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2782, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The excellent old Scottish song of The blaeberry courtship. : To which is added The crook & plaid.', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the booksellers, [1870-1885?] ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 10.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Ilustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nThe text block differs from the copy at L.C.2830(5) and there is a fullstop in the title after \'courtship\'', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2783, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The old Scotch ballad of Andrew Lammie; or Mill of Tifty\'s Annie. ', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the flying stationers, [1870-1885?] ', 'Fintray', 'Flying Stationers', NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2784, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The water lily : Containing The licensed grocer; Fa pushioned the doggie? Nearing the dawn; The New Year\'s advice; and Wattie\'s pipes. ', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the booksellers, [1870-1885?] ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nThe licensed grocer : Tune - The auld wife ayont the fire.\r\nFa pushioned the doggie? : Tune - Cauld kail in Aberdeen.\r\nNearing the dawn : Tune - Scots, wha hae.\r\nThe New Year\'s advice : Tune - Maggie Lauder.\r\nWattie\'s pipes : ', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2785, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jemmy and Nancy of Yarmouth; or The constant lovers : A tragical ballad. ', NULL, '[Fintray] : Printed for the booksellers, [1870-1885?] ', 'Fintray', NULL, NULL, '1870-01-01 00:00:00', '1885-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2786, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. : I. Peace with America: a new Scotch song. II. The merchant\'s son, and the beggar-wench of Hull. III. The swain design\'d for love and me. IV. O\'er the moor to Maggy.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nPeace with America: a new Scotch song : Tune - Nae luck about the house.', 'ESTC T182883', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2787, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : I. A new song in praise of Admiral Rodney. II. Jack the brisk young drummer. III. Charley he\'s my darling.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Entered according to order., [1783?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1783-01-01 00:00:00', '1783-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', 'ESTC T174690', 0, 'Rodney, George Brydges Rodney, Baron, 1719-1792 Early works to 1800.\r\n', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2788, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The married man\'s lament; or, Fairly shot of her. : To which is added, The butcher\'s daughter. The roving young man. Todlan butt, and todlan ben. The complaint of the poor.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', 'ESTC T173523', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2789, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs. : I. The miser\'s daughter. II. The absent lover. III. As through a grove I took my way. IV. The answer. V. Clout the caldron.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe absent lover : Tune - O my love, is far from me, &c.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', 'ESTC T180194', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2790, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : I. The rock and a wee pickle tow. II. The tankard of ale. III. Labour in vain.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', 'ESTC T174775', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2791, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. : I. King James the first and the tinker. II. King William and his bold forrester. III. Paul and Nanny. IV. Braw Johnny Bute.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nBraw Johnny Bute : Tune - Flowers of Edinburgh.', 'ESTC T182828', 0, 'James I, King of Scotland, 1394-1437 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2792, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : I. The maid going to sell her barley. II. The tistle [sic] and rose. III. Woman is a trifle.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nIn this edition \"new songs\" is printed in roman and \"tistle\" is as thus.', 'ESTC T209330', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2793, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs. : I. The Cambridge tender, with the answer. II. The tempest. III. Cuckold\'s comfort. IV. Engaging Polly. V. The fate of the Ramilies.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', 'ESTC T180195', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2794, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jeany Diver. : To which are added, Tom Broun. Charming Sally. The new way of taliho. Katharine Ogie.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'ESTC T187833', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2795, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The soldier\'s return, with his kind reception : To which are added, Saturday\'s night at sea. Buxom Nan of Dover. Jamie Gay on the River Tweed. Liberty much to be desired. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.\r\nThe soldier\'s return : Tune - The mill, mill o.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2796, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Irish wedding : To which are added, The rigs of barley. The tinker\'s song. The milk maid got with child at a wake. A seafaring song. The auld yellow-hair\'d laddie ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2797, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The London \'prentice; 0r, The wanton mistress : To which are added, Damon and Florella, and Down the burn Davie. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2798, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The ghaist, (an old Scottish poem.) : To which is added, The resolute lady, or, Fortunate footman. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2799, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The king and the tinkler [sic] : To which is added, Tom and Polly. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by W. Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2800, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lord Roslin\'s daughter : To which are added, The maid\'s complaint, Fair Ellen, and The faithless lover. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2801, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blae berries ; or, The highland laird\'s courtship to a farmer\'s daughter : To which is added, The humble beggar. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by W. Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2802, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bold mariners : To which are added, How to tell a story. Does haughty Gaul. And Todlen butt, and todlen ben. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by W. Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2803, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The flowers of the forest : Composed on the battle of Flowden Field, fought 5th Sept. 1513. To which is added, Auld Rob Morris. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2804, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blackamoor in the wood : A lamentable ballad, on the tragical end of a gallant lord and virtuous lady, together with the untimely death of their two children, wickedly performed by a heathenish and blood-thirsty villain, their servant, the like of whi', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2805, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tired soldier : To which are added, Mrs. Hall, Auld Lang Syne, Begone dull care, Queen Mary\'s lamentation, The death of Sally Roy and Inconstant Sue. ', NULL, '[Greenock] : Wm. Scott, Printer, Greenock, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2806, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The rambling boy with the answer : To which are added, Cynthia\'s perplexity, and The sailor\'s tragedy. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nThe sailor\'s tragedy : Tune - How sweet the love.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2807, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blythsome bridal : To which are added, The braes of Balquhither. And The thirsty lover. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2808, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The heir of Linne : An old ballad. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nThere is a glossary of \'obsolete words\' on the title page.\r\nOn title page : The heir of Linne seems not to have been a Lord of Parliament, but a laird, who', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2809, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scots medley : To which are added, The land of Shilelah, Maggy Lauder, and Bessy Bell and Mary Gray. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2810, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Moorland Johnny : To which are added, The potatoe merchant. And William at eve. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nMoorland Johnny : Tune - Flowers of Edinburgh.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2811, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lass o\' Gowrie : To which are added, Fair Jenny, Duncan M\'Callachan, Musha grah what will become o\' me, I was the boy for bewitching \'em. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2812, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gow\'s fareweel to whisky : To which are added, Paddy Abdallah\'s legacy. John Bull is his name. Anna. Harvest home. And John Anderson, my Jo. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by W. Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2813, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Middlesex Llora : To which are added, O tell me how for to woo. The posie. The joys of Highland Donald\'s wife. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by W. Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2814, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Polly privateer : To which are added, Colin and Lucy. Cauld kail in Aberdeen. And Dennis Delany. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by W. Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2815, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack and the giants. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2816, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of John Cheap the chapman : Containing above ahundred [sic] merry exploits done by him and his fellow traveller, Drouthy Tom, a sticked shaver. In three parts. John Cheap the Chapman, was a very comical short thick fellow with a broad face and', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2817, 'Doddridge, Philip, 1702-1751', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life of the honourable Col. James Gardiner : Who was slain at the battle of Preston-pans, September, 21st, 1745. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by W. Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Gardiner, James, 1688-1745.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2818, 'Doddridge, Philip, 1702-1751', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life of the honourable Col. James Gardiner : Who was slain at the battle of Preston-pans, September, 21st, 1745. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, printer, bookseller & stationer, 1812. ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Gardiner, James, 1688-1745.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2819, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and adventures of Sir Wm. Wallace : General and governor of Scotland. With the valiant exploits of King Robert Bruce. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by W. Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Wallace, William, Sir, d. 1305 Biography.\r\nRobert I, King of Scots, 12', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2820, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical adventures of the late Mr. James Spiller, comedian; at Epsom in England : A true humorous tale. To which is added, The pleasant story of Obadiah Mousetrap with witticisms, &c. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by W. Scott, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Spiller, James.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2821, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Interesting particulars of the last moments, and execution, of Moses M\'Donald : Who was executed at Greenock, on the 5th June, 1812, for house-breaking and theft. ', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, and sold by Thomas Young, bookseller, [1812-1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', 'Young, Thomas', '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2822, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The gallant exploits of Lord Dundee : Containing a description of the Battle of Killicranky, and an account of the heroic adventures of the officers who survived that battle, interspersed with remarks on the manners, customs, &c. of the ancient highlander', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by Scott & Jenkins, [1820?] ', 'Greenock', 'Scott & Jenkins', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Graham, John, Viscount Dundee, 1648-1689', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2823, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The age and life of man: or, A short description of the nature, rise, and fall, according to the twelve months of the year : To which are added, I\'ll never love thee more. Henry\'s cottage-maid. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805.\r\nThe age and life of man : Tune - Isle of Kell.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2824, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The old man outwitted: or, The fortunate lovers : To which are added, Thro\' the wood laddie. How happy the soldier. The marriage act. Friendship\'s a jewel. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2825, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The beds of roses : To which are added, Arra Captain Agra. The reformed drunkard. The choice of a wife. The choice of a husband. O! wonder to hear! ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2826, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'John Highlandman\'s remarks on the city of Glasgow : To which are added, Johnny and Molly. Original of Tweedside. The ploughman lad. The braes of Yarrow.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 18.) Saltmarket, 1807. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2827, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The world\'s a stage on which each man acts his part : To which are added, A sailor\'s account of the surrender of the French fleet at Cadiz. Celia\'s complaint for the loss of her shepherd. Sweet Robin\'s elopement. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, 1808.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2828, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The northern ditty; or, The citizen outwitted by a country damsel : To which are added, A ten year\'s siege. The new way of the blind boy. The old way of the blind boy. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, 1808.\r\nThe northern ditty : Tune - Love and time.\r\nThe ten year\'s seige : Tune - I lo\'ed ne\'er a laddie but ane.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2829, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song of old sayings : To which are added, A touch of the terrific. Saw ye my wee thing? Britons only conquer to save. Caledonia look\'d down. An Irish drinking song. The yellow-hair\'d laddie. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, No. 20. Saltmarket, 1809. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, 1809.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2830, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Hodge of the mill or An old woman clothed in grey : To which are added, The Staffordshire tragedy. Jenny dang the weaver. The pleasures of wooing. Och hey, Johnny lad. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1809. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1809.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2831, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An old Scots song. : Entitled Gill Morice.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'ESTC T042177', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2832, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s epitaph; or, Tom Bowling under the hatches. : To which are added, The phoenix. \'Twas yes, kind sir. Poor Gaffer Gray. The paradox.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T203068', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2833, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The drowned mariner; or, The lowlands of Holland hath twin\'d my love & me. : To which are added, The sporting hay-makers. Absent jockey. By that borrowed kiss. Temple of friendship.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T163299', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2834, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The unhappy lover; or, Ruined virgin. : To which are added, Guardian angels, with The answer. Young Rosalind. The cobler of Castle Bury.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T194726', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2835, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The girl I left behind me. With The answer. : To which are added, Anna\'s urn. Vauxhall watch. Seize occasion.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T185329', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2836, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The British grenadiers : To which are added, O the days when I was young. Invasion threatened. A new sea song. The kind are young and fair. Queen Mary\'s lamentation.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T166749', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2837, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lass of Ocram. : To which are added, The heavy hours. His Majesty\'s forces praised. Orra Moor.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'ESTC T166749', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2838, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The constant swain. : To which are added, The white conduit house. The maid\'s lamentation for a sailor. Blind cupid. A jorum of this. Advice to the fair sex.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'ESTC T165441', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2839, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Oxfordshire tragedy; or, The virgin\'s advice. : In two parts. Part I. How fair Rosanna, of the city of Oxford, was by a young gentleman betray\'d of her virginity. Part II. His cruelty in murdering her; and how a rose-bush sprung upon her grave, which ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'ESTC T169908', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2840, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three herring in sa\'t, with The answer. : To which are added, The ladies\' amusement. Hawke\'s engagement. Seize occasion.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'ESTC T176017', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2841, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The constant lover\'s happy meeting; or, The faithful soldier\'s return. : To which are added, Princess Elizabeth\'s lamentation. A king smitten by a beggar wench. Nymphs of Britain.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'ESTC T165417', 0, 'Elizabeth, I, Queen of England, 1553-1603 Early works to 1800.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2842, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wat\'ry god. : To which are added, High Jenny high. The cold winter night. The young man\'s petition. The nymph\'s reply.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'ESTC T192951', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2843, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dandy---o. : To which are added, Tippet is the dandy---o. The toper\'s advice. Picking lilies. The dying swan.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'ESTC T190595', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2844, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The innocent maid in Bedlam. : To which are added, Gilderoy. Captain Delany\'s ramble, with The lady\'s answer.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'ESTC T188846', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2845, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The factor\'s garland. : In four parts. Part I. Being a true account how a young man (after having rioted away part of his estate) became factor to several merchants in London. How he found the corpse of a dead Christian lying on the ground in Turkey, and ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J and M Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'ESTC T185894', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2846, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jolly miller. : To which are added. Jamie out at sea. Jack the sailor parting with his Molly. Charming Celia. Homward [sic] bound. The heaving of the lead.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'ESTC T189204', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2847, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The shepherd\'s daughter. : To which are added, The sailor\'s return. The gown of green. Foolish fort, a heart.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'ESTC T180834', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2848, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tar metamorphosed; or, the esquire tricked. : To which is added, The shepherd outwitted.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'ESTC T180834', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2849, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The disappointed sailor. : To which are added, The rapture. The broom of Cowden-knows. The chimney sweeper.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'ESTC T201674', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2850, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wandering shepherdess; or, the betrayed damsel. : To which is added, Go look, go look.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'ESTC T175885', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2851, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blythsome bridal; or, the lass wi\' the gowden hair. : To which are added, A new touch on the times. Love and life. This is no mine ain house.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'ESTC T022928', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2852, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The maid milking her cow. : To which are added, A song by General Wolf [sic]. The loving and united valentine. Louisa the fair.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1800.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800.', 'ESTC T172326', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2853, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The light dragoon. : To which are added, The orange and blue, and The humours of Smithfield.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1800.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800.', 'ESTC T169987', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2854, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The virgin\'s choice; or Youth preferred to old age. : To which are added, Let ambition fire thy mind. Fidele\'s tomb. Tarry woo. Love and despair. The Queen of France\'s lamentation.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1800.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800.', 'ESTC T179042', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2855, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of fair Rosamond, : Concubine to K. Henry the II.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1800.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800.', 'ESTC T168954', 0, 'Clifford, Rosamond Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2856, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Roy\'s wife of Aldivalloch, with The happy relief; or, o\'er the muir amang the heather: : To which are added, The three jolly colliers. The joyful widower. Merry may the maid be.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1800.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799 [sic].\r\nThe joyful widower : Tune - Maggy Lauder.', 'ESTC T193262', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2857, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The snug bit of land in the ocean. : To which are added, Chloe how blubber\'d is thy cheeks. Rundy\'s song in the farmer. The marriage act. The beautiful markets of Glasgow. The wedding day. Father Dennis\'s comfort.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1800.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J & M Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800.', 'ESTC T160221', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2858, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The valiant trooper; or Pretty Peggy\'s humble petition for marriage : To which are added, The widow\'s lamentation, Fame urg\'d him to the field. A furnished table. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2859, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Irish Dragoons; or Pretty Peggy of Derby o : To which are added, The cordelier. Non-performance. Jack the broom-cutter. Lampton\'s march. Sweet Robinette. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2860, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tempest : To which are added, The Cambridge tender, with The answer. The joys of the harvest. Smirky Nan. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.\r\nThe tempest : Tune - Brother debtor.\r\nSmirky Nan : Tune - My nanny o.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2861, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The vanity of pride : To which are added, Matrimonial deafness. Young men are deceitful. For the love of Jean. The distressed maiden, with The answer. The men will romance. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2862, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The kail brose of auld Scotland : To which are added, The humble beggar. My apron deary. The patriot fair. The happy marriage. The soldier\'s return. Gentleman rakes of the town. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. [&] M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2863, 'Love, Christopher, 1618-1651', 0, NULL, 0, 'The strange and wonderful predictions of Mr. Christopher Love : Minister of the Gospel at Lawrence-Jury London, who was beheaded on Tower-Hill, on the account of his religion. Likewise giving you an account of great wars in America in 1780, with the destr', NULL, 'Glasgow: : Printed and sold by J. & J. Robertson, MDCCLXXVII.. [1777] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and J.', NULL, '1777-01-01 00:00:00', '1777-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ESTC T180326', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2864, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wonderful and most astonishing account of Alexander Libanus; : who having spent all his money, sold himself to the devil, on condition that he should give him as much money as he choosed, but withal at the end of thirteen years, should be at his dispo', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n.], Printed in the year MDCCLXXXIX [1789] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1789-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T179799', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2865, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of John Gregg, and his family, of robbers and murderers. : Who took up their abode in a cave near to the sea-side, in Clovaley in Devonshire, where they liv\'d twenty-five years without so much as once going to visit any city, or town. How they', NULL, 'Glasgow, : [s.n.], Printed in the year. [1789?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1789-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'A version of the story of Sawney Bean, the cannibal.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T167605', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2866, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun: or, the comical merry tricks of Leper the taylor. Part I.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow: : [s.n.], Printed in the year, MDCCLXXXIX. [1789] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1789-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T184105', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2867, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun: or, the comical merry tricks of Leper the taylor. Part II.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : [s.n.], Printed in the year, MDCCLXXXIX. [1789] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1789-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T184110', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2868, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The grand solemnity of the taylor\'s funeral, : who lay nine days in state on his own garret shop-board. Together with his last will.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow: : [s.n.], Printed in the year, 1789.. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1789-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T166231', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2869, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history and comical transactions of Lothian Tom. : In six parts. Wherein is contained a collection of roguish exploits done by him, both in Scotland and England.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, MDCCXC. [1790] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T194133', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2870, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Merry tales of the wise men of Gotham. : To which is added, a collection of jests.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : [s.n.], Printed in the year, MDCCXC. [1790] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'On title page : Of merry books this is the chief, It is a purging pill, To carry off all heavy grief, And make you laugh your fill.', 'ESTC T172168', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2871, 'Johnson, Richard, 1573-1659?', 0, NULL, 0, 'The renowned history of the seven champions of Christendom. : Viz, St. George of England, St. James of Spain, St. Andrew of Scotland, St. David of Wales, St. Dennis of France, St. Anthony of Italy, and St. Patrick of Ireland. Shewing, their valiant exploi', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. and M. Robertson,, MDCCXCIV. [1794] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAn edition of \'The most famous history of the seven champions of Christendome\'.\r\nAnonymous. By Richard Johnson.', 'ESTC T169089', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2872, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical sayings of Pady from Cork: : with his coat button\'d behind. Being an elegant conference between English Tom and Irish Teague.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., 1794.. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nOther editions by Roymore McClosky, which is a pseudonym.\r\nSometimes attributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T183395', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2873, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith, : reformed and corrected. Giving an account of her death, and of her journey to Heaven; how, on the road, she fell in with Judas, who led her to the gate of Hell, and what conversation she had with the Devil, who would not let her in: a', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. and M. Robertson,, MDCCXCV, [1795] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Based on the tale, \'The wife of Bath\', by Geoffrey Chaucer.\r\nIn verse and prose.', 'ESTC T176133', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2874, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the king and the cobler. : In two parts. Part I. Shews how King Henry VIIIth used to visit the watches in the city; his acquaintance with a merry cobler ; how he was entertained in the cobler\'s cellar, and what had like to have befallen the', 'A new edition, carefully corrected. ', 'Glasgow, : Printed in the Saltmarket,, MDCCXCVIII. [1798] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ESTC T185485', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2875, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The surprizing adventures, of Jack Oakum, & Tom Splicewell, : two sailors, who went a pirating on the King\'s highway. How that the first prize they took gave information of their course, and being pursued by a whole squadron, Tom Splicewell was taken and ', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n.], Printed in the year, 1798. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC N025874', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2876, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The conquest of France; : with the life and glorious actions of Edward the Black Prince, son to Edward III. King of England, his victory, with about 12,000 archers and men at arms, over Philip of France, and 100,000 Frenchmen; his vanquishing King John of', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson,, 1798.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T161258', 0, 'Edward, Prince of Wales, 1330-1376 Early works to 1800.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2877, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Account of a most surprizing savage girl, : who was caught wild in the woods of Champagne, a province in France. Containing a true and faithful narrative of many curious and intersesting particulars respecting this wonderful phenomenon. Translated from th', NULL, '[Glasgow] : [s.n.], Printed in the year, 1798.. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nSometimes attributed to Charles Marie de la Condamine.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T163460', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2878, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Vice punished, and virtue rewarded: : being the history of Mr Thomas Thoroughgood, and Mr Francis Froward, two apprentices to the same master. Published at the request of several gentlemen of the Common Council of the City of London, for the benefit of al', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson,, MDCCXCVIII. [1798] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ESTC T177095', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2879, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Fortunatus. : Setting forth his birth, life, travels, and adventures in most parts of the world. How the Lady Fortune appeared to him, and gave him a rich purse that never wanted money; and also (in his travels) how he got from the Soldan a', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. and M. Robertson,, MDCCXCIX. [1799] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'On title page : The Lady Fortune gave such a purse in Spain, When it was empty, straight \'twas full again.', 'ESTC T167556', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2880, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the destruction of Troy. : Together with the mighty deeds, and valorous exploits of the renowned warriors, Hector, Prince of Troy, and Hercules the Grecian.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 24 reads : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.', 'ESTC T185421', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2881, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the four kings, : of Canterbury, Colchester, Cornwall, & Cumberland. Their queens and daughters: being the merry tales of Tom Hodge and his school-fellows.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : [s.n.], Printed in the year, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ESTC T185439', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2882, 'Bickerstaff, Isaac, 1735-1812', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life, strange voyages, and uncommon adventures of Ambrose Gwinett, : formerly known to the public by the lame beggar: who for a long time, swept the way at the Mewsgate, Charing-Cross. Containing, an account of his being convicted and hanged in chains', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1800.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at the foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800.\r\nAttributed to Isaac Bickerstaff.', 'ESTC T169238', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2883, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the Emperor Manalay, and his virtuous wife. : A story taken from antient history.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1800.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at the foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nOn title page : Here Virtue got it\'s just reward, Tho\' cost the Fair much pain; As you shall quickly understand, When you peruse the sa', 'ESTC T185434', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2884, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of several remarkable earthquakes which have happened in various quarters of the world; : with the direful consequences that have accrued from those dreadful convulsions of nature. Occasional shocks of which, have been felt in Scotland, within ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1800.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at the foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC N001827', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2885, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The mad pranks of Tom Tram, son-in-law to Mother Winter : To which are added his merry jests, odd conceits, and pleasant tales, being very delightful to read. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, MDCCCII. [1802] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at the foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, MDCCCII.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2886, 'Merry Andrew at Tam-Tallan', 0, NULL, 0, 'The ancient and modern history of Buck-haven, in Fife-shire : Wherein is contained, the antiquities of their old dress. The Bucky-boat with a flag of a green tree; with their dancing, Willy and his trusty rapper. Their burgess ticket, with a view of their', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.8, '10', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at the foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, 1806.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2887, 'Greene, Robert, 1558?-1592', 0, NULL, 0, 'Dorastus and Fawnia, or, The life and adventures of a German princess. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 18.) Saltmarket, 1807. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at the foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 18.) Saltmarket, 1807.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2888, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A whetstone for dull wits: or, A new collection of riddles : for the entertainment of youth. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1809. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '20', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at the foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1809.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nThere is a four-line quote on the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2889, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tippling farmer : To which are added, The byestander. What a beau my granny was. The new ramilies. The sailor\'s return from Cape Breton. She\'s as the opening lilly fair. The disconsolate sailor. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2890, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bold hairy cap : To which are added, The crooked rib. Bonny Bessy. What\'s that to you. The sailor\'s farewel. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.\r\nBonny Bessy : Tune - Bessy\'s haggies.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2891, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s misfortune and happy marriage : To which are added, The rover reformed. The description of a man of war. The royal sailor. A monstrous good song. Jenny\'s impatience for Jockey\'s return. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2892, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Turkish lady : To which are added, My mother did so before me. Jockey to the fair. The happy beggars. Cynthia\'s perplexity. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2893, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The country cousin : To which are added, Paddy O Blarney. Davy Jone\'s Locker. A drop of a dram. Edward and Betsy. The lover\'s disappointment. Wine is commander. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.\r\nPaddy O Blarney : Written and sung by Mr Dibdin.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2894, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The constant swain : To which are added, The white conduit house. Steer her up, and ha\'d her gawn. A friendly advice. A jorum of this. Blind cupid. Advice to the fair sex. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2895, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The goodman\'s grief for the ewie wi the crooked horn : To which are added, Sweet and smart. The sailor in the west. The pigeon on an errand. The bird. A new song. The lover\'s chain. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2896, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Dutchess of Newcastle\'s lament : To which are added, The deceived batchelor. Sweet Jeany. The fickle fix\'d. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.\r\nSweet Jeany : Tune - Among the Birk Bushes, etc.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2897, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent old song intitled, Maggy Lauther : To which are added, The farmer\'s son. The fond swain and sleeping maid. The sailor\'s return. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2898, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tar\'s conquest; or, The young sailor\'s ramble : To which are added, The taking of Martinico. Billy and Susan\'s parting. Love in low life. Nancy\'s complaint for the loss of her sailor. Braw Johnny Bute. I fear your disdain. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.\r\nBraw Johnny Bute : Tune - Flowers of Edinburgh.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2899, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The ladies breastknot : To which are added, The Highland laddie. Vulcan\'s cup. The happy fireside. The silken snood. To signora Cuzzoni. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, 'Cuzzoni, Francesca, d. 1770.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2900, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blaeberries; or, The highland laird\'s courtship to a farmer\'s daughter : To which are added, Edward and Betsy. O dear! I\'m so pleas\'d. A drop of a dram. The happy marriage. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2901, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jolly sailor: or, The lady of Greenwich : To which are added, Pretty Peggy\'s love to sailor Jack. The sailor\'s widow\'s lament for his death on board the Trial. Merry may the maid be. When late I wander\'d. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2902, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The farmer\'s son or, The unfortunate lovers : To which are added, The captain of love. My mother did so before me. Just the thing. The wild rover. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.\r\nThe farmer\'s son : Tune - The royal cottager.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2903, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The rambling boy with the answer : To which are added, The gallant sailor. The new way of Admiral Benbow. Cynthia\'s perplexity. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2904, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Belfast maid\'s lamentation for the loss of her sweetheart : To which are added, Gentlemen rakes of the town. The humours of Rosemary Lane. The whistling daughter. Pady O Blarney. Wine is commander. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.\r\nPaddy O Blarney : Written and sung by Mr Dibdin.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2905, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The old hulk laid up or, The new way of Tom Tough : To which are added, The snug little island. The highland queen. The jovial widower. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.\r\nThe jovial widower : Tune - Maggy Lauder.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2906, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The happy stranger; or, The fortunate meeting : To which are added, The humble beggar. My apron deary. The forsaken nymph. The patriot fair. The true hearted maiden. The female soldier. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2907, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Belfast shoemaker; or, Bold Irvine and Jane Wilson : To which are added, The cripple of Cornwall. The happy stranger. A sweet country life. The constant lady. The country lass\'s love for her sweetheart. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2908, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blythsome bridal; or, The lass wi\' the gouden hair : To which are added, A new touch on the times. Love and life. This is no mine ain house. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2909, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A false friend; or, A worthy master betray\'d : To which are added, Ad. Duncan\'s Victory over the Dutch fleet. The Bay of Biscay O. Cauld kail in Aberdeen. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, 'Duncan, Adam Viscount Duncan of Camperdown Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2910, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonaparte; or, The threaten\'d invasion : To which are added, The invasion. Nature\'s richest mine. Johnny Bluster\'s wife. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.\r\nBonaparte; or, The threaten\'d invasion : Tune - Bow wow, fal lal, &c.\r\nThe invasion : Tune - Jenny dang the weaver.\r\nJohnny', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2911, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The recruit\'s farewell to his wife and three children : To which are added, Nature\'s richest mine. The jolly toper. Convey a kiss. The Caledonian laddie. Johnny Bluster\'s wife. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.\r\nJohnny Bluster\'s wife : Tune - Willie Wastle dwalt on Tweed.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2912, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The luckie plou\'-boy : To which are added, The lamp-lighter. Virtue and wit, the preservatives of love and beauty. Sweet Jean of Tyrone. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.\r\nThe luckie plough-boy : To its ain proper tune.\r\nThe lamp-lighter : Sung by Mr. Dibdin.\r\nVirtue and wit, the preservatives of', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2913, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The shady grove : To which are added, The maid\'s complaint for Jockey. Happy Lizzy, blooming maid. The lass of Primrose-hill. The unfortunate swain. She wakes, Sabina wakes. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2914, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gosport tragedy; or, The perjured ship carpenter : To which are added, The Scots bonnet. The relief by the bowl. Get married as soon as you can. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2915, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new way of woo\'d & marry\'d & a\' : To which are added, My lodging is on the cold ground. Pinky-House. O gentle sleep. Advice to sailors. Willy\'s lovely voice. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2916, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s tragedy; or, False oaths punished : To which are added, Mary\'s dream, and The distressed sailor on the rocks of Scilly. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2917, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Hodge of the mill; or, An old woman clothed in grey : To which are added, Sorrow and care. Pipes and tobacco. The pleasures of wooing. Send home my heart & eyes. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2918, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The humours of Gravel-Lane; or, The cobler\'s daughter\'s wedding : To which are added, The magic cavern, or Virtue\'s triumph. Sweet Poll of Plymouth. Midnight watch. The British hero; or, Death of Gen. Wolfe. A smiling full bowl. The lamenting maiden. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, 'Wolfe, James 1727-1759.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2919, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The haughs of Crumdel, a memorable battle fought by the great Montrose and the clans against Oliver Cromwell : To which are added, I\'d think on thee my love. Mutual love. The fumbler\'s rant. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2920, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The two babes in the wood; or, The Norfolk gentleman\'s last will and testament : To which is added, Bid the coachman drive. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803 [sic].', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2921, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'John Highlandman\'s remarks on the City of Glasgow : To which are added, Johnny and Molly. Original of Tweedside. The ploughman lad. The braes of Yarrow. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2922, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The whistling daughter : To which are added, Phillis and Nancy. The humours of Rosemary Lane. St. Patrick\'s glory. The contented ruricolist. None so pretty. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2923, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bess the gawkie: or Jamie slighted : To which are added, The broom of Cowden Knows. The woman\'s praise of tea: with the man\'s answer. The thirsty lover. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2924, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The siege of Bellisle : To which are added, The novice. The lamenting maid. The answer. Bung your eye. Catch hold on today. The poor little orphan. To Lethe repair. She is fair and unkind. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2925, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Oxfordshire tragedy; or The virgin\'s advice : In two parts. Part I. How fair Rosanna of the city of Oxford, was by a young gentleman betray\'d of her virginity. Part II. His cruelty in murdering her; and how a rose-bush sprung upon her grave, which blo', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2926, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s wife\'s policy: or The knowing barber taken in : To which are added, The married man. Faults on both sides. The wife\'s answer. John and Susan. A love dialogue. The sweet little girl that I love. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2927, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The broom of Cowden-knows : To which are added, The disappointed sailor. Cruel Nell. The auld man\'s mare\'s dead. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2928, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blackamoor in the wood: or, A lamentable ballad on a tragical end of a gallant lord and virtuous lady : together with the untimely death of their two children, wickedly performed by a heathenish and blood-thirsty villain their servant. The like of whi', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2929, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The humble beggar : To which are added, The happy stranger. Observation on the times. My apron deary. Amynta\'s broken vow. The terrible law. The country cousin. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2930, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The fire-side companions : To which are added, Colin and Phebe. King John and the Bishop of Canterbury. With a frown she can kill. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2931, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The keys of love : To which are added, The lass of Galawater. The wounded farmer\'s son. The rover reclaim\'d. Lovely Damon. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2932, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The fair maid in bedlam; or, The deceitful Irish boy : To which are added, The true hearted maiden. The female soldier. The happy stranger. The patriot fair. Davy Jones\'s locker. The forsaken nymph. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2933, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Rosline fought on the plains of Rosline, 1303 : To which are added, Jack in his element. Virtue and wit, the preservatives of love and beauty. The lover\'s summons. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.\r\nVirtue and wit, the preservatives of love and beauty : Tune - Killicranky.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2934, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of John Cheap the chapman : containing above a hundred merry exploits done by him and his fellow-traveller, Drouthy Tom, a sticked shaver. In three parts. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold by R. Hutchison & Co. No. 10, Saltmarket, 1817. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2935, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John and his twelve misfortunes : which happened all in twelve days after the unhappy day of his marriage. Giving a particular account of his courtship and marriage to a scolding wife; which has been a mortifying misery to ma', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, 1817. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow: [Pu]blished and sold by R. Hutchison & Co. 1817.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nOn title page : O sirs, will you see, What it is to married be.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2936, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Mother goose\'s fairy tales : containing I. Little Red Riding Hood. II. Blue beard. III. Cinderilla; or, The little glass slipper. IV. Master cat; or, Puss in boots. V. The fairy. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, 1817. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow: Published and sold by R. Hutchison & Co. 1817.\r\nOn title page : Here Mother Goose in winter nights, The old and young she both delights.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2937, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Fortunatus : setting forth his birth, life, travels, and adventures in most parts of the world: how the Lady Fortune appeared to him, and gave him a rich purse that never wanted money: and also, in his travels, how he got from the Soldon a ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nOn title page : The Lady Fortune gave such a purse in Spain, When it was empty, straight \'twas full again.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2938, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Humorous poems : consisting of Hallowe\'en, The gudewife o\' Guilston, Scotch drink and The Battle of Blenheim. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by Robert Hutchison, bookseller, No. 19, Saltmarket, 1821. ', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse and prose.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2939, 'Williamson, Peter, 1730-1799', 0, NULL, 0, 'The surprising life and sufferings of Peter Williamson : who was carried off from Aberdeen in his infancy, and sold for a slave in North America. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published wholesale and retail, by Robert Hutchison, bookseller, 19, Saltmarket, 1822. ', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Williamson, Peter, 1730-1799.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2940, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The coalman\'s courtship to the creel-wife\'s daughter : In three parts. I. Containing a very curious dialogue between the carter and his mother, who instructs him in the true art of courtship. II. Sawny\'s visit to his sweet-heart, and what passed betwixt t', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for M\'Kenzie & Hutchison, booksellers, 16, Saltmarket, [1818-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'McKenzie & Hutchison', NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2941, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The unparalleled sufferings and surprising adventures of Philip Quarle : who was discovered by Mr Dorrington, a Bristol merchant, upon an uninhabited island in the South Sea, where he lived about fifty years without any human assistance. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for M\'Kenzie & Hutchison, booksellers, 16, Saltmarket, [1818-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'McKenzie & Hutchison', NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nAuthorship sometimes ascribed to Edward Dorrington, Alexander Bicknell, or Peter Longueville.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2942, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An awful, desperate and bloody battle, for the breeches : that was fought last Saturday night, between a lovely couple, who had been married a whole fortnight, and which ended not without bloodshed. Also, the articles of agreement and pacification between', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Thomas Duncan, No. 3, High Street, [1827?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, Thomas', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2943, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The travels and adventures of William Lithgow : in Europe, Asia, and Africa, during nineteen years. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for M\'Kenzie & Hutchison, booksellers, 16, Saltmarket, [1818-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'McKenzie & Hutchison', NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Lithgow, William, 1582-1645?', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2944, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sketches of conversations with James Wilson, alias M\'Lusky : during the time he was under sentence of death, who was executed at Glasgow, on the 4th of June, 1823, for the crime of house-breaking and theft. Published at his own request, in hope that his u', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Andrew Young, 150, Trongate, for Archibald Lang, 6, Wilson-Street, 1823. ', 'Glasgow', 'Young, Andrew', 'Lang, Archibald.', '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 14.3, '0', 'Price - One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at the foot of p. 12 reads : Andrew Young, Printer, Glasgow.', NULL, 0, 'M\'Lusky, James.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2945, 'Macneill, Hector, 1746-1818', 0, NULL, 0, 'Scotland\'s skaith; or, The sad effects of drunkenness : Exemplified in the history of Will and Jean. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1828. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, 'Cheap tracts,', 'No. 2.', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThere is a four line quote on the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2946, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life, transactions, & execution of Thomas Connor and Bell M\'Menemy : Who were executed at Glasgow on the 22d of October, 1828 for assault and robbery. Likewise, a list of all the criminals who have been executed in Glasgow for the last 68 years, with ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by John Muir, 30, Prince\'s Street, 1828. ', 'Glasgow', 'Muir, John', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2947, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'List of all the criminals who have been executed in Glasgow for the last 62 years : with their names and crimes, and the place and time of their suffering. Likewise, a list of the names of a great number of criminals, both male and female, who have been e', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by John Muir, 30, Prince\'s Street, 1828. ', 'Glasgow', 'Muir, John', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2948, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'List of all the criminals who have been executed in Glasgow for the last eighty-four years : with their names, crimes, and place and time of their suffering: likewise, a list of the names and crimes of persons who have been executed in Edinburgh, Stirling', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. Muir, 30, Prince\'s Street, [1838?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Muir, John', NULL, '1838-01-01 00:00:00', '1838-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2949, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and adventures of that notorious robber and murderer, Richard Turpin : with an account of his execution at Tyburn, on the 10th April, 1739, for horse stealing and murder. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : W. & R. Inglis & Co., 5, Melville Place, 132, Trongate, [1844-1846?] ', 'Glasgow', 'W. and R. Inglis & Co', NULL, '1844-01-01 00:00:00', '1846-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Turpin, Richard, 1706-1739.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2950, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of Rab Ha\' : The Glasgow Glutton, with an elegy / written by William Cameron, (alias \"Hawkie.\"). ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. Muir, 49, Trongate Street, [1843-1844?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Muir, John', NULL, '1843-01-01 00:00:00', '1844-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2951, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the imprisonment and execution of Poor Dennis : an Irishman, who was hung for robbery, and afterwards restored to life by his friends, and is now living in America!!! With an account of a highwayman whom he employed to rob his master. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : W. & R. Inglis & Co., 5, Melville Place, 132, Trongate, [1844-1846?] ', 'Glasgow', 'W. and R. Inglis & Co', NULL, '1844-01-01 00:00:00', '1846-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2952, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The three advices an Irish tale : to which is added The silent man. With a variety of anecdotes. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : W. & R. Inglis & Co., 5, Melville Place, 132, Trongate, [1844-1846?] ', 'Glasgow', 'W. and R. Inglis & Co', NULL, '1844-01-01 00:00:00', '1846-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2953, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of fair Rosamond : the beautiful mistress of King Henry the Second. Her birth & education at the nunnery of Godstow. And her death. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : W. & R. Inglis, & Co. 203, Gallowgate, [1853-1856?] ', 'Glasgow', 'W. and R. Inglis & Co', NULL, '1853-01-01 00:00:00', '1856-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Clifford, Rosamond Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2954, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Sir William Wallace. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : William Inglis, 5, Melville Place, 132, Trongate, [1844-1846?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Inglis, William.', NULL, '1844-01-01 00:00:00', '1846-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.2, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Wallace, William, Sir, d. 1305 Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2955, 'Walker, Patrick, 1666?-1745? ', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and prophecies of Mr. Alex. Peden : one of the Scots worthies. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : William Inglis, 5, Melville Place, 1838. ', 'Glasgow', 'Inglis, William.', NULL, '1838-01-01 00:00:00', '1838-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 'Peden, Alexander, 1626?-1686.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2956, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the melancholy death of seven young men : who fell victims to their own drunken resolutions, whereby they were all drowned, near Dumbarton, on a sabbath excursion. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : J. Murray, 47 Gallowgate, 1840. ', 'Glasgow', 'Murray, James', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2957, 'Smith, Elizabeth', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life, sufferings, and surprising adventures of Elizabeth Smith : daughter of a merchant in Greenock / Written by herself. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : David Trotter, 1850. ', 'Glasgow', 'Trotter, David.', NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2958, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Loss of the steam-ship Orion : on her passage from Liverpool to Glasgow. On Tuesday, June 18, 185[0]. ', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'At foot of p. 8 : Brown, Printer.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from internal evidence.\r\nCaption title.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2959, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Valentine and Orson. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1809. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, 20. Saltmarket, 1809.\r\nThere is a 4-line quote on the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2960, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The haughty duchess; or, Death and the lady : To which are added, The miller taken in, and A furnished table. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2961, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Grigor\'s ghost : In three parts. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, 1816. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2962, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Burns\' farewell : to which are added, The sailor from Dover, The Ayrshire laddie, and The shepherd\'s son. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, 1816. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2963, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tradesman\'s\' farewell : To which is added, The Battle of Toulouse, and The storm. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, 1816. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2964, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Paddy\'s rambles : to which is added, Lawrie O\'Broom, The banks of Clyde, and Donald o\' Dundee. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutcheson [sic] & Co. 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2965, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'St Helena for Bonaparte : to which is added, Go where glory waits thee, and Peggy I must love thee. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison and Co. Saltmarket, [1815-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 Exile St. Helena.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2966, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle o\' Vittoria : to which is added, Scotch Sandy\'s address, Gloomy winter\'s now awa\'. Jockey\'s far awa\', and Meg o\' the mill. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison and Co. Saltmarket, [1813-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2967, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The trade o\' langsyne, or, The mechanic\'s farewell : to which is added, Cawder Fair, John Anderson my Jo, The bonny wood of Craigie-lee, and The garland of love. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThe trade o\' langsyne, or, The mechanic\'s farewell : Tune - Auld langsyne.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2968, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous battle between Captain Ward and the rainbow : Maggy Lauder, and The beggar girl. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, 1816. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2969, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The banks of the Ban : to which is added, The soldier\'s dream, Edward and Mary, The maid of Erin, and Peggy Bawn. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, 1816. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2970, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The legacy : to which is added, The sailor\'s farewell, The Highland plaid, Jockey\'s far awa, and Gude forgi\'e me for lien\'. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2971, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonaparte\'s farewell : The Bay of Biscay o, The woodpecker, Tom Starboard, Lash\'d to the helm, and Kitty of Colrain. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, [1815-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2972, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The burn side : to which is added, The braes of Balquhither, The miller, The rantin\' Highlandman, and The turtle dove. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2973, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The crafty princess; or, The golden bull : In four parts. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, 1816. ', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2974, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The factor\'s garland, and princess\' happy marriage : In four parts. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, 1816. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2975, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sir James the Rose : To which is added, The fourteenth of April, and The Shannon and Chesapeake. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, [1813-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2976, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty and Meg; or, The wife reformed : A tale. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, 1817. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nOn title page : We dream in courtship, but in wedlock wake.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2977, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The factor\'s garland, and princess\' happy marriage : In four parts. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, [1816?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2978, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tak your auld cloak about ye : To which is added, Willie was a wanton wag, Tam Glen, and From thee, Eliza, I must go. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2979, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Blue e\'ed Mary : to which are added, Tam Glen, This is no my ain house, The wounded hussar, Young Jockey, and Kenmure\'s on and awa, Willie. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2980, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty and Meg; or The wife reformed. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nOn title page : We dream in courtship, but in wedlock wake. Pope.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2981, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bruce\'s address : The deil cam fiddling. The flower o\' Dumblain. The exile of Erin. Blithe was she. Tom Bowling. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2982, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Donald o\' Dundee : to which are added, The braes o\' Gleniffer, Bold dragoon, The land o\' the leal, Highland Mary, From thee Eliza, I must go. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nThe braes o\' Gleniffer : Tune - Bonny Dundee.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2983, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The memorable Battle of Bannockburn : to which is added, The star of the east. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nThe memorable Battle of Bannockburn : Tune - In the garb of Old Gaul, &c.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2984, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sprig of shilela, &c. : To which are added, Bonny Jessie, Tweedside, Tam Glen, and A good excuse for drinking. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2985, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The corn laws, a new song : to which is added, The land of the thistle. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, 10, Saltmarket, [1814-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and internal evidence.\r\nNew corn laws - A song : Tune - The factor\'s garland.\r\nThe land of the thistle : Tune - Black Jock.\r\nAt foot of text on p. 8 : D. Mackenzie, Printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2986, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Beauties of Glasgow : to which are added, Bonny Jessie, and Fy gar rub her o\'er wi\' strae. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2987, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Grigor\'s ghost. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2988, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'My boy Tammy : to which is added, Tak\' your auld cloak about ye; The seven days work; and Virtue only in the mind. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2989, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the wicked life and horrid death of Dr. John Faustus. : Shewing, how he sold himself to the devil, to have power for 24 years to do what he pleased. Also, the strange things done by him and Mephostophiles. With an account how the devil came', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed in the Saltmarket,, MDCCXC. [1790] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T165668', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2990, 'Boyd, Allan, fl. 1789-1820', 0, NULL, 0, 'The explication of, the prophecies of Thomas Rymer. : Wherein is contained, certain remarks of what is already come to pass, with some curious observations on what is yet to come. Which is carefully collected and compared with ancient old prophecies, and ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Printed in the Saltmarket,, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nIn verse and prose.', 'ESTC T183925', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2991, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The first and second part of the new proverbs on the pride of women: or, The vanity of this world displayed. : To which is added, an excellent receipt to all young men who want a wife, how to wale her by the mouth; besides you have an account of the girls', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Printed in the [Saltmarket?, 1792] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1792-01-01 00:00:00', '1792-12-31 00:00:00', '[8]', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T183714', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2992, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'A tale of three bonnets. : In four cantos.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. and M. Robertson,, MDCCXCV. [1795] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAnonymous. By Allan Ramsay.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T172827 ;Martin 237', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2993, 'Ogilvie, William, 1688 or 9-1729', 0, NULL, 0, 'The wonderful conferences which passed between the ghost of Mr. Maxwell of Cool, and the Rev. Mr. Ogilvy of Innerwick, : as it was found in Mr. Ogilvy\'s closet, after his death, and written by his own hand.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed in the Saltmarket, MDCCXCV [1795] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nFirst published in 1762 as \'A copy of several conferences and meetings that past betwixt the Rev. Mr. Ogilvie and the ghost of Mr. Maxwell, late laird of Cool\' (NUC).', 'ESTC T179791', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2994, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and adventures of Sir William Wallace, General and Governor of Scotland. : Containing, a particular account of his most remarkable battles with King Edward (Longshanks); and of his mournful fate at London, after he was betrayed into the hands of ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J and M Robertson,, MDCCXCIX. [1799] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T168225', 0, 'Wallace, William, Sir, d. 1305.\r\nRobert I, King of Scots, 1274-1329', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2995, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Christ\'s kirk on the green; : in three cantos. Containing, a very humorous description of a country wedding, with a squabble that ensued: also, how a peace was made up, and a\' things \'gree\'d again. / Written by King James the First, when confined a prison', NULL, 'Glasgow, : [s.n.], Printed in the year MDCCXCIX. [1799] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'The first canto attributed to James I, King of Scotland, the other two being Allan Ramsay\'s.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T166030 ;Martin 249', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2996, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The whole proceedings of Jockey and Maggy : In five parts. I. Jockey and Maggy\'s courtship, as they were coming from the market. II. The wonderful works of our John, shewing how he made Janet like an Elshinhaft, and got his ain Maggy wi\' bairn forby. III.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 13.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2997, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scots piper\'s queries: or, John Falkirk\'s cariches : To which are added, his comical and witty jokes, when in courtship with an old fidler\'s widow, who wanted all the teeth. With the copy of the love-letter he sent unto her, who is commonly called F-t', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'There is a 4-line verse on the title page.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, 1804.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2998, 'Clinker, Humphrey', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the Haverel wives: or, The folly of witless women displayed / Written by Humphray Clinker the clashing wives clerk. Being a comical conference between Maggy and Janet his two old aunts. With Janet\'s advice to Maggy, concerning marriage, wit', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nFirst published in [1770?] as \'The folly of witless women displayed\'.\r\nHumphrey Clinker is a pseudonym.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (2999, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Valentine and Orson. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 18.) Saltmarket, 1806. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '10', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.\r\nThere is a 4-line verse on the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3000, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Christ\'s kirk on the green : in three cantos. Containing, a very humorous description of a country wedding, with a squabble that ensued: also, how a peace was made up, and a\' things \'gree\'d again. / Written by King James the First, when confined a prisone', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'The first canto attributed to James I, King of Scotland, the other two being Allan Ramsay\'s.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3001, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new school of love : being the true art of courtship. Shewing how every one may know his partner\'s disposition and temper by the hair, eyes and nose, &c. With the signification of moles in any part of the body; and, the interpretation of dreams, &c &c', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse and prose.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3002, 'Johnson, Richard, 1573-1659?', 0, NULL, 0, 'The renowned history of the seven champions of Christendom : Viz, St. George of England, St. James of Spain, St. Andrew of Scotland, St. David of Wales, St. Dennis of France, St. Anthony of Italy, and St. Patrick of Ireland. Shewing, their valiant exploit', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAn edition of \'The most famous history of the seven champions of Christendome\'.\r\nAnonymous. By Richard Johnson.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3003, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and adventures of Sir William Wallace, General and Governor of Scotland : Containing, a particular account of his most remarkable battles with King Edward (Longshanks); and of his mournful fate at London, after he was betrayed into the hands of t', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1808.', NULL, 0, 'Wallace, William, Sir, d. 1305.\r\nRobert I, King of Scots, 1274-1329', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3004, 'Trenck, Friedrich, Freiherr von der, 1726-1794', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and surprising adventures of Frederick Baron Trenck : Carefully corrected and abridged. To which is added, a short supplement; giving an authentic account of his more recent transactions, till he fell a victim to the prevailing system of anarchy ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, No. 20. Saltmarket, 1809. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1809.', NULL, 0, 'Trenck, Friedrich, Freiherr von der, 1726-1794', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3005, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hutting [sic] of Chevy-chase : a bloody battle, fought by Earls Douglas and Percy, where above fourteen hundred Scotsmen, and near two thousand Englishmen, were slain in one day. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of the text and style.', NULL, 0, 'Percy, Henry, Lord, 1364-1403.\r\nDouglas, James Douglas, Earl of, ca. 1', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3006, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The knight of Elle : a scarce and favourite old Scotch ballad. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page is of a well dressed man leaning on a cane. This differs from the copies at [Ao].8/3.4(40), L.C.2851(42) and L.C.2892(5). StEdNL.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of the text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3007, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Robin Adair : to which are added; John Barleycorn, When the kye come\'s hame, The boatie rows, and The wealth of the cottage is love. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of the text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3008, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven popular songs : Homage to Charlie. My love she\'s but a lassie yet. My love is like a red, red rose. The land of the brave and the free. The harp of Tara. Kelvin grove. Highland Mary. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of the text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3009, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Haughs of Crumdel : to which is added, It fell upon the Martinmas time. Wilt thou go my bonny lassie? ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of the text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3010, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jolly beggar : to which are added, The Duke of Argyle\'s courtship to an English lady, and The weaver\'s daughter. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'The illustration, typeface and layout on the title page all differ from the items at L.C.2852(21), [Ao].8/3.4(3), L.C.2892(38) and Mf.7(17[7]). This is a different work. StEdNL.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3011, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six most excellent songs : Allen-a-Dale. Mary, weep nae mair for me. Sir John the Grame. Farewell! ye dungeons. The trumpet sounds. The youthful squire. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3012, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six popular songs : My Patie is a lover gay. As I came down the Canno-gate. Young Donald is the blithest lad. The lawland lads. My love was born in Aberdeen. Let us go, lassie go. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the bookseller, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3013, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Margaret and the minister : a true tale. Hey for a lass wi\' a tocher. He comes from the wars. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nAttributed to Robert Lochore.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3014, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Van Dieman\'s Land : To which are added, The Haughs of Crumdel. And, Leeze me on this drap o\' drink. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3015, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Barring o\' the door : The sea, the sea. To which is added, March to the battle-field. Go, youth beloved. The maid of Judah. My wife\'s dead. Love is like a summer flower. All\'s well. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3016, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Hark, the hollow woods resounding : Dash along to the mellow-toned horn. Come, tell me where the maid is found. The jovial sons of Jove. Life is darkened o\'er with woe. Ah! Men, what silly things ye are. Let\'s drink, my friends. Farewell, my donkey Neddy.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '5', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3017, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five popular songs : viz. Comic medley; The brisk young lad; Sweet doth blush the rosy morning; The standard of the braes; and Ye mariners of England. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3050, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'K. James Ist. and the tinker. : To which is added, King William and his bold forester. Paul and Nanny. Braw Johnny Bute.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nBraw Johnny Bute : Tune - Flowers of Edinburgh.', 'ESTC T168854', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3051, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of the Boyn; or, King William crossing the Boyn Water. : Giving a full description of that bloody fight, fought on the first of July, 1690. To which are added, The virgin\'s choice. Let ambition fire the mind. Tarry woo.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nTarry woo : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T164392', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3052, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Hodge of the mill; or An old woman clothed in grey. : To which is added, The Staffordshire tragedy. The pleasures of wooing. The shepherdess lamenting her drowned lover.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe Staffordshire tragedy : To its own proper tune.\r\nThe pleasures of wooing : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T165779', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3053, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Luckidad\'s garland; or, When my old hat was new. : To which is added, The forsaken maid.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T170909', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3054, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jovial tinker and the farmer\'s daughter. : To which are added, The Conghannan maid. The grateful admirer. The amorous lover.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe Conghannan maid : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T188326', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3055, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The joys of the harvest. : To which are added, The tempest. The Cambridge tender; with The answer. Fair Susanna.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe Cambridge tender : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T188422', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3056, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blythsome bridal; or, The lass wi\' the gowden hair. : To which is added, The farewel. A new touch on the times. This is no mine ain house.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nA new touch on the times : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T189395', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3057, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bess the gawkie; or, Jamie slighted. : To which is added, The broom of the Cowden Knows. The woman\'s praise of tea; with the man\'s answer. The thirsty lover.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T189911', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3058, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Old Adam the father of us all. : To which is added, The cruel parents, in two parts.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T186229', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3059, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wandering young gentlewoman; or, Cat-skin\'s garland, : in five parts. Part 1. How an esquire\'s daughter near London, was forc\'d from home by her father\'s cruelty, but through her tender mother she was well educated and cloathed in rich array. And when', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nPretty little Tippet : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T175729', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3060, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Guardian angels, with The answer. : To which is added, The happy lover. Take me Jenny. Young Rosalind. The tender swain.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T166425', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3061, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The yellow-hair\'d laddie : to which are added, The auld yellow-hair\'d laddie. Roger and Dolly. Scold him I will. Susan\'s complaint and remedy. The cork rump. Still he\'s the man. Beauty and rigour. The return from the chace.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nRoger and Dolly : To its own proper tune.\r\nThe cork rump : Tune - There was an old woman at Cranston.\r\nStill he\'s the man : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T178231', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3062, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lovely Molly of the county of Down. : To which are added, Three jolly paper-makers. There\'s my thumb I\'ll ne\'er beguile thee. Oxfordshire Nancy. The married man.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThree jolly paper-makers : To its own proper tune.\r\nOxfordshire Nancy : To its own proper tune.\r\nThe married man : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T170845', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3063, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The drowned mariner; or, The low-lands of Holland has twin\'d my love and me. : To which are added, The jolly sailor\'s wedding, and The sporting hay-makers.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe jolly sailor\'s wedding : To its own proper tune.\r\nThe sporting hay-makers : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T163298', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3064, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The young man\'s dream, : with The maid\'s kind answer. To which is added, The rover. The milk-maid. Now or never. The considerate nymph.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe young man\'s dream : To its own proper tune.\r\nThe considerate nymph : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T180341', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3065, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dandy---o. : To which are added, Tippet is the dandy----o. The toper\'s advice. Picking lilies. The dying swan.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe dandy-o : To its own proper tune.\r\nPicking lilies : To its own proper tune.\r\nThe dying swan : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T190596', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3066, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The banks of the Dee; : with The answer. To which is added, To Lethe repair. The beggar\'s resolution. The topper\'s delight. The return of the spring. A new song.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe topper\'s delight : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T164348', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3067, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The poor man\'s looking glass. : To which are added, The young man\'s declaration. Robert and Nell; or, O that I ne\'er had been married. Love is the occasion of my overthrow. The bottle and friend.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T179165', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3068, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A penny-worth of wit, : in three parts. Part I. Shewing how a merchant was deluded from his lady by a harlot. Part II. And how he sailed to a far country. Part III. How he returned to the British shore.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n. 1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 16.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T197596', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3069, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Lizie Bailie. : To which are added, The lover\'s lament, and The old man\'s lament for the loss of his time and money.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe old man\'s lament for the loss of his time and money : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T183711', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3070, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The golden glove; : with The answer. To which are added, The Lincolnshire farmer. The drunken wife of Galloway. The famous grey mare.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T164296', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3071, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The improbability; or, The batchelor\'s dislike to a married life. : To which is added, Betsy Taylor\'s lamentation. Tweeve [sic] months are past. Ye gallant souls. Bonny Bell. The pitcher.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nYe gallant souls : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T186820', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3072, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The young woman\'s wish. : To which is added, Pretty Nancy of London. A pastoral song. The Queen of the May. The green garters. The faint-hearted batchelor: or, blankets and pins. The maid\'s answer. The jolly wood-cutter.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nPretty Nancy : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T180438', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3073, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gramachree Molly, : with The answer. To which are added, Scornfu\' Nansy, and The power of love.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T166148', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3074, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The British grenadiers; or, The crown\'s safeguard. : To which are added, O the days when I was young. The rival. Willy was a wanton wag. Sweet Peggy O\'Laven. Baucis and Philemon.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order,, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe rival : To its own proper tune.\r\nWilly was a wanton wag : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T166748', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3075, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The mistaken lady\'s garland; or, The squire cheated. : To which is added, The plumber. Jack Tar\'s drunken frolic in Wapping. Just the thing.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order,, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T172654', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3076, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tamie Lamie\'s cure for a drunken wife. To which are added, The ploughman\'s rant, and Gowf my logie. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order,, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe ploughman\'s rant : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T219492', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3077, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tamie Lamie\'s cure for a drunken wife. To which are added, The ploughman\'s rant, and Gowf my logie. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order,, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe ploughman\'s rant : To its own proper tune.\r\nGowf my logie : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T219492', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3078, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Dick & Nell; or, Linky Lanky. : To which is added, The royal barber. And Will the weaver.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nWill the weaver : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3079, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jockie to the fair, : with The answer. To which are added, The Turkish lady, The the [sic] happy beggars.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe Turkish lady : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T188404', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3080, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'K. William & the plowman; or, Industry rewarded. : To which is added, The power of love. The rakish butcher. The kind lassie. Blink over the burn, sweet Betty.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T168856', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3081, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The way to be happy; or, The new way of Tullochgorum. : To which is added, Ready money and no trust. The gentle sailor. The cruel nymph.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe cruel nymph : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T192955', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3082, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The injured fair. : To which are added, The crooked rib. The roving maids of Edinburgh. Sylvia\'s marriage.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T188652', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3083, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Virtue & beauty in danger; or, King Edward courting the London virgin. : To which are added, The batchelor\'s delight, and The female sea captain.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T188652', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3084, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pope\'s knavery; or, Old Nick\'s invention. : To which are added, The fortunate young farmer. The young lady\'s praise. The lover\'s complaint.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1795?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe young lady\'s praise : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T179163', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3085, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bob and his landlady, or, The young soldier\'s frolic. : To which is added, Low down in the broom. The little couple. Seize occasion. A new song.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T184713', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3086, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pride and vanity of young women. : To which is added, The Kentshire tragedy; or, The constant lovers overthrow. The lass with the delicate air. The boatswain of Dover. Bold Robin Hood.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nBold Robin Hood : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T181752', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3087, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The north country lass. : To which is added, Oxter my laddie. Old King Coul. The humble beggar. May-eve: or, Kate of Aberdeen. Something else to do.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nSomething else to do : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T176580', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3088, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Galloway shepherds. : To which is added, The royal highlanders farewel. The new way of Lochaber. With The aswer [sic]. Love inviting reason. I fear it is love.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe royal highlanders farewel : Tune - Lochaber no more.\r\nLove inviting reason : Tune - Chami my chattle, ne duce skar me.', 'ESTC T184462', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3089, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The happy couple. : To which are added, A touch on the times. Faint hearted batchelor. The maid\'s answer. The travelling chapman. Tears wash my sad cheeks. If e\'er I do well \'tis a wonder. I find I must love.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T166583', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3090, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The keys of love. : To which are added, The lass of Gallowater. The wounded farmer\'s son. The tippling farmer.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe lass of Gallowater : To its own proper tune.\r\nThe wounded farmer\'s son : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T155175', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3091, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The goodman of Auchtermouchtie: or, The goodwife turn\'d goodman. : Being a merry account how the goodman was fitted to his mind.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1785?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1785-01-01 00:00:00', '1785-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe good-man of Auchtermouchtie; or The good-wife turn\'d good-man. Being a merry account how the good-man was fitted to his mind : Tune - Willie was a wanton wag.', 'ESTC T027878', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3092, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The black bird. : To which is added, Love is the cause of my mourning. The betrayed damsel. The four misses. The contented man. The lads of the village. Allan Water. The happy marriage.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T189559', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3093, 'Barnard, Anne Lindsay, Lady, 1750-1825', 0, NULL, 0, 'Auld Robin Gray; : with The answer. To which is added, The two constant lovers. The widow. The captain of love.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\n\'Auld Robin Gray\' is by Lady Anne Barnard.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T162740', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3094, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tibby Fowler: or, The lass with the siller bridle. : To which is added, Jack Tar. The world a stage. The jolly toper.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nTibby Fowler : To its own proper tune.\r\nThe world a stage : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T192445', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3095, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jovial batchelor, : with The maiden\'s answer. To which is added, Let\'s go a-Maying. Daphny and Amyntor. The prudent shepherdess. A new love song. My cottage lay distant a mile.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order,, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T188317', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3096, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The two contented cuckolds: or, Tit for tat. : To which are added, A new love song, and Robin a\'Boon.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nRobin a\'Boon : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T177870', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3097, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The two sailors outwitted; or, Eggs and bacon. : To which is added, The smart Robin Gray. The martial invitation. The jealous husband well paid. The lover\'s summons.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe smart Robin Gray : Tune - The vicar and Moses.\r\nThe jealous husband well paid : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T178156', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3098, 'Ogilvie, William, 1688 or 9-1729', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Laird of Cool\'s ghost! : Being a copy of several conferences and meetings that past betwixt the Rev. Mr. Ogilvie, late minister of the Gospel at Innerwick in East Lothian, and the ghost of Mr. Maxwell, late Laird of Cool. As it was found in Mr. Ogilvi', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1817. ', 'Glasgow', 'James Lumdsen & Son', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nFoot of p. 24 reads : J. Neilson, printer.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, James Lumsden, 158', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3099, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The massacre of Glenco : In a letter from a gentleman in Edinburgh to his friend in London. Giving a particular account of that unprecedented transaction, wherein orders were given that all the males of the M\'Donalds in that district under 70 should be pu', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden and Son, 1819. ', 'Glasgow', 'James Lumdsen & Son', NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon on p. 8 reads : Printed by J. Neilson.\r\nOn title page : \"William R. As for MackIan of Glenco, and \" that tribe,...14th article of instructions, Jan. 16. 1692.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, James Lumsden, 163', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3100, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of John Cheap, the chapman : Containing above a hundred merry exploits done by him and his fellow traveller, Drouthy Tom, a sticked shaver. In three parts. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1820. ', 'Glasgow', 'James Lumdsen & Son', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nFoot of p. 24 reads : J. Neilson, printer.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, James Lumsden, 156', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3101, 'Burness, John, 1771-1826', 0, NULL, 0, 'Thrummy cap : a tale. To which are added, Young Whip Stitch, and, The gig demolished. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. Lumsden & Son, [c. 1820] ', 'Glasgow', 'James Lumdsen & Son', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Anonymous author: John Burness\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from Roscoe & Brimmell.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, James Lumsden, 167', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3102, 'Porter, John, of Crossibeig', 0, NULL, 0, 'The visions, discoveries and warnings of the dreadful and terrible judgements upon Scotland, England and Ireland : which were revealed to John Porter of Crossibeig. Taken from his own mouth, (while confined to his bed, being blind) and attested by himself', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1820. ', 'Glasgow', 'James Lumdsen & Son', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'On title page : Joel ii 28, 30, 31, 32. \" And it shall come to pass, ... shall be delivered.\".\r\nAt foot of p. 24 : J. Neilson, printer.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, James Lumsden, 170', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3103, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical transactions of Lothian Tom : In six parts. Wherein is contained a collection of roguish exploits done by him both in Scotland and England. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1820. ', 'Glasgow', 'James Lumdsen & Son', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAt foot of p. 24 : J. Neilson, printer.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, James Lumsden, 149', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3104, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of Scots proverbs : consisting of the wise sayings and observations of the old people of Scotland / By Allan Ramsay, the Scots poet. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1820. ', 'Glasgow', 'James Lumdsen & Son', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAt foot of p. 24 : J. Neilson, printer.\r\nOn title page : Vox populi vox dei. That maun be true that a\' men say.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, James Lumsden, 145', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3105, 'Hogg, James, 1770-1835', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Duncan Campbell, and his dog, Oscar : From Hogg\'s Evening tales. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1822. ', 'Glasgow', 'James Lumdsen & Son', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nFoot of p. 24 reads : J. Neilson, printer.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, James Lumsden, 154', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3106, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of Scots proverbs : consisting of the wise sayings and observations of the old people of Scotland / By Allan Ramsay, the Scots poet. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1824. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nOn title page : Vox populi vox dei. That maun be true that a\' men say.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3107, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A sketch of the life and character of His Royal Highness the late Duke of York : with an account of the funeral. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1827. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Frederick Augustus, Duke of York and Albany, 1763-1827.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3108, 'Trenck, Friedrich, Freiherr von der, 1726-1794', 0, NULL, 0, 'The surprising adventures of Frederick Baron Trenck : giving an account of his being confined in a dungeon, with chains of 68 pounds weight; and afterwards gullotined [sic] in France, in the time of the Revolution, 1795. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1827. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Trenck, Friedrich, Freiherr von der, 1726-1794', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3109, 'Ogilvie, William, 1688 or 9-1729', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Laird of Cool\'s ghost : being a copy of several conferences and meetings that passed betwixt the Rev. Mr. Ogilvie, late minister of the Gospel at Innerwick in East Lothian, and the ghost of Mr Maxwell, late Laird of Cool. As it was found in Mr Ogilvie', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1827. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3110, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The village curate : an interesting tale; to which is added, The country clergyman, a poem. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1828. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn prose and verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3111, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of Mr Geo. Buchanan : who was commonly called the King\'s fool. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1829. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3112, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of Scots proverbs : containing all the wise sayings and pithy observations of the people of Scotland / By Allan Ramsay. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1820-1830?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nOn title page : I will hae books gin I suld sell ye kye.\r\nOn title page : Vox populi vox dei. That maun be true that a\' men say.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3113, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Maggy Lauder : The ewe-bughts. The bush aboon Traquair. For lake of gold. The soldier\'s gratitude. Banks of Banna. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3114, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tullochgorum : Ca\' the ewes to the knowes. The heath this night must be my bed. She\'s fair and fause. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3115, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tak your auld cloak about ye : Jockie to the fair. The braes of Yarrow. The day returns &c. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3116, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lewie Gordon : The wayward wife. I\'ve been courting at a lass. Waly waly up the bank. The wauking o\' the fauld. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3117, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Home! sweet home! : The boatie rows. Within a mile of Edinburgh. Roslin Castle. Pray, Goody. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3118, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The excellent old ballad of The babes in the wood. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3119, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'I had a horse : And sae will we yet. The slumb\'ring maid. Deeply, deeply drink of wine. Saw ye my father. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3120, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bruce\'s address : Tam Glen. The last rose of summer. Gude forgi\'e me for lyin\'. Love among the roses. Oscar\'s ghost. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3121, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sorrowful husband : To which are added, The cold house of clay, The hawk, New Paddy Whack, What can a young lassie do wi\' an auld man? ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by T. Duncan, 159, Saltmarket, [1815-1822?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3122, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sir Neil & Glengyle : the Highland chieftains. ', NULL, '[Glasgow : Printed and sold wholesale, by Robert M\'Intosh, bookseller &c, 96 King Street, Calton, Glasgow, 1849?] ', 'Glasgow', 'M\'Intosh, Robert', NULL, '1849-01-01 00:00:00', '1849-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 8.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nImprint from colophon.\r\nCaption title.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3123, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Neil Gow\'s fareweel : Blythe and happy are we. My heart\'s in the Highlands. The braw wooer. Hey for a lass wi\' a tocher. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1821. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe braw wooer : Tune - The Lothian lassie.', NULL, 0, 'Gow, Niel, 1727-1807.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3124, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent old song intitled Young Beichan and Susie Pye : To which is added, Britannia\'s call. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1821. ', 'Glasgow', 'James Lumdsen & Son', NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nAt foot of p. 8 : J. Neilson, printer.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, James Lumsden, 150', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3125, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'O tell me the way for to woo : The flowers of the forest. A lassie fair. Daintie Davie. My kimmer and I. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1821. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nO tell me how for to woo : Tune - Bonnie Dundee.\r\nA lassie fair : Tune - For a\' that and a\' that.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3126, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lewie Gordon : Let me in this ae night. With her answer. The mucking o\' Geordies byre. The birks of Invermay. Love has eyes. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1821. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3127, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Rigs o\' barley : Lassie wi\' the raven locks. Up in the morning early. Mary\'s dream. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1821. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3128, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of Chevy-chace : An excellent old ballad. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1821. ', 'Glasgow', 'James Lumdsen & Son', NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, James Lumsden, 144', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3129, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'Sir James the Rose : an old Scottish tragic song. ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Printed and sold wholesale, by Robert M\'Intosh, bookseller &c, 96 King Street, Calton, Glasgow, [1849?] ', 'Glasgow', 'M\'Intosh, Robert', NULL, '1849-01-01 00:00:00', '1849-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3130, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Buchanshire tragedy; or, Sir James the Ross. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold, wholesale & retail, by T. Duncan, 159, Saltmarket, [1815-1822?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3131, 'Brownlee, W. C. (William Craig), 1784-1860', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Drumclog : fought on the 1st June, 1679. Between the King\'s troops, and the Covenanters / by the Laird of Torfoot, an officer in the Presbyterian army. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1820-1830?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3132, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The loss of the steamship Forfarshire, Captain Humble : which struck on the Fern Islands on her voyage to Dundee, on the night of the 7th September, 1838, and the heroic conduct of Grace Darling. In venturing her life, and rescuing the survivors from dest', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Sold by all booksellers [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Darling, Grace, 1815-1842.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3133, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John and his twelve misfortunes : which happened in twelve days after the unhappy day of his marriage. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Titlepage includes illustration of a man and woman standing beneath two angels with bows and arrows.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3134, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical sayings of Paddy from Cork : with his coat buttoned behind. Being an elegant conference between English Tom and Irish Teague; with Paddy\'s catechism: and his supplication when a mountain sailor. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page of two drunks holding each other up..\r\nThere is a variant with \'21\' printed below border.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nBoth the illustration and the typeface and layout on the title page differ from the items at StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.1(18), 5.1009(16[14]), Mas.619(22), YY.8/2.1(32), L.C.2894(22), L.C.2852.A(23).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3135, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry tales of the wise men of Gotham. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3136, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasing art of money-catching : and the way to thrive, by turning a penny to advantage: with a new method of regulating daily expenses. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nBoth the illustration and typeface differ from the copies at L.C.2849(20), L.C.2852.C(20) and L.C.2885(10). The text is identical. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3137, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Spaewife; or Universal fortune-teller : wherein your future welfare may be known, by physiognomy, palmistry, and coffee grounds. Also a distinct treatise on moles. And the dreamer\'s fortune teller. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Sold by the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.4, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3138, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry msue [sic] : a collection of laughable songs. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Sold by the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3139, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An interesting history of Robert Burns : the Ayrshire bard. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nBoth the layout and typeface on the title page differ from the copies at [Ao].8/3.2(15), Hall.191.f.4(1), L.C.2852.C(11), L.C.2893(1) and NG.1177.d.12(22). The text is identical. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3140, 'Percy, Thomas, 1729-1811. ', 0, NULL, 0, 'The hermit of Warkworth : a Northumberland tale. In three parts / By Dr. Thomas Percy, Bishop of Dromore. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nIn verse and prose.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3141, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A tale of the Rebellion of 1745; or, The broken heart : To which is added, The three wishes, and the adventures of two tee-totallers. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, '118', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nIn prose and verse.\r\nThe story of James Dawson, executed in London for his support of the Pretender, Charles Edward Stuart.\r\n’118’ printed at foot of the title page.\r\nVariant exists without ’118’ printed at foot of the title page. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.1(12), Blk.493, L.C.2852.E(23).', NULL, 0, 'Dawson, James, ca. 1717-1746', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3142, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The constant lovers, or, Jemmy and Nancy of Yarmouth : Part 1. Showing how beautiful Nancy of Yarmouth fell in love with young Jemmy the sailor. - 2. How the father conveyed a letter to destroy young Jemmy, his daughter\'s sweetheart. - 3. Shewing how the ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '0', NULL, NULL, '95', 'In prose and verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\n\'95\' is printed at foot of title page. StEdNL.\r\nThe constant lovers; or, Tragical loves of Jemmy and Nancy of Yarmouth : Tune - The Yarmouth tragedy.', NULL, 0, 'Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1566-1601', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3143, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasures of matrimony : Interwoven with sundry comical and delightful stories, with the charming delights and ravishing sweets of wooing and wedlock, in all its diverting enjoyments / By Author Reid, Glasgow. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'109.\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2852.E(13).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3144, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The golden dreamer: or, Dreams interpreted : Showing clearly how all things past, present, & to come may be ascertained by means of dreams. Together with an essay on philosophy of dreams. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Sold by the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3145, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty & entertaining exploits of George Buchanan : commonly called the \"King\'s fool.\". ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page of head and shoulders of man with beard and high collar. Single ruled border surrounding title, illustration and imprint.\r\n\'18\' at foot of title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3146, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The reciter : a choice selection of the most popular poems, for recitation. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nOn title page : \"The manner of speaking is as important as the matter.\" Chesterfield.\r\nThere is a variant with \'15.\' printed at the foot of the title page and type set slightly differently. StEdNL : L.C.2852.A(14).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3147, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John and his twelve misfortunes : which happened all in twelve days after the unhappy day of his marriage. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nTitle page includes illustration of a leprechaun reading a book.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nVariant exists with identical text and title page illustration but with type set slightly differently on title page. StEdNL : L.C.2848(9).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3148, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The seraphim : a selection of the most popular songs. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nTable of contents on p. 24.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3149, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new historical catechism : containing witty answers to several questions of many wonderful matters in ancient history. I. Shewing the light of the heathen world. II. The confession and decease of oracles. III. Miracles that happened at our Saviour\'s bir', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Printed for the booksellers, 1839. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1839-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3150, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merryman songster : containing a selection of the most popular songs of the day. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '0', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nTable of contents on p. 24.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3151, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lost and undone son of perdition, or, The life and death of Judas Iscariot. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Judas Iscariot Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3152, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Rob Roy, the celebrated Highland freebooter; or, Memoirs of the Osbaldistone family. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nThis is a different work from the items placed at [Ao].8/3.2(11), L.C.2849(1), L.C.2852.A(2) and NG.1177.d.12(10) there is a full page illustration of Bailie Nicol Jarvie on p. 2 StEdNL.', NULL, 0, 'Rob Roy, 1671-1734.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3153, 'Burness, John, 1771-1826', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical stories of Thrummy Cap and the Ghaist : Margaret and the minister. Soda water. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attributed to John Burness.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nThis is a different edition from the items placed at [Ao].8/3.1(22), Hall.224.h.5(18), L.C.2893(7), L.C.2852.A(16), Mas.619(13) and PDL.56/60 the work ’The water drinker’ does not appear in this edition. StEdNL. \r\n Variant exists with ’16’ printed at bottom left of the title page and type set slightly differently. StEdNL : L.C.2852.A(15). \r\n The final page is blank - missing the two final anecdotes - ’How to read a sign-board’ and ’Addition’. StEdNL : L.C.2849(3). \r\n Manuscript inscription on title page reads : by John Burness of Stonehaven. StEdNL : L.C.2852.A(15). \r\n Manuscript inscription on p. 2 reads : The author, John Burnes, was born at Bogjorgan in Glenbervie parish in 1771 and perished in a snow-storm between Stonehaven and Aberdeen on 12 Janry. 1826. He was distant relation of the poet Burns, whose great-grandfather James Burnes of Brawlinmuir, was a younger brother of William Burness tenant of Bogjorgan, the great-grandfather of the author of \"Thrummy Cap\". StEdNL : L.C.2852.A(15).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3154, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The murdered minstrel : To which are added, Mary, the maid of the inn, and the comical story of Thrummy Cap. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Thrummy Cap attributed to John Burness.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3155, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The murder\'d minstrel : To which are added, Mary, the maid of the inn, and The comical story of Thrummy Cap. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Thrummy Cap attributed to John Burness.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3156, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The murderit mynstrell : To which are added, Mary, the maid of the inn, and The comical story of Thrummy Cap. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Thrummy Cap attributed to John Burness.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3157, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The vermin killer : being a complete and necessary family book: shewing a ready way to destroy adders, badgers, bugs, birds of all sorts, caterpillars, earwigs, fish, fleas, flies, foxes, frogs, gnats, lice, mice, moths, moles, otters, pismires, polecats,', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'39\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2852.B(14).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3158, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and transactions of Mrs. Jane Shore : concubine to King Edward IVth. Adventure of Allan Barclay, a private soldier in the ---- regiment. Love and torture. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nThis is a different edition from the items placed at [Ao].8/3.1(5), L.C.2852.A(7) and Mas.620(5) there is a border on the title page and there is no \'8\' printed at the foot of title page. The tex', NULL, 0, 'Shore, Jane, d. 1527?', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3159, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Ali Baba: or The forty thieves : an interesting tale. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nBoth the illustration (a rural scene with a ruin in the background) and the typeface on the title page differ from the copies at [Ao].8/3.3(4), L.C.2852.A(3), Mas.618(6), Mas.619(12) and Mas.621(19).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3160, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Captain Wedderburn\'s courtship to Lord Roslin\'s daughter. : To which is added, Bess of Bedlam. And Petticoat wooing.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1780?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nBess of Bedlam : To its own proper tune.', 'ESTC T186712', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3161, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasing art of money-catching : and the way to thrive, by turning a penny to advantage: with a new method of regulating daily expenses. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '68', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nBoth the illustration and typeface on the title page differ from the copy at L.C.2847(10). The text is identical. StEdNL.\r\n\'68.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3162, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'John Falkirk\'s cariches : to which is added Tam Merrilees; a capital story. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '59', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nAnonymous: attributed to Dougal Graham.\r\n\'59\' printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere are two variants. A : \'s\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : Hall.224.h.4(10). B : Nothing printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : L.C.2848(1).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3163, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The whole proceedings of Jocky & Maggy\'s courtship : with the great diversion that ensued. In three parts. ', NULL, 'Glasgow [i.e. Newcastle] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '6', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nThere is a page of advertisements on p. 2 before the work proper starts.\r\nColophon on p. 24 reads : W. R. Walker, printer, Royal Arcade, Newcastle.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3164, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The coalman\'s courtship to the creel-wife\'s daughter : In three parts. I. Containing a very curious diologue [sic] between the carter and his mother, who instructs him in the true art of courtship. II. Sawny\'s visit to his sweet-heart, and what passed bet', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '131', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\n\'131.\' printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant without \'131.\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2848(6).\r\nBoth the illustration and typeface on the title page differ from the copy at Hall.224.h.4(2). The text is identical. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3165, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun; or Leper, the tailor. : In two parts: with a selection of entertaining anecdotes.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Title page includes illustration of beehive containing motto: Honesty industry and integrity.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3166, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John and his twelve misfortunes : which happened all in twelve days after the unhappy day of his marriage. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nTitle page includes illustration of a lion and a unicorn as supporters to a crest.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3167, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith : reformed and corrected. Giving an account of her death, and of her journey to heaven; how on the road she fell in with Judas who led her to the gates of hell, and what converse she had with the devil, who would not let her in; also, ho', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nIlustration on title page.\r\nBased on the tale by Geoffrey Chaucer.\r\nThere is a variant with \'49.\' printed bottom left of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2852.B(27).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3168, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Madrid shaver\'s adventures in the Spanish Inquisition. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal and external evidence.\r\nIlustration on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Pedrosa, Nicolas.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3169, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and astonishing adventures of Peter Williamson : who was carried off when a child from Aberdeen and sold for a slave. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal and external evidence.\r\nTitle page includes an illustration of the head and shoulders of a male figure. This differs from the copies at L.C.2852.D(9) and Mas.620(21). The text is identical. StEdNL.\r\nThere is a variant with ’83.’ printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2852.D(10).', NULL, 0, 'Williamson, Peter, 1730-1799 Kidnapping.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3170, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tam Glen : Young Dunois. Merrily oh! The soldier\'s dream. Go where glory waits thee. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1823. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3171, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Dainty Davie : Sic a wife as Willie had. The blue-eyed lassie. The rantin dog the daddie o\'t. A plague on all musty old lubbers. O my love is like the red red rose. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1823. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3172, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith. / by Chaucer. Much better reformed, enlarged and corrected, than it was formerly.. ', 'A new edition.. ', '[Glasgow?] : Printed in the year,, 1785.. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1785-01-01 00:00:00', '1785-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.6, '1', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Based on the tale, \'The wife of Bath\', by Geoffrey Chaucer.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T027880', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3173, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and exploits of Jack Sheppard : the highwayman. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : William Inglis, printer & stationer, 5 Melville Place and 7 Brunswick Place, [1838-1840?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Inglis, William.', NULL, '1838-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Sheppard, Jack, 1702-1724.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3174, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The magic pill; or, Davie and Bess : A tale. Relating Davie\'s courtship to Bess, and how he forsook her. How Nanse, Bessie\'s mother, went to the doctor for a pill, which she got, with directions how to use it. - How it had the desired effect, by being put', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1819. ', 'Glasgow', 'James Lumdsen & Son', NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nAt foot of p. 8 : J. Neilson, printer.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, James Lumsden, 162', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3175, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blaeberry courtship : to which is added, The crook and plaid. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '1', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nThere is a \'1.\' printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3176, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jemmy and Nancy of Yarmouth; or The constant lovers : A tragical ballad. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '3', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nThere is a \'3\' printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3177, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The factor\'s garland. ', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n., 1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '0', NULL, NULL, '2', 'In verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'No. 2\' is printed on the top right of title page.\r\nCaption title.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3178, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical history of Gill Morice : an ancient ballad. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '4', 'Illustration on title page is of a young man with a coat(?) folded over his arm. This differs from the copy at L.C.2845(28) StEdNL.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'4.\' is printed beneath the imprint StEdNL\r\nThere is a variant with', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3179, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sir Neil and Glengyle, the Highand chieftains : a tragical ballad. And The drunken exciseman. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '5', 'Illustration on title page.\r\n\'5.\' printed beneath the imprint.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nThere is a variant without \'5.\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2892(11)', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3180, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The old Scotch ballad of Andrew Lammie; or Mill of Tifty\'s Annie. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '6', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nThere is a \'6.\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2851(6).\r\nThere is a variant with ’No. 6.’ printed top left of title page and type set slightly differntly. StEdNL : L.C.2851(7) : L.C.2892(4). \r\nThere is a 4-line verse on the title page. \r\nThe title page includes an illustration of a young man reclining on a rock. This differs from the copies at L.C.2845(24) and L.C.2845(33). StEDNL. The title in these has \'Scottish\' instead of \'Scotch\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3181, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two favourite ballads : The babes in the wood. Lord Gregory. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '7', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nThere is a \'7\' printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3182, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hunting of Chevy-chase : a bloody battle, fought by Earls Douglas and Percy. Where above fourteen hundred Scotsmen, and near two thousand Englishmen, were slain in one day. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '8', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nThere is an \'8.\' printed beneath the imprint.\r\nThere is a variant with \'No. 8.\' printed top left of the title page StEDNL : L.C.2892(12).', NULL, 0, 'Percy, Henry, Lord, 1364-1403.\r\nDouglas, James Douglas, Earl of, ca. 1', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3183, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wandering shepherdess; or The betrayed damsel. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '9', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nThere is a \'9\' printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3184, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four favourite songs : William and Margaret. Go, Yarrow flower. Robin and Anna. Could a man be secure. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '10', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nThere is a \'10\' printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3185, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'Sir James the Rose : an old Scottish tragic song. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '11', 'In verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n11.\' printed beneath the imprint.\r\nThere is a variant without \'11.\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2892(44).\r\nTitle page includes an illustration of a kilted soldier leaning on a musket. This differs from the item at L.C.2845(29). StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3186, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Margaret and the minister : a true tale. Hey for a lass wi\' a tocher. Rest, warrior, rest. The bonnie bark. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '12', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'12\' is printed beneath the imprint.\r\nAttributed to Robert Lochore.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3187, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Grigor\'s ghost : an old Scotch song. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '13', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'13\' is printed beneath the imprint.\r\nThere is a variant with \'No. 13.\' printed top left of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2892(27).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3188, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five favourite songs : The golden glove. The answer. Get up and bar the door. The chough and crow. Now ye\'re far awa\', love. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '15', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'15.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3189, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Duke of Gordon\'s three daughters : to which are added, The brewer laddie; and The hero may perish. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '18', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'18\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3190, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The penny-worth of wit\'s garland : in three parts. Part I. - Showing how a merchant was deluded from his lady by a harlot. Part II. - How he sailed into a far country. Part III. - How he returned to the British shore. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '19', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'No. 19.\' printed top left of title page. \r\nVariant exists with \'19\' is printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2851(21).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3191, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Rosanna : the Oxford tragedy. In two parts. Part I. How fair Rosanna, of the city of Oxford was by a young gentleman betrayed of her virginity. Part II. His cruelty in murdering her, and how a rose-bush sprung upon her grave, which blossoms all the year t', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '20', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'20\' is printed beneath the imprint.\r\nVariant exists with \'No. 20.\' printed top left of title page. StEdNL : L.C.2892(3).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3192, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Captain Wedderburn\'s courtship : To which is added, Hey Johnnie Coup. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, '21', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'21\' is printed beneath the imprint.\r\nBoth the illustration and typeface on the title page differ from the copies at L.C.2845(36) and L.C.2892(25). The text is identical. ', NULL, 0, 'Cope, John, Sir, d. 1760', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3193, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent songs : Bonny Barbara Allan. Sir Patrick Spence. Lord John\'s murder. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '22', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'22.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3194, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of Roslin : And John Highlandman\'s remarks on Glasgow. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '23', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'23\' is printed beneath the imprint.\r\nVariant exists with \'No. 23.\' printed top left of title page and type set slightly differently. StEdNL : L.C.2892(22).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3195, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Fifty years shepherd, and fifty a king : The king and West Countryman. The bundle of wants. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '24', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'24\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3196, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent songs : The constant shepherd. The wreath. Welcome summer back again. The dainty bit plan. The bachelor. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '25', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'25.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3197, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Berkshire Lady\'s garland : in four parts. I. Cupid\'s conquest over a coy lady of five thousand a-year, &c. II. The lady\'s letter of a challenge to fight him upon refusing to wed her in a mask without knowing who she was. III. How they met by appointme', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '26', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'26\' is printed beneath the imprint.\r\nThe Berkshire Lady\'s garland : Tune - The royal forester.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3198, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The humourous adventures of Jump Jim Crow. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '27', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'27\' is printed beneath the imprint.\r\nVariant exists with \'No. 27.\' printed top left of title page and type set slightly differently. StEdNL : L.C.2892(7).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3199, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four favourite comic songs : The cork leg and the steam arm. The great sea snake. The sailor\'s consolation. The wonderful nose. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '28', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'28\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3200, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Kate Dalrymple and The flowers of the forest : To which is added : Loud roared the dreadful thunder. The bonny blue bonnet. This is no my plaid. Ye banks and braes. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '30', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'30.\' printed beneath the imprint\r\nThere is a variant without \'30.\' printed beneath the imprint StEdNL : L.C.2892(26).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3201, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Haughs of Crumdel : The charming widow. I\'ve dreamt that thou art fading. Love, and our ocean home. You\'ll find no change in me. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '17', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'17\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3202, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent songs : The wonderful wig. Meg o\' the mill. The rantin dog the daddie o\'t. Gilderoy. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '31', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'31\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3203, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six favourite songs : Black eyed-Susan. The Lammie. Draw the sword, Scotland. Lord Ronald. A tear that falls. A Scots sang. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '33', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'33\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3204, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six favourite songs : The sailor\'s epitaph. Blue-eyed Mary. The song of the olden time. Black-eyed Susan. Roy\'s wife. Green bushes. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '33', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'33\' is printed beneath the imprint.\r\nVariant exists with \'51\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.4(21), L.C.2852(11).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3205, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six love songs : Jockey to the fair. Wha\'s at the window, wha? Fairest of the fair. The flower o\' Dumblane. The maid of Arundel. Farewell, farewell. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '34', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'34\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3206, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Eight popular songs : Green hills of Tyrol. Pity and protect the slave. The maid of Judah. Langsyne beside the woodland burn. The birks of Aberfeldy. The girl we love. Meet me, Miss Molly Malone. Napoleon\'s dream. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '36', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'36\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3207, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five favourite songs : Ye mariners of England. Thou\'rt gane awa. The auld man gaun to be married. The warning moan. The heather bell. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '39', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'39.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3208, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven popular songs : The lily of France. Blue bonnets over the border. The light of other days. When bless\'d with love and you. Judy Magrath. The bloom is on the rye. Rory O\'More. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '41', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'41\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3209, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five favourite songs : Kate Kearney. A soldier\'s song. Patie\'s wedding. The lass of Gowrie. Young William. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '43', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'43\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3210, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four popular songs : Roger and Nelly. Gae tak\' your auld cloak about ye. A lassie lives by yonder burn. Low down in the broom. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '44', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'44\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3211, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Nine popular songs : Bruce\'s address. Gloomy winter\'s now awa. Home! sweet home. I gaed a waefu\' gate yestreen. A\' the airts the wind can blaw. My heart and lute. All that\'s bright must fade. My Anna\'s urn. Coming through the rye. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '47', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'47\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3212, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven popular songs : The rose of Allandale. The steam arm. The boys of Kilkenny. When John and me were married. A word to the wise. Begone dull care. Kate Kearney. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '48', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'48.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3213, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six Scotch songs : Bonaparte\'s lament in his exile. Green grows the rashes, o. Marry for love, and work for siller. Lovely Arran maid. O\'er the muir amang the heather. Maclean\'s welcome. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '52', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'52.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 Exile.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3214, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five popular songs : The exile of Erin. Jim Crow\'s trip to Greenwich. Braes o\' Birniebouzle. My mither men\'t my auld breeks. Lash to the helm. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '53', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'53.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3215, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven Scotch songs : The garb of old Gaul. The standard on the braes. The last breathings of Napoleon. Mary, I believed thee true. Jock o\' Hazeldean. Wha wadna fight for Charlie. Dumbarton\'s bonnie dell. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '54', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'54.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 Exile.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3216, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven popular songs : The thistle. The Highland plaid. Och hey! Johnnie lad. My love was born in Aberdeen. A red red rose. As I came down the Cannogate. My Patie is a lover gay. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '55', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'55.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3217, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five Scotch songs : Somebody. Lassie wi\' the lint-white locks. There\'s nae luck about the house. Hey the bonnie breast knots. John o\' Badenyon. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '56', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'56.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3218, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jovial sons of Jove : Hark, the hollow woods resounding. Highland minstrel boy. Tell me where the maid is found. Forget me not. Ah! men, what silly things you are. Farewell, my donkey Neddy. Life is darken\'d o\'er with woe. Let\'s drink, my friends. Das', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, '57', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'57.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3219, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent songs : Allen-a-dale. The youthful squire. By the margin of Zurich\'s waters. The rover\'s bride. The chieftain\'s daughter. Sir John the Grame. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '58', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'58.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3220, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jolly beggar : to which is added The Duke of Argyle\'s courtship to an English lady, and The weaver\'s daughter. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '61', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'61.\' is printed beneath the imprint.\r\nThe illustration, typeface and layout on the title page all differ from the item at L.C.2845(6). This is a different work. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3221, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent songs : The Laird of Cockpen. The lass of Arranteenie. Mirren Gibb\'s public house. Jack\'s the lad. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '62', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'62.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3222, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent songs : Paddy\'s dream. The charming widow. The carle he cam\' ower the craf[t]. Gude ale comes. Rab Roryson\'s bonnet. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '67', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'67.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3223, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs : Cherry-cheeked Patty. Judy O\'Flannikin. No peace about the house. Maggie Lauder. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '68', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'68.\' printed beneath the imprint.\r\nThere is a variant without \'68.\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2892(14).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3224, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven sentimental songs : Jock o\'Hazeldean. This is no my ain lassie. Logan Water. Banks of Allan Water. Somebody. They\'re a\' teasing me. To all you ladies. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '69', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'69.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3225, 'Bürger, Göttfried August, 1747-1794', 0, NULL, 0, 'The lass of fair wone; or, The parson\'s daugter [sic] betrayed : A celebrated ballad, translated from the German. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '70', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'70.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3226, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent songs : The Yorkshire Irishman. The Irish smuggler. The king of the fairies. Get up and bar the door. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '71', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'71.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3227, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'The monk and the miller\'s wife : A comic tale. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '72', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'72.\' is printed beneath the imprint.\r\nThere is a short introduction to the work which identifies Ramsay as the author.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3228, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of Bothwell Brigg : an old Scotch ballad. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, '73', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'73.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3229, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Glasgow Peggy : to which is added the favourite ballad of The drowned lovers. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '74', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'74.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3230, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of Philiphaugh : together with The battle of Loudon-Hill, and Auchindown. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '80', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'80.\' is printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3231, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Whittington and his cat : and The story of puss in boots. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by Francis Orr & Sons, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Francis Orr & Sons', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12, '0', NULL, NULL, '161', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'161\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, 'Whittington, Dick, 1357?-1423.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3232, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Napoleon Buonaparte. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by Francis Orr & Sons, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Francis Orr & Sons', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '34, [i.e. 24]', 11.8, '0', NULL, NULL, '164', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'164\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThe page numbering is erratic.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3233, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Beauty and the Beast. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by Francis Orr & Sons. Union Corner, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Francis Orr & Sons', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '34, [i.e. 24]', 11.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nThe page numbering is erratic.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3234, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The whole proceedings of Jockey and Maggy : In five parts. I. Jockey and Maggy\'s courtship as they were coming from the market. II. The wonderful works of our John; showing how he made Janet like an Elshin-haft and got his ain Maggy wi\' bairn forby. III. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the Flying Stationers, 1839. ', 'Glasgow', 'Flying Stationers', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1839-12-31 00:00:00', '28', 12.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3235, 'Tannahill, Robert, 1774-1810', 0, NULL, 0, 'Cream of Tannahill\'s songs. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : James Lindsay, Printer, 11 King Street (City), [ca. 1860?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Lindsay, James', NULL, '1860-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '28', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.\r\nTable of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3236, 'Macneill, Hector, 1746-1818', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Will & Jean. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Jas. Lindsay, Printer, 11 King Street (City), [ca. 1860] ', 'Glasgow', 'Lindsay, James', NULL, '1860-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nThere is an introduction to the work on the title page which also identifies Hector Macneill as the author.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3237, 'Hogg, James, 1770-1835 ', 0, NULL, 0, 'The long pack, or The robbers discovered : A Scottish story / By James Hogg, The Ettrick Shepherd. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page of man on horseback.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nThere is a variant with \'24\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2852.A(28).\r\nThis is a different work from the item placed at Mas.621(3).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3238, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comic minstrel : a collection of comic songs. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, '13', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThere is a table of contents on p. 24.\r\n\'13\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThis is a different work from the item placed at L.C.2852.A(13). StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3239, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comic minstrel : a collection of comic songs. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, '13', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\n\'13\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThis is a different work from the item placed at L.C.2852.A(12). StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3240, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The golden dreamer; or, Dreams realised : containing the interpretation of a great variety of dreams. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, '17', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'17\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nBoth the title page and text block differ from the item at L.C.2852.A(18). This is a different work. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3241, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The golden dreamer; or, Dreams realised : containing the interpretation of a great variety of dreams. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, '17', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'17\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nBoth the title page and text block differ from the item at L.C.2852.A(17). This is a different work. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3242, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan : commonly called the King\'s fool. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, '18', 'Illustration on title page: Head and shoulders of man, grinning.\r\n\'18\' is printed centrally beneath decorative border of \'V\' design surrounding title, illustration and imprint.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nThere is another unnumbered edition with the same illustration but different typeface and border, and variant contents.', NULL, 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3243, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Napoleon Buonaparte. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by Francis Orr & Sons, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Francis Orr & Sons', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '34, [i.e. 24]', 11.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'The page numbering is erratic.\r\nOn title page : \"Embellished with coloured engravings\". In fact there are no illustrations.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3244, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The voyages and travels of Sindbad the sailor. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '9', 'One penny. ', NULL, '41', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'41\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3245, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The vocalist\'s song book : a choice selection of songs, duets, and glees, sung at the different places of public amusement. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, '47', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'47\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3246, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Buchaven [sic] in Fifeshire : containing the witty and entertaining exploits of Wise Willie, and Witty Eppy, the ale wife. With a description of their college, coat of arms, &c. Adorned with woodcuts. ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '11', NULL, NULL, '50', 'Dated from examination of text and style. Place of publication from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'50.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nOn title page in manuscript : Attributed ????? to Dugald Grahame.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3247, 'Kirkton, James, 1628-1699', 0, NULL, 0, 'History of the life & sufferings of the Rev. John Welch : sometime minister of the gospel at Ayr. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '64', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'64.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere are two variants. A : \'2 A\' printed at the foot of the title page and a different decorative border. StEdNL : Hall.224.h.4(16). B : This also has \'64.\' printed at the foot of the title page but with a different decorative border. StEdNL : L.C.2852.C(16).', NULL, 0, 'Welch, John, 1568?-1622.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3248, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The singers\' companion : a choice selection of fashionable songs. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, '86', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\n\'86.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nTable of contents on p. [24].\r\nThis is a different work from the items placed at APS.2.80.3(7) and L.C.2852.D(14). The three title pages are identical but the contents are completely different. StEdNL', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3249, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The singers\' companion : a choice selection of fashionable songs. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, '86', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\n\'86.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nTable of contents on p. [24].\r\nThis is a different work from the items placed at APS.2.80.3(7) and L.C.2852.D(14). The three title pages are identical but the contents are completely different. StEdNL', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3250, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The cream of Scottish song. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, '89', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\n\'89.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nTable of contents on p. [24].\r\nFarewell! - But whenever you welcome the hour : Words by Moore.\r\nThis is a different work from the item placed at L.C.2852.D(20). The title pages are identical. ‡5 StEdNL', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3251, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of Sir William Wallace the renowned Scottish champion : Containing an account of his valliant [sic] transactions against the English, and his mournful fate at London, after he was betrayed into the hands of his enemies; how he was put to death, and his body quartered, and sent to various places', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nThe title page contains an illustration of two figures, one lying prone, and has no border.\r\nVariant exists with \'107\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : ABS.1.203.018(12).\r\nThis is different from the items placed at L.C.2852.E(11) and Mas.618(13).', NULL, 0, 'Wallace, William, Sir, d. 1305.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3252, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The whole proceedings of Jocky and Maggy\'s courtship with the great diversion that ensued at their bedding : In three parts. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '113', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'113.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page\r\nOn the title page in manuscript : (Supposed to be Dugald Graham\'s first publication of this kind, it was pub. in 1783./ StEdNL.\r\nAttri', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3253, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty & Meg; or, The wife reformed. : To which is added, The ladies\' petition to the doctors. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '130', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nThe title page contains an illustration of two figures, one male, the other female. This is a different item from the book placed at L.C.2852.F(9). The text is identical. StEdNL.\r\n\'130.\' is printed at the foot of', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3254, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty and Meg; or, The wife reformed. : To which is added, The ladies petition to the doctor. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '130', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nThe title page contains an illustration of a seated figure drinking from a glass. This is a different item from the books placed at L.C.2852.F(8), L.C.2892(65) and 3.2720(14). The text is identical. StEdNL.\r\n’130.’ is printed at the foot of the title page. \r\nAnonymous author: Alexander Wilson \r\nIn prose and verse', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3255, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The economical and complete housekeeper. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '136', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'136.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3256, 'Forbes, William, Schoolmaster', 0, NULL, 0, 'The dominie deposed, with the sequel / By William Forbes, A.M. late schoolmaster at Petercoulter. To which is added, Maggy Johnston\'s elegy. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '141', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'141.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'0\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : Hall.224.h.4(5).\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3257, 'Tannahill, Robert, 1774-1810', 0, NULL, 0, 'Cream of Tannahill\'s songs. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1860-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '28', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '152', 'In verse.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'152.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nTable of contents on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3258, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sea songster : a choice selection of songs, duets, and glees, sung at the different placs of public amusement. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '139', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIn verse.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'139\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nTable of contents on p. 24.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3259, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life of Robert Burns, the Ayrshire Bard : with an essay on his character and writings. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1852. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1852-01-01 00:00:00', '1852-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '1', 'One penny. ', 'New and improved series', 'No. 37', 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3260, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The voyages and travels of Sindbad the sailor. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1852. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1852-01-01 00:00:00', '1852-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '9', 'One penny. ', 'New and improved series', 'No. 41', 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3261, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scottish minstrel : containing a selection of the most popular songs of Scotland, as sung by Wilson, Templeton, &c. First series. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.2, '0', 'Price one penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nTable of contents on p. [2].\r\nAuld langsyne : Old song, with alterations and additions by Robert Burns. Air - \"Sir Alexander Don\'s Strathspey.\" Key-note G.\r\nBruce\'s address : Words by Burns. Air - \"Hey tuttie taitie.\" Key-note B flat.\r\nSomebody', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3262, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scottish minstrel : containing a selection of the most popular songs of Scotland, as sung by Wilson, Templeton, &c. Second series. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1851. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1851-01-01 00:00:00', '1851-12-31 00:00:00', '[23]-46', 12.1, '0', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Table of contents on p. [24].\r\nIn verse.\r\nMary of Castlecary : Words by Hector M\'Neil. Air - \"Bonnie Dundee.\" Key-note E minor.\r\nLassie wi\' the lint-white locks : Words by Burns. Air - \"Rothiemurchus\' rant.\" Key-note B flat.\r\nWhistle o\'er the lave o\'t : W', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3263, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The popular stories of The spectre bridegroom and The mason of Granada ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '1', 'One penny. ', NULL, '29', 'Illustration on title page.\r\n\'29\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style, and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3264, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850-1860?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '13', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style, and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3265, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Columbus : the discoverer of America. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'[No. 2.\' is printed at the top right of the title page.', NULL, 0, 'Columbus, Christopher.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3266, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A selection of religious anecdotes : choice sayings of wise men, &c. &c. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1856. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1856-01-01 00:00:00', '1856-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '1', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\n\'86\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3267, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comic reciter : a selection of the best & most popular comic pieces for recitation. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1856. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1856-01-01 00:00:00', '1856-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '1', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn prose and verse.\r\n\'11\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nDaniel versus Dishclout : From Stevens\' lecture on heads, and delivered by Mr Matthews, at various provincial theatres.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3268, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sentimental reciter : a selection of the most popular pieces for recitation. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1856. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1856-01-01 00:00:00', '1856-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '1', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn prose and verse.\r\n\'10\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThe ruined cottage, author : L. E. L.\r\nThe better land, author : Hemans.\r\nThe victory, author : Southey.\r\nSaul, author : Byron.\r\nClaude Melnotte\'s descriptio', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3269, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dream interpreter : by which future events are foretold from visions during sleep. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1856. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1856-01-01 00:00:00', '1856-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\n\'6\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3270, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Fireside amusements : a selection of riddles, enigmas, conundrums, quibbles, charades arithmetical puzzles, &c. selected from the best sources. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1856. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1856-01-01 00:00:00', '1856-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\n\'15\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nTable of contents on p. [2].', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3271, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The scrap-book : a selection of the best jokes, puns, comic sayings, Jonathanisms, &c., &c. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1856. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1856-01-01 00:00:00', '1856-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\n\'2\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3272, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dream interpreter : by which future events are foretold from visions during sleep. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1858. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1858-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\n\'6\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3273, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of the Kings and Queens of England : from William the Conqueror to the present time. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1856. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1856-01-01 00:00:00', '1856-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '38', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\n\'44\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nP. [24] consists of an advertisement for several series of books.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3274, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1858. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1858-01-01 00:00:00', '1858-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '13', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3275, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four new songs : William Burke. The wind blew the bonny lassie\'s plaidy awa. Great need of a wife. Logan braes. ', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1829-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and internal evidence.\r\n\'No. 4.\' is printed at the top of the title page.', NULL, 0, 'Burke, William, 1792-1829.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3276, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent songs : The farewell to the brethren of St James\' Lodge, Tarbolton. Craigie-burn wood. The midges dance aboon the burn. Gloomy winter\'s now awa. Roy\'s wife. Bonnie Lesley. ', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\n\'No. 8.\' is printed at the top of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3277, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four favourite songs : The sailor\'s journal. Culloden. Old Towler. Pea strae. ', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\n\'No. 10.\' is printed at the top of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3278, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent songs : The tears of Scotland. An excellent new song on the rebellion. Geordie Whelps testament. ', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold wholesale and retail, by J M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'George I, King of Great Britain, 1660-1727.\r\nJacobite Rebellion, 1715 ', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3279, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven excellent songs : The year that\'s awa. Blue bonnets over the border. The Laird o\' Cockpen. Jock o\' Hazeldean. Pity and protect the slave. Hurrah for the bonnets of blue. Here\'s a health to all good lasses - a glee. ', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3280, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The excellent old Scottish song of The blaeberry courtship. ', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 16, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3307, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs : The bonnet so blue. Helen of the Spey. Irish contradiction. Banished soldier. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3308, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Battle of the Boyn, or, King William crossing the Boyn Water : Also, Sally and Johnny. The broom of Cowdenknowes. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3309, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blaeberry courtship; or, Allan\'s love to the farmer\'s daughter. Also, I can\'t for I\'m in haste. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3310, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wandering young gentlewoman; or, The cat-skins\' garland : in five parts. Part I. How an esquire\'s daughter near London was forced from home by her father\'s cruelty, but through her tender mother, was well educated and clothed in rich array. When she c', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3311, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Donald M\'Donald : To which are added, And sae will we yet. Answer to the happy stranger. Love and glory. O\'er the muir amang the heather. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3312, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jemmy and Nancy of Yarmouth; or, the constant lovers : In four parts. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3313, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six songs : Free-mason\'s song. Death of Sally Roy. Wandering Willie. Lass in yon town. The maid of Lodi. The soldier\'s dream. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3314, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six songs : The exile of Erin. The soldier bridegroom\'s song. The sweet complaint. Honest men and bonny lasses. The auld man\'s mare\'s dead. The echoing horn. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3315, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of the Boyn; or, King William crossing the Boyn Water : To which is added, Sally and Johnny. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3316, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The crafty princess; or The golden bull : In four parts. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, for the booksellers, [1811-1819?] ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3317, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two songs : The flowers of the forest; composed on the battle of Flowden Field, fought 5th September, 1513. To which is added, Johnny Cope\'s defeat at the battle of Prestonpans. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Title page woodcut illustration is a basket of flowers within a garland, which is enclosed in a rectangular frame. There is a diamond shaped decoration beneath \'Two songs\' in the title. There are three variants : A : This lacks the rectangular frame and has lines beneath ’Two songs’ in the title. StEdNL : L.C.2856(17). B : This lacks the rectangular frame. StEdNL : L.C.2856(18). C : This lacks the rectangular frame and ’Dunbar’ on p. 7 is misspelled ’Dumbar’ StEdNL : L.C.2856(19). The texts are identical.', NULL, 0, 'Cope, John, Sir, d. 1760', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3318, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs : Kebbuckston wedding. Northern confederacy. Sweets of mutual love. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3319, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs : Paddy Carey. The roving bachelor. The lass of Ballochmyle. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3320, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs : Mucking o\' Geordie\'s byre. A man\'s a man for a\' that. Sir James the Rose. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3321, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs : The miller of Drone. Downfal of Bonaparte. The battle of Waterloo. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal evidence.\r\nDownfal of Bonaparte : Tune - The bold dragoon.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3322, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three songs : Sir James the Rose. Tarry woo. The gaberlunzie man. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3323, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs : Roy\'s wife of Aldivalloch. Crazy Jane. The miller of Dron. Lass of Cartside. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3324, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs : Blue flowers and yellow. Seaman\'s last shift. The happy strangers. Banished soldier. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nTitle page woodcut includes an illustration of a walking male figure with a sword(?) balanced on his shoulder. This differs from the book placed at RB.s.1332(18). The text is identical. StEdNL.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3325, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs : The banks of Clyde. Burns\' widow\'s lament. Crooked disciple. The sprig of shilelah.. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock: : Printed for the booksellers., [1796?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from internal evidence.\r\nBurns\' widow\'s lament : Tune - Of all the airts the win\' can blaw.', 'ESTC T191181', 0, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796 Death and burial.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3326, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs : The star of the East. The clown\'s courtship. The fair maiden. And O poortith cauld. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3327, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs : Wedding of Ballyporeen. The Irish smugglers. Lover\'s lament. The sailor\'s epitaph. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3328, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs : Roslin Castle. Symon and Janet. Paddy\'s land. The wandering sailor. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3329, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs : Roger the miller. O let me in this ae night. Bonny lass of Clutha. Mary\'s departed shade. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3330, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs : The braes of Gleniffer. Shannon and Chesapeake. Fourteenth of April. Fly not yet. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3331, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs : Jockey to the fair. The sisters. Ben and Mary. Country lassie. The rosy morn. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3332, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs : Loudon\'s woods & braes. The peck o\' maut. Sleepin\' Maggie. Paddy\'s seven ages. Daintie Davie. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3333, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs : The wounded hussar. Lucy\'s flittin\'. Scots wha hae wi\' Wallace bled. Robert and Nell. The wandering sailor. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3334, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs : The mariners of England. The general toast. Caroline. Down-hill of life. The lass in yon town. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3335, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs : The wounded hussar. One bottle more. Robin and Jean\'s courtship. The spinning o\'t. Flaxen were her ringlets. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3336, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs : Robinson Crusoe. The lover\'s departure, Katherine Ogie. Answer to the happy strangers. Bonny Jessie. ', NULL, '[Kilmarnock] : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style. Place of publication from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3337, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs : Captain Mullegan. Maggy M\'Laren. Bacchus\'s calendar. Jenny dang the weaver. Fly not yet. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3338, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent songs : The sailor\'s dream. Duncan Gray. Highland Mary. Ewe-bughts, Marion. The midnight bowl. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3339, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs : The sailor\'s dream. Duncan Gray. Highland Mary. Ewe-bughts, Marion. The midnight bowl. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3340, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five Irish comic songs : Paddy Carey. The sprig of shilelah. With a dozen thirteens. Be a good boy. The tight Irish boy. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nThe sprig of shilelah and shamrock so green : Tune - The black joke.\r\nDarby M\'Shanes visit to London : Tune - The sprig of shilelah.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3341, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs : Bessy Bell and Mary Gray. Logan braes. Jeanie\'s black e\'e. My bonnie Lady Ann. The cabin boy. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3342, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sir Neil and Glengyle, the Highland chieftains : a tragical ballad. To which are added, The drunken exciseman, and Cherry ripe. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3343, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'The old Scots tragical song of Sir James the Rose. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3344, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five English popular songs : Betsey Baker. Ye mariners of England. The dashing white sergeant. Go where glory waits. The pilgrim of love. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nBetsey Baker : Tune - Head man at Mrs. Grundy\'s.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3345, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Eight songs : Blue bonnets over the border. And ye shall walk in silk attire. I\'ve been roaming. Cherry ripe. Hey the bonnie breast knots. The anchor\'s weigh\'d. Oh! say not woman\'s love is bought. Jock of Hazeldean. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3346, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Fashionable songs. ', NULL, '[Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, 1815-1825?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nList of contents on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Kilmarnock: Printed for the booksellers.\r\nImprint from colophon.\r\nCaption title.', NULL, 0, 'Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount, 1758-1805 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3347, 'Forbes, William, Schoolmaster', 0, NULL, 0, 'The dominie depos\'d : With some reflections on his intrigue with a young lass, and what happened thereupon. Intermixed with advices to all precentors and dominies / By Wm. Forbes, A.M. late Schoolmaster in Petercoulter, Aberdeenshire. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1817. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3348, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The goldfinch : a collection of favourite Scots and English songs. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, 1817. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 9.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3349, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and transactions of Mrs Jane Shore : concubine to King Edward IV. Containing an account of her parentage, wit and beauty. Her marriage with Mr. Shore. The King\'s visits to her; her going to Court, and leaving her husband. Her great distress and m', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1821. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 'Shore, Jane, d. 1527?\r\nRichard III, King of England, 1452-1485.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3350, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Ayrshire melodist; or, The muses\' delight : A choice collection of Scotch songs. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1821. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 10.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3351, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life of David Haggart, who was executed at Edinburgh, 18th July, 1821, for the murder of the Dumfries jailor : Containing the whole of his depredations and murders, faithfully copied from the large book written by himself. - Being the whole substance, wit', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, [1821?] ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.\r\nDated from internal evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Haggart, David, 1800-1821 Death and burial.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3352, 'Brownlee, W. C. (William Craig), 1784-1860', 0, NULL, 0, 'Narrative of the Battles of Drumclog, and Bothwell Bridge : The former fought on the 1st, and the latter on the 22d of June, 1679. Between the King\'s troops and the Covenanters / By the Laird of Torfoot, an Officer in the Presbyterian army. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1822. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nSigned W. C. B.\r\nW.C.B = William Craig Brownlee.\r\nPurports to be an account of events during and after the battle by a Covenanter participant, the Laird of Torfoot.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3353, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Account of the royal visit of George the IVth to Scotland. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1822. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830 Journeys Scotland.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3354, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new winter evening\'s companion, of fun, mirth, and frolic : Containing a great variety of merry tales, and diverting entertainments, for the winter evening fireside. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1822. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3355, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The young cottager: or, An account of Jane Seymour, the daughter of ignorant and irreligiuos parents : This tale illustrates the advantages of early piety, by giving a minute account of the young cottager\'s conversion; - her illness; - the consolations sh', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1822. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3356, 'Trenck, Friedrich, Freiherr von der, 1726-1794', 0, NULL, 0, 'The surprising adventures and sufferings of Frederick Baron Trenck : giving an account of his being confined in a dungeon, with chains of 68 pounds weight; and afterwards gullotined in France, in the time of the revolution, 1796. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1829. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn prose and verse.', NULL, 0, 'Trenck, Friedrich, Freiherr von der, 1726-1794', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3357, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The modern reciter : a selection of the most popular pieces for recitation, principally from Sir Walter Scott, Campbell, Lord Byron, Hogg, Wolfe, and other poets of the day. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1829. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3358, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new spirit of Scots wit : comprising every thing humourous, witty, or droll, worthy of preservation, connected with Scottish drollery. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1829. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3359, 'Faust, Bernhard Christoph, 1755-1842', 0, NULL, 0, 'The book of health : selected and translated from the German of Dr. Faust. For the use of the inhabitants of Scotland, by the recommendation of Dr. Gregory. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1830. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nTranslation of: Gesundheits-Katechismus.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3360, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven English popular songs : The Tyrolese song of liberty. The Castilian maid. Faintly as tolls the evening chime. Oh! rest thee, babe. Farewell. The gipsy wanderer. God save the king. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3361, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'The monk and the miller\'s wife : A tale / By Allan Ramsay. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3362, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six songs : Behave yoursel\' afore folk. The wandering boy. \'Tis the last rose of summer. My Henry is gone. Wilt thou say farewell, love. Pity and protect the slave. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nBehave yoursel\' afore folk : Air - Good-morrow to your night-cap. By Alexander Rodger.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3363, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs : The king\'s welcome. Death of Sally Roy. Come under my plaidie. The soldier\'s dream. Word to the wise. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, 1823. ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nThe king\'s welcome : Tune - Royal Charlie.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3364, 'Thomson, J. ', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fasten\'s-day, a poem: or, Kilmarnock races, and frolics, on that celebrated day / By J.Thomson. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1818. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '0', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3365, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jenny\'s bawbee : To which are added, The Caledonian laddie. The tippling old cobbler. ', NULL, 'Haddington : Printed by G. Miller: - at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'s books, pictures, catechisms, &c. Wholesale and retail, [1804-1812?] ', 'Haddington', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3366, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sea songs : The tempest. The wat\'ry grave. Heaving of the lead. Far, far at sea. ', NULL, 'Haddington : Printed by G. Miller: - at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'s books, pictures, catechisms, &c. Wholesale and retail, [1804-1812?] ', 'Haddington', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3367, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Northumberland life-boat : to which are added, Anna\'s complaint, and The sluggard. ', NULL, 'Haddington : Printed by G. Miller & Son, booksellers, [1812-1823?] ', 'Haddington', 'G. Miller & Son', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3368, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Flowers of the forest : To which are added, The battle of Flowdenhill. The soldier\'s adieu. Oh! the moment was sad. Begone dull care. ', NULL, 'Haddington : Printed by G. Miller: - at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'s books, pictures, catechisms, &c. Wholesale and retail, [1804-1812?] ', 'Haddington', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3369, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent new song, called, Wonderful admiration! : To which are added, Jenny\'s bawbee. Remember Jack. And The braw lass of Gala water. ', NULL, 'Haddington : Printed by G. Miller: - at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'s books, pictures, catechisms, &c. Wholesale and retail, [1804-1812?] ', 'Haddington', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3370, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Talavera; or, The soldier\'s threnody. ', NULL, 'Haddington : Printed by G. Miller: - at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, pictures, children\'s books, catechisms, &c. Wholesale and retail, [1809?] ', 'Haddington', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal evidence.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3371, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent new song, called Willie Wastle : To which are added, Henry\'s cottage maid, The Sheffield prentice, Different humours, and, My love is but a lassie yet. ', NULL, 'Haddington : Printed by G. Miller: - at whose shop may be had a variety of pamphlets, ballads, children\'s books, pictures, catechisms, &c. Wholesale and retail, [1804-1812?] ', 'Haddington', 'Miller, George', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3372, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Songs : Bruce\'s address. The soldier\'s dream. Woo\'d and married and a\'. Bessy Bell and Mary Gray. The exile of Erin. ', NULL, 'Montrose : Printed by James Watt, 1814. ', 'Montrose', 'Watt, James', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3373, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous exploits of Robin Hood, Little John, and his merry men all : Including an account of his birth, education, and death. ', NULL, 'Montrose : Printed by James Watt, [1840-1850?]. ', 'Montrose', 'Watt, James', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nSix-line verse on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3374, 'Cottin, Madame (Sophie), 1770-1807', 0, NULL, 0, 'Elizabeth; or, The exiles of Siberia / by M. Cottin. ', NULL, 'Montrose : Printed by James Watt, [1840-1850?]. ', 'Montrose', 'Watt, James', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nThere is a six-line verse on the title page.\r\nOn title page above the imprint : A large collection of song books and histories always on hand.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3375, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John and his twelve misfortunes : which happened all in twelve days after the unhappy day of his marriage. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by Caldwell and Son, 2, New Street, 1839. ', 'Paisley', 'George Caldwell and Son', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1839-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3376, 'Aesop', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Fables of Aesop : the celebrated ancient philosopher. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by Caldwell and Son, 2, New Street, 1839. ', 'Paisley', 'George Caldwell and Son', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1839-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15.1, '47', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3377, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Joseph and his brethren : embellished with cuts; to which is added, the life, journeyings, and death of the Apostle Paul. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell and Son, 2, New Street, [ca. 1840?] ', 'Paisley', 'George Caldwell and Son', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and examination of text and style.\r\nIn prose and verse.', NULL, 0, 'Joseph (Son of Jacob)\r\nPaul, the Apostle, Saint.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3378, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new pictorial Bible. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Published by Caldwell and Son, 1841. ', 'Paisley', 'George Caldwell and Son', NULL, '1841-01-01 00:00:00', '1841-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '47', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nA chapbook, consisting of woodcuts with appropriate extracts from the Bible appended.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3379, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life, trial and execution, of Mary Thompson : aged nineteen, who was executed at York, on 22nd. March, for the murder of her master and mistress, with an account of her innocence being proved and the real murderer discovered. ', NULL, '[Paisley] : G. Caldwell, printer, 2, New Street, Paisley, 1841. ', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George, junior', NULL, '1841-01-01 00:00:00', '1841-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'In verse and prose.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3380, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new pictorial Bible. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Published by Caldwell & Son, 1842. ', 'Paisley', 'George Caldwell and Son', NULL, '1842-01-01 00:00:00', '1842-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '47', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nA chapbook, consisting of woodcuts with appropriate extracts from the Bible appended.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3381, 'Andrews, John, of Paisley', 0, NULL, 0, 'Raising the wind; or, Habbie Sympson & his wife baith deid / As originaly [sic] written and spoken by John Andrews, in the ExchangeRooms [sic], MossStreet [sic]. Together with The lyfe and deithe of Habbie Simpson, the famous pyper of Kilbarchan. Written ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell & Co., 1863. ', 'Paisley', 'George Caldwell & Co.', NULL, '1863-01-01 00:00:00', '1863-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse and prose.', NULL, 0, 'Simpson, Habbie.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3382, 'J. A. ', 0, NULL, 0, 'Peter Pickup and Tammie Treddles: or The new patent thief catcher : a comic story / By J. A. ', NULL, 'Paisley : [s.n.], 1864. ', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, '1864-01-01 00:00:00', '1864-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3383, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the executions in Scotland for the past 200 years. ', NULL, 'Paisley : [s.n.], 1866. ', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, '1866-01-01 00:00:00', '1866-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Paisley. Printed for the booksellers.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Calcraft, William Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3384, 'Montgomerie, Alexander, 1545?-1598', 0, NULL, 0, 'The cherry and the sloe : Corrected and modernized. The old spelling being mostly altered, except where the rhime makes it necessary to preserve the old / By J. D. Written originally by Capt. Alex. Montgomery. First printed in the year 1597. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, 1817. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3385, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An elegy on Sir Robert Grierson, of Lag : who died December 23d, 1733. Or, The prince of darkness\' lamentation for the Laird of Lag, and others. Shewing the commendation of many of his best friends who were chief promoters of his interest, and upholders o', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, 1817. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '0', NULL, 'Crawford\'s tracts', 'No. 4', 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3386, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Roman Catholic cruelties : in the murders, burnings, hangings, and impalings of the Protestants, by the papists, in Piedmont, Savoy, Bohemia, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, and Ireland. Compiled from an old and scarc', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1825. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Six line biblical quote on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3387, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Laugh and grow fat! or, The comical budget of wit : A selection of choice bon mots, Irish blunders, repartees, anecdotes, &c. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1825. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Two line quote on title page.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3388, 'Bunyan, John, Junior, pseud. [i.e. William Arnot.] ', 0, NULL, 0, 'The advantages and disadvantages of the married state : as entered into with religious or irreligious persons. Delivered under the similitude of a dream. Improved and amended / By John Bunyan, Jun. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1826. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3389, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Madrid shaver\'s adventures in the Spanish Inquisition. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1827. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Pedrosa, Nicolas.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3390, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The spaewife; or, Universal fortune-teller : Wherein your future welfare may be known, by physiognomy - cards - palmistry - and coffee grounds. Also, a distinct treatise on moles / By an astrologer. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1827. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3391, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The voyages and adventures of the renowned Admiral Drake : who sailed round the world, and assisted in destroying the Spanish armada, which came to invade England in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1827. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Drake, Francis, Sir, 1540?-1596 Journeys.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3392, 'Dean, Henry', 0, NULL, 0, 'Hocus pocus; or The whole art of legerdemain in perfection : by which any one may perform the most strange and curious tricks of sleight of hand, with cards, rings, fire, ribbons, money &c. without a teacher. To which are now added, numerous new and rare ', 'The sixteenth edition, with large additions and amendments. ', 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1827. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3393, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The toast-master\'s companion : a collection of the best and newest loyal, patriotic, military, naval, love, masonic, drinking, sporting, and miscellaneous toasts and sentiments. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1827. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3394, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of Scots proverbs : containing all the wise sayings and pithy observations of the old people of Scotland / By Allan Ramsay, the famous Scots poet. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed by H. Crawford, bookseller, 1829. ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Crawford, Hugh', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'On title page : I will hae books gin I suld sell ye kye.\r\nOn title page : Vox populi vox dei. That maun be true that a\' men say.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3395, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The advantages and disadvantages of the marriage-state : as entered into with religious or irreligious persons. Delivered under the similitude of a dream. Improved and amended / By Philanthropist. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1825-1830?] ', 'Kilmarnock', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3396, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The singular adventures of Sir Gawen, and the enchanted castle. : A fairy tale.. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '6', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174299', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3397, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The parent\'s pious gift; or, A choice present for children: : Set forth in a dialogue between a religious father and an extravagant son. To which is added, a hymn On the day of judgment.. ', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed by C. Randall,, 1798,. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.', 'ESTC T170459', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3398, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The English lady\'s complete catechism. : Setting forth the pride and vanity of the English quality, in relieving foreigners before their own country-folks.. ', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed in this present year., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3399, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new game at cards; or, A pack of cards changed into a compleat and perpetual almanack. : In a dialogue between a nobleman and his servant. First, shewing the use of his almanack by the quarters, months, weeks and days of the year. Secondly, shewing ho', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed by C. Randall., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T186161', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3400, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The court lady\'s true and ingenious fortune-book. : Directed to all young men, maids, widows, and widowers. Containing, I. A table that resolves all questions in love. II. The signification of moles. III. The interpretation of dreams IV. How to know if a ', NULL, 'Stirling : [Printed in this present year, 1800?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T192027', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3401, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack the giant-killer. : With an account of his invisible coat, cap of knowledge, shoes of swiftness, and sword of sharpness.. ', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed by C. Randall., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T166168', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3402, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A choice collection of cookery receipts. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1801. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3403, 'Miller, Joe', 0, NULL, 0, 'Joe Miller\'s jests : Being a collection of the most brilliant jests, and most pleasant short stories in the English language. The greatest part of which are taken from the mouth of that facetious gentleman whose name they bear. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1801. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3404, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tom Thumb\'s royal riddle book for the trial of dull wits : Being a collection of new and ingenious guesses. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed & sold by C. Randall, 1801. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nOn title page : Of merry books this is the chief, It is a purging pill, To carry off all heavy grief, And make you laugh your fill.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3405, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry tales of the wise men of Gotham : To which is added, A collection of jests. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1801. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'On title page : Of merry books this is the chief, It is a purging pill, To carry off all heavy grief, And make you laugh your fill.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3406, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Whittington : who was afterwards Lord Mayor of London, and his cat. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1801. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'On title page : Turn again Whittington, Lord Mayor of great London.', NULL, 0, 'Whittington, Dick, 1357?-1423.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3407, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Egypt : with an account of its invasion by the French, their principal operations there, and the late dispatches from Sir Ralph Abercrombie, and General Hutchinson, containing a detail of the defeat of the French, under the command of Gener', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1801. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 15.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 'Abercromby, Ralph, Sir, 1734-1801 Military leadership.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3408, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The vision of Almet : And No life pleasing to God, that is not useful to man. Two Eastern stories. To which is added, The art of growing rich, an instructive tale. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1803. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Six-line verse on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3409, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Wat Tyler and Jack Straw. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1803. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '5', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Tyler, Wat, d. 1381.\r\nStraw, Jack, d. 1381?', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3410, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Simple Simon\'s misfortunes : And his wife Margery\'s cruelty, which began the very next morning after their marriage. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1803. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3411, 'Lillo, George, 1693-1739', 0, NULL, 0, 'Youth\'s warning-piece; or, The tragical history of George Barnwell : who was undone by a strumpet, that caused him to rob his master and murder his uncle. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1803. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.\r\nPages [2] and [3] consist of illustrations of George Barnwell and Sarah Milwood with some text. The work \'The history of George Barnwell\' starts on p. [4].\r\nPage [16] appears as a second title page for the first work and in entitled \'', NULL, 0, 'Barnwell, George.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3412, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four merry tales : entitled, Thrummy Cap; Young whip stitch, a London taylor\'s son; Young Jehu, or The gig demolished; and The farmer\'s harvest night. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1804. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nThrummy Cap - Attributed to John Burness.\r\nThe gig demolished: a poem : (By Mrs Barbauld.).\r\nThe farmer\'s harvest night. A poem : By J**** H********.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3413, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The entertaining history of the early years of General Bonaparte : Commander in chief of the French forces in the late war between Great Britain and France / By a royal emigrant, Bonaparte\'s school-companions. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1804. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3414, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Nimble and quick! : Pick and chuse where you will, here is something to please every body or, Remarks on the humours of the age: consisting of whimsical, diverting, comical and useful observations on the virtues and vices of the times. To which is added, ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1804. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3415, 'Love, Christopher, 1618-1651', 0, NULL, 0, 'The strange and wonderful predictions of Mr. Christopher Love : Minister of the gospel at Laurence Jury, London: who was beheaded on Tower-Hill, on the 22d of August, 1651 in the time of Oliver Cromwell\'s government of England. Giving an account of Babylo', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1806. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3416, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A true tale of Robin Hood. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1807. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '9', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Robin Hood (Legendary character)', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3417, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven love songs : Och hey Johnnie lad; Thou bonnie wood o\' Cragie lea; Ane & twenty Tam. Logan Water. The land o\' the leal. &c. ', NULL, 'Kincardine : W. Liddell, printer, [ca. 1820?] ', 'Kincardine', 'Liddell, W.', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style and the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3418, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life of Daniel Dancer Esq. : the remarkable miser. A selection of amusing and instructive reading; comprising the wonders of nature and art, with memoirs and anecdotes of singular & eccentric characters, historical facts, and geographical descriptions', NULL, '[Kirkcudbright : John Nicholson, 1840-1850?] ', 'Kirkcudbright', 'Nicholson, John', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '0', 'One penny. ', 'A selection of amusing and instructive reading', 'No. 1', 'Dated from examination of text and style and the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nSeries and imprint information taken from title.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3419, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Description of Mount Vesuvius with an account of its various eruptions : To which is added, The dog of Montargis, a very singular and true story. A selection of amusing and instructive reading; comprising the wonders of nature and art, with memoirs and an', NULL, '[Kirkcudbright : John Nicholson, 1840-1850?] ', 'Kirkcudbright', 'Nicholson, John', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '0', 'One penny. ', 'A selection of amusing and instructive reading', 'No. 4', 'Dated from examination of text and style and the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nSeries and imprint information taken from title.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3420, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six popular Scotch songs : The braes o\' Gleniffer. Neil Gow\'s fareweel to whiskey, o. The burnside. The land of the leal. Auld Robin Gray. Rob Roy MacGregor. ', NULL, 'Kirkcudbright : Printed by and for John Nicholson, [1840-1850?] ', 'Kirkcudbright', 'Nicholson, John', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style and the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nThe land o\' the leal : Air - Bruce\'s address.', NULL, 0, 'Rob Roy, 1671-1734.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3421, 'Hogg, James, 1770-1835', 0, NULL, 0, 'George Dobson\'s expedition to hell / by James Hogg. The \"Ettrick Shepherd\". ', NULL, 'Kirkintilloch : Published by William M\'Millan, [1850-1860?] ', 'Kirkintilloch', 'M\'Millan, William', NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 14.1, '0', NULL, 'The story-teller', NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3422, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Unfading flowers : a true story. ', NULL, 'Kirkintilloch : Published by William M\'Millan, [1850-1860?] ', 'Kirkintilloch', 'M\'Millan, William', NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 13.5, '1', NULL, 'The story-teller', NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3423, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The collier boy and his candle box : relating how he and 75 others were buried alive in a coal pit: with a copy of the letter he sent to his mother after his death! An affectng narrative. ', NULL, 'Kirkintilloch : William M\'Millan, [1850-1860?] ', 'Kirkintilloch', 'M\'Millan, William', NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3424, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Extraordinary deliverance of Elizabeth Shaw : to which is added, Account of the marvellous growth of a woman\'s hair. ', NULL, 'Kirkintilloch : William M\'Millan, [1850-1860?] ', 'Kirkintilloch', 'M\'Millan, William', NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed and published by Wm. M\'Millan, Kirkintilloch. A great variety of tracts, histories, &c., always on hand. Hawkers supplied.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3425, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Thomas Raeburn : Ayrshire hermit. ', NULL, 'Kirkintilloch : William M\'Millan, [1850-1860?] ', 'Kirkintilloch', 'M\'Millan, William', NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nPage [12] consists of advertisments for other titles published by McMillan.', NULL, 0, 'Raeburn, Thomas Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3426, 'Miller, Joe', 0, NULL, 0, 'Joe Miller\'s new jest book : containing a collection of anecdotes, jokes, jests, and stories. ', NULL, 'Kirkintilloch : Published by William M\'Millan, 1846. ', 'Kirkintilloch', 'M\'Millan, William', NULL, '1846-01-01 00:00:00', '1846-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 15.2, '1', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nPrinted on pale blue paper.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3427, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hunting of Chevy-chace. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, 1811. ', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1811-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3428, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The singular life, adventures, and depredations of David Haggart, the murderer : related by himself, while under the sentence of death. With an account of his execution at Edinburgh, July 18, 1821, for the murder of Morrin, one of the turnkeys of Dumfries', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by Caldwell & Son, 2 New Street, 1836. ', 'Paisley', 'George Caldwell and Son', NULL, '1836-01-01 00:00:00', '1836-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn prose and verse.', NULL, 0, 'Haggart, David, 1800-1821 Death and burial.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3429, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The toast-master\'s companion : A collection of the best and newest loyal, patriotic, military, naval, love, masonic, drinking, sporting, & miscellaneous toasts and sentiments. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed and published by G. Caldwell, 1837. ', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George, junior', NULL, '1837-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3430, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The ewie wi\' the crookit horn : to which is added, the excellent old song of The Greenwich lady. John & Nell\'s frolic. ', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan, [1816-1831?] ', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : P. Buchan, printer, Peterhead.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3431, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six beautiful songs : Gloomy winters now awa; Gloomy winters come again; The land o\' the leal; For lack of gold; Loudons bonny woods and braes; The lass o\' Peaties Mill. ', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan, [1816-1831?] ', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3432, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Dear meal : to which are added, The new-made shilling, and a curious Scots medley, Calder fair. ', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan, [1816-1831?] ', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : P. Buchan, printer, Peterhead.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3433, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The taxes : to which is added, the excellent old song of The Greenwich lady. ', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan, [1816-1831?] ', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3434, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sorrowful husband : To which are added, The new way of Auld langsyne, and Tarry oh the grinder. ', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed by P. Buchan, [1816-1831?] ', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nA new song : Tune - Auld langsyne.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3435, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs : viz. The generous laird; For a\' that an\' a\' that; The boatie rows and Lovely Isabel. ', NULL, '[Peterhead] : Printed by P. Buchan, Peterhead, where may be had a great variety of ballads, &c, [1816-1831?] ', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1831-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nIsabel : Tune - The maid of Islay.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3436, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Love and grief or The death of the Sutherlands; : a ballad founded on fact, and contains the affecting story of William Earl of Sutherlaed [sic] and his Countess. Having lost an only son, they endeavoured to dispel their grief by a journey to Bath. They h', NULL, '[Stirling] : Printed in the year, 1794.. ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T170925', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3437, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The maid in Bedlam. : To which are added The female robber. Sailor Jack, with The answer. Patty Clover.. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Entered according to order., 1798.. ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T172323', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3438, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The shipwreck\'d sailor. : To which are added, Roger the miller. The bunch of green ribbons. The echoing horn. The sailor\'s song.. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Entered according to order., 1799.. ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T181504', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3439, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Margery Topping. : To which are added, Hooly and fairly. The virgin\'s choice.. ', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed by C Randall,, [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nThe virgin\'s choice : Tune - Nansy\'s to the Green-wood gane.', 'ESTC T171751', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3440, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pretty maid milking her cow, : to which are added The charms of Jamie, A solemn dirge.. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T179168', 0, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3441, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor dear, with The answer. : To which is added, A hunting song.. ', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed by C. Randall,, [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nThe sailor dear : Tune - The vicar and Moses.', 'ESTC T200532', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3442, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'My Nanie o. : To which are added, Bonny Jean, Plaid amang the heather.. ', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed by C. Randall,, [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T170759', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3443, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The kail-brose of aula [sic] Scotland. : To which are added, The life of a jolly topper. Believe my sighs. The free-mason\'s song. Nobody coming to marry me.. ', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed by C. Randall., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T168858', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3444, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The auld farmer\'s salutation to his auld mare Maggy, on giving her a ripp of corn, to Hansel in the New Year : To which is added, An address to a Scotch haggis on New-Year\'s Day / By Robert Burns, the Ayrshire poet. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1806. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3445, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jenny lass, my bonny bird : to which are added. The new pease strae; The minister\'s maia\'s [sic] courtship. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1806. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3446, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The golden days of good Queen Bess : To which is added, A sequel to the favourite song of good Q Bess. Or The golden days we now possess. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1806. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3447, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Pope\'s knavery; or Old Nick\'s invention : To which are added, The fortunate young farmer; The young lady\'s praise; You\'re fitter for a lover\'s arms. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1807. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3448, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Mary le More, a lamentable Irish song : To which is added, George is the mildest king; or A new touch on the times. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1808. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nMary le More : Tune - Poor exile of Erin.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3449, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Britain\'s contest : To which are added, The battle of Killicrankie. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1810. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3450, 'Howard, Thomas, 17th/18th cent. ', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the seven wise mistresses of Rome. : Wherein the treachery of evil ministers is discovered. Innocency cleared, and the wisdom of the seven wise mistresses dis[p]layed.. ', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed by C. Randall., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '9', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nFirst published in 1683 as \'The history of the seven wise mistresses of Rome\'.\r\nAnonymous. By Thomas Howard.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3451, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new school of love. : Being the true art of courtship: shewing how every one may know his partner\'s disposition and temper by the hair, eyes and nose, &c. With the signification of moles in any part of the body; and, the interpretation of dreams, &c &', NULL, '[Stirling] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T187159', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3452, 'Cornish, Humphrey', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Welch traveller, or The unfortunate Welchman.. ', NULL, 'Stirling: : Printed by C. Randall., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Anonymous. By Humphrey Cornish.\r\nDate from external evidence.', 'ESTC T179541', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3453, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Buckingham wonder; or, The maiden\'s trance. : Being a strange relation of one Mary Spencer, born at Woburn in Buckinghamshire, who, at ten years of age, being in perfect health, fell into a trance, and lay dead for three days and nights together, when', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed in this present year., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Date from external evidence.\r\nIn prose and verse.', 'ESTC T166871', 0, 'Spencer, Mary, fl. ca. 1800?', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3454, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Buckingham wonder; or, The maiden\'s trance. Being a strange relation of one Mary Spencer, born at Woburn in Buckinghamshire, who, at ten years of age, being in perfect health, fell into a trance, and lay dead for three days and nights together, when j', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed in this present year., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Date from external evidence.\r\nIn prose and verse.', 'ESTC T166872', 0, 'Spencer, Mary, fl. ca. 1800?', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3455, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An awful, desperate and bloody battle, for the breeches. : That was fought last Saturday night, between a lovely couple who have been married a whole fortnight, which ended not without blood shedding; together with the articles of agreement and pacificati', NULL, '[Stirling? : s.n., 1800?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nCaption title.', 'ESTC N016092', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3456, 'Macneill, Hector, 1746-1818', 0, NULL, 0, 'Scotland\'s skaith; or The history o\' Will & Jean: : an owre true tale.. ', 'Eighth edition. ', 'Stirling: : Printed by C. Randall. And sold by P. Hill. A. Guthrie, Edinburgh. Brash & Reid, A. Macauley, Glasgow. G. Caldwall & A. Cameron, Paisley., 1795.. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', 'Guthrie, A.', '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Anonymous. By Hector Macneill.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T206966', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3457, 'Clinker, Humphrey', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the haveral wives; or, The folly of witless women displayed. / Written by Humphrey Clinker. The clashing wives clerk. Being a comical conference between Maggy and Janet, his two old aunties.. ', NULL, '[Stirling?] : Entered according to order., 1799.. ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Humphrey Clinker is a pseudonym.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.\r\nFirst published in [1770?] as \'The folly of witless women displayed\'.', 'ESTC T185441', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3458, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The letter-writer : containing a variety of epistolary correspondence on different subjects (in three parts). Viz. Duty and friendship. Love, courtship and marriage. Business and the death of relatives. To which are added superscriptions and addresses for', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1801. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3459, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history and comical transactions of Lothian Tom : in six parts. Wherein is contained a collection of roguish exploits done by him, both in Scotland and England. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1801. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3460, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history and comical transactions of Lothian Tom : in six parts. Wherein is contained a collection of roguish exploits, done by him, both in Scotland and England. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, [1801?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3461, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The whole proceedings of Jockey and Maggy: In five parts : I. Jockey and Maggy\'s courtship, as they were coming from the market. II. The wonderful works of our John, shewing how he made Janet like an Elshin shaft, and got his ain Maggy wi\' bairn forby. II', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for, and sold by the booksellers in town and country, 1802. ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 14.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nOn title page : Carefully corrected and revised by the author.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3462, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun: or The comical merry tricks of Leper the taylor. In two parts, : to which are added, The grand solemnity of the taylor\'s funeral, who lay nine nights in state on his own shop board. Together with his last will.. ', NULL, '[Stirling?] : Entered according to order., 1799.. ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T184115', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3463, 'Genlis, Stbephanie Fbelicitbe, comtesse de, 1746-1830', 0, NULL, 0, 'The younger brother or, The sufferings of Saint Andre. / By Madame Genlis.. ', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed by C. Randall., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T205574', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3464, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The unfortunate son, or, A kind wife is worth gold. : Being full of mirth and pastime. ', NULL, '[Stirling?] : Printed according to order., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nSix line verse on title page.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T194716', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3465, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous history of the learned Friar Bacon. : Giving a particular account of his birth, parentage, with the many wonderful things he did, in his life-time, to the amazement of all the world.. ', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed in this present year., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Date from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T190598', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3466, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Lawrence Lazy : Containing, his birth and slothful breeding; how he served the school-master, his wife, the \'squire\'s cook, and the farmer; which, by the laws of Lubberland was accounted high treason. His arraingment [sic] and trial; and ha', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1803. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3467, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The adventures of the extravagant wit; or, The English swindler : Swewing [sic] the various frauds and tricks he committed in and about London. Extending them also to the most distant parts of the globe. Amongst which are the folllowing: how he cozened a ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1803. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3468, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the wicked life and horrid death of Dr John Faustus. : Shewing, how he sold himself to the Devil, to have power for 24 years to do what he pleased. Also the things done by him and Mephostophiles. With an account how the Devil came for him at the end of 24 years, and tore him in pieces', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed this present year., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nThere is a variant in which the decorative border on p. 3 is different and the layout of the text on title page is slightly different. The text block is identical. StEdNL : L.C.2866(7)', 'ESTC T165667', 0, 'Faust, d. ca. 1540.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3469, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the king and the cobler : In two parts. Part I. Shews how King Henry VIIIth used to visit the watches in the city; his acquaintance with a merry cobler ; how he was entertained in the cobler\'s cellar, and what has like to have befallen them', 'A new edition, carefully corrected. ', 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1806. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3470, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan : who was commonly called the King\'s fool. In six parts, complete. To which is added, several witty and entertaining jests. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, M,DCCC,VII. [1807] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582, in fiction, drama, poetry, etc.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3471, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous history of the valiant London prentice. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1807. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.7, '5', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3472, 'Sinclair, George, d. 1696', 0, NULL, 0, 'Satan\'s invisible world discover\'d; or The history or witches and warlocks : Containing the wonderful relation of Major Weir and his sister - The witches of Calder, Pittenweem, Borrowstouness, Bargarran, and Culross. And a remarkable proclamation, which w', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1807. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAnonymous. By George Sinclair.', NULL, 0, 'Weir, Thomas, 1600?-1670.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3473, 'Chicken, Edward', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of the collier\'s wedding : At Benwell, near New Castle upon Tyne / by Edward Chicken. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1808. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nOn title page : Some country girl, scarce to a courtsey bred/ Would I much rather than Cornelia wed. Dryden\'s Juvenal, St. 6.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3474, 'Miller, Joe', 0, NULL, 0, 'Joe Miller\'s jests : Being a collection of the most brilliant jests and most pleasant short stories in the English language. The greater part of which are taken from the mouth of that facetious gentleman whose name they bear. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1810. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3475, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Memoirs of the late John Kippen, cooper, in Methven, near Perth : to which is added, an Elegy on Peter Duthie, who was upwards of eighty years a flying stationer. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, [1812?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal evidence.\r\nIn verse and prose.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3476, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the two children in the wood.. ', NULL, 'Stirling: : Printed and sold by C. Randall., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T165552', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3477, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The adventures of Cap. Gulliver : In a voyage to Lilliput. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, [ca. 1810?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 10.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3478, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and transactions of Mrs. Jane Shore, concubine to K. Edward IV : Containing an account of her parentage, wit, and beauty. Her marriage with Mr. Shore. The king\'s visits to her, her going to court, and leaving her husband. Her great distress and m', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, [ca. 1810?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, 'Shore, Jane, d. 1527?', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3479, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack Horner : Containing, the witty pranks he play\'d from his youth to his riper years, being pleasant for winter evenings. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, [ca. 1810?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '7', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3480, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The arraigning and indicting of Sir John Barleycorn : newly composed by a well-wisher to Sir John and all that love him. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1810. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3481, 'Roach, John, b. 1748', 0, NULL, 0, 'The surprising adventures of John Roach : mariner of Whitehaven. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1810. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3482, 'O\'Lavery, Murtaugh', 0, NULL, 0, 'Purgatory proved, illustrated, and set forth in a clear light : A funeral sermon / By Father Murtaugh O\'Lavery. Priest of the parishes of St John\'s, Dromore, and Machrelin. Upon the death of one of his parishioners. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for the booksellers, 1810. ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Father Murtaugh O\'Lavery is a pseudonym.\r\nSatire in Irish-accented English.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3483, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Counsels to young men : in a letter from a father to his son. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed, and sold by C. Randall, 1810. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'On title page : Happy is the man that findeth wisdom and the man that getteth understanding. Prov iii 13.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3484, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack Horner : Containing, the witty pranks he play\'d from his youth to his riper years, being pleasant for winter evenings. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1811. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1811-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '6', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3485, 'Hadding, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'A description of the four parts of the world, : viz. Europe, Asia, Africa, America. With the several kingdoms, &c. contained therein. Together with the religion, nature of the air, soil, and different traffick of each province or kingdom. To which is adde', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed by C. Randall., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Anonymous. By John Hadding.', 'ESTC T164729', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3486, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Christ\'s kirk on the green : in three cantos. Containing, a very humorous description of a country wedding, with a squabble that ensued: also, how a peace was made up, and a\' things \'gree\'d again / Written by King James the First, when confined a prisoner', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, [ca. 1810?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'The first canto attributed to James I, King of Scotland, the other two being Allan Ramsay\'s.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3487, 'Deloney, Thomas, 1543?-1600', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack of Newbury : called the clothier of England. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, [ca. 1810?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '6', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse and prose.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nAnonymous. By Thomas Deloney.', NULL, 0, 'Winchcombe, John, d. 1520.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3488, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A narrative of the extraordinary adventures of four Russian sailors : who were cast away on the desert island of East-Spitzbergen. To which is added, a droll story of a fisherman. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, [ca. 1810?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3489, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A brief relation of the adventures of Bamfylde Moore Carew : for more than forty years, king of the beggars. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, [ca. 1810?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, 'Carew, Bampfylde Moore, 1693-1758.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3490, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the wicked life and horrid death of Dr John Faustus. Shewing, how he sold himself to the Devil, to have power for 24 years to do what he pleased. Also the things done by him and Mephostophiles. With an account how the Devil came for him at the end of 24 years, and tore him to pieces', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed this present year, [ca. 1810?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nNo illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Faust, d. ca. 1540.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3491, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry frolicks; or, The comical cheats of Swalpo, a notorious pick-pocket : And the merry pranks of Jack the clown. ', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed this present year, [ca. 1810?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3492, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan : commonly called the King\'s fool. In six parts complete. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 13.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582, in fiction, drama, poetry, etc.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3493, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of wise Willie, and witty Eppie : the ale-wife of Buckhaven. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall (No. 2.), [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3494, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scots piper\'s queries, or John Falkirk\'s cariches : To which are added, his comical and witty jokes, when in courtship with an old fiddler\'s widow, who wanted all the teeth. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nJohn Falkirk is a pseudonym.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3495, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of Scots proverbs / by Allan Ramsay, author of the \"Gentle shepherd.\" &c. &c. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nOn title page : They who wont be counselled cannot be helped.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3496, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A true tale of Robin Hood. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '9', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Robin Hood (Legendary character)', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3497, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The coalman\'s courtship to the creel-wife\'s daughter : In three parts. I. Containing a very curious dialogue between the carter and his mother, who instructs him in the true art of courtship. II. Sawny\'s visit to his sweetheart, and what passed betwixt th', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nIn prose and verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3498, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the seven wise masters, of Rome : containing; many excellent and delightful examples, with their explanations, and modern signiications, which (by way of allusion) may be termed, an historical comparison of sacred and civil transactions, th', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\n\'The history of the seven wise masters of Rome\' is a collection of oriental stories, dating from at least the tenth century, and republished in many different versions.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3499, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of Scots proverbs / by Allan Ramsay, author of The gentle shepherd, &c. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3500, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and surprising adventures of Sir William Wallace : the champion of Scotland. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Wallace, William, Sir, d. 1305.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3501, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan : commonly called the king\'s fool. In two parts. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582, in fiction, drama, poetry, etc.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3502, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dreamer\'s oracle; or, A new and universal explanation of all kinds of dreams and visions of the night : being a complete guide and unerring revelation of all those future events which are revealed in our sleep / By the celebrated Davis, who, for more ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3503, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The exploits of wise Willie, and witty Eppie the ale-wife, of Buchaven [sic]. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3504, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The art of courtship : Containing an entertaining dialogue that passed between William Lawson and his sweet-heart Bessy Gibb. Also, two love-letters which he sent to his sweetheart; and her answers. Very beneficial for such blate wooers, or young beginner', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThe monk and the miller\'s wife - by Allan Ramsay.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3505, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new and surprising account of the great plague in London, in the year 1665 : Whereof many thousands of men, women and children died in a few weeks, and often remained unburied for many days; the mortality being so great that holes could not be found to ', NULL, 'Stirling : [P]rinted and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nIn prose and verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3506, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of Waterloo : Containing, the Duke of Wellington\'s dispatch to Earl Bathurst, also, The flight from Brussels, and A visit to the field of battle, with A description of the bloody engagement; and A visit to the French hospitals. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1815?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3507, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the King and the cobler. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547 Fiction.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3508, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the King and the cobler : How King Henry VIII became acquainted with a merry cobler; and his entertainment in the cobler\'s cellar. How the cobler prepared himself to go to court, and the manner of his reception there. His entertainment in t', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547 Fiction.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3509, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Dreams and moles, or, A new and curious fortune book, both for men, maids, wives & widows : Plainly and truly resolving, (after a new and ingenious method) whether life be long or short; happy or unhappy; poor or rich: with the true number of wives and hu', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3510, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The letter-writer : containing a variety of epistolary correspondence on different subjects (in three parts.) Viz. Duty and friendship. Love, courtship and marriage. Business and the death of relatives. To which are added superscriptions and addresses for', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1807. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3511, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Latest account of the loss of the Comet : on the morning of Friday the 21st of October, 1825, with a list of the passengers and the bodies found. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed at the Journal office, 1825. ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nCaption title.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 16 reads : Stirling: - Printed at the Journal office, 4th November, 1825.\r\nImprint from colophon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3512, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent garland, containing four choice songs : The battle of Sherriff-muir. The betrayed lover; Tom and Sally. Dear Susanna. The lover\'s summons. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThe battle of Sherriff-muir : To the tnne [sic] of the Horseman\'s sport.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3513, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Astonishing Abraham Newland : To which are added, Peace with France. Harvest home. Thundering, roaring, guns. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1815?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3514, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The little couple : To which are added, The soldier\'s adieu. What a beau my granny was. The happy marriage. And Old Adam. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Rand[a]ll, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3515, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Beneath the willow tree : To which are added, The minute gun at sea. Now winter wi\' his cloudy braw. Gude forgi\'e me for liein\'. The braes o\' Lomond. Despairing Mary. The moment Aurora. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3516, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent old song, called, The battle of the Boyn. Or, King William crossing the Boyn water : Giving a full description of that bloody battle, fought on the first day of July, 1690. To which is added, that famous comic song of Paddy Carey. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3517, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gloomy winter\'s now awa\' : To which are added, The Shannon and Chesapeake. The fourteenth of April. And Let ambition fire thy mind. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3518, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The crafty farmer : To which are added, The unfortunate swain. A new love song. Advice to the fair. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nA new love song : Tune - Johnny\'s grey breeks.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3519, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'She\'s as the opening lilly fair : To which are added, The grand tack. The sailor\'s return. Beauty and wit. The lovers summons. The echoing horn. A smiling full bowl. Lowland Willie. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3520, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Pope\'s knavery or Old Nick\'s invention : To which are added, Sweet Alison. The maid in Bedlam. She\'s as the op\'ning lilly fair. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3521, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A famous comic song, called, Lawrie O\'Broom\'s rambles : To which are added, an excellent new song, called, The Saldana; and, The way for to woo. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3522, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The highland laddie : To which are added, Louden\'s bonny woods and braes. Yo, yea. Montelia\'s charms. Nan of Logie Green. All\'s well. Jessy the flower o\' Dumblane. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3523, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The farmer and lace-merchant : To which are added, The man and money for life. Colin and Phoebe. The vicar and hour-glass. The maid\'s complaint for Jockey. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3524, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'King Robert Bruce\'s garland. An heroic ballad. Or a precise account of the famous battle of Bannockburn : Fought on the 24th June, 1314, by K. R. Bruce, with an army of 30,000, against K Edward II, with an army of 300,000 men. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3525, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A song, on the grand illumination in Glasgow : To which are added The bush aboon Traquire. The prevailing fashions. The patriot fair and, The rapture. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1813-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3526, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'When late I wander\'d : To which are added, Poor maudlin. The Scotch shepherd. When the wars are all o\'er. Farewell to spring. The lover\'s summons. Fair Susanna. The sailor\'s return. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3527, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Wap your wealth together : To which are added, Murphy Deleany. I would if I was not so young. Clean paternal seat. Fair Eliza. The constant swain. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3528, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, '[A] most excellent ballad called the Gosport tragedy : To which is added, that famous song entitled The collier\'s bonny lassie. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed, and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3529, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blackamoor in the wood. Or A lamentable ballad on the tragical end of a gallant lord and virtuous lady : together with the untimely death of their two children, wickedly performed by a blood-thirsty villain their servant. The like of which cruelty was', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed, and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3530, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tippling farmer : To which are added, The lovers summons. Abraham Newland. The sailor\'s adieu. Farewell to spring. The sailor\'s return. Gentle Sally. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3531, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Captain Mulligan : Miss Bailey\'s ghost. And John Highlandman\'s remarks on Glasgow. ', NULL, 'Stirling : - Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3532, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new touch on the times : To which are added, The crafty farmer. Beauty and wit. Tea and brandy. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3533, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The humours of Gravel Lane; or The cobler\'s daughter\'s wedding : To which are added, Women wit and wine. At the sign of the George. The pitcher; - Disappointed sailor; If I should get laughing at that. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3534, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The prevailing fashions : To which are added, Robin A\'boon. Ned Haulyard. If I should get laughing at that. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3535, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'My ain dear Jean : To which are added. The Haughs of Crumdel. Jack\'s disaster. The merry fairs of Falkirk. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3536, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'That\'s the real dandy : To which are added, The jolly beggar. Turn in, turn out. The happy marriage. The broad swords of auld Scotland. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3537, 'Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661', 0, NULL, 0, 'A testimony to the work of reformation in Britain and Ireland / By the late Reverend Mr. Samuel Rutherfoord, Professor of Divinity at St. Andrews. To which are added a short account of his life, with some of his last words. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1802. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3538, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Counsels to young men : in a letter from a father to his son. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed, and sold by C. Randall, 1806. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'On title page : Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. Prov iii & 13.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3539, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'Rab and Ringan, a tale. : To which is added, The loss o\' the pack, a true tale. Both as deliverd [sic] in the Pantheon, Edinburgh. / By Alexander Wilson, author of Watty and Meg, &c. &c.. ', NULL, 'Paisley: : Printed by J. Neilson, Cumberland,, 1800.. ', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Paisley, printed by J. Neilson, Cumberland.', 'ESTC T201190', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3540, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The massacre of Glenco : In a letter from a gentleman in Edinburgh to his friend in London. Giving a particular account of that unprecedented transaction, wherein orders were given that all the males of the M\'Donalds in that destrict [sic] under 70 should', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, Cumberland, 1801. ', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'On title page : \"William R. As for MackIan of Glenco, and \" that tribe,...14th article of instructions, Jan. 16. 1692.\r\nColophon on p. 8 reads : Paisley, printed by J. Neilson, Cumberland 1801.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3541, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty and Meg; or, The wife reformed : Ane owre true tale. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed for George Caldwell, booksellers, by J. Neilson, 1808. ', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', 'Caldwell, George', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nAnonymous. By Alexander Wilson.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3542, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith : reformed and corrected. Giving an account of her death, and of her journey to heaven; how on the road she fell in with Judas, who led her to the gate of hell, and what converse she had with the devil, who would not let her in: also, ho', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, 1811. ', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1811-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nBased on the tale by Geoffrey Chaucer.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : J. Neilson, printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3543, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new letter writer, or, Polite correspondence, on friendship, business, courtship, love, and marriage : To which is added, cards of compliment. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, 1811. ', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1811-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : J. Neilson, printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3544, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Mother goose\'s fairy tales : Containing I. Little Red Riding Hood. II. Blue beard. III. Cinderilla; or, The little glass slipper. IV. Master cat; or, Puss in boots. V. The fairy. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, 1811. ', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1811-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : J. Neilson, printer.\r\nOn title page : Here Mother Goose in winter nights, The old and young she both delights.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3545, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A groat\'s worth of wit for a penny : 1st, Treating of love and speedy marriage. 2d, Fortune telling. 3d, Moles, and their signification. 4th, Dreams, and their interpretation. 5th The wheel of fortune. And lastly, A book of knowledge, or observations on t', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, 1811. ', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1811-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : J. Neilson, printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3546, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A geographical description of Algiers and Tunis : with a full account of the attack on Algiers, by Lord Exmouth, on the 26th August 1816. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, for R. Smith, bookseller, 1816. ', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', 'Smith, Robert', '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 'Exmouth, Edward Pellew, Viscount, 1757-1833.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3547, 'Campbell, A. ', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of all religions : in particular, the churches, parties and sectaries of the Holy Christian religion viz. Heathens, Mahometans, Jews, Christians, including Papists, Jesuits, Protestants, Episcopals, Presbyterians, Reformed Presbytery, Seceders', NULL, '[Paisley] : Printed for the booksellers, 1822. ', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at foot of p. 24 reads : J. Neilson. printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3548, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack and the giants : In all its parts. Containing I. Jack\'s birth and parentage, his dispute with a country vicar &c. II. How he slew a monstrous giant on the Mount of Cornwall and was called Jack the Giant-Killer. III. How King Arthur\'s s', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, 1812. ', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : J. Neilson, printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3549, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Moll Flanders : who was born in Newgate; and, during a life of continued varieties for threesore [sic] years, was twelve years a whore, five times a wife, whereof once to her own brother; twelve years a thief; was eighteen times in Bridewe', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '5', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nAttributed to Daniel Defoe.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3550, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'A tale of three bonnets : Written in the broad Scots dialect. In four cantos. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nAnonymous. By Allan Ramsay.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3551, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The friar and boy, or, The young piper\'s pleasant pastime : containing, the witty adventures betwixt the friar and boy, in relation to his step-mother, whom he fairly fitted for her unmorciful [sic] cruelty.', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3552, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wonderful and suprising history of Jack the giant-killer : Comprehending authentic and brief details of the glorious atchievements [sic] performed by him. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3553, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A beautiful old song, entitled, The Duke of Gordon\'s three daughters : To which is added, The challenge. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3554, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Maggy Lauther : And, Lord Duncan\'s victory over the Dutch fleet. Octr. 12th, 1797. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nLord Duncan\'s victory over the Dutch fleet : Tune - Fy, let us a\' to the bridal.', NULL, 0, 'Duncan, Adam Viscount Duncan of Camperdown Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3555, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The vicar of Bray : To which are added, The improbability. The way for to woo. Nobody coming to marry me. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3556, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Susan Py: or, Young Bichen\'s garland : Shewing how she went to a far country, and was taken by a savage Moor, and cast into prison and delivered by the Moor\'s daughter, on promise of marriage; and how he came to England and was going to be wedded to anoth', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3557, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry fairs of Falkirk : To which are added, The happy marriage. Johnny Bluster\'s wife; Lay thy loof in mine lass; The broad swords of auld Scotland; The Caledonian laddie. A hunting song. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nJohnny Bluster\'s wife : Tune - Willie Wastle dwalt on Tweed.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3558, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The beggar girl : To which are added, Roslin castle. The weaver and the tailor. The modern beau. Hap me with thy petticoat. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3559, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty and Meg; or, The wife reform\'d : A tale. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nAnonymous. By Alexander Wilson.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3560, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wee wifukie, or This is no me : To which are added, The pope\'s knavery, or Old Nick\'s invention. Blythe Sandy. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3561, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The beautiful old ballad, of the babes in the wood. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3562, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent old ballad describing the woeful hunting and famous battle on Chevy-Chace : fought between Earl Piercy with 2000 English: and Earl Douglas with 1500 Scots: in which both these Earls and most of their men were slain. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3563, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven excellent new songs : viz. The merry sailor. The jovial farmer. Jenny Nettles. Banks of Doon. The soldir\'s [sic] song. Lizie Painch. The kail brose of auld Scotland. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nJohnny Bluster\'s wife : Tune - Willie Wastle dwalt on Tweed.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3564, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new garland of choice songs : viz. Duncan Gray. Now Boney is awa\'; Johnny Coup; and The mill, mill, o. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1815-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and internal evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 Exile St. Helena.\r\nCope, ', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3565, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jessie the flower o\' Dumblain : To which is added, Barbara Bell; Oh! to be married if this be the way. And, A hunting song. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3566, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The old man\'s wish / A song by Dr. Pope. To which are added, Roslin ruins. Lowland Willie. Buxom Joan. Tom Bowling. The toper\'s advice. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Printed, and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3567, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent new song, called, Esk mill : To which are added, The ship in distress. The happy fire-side. Vulcan\'s cup. The unfortunate swain. The maid\'s complaint for Jockey. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nEsk mill : Tune - Banks of the Devon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3568, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical end of William and Margaret : To which are added. The laird of Logie. The soldier\'s adieu. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3569, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The modern beau : To which are added, Jamie with his trousers on. Somebody. Dear little cottage maiden. Bill Bobstay. Paddy in love. And, A love song. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3570, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tom and Polly : To which are added, Fair Susanna. The Battle of Killicrankie. Down the burn Davie. Greenwich moorings. Nature\'s richest mine. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3571, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lay thy loof in mine lass! A very old song : To which are added that incomparably excellent song entitled Lord Thomas of Winsberry. Also the waefu\' tragedy of William and Margaret. And A drinking song. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3572, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous battle between Captain Ward and the rainbow : To which are added, The sailor\'s farewell and The Beggar girl. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThe pages are incorrectly imposed - the numbering sequence is as follows : [1], [2], 3, 6, 5, 4, 8, 7 StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3573, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Duke of Gordon\'s daughters, and Captain Ogilvie. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3574, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Willie brew\'d a peck o\' ma\'t : To which are added, Farewel to Funery. Kath\'rine Ogie. And, Tho\' women\'s minds. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nFarewel to Funery : This song was composed by the Revd. Mr M\'Leod, when leaving his father\'s house for Cambletown.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3575, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'She\'s fair an\' fause : To which are added, Johnny Coup; Nobody coming to marry me. The legacy. Kitty of the Clyde and The banks of Doon. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Cope, John, Sir, d. 1760', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3576, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The freemason\'s song : To which are added, The Wexford tragedy, or The false lover; and My friend and pitcher. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Entered according to order, 1818. ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3577, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'Sir James the Ross : An historical Scottish ballad. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nAnonymous. By Michael Bruce.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3578, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragedy of Jamie and Nancy of Yarmouth. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3579, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'All in the downs, or, Black ey\'d Susan : To which are added, The absent lover. I lo\'ed ne\'er a laddie but ane. The maniac\'s song. Herring in sa\'t, with The answer. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3580, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lord Duncan\'s victory over the Dutch fleet : [To which are added?] Johhny Coup, and, The mill, mill, o. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nLord Duncan\'s victory over the Dutch fleet : Fy, let us a\' to the bridal.', NULL, 0, 'Duncan, Adam Viscount Duncan of Camperdown Songs and music.\r\nCope, Joh', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3581, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of Prestonpans : containing an account of that bloody battle, which was fought betwixt the clans under Prince Charles Stuart, and the King\'s forces under Sir John Cope; in which the latter were entirely defeated. To which is added, Of a\' the ai', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-17', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3582, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hallow fair : to which are added, Bauldy Baird; The roses blaw; Sweet Kitty o\' the Clyde; Sandy and Jenny. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for the booksellers, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3583, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Carle now the King\'s come : composed on the occasion of King George IV.\'s visit to Scotland, in August, 1822. In two parts. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by W. Macnie, bookseller, [1822?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal evidence.', NULL, 0, 'George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830 Journeys Scotland.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3584, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The unhappy voyage of Captain Glen : to which are added, Wellington\'s address. The birks of Aberfeldy. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3585, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Duke of Gordon\'s daughters : to which are added, Leeze me on my spinnin\' wheel. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1823. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3586, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s tragedy : to which are added, The poor exile of Erin; The wealth of a cottage, and Ah teach thy breast. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1826. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3587, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Allan Tine o\' Harrow : To which are added, Jack in his element; The beds of roses. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1826. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3588, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Loch-na-garr : to which are added, John of Badenyon; The languishing lover; Kate Kearney. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by W. Macnie, bookseller, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3589, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hunting of Chevy-Chace : A Scots ballad. Containing an interesting account of a bloody fray fought between Percy of Northumberland with 2000 English, and the gallant Duke of Douglas with 1500 brave Scots; in which the latter kept the field, and the En', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, '112.2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Percy, Henry, Lord, 1364-1403.\r\nDouglas, James Douglas, Earl of, ca. 1', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3590, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tak your auld cloak about ye : to which are added, The bonny brucked lassie; Donald\'s visit to Auld Reekie; When I met wi\' a friend; Hey for a lass wi\' a tocher; Sandy o\'er the lee; Should I die. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for the booksellers, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3591, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blue bonnets o\'er the border : to which are added, My Peggy is a young thing; The heaving of the lead; Johnny Bluster\'s wife; Auld Robin Gray; When late I wandered. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by W. Macnie, bookseller, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3592, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of songs : containing Lady Anne Bothwell\'s lamentation; The lass o Arranteinie; Buxom bonie Willie; When late I wandered. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by W. Macnie, bookseller, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3593, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bess the Gawkie : to which are added, Again the wish\'d-for festive hour; I\'m weel sair\'d wi\' spunk; Cherry-cheek Patty; Captain Wattle and Miss Roe; Dear is my native vale. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3594, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Merry may the maid be : to which are added, O that I ne\'er had been married; O rare country lasses; The wealth of a cottage. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3595, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Braes o\' Birniebouzle : to which are added, The parting kiss; Johnny Bluster\'s wife; Contented lover; Happy Dick Dawson; My Willie was a sailor bold. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nBraes o\' Birniebouzle : Air - Braes o\' Tullymet.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3596, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The unfortunate shepherdess : to which are added, The braes o\' Balquither; Braw lads o\' Galla Water; The maid of Erin; What can a lassy do; I leave my heart with thee; Happy\'s the love. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by W. Macnie, bookseller, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3597, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Easy John : to which are added, The mill, mill, o. The highland plaid. From night till morn. A dialogue on using tea. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3598, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jemmy and Nancy of Yarmouth, or, The constant lovers : In four parts. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1820?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3599, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Home, sweet home : Look forward with hope for to-morrow; Auld Rob Morris; The harp that once, and Donald MacDonald. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by William Macnie, and sold wholesale and retail, 1829. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3600, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The kail brose of auld Scotland : to which are added, Cauld kail in Aberdeen; The tippling farmer; The gods of the Greeks; Louden\'s bonny woods and braes. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by W. Macnie, bookseller, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3601, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Haughs of Crumdel : giving a full account of that memorable battle fought by the great Montrose and the clans, against Oliver Cromwell; to which are added, The broom of Cowdenknowes; The Highland plaid. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by W. Macnie, bookseller, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page of two men fighting with swords.\r\nTwo rules without decorative band above title on p. [2].\r\nLower case \'b\' in \'by\' in imprint.\r\nThis is a different issue from the copy at L.C.2873(22).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3602, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Mally Stewart : To which are added, The sailor\'s journal. Tak your auld cloak about ye. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1823. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3603, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Flower o\' Dunblane : to which are added, The Caledonian laddie. The lass o\' Patie\'s mill. Ah! Chloris. The sailor\'s rant. From thee, Eliza. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1823. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3604, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Allister M\'Allister : to which are added, The bird. Louden\'s bonny woods and braes. The parting kiss. The birks of Aberfeldy. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1823. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3605, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Massacre of Glencoe : to which are added, Welcome royal Charlie. Kenmure\'s on and awa. The lily of St. Leonards. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : W. Macnie, printer and bookseller, Baker Street, Stirling, 1824. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-17', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3606, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of Prestonpans : to which are added, The minstrel. Charlie he\'s my darling. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1824. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-17', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3607, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Turkish lady : to which are added, The rose o\' Kirtle. Mrs. Runnington\'s wig. The mournful widow. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1824. ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3608, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Donald M\'Donald : to which are added, Merry Maggy Cameron. Sandy o\'er the lee. Fairfa\' the lasses, o. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1824. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3609, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The farmer : to which are added, Lilies of the valley. Young Allan. Last May a braw wooer. The careful wife. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3610, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'George and Britain save : To which are added, The plowman\'s ditty. Lay thy loof in mine lassie. By Logan streams. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 1, '11.5', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nTitle page contains an illustration of a butterfly. Ths differs from the copies at Bute.923(13), L.C.2874(15) and L.C.2883(24) StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3611, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The soldier\'s return : to which are added, Lilies of the valley. Low down in the broom. Steer her up and ha\'d her gawn. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3852, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The rambling maid and the tinker man. : To wich [sic] is added, Thc [sic] taylor catched by a sailor in a chist [sic]. And an excellent new song by a barber in Edinburgh, to his sweet-heart in the same place.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] : Printed this present year., [1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nA new song by a barber in Edinburgh : Tune - Barbers I have lost my wig.', 'ESTC T168153', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3853, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs : We\'ve aye been provided for. Anna\'s urn. Lass of Preston mill. Charlie and his lalland bride. ', NULL, '[Kilmarnock?] : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1810?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Dated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3854, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs : 1. Gouf my logie, 2. The courtier. 3 Sure a lass in herbloom [sic]. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to ordor [sic]., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174719', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3855, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lord Thomas and fair Annet. : With What\'s that to you. And A new song.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n., 1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T172181', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3856, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The mountains high. : The spotted cow. And The sailor\'s lamentation. With The merry sailor.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T170278', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3857, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent new songs : containing The lass of Banaphie, and My wife\'s ta\'en the gee. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Printed this present year,, 1794.. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T177878', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3858, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Nimble and quick: : pick and chuse where you will, here is something to please every body. Containing the humours of the age. Being whimsical, witty, diverting, comical and useful remarks, on the virtue and vices of the times.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1800?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T182249', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3859, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wand\'ring young gentlewoman\'s garland; : in five parts. Part I. How a squire\'s daughter, near London, was forced from home by her father\'s cruelty; but thro\' her tender mother\'s care, she was well educated, and clothed in rich apparel: she understandi', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Licensed and entered according to order, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T175721', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3860, 'Cowper, William, 1731-1800', 0, NULL, 0, 'The facetious history of John Gilpin; or His surprising ride from London to Edmonton and back again. ', NULL, '[Paisley] : J. Neilson printer, [ca. 1810?] ', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and examination of text and style.\r\nThe pages are numbered as follows : [1], 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. StEdNL.\r\nPossibly part of a larger work - signed \'C\' on title page.\r\nFour line verse from the text', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3861, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The grey cock. : To which are added Bide ye yet. Black-eyed Susan. Fracnis [sic] and Grisy. The highland queen. Lewis Gordon.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T166381', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3862, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent new songs. : I. The Dutchess of Newcastle\'s lament. II. The maids hope in the lottery. III. The answer. IV. Captain Barber. V. Hark hark my lovely Molly. VI. Jocky and Jenny.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh. : Printed by Alex. Robertson in Morrison\'s Close, M,DCC,LXIX.. [1769] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1769-01-01 00:00:00', '1769-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T174342', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3863, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new garland, containing three excellent new songs: : viz. I. Bold Alexander. 2. Jack Rand\'s farewel to Miss Roach. 3. The faithful swain\'s love-letter to a beautiful young lady.. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed and sold at the printing-house, and by Mr. Caldwall, in Paisly [sic];- where travellers can be served with great variety of books as cheap as in Edinburgh or Glasgow., [1790?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T186165', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3864, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The penny worth of wit\'s garland; : in three parts. Part I. Shewing how a merchant was deluded from his lady by a harlot. Part II. And how he sailed to a far country. Part III. Where he returned to the British shore.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n., 1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nCaption title.\r\nOther editions are entitled \'A penny worth of wit in three parts\'.', 'ESTC T197600', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3865, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The perjured lover\'s garland, : composed of some delightful new songs. I. The perjured maid, who forswore herself for riches: with an account what an example she was made, which I hope will be a warning to all young people. II. Robert and Nell. III. Celia', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T196740', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3866, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : I. Thurot\'s defeat, II. The unhappy voyage of my lord Belhaven. III. The sweeper or, kennel raker.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174795', 0, 'Thurot, Franpcois, 1727-1760, Poetry Early works to 1800.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3867, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs. : I. The maid\'s lamentation for the loss of her shepherd. II. Brave British boys. III. The Highland man speaking in praise of his Maggy, and the bannocks of barely [sic] meal. IV. Willie\'s the lad for me. V. Sarah Colins.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T179142', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3868, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The butcher\'s frolic, or, The affrighted taylor : To which are added, The unco bit want; Young Andrew\'s reply; The sweets of the tea. ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Printed and sold by Thomas Duncan, 159, Saltmarket, Glasgow, [1815-1822?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3869, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tradesman\'s lamentation : To which are added, The galley slave; The banks of the Devon; The butcher\'s frolic; Now rosy May comes in. ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Printed and sold by Thomas Duncan, 159, Saltmarket, Glasgow, [1815-1822?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nNow rosy May comes in : Tune - Dainty Davy.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by Thomas Duncan, 159, Saltmarket.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3870, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Love in a barn; or, The London lord trick\'d by a farmer\'s daughter.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Published, and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, 10 Saltmarket., [1795?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T170272', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3871, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Grigor\'s ghost or, The poor nephew press\'d at the desire of the deceitful uncle : In three parts. To which is added, The banks and braes o\' bonny Doon. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, 1811. ', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1811-01-01 00:00:00', '1811-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : J. Neilson, printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3872, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The shepherd\'s garland. Or, The merchant son\'s bad and good fortune; : in four parts. Part I. How he courted a shepherd\'s daughter, and married her without his friends consent. Part II. How he had his bride to his parents, who turned them both out of door', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nThe shepherd\'s garland : Tune of, The Oxfordshire lady.', 'ESTC T179783', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3873, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. : I. The drummajor\'s [sic] garland. II. Heart\'s of oak. III. A man to my mind. IV. The distressed lady\'s garland.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T182892', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3874, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent songs. : Called Captain Glen. To which are added, The death of the King and Queen of France Sweet Poll of Plymouth Wandering sailor. ', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n.], Printed in the year 1794. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T182758', 0, 'Glen, William Captain.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3875, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The handsome cobler; or, The father outwitted. : To which are added, Can of grog. Jolly mortals fill your glasses. Song for three voices.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T166564', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3876, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The guidman\'s grief for the ewie wi\' the crooked horn. To which are added The strawberry vale. Mally Bann. Lovely Willy\'s voice.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order,, 1796.. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T166506', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3877, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The rocking of the cradle or, Hushy-ba. To which are added, The affectionate soldier. The sailor\'s return from Cape Breton. The virgins frightened. The generous soul.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T169314', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3878, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs. : I. A new song upon the battle fought on Long-Island 1776. II. A song in praise of the 25th Regiment. III. The captives lament IV. The jolly weavers. V. The fox chace.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe captives lament : Tune - my heart is in the Highlands.', 'ESTC T178487', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3879, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two songs. : The flowers of the forest; composed on the battle of Flowden Field, fought 5th September, 1513. To which is added, Black eyed Susan.. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock: : Printed for the booksellers., [1790?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T175146', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3880, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sweet William of Plymouth\'s garland, : in four parts, containing the courtship of William Whitecraft, to Mistress Susan Cealy, both of Plymouth: with an account of her sickness, her parents contrivance to disappoint their marriage, by sending her to Holla', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n.], Printed in the year, 1769.. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1769-01-01 00:00:00', '1769-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T168299', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4513, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. : Bob Cranky\'s \'size Sunday. The post-captain. Sally in our alley. General Wolfe\'s song', NULL, 'Gateshead : Printed by J. Marshall, [17--]', 'Gateshead', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4514, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. : Containing The maid of Lodi. Kitty of the Clyde. The beggar girl. Lullaby. A peep at the forty thieves. Eliza', NULL, 'Gateshead : Printed by J. Marshall, [17--]', 'Gateshead', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4515, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. : The little farthing rush-light. The chronology of fashion. The tempest', NULL, 'Gateshead : Printed by J. Marshall, [17--]', 'Gateshead', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4516, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. : The little chimney-sweeper. The wild girl. Dicky Gossip. Poor little gipsey. The banks of the Dee. The match boy. Nobody comes to marry me. Oh, the moment was sad', NULL, 'Gateshead : Printed by J. Marshall, [17--]', 'Gateshead', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4517, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Death\'s warrant, or, The soul\'s welcome to glory. Written by John Brown, a young man in Hexham, on his death bed, and sung at his funeral, at his own request. To which are added, The dying Christian to his soul. An address to a profane swearer', NULL, 'Gateshead : Printed by J. Marshall, [17--]', 'Gateshead', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4518, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. : Chapter of trades Drunken wife o\' Gallowa, or Hooly and fairly', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4519, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. : Cherry cheek\'d Patty No fears alarm the sailor\'s mind Sweet Poll of Plymouth All\'s well The Bay of Biscay, O The jolly tar', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4520, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Figures in rhymes; or, Metrical computations. : Addressed to Northumbrians. / By H.R.', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed for J. Bell, on the Quay, MDCCCXIV [1814]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Bell, John', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', 'xvi', 13.2, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4521, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan : commonly called the King\'s fool. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page: Head and shoulders of man.\r\nDecorative border of floral design surrounding title, illustration and imprint.\r\nThere is another edition with the same illustration but different typeface and border, with \'18\' printed centrally below border, and variant contents.', NULL, 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4522, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of Dr. Faustus shewing his wicked life and horrid death…', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nVariant exists with \'119\' printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, 'Faust, d. ca. 1540.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4523, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The village curate: an interesting tale', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nVariant exists with \'57\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.3(21), L.C.2852.C(8), Mas.620(14).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4524, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new scrap-book. A selection of choice bon mots, Irish blunders, repartees, anecdotes, &c', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\n\'33\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.1(8), L.C.2852.B(6).\r\nVariant has \'37.\' printed to the left of the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2852.B(11). Another variant is unnumbered. StEdNL : L.C.2847(12).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4525, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Madrid shaver\'s singular adventures and wonderful escape from the Spanish Inquisition. A true story.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nVariant exists with \'66\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.2(17), APS.1.96.51, L.C.2852.C(18), L.C.2894(25), Mas.620(15).', NULL, 0, 'Pedrosa, Nicolas.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4526, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Odds and ends, or, A groat\'s-worth of fun for a penny. Being a collection of the best jokes, comic stories, anecdotes, bon mots, &c', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'P\' printed beneath the imprint.\r\nVariant has \'106\' printed beneath the imprint and type set slightly differently. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.1(3), L.C.2852.E(9).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4527, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Odds and ends, or, A groat\'s-worth of fun for a penny. Being a collection of the best jokes, comic stories, anecdotes, bon mots, &c', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nNothing printed below imprint. There are two variants. A : \'106\' printed beneath the imprint and type set slightly differently. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.1(3), L.C.2852.E(9). B : \'P\' printed beneath the imprint', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4528, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan, commonly called the King\'s fool', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, '18', 'Illustration on title page: Full-length figure of plump man, standing, wearing hat and laughing.\r\nTitle page has no border.\r\n\'18\' printed at the bottom left of the title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nThere is a variant without \'18\' printed at the bottom left of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2847(4).\r\nThere are two other editions with decorative borders and a different illustration on the title pages, and variant contents.', NULL, 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4529, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new scrap-book. A selection of choice bon mots, Irish blunders, repartees, anecdotes, &c', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nThere are two variants with \'33\' or \'37\' printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4530, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Storys of the bewitched fiddler, Perilous situation, and John Hetherington\'s dream', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nVariant exists with \'28\' printed at foot of title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4531, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Daniel O\'Rourke\'s wonderful voyage to the moon. Also, Master and man; or, The adventures of Billy MacDaniel, [William Maginn]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'D\' printed beneath the imprint.\r\nThere is a variant with \'51\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : NF.117.f.16(9), [Ao].8/3.3(25), L.C.2852.B(29).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4532, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Rob Roy, the Celebrated highland Freebooter; or, memoirs of the Osbaldistone Family', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, '2', 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nVariant exists without \'2\' printed at foot of title page and type set slightly differently.\r\nThis is a different work from the item placed at StEdNL : L.C.2849(2).', NULL, 0, 'Rob Roy, 1671-1734.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4533, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Storys of the young robber, and Puss in boots.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'viii. 5\' printed bottom right of title page.\r\nPrinted height of title page 13.8 cm.\r\nThere are two variants. A \'29\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.3(5), Mas.619(8), Mas.621(8), L.C.2852.B(3). B Nothing printed below imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4534, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Storys of the three beggars, Soldier\'s wife, Baron Trenk, and Jack Easy', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nVariant exists with \'31\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.3(18) : L.C.2852.B(5).', NULL, 0, 'Trenck, Friedrich, Freiherr von der, 1726-1794', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4535, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A remarkable family adventure of Saunders Watson. Ghost of Bill Jones. Mysterious murders', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'22\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2852.A(25)', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4536, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Storys of Prince Lupin, yellow dwarf, and the three wishes.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'vii 6\' printed bottom right of title page.\r\nPrinted height of title page 13.9 cm.\r\nThere is a variant with \'7\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : Mas.619(11), [Ao].8/3.3(13), L.C.2852.A(6), and PDL.56/49.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4537, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Story of the bitter wedding', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nVariant exists with \'19\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.3(15), Cam.1.g.1(4), L.C.2852.A(21), Mf.SP.499(5).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4538, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The ghost of my uncle. To which is added, The out-witted tax-gatherer.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nVariant exists with \'25\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : Mas.619(14), PDL.56/61, L.C.2852.A(30).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4539, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The story of the little white mouse: or The overthrow of the tyrant king', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, '30', 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'viii. 6\' printed at bottom right hand corner of title page.\r\nVariant exists with \'30\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : Mas.619(9), [Ao].8/3.3(6), L.C.2852.B(4).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4540, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Storys of Prince Lupin, yellow dwarf, and the three wishes.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nPrinted height of title page 13.9 cm.\r\nThere are two variants with \'vii 6\' printed bottom right of title page. StEdNL : Mas.618(1), and \'7\' printed at foot of title page : MAS.619(11).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4541, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Entertaining history of John Cheap the Chapman...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nAnonymous: attributed to Dougal Graham.\r\n\'G\' printed beneath the imprint.\r\nThere is a variant with \'58.\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : H.17.e.24(24).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4542, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun: or Leper, the Tailor. In two parts, with a selection of entertaining anecdotes.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Title page includes illustration showing man in tall conical hat writing while flanked by two other men.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nVariant exists with \'34\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : H.17.e.24(21).', 'Fairley 110.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3612, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The braes o\' Gleniffer : to which are added, Nancy\'s to the greenwood gane; The present time is ours; The miller of Dee. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3613, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The herrin in sa\'t : to which are added, O fy haste Marg\'ret; The mill, mill, o. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1825. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3614, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Mally Stewart : to which are added, Her blue rollin\' e\'e. The braes o\' Gleniffer. Waes me for Prince Charly. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1826. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-17', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3615, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Thinks I to myself thinks I : to which are added, The battle of Prestonpans; Parody on the rose-bud of summer. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1826. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3616, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Welcome Charlie o\'er the main : to which are added, The day returns; Hills of Gallowa; Oh Nancy wilt thou fly with me; The sailor boy; The sailor\'s return. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by W. Macnie, bookseller, 1826. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-17', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3617, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blue bonnets o\'er the border : to which are added, Rob Rorryson\'s bonnet; The sailor\'s return; Beauty and wit; Lowland Willie; From night to morn. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by W. Macnie, bookseller, 1826. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3618, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and surprising adventures of that renowned hero, Sir Wm. Wallace. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive assortment of histories, songs, children\'s story books, school books &c., &c., [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Wallace, William, Sir, d. 1305.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3619, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and exploits of Rob Roy MacGregor. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive assortment of histories, songs, children\'s story books, school books &c. &c., [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Rob Roy, 1671-1734.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3620, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The surprising savage girl : who was caught wild in the woods of Champagne, a province in France. Containing a true and faithful narrative of many curious and interesting particulars respecting this wonderful phenomenon. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive assortment of histories, songs, children\'s story books, school books, &c., &c., [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3621, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Thrummy Cap and the ghaist : a diverting tale. To which are added, Young Whip-stitch, and The gig demolished. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive assortment of histories, songs, children\'s story books, school books, &c., &c., [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThrummy Cap and the ghaist : anonymous. By John Burness.\r\nThe gig demolished : By Mrs. Barbauld.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3622, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The book of knowledge : treating of the wisdom of the ancients. Containing, a short prognostication concerning children born every day of the week. Of the birth of children, with respect to the age of the moon. ... Choice receipts both in physic and surge', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '0', 'One penny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3623, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Wanton Tom: or, The merry tricks of Tom Stitch the tailor. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive assortment of histories, songs, children\'s story books, school books, &c., &c., [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '5', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nFour-line verse on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3624, 'Ogilvie, William, 1688 or 9-1729', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Laird of Cool\'s ghost : being a copy of several conferences and meetings that passed betwixt the Reverend Mr. Ogilvie, late minister of the Gospel at Innerwick, in East Lothian, and the ghost of Mr. Maxwell, late Laird of Cool, as it was found in Mr. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive assortment of histories, songs, children\'s story books, school books, &c., &c., [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3625, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lost and undone son of perdition, or, The life and death of Judas Iscariot. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive assortment of histories, songs, children\'s story books, school books, &c., &c., [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Judas Iscariot Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3626, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and transactions of Mrs Jane Shore : concubine to King Edward the fourth. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive assortment of histories, songs, children\'s story books, school books, &c., &c., [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Shore, Jane, d. 1527?', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3627, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Cogitations upon death, or, The mirror of man\'s misery : being very choice and profitable lessons for putting all Christians in a prepared condition for mortality: to which is added, The new Jerusalem. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive assortment of histories, songs, children\'s story books, school books, &c., &c., [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3628, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scottish proverbs or, The wise sayings of the old people of Scotland / By Allan Ramsay. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1827. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1827-01-01 00:00:00', '1827-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'On title page : Vox populi vox dei. That maun be true that a\' men say.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3629, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasures of matrimony : interwoven with sundry comical and delightful stories, with the charming delights and ravishing sweets of wooing and wedlock, in all its diverting enjoyments. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by William Macnie, and sold wholesale and retail, 1828. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3630, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The royal riddle book : a collection of the most curious and ingenious puzzles. Also the never-failing method for young women to get good husbands. And the new interpreter of dreams and visions. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by William Macnie, and sold wholesale and retail, 1828. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nThere is a 1.2-page preface before the titled works start.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3631, 'Hogg, James, 1770-1835 ', 0, NULL, 0, 'The long pack; or, A shot with Copenhagen : Containing an account of the accidental discovery of a most ingenious mode of robbery. From Hogg\'s \"Winter evening tales.\" Also, from the same work, The dreadful story of MacPherson. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by William Macnie, and sold wholesale and retail, 1828. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3632, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The fashionable dreamer, or, Dreams realized : containing the interpretation of a great variety of dreams, disclosing to the inquisitive the secrets of futurity. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by William Macnie, and sold wholesale and retail, 1828. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3633, 'Tyron, Richard', 0, NULL, 0, 'Travels from Aleppo to the city of Jerusalem, and through the Holy Land, in the year 1776 / By Richard Tyron, Esq. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive assortment of histories, songs, children\'s story books, school books, &c., &c., [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3634, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history and adventures of Jack Mansong : the famous negro robber, and terror of Jamaica. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by William Macnie, and sold wholesale and retail, 1828. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Mansong, Jack, d. 1781', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3635, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'John Falkirk\'s cariches : And Janet Clinker\'s oration, on the virtues of the old women, and the pride of the young. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nJohn Falkirk is a pseudonym.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3636, 'Merry Andrew at Tam-Tallon', 0, NULL, 0, 'The ancient and modern history of Buckhaven in Fife-shire : Wherein is contained the exploits of Wise Willy, in the brae, the noted saying of Witty Eppie, the ale-wife, and a description of their college / By Merry Andrew, at Tamtallon. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive assortment of histories, songs, children\'s story books, school books, &c., &c., [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '11', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3637, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Moll Flanders : who was born in Newgate. And during a life of continued varieties for threescore years, was twelve years a whore, five times a wife, whereof once to her own brother! Twelve years a thief, was eighteen times in Bridewell, for', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1823. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1823-01-01 00:00:00', '1823-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '5', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3638, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The coalman\'s courtship to the creel-wife\'s daughter : In three parts. I. Containing a very curious dialogue between the carter and his mother, who instructs him in the real art of courtship. II. Sawny\'s visit to his sweetheart, and what passed between th', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive assortment of histories, songs, children\'s story books, school books, &c., &c., [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3639, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The surprising savage girl : Who was caught wild in the woods of Champagne, a province in France. Containing a true and faithful narrative of many curious and interesting particulars respecting this wonderful phenomenon. Translated from the French. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3640, 'Clinker, Humphray', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the Haverel wives, or The folly of witless women displayed / Written by Humphray Clinker the clashing wives clerk. Being a comical conference between Maggy and Janet his two old aunts. With Janet\'s advice to Maggy, concerning marriage, with', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by William Macnie, and sold wholesale and retail, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nHumphrey Clinker is a pseudonym.\r\nFirst published in [1770?] as \'The folly of witless women displayed\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3641, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun; or, The comical and merry tricks of Leper the tailor : In two parts. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive assortment of histories, songs, children\'s story books, school books, &c., &c., [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Attributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3642, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new historical catechism : containing answers to questions in ancient history, relative to the light of the heathen world - the miracles that happened at our Saviour\'s birth - the usurpation, and miserable death of Herod - the death of Pontius Pilate, &', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by William Macnie, and sold wholesale and retail, 1828. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3643, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan : commonly called the king\'s fool. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by William Macnie, and sold wholesale and retail, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3644, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan : commonly called the king\'s fool. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by William Macnie, and sold wholesale and retail, 1828. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3645, 'Boyd, Allan, fl. 1789-1820', 0, NULL, 0, 'Prophecies of Thomas the Rhymer : the ancient Scotch prophet, containing the wonderful fulfilment of many of his predictions; and those not yet accomplished / Collected, examined, and now promulgated by Mr. Allan Boyd, F.S.A. sub-deputy janitor\'s clerk in', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by W. Macnie, bookseller, 1828. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse and prose.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3646, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Laugh and grow fat! or, The comical budget of wit : A selection of choice bon mots, Irish blunders, repartees, anecdotes, &c. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by William Macnie, and sold wholesale and retail, 1828. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nTwo line quote on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3647, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The village curate : an interesting tale; to which is added, The country clergyman, a poem. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive assortment of histories, songs, children\'s story books, school books, &c., &c., [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3648, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John and his twelve misfortunes : which happened all in twelve days after the unhappy day of his marriage. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by William Macnie, and sold wholesale and retail, 1828. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1828-01-01 00:00:00', '1828-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3649, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical sayings of Paddy from Cork : with his coat button\'d behind. Being an elegant conference between English Tom, and Irish Teague; with Paddy\'s catechism, his opinion of purgatory, the state of the dead; and his supplication when a mountain sailor', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by W. Macnie, bookseller, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3650, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Ali Baba, or The forty thieves : A tale. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for William Macnie, bookseller, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index', NULL, 0, 'Alexander III, King of Macedonia Military leadership.\r\nDarius III, Kin', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3651, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bad wife : My heart with love is beating; Highland laddie, o; Thou art gane awa, and The lass of Richmond Hill. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Printed for, and sold wholesale by, J. Fraser, printer, Stirling, 1817. ', 'Stirling', 'Fraser, John', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3652, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'MacGregor Aurara : Savourna delish; Poor Jack, and If I should get laughing at that. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Printed for, and sold wholesale by, J. Fraser, printer, Stirling, 1817. ', 'Stirling', 'Fraser, John', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3653, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Battle of Waterloo : The bonnet so blue, and Love has eyes. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3654, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Cogitations upon death, or, The mirror of man\'s misery : being very choice and profitable lessons, for putting all Christians in a prepared condition for mortality. To which is added, The new Jerusalem. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3655, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The exciseman : Go where the glory waits thee; Kate o\' Gowrie; The orphan; The maid of Lodi. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3656, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The mail coach : No more I\'ll court; Crazy Jane, and Come all ye jolly sailor\'s bold. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThe Arethusa : Written by Prince Hoare, music by William Shield.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3657, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Kate Kearny, with The answer : Sandy far awa; The tear; The lass o\' Netherlee, and New way of auld lang syne. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\n\'[No. 22.]\' is printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL.\r\nSandy far awa : Tune - Ye banks and braes o\' bonnie Doon.\r\nThe traveller\'s return : Tune - Auld lang syne.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3658, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song in praise of Burns : On Etrick [sic] banks; Andrew Carr, and While the stormy winds do blow. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nSandy far awa : Tune - Ye banks and braes o\' bonnie Doon.\r\nThe traveller\'s return : Tune - Auld lang syne.', NULL, 0, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3659, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The massacre of Glencoe : Whistle o\'er the lave o\'t; A new song; Sally Roy, and Nobody coming to marry me. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThe massacre of Glencoe : Tune - Scots wha ha\'e, &c.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3660, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Scottish glory : Why, fair maid, &c. The lad that I love, and \'Twas at night &c. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3661, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Far, far at sea : The huge oak; Tom Bowling; The sailor\'s adieu. I knew by the smoke; Woes my heart that we should sunder; How stands the glass, and See the rosy morn appearing. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3662, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The willow tree : The Bay of Biscay o; The lairdie; Ye mariners of England, and The father of Nancy. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'George I, King of Great Britain, 1660-1727 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3663, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The post captain : This is no mine ain lassie; All in the downs; Nobody coming to marry me, and, Twas in that season, &c. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3664, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Swiss patriot : The maid of Lodi; With broken words, &c. Go where glory waits thee; The top-sails shiver, &c. and The orphan boy. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Tell, William.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3665, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Description of Pizzaro : Monseer Nong Tong Paw; Oh Nanny wilt thou gang with me, and The bush aboon Traquire. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Printed for, and sold wholesale by, J. Fraser, printer, Spirling [sic], 1817. ', 'Stirling', 'Fraser, John', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3666, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Murphy Delaney : The slighted lover; Parnassus\' hill; The bosom of love, and The exciseman outwitted. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Printed for, and sold wholesale by, J. Fraser, printer, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Fraser, John', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nMurphy Delaney : Tune - The priest in his boots.\r\nThe slighted lover : Tune - I had a horse.\r\nO, were I on Parnassus\' hill : Tune - My love is lost to me.\r\nThe bosom of love : T', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3667, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Wha the deil hae we got for a king? : A wee wee German lairdie; Within a mile of Edinburgh; Dulce domum; The bonny lass o\' Gowrie. The deil and the exciseman, and, The woodman\'s daughter. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThe first part of the title has failed to print. The title is taken from the first line of the first song. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, 'George I, King of Great Britain, 1660-1727 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3668, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Said a smile to a tear : Is there a heart that never lov\'d; Roslin Castle. Tho\' a very little lad, and The widow\'s lament. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3669, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of the Shirra muir : Bannocks o\' bear-meal; The deil and The excisemen; The unhappy couple, and, Ochon, ochon, ochrie. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3670, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Fairfa\' the lasses : The wealthy fool; I gaed a waefu\' gate yestreen; To Mary in heaven, and Loud roar\'d the dreadful thnnder [sic]. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nFairfa\' the lasses : Tune - Green grow the rashes, o.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3671, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bessy Bell and Mary Gray : Broom o\' Cowdenknowes; The lassie o\' the Glen. O are ye sleeping, Maggie, and As I came by Loch-Erroch side. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThere is a variant with \'[No. 21]\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2877(22).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3672, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Answer to the blue bonnet : I had a horse, &c. Ans. to the happy stranger. O take me to your arms, and Her twa een, sae bonny blue. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printes [sic], Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3673, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sae will we yet : She\'s fair and fause; My heart is a-breaking; Lang and dreary, &c. and I\'ve seen the smiling. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Printed for, and sold wholesale by, J. Fraser, printer, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Fraser, John', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\n\'No. 27.\' is printed above the imprint. StEDNL.\r\nThe bosom of love : Tune - The woodpecker.\r\nHow long and dreary is the night : Tune - Cauld kail in Aberdeen.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3674, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'My friend and pitcher : The little lad; I had a horse; Blythesome Sally; Etrick [sic] banks, and The smile and tear. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3675, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The traveller\'s return : The stranger; Far-fam\'d Rab Burns, and Loch-Erroch side. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThe traveller\'s return : Tune - Auld lang syne.', NULL, 0, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3676, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lass o\' Arranteinie : The minute gun at sea; Tom Starboard; Katherine Ogie; Yon burn side; and The rose tree. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed, and sold wholesale, by J. Fraser & Co., [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3677, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Arethusa : Her mouth, which a smile; How stands the glass around; Why dost thou shiver, &c. Ere around the huge oak; By the gaily circling glass, and Lullaby. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThe Arethusa : Written by Prince Hoare, music by William Shield.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3678, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'My Nannie o : The lass o\' Arranteenie; Meg o\' the mill; General Abercrombie; Anna\'s urn, and The beggar girl. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Printed for, and sold wholesale by, J. Fraser, printer, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Fraser, John', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\n\'No. 31.\' is printed above the imprint. StEdNL.\r\nThe lass o\' Arranteenie : Tune - I had a horse.', NULL, 0, 'Abercrombie, Ralph, Sir, 1734-1801.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3679, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bart\'lemy fair : Andrew wi\' his cutty gun; Jack Jib-Boom, and My Jeanie, o. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by, J. Fraser & Co., printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nI hae lost my Jeanie, o : Tune - The lee rigg.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3680, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Isle of St Helena : Banks of Doon; Highland Harry; Ralph and Moses, and Dull care. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Printed for, and sold wholesale by, J. Fraser, printer, Stirling, 1817. ', 'Stirling', 'Fraser, John', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 Exile Saint Helena.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3681, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Corn rigs are bonny : Dearest maid, I adore thee; The little cottage; Gin a body meet a body; Rule Britania, and Parting moments. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Printed for, and sold wholesale by, J. Fraser, printer, Stirling, 1817. ', 'Stirling', 'Fraser, John', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3682, 'Boyd, Allan, fl. 1789-1820', 0, NULL, 0, 'Prophecies of Thomas the Rhymer : the ancient Scotch prophet, containing the wonderful fulfilment of many of his predictions; and those not yet accomplished / Collected, examined, and now promulgated by Mr Allan Boyd, F.S.A. sub-deputy janitor\'s clerk in ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse and prose.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3683, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The third and second part of the new proverbs on the pride of women; or The vanity of this world displayed : To which is added, an excellent receipt to all young men who want a wife, how to wale her by the mouth, besides you have an account of the girls t', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by E. Johnstone, bookseller, 1835. ', 'Stirling', 'Johnstone, Ebenezer', NULL, '1835-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3684, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The complete letter writer : containing forms of letters on business, love, &c. &c. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1835?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1835-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3685, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Valentine and Orson.. ', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed by C. Randall,, [1800?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1835-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nAn abridged translation of the French prose romance \'Valentin et Orson\'.\r\nFour line verse on title page.', 'ESTC T165710', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3686, 'Prichard, Samuel', 0, NULL, 0, 'The entertaining history of masonry, : to which are added, The mason-word, and catechism. / By Samuel Prichard, late member of a constituted Lodge.. ', NULL, '[Stirling? : s.n.], Printed in the year 1796.. ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T183013', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3687, 'Boyd, Allan, fl. 1789-1820', 0, NULL, 0, 'The prophecies of Thomas Rymer, : the ancient Scots prophet. Wherein is contained, remarks on what is already come to pass: with some curious observations on what is yet to come. Carefully collected and compared with ancient old prophecies, and the book o', NULL, 'Falkirk: : Printed by T. Johnston, and sold at his printing-office in wholesale and retail., M,DCC,XCVIII. [1798] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ESTC T192283', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3688, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the seven wise masters of Rome : containing many excellent and delightful examples, with their explanations, and modern significations, which (by way of allusion) may be termed, an historical comparison of sacred and civil transactions; the', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3689, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and adventures of Sir William Wallace, General and Governor of Scotland : Containing, a particular account of his most remarkable battles with King Edward (Longshanks); and of his mournful fate at London, after he was betrayed into the hands of t', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, 1801.', NULL, 0, 'Wallace, William, Sir, d. 1305.\r\nRobert I, King of Scots, 1274-1329', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3690, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Montellion : the most valiant and renowned Knight of the Oracle. Son to Pericles, the valiant Knight of Assyria, and the fair Constantia, the daughter of the Emperor of Persia. Containing many strange and wonderful adventures of his parent', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '6', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3691, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A York dialogue between Ned and Harry: or, Ned giving Harry an account of his courtship and marriage state : To which are added, three excellent new songs. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarker, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3692, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The vermin-killer : being a very necessary family-book, containing exact rules and directions for the artificial killing and destroying all manner of vermin, viz. Bugs, rats and mice, moles, weasles, snakes, fleas, caterpillars, flies. Whereunto is added ', NULL, 'Aberdeen : Printed by A. Imlay, No. 3 George Street, [1801] ', 'Aberdeen.', 'Imlay, A.', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : A. Imlay, printer, Aberdeen.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3693, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan, : who was commonly called, the King\'s fool. In six parts, complete. To which is added, several witty and entertaining jests.. ', NULL, 'Stirling: : Printed and sold by C. Randall., M,DCC,XCIX. [1799] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T176249', 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582, in fiction, drama, poetry, etc.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3694, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun: or, The comical merry tricks of Leper the taylor.. ', NULL, 'Stirling: : Printed and sold by C. Randall., MDCCXCIX. [1799] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.6, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIncludes: the second part of Fun upon fun, with separate title page.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', 'ESTC T184107', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3695, 'Porter, John, of Crossibeig', 0, NULL, 0, 'The visions, discoveries and warnings of the dreadful and terrible judgements upon Scotland, England and Ireland, : which were revealed to John Porter of Crossibeig. Taken from his own mouth, (while confined to his bed, being blind) and attested by himsel', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'On title page : Joel ii 28, 30, 31, 32. And it shall come to pass, ... shall be delivered.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.\r\nFirst published in 1737 as: \'The whole visions, discoveries and warning', 'ESTC T179179', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3696, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of some imaginary apparitions : the effects of fear or fraud / From various authors. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1801. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 15.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '14-line verse on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3697, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Joaks upon joaks; or, No joak like a true joak : Being the diverting humours of Mr. John Ogle, a life-guard-man. The merry pranks of Lord Mohun, and the Earl\'s of Warwick and Pembroke. With Rochester\'s dream, his maiden\'s disappointment, and his mounteban', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1801. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.', NULL, 0, 'Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685, in fiction, drama, poetry, etc', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3698, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of several remarkable earthquakes, which happened in various quarters of the world : with the direful consequences that have accrued from those dreadful convulsions of nature. Collected from good authorities. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1801. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nThe report on the earthquake at Lisbon is \'extracted from a volume of letters, published a few years ago by the Reverend Mr. Davy\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3699, 'O\'Lavery, Murtaugh', 0, NULL, 0, 'Purgatory proved, illustrated, and set forth in a clear light : A funeral sermon / by Father Murtaugh O\'Lavery. Priest of the parishes of St John\'s, Dromore, and Machrelin. Upon the death of one of his parishioners. To which is added, The consecration of ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1801. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nFather Murtaugh O\'Lavery is a pseudonym.\r\nSatire in Irish-accented English.\r\nOn title page : Vivit post funera virtus. Anno 1747.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3700, 'Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1801. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nA chapbook, abridged from the work by Daniel Defoe.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3701, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The court lady\'s true and ingenious fortune-book : Directed to all young men, maids, widows and widowers. Containing, I. A table that resolves all questions in love. II. The signification of moles. III. The interpretation of dreams. IV. How to know if a f', NULL, 'Stirling [s.n.], Printed in the year 1803. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T192027', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3702, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jealous man convinced that he is no cuckold: or, The way of the world represented : Being a true satire on the times, in a comical dialogue between a jealous husband and a crafty wife. Shewing, the true derivation of the word cuckold. And plainly prov', NULL, 'Stirling Printed & sold by C. Randall, 1801. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3703, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The art of courtship, : containing, an entertaining dialogue, that passed between William Lawson, and his sweetheart Bessy Gibb. Also, two love-letters which he sent to his sweetheart, and her answers. Likewise, a very humorous account of their marriage. ', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed in this present year., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T186407', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3704, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An authentic account of the important battle of the Nile, : fought on the 1st and 2d of August, 1798. between the British fleet, commanded by Rear Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson, K.B. and the French fleet, commanded by Vice-admiral Brueys, in Bequires Bay, on', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed by C. Randall., 1800.. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T164221', 0, 'Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount, 1758-1805 Military leadership Early ', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3705, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dead man\'s resurrection; or, The judge buried alive in his own cellar : To which is added, Death and the cobler. ', NULL, 'Aberdeen : Printed by A. Imlay, No. 3 George Street, [1801] ', 'Aberdeen.', 'Imlay, A.', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : A Imlay, printer, Aberdeen.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3706, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The cards spiritualized: or, The pack of cards transformed into a Bible, almanack, and prayer-book. : To which is added, Mr Dodd\'s sermon on malt.. ', NULL, 'Stirling: : Printed by C. Randall., 1800.. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\n\'A sermon upon the word malt, ..\' is by John Dodd, and was first published separately in London, in 1690.', 'ESTC T186622', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3707, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The remarkable and entertaining history of a reclaimed lady of pleasure : and the grateful return she made her generous benefactor. ', NULL, 'Stirling : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1803. ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3708, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A particular and impartial account, of what happened on the scaffold, at the execution of Colonel Marcus Despard, Thomas Broughton, John Francis, Arthur Graham, John MacNamara, John Wood, and J. Sedgwick Wratten, for high treason : Containing Col. Despard', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1803. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 'Despard, Edward Marcus, 1751-1803.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3709, 'Boyd, Allan, fl. 1789-1820', 0, NULL, 0, 'The explication of the prophecies of Thomas Rymer. : Wherein is contained, certain remarks on what has already come to pass, with some curious observations on what is yet to come. Which is carefully collected and compared with ancient old prophecies, and ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed in this present year, [1800?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nIn prose and verse.', 'ESTC T183926', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3710, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of the Boyn : to which are added, The milking pail. Thro\' the wood laddie. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, 1824. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1824-01-01 00:00:00', '1824-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3711, 'Andrews, John, of Paisley', 0, NULL, 0, 'Raising the wind; or, Habbie Simpson & his wife baith dead / As originally written and spoken by John Andrews, in the Exchange Rooms, Moss Street. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by Caldwell and Son, New Street, 1842. ', 'Paisley', 'George Caldwell and Son', NULL, '1842-01-01 00:00:00', '1842-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse and prose.', NULL, 0, 'Simpson, Habbie.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3712, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Elegy on Jamie Gemmill, tailor. ', NULL, '[Paisley?] : Printed this year, [ca. 1820?] ', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 10, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3713, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'The monk and the miller\'s wife. ', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], ca. 1820?]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated and place of publication from examination of text and style.\r\nAnonymous. By Allan Ramsay.\r\nIn verse.\r\nCaption title.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3714, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song called, Bonaparte\'s comin\': or, Rouse brother Britons! : To which is added, Astonishing Abraham Newlands; Bonny Annie, and, The jovial beggar. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : T. Johnston, printer, [ca. 1810?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by T. Johnston, Falkirk, where great variety of pamphlets & ballads may be had in wholesale on most reasonable t', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3715, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The soldier\'s departure : The day returns. I hae lost my Jeanie o; The bud on the brier. Ca\' the ewes, &c. And Mary\'s dream. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nI hae lost my Jeanie, o : Tune - The lee rigg.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3716, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The soldier\'s return : The Irish smugglers; Loudon\'s bonny woods and braes; The sailor\'s epitaph, and The slighted lover. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Printed for, and sold wholesale by, J. Fraser, printer, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Fraser, John', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\n\'No. 32.\' is printed above the imprint. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3717, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Paddy MacShane : She\'s fair and fause; Anna\'s urn; Gloomy winter\'s now awa\'; The Irish smugglers, and Meg o\' the mill. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Printed for, and sold wholesale by, J. Fraser, printer, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Fraser, John', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\n\'No. 30.\' is printed above the imprint. StEdNL.\r\nPaddy MacShane : Tune - Sprig of shillelah.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3718, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The flowers of the forest : A man\'s a man for a\' that. Nae luck about the house; Were I oblig\'d &c. and Tweedside. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Printed for, and sold wholesale by, J. Fraser, printer, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Fraser, John', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\n\'No. 26.\' is printed above the imprint. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3719, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tartan plaid : The tempest; The heaving of the lead; Tom Starboard, and The lily fair. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed, and sold wholesale, by J. Fraser & Co., [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3720, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bad wife : Bannocks o\' barley; The maid of Lodi; George Reily, and No cheering sun-beams, &c. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3721, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'By the gaily circling glass : My father\'s flocks &c. As pensive one night; Hope and fear my bosom rend; Sailor boy; Her mouth, which a smile, and Young love. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3722, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty and Meg; or, The wife reformed : A true tale. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nAnonymous. By Alexander Wilson.\r\nOn title page : We dream in courtship, but in wedlock wake. Pope.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3723, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A Highlandman\'s adventures : Tweedside. This ae night. With her answer, and Wha wadna be in love. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3724, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A\'body\'s like to be married but me : My Nannie o; Love among the roses. Tom Bowling, and Far amang the Highland hills. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Printed for, and sold wholesale by, J. Fraser, printer, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Fraser, John', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3725, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Ali Baba; or, The forty thieves, destroyed by Morgiana, a female slave : A tale; (from the Arabian nights\' entertainments.). ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3726, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The unfortunate shepherdess : to which are added, The bewildered maid; Cherry-cheek Patty; The old shepherd\'s dog; O why should we seek; Whistle o\'er the lave o\'t. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3727, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tam Glen : to which are added, The lammy; Blythe was she; Nora\'s vow; and I ha\'e a wife o\' my ain. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3728, 'Williams, Helen Maria, 1762-1827', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Perourou, or The bellows-mender : an interesting tale / by Miss Williams. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate, 1817. ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3729, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The three crump twin brothers of Damascus : an Eastern tale. To which is added, A useful instance of Turkish justice. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by J. Morren, Cowgate, 1718. [i.e. 1817] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3730, 'Ogilvie, William, 1688 or 9-1729', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Laird of Cool\'s ghost : being a copy of several conferences and meetings that passed between the Reverend Mr Ogilvie, late minister of the Gospel at Innerwick, in East Lothian, and the late Laird of Cool\'s ghost, as it was found in Mr Ogilvie\'s closet', NULL, 'Edinubrgh [sic] : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate, [1810-1820?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3731, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith. : Reformed and corrected. Giving an account of her death, of her journey to heaven; how on the road she fell in with Judas, who led her to the gate of hell; and what conversation she had with the Devil, who would not let her in ; also, ', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed by J. Morren., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nBased on the tale by Geoffrey Chaucer.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.\r\nThere is a 1-page introduction \'To the reader\' on p. [2].\r\nThere is a variant with no initial \'The\' in the title StEdNL : L.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3732, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The coalman\'s courtship to a creel wife\'s daughter. Or, A dialogue between an old woman and her son; : wherein she instructs him in the real art of courtship. Very beneficial for young beginners or blate wooers.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3733, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry tales of the wise men of Gotham. : To which is added, a collection of jests.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed and sold by J. Morren, Cowgate., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nThis is a different edition from the copy placed at L.C.2804(9) StEdNL.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3734, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A groat\'s worth of wit for a penny: or, The interpretation of dreams, moles, &c. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers in town and country, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3735, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Scots piper\'s queries: or, John Falkirk\'s cariches : To which are added, his comical and witty jokes, when in courtship with an old fidler\'s widow, who wanted all the teeth. With the copy of the love-letter he sent unto her, who is commonly called F-t', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1800.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'There is a 4-line verse on the title page.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nJohn Falkirk is a pseudonym.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800.', 'ESTC T172480', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3736, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John and his twelve misfortunes; : which happened all in twelve days after the unhappy day of his marriage. Giving a particular account of his courtship and marriage to a scolding wife; which has been a mortifying misery to m', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1800.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'On title page : O sirs, will you see, what it is to married be.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800.', 'ESTC T183401', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3737, 'Forbes, William, Schoolmaster', 0, NULL, 0, 'The dominie depos\'d; or Some reflections on his intrigue with a young lass, and what happened thereupon. Intermix\'d with advice to all precentors, and dominies. With the sequel. / By William Forbes, A. M. Late schoolmaster at Petercoulter. To which is add', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1800.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at the foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T162927', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3738, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history and comical transactions of Lothian Tom. : In six parts. Wherein is contained a collection of roguish exploits done by him both in Scotland and England.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1800.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at the foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T194131', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3739, 'Clinker, Humphray', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the Haverel wives: or, The folly of witless women displayed / Written by Humphray Clinker the clashing wives clerk. Being a comical conference between Maggy and Janet his two old aunts. With Janet\'s advice to Maggy, concerning marriage, wit', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nFirst published in [1770?] as \'The folly of witless women displayed\'.\r\nHumphray Clinker is a pseudonym.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1801..', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3740, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of John Cheap the chapman. Containing, above a hundred merry exploits done by him and his fellow traveller, Drouthy Tom, a sticked shaver. In three parts.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket., 1799. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1799.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', 'ESTC T167603', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3741, 'Johnson, Richard, 1573-1659?', 0, NULL, 0, 'The renowned history of the seven champions of Christendom. : Viz, St. George of England, St. James of Spain, St. Andrew of Scotland, St. David of Wales, St. Dennis of France, St. Anthony of Italy, and St. Patrick of Ireland. Shewing, their valiant exploi', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket., 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAn edition of \'The most famous history of the seven champions of Christendome\'.\r\nAnonymous. By Richard Johnson.', 'ESTC T169090', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3742, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical adventures of the late Mr James Spiller : comedian at Epsom, in England. A true humorous tale. To which is added, the pleasant story of Obadiah Mousetrap.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket,, 1800.. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'There is a six-line verse on the title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800.', 'ESTC T183408', 0, 'Spiller, James.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3743, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan : commonly called the King\'s fool. The whole six parts complete.. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. and M. Robertson., MDCCXCVII. [1797] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1797-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'There is a six-line verse on the title page.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T176246', 0, 'Buchanan, George, 1506-1582, in fiction, drama, poetry, etc.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3744, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lord Thomas of Winsbury\'s courtship, &c. : To which are added The false-hearted young man. County of Cavin. The wayward wife.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Entered according to order, 1795.. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T172182', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3745, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Campsey lass and the weaver. : To which are added, Gramachree Molly. With the answer. And Scornfu\' Nancy.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T187794', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3746, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent songs. : Viz. Sir Lanceot [sic] du Lake Ungrateful Nanny. The god of love.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174983', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3747, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Athole Highlanders, (or LXXVII Regiment\'s) triumph; or, General M-y\'s and Colonel G-n\'s lamentation. : To which are added Strephon\'s falsehood. Cupid\'s mistake.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Entered according to order,, 1797. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1797-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T162961', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3748, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Dorsetshire garland; or, The beggar\'s wedding. : In three parts. To which is added, The cock and bull story; or, The deceived maid.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Entered according to order, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T165617', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3749, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent songs. : Viz. Love in a tub: or The merchant outwitted. Honest Mall Boye, The king and the miller.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n.], Printed in the year 1794.. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174980', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3750, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Capt. Delany\'s ramble, with The lady\'s answer. : To which are added, The innocent maid in Bedlam. The happy shepherd. The lover\'s summons. A favourite song.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T186653', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3751, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Caledonia garland. : To which are added, Teazing [sic] me so. The beautiful damsel of Virgin City. King Henry & Queen Jeany. The toper\'s delight.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T187793', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3752, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Conquest of France by King Henry V. : To which are added, The cares of a married life. The virgin\'s walk. The parson\'s fat wedder. Lovely Damon.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T161257', 0, 'Henry V, King of England, 1387-1422, in fiction, drama, poetry, etc.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3753, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Andrew Lammie: or, Mill of Tifty\'s Nanny. : To which is added, The joys of the harvest, and The county of Cavin.. ', NULL, '[Glasgo]w : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1788.. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1788-01-01 00:00:00', '1788-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T193517', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3754, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The factor\'s garland, : in four parts. Shewing how a young man, after having rioted away part of his estate, became factor to several merchants in London. And was afterwards married to a noble prince\'s daughter.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Entered according to order, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T185886', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3755, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The saucy lass with the beard, : New way of the plough-boy, The beggar girl, and The neat little cottage.. ', NULL, 'Falkirk: : Printed by T. Johnston., [1790?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T172305', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3756, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent new song, in praise of the Shiell-Hill coalliers [sic]: : to which is added, I. Rejoicing at Perth, on the toll being removed from the bridge II. The lifting of her apron.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n.], Printed in the year 1788. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1788-01-01 00:00:00', '1788-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.\r\nA new song of rejoicing upon the toll being taken off the bridge at Perth : Tune - Will you go and marry Ketty.', 'ESTC T183909', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3757, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent songs. : Viz. I. Duke Hamilton and Lord Mohun\'s fight. II. Captain Glen\'s unhappy voyage to New Barbary. III. The joyful widow.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nThe joyful widower : Tune - Maggy Lauder.', 'ESTC T174891', 0, 'Hamilton, James Douglas Hamilton, 4th Duke of, 1658-1712.\r\nMohun, Char', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3758, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The goodman of Auchtermouchtie; or, The goodwife turn\'d goodman. : Being a merry account how the goodman was fitted to his mind. To which is added, Allan Water.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nThe goodman of Auchtermouchtie : Tune - Willie was a wanton wag.', 'ESTC T170911', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3759, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lass of Gallowater. : To which are added Poor Robin. The star\'s delight. Bid the coachman drive.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order,, 1796.. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T155001', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3760, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Johnny\'s gray breeks. : To which are added The heaving of the lead. The miller\'s daughter. Can of grog. Jolly mortals, fill your glasses. Hap me with thy petticoat. My dog and my gun.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order,, 1797. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1797-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T189132', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3761, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Chapter of admirals : to which are added, The night before Larry was stretch\'d. Tom Careless. The new way of the short body\'d gown. Patrick O\'Neal\'s return fro[m] drubbing the French. Anacreontic song.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T163558', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3762, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jolly sailor: or, The lady of Greenwich. : To which are added, Pretty Peggy\'s love to sailor Jack. The sailor\'s widow\'s lament for his death on board the Trial. Lunardi\'s balloon. The contrast.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T189206', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3763, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The disappointed sailor. : To which are added, The rapture. The broom of Cowden-knows. Teach me the art of love. The wish.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from examination of text and style.', 'ESTC Not recorded in ESTC', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3764, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of the Boyn; or, King William crossing the Boyne Water. : Giving a full description of that bloody battle fought on the first of July, 1690. To which are added, The Haughs of Crumdel, a memorable battle fought by the great Montrose and the clan', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., 1799.. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC N015754', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3765, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The distressed sailors on the rocks of Scilly. : To which are added The swimming lady. And Conquered Phillis.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order,, 1795. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T184099', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3766, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : Viz. Dunkirk race, or The new way of Johnny Coup. Daintie Davie. A friend and a song.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n.], Printed in the year 1794. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174874', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3767, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jockey to the fair. : To which is added, The dusky night. See your country righted. Tibby Fowler. Jamie Gay. Endermay.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n.], Printed in the year 1794. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T188403', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3768, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sporting Moren. : To which is added The Grenwich pensioner. Johnny and Mary. The braes of Yarrow. Donald Blue. Fame urg\'d him to the field.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., 1797.. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1797-01-01 00:00:00', '1797-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T160295', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3769, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent new songs. : I. One bottle more. II. Old woman of eighty. III. The Sheffield prenticf [sic]. IV. The sailor and the shepherdess. V. The shepherd and the shepherdess. VI. The false hearted young man. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174340', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3770, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent new songs. : Viz. The old man killed with the cough. The sov\'reign of the seas. Something else to do. A humourous song. Hodge\'s courtship. Anna, a favourite Irish song.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174357', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3771, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Glasgow tragedy: or, Cries of Woodside. : To which is added, The tradesmen\'s praise, and The rambling boy.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T162882', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3772, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Execution and awful confession of Edward Robertson, and Matthew M\'Queen : who were executed at Sydney, for the murder of three of their companions. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by John Saunders, 1844. ', 'Edinburgh', 'Saunders, John', NULL, '1844-01-01 00:00:00', '1844-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3773, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wandering Jew; or The shoemaker of Jerusalem, : who lived when our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ was crucified, and appointed by him to live, till he comes again. Together with his travels, manner of living, and what he has seen. To which is added, hi', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] : Licenced and entered according to order, [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T175894', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3774, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A comical and diverting courtship, : which lately happened in this neighbourhood between an old woman of fourscore, and a youth about sixteen! Whom she lately married!. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh? : s.n.], Printed in the year, 1788.. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1788-01-01 00:00:00', '1788-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T183407', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3775, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A dreadful example for wicked husbands or The virtuous wife in distress. : Being a true relation of Mr. John Fox, who lived in the town of Lynn, in Norfolk. How he married the daughter of one \'squire Wilox, a lady of great beauty, merit, and a large fortu', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] : Printed this present year., [1799?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication from external evidence. Date from internal evidence.', 'ESTC T165731', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3776, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new historical catechism : containing witty answers to several questions of many wonderful matters in ancient history. I. Shewing the light of the heathen world. II. The confession and decease of oracles. III. The miracles that happened at our Saviour\'s', NULL, '[Falkirk?] : Licensed and entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Date and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T186666', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3777, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The heavenly messenger; or, The child\'s plain pathway to eternal life.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] : Printed for the travelling stationers., [1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Travelling Stationers', NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Date and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\n8-line verse on title page.', 'ESTC T166770', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3778, 'Love, Christopher, 1618-1651', 0, NULL, 0, 'Last speech and testimony of Mr. Cristopher [sic] Love. : Late minister of the gospel, in Laurence-Jury, London, who suffered martyrdom on Tower-Hill, Aug. 22d, 1651, for suspected plotting against Oliver Cromwell\'s government, delivered to the people on ', NULL, '[Edinburgh? : s.n., 1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Date and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nCaption title.', 'ESTC T193646', 0, 'Love, Christopher, 1618-1651 Early works to 1800.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3779, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Choise [sic] sayings of great men, : I. Marquis\' of Argyl [sic]. II. Titus Vespasian, the Roman general. III. Cardinal Woolsey [sic], the favorite of Henry VIII. IV. Harvy\'s [sic] counsel to the living, with an account of the poor case a wicked person die', NULL, '[Edinburgh? : s.n., 1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Date and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nCaption title.', 'ESTC T165373', 0, 'Love, Christopher, 1618-1651 Early works to 1800.\r\nVespasian Emperor o', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3780, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life, trial, and behaviour of Miss Mary Smith, of Thornbury, in Gloucestershire, : who poisoned her father, Sir John Smith, for love of a young man: with her dying speech at the place of execution, which was in Gloucester market-place, the 24th of the las', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nAlso published as: \'The Glocestershire tragedy\'.\r\nQuote from Psalm 89 on title page.', 'ESTC T169265', 0, 'Murderers England 18th century Early works to 1800.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3781, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A York dialogue, between Ned and Harry; or Ned giving Harry an account of his courtship and marriage state. : To which is added two excellant [sic] songs.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] : Printed this present year., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In prose and verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T126388', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3782, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the whimsical lovers, Thomas Whittle, and Ann Dobison. : With the comical reception he found from that common jilt, with a taylor. Commical tales.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] : Printed this present year., [1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nIn prose and verse.', 'ESTC T165660', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3783, 'Prichard, Samuel', 0, NULL, 0, 'The entertaining history of masonry : to which are added, The mason-word, and catechism / By Samuel Prichard, late member of a constituted Lodge. ', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1807.', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication from external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3784, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs. : Viz. Colonel Ferrier\'s march, by a soldier in Major Durham\'s company. The scolding wife. A humourous song. The Irish barber. Anna, a favourite Irish song. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T179144', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3785, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent songs. : Viz. The highland laddie. Sweet Poll of Plymouth. My lodging is on the cold ground. Woo\'d and married and a\'.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T182994', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3786, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three favourite new songs, : viz. 1. A new song in praise of Sir John Sinclair, or the 2d battalion of Caithness Fencibles. 2 Captain Thunderbolt\'s intrigue. 3 The pretty maid milking her cow.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T176015', 0, 'Sinclair, John, Sir, 1754-1835.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3787, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The man of war\'s garland. : To which are added Eggs and bacon. Poor Robin. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., 1793. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1793-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T172554', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3788, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs, : I. Johny and Molly. II. Squire\'s courtship. III. The faithful swain.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n.], Printed in the year 1793. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1793-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174721', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3789, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The French King\'s Te Deum. Or A song of lamentation to be sung in all popish churchess [sic]. : To which is added a plain and true discription of a bloody battle fought at Torgau in Saxony; between the King of Prussia and Marshel Daun, upon th [sic] 3 day', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T184104', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3790, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : I. A new song, in praise of Admiral Rodney for his late victory over the French, on the 12th of April 1782. II. A new song, in praise of Admiral Rodney. III. Peace with America, a new song.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1783?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1783-01-01 00:00:00', '1783-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence. Date from internal evidence.\r\nA new song, in praise of Admiral Rodney for his late victory over the French : Tune - The garbs of old Gaul.\r\nPeace with America, a new song : Tu', 'ESTC T174689', 0, 'Rodney, George Brydges Rodney, Baron, 1719-1792 Early works to 1800.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3791, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs. : I. A new song in praise of the highlandmen. II. Roger of Coverly. III. The shepherd Adonis. IV. The sweet temptation, V. Corn rigs are bonny.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T178993', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3792, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : I. The two babes in the wood. II. The choice properties of a wife. III. Through the wood ladie.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174777', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3793, 'J. L. ', 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent new songs. : I. The farmer\'s complaint; or, Jockey\'s dream: shewing, the pride and ambition of the farmer\'s factors, and victual-mongers; and the distressed and deplorable condition of the poor at this day. / Composed in a dream, by J. L. II', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T177939', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3794, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The cunnie\'s garland, : containing two excellent new songs. Viz. I. The cunnie\'s garland. II. Billy Sanders.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T200406', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3795, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s garland : in three parts. I. The loyal courtship between a sailor and a farmer\'s daughter. II The sailor\'s mother\'s extreme passion for her son\'s pretending to marry the farmer\'s daughter whom she thought below his fortune. III. The sailor\'s ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T203078', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3796, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. : I. The tankard of ale. II. The Bristol wedding. III. The love-sick captain\'s praise of a young lady. IV. Ettrick banks.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T182977', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3797, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. I. Squire Coster, who loved young women better than his own credit. II. I cannot come every day to woo: or the downright woing [sic] between Scots Jamie and English Nanny: with Nanny\'s answer. III. The resignation.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nSquire Coster, &c : To an excellent new tune.\r\nI cannot come every day to woo: or, The downright wooing between Scots Jamie and English Nannie : To the tune of, O my', 'ESTC T174733', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3798, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent new songs. : I. The Gosport tragedy, II. William and Margaret\'s ghost.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T177940', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3799, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Oxfordshire tragedy: or, The virgin\'s advice: : in two parts. Part I. How fair Rosanna, of the city of Oxford, was betray\'d by a young gentleman of her virginity. Part II. His cruelty in murdering her; and how a rose bush sprung upon the grave, which blos', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T170341', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3800, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The courtship & marriage of Bryan O\' Lin. : To which are added, Poor Ned\'s advice to his sweetheart. Low down in the broom. The little couple. Convey a kiss.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T192256', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3801, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Grigor\'s ghost, : in three parts. To which is added, another new song, called, The Scots grey plaids.. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed, where travelling chapmen may be served with histories, school books, and many others too tedious to mention, as cheap as in Edinburgh or Glasgow., [1790?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nYoung Grigor\'s ghost : To the tune of The factor\'s garland.', 'ESTC T177711', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3802, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jamy and Nancy, of Yarmouth. : With The flowers of the forest, Old and new way; And canst thou leave thy Nancy.. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed, where travelling chapmen may be served with variety of books in divinity, history, poetry, spelling books, books in arithmetick, small sermons, proverbs, catechisms, and writing pap', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T187787', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3803, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. : I. Captain Ward and the rain-bow. II. The new way of the blind boy. III. The old way of the blind boy. IV. The complaint.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T182826', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3804, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent new songs. : I. The masking rung. II. The distressed lover: or, Ruined virgin.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T177942', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3805, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs, : 1, Beauties of Glasgow. 2, Tinker\'s occupation. 3, Cowden knows.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh, : Printed and sold at the foot of the West-Bow,, [1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174713', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3806, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The factor\'s garland, : containing many strange and wonderful deliverances. In four parts. With Green grows the rashes.. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed, where travelling chapmen may be served with histories, school books, and many others too tedious to mention, as cheap as in Edinburgh or Glasgow., [1790?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T185899', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3807, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Chevy-chase, : and The lovely lass and the spinning-wheel.. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed, where travelling chapmen may be served with histories, catechisms, spelling books, writing paper, &c. as cheap as in Edinburgh or Glasgow., [1790?] ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T165197', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3808, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent new songs. : I. The Irishman\'s ramble: or, Drunk at night and dry in the morning. II. The western tragedy.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T177941', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3809, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : I. The London prentice; or, The wanton mistress. II. Welcome, welcome brother debtor. III. Down the burn Davie.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174773', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3810, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The two babes in the wood, : with Peggy Bawn, and The highland queen.. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed, where travelling chapmen may be served with variety of books, catechisms, writing paper, and pens (as cheap as in Edinburgh or Glasgow) at the printing-office, in High-Street, two d', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T177864', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3811, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven excellent new songs. : I. The brisk young damsel\'s choice of a husband. II. The modern tea-drinker. III. By Jove I\'ll be free. IV. Fy on the wars. V. Susan\'s complaint and remedy. VI. The miller\'s wedding. VII. Thro\' the wood, laddie.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T178114', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3812, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Felix\'s complaint, with Molly\'s answer. : To which are added, Lord Thomas of Winsbery. John and Nell\'s parting. Totterdown-hill. I love you for that.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T179949', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3813, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : I. Thurot\'s defeat, at Carrick Fergus. II. The rock and the wee pickle tow III. I\'ll never leave thee.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174791', 0, 'Thurot, Franpcois, 1727-1760, Poetry Early works to 1800.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3814, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. : 1, Waly waly up the bank 2, The ploughman laddie 3, Jack of all trades. 4, Sylvia and her lover,. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed and sold by Thomas Forrest, at the foot of the West-Bow., [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Forrest, Thomas', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T182987', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3815, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry life and mad exploits of Captain James Hynd : the great robber of England. With the close of all at Worcester, where he was drawn, hanged and quartered, for high treason against the Commonwealth, Sept. 24, 1652. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.\r\nIn verse and prose.', NULL, 0, 'Hind, James 1616-1652.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3816, 'Dodsley, Robert, 1703-1764', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the blind beggar of Bethnal-Green. : Containing his birth and parentage : how he went to the wars and lost his sight, and turned beggar at Bethnal-green : how he got riches, and educated his daughter : of her being courted by a rich young k', NULL, 'Paisley: : Printed by J. Neilson., [1800?] ', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Robert Dodsley.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : J. Neilson, printer.', 'ESTC T185359', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3817, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical adventures of the late Mr James Spiller comedian at Epsom, in England : A true humorous tale. To which is added, the pleasant story of Obadiah Mousetrap. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'There is a six-line verse on the title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805.', NULL, 0, 'Spiller, James.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3818, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasures of matrimony : Interwoven with sundry comical and delightful stories. Of wooing and wedlock. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3819, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Mary\'s dream : To which are added, Mine ain dear somebody; The braes o\' Gleniffer. The braes of Balquhither. Loudon\'s bonny woods and braes. The disguised squire. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, 1812. ', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1812-01-01 00:00:00', '1812-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : J. Neilson, printer.\r\nThe text attributes \'Mary\'s dream\' to Alexander Lowe. It is in fact by John Lowe.\r\nThe braes o\' Gleniffer : Air - Bonny Dundee.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3820, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The memorable Battle of Bannockburn, fought on the 25th of June 1314 : The auld wife ayont the fire. Jessie, the flower o\' Dumblane. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, 1813. ', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1813-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : J. Neilson, printer.\r\nIn verse.\r\nOn the memorable Battle of Bannockburn, fought on the 25th of June 1314 : Tune - In the garb of old Gaul, &c.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3821, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The auld wife ayont the fire. : To which is added, I. The grey cock. II. Pretty Nancy. III. Polly Oliver. IV. Thurot\'s defeat.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh? : s.n.], Printed in the year 1790.. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T162741', 0, 'Thurot, Franpcois, 1727-1760, Poetry Early works to 1800.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3822, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Battle of Waterloo : to which are added, Lawrie O\'Broom\'s rambles and The plough boy. ', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, [1815?] ', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal evidence.', NULL, 0, 'Waterloo, Battle of, 1815 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3823, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'A tale of three bonnets : In four cantos. ', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 18.) Saltmarket, 1807. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAnonymous. By Allan Ramsay.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, No. 18. Saltmarket, 1807.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3824, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Thrummy Cap: a tale : To which are added, Young Whip Stitch, and The gig demolished. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThrummy Cap - Anonymous. By John Burness.\r\nThe gig demolished. A poem : By Mrs. Barbauld.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3825, 'Ogilvie, William, 1688 or 9-1729', 0, NULL, 0, 'The wonderful conferences which passed between the ghost of Mr. Maxwell of Cool, and the Rev. Mr. Ogilvy of Innerwick : as it was found in Mr. Ogilvy\'s closet, after his death, and written by his own hand. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20) Saltmarket, 1808. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nFirst published in 1762 as \'A copy of several conferences and meetings that past betwixt the Rev. Mr. Ogilvie and the ghost of Mr. Maxwell, late laird of Cool\' (NUC).\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. and M.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3826, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The conquest of France : with the life and glorious actions of Edward the Black Prince, son to Edward III. King of England, his victory, with about 12,000 archers and men at arms, over Philip of France, and 100,000 Frenchmen; his vanquishing King John of ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805.', NULL, 0, 'Edward, Prince of Wales, 1330-1376.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3827, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous history of the learned Friar Bacon : Giving a particular account of his birth, and parentage, with the many wonderful things he did in his life-time, to the amazement of all the world. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 18) Saltmarket, 1807. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 18) Saltmarket, 1807.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3828, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The three crump twin-brothers of Damascus : an Eastern tale. To which is added, An instance of Turkish justice. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3829, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The astonishing and delightful history of Jack and the giants. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3830, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The royal riddle book for the trial of dull wits : Being a collection of new and ingenious guesses. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3831, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John and his twelve misfortunes : which happened all in twelve days after the unhappy day of his marriage. Giving a particular account of his courtship and marriage to a scolding wife; which has been a mortifying misery to ma', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutcheson & Co. 10, Saltmarket, 1819. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow: Published and sold by R. Hutchison & Co. 1819.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nOn title page : O sirs, will you see, What it is to married be.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3832, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry tales of the wise men of Gotham : To which is added A collection of jests. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison & Co. 10, Saltmarket, [1804-1819?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robert Hutchison & Co.', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3833, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The royal princess, : with Tullochgorum, and The Cowgate garland, or The drinking o\'t.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh? : s.n., 1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T193310', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3834, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Logie o\' Buchan. : The roving maids of Edinburgh. Tamie Lamies [sic] cure for a drunken wife.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] : Printed this present year., [1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T171626', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3835, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Luckidad\'s garland or, When my old hat was new, : to which is added The fickle shepherd.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh? : s.n., 1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T170908', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3836, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of Sherriff-Muir [sic]. : With Hodge of the mill;. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] : Entered according to order, [1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nThe battle of Sherriff-Muir : To the tune of the horseman\'s sport..', 'ESTC T164799', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3837, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jolly chaise driver. : The young mans freedom, with The answer,. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T189203', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3838, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent songs. : 1. The golden glove. 2. The answer. 3 The queen of the May. 4. Pattie and Peggy. 5. Aloa-House 6. Love and friendship.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174350', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3839, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent new songs : 1. The banks of Tweed. 2. The whipman\'s delight. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Enrered [sic] according to order, [1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T177936', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3840, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Morpeth wedding garland, : beautify\'d with several excellent new songs. 1. The Morpeth wedding; or, The house turn\'d up-side down. 2. The fam\'d young boufler. 3. The garden of tyme [sic].. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] : Licensed and entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8 ;', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nThe Morpeth wedding; or, The drunken frolick : To the tune of, Gilly Crankey.', 'ESTC T170188', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3841, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Teh [sic] prisoner\'s welcome. : To which are added Katharine Ogie The yellow-hair\'d laddie. Jockie lad an\' ye wa\'d steal me. The power\'s of love. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] : Printed this present year., [1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nThe pages are incorrectly imposed - the numbering sequence is as follows : [1], 4, 3, 2, 7, 6, 5, 8. StEdNL.', 'ESTC T178053', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3842, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs. : I. The slippings of yarn. II. Damon and Phillis. III. The humours of Brugh-hill fair. IV. The Queen of the May. V. Roger of Coverly.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T178992', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3843, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The fond mother\'s garland, : composed of several excellent new songs. 1. The fond mother. 2. The pretty grey hawk. 3. The jolly waggoner. 4. The answer, to The jolly waggoner. 5. The gypsie laddie.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] : Licensed and entered accoding [sic] to order., [1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nThe fond mother : Tune - Stick a pin the e [sic].', 'ESTC T182159', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3844, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new way of Johnny\'s grey-breeks. : To which are added, The new way of the mucking of Geordie\'s byre. My Jo Janet. Billy\'s courtship, with the answer. A new song.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T181918', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3845, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The valiant damsel, : and The flowers of Strathblain; with The parson\'s daughter, likewise The Dublin baker.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T193134', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3846, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The distracted maids garland containing five now [sic] songs. : The distracted maidens lementation [sic] The damosals [sic] lementation [sic]. The answer. A new song at Sadlor\'s [sic] Wells. The answer. A new tuch [sic] on the times.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh? s.n., 1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T184100', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3847, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs. : I. My wife has ta\'en the gee. II. The grand tack. III. The rose in Yarrow. IV. The jovial sailor\'s wedding. V. Kissing no sin.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe grand tack : Tune - Clout the caldron.', 'ESTC T178484', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3848, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Oxfoordshire [sic] tragedy or The wandering shepherdess, : to which is added a new song called Have at the widow my laddie.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh? Entered according to order, 1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T169892', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3849, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The soldier\'s wife; or, The fruits of a victory. : To which is added, Let fortune\'s angry tempest blow.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] : Printed for the booksellers., [1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nThe soldier\'s wife; or, The fruits of a victory : Tune - The wounded hussar.', 'ESTC T160127', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3850, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The the [sic] echoing horn. Also, Britannia rules the waves, The banks of Banna, with Braes of Ballendean, also Woo\'d and married, and When coming throw the moor Minnie.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh? : s.n., 1790?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T187461', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3851, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The fortunate lover; or, The old man outwitted. : To which is added, The lads of the village. Valentine\'s day. The new banks of Clady.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nPossibly printed by J. & M. Robertson.', 'ESTC T182499', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3881, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent new songs. : Billy and Colin: or, The constant lovers. A memorable battle fought by the great Montrose and the clans against Oliver Cromwell, upon the Haughs of Crumdel.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order, [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T177876', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3882, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The forsaken maid. : To which are added, The gallant shaver. The auld wife beyont the fire. Cato\'s advice.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication and date from external evidence.', 'ESTC T182491', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3883, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Captain Death. : To which are added, Banks of the Dee. Logie o\' Buchan Maid in Bedlam. New John Anderson my joe. The nun. Merry & wise.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n.], Printed in the year, 1794.. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T186700', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3884, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The northern ditty : To which are added, The old way of the blind boy, and The new way of the blind boy, and The thirsty lover. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 180[5?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3885, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The horn-fair garland. : Containing six excellent new songs. Song I. The sailor\'s promise to his sweet heart Moll. Song II. Dear Collin. Song IV. Another way of Dear Collin. Song V. The young man\'s complaint. Song VI. The loyal lover\'s faithful promise to', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '5', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T166405', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3886, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. : I. The Caladonia [sic] garland. II. New way of the blind boy. III. Old way of the blind boy. IV. Through the wood laddie.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n., 1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T182886', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3887, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Douglas tragedy. : To which are added Jem of Aberdeen. The Cowgate garland or The drinking o\'t. Let Phillis be mine.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T165649', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3888, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Highland laddie: : The banks of the Dee, with The answer; and The happy shepherd, with The answer.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T189410', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3889, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent songs; : viz. 1. A memorable battle, fought by the great Duke of Montrose and the clans, against Oliver Cromwell. 2. The bonny Highland lad. 3. Sweet Anny and faithful Jockey. 4. Thurot\'s defeat.. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed, where travelling chapmen may be served with sermons, small histories, catechisms, writing paper, &c. &c. at the printing-office, in the High-Street, near the south-gate of the churc', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T182998', 0, 'Thurot, Francois, 1727-1760, Poetry Early works to 1800.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3890, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bleachers of Kinghorns garland; : to which is added, Billy and Polly, or, The constant pair.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T189841', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3891, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent new songs entitled, : I. The sailor bold. II. The thyme. III. The green leek. IV. Savory groves, &c. V. The answer. VI. The butter-milk boy.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n.], Printed in the year, 1758.. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1758-01-01 00:00:00', '1758-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174347', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3892, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent new song, : intituled, The proceedings of the rebels in the year forty five, six, with the total overthrow of the rebel army by His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, and his brave army at Cullodden [sic], near Inverness. The answer.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Licens\'d and enter\'d according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nThe proceedings of the rebels in the year forty five, six, with the total overthrow of the rebel army by His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, &c. : To its own ', 'ESTC T183892', 0, 'William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3893, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : I. A new song in praise of Lord George Gordon. II. The life and transactions of Paul Jones. III. Paul Jones\' expedition.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174715', 0, 'Jones, John Paul, 1747-1792 Poetry Early works to 1800.\r\nGordon, Georg', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3894, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. : I. The constant lover. II. The deserter. III. The tinkler\'s occupation. IV. The eating of the oysters.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T182890', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3895, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'New songs: I. : The English mock, or Wilkes rant, being an answer to Scots Sandy the barber. II. The Duke of Gordon\'s daughter.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T181609', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3896, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : I. The birks of Abergeldie. II. The Queen of the meadows. III. The sleepy merchant.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174738', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3897, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs : I. Whistle on your thumb John Sheep. II. The gallant frigate well mann\'d. III. My deary, if you die.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174799', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3898, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. : I. Bonny Lizie Bailie. II. The low lands of Holland hath twin\'d my love and me. III. On masonry. IV. The flowers of the forest.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T182716', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3899, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : I. Duke Hamilton and Lord Mohun\'s fight. II. The battle of the Boyn; or King William crossing the Boyn-water. Giving a full description of that bloody fight, fought on the first of July, 1690. III. Tibby Fowler.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174718', 0, 'Mohun, Charles Mohun, Baron, 1675?-1712.\r\nHamilton, James Douglas Hami', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3900, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Buchanshire tragedy or, Sir James the Ross. ', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n., 1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nAnonymous. By Michael Bruce.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nCaption title.', 'ESTC T167280', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3901, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Billy and Collin: or, The constant lovers. : The hurl-barrow. O\'er bogie wi\' my love. Sir Simon the King.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n., 1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T190821', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3902, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : I. The young man\'s advice; or, The art of courting. II. The soldiers warning. III. The young madines [sic] lament for the loss of their sweethearts.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Enter\'d according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174789', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3903, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent new songs : I. O my heart. II. The young woman\'s lamentation for the cruelty of her sweet heart. III. The young man\'s farewel to his lover. IV. The lass of Patie\'s mill. V. The blythsome bridal. VI. The free mason.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174338', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3904, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The drunkard\'s legacy: : in three parts. First. How Mr. Wilson, a gentleman near York, having a wild son, foresaw he would come to poverty, he had a cottage with a door always keept fast, and his father on his dying bed charged him not to open it, which t', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n.], Printed in the year 1764.. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1764-01-01 00:00:00', '1764-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T163302', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3905, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. : Entituled, I. The sailor\'s farewel to his sweet-heart. II. Bonnet so blue. III. The r[o]ving lad with the tartan plaid. IV. The curragh of Kildare.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Licens\'d and entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nThe \"o\" of \"roving\" has failed to print.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T182823', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3906, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent new songs, : entituled, I. The pretty maidens garland. II. An old man shall not danton me.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T177931', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3907, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent new songs. : I. William Mitchell\'s wife\'s lamentation for the fatal death of her husband. II. The tippler\'s triumph: or, The drunkard\'s joyful acclamation.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T177963', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3908, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent new song; : entituled, The farmer\'s glory. ', NULL, '[Glasgow? : s.n., 1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nCaption title.', 'ESTC T188901', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3909, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : I. The pride and vanity of young women. II. Pretty Peggy\'s humble petition for marriage. III. The king and the miller.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T174774', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3910, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. : I. The honest Jack tars of old England. II. A new song, between Wilks and Forbes. III. Aboard of a man of war. IV. A new love song.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nThe honest Jack tars of old England : To the tune of Welcome, welcome brother debtor.\r\nA new song, between Wilks and Forbes : To the tune of Chevy chase.', 'ESTC T182935', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3911, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blackamoor in the wood.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T189582', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3912, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent new songs: : I. Jamie Gay. II. The auld yellow-hair\'d laddie. III. Carle came o\'er the craft IV. Kowden-knows. V. The fond shepherdess. VI. Suckey and Tabithia.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nThe fond shepherdess : By Shakespear.\r\nA dialogue between Suckey and Tabitha, two American ladies, apropos to the times : Tune Gog-bow-wow.', 'ESTC T174336', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3913, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. : Entituled, I. An American song, to the sons of liberty. II. A new song on America. III. A song in praise of the light infantry. IV. For the sake of gold she\'s left me o.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nA new song in praise of the light infantry of the 66th regiment : by John Kelly, lately enlisted in the said regiment.', 'ESTC T182820', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3914, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. : I. The rose in Yarrow. II. The bonny Scot: or, The boat man. III. The new way of Pit-Cathly-Well. IV. The bush aboon Traquair.. ', NULL, 'Glasg. [sic] : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1752.. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1752-01-01 00:00:00', '1752-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nThe rose in Yarrow : To the tune of, Mary Scot\'s the flower of Yarrow.\r\nThe bonny Scot: or, The boat-man : To an excellent new tune.\r\nThe new way of Pitcathly-Well : To the tune of, Polwart on the green.\r\nThe bush aboon ', 'ESTC T191187', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3915, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Oran le Uilliam MacCoinnich, do ninghein Choinnich ruaidh mhic fir no Comraich : Marbhrann Mhic-\'ic-Ailein, le Niall Mac Mhuirich. Dhordaicheadh a mach fear beairte. ', NULL, '[Inveraray] : Printed for and sold by the publisher, Inverary, [ca. 1815] ', 'Inveraray', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nProbably printed by by Thomas Duncan in Glasgow, with an Inveraray imprint, for Paruig Tuainer, (Peter Turner) a chapman, and sold throughout the Highlands.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3916, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Jockey & Maggy\'s courtship, and unlucky marriage: : with a description of the merry wedding, and his bystart bairn, for which he gave satisfaction for two days on the black stool.. ', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', 'ESTC T188401', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3917, 'Merry Andrew at Tamtallan', 0, NULL, 0, 'The ancient and modern history of Buck-haven in Fife-shire. Wherein is contained the antiquities of their old dress. The Bucky boat, with the flag of a green tree, with their dancing, Willie and his trusty rapper. Their burgess ticket, with a view of thei', NULL, 'Glasgow: : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1786. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1786-01-01 00:00:00', '1786-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '17', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T193569', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3918, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The wonderful exploits of wise Willie & witty Eppie, the ale wife : and the history of Buckhaven, in Fife-Shire. With a description of their antiquities, college, burgess-ticket, & coat of arms. ', NULL, '[Falkirk? : s.n.], Printed this present year, 1813. ', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1813-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.\r\nAnonymous author: Dougal Graham', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3919, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Henry Blyd\'s contract : who lived in the carse of Gowrie, near Dundee. In a fine elegant discourse to his mistress the minister\'s wife. ', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [ca. 1810?]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nDate and place of publication from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, 'Blyde, Henry.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3920, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The folly of witless women displayed: : or, A comical dialogue between Maggy and Janet. To which are added, three new songs. 1. I fear it is love. 2. The good wife. 3. The bad wife.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh? : s.n.], Printed in the year 1786.. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1786-01-01 00:00:00', '1786-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nOther editions were published under the pseudonym Humphrey Clinker.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T182158', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3921, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An oration on the virtues of the old women, and the pride of the young; : with a direction for young men what sort of women to take, and for women what sort of men to marry. Dictated by Janet Clinker, and written by Humphray [sic] Clinker, the clashing wi', NULL, 'Glasgow, : [s.n.], Printed in the year, MDCCXCVI. [1796] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse and prose.\r\nJanet Clinker is a pseudonym.', 'ESTC T180843', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3922, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The coalman\'s courtship to the creel-wife\'s daughter : In three parts. I. Containing a very curious dialogue between the carter and his mother, who instructs him in the real art of conrtship [sic]. II. Sawny\'s visit to his sweet-heart, and what passed bet', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1825?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3923, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical transactions of Lothian Tom : In six parts. Containing a collection of roguish exploits done by him both in Scotland and England. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. MacNie, 1822. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1822-01-01 00:00:00', '1822-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3924, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'Chap book. Watty and Meg / By Alexander Wilson, native of Paisley. Born at Seedhills of Paisley, 6th July, 1766. In 1779 was apprenticed as a weaver. Emigrated to the United States in 1794. Died at Philadelphia, 23rd August, 1813. Aged 47. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : W. S. Sime, Sauchiehall Street, London : Houlston & Sons, 1889. ', 'Glasgow', 'Sime, William', NULL, '1889-01-01 00:00:00', '1889-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '0', 'Two-pence ', NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nThere are two verses on the title page :- one of five lines, the other of four.\r\nRab and Ringan. A tale : The following was recited by Alexander Wilson at the Pantheon, Edinburgh, in a debate on the question - \"Whether is diffidence or the allu', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3925, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent songs. : Viz. The Welchman in love. Hap me with thy petticoat. The Princess Elizabeth Queen Mary\'s lamentation. A sailors song.. ', NULL, '[Stirling?] : Entered according to order,, 1794.. ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nPlace of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T180210', 0, 'Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603, in fiction, drama, poetry, e', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3926, 'Clinker, Humphrey', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the haverel wives, or The folly of witless women display\'d! / Written by Humphry Clinker, the clashing wives clerk. Being a comical conference between Maggy and Janet, his two old aunties.. ', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] : Printed for the Company of Flying Stationers, in town & country., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Company of Flying Stationers', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nFirst published in [1770?] as \'The folly of witless women displayed\'.\r\nHumphry Clinker is a pseudonym.', 'ESTC T185444', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3927, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John, and his twelve misfortunes: : which happened all in twelve days after the unhappy day of his marriage. Giving a particular account of his courtship and marriage to a scolding wife; which has been a mortifying misery to ', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] : Printed for the traveling [sic] booksellers., [1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', 'ESTC T183403', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3928, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The toast-master\'s companion : a collection of the best and newest loyal, patriotic, military, naval, love, masonic, drinking, sporting, and miscellaneous toasts and sentiments. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by William Macnie, and sold wholesale and retail, [1820-1830?] ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3929, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasant history of Roswall and Lillian; : their travels to Grand Cairo, their visions of Mirza, and the noble sentiments of the grave.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by Alex. Robertson, printer in Niddry\'s Wynd, Edinburgh,, [1775?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1775-01-01 00:00:00', '1775-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn prose and verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nP. 24 consists of full-page advertisement for the printer.\r\nImprint taken from colophon at head of p. 24.\r\n\'Enter\'d according to order\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', 'ESTC T174028', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3930, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and character of Doctor Adam Donald : prophet of Bethelnie. Well known in Aberdeenshire for his eccentricities. ', NULL, 'Peterhead : Printed at the Auchmedden Press by P. Buchan, [1820-1830?] ', 'Peterhead', 'Buchan, Peter', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 13.2, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index and examination of text and style.\r\nP. [2] consists of a full-page woodcut of Adam Donald.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 12 reads : Peterhead: printed and sold wholesale by P. Buchan.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3931, 'Stevenson, John, 1655-1728', 0, NULL, 0, 'The surprising life and remarkable experiences of John Stevenson : land-labourer in the parish of Daily, in Carrick: who died in the year 1728. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1810. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'P. [2] consists of a 1-page introduction \' To the reader\'.', NULL, 0, 'Stevenson, John, 1655-1728.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3932, 'Blair, Thomas, of Edinburgh', 0, NULL, 0, 'Gibbie and Wattie. : A pastoral on the death of Alexander Maben organ-maker in Edinburgh. / By Thomas Blair. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed and sold at the printing-house on the New Stairs, a little above the meal-market: where may be had, a great variety of sermons; as also pamphlets, and small tracts, both curious a', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1755-01-01 00:00:00', '1755-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from external evidence.', 'ESTC T185316', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3933, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lives of George and Joseph Westons, : two notorious highwaymen, forgers, horse-stealers, swindlers, smugglers, &c. Who were apprehended at London for robbing the Bristol-Mail of ten thousand pounds sterling, on the 19th of Jan. 1781; and executed at T', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed by James Murray, Cowgate., 1783.. ', 'Edinburgh', 'Murray, James', NULL, '1755-01-01 00:00:00', '1755-12-31 00:00:00', '14', 13.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ESTC T171599', 0, 'Weston, Joseph, 1759-1782 Early works to 1800.\r\nWeston, George, 1753-1', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3934, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Copy of a roll of parchment : which was found in a corner of one of the vaults in the cathedral, supposed to have been written by that undaunted, popular and prophetic preacher, John Knox, about three hundred years ago. Discovered by the workmen on Monday', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Re-printed for Francis M\'Cartney, [1833?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'M\'Cartney, Francis.', NULL, '1833-01-01 00:00:00', '1833-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal evidene.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3935, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The mad conceits of Tom Tram of the west, : son in law to old Mother Winter. Relating to all his last mad pranks he plaid: very pleasant and delightful to read.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed and sold by John Reid in Pearson\'s Closs [sic], north-side of the street, a little above the Cross., MDCCXXII. [1722] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Reid, J.', NULL, '1722-01-01 00:00:00', '1722-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 12.9, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ESTC T172277', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3936, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack Horner : containing the witty pranks he play\'d, from his youth to his riper years, being pleasant for winter evenings.. ', NULL, 'Falkirk: : Printed and sold by Patrick Mair, MDCC. [i.e. 1785?] ', 'Falkirk', 'Mair, Patrick', NULL, '1785-01-01 00:00:00', '1785-12-31 00:00:00', '24p.', 14.6, '7', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T167597', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3937, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack and the giants. : In all its parts containing I. Jack\'s birth and parentage, and his dispute with a country vicar, &c. II. How he slew a monstrous giant, on the mount of Cornwall, and got the name of Jack the Giant Killer. III. How Kin', NULL, 'Glasgow: : Printed and sold by J. & J. Robertson, MDCCLXXVIII [1778] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and J.', NULL, '1778-01-01 00:00:00', '1778-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ESTC T167583', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3938, 'Merry Andrew at Tam-Tallan', 0, NULL, 0, 'The antient and new history of Buck-haven in Fife-shire. Wherein is contained the antiquities of their old dress. The Bucky boat, with a flag of a green tree, with their dancing, Willie and his trusty rapper. Their burges [sic] ticket, with a plan of thei', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] : Licensed, entered and printed,, [1780?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page of \'The bride of Bucky\'.\r\nDate and place of publication from external evidence.', 'ESTC T214034', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3939, 'Merry Andrew at Tam-Tallan', 0, NULL, 0, 'The ancient and modern history of Buck-haven in Fifeshire; wherein is contained, the antiquities of their old dress; the Bucky boat, with a flag of a green tree; their dancing, Willie and his trusty rapier; their burgess ticket; and the noted sayings of w', NULL, 'Edinburgh: : Printed and sold by A. Robertson, foot of the Horse Wynd., M,DCC,LXXXVIII. [1788] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1788-01-01 00:00:00', '1788-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T193568', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3940, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'New Pady from Corke; : with his coat button\'d behind. In three parts. A merry conference between English Tom and Irish Teague. Pady\'s catechism, his purgatory, when dead; his supplication and creed for Popish belivers [sic]. Pady\'s psalms and hymn, &c. / ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed in Niddery\'s Wynd,, 1779.. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1779-01-01 00:00:00', '1779-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn prose and verse.\r\nSometimes attributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nRoymore McClosky is a pseudonym.\r\nAlso published as \'Comical sayings of Pady from Cork ... by Roymore McClosey [sic].', 'ESTC T186571', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3941, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical and merry tricks of Leper the tailor. : In two parts. To which is added the comical and witty jokes of John Falkirk the merry piper. When in couriship [sic] to an old fiddler\'s widow who wanted all the teeth. With a copy of the love letter he ', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed and sold in Niddery\'s Wynd., 1780.. ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', 'ESTC T184405', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3942, 'O\'Blunder, Captain', 0, NULL, 0, 'Captain O\'Blunder\'s observations on the bloody war in America, : and the late debates in Parliament, with his opinion of the black intention of a new intended Corn Bill. Recommended to the consideration of all true and loyal British subjects, and lovers o', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Printed for the Company of Flying Stationers in G. Britain & Ireland., MDCCLXXVIII. [1778] ', 'Glasgow', 'Company of Flying Stationers', NULL, '1778-01-01 00:00:00', '1778-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ESTC T186238', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3943, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The strange and wonderful account of the wicked life, and deplorable death of Mr Alexander Parkinson; : otherwise known, by the name of, the Golden Farmer. Who departed this life on June 15. 1788. but arose up in his bed 12 hours after his death, to the g', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] : Entered according to order., [1788?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1788-01-01 00:00:00', '1788-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal evidence.', 'ESTC T180034', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3944, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'True and genuine account of Murdoch Currie : taken from his own mouth, at the place of execution in shorthand being a pious exhortation to people of all ranks to take warning by his untimely end. He was executed at Dumbarton on the 14th day of June, 1754.', NULL, '[Scotland?] : Printed this year, [ca. 1840?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nThe title page woodcut would appear to have been added after printing, possibly by hand and the illustration appears at different angles to the text in the different copies. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, 'Currie, Murdoch Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3945, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'Fun upon fun! or, The comical merry tricks of Leper the taylor : In two parts. To which are added, The grand solemnity of the taylor\'s funeral, who lay nine nights in state on his own shop board. Together with his last will & testament. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1817. ', 'Glasgow', 'James Lumdsen & Son', NULL, '1821-01-01 00:00:00', '1821-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAt foot of p. 24 : J. Neilson, printer.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, James Lumsden, 152', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3946, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The love-sick swain; or, The cruel nymph : To which are added, The returning sailor. The new way of Tullochgorum. The rover\'s resolution. The happy bee. The gentle sailor. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.\r\nThe cruel nymph : Tune - Welcome brother debtor.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3947, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The banks and braes of bonny Doon : To which are added, Braw, braw lads on Yarrow braes. Plymouth in an uproar. A hunting song. The prentice boy. The wanderer. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3948, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The harp of old Ossian; or, Caledonia triumphant : To which are added, The resolute lady; or, Fortunate footman, and The rock and a wee pickle tow. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.\r\nThe harp of old Ossian : Tune - Garb of old Gaul.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3949, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The defence of Scotland : To which are added, Sweet Annie\'s love to Jockey. The soldier\'s farewell. Come all ye social powers. The Caledonian laddie. Let gay ones and great. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, MDCCCIII. [1803] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.\r\nThe defence of Scotland : Tune - I hae been courting at a lass.\r\nLet gay ones and great : Tune - From the East break the morn.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3950, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A true country courtship: or, Love in a barn : Shewing, how a London lord was tricked by a farmer\'s daughter. To which is added, She\'s what I dare not name. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3951, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Staffordshire tragedy : To which are added, Britain\'s case display\'d. Love and despair. Miss Roach & Jack Rand\'s parting. Sylvia to Alexis. Britons rule the waves. The British fair. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, 1802.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3952, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jovial batchelor: with the maid\'s answer : To which are added, Let\'s go a-maying. Daphne and Amintor. The green purse. A new love song. My cottage lay distant a mile. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3953, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The toper\'s delight : To which are added, The return of the spring. The general toast. The tobacco-box. The summer was over. The eating of the oysters. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3954, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The farmer\'s daughter, with the answer : To which are added, The sailor\'s lamentation, with the answer. The disconsolate lover. The green purse. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3955, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pretty green coat boy\'s garland : In four parts. Part I. Shewing how a rich Lord\'s son in France fell in love with a poor farmer\'s daughter. Part II. How they were discovered near a grove side and how they were overheard by his father. Part III. How h', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1806. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3956, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The shipwrecked sailor : to which is added, Solomon\'s Temple or Free masonry; and Queen of the May. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1806. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3957, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gilderoy : to which are added, The pious free-mason; The bush aboon Traquair. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1805. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3958, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jolly ringers : to which are added, Jockey and Jenny\'s trip to the fair; A new God save the King; A new song; The sailor\'s return. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1805. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3959, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lass of Calder Braes : to which is added, The lass of Torrance Glen, and The French fleet dismantled, or Bonaparte\'s ramble to the Rhine; Of all the brave birds; Come empty all your bowls. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1805. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe lass of Calder Braes : Tune - Logan Water.\r\nThe lass of Torrance Glen : Tune - Blythe was she butt and ben.\r\nThe French fleet dismantled, or Bonaparte\'s ramble to the Rhine : Tune - We\'re a\' born free. By A. Campbell', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3960, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent old ballad describing the woeful hunting on Chevy-Chace : and the bloody fight between Earl Piercy and Earl Douglas. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [1813-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.', NULL, 0, 'Percy, Henry, Lord, 1364-1403.\r\nDouglas, James Douglas, Earl of, ca. 1', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3961, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The old hulk laid up or, The new way of Tom Tough : To which are added, The snug little island; The highland quean; The jovial widower. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1805. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe jovial widower : Tune - Maggy Lauder.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3962, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Billy and Colin : To which are added, The jolly miller; The lass of Richmond Hill. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1806. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3963, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bold Jack : to which are added, The sailor\'s life at sea; The heaving of the lead; Tom Bowling; My Poll and my partner Joe. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1806. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3964, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The chapter of kings and admirals : to which are added, Up in the morning early; The man of Aberdeen. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1806. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3965, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jack Tar : to which is added, The world\'s a stage; Astonishing Abraham Newland; The sailor\'s return. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1806. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3966, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs : Entitled British valour or Bonaparte, come if you dare; How sweet in the woodlands; The token; Loyalty and liberty; Banks of Doon. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, 1805. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3967, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Plain Jock the weaver : When the wars are all over. The wife a-laughing. Bessy\'s lament for a husband. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen] : A. Keith, printer, Aberdeen, [1810-1835?] ', 'Aberdeen.', 'Keith, Alexander', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1835-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : A. Keith, printer, Aberdeen.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3968, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lewis Gordon : The Marquis of Huntly\'s reel; My own dear somebody; The roving lover, Bonny Charley. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1801. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', 'One halfpenny. ', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk, Printed by T. Johnston, of whom may be had variety of pamphlets and ballads, 1801.\r\nImprint from colophon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3969, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs : viz. The sailor\'s adventure for a wife. Jack of all trades. Fy let us a\' to the battle. The Egyptian wedding.. ', NULL, 'Edinburgh, : Printed by J. Morren, [ca. 1805?] ', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3970, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Robert de Bruce\'s garland or, A heroic song on the Battle of Bannock-burn : fought by a Scots army of 30,000, on the 24th of June, 1314, against K. Edward II. with a mighty army of 300,000 men. To the tune of Chevy Chace. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, 1802. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, 1802.\r\nImprint from colophon.\r\nCaption title.', NULL, 0, 'Robert I, King of Scots, 1274-1329 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3971, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The chearful companion, : being a choice collection of songs. Containing, When my money was gone. The batchellor miller. John and Nell. Hark! the huntsman. Jenny and Roger. The mournful maid. A hunting glee. The modes of the court. The cottage on the moor', NULL, '[Aberdeen] : Chalmers & Co. Printers, Aberdeen., [1800?] ', 'Aberdeen.', 'J. Chalmers & Co.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page and p. 8.\r\nA drinking song : Tune - Push about the brisk bowl.\r\nThe modes of the court : Sung in the Beggar\'s Opera.', 'ESTC T165125', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3972, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs; : called Barbara Allen\'s cruelty: or, The young man\'s tragedy. The county of Cavin. The injur\'d fair. The thirsty lover.. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen] : Printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Castle Street, Aberdeen., [1800?] ', 'Aberdeen.', 'J. Chalmers & Co.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', 'ESTC T182720', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3973, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs; : called The poor man\'s council. Or, The marryed man\'s guide. The shady green tree. The dumb woman turn\'d scold. The beds of roses.. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen] : Printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Castle Street, Aberdeen., [1800?] ', 'Aberdeen.', 'J. Chalmers & Co.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIn verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Castle Street, Aberdeen.', 'ESTC T182762', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3974, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Molly\'s protest for marriage, or, O to be married if this be the way! : To which are added, A light heart & thin pair of breeches, The banished soldier, The chapman\'s anthem, Willy and Jenny\'s love-letters or The new way of Lochaber no more.. ', NULL, '[Stirling?] : Entered according to order., 1789. ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1789-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Date and plave of publication from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T170059', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3975, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blackamoor in the wood.. ', NULL, '[Stirling?] : Entered according to order,, 1799. ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T189583', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3976, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Mally Stewart. : To which are added, Cupid\'s pastime. The milk maid. The flowers of Edinburgh. The maid of the mill.. ', NULL, '[Stirling?] : Entered according to order., 1799.. ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T183728', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3977, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Paddy Bull\'s expedition, : to which are added, The maid that tends the goats, The reformed cobler, The plough boy.. ', NULL, '[Stirling?] : Entered according to order., 1799.. ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T170374', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3978, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The praises of Referilan. : To which are added, Ungrateful Nanny. A friendly advice. The stark naked robbery.. ', NULL, '[Stirling?] : Entered according to order,, 1799.. ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T178880', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3979, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Narrative of the dreadful sufferings of six men : Who left the Island of St. Helena in a whale boat and puting to sea were tossed about for 29 days, in which time they were so hard put to for provisions that they cast lots who should die for the sustenanc', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1804. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3980, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The recruit\'s farewel to his wife and three children : To which are added, Nature\'s richest mine; The jolly toper; Convey a kiss; Johnny Bluster\'s wife. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1804. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3981, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wonderful magic pill; or, Davie and Bess : A tale. Relating Davie\'s courtship to Bess, and how he forsook her. How Nanse, Bessie\'s mother, went to the doctor for a pill, which she got, with directions how to use it - How it had the desired effect, by ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1804. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3982, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bruce\'s address : to which are added, The blue cockade; Sorrow and care; The unfortunate swain. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1805. ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Robert I, King of Scots, 1274-1329 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3983, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs : called The bad wife; The plough boy. A laughing song. Queen Mary\'s lamentation. The miller. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1801. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by T. Johnston, Falkirk. Jan. 1801.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3984, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry fairs of Falkirk : Britons are ye waking; Lovely Willy; My friend and pitcher. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1801. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk: Printed by T. Johnston. Where great variety of small history books & ballads may be had, on the lowest terms, in wholesale and retail. 1801.\r\n[If the succesful troublers of manki', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3985, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Saturday-night at sea! : Buxom Nan of Dover; Jamie Gay on Tweedside; Willie & Nancy\'s courtship. ', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston. Where great variety of small history books & ballads may be had, on the lowest terms, in wholesale and retail, 1801. ', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page and p. 3.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 8 reads : Falkirk: Printed by T. Johnston. 1801.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3986, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The scolding wife : To which are added, The young sea captain. A hunting song. Fair Eliza, blooming maid. The highland queen. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3987, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The true Briton\'s resolution to conquer or die : To which are added, Let war sound the trumpet. Jack\'s disaster, or Turn in or turn out. Gragal ma Chree. With the Answer. I thought it was queer. The forsaken nymph. The terrible law. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThe true Briton\'s resolution to conquer or die : Tune - Hearts of oak are our ships, etc.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802 [sic].', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3988, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The banks of a river. To which are added, Come under my plaidie. The wake on the green. The bonny boy. Mankind all tanners. Britain\'s alarm. Oh! the moment was sad. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3989, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonaparte\'s answer to John Bull\'s card : To which are added, The games of life. I travers\'d Judah\'s barren sand. The braes of Yarrow. Soldier Dick\'s creed. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nBonaparte\'s answer to John Bull\'s card : Tune - Her we go up, up, up..\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3990, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonaparte\'s garland : To which are added, My apron deary. The soldier\'s farewel. A patriotic song. Sweet Robin\'s elopement. My trim-built wherry. Drive me not to despair. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nBonaparte\'s garland : Tune - Logie o\' Buchan.\r\nA patriotic song : Tune - Push about the joram.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804.', NULL, 0, 'Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3991, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The flowers of the forest, composed on the memorable battle of Flodden, fought Sep. 5th 1513 : To which are added, Auld Rob Morris. A sodger\'s courtship. The invasion. How can I be sad on my wedding day? ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3992, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The invitation; or Challenge : To which are added, The praises of Referilan. The fair maid\'s lament. The highland lassie o. Let gay ones and great. Maid\'s [sic] be not too nice in the matter. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nLet gay ones and great : Tune - From the east breaks the morn.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803 [sic].', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3993, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wandering shepherdess; or, The betrayed damsel : To which are added, Corporal Casey. With an honest old friend. Go look, go look. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3994, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wounded hussar : To which are added, Gragal ma Chree, with the answer. I thought it was queer. Love in my pocket. The wedding day. A hunting song. Father Dennis\'s comfort. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3995, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The broom besom and heather rinses : To which are added, Miss King deflowred. The young man\'s love to the farmer\'s daughter. The wake on the green. Corporal Casey. Logie O\' Buchan. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3996, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent old song, intitled Young Beichan and Susie Pye : To which are added, The generous maid, and A new song. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3997, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jamie and Nancy; or, The Yarmouth tragedy : laying open how by the cruelty of parents, two lovers were destroyed. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3998, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The trial of James Reily for running away with Coolin Bawn : To which are added, The saughy burnside. The terrible law. Saw ye my wee thing. An Irish drinking song. The naval heroes. Britons only conquer to save. Beauty and rigour. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (3999, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wandering young gentlewoman; or, Cat-skin\'s garland : in five parts. Part I. How an esquire\'s daughter near London was forced from home by her father\'s cruelty, but thro\' her tender mother, was well educated and clothed in rich array. And when she cam', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4000, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Buchanshire tradgey [sic]; or, Sir James the Ross : An historical ballad. Printed from the original manuscript. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.\r\nAnonymous author: Michael Bruce.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4001, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Duke of Gordon\'s three daughters : To which are added, John Uproar\'s chant. The shepherd\'s complaint. The parting kiss. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4002, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The girl I left behind me, with the answer : To which are added, Low down in the broom. Anna\'s urn, all my comfort! She\'s what I dare not name. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4003, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three herring in sa\'t, with the answer : To which are added, The ladies\' amusement. Hawke\'s engagement. Seize occasion. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4004, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Lady Isabella\'s tragedy; or, The step-mother\'s cruelty : with The master-cook & step-mother\'s lamentation to which are added, The cheating tribe, and The absent Florinda. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.\r\nThe absent Florinda : Tune - Queen of Sheba\'s march.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4005, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Nelson\'s victory over the combined fleets of Erance [sic] and Spain : On the 21st of October, 1805. To which is added, The tar metamorphosed; or, The esquire tricked. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.', NULL, 0, 'Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount, 1758-1805 Songs and music.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4006, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Mother Bunch of the west, containing many rarities out of her golden closet of curiosities : For the absolute advantage of all young lovers, who may as in a glass, behold one another while they sleep, by keeping to the directions of this book, which will ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1809. ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1809.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4007, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Banks of Forth : to which are added, The matron\'s wish; Nanny-o; My wife\'s ta\'en the gee; Blithe Jockey; The sailor\'s return. ', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1803.', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from internal evidence.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4008, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The little farthing rush light : To which are added, The boatie rows; Gaffer Gray; Lilies of the vally [sic]. ', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1803.', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from internal evidence.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4009, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wish : to which are added, Dear little cottage maiden; O rare country lasses; Ballynamone oro from The poor soldier; My native vale. ', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1803.', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPlace of publication from internal evidence.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4010, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three new songs : The sheering\'s no for you. Bessy\'s lament for a husband. The mills of Drum. ', NULL, '[Aberdeen? : s.n.], Printed in the year 1806. ', 'Aberdeen.', NULL, NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page and p. 8.\r\nPlace of publication from internal evidence.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4011, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A particular account of the life & adventures of a beautiful young lady, : who was brought-to-bed of a son on the night of her marriage without being able to account for the circumstance and her case being submitted to all the learned physicians of the pl', NULL, '[Edinburgh? : s.n., 1800?] ', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication and date from external evidence.\r\nCaption title.', 'ESTC T167987', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4012, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The world\'s a stage on which each man acts his part : To which are added, The royal robe. Lay thy loof in mine lass. Sweet Robin\'s elopement. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, MDCCCIV. [1804] ', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4013, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Middlesex flora, or, The ship-wreck\'d sailor. : To which are added, Buonaparte\'s answer to John Bull\'s card, inviting him to England, with a few lines concerning his brothers, Taffy, Sawny, and Paddy. Despairing shepherdess. And Nought but love.. ', NULL, '[Stirling?] : Entered according to order., 1799.. ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Place of publication from external evidence.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.', 'ESTC T172716', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4014, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Fair Margaret\'s misfortunes : to which are added, A cogie of ale. The weary pund o\' tow. Song in Rosina. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by W. Macnie, 1826. ', 'Stirling', 'Macnie, William', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4015, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The entertaining life and death of the amiable Lady Jean Gray : who reigned only Nine Days Queen of England : After which, both Sher and her husband were beheaded in one day at the Tower of London, for High Treason by order of Q. Mary, Her successor.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, 'Gray, Jane', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4016, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The necessity of a house of recovery for the reception of those affected with contagious fever. By a native of Paisley', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, and sold by the bookseller, 1805', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4018, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of Scotch proverbs : containing all the wise sayings and observations of the old people of Scotland / by Allan Ramsay.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed and published by G. Caldwell, [c.1840?]', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1835-01-01 00:00:00', '1845-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nOn title page : I will hae books gin I suld sell my kye.\r\nOn title page : Vox populi vox dei.\r\nOn title page : That maun be true that a\' men say.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4019, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1855', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1855-01-01 00:00:00', '1855-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '13 (one appears twice)', 'One penny', 'New and Improved Series', '40', 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nOn title page : I will hae books gin I suld sell my kye.\r\nOn title page : Vox populi vox dei.\r\nOn title page : That maun be true that a\' men say.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4020, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six excellent new songs. Viz: Jamie. Cease your funning. This is no my ain lassie. Whais she that loes me. Phillis to the Fair. Thine am I my faithful fair', NULL, '[Falkirk] : T. Johnston, Printer, Falkirk, [1810-1825?]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from period of activity of publisher and external evidence.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4021, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Comical sayings of Paddy from Cork', NULL, '[?]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '22', 13.6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4022, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical tricks of Lothian Tom. With a selection of anecdotes.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nThe title page includes an illustration of three soldiers cooking over a camp fire.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4023, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comic minstrel: containing a selection of tye most popular comic songs. No. 1', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.2, '1', 'One penny', NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4024, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. Will Watch the bold smuggler; Jockey to the fair; Come, haste to tye wedding; The maid of Bedlam; Jenny Nettles', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4025, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. The world\'s a stage; The Yorkshireman in London; Britannia, or the death of General Wolfe', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4026, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. Muirland Willie; Maggy Lauder; As I walk\'d by myself; Sandy o\'er the Lee', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4027, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. Barbary Bell; Sally Gray; On the peace', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4028, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. Oh! Lady fair; Steady she goes; Poor frantic Mary; Thomas Clutterbuck and Polly Higginbottom; Plato\'s advice; Dulce domum', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4029, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'No. 11. Excellent new songs, viz. Answer to Jessie, Lash\'d to the helm, My only Jo and dearie O, Three weeks after marriage, For lack of gold she\'s left me Oh', NULL, 'Alnwic : Printed and sold by W. Davison, [18--]', 'Alnwick', 'Davison, W.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4030, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'No. 12. Excellent new songs, viz. The soldier\'s return, The heaving of the lead, Hal the woodma, The banks o\' Doon', NULL, 'Alnwic : Printed and sold by W. Davison, [18--]', 'Alnwick', 'Davison, W.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4031, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. The blackbird; Forestalling done over; Mrs. Flinn and tye bold dragoon; A bull in a china shop; The wauking of the fauld', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4032, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. The country club; The chandler\'s shop; Paddy M\'Shane\'s seven ages', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4033, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The historical ballad of May Culzean : founded on fact', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustrations on title page and at end of text. P. 4: Tune - Gilmorrice', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4034, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the life, singular transactions, and death of Rob Roy Macgregor, a famous Highland chieftain', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caption title', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4035, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan, commonly called the King\'s fool.', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed and sold by W. & T. Fordyce, 15, Grey Street, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Fordyce, W.', 'Fordyce, T.', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4036, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jemmy & Nancy of Yarmouth; or, the constant lovers ...', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed and sold by W. & T. Fordyce, 15, Grey Street, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Fordyce, W.', 'Fordyce, T.', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4037, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Queen Victoria song book', NULL, 'Newcastle and Hull : Printed and sold by W. & T. Fordyce, To be had also of J. Whinham & Co., Scotch-st, Carlisle, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Fordyce, W.', 'Fordyce, T.', '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1899-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4038, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent new song; : entituled, The farmer\'s glory', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n., 1790?]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-13 00:00:00', '6', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4039, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The factor\'s garland : a pathetic history ...', NULL, 'Newcastle and Hull : Printed and sold by W. & T. Fordyce, 48, Dean Street, Newcastle, and 43, Myton Gate, Hull', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Fordyce, W.', 'Fordyce, T.', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustrations on title page and at end of text.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4040, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The heather-bell songster', NULL, 'Newcastle and Hull : Printed and sold by W. & T. Fordyce, 48, Dean-str. Newcastle, and at 43, Myton Gate, Hull', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Fordyce, W.', 'Fordyce, T.', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4041, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lover\'s songster; : being a collection of popular songs', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed and sold by W. & T. Fordyce, To be had also of J. Whinham & Co., Scotch-st, Carlisle, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Fordyce, W.', 'Fordyce, T.', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4042, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comic minstrel : a collection of comic songs. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThere is a table of contents on p. 24.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4043, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The huntsman\'s songster', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed and sold by W. & T. Fordyce, [4] 15, Grey Street, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Fordyce, W.', 'Fordyce, T.', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustrations on title page and at end of text.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4044, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The surprising life and most strange adventures of Robinson Crusoe ...', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed and sold by W. & T. Fordyce, 48, Dean Street, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Fordyce, W.', 'Fordyce, T.', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustrations on title page and at end of text.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4045, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry tales of the wise men of Gotham : To which is added, A collection of jests. ', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1799.', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'On title page : Of merry books this is the chief, It is a purging pill, To carry off all heavy grief, And make you laugh your fill.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4046, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Pathetic history of George Barnwell the London apprentice : who, by keeping the company, and following the advice of a woman of the town, named Milwood, was reduced to the lowest pitch of infamy ...', NULL, 'Newcastle and Hull : Printed and sold by W. & T. Fordyce, To be had also of J. Whinham & Co., Scotch-st, Carlisle, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Fordyce, W.', 'Fordyce, T.', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4047, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. The bonny Scotch lad and his bonnet so blue; The blackbird; My sailor dear shall guard my pillow; Bundle of truths', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4048, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. O how I love somebody. The pretty maid milking her cow. Of a\' the airts the win\' can blaw. The banks of the Dee', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4049, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. God save the King. Rule, Britannia. The jubilee. General Wolfe. The trumpet sounds a victory', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4051, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The friar and boy; or, The young piper\'s pleasant pastime : containing his witty pranks in relation to his step-mother, whom he fairly fitted for unkind treatment. The second part', NULL, 'London : Printed and sold in London, [18--]', 'London', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '7', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page and 6 in text..\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4052, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent songs. : viz. High Jenny, high. A new touch on the times. The admired swain', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1794', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4053, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent songs. : viz. Lord Willoughby. The thunder storm. The princess Elizabeth', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1794', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4054, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs : The unfortunate fair, Nancy Whisky, Little Donaldie, The dearth of the meal, Sweet Polly of Plymouth', NULL, '[S.l.] : [S.n., 18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4055, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Newcastle songster; or, Tyne minstrel. : containing a selection of modern and original songs', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed and sold by M. Angus and Son, Foot of the Side, 1802', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '68', 13.3, '1', 'Price sixpence', NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4056, 'Whittell, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'Genuine Tom Whittell. : part first of the poetical works of Thomas Whittell, the celebrated Northumbrian bard, of Cambo and Wallington: printed from the author\'s own manuscript', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : [s.n.], 1815', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4057, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry life and mad exploits of Capt. James Hind, the great robber of England.', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by and for M. Angus & Son, in the Side [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4058, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Wanton Tom; or, the merry history of Tom Stitch the tailor', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by and for M. Angus & Son, in the Side [s.a.]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '5', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcuts on title page and in text', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4059, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The political history of the devil upon two sticks, translated from the French, and uniting in a distinct view, an account of the whole transactions in France, from the Revolution throughout the War to the present time, with historical sketches of the lives of Dumourier, Duke of Orleans, Robespierre, and Danton', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the Booksellers, [179-]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4060, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan : commonly called the king\'s fool. In two parts', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed fror J. Gillies; J. Neilson, printer, [17--]', 'Glasgow', 'Gillies, James', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-12 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4061, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The fortunes and misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders, : who was born in Newgate Prison, London: and, published by herself', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in this present year [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '23', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4062, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wounded Hussar. : to which are added, A celebrated Indian death-song. Savourna Delish. Mary of Castle-Cary. The flowers of the forest. The disconsolate sailor. He stole my tender heart away. On friendship', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1799', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4063, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs. : The miller of Drone. The wooing o\'t, Good night and joy be with you all. The cold winter night', NULL, 'Edinburgh : printed by J. Morren, [17--]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4064, 'Brown, Martin', 0, NULL, 0, 'Paddy\'s progress: or, the rise and fall of Captain S****y. : being a brief, yet circumstantial narrative, of his various schemes, tricks, plots, and contrivances, since his arrival in England, - down to the present time. By Martin Brown, of Sunniside, in the County of Durham', NULL, 'Gateshead : Printed and sold by J. Marshall; and may also be had from the principal booksellers in Newcastle and the neighbourhood, 1808', 'Gateshead', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, NULL, 'Price twopence', NULL, NULL, 'At end of text: Sunniside, 1805.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4065, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent new songs,: viz. The blaeberries. And The maid of Cockenzie', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, Cowgate, [18--]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4066, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'John Anderson my Joe. : To which are added My lodging is on the cold ground. Strephon of the Hill. The Staffordshire tragedy. The Earl of Murray', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1796', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4067, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs : 1 The disappointed sailor. 2 The Curragh of Kildare. 3 O if I had my love again. 4 The Irish girl', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year 1799', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4068, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs, : called, I. The bold hairy cap. II. The flowers of the forest. III. Merry may the maid be. IV. Eggs and bacon. V. The maid of the mill', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year 1790', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4069, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, : viz. Willy and Bess. The trifle, a new song. Ungrateful Nanny. Sawny and Teague', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed this present year [18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4070, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Eight excellent new songs. : The harper o\' Mull. Mrs Burns\' lamentation. The woodpecker. O let me this ae night. My Mary is a bonny lass. Begone, dull care. The mountain flower. Miss Forbes\' farewell to Banff', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers, 1819', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1819-01-01 00:00:00', '1819-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4071, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four new songs. : viz. Jessy the flower o\' Dumblane. The blackbird. Wandering shepherdess. The answer', NULL, 'Penrith : Printed by J. Allison, [18--]', 'Penrith', 'Allison, J.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4072, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four new songs. : Bonnet o\' blue. The hawthorn. The crooked disciple. The little couple', NULL, 'Penrith : Printed by J. Allison, [18--]', 'Penrith', 'Allison, J.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4073, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. : Gragal ma Chree, with the Answer Indifference; or, RTap at the door. The auld man\'s mare\'s dead. Old commodore', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [18--]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4074, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. : The poor little sweep. Modern dandy. Moll Boy\'s courtship. The milk maid. The King\'s three sons', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for tye booksellers, [18--]', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4075, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. : The happy stanger [sic], with the Answer. Jamie\';s slain in the wars I\'m afraid. Burns\' Bonny Jean. The banks of a river. I\'ll come to the bower', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by J. Morren, [18--]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4076, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of most excellent new songs. : viz. The variorum. Oaths in fashion. Yonder wake. The sodger laddie. The hurl-barrow. The sailor\'s widow\'s lament, for her husband\'s death on board the trial, 74', NULL, '[Stirling] : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [17--]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1774-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', NULL, 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4078, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough, and William of Cloudeslie, who were three archers good enough, the best in the North Country', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Robert Sanders, and are to be sold in his shop, a little above the Grammar-School_Wynd, 1716', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1716-01-01 00:00:00', '1716-12-31 00:00:00', '22', 11.1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4079, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A testimony left by Mr. Rutherfoord, to the work of reformation in Britain and Ireland, before his death : with some of his last words. February the last. 1661. To which is added, A testimony of one of the ministers of the Church of Scotland, against the Oath of Abjuration, a little before it was taken', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by James and William Duncans, in the Foot of the Salt-Mercat, 1719', 'Glasgow', 'Dunan, James', 'Duncan, William', '1719-01-01 00:00:00', '1719-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4080, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jerusalems captivities lamented, or, A plain description of Jerusalem from Joshua\'s time to the year of Christ 1517, both by scripture and ancient history... To which is added, The sad and ever lamented desolation and destruction of Jerusalem, by fire, sword, pestilence and famine', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by James Duncans, and are to be sold at his shop near the Foot of the Salt-Mercat, 1722', 'Glasgow', 'Dunan, James', NULL, '1722-01-01 00:00:00', '1722-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 12.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4081, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and tryals of William Sutherland : with his declaration while in exile. With an account of his sufferings during the time of his imprisonment, which was seventeen weeks and three days; ...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed at the foot of the Horse-Wynd, 1719', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1719-01-01 00:00:00', '1719-12-31 00:00:00', '23', 11.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4083, 'Erskine, Ralph, 1685-1752', 0, NULL, 0, 'The River of Life, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. : a sermon preached immediately before the Sacrament of the Lord\'s Supper, at Dunfermline, July 6th, 1735.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by Tho. Lumisden and Jo. Robertson, for James Beugo, book-seller in Dunfermline, 1736', 'Edinburgh', 'Lumisden, Thomas', 'Robertson, John', '1736-01-01 00:00:00', '1736-12-31 00:00:00', '27', 13.9, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4084, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Extracts from the Chronicles of Commercia, a great trading city in the Kingdom of Bragaria', 'Second edition', 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Miller, E.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 14.4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'At end of text: E. Miller, printer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4085, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The public meeting; or my Lord Shallow at his last gasp!! A tragi-comedy, in three acts. By a looker-on', 'Second edition', 'Glasgow : Printed by D. Mackenzie, 20, Saltmarket, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Mackenzie, D.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '15', 14.6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4086, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gotham in alarm : a farce, in three acts, as peformed by His Majesty\'s Servants, at the Theatre-Royal, Gotham Square. By An Odd Fellow', 'Fifth edition', 'Glasgow : A. Napier, printer, 43, Trongate, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Napier, A.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 14.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4087, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'More news from Gotham, : being a continuation of Gotham in alarm : a farce, in three acts, as peformed by His Majesty\'s Servants, at the Theatre-Royal, Gotham Square. By An Odd Fellow', NULL, 'Glasgow : A. Napier, printer, 43, Trongate, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Napier, A.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '14', 14.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4088, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gotham in alarm : a farce, in three acts, as peformed by His Majesty\'s Servants, at the Theatre-Royal, Gotham Square. By An Odd Fellow', 'Second edition', 'Glasgow : A. Napier, printer, 43, Trongate, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Napier, A.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 14.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4089, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The public meeting; or my Lord Shallow at his last gasp!! A tragi-comedy, in three acts. By a looker-on', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by D. Mackenzie, 20, Saltmarket, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Mackenzie, D.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '15', 14.6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4090, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The public meeting; or my Lord Shallow at his last gasp!! A tragi-comedy, in three acts. By a looker-on', 'Third edition', 'Glasgow : Printed by D. Mackenzie, 20, Saltmarket, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Mackenzie, D.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 15.1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4091, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Reply to James Block, Esq. in answer to his hints to the \'Sooty Rabble,\' on their day of meeting in order to petition for a reform in parliament. By Ane o\' the Rabble', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by W. Lang, 62, Bell-Street, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Lang, William', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4092, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'James Block\'s lament; or, The true penitent', NULL, 'Glasgow : W. Lang, printer, [1816?]', 'Glasgow', 'Lang, William', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '4', 12.1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caption title. Imprint in colophon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4093, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'James Block\'s lament; or, The true penitent. : Together with The ass\'s reply', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, 1816', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4094, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gotham reviewed : a poem', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by D. Mackenzie, 20, Saltmarket, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Mackenzie, D.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, NULL, 'Price 2d', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4095, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gotham reviewed : a poem. Part III', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by D. Mackenzie, 20, Saltmarket, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Mackenzie, D.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, NULL, 'Price two-pence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4096, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Paisley politics: or, Rab and Pate, a dialogue', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by W. Lang, 62, Bell-Street, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Lang, William', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4097, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Albion\'s lament for the loss of liberty; : Addressed to the friends of reform', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by W. Lang, 62, Bell-Street, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Lang, William', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4098, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The poor man\'s remonstrance. : addressed to the reformers', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by W. Lang, 62, Bell-Street, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Lang, William', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4099, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Letter addressed to Sir Thomas Cochrane, commonly called Lord Cochrane, on his conduct in the meeting, at the London Tavern, on the 29th July 1816, met for the purpose of taking into consideration the distress of the country, and the means of relief. By Amicus Populus. To which is added, Earl Stanhope\'s protest against the late war', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, for R. Smith, bookseller, 1816', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', 'Smith, R.', '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 15.6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4100, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Report of the London and Westminster meetings, called, by requisition, to consider the distressed state of the nation', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, for R. Smith, bookseller, 1816', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', 'Smith, R.', '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caption title. Imprint in colophon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4101, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Christ the sole and wonderful doer in the work of man\'s redemption. : An action-sermon, preached immediately before dispensing the Sacrament of the Lord\'s Supper, in the Associate Congregation of Glasgow, June 23d. 1745. By James Fisher, Minister of the Gospel in said congregation. To which is subjoined, The doors of the heart summoned to open to the King of Glory. An action-sermon, preached, August 30th, 1755', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for, and sold by James Oliphant, at Mr. Stalker\'s shop, below the Exchange; and by the booksellers in town and country, 1755', 'Glasgow', 'Oliphant, James', NULL, '1755-01-01 00:00:00', '1755-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 13.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'On title page: Entered in Stationers Hall', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4102, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The laidley worm of Spindleston Heugh. Virgo jam serpens ... : song of 500 years old, made by the old mountai-bard, Duncan Frasier living on Cheviot A.D. 1270. Printed from an ancient manuscript', NULL, 'Newcastle : M. Angus & Son, printers, [177-]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', NULL, '1770-01-01 00:00:00', '1775-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4103, 'Erskine, Ralph, 1685-1752', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comer\'s conflict : or, The beginner\'s battle with the devil, when essaying to come to Christ by faith. : In some discourses upon Luke ix 42. before and after the sacrament of the Lord\'s Supper, at Kinglassie, July 20. 1735. / By the late Reverend Mr. Ralph Erskine, minister of the gospel at Dunfermline. ', 'The twelfth edition.', 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon on p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4104, 'Brooks, Thomas, 1608-1680', 0, NULL, 0, 'The godly man\'s ark: or, City of refuge in time of trouble By the Reverend Mr. Thomas Brooks. ...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1826.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4105, 'Boston, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'Christ the saviour of the world. : A sermon; preached immediately before the celebration of the Lord\'s Supper, at Ettrick, June 7th, 1724. By the Rev. Mr. Thomas Boston, late Minister of the Gospel at Ettrick', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson,(no. 18) Saltmarket, 1806.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', NULL, 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806.\r\nWoodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4106, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The afflicted parents: Or, The undutiful child punished. In two parts. ...', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year, 1788', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1788-01-01 00:00:00', '1788-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4107, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The humble address of the people called Quakers in North Britain, to His Majesty King George III. : Containing reflections on the American war, and the loss which Britain sustains thereby. Likewise, Pointing out the dangerous consequences of the Corn Bill, now depending in Parliament, and praying his Majesty, for the benefit of his loyal subjects, that it may not be passed into a law', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year, 1778', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1778-01-01 00:00:00', '1778-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4108, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A tale of three bonnets. In four cantos', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, MDCCXCII', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1792-01-01 00:00:00', '1792-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4109, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An old man\'s experience: or, Poor Richard\'s maxims improved. ...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4110, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The merry frolicks, or, The comical cheats of Swalpo, a notorious pick-pocket: and the merry pranks of Roger the clown', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4111, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack Horner, : containing the witty pranks he play\'d from his youth to his riper years, being pleasant for winter evenings', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.7, '7', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4112, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lawyer, : a new song, to which is added, Thurot\'s defeat, The soldier\'s dream, and The scolding wife', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, 10, Saltmarket, [182-]', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4113, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comic Valentine writer, containing a selection of the best and newest quizzical Valentine verses', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1855', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1855-01-01 00:00:00', '1855-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', 'One Penny', 'New and Improved', 'No. 14', 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4114, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Fireside amusements : a selection of riddles, enigmas, conundrums, quibbles, charades arithmetical puzzles, &c. selected from the best sources', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', 'One Penny', 'New and Improved', 'No. 15', 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4115, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The maid servant\'s guide : containing directions for performing all kinds of household work', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, NULL, 'One Penny', 'New and Improved', 'No. 17', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4116, 'Brownlee, W. C. (William Craig), 1784-1860', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of Drumclog : fought on the 1st June, 1679. Between the King\'s troops, and the Covenanters / by the Laird of Torfoot, an officer in the Presbyterian army', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell & Son, bookseller and stationer, 1826', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1826-01-01 00:00:00', '1826-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4117, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Raising the wind; or, Habbie Sympson & his wife baith deed. As originally written and spoken by John Andrews, in the Exchange Rooms, Moss Street', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, 1839', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1839-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4118, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comic songster : containing a variety of the newest comic songs of the present day ...', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by Caldwell and Son, 2, New Street, 1839', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1839-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4119, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The singular life, adventures, and depredations of David Haggart, the murderer, : related by himself, while under the sentence of deat, with an account of his execution at Edinburgh, July 18, 1821, for the murder of Morrin, one of the turnkeys of Dumfries Jail, and a copy of verses written by Haggart in his cell the day after his condemnation', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by Caldwell and Son, 2 New Street, 1839', 'Paisley', 'George Caldwell and Son', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1839-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn prose and verse.', NULL, 0, 'Haggart, David, 1800-1821 Death and burial.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4120, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob, embelished with cuts; to which is added, The lives of St. John and St. Philip, two of the Apostles', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed and sold wholesale and retail by G. Caldwell, 2, New Street, 1840', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '18', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4121, 'Patton, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'Touser and the blue devils. : A tale. By John Patton', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by Caldwell & Son, 2, New Street, 1844', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1844-01-01 00:00:00', '1844-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4122, 'Brownlee, Thomas, Laird of Torfoot', 0, NULL, 0, 'Battle of Bothwell Bridge, fought on the 22nd June, 1679. : Between the King\'s troops, and the Covenanters. By the Laird of Torfoot. An officer in the Presbyterian army', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by G. Caldwell, 69, High Street, 18--', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4123, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hunting of Chevy-Chace', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [17--]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4124, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blythsome bridal. : To which are added, The Braes o\' Balquither. And The thirsty lover', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [17--]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4125, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Haughs of Crumdel, : to which are added, Harvest home, and, John and Nell', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by W. Scott, [17--]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4126, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s tragedy. : To which are added, The bird. Absent Florinda', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed for C. Randall, [17--]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4127, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lady\'s diary. : To which are added, Meg of Wapping. The Highland queen. Invasion threaten\'d. Soldier\'s return', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [17--]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nText poorly printed; several letters, especially on p. 2, missing altogether, others only partially visible.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4128, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An old woman clothed in grey. : To which are added Pipes and tobacco. Pleasures of love. Tweed-side. 12 months are past', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [17--]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4129, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Petticoat wooing, with the answer. : To which are added, Rose-tree in full bearing. Dinna think, bonny lassie. Britons, to arms. O! I hae seen the roses blaw. The glad trumpet sounds a victory', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [17--]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4130, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Duet in inkle and yarico. : To which are added, From night to morn. Stirling tower. The awkward recruit. Happy Dick Dawson', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, [17--]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4131, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Capt. Ward and the rainbow. : To which is added, William at eve', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by C. Randall, [17--]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4132, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A garland of new songs. : Major Macpherson. Mary\'s dream, or Sandy\'s ghost. Caleb Quotem. The raw recruit', NULL, 'Gateshead : Printed by J. Marshall, [17--]', 'Gateshead', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4133, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sweet Susan of Camerwell Grove. The roving maids of Edinburgh. Tamie Lamie\'s cure for a drunken wife', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.] Printed in this present year, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4134, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blackamor in the wood, : a lamentable song', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, 1815', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4135, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'My ain dear Jean : The praises of Referilan. The Irish wedding and The soldier\'s farewel', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [17--]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4136, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new way of John Anderson, my Jo. : To which are added, The witty auld horse. O\'er the muir amang the heather. Why should we quarrel for riches', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [17--]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4137, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The unfortunate lovers, or, Sir James the Ross. : A lamentable old song', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [17--]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4138, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Grampian shepherd\'s jubilee, address\'d to King George III. : The amorous lady. A\' the airts the win\' can blaw', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [17--]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4139, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The death of Sally Roy, Rule Britannia, Men a-courting came, Lovely Jean', NULL, 'Ayr : D. Macarter & Co., printers, 1816', 'Ayr', 'Macarter, D.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4140, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs : The callier\'s bonny lassie. Lewis Gordon. For lack of gold. Tam Glen. The absent lover', NULL, 'Dumdfries : Printed by C. M\'Lachlan, for John Sinclair, book-seller, [18--]', 'Dumfries', 'McLachlan, C.', 'Sinclair, John', '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4141, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Every thing has but its time. : To which is added, Billy and Nancy\'s parting, The land o\' the leal, We\'ve aye been provided for, Pady O\'Rafferty, The world\'s a table', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Printed by Thomas Duncan, [159, Saltmarket, [18--]', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, Thomas', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4142, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent old song, intitled Young Beichan and Susie Pye', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, 10, Saltmarket', 'Glasgow', 'Hutchison, Robert', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4143, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent songs. : Last May a braw wooer, Ayrshire lasses, The sheering\'s no for you, Plain Jock the weaver, Bacchanalian joys defeated', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by Thomas Duncan, 159, Saltmarket, [18--]', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, Thomas', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4144, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The factor\'s garland, : in four parts. Shewing how a young man, after having rioted away part of his estate, became factor to several merchants in London. And was afterwards married to a noble prince\'s daughter', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, [179-?]', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4145, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The babes in the wood. : And the new way of petticoat wooing', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed for G. Caldwell, bookseller, [18--]', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4146, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song. : Called Auld Scotia free to which are added O Helen thou art my darling The lovely lass of Allan-down Will ye go to the ewe bughts and A lamentation for the deatd [sic] of the brave Mc Kay', NULL, 'Airdrie : Printed by J. & J. Neil, printers and bookbinders, No. 21 High Street, [18--]', 'Airdrie', 'Neil, J.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4147, 'Cakeling, Christopher', 0, NULL, 0, 'A caution to husbands against thrifty wives. : Demonstrating the ruinous tendency of too much economy. By Christopher Cakeling, of Cranbourne-Alley.... To which is added, Select jests', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid, [18--]', 'Glasgow', 'Brash, James', 'Reid, William', '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4148, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Interesting account of the embassy of a Swedish missionary to convert the heathen. : Including various remarks respecting the savages of North America. To which are added, Rules of conduct', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid, [18--]', 'Glasgow', 'Brash, James', 'Reid, William', '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4149, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Willie\'s vision; or, The de\'il personified by Tam the Collier. : A true tale... To which are added, Young Kintry Laird\'s courtship, and A jest. By the author of the Poppish taylor, &c. &c', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Cameron & Murdoch, booksellers and stationers, Trongate, [18--]', 'Glasgow', 'Cameron', 'Murdoch', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 13.4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4150, 'Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1813', 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty and Meg; or, The wife reformed. : A true tale ...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid', 'Glasgow', 'Brash, James', 'Reid, William', '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4151, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Elegiac stanzas, applicable to the untimely death of the celebrated poet, Robert Burns. : To which are added, Verses on time, and on the shortness of life...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid', 'Glasgow', 'Brash, James', 'Reid, William', '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4152, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A bookseller and stationer\'s shop bill ...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid', 'Glasgow', 'Brash, James', 'Reid, William', '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4153, 'Burns, Robert, 1759-1796', 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven favourite songs, Scots and English. By Robert Burns, Peter Pindar, and others', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid', 'Glasgow', 'Brash, James', 'Reid, William', '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4154, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Order. : A poem... To which is added, An epitaph for Algernon Sidney', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid', 'Glasgow', 'Brash, James', 'Reid, William', '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4155, 'Muir, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'The telegraph; : a consolatory epistle from Thomas Muir, Esq. of Botany Bay, to the Hon. Henry Erskine, late Dean of Faculty', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1854-01-01 00:00:00', '1899-12-31 00:00:00', '6', 13.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4156, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Peace and homepreferred to war and travel. II. The volunteer. III. The drum. IV. Scenes of my youth', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid', 'Glasgow', 'Brash, James', 'Reid, William', '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4157, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Health. : a poem. By Dr. Cotton...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid', 'Glasgow', 'Brash, James', 'Reid, William', '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4158, 'Bürger, Göttfried August, 1747-1794', 0, NULL, 0, 'Lenora. : A celebrated ballasd, translated from the German, of Bürger', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid', 'Glasgow', 'Brash, James', 'Reid, William', '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caption title. Imprint from colophon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4159, 'Bürger, Göttfried August, 1747-1794', 0, NULL, 0, 'The lass of fair wone; or, The parson\'s daughter betrayed. : A celebrated ballad, translated from the German of Bürger', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid', 'Glasgow', 'Brash, James', 'Reid, William', '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4160, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Rab and Ringan. : A tale. As delivered in the Pantheon, Edinburgh. (Recited in the character of a poor pedlar) By the author of Watty and Meg. To which is added, The twa cats and tye cheese. A tale. Demonstrating the great folly of going to law', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid', 'Glasgow', 'Brash, James', 'Reid, William', '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4161, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Poems; : I. The pursuit of health. II. Nature and physic. III. Verses on the aqueduct bridge, &c. over Kelvin, near Glasgow', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid', 'Glasgow', 'Brash, James', 'Reid, William', '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4162, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Monsieur Tonson. : A tale. Written by Mr. Taylor, and recited in London by Mr. Fawcet, to crowded audiences with universal applause', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid', 'Glasgow', 'Brash, James', 'Reid, William', '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4163, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The charms of nature. : A translation from the French. II. Verses by Thomas Hutchinson, on being driven to sea in an open boat. III. Verses to a young woman, who strove to cajole an old man', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid', 'Glasgow', 'Brash, James', 'Reid, William', '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4164, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Poems written by a British sailor, when confined in the prison of Qimper, in France...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid', 'Glasgow', 'Brash, James', 'Reid, William', '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4165, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Cheap whisky; : a familiar epistle to Mr. Pitt. On the recommencement of distilling in Scotland... To which is added, The Gowd o\' Gowrie; a Scots song. Never before published', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid', 'Glasgow', 'Brash, James', 'Reid, William', '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4166, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'James Block\'s lament; or, The true penitent. : Together with The ass\'s reply', 'Fourth edition', 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, 1816', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4167, 'Crawford, Archibald', 0, NULL, 0, 'St. James\'s in an uproar! or, Corruptions last groans. : A dramatic dialogue, in one act. By Archibal Crawford...', NULL, 'Ayr : Printed by David Macarter & Co., 1817', 'Ayr', 'Macarter, David & Co.', NULL, '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 13.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Entered in Stationers\' Hall', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4168, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A poem on life, death, judgment, heaven, and hell. : To which are added, A translation of Pythagoras\'s Golden verses, and a Midnight thought', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for Archibald Grieve, bookseller, in Dumfries, 1749', 'Glasgow', 'Grieve, Archibald', NULL, '1749-01-01 00:00:00', '1749-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4169, 'Wesley, Samuel, 1691-1739', 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of the sexes. : An allegorical poem', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by Wm Bell, 1791', 'Glasgow', 'Bell, William', NULL, '1791-01-01 00:00:00', '1791-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.3, NULL, 'Price one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4170, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The High Kirk, or, The horrors o\' the dreepin\' aisle. : a warlock tale! ...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by John Scrymgeour, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Scrymgeour, John', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '15', 12.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4171, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Death, and his agent, Doctor Snipe...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Niven, Napier & Khull, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Niven, Napier & Khull', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 13.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4172, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The horse of knowledge and his water box. : a poem ...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Bell and Son, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Bell', NULL, '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 11.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4173, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An elegy on author R**d...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by R. Chapman, Trongate, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Chapman, Robert', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 14.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4174, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Monody on the death of Rev. Dr. Robert Balfour. By ******** A.M.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Young, Gallie & Co., 1818', 'Glasgow', 'Young', 'Gallie', '1818-01-01 00:00:00', '1818-12-31 00:00:00', '7', 15.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4175, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gotham reviewed : a poem. Part II...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by D. Mackenzie, 20, Saltmarket, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Mackenzie, D.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, NULL, 'Price 2d', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4176, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Some remarkable passages of the life and death of Mr Alexander Peden, late minister of the Gospel at New-Glenluce in Galloway ...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for and sold by the booksellers, 1755', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1755-01-01 00:00:00', '1755-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 14.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4177, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life of the Reverend Mr. John Welch, sometime minister of the Gospel at Air...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by James and John Duncan, and sold at their shop in the Salt-mercat, [17--]', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, James', 'Duncan, John', '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 16, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4178, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sighs from Hell or, the groans of the damned souls : delivered in a sermon from the parable of Dives and Lazarus, ... By John Bunyan', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for Robert Robertson, travelling chapman, [17--]', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, Robert', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4179, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A scriptural enquiry into the time, manner, and consequences of Antichrist\'s fall', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caption title.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4180, 'Renwick, James, 1662-1688', 0, NULL, 0, 'The saint\'s duty in evil times : in two sermons preached from Isaiah xxvi. 20. / by Mr. James Renwick, Minister of the Gospel, who suffered in the Grass-Market of Edinburgh, upon the 17th day of February, 1688', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed in the year, M,DCC,LI [1751]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1751-01-01 00:00:00', '1751-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4181, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost: or, Sin and death, briefly discoursed of I. Proving what that sin is. II. That all other sins, how great and heinous soever, may be forgiven ... To which is added. Some instructions how a man may walk, and not commit this unpardonable sin... By Mr. Thomas Halyburton', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed in the year, M,DCC,LVII [1757]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1757-01-01 00:00:00', '1757-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut of thistle at end of text', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4182, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The martyrs and wrestlers : their testimonies and declarations at Rutherglen, Sanquhar and Lanark, together with the Queensferry paper, for the truth and royal prerogatives of Jesus christ King of saints and nations...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Reprinted for Adam Bapty, MDCCLXX [1760]', 'Glasgow', 'Bapty, Adam', NULL, '1760-01-01 00:00:00', '1760-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4183, 'Bunyan, John, 1628-1688', 0, NULL, 0, 'A heavenly rest for a weary soul; or, The pilgrim at his journey\'s end : being the last legacy of a father to his children, when on his death-bed. To which is added, I. The children\'s duty to God, their mother and themselves. II. A copy of verses, written by the father a little before his death. III. Some godly meditations. IV. The father\'s last gift to his children. By the Reverend Mr. John Bunyan, late Minister of the Gospel, at Bedford.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. & J. Robertson, M,DCC,LXXVII [1777]', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, J.', '1777-01-01 00:00:00', '1777-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4184, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of that holy disciple Joseph of Aremathea. : Wherein is contained the true account .... Also, the occasion of his coming to England... With a full relation of his death and burial', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed in the year 1786', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1786-01-01 00:00:00', '1786-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4185, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A drop of honey from the rock Christ, the crown and glory to the saint\'s everlasting rest, by the Rev. Mr Alexander Moncrief, late Minister of the Gospel at Abernethy. With a spiritual hymn: Every virtue is a step to eternity...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. & J. Robertson, M,DCC,LXXVIII [1778]', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, J.', '1778-01-01 00:00:00', '1778-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4186, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The western songster, : a collection of songs, glees, duets, choruses, &c.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Sold by all the booksellers, 1834', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1834-01-01 00:00:00', '1834-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4187, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The emigrant. : A poem. By the Honourable Henry Erskine. To which is added, Dr. Smollet\'s Ode to Leven Water', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4188, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The casket of original songs and pieces. By C. Taylor', NULL, 'Glasgow : John Smith, Nelson Street Library, 1829', 'Glasgow', 'Smith, John', NULL, '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '64', 12.1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4189, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An epistle from Susy Sapple, the washerwoman, to the Right Hon. Mr. - respecting the scarcity of whisky', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by W. Bell, Jun., 1796', 'Glasgow', 'Bell, William', NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '11', 12.8, NULL, 'One penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4190, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and age of man, and The coast of modestie : two old Scots poems', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by D. Macvean, 1840', 'Glasgow', 'Macvean, D.', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 14, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4191, 'Russel, Robert', 0, NULL, 0, 'The saint\'s duty and exercise; or, An earnest invitation to the Throne of Grace... By Robert Russel of Wedhurst in Sussex.', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by Robert Brown in the middle of Forester\'s-Wynd, 1721', 'Edinburgh', 'Brown, Robert', NULL, '1721-01-01 00:00:00', '1721-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4192, 'Hogh, Roger', 0, NULL, 0, 'A wonder of wonders, or Gods people in the worlds wonder: or, They are men wondred [sic] at ... Written by Roger Hogh, a lover of the truth', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Robert Sanders, 1705', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1705-01-01 00:00:00', '1705-12-31 00:00:00', '23', 11.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4193, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jerusalem\'s captivities lamented; or, a plain description of Jerusalem from Joshua\'s time to the year 1517, both from scripture and ancient history...', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by Robert Brown in Forrester\'s-Wynd, 1722', 'Edinburgh', 'Brown, Robert', NULL, '1722-01-01 00:00:00', '1722-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 15, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4194, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Some remarkable passages of the life and death of Mr Alexander Peden, late minister of the Gospel at New-Glenluce in Galloway ...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by James Duncan, and are to be sold in his shop in the Salt-market, near Gibson\'s-Wynd, MDCCXXVIII [1728]', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, James', NULL, '1728-01-01 00:00:00', '1728-12-31 00:00:00', '48', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration at end of text', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4195, 'Stevenson, John, d. 1728', 0, NULL, 0, 'A rare soul strengthning and comforting cordial, for old and young Christians : being an exact account of the author\'s experience, in the following particulars... By John Stevenson, land-labourer in the parish of Daily, in Carrick, who died in the year, 1728', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by James Duncan, and are to be sold in his shop in the Salt-market, near Gibson\'s-Wynd, MDCCXXX [1730]', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, James', NULL, '1730-01-01 00:00:00', '1730-12-31 00:00:00', '72', 14.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4196, 'Muckarsie, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Children\'s Catechism. or, an Help to the more easy Understanding of the Doctrine Taught in our Confession of Faith, and Catechisms, Larger and Shorter. Humbly offered for Instructing the Young and Ignorant...', 'The tenth edition, corrected and enlarged', 'Glasgow : Printed for John Bryce, and sold by him at his shop in the Salt-market, 1773', 'Glasgow', 'Bryce, John', NULL, '1773-01-01 00:00:00', '1773-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 15.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'With an appendix, containing Advices to parents and children', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4197, 'Whitefield, George', 0, NULL, 0, 'Abraham offering up his son Isaac. : A sermon, by George Whitefield, A.B., late of Pembroke-College, Oxford. Corrected and revised, by the author, for the press ...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. & M. Robertson, MDCCLXXXV [1785]', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson. M.', '1785-01-01 00:00:00', '1785-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4198, 'Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661', 0, NULL, 0, 'Interesting letters, on different occasions. By the Reverend Mr. Samuel Rutherford. In two parts', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for George Cummin, MDCCLXXVI [1776]', 'Glasgow', 'Cummin, George', NULL, '1776-01-01 00:00:00', '1776-12-31 00:00:00', NULL, 14.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4199, 'Steven, William', 0, NULL, 0, 'The obedience and suffering of Christ, The meritiorious foundation of the believer\'s spiritual peace and healing; and Christ, the Church\'s glory and beauty. : Two sermons preachec by the Rev. William Steven, late minister of the gospel at Crookedholm, near Kilmarnock ...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Stephen Young, Prince\'s Street, 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Young, Stephen', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '86', 13.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4200, 'Wilcocks, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'A choice drop of honey from the rock Christ', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.] Printed in the year 1760', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1760-01-01 00:00:00', '1760-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 10.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4201, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Cogitations upon death: or, the mirrour of man\'s misery. Being very choice and profitable lessons, for putting all Christians in a prepared condition for mortality.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by William Duncan, and are to be sold at his shop in the Salt-market, opposite the well, MDCCXXXII [1732]', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, William', NULL, '1732-01-01 00:00:00', '1732-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 11.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4202, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Death\'s summons: or, A conference betwixt death and the young-man, the married-man, the king, and the sincere believer\'s triumph over death; with the soul\'s soliloquie to it self. By a Lover of the Truth', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Robert Sanders, and are to be sold in his shop, near to the Salt-market Well, 1726', 'Glasgow', 'Sanders, Robert', NULL, '1726-01-01 00:00:00', '1726-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 11.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4203, 'Terry, Samuel', 0, 'Terry, John', 0, 'The one thing needful discover\'d: or, A dialogue between the father and the son. : In which is fairly stated the different principles of all tye professions in Europe ... By Samuel Terry the father, and John Terry his son', NULL, '[S.l.] : Licen\'d and entred according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1750-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 11.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4204, 'Hamilton, Janet', 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the particular soliloquies and covenant engagements. : Past betwixt Mris Janet Hamilton, the defunct ladyu of Alexander Gorden of Earlstun ...', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [16--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1696-01-01 00:00:00', '1710-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 12.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4205, 'Willison, John, 1680-1750', 0, NULL, 0, 'Some dying words of the late Reverend Mr. John Willison, to his wife and children ... To which is added, The testimony of JohnNeilson of Corsack ...', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1758', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1758-01-01 00:00:00', '1758-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 10.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4206, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An elegy in memory of that valient champion. Sir Robert Grierson, of Lag. or, The prince of Darkness his lamentation for, and commendation of his trusty and well-beloved friend, the Laird of Lag, who died Dec. 23d, 1733. Wherein the Prince of Darkness sets forth the commendation of many of his best friends ...', 'The eleventh edition', 'Glasgow : [s.n.] Printed in the year, 1777', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1777-01-01 00:00:00', '1777-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4207, 'Wilcocks, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'A choice drop of honey from the rock Christ: or, A short word of advice to all saints and sinners. By Thomas Wilcocks', 'The forty-second edition', 'Glasgow : by John Bryce, 1776', 'Glasgow', 'Bryce, John', NULL, '1776-01-01 00:00:00', '1776-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4208, 'Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Lamb\'s marriage is come, &c. : An action sermon preached before the celebration of the Lord\'s Supper, at Kirkcudbright, June 20th, 1634. By Mr Samuel Rutheford Minister of the Gospel at Antworth, and afterwards at Stranrawers ...', NULL, 'Glasgow :Printed by John Bryce, and sold at his shop opposite Gibson\'s-wynd Salt-market, 1775', 'Glasgow', 'Bryce, John', NULL, '1775-01-01 00:00:00', '1775-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 15.4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4209, 'Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661', 0, NULL, 0, 'A testimony to the work of refomation in Britain and Ireland. / By the late Reverend Mr. Samuel Rutherfoord, Professor of Divinity at St. Andrews. To which are added a short account of his life, with some of his last words', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, 1788', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1788-01-01 00:00:00', '1788-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4210, 'Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661', 0, NULL, 0, 'Christ\'s napkin : a sermon preached in Kirkcudbright at the communion. / By that famous flower of the church, Mr. Samuel Rutherford', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. and M. Robertson, 1789', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1789-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4211, 'Boston, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'Christ the saviour of the world. : A sermon; preached immediately before the celebration of the Lord\'s Supper, at Ettrick, June 7th, 1724. By the Rev. Mr. Thomas Boston, late Minister of the Gospel at Ettrick', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, 1787', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1787-01-01 00:00:00', '1787-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4212, 'Boston, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'Worm Jacob threshing the mountains: a sermon preached on a sacramental occasion. By... Thomas Boston...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. & M. Robertson, 1787', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1787-01-01 00:00:00', '1787-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4213, 'Erskine, Ralph, 1685-1752', 0, NULL, 0, 'The happy hour of Christ\'s quickening voice. : A sermon, preached immediately before the celebration of the sacrament of the Lord\'s Supper, August 5th, 1744. Together with a discourse both before and at the tables, and also after tye solemn action was over. By Ralph Erskine, late Minister of the Gospel in Dunfermline', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for George Caldwell, bookseller in Paisley, 1789', 'Glasgow', 'Caldwell, George', NULL, '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1789-12-31 00:00:00', '52', 15.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4214, 'Erskine, Ralph, 1685-1752', 0, NULL, 0, 'The rent vail of the Temple; or, Access to the Holy of Holies, by the death of Christ. : A sermon preached on Matthew XXVII. 51. Immediately after tye administration of the sacrament of the Lord\'s Supper, at Carnock, the 12th day of July, 1719. By Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the Gospel at Dunfermline ...', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, for G. Caldwell, bookseller, 1789', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell, George', 'Neilson, John', '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1789-12-31 00:00:00', '48', 15.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4215, 'Erskine, Ralph, 1685-1752', 0, NULL, 0, 'The harmony of the divine attributes, displayed in the redemption and salvation of sinners by Jesus Christ. : Being a sermon prached at Dunfermline, upon the 29th of Sept. 1723, immediately after tye celebration of the Lord\'s Supper. From Psal. LXXXV. 10. By the late Reverend Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the Gospel there', 'The thirteenth edition', 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. & M. Robertson, 1787', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1787-01-01 00:00:00', '1787-12-31 00:00:00', '56', 14.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4216, 'Erskine, Ralph, 1685-1752', 0, NULL, 0, 'Faith\'s plea upon God\'s covenant. : A sermon, preached on a preparation-day before dispensing the sacrament of the Lord\'s Supper, at Kinglassie, upon Psalm LXXIV. 20. Have respect unto the covenant. By the late Reverend Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the Gospel at Dunfermline', 'The sixteenth edition', 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. and M. Robertson, 1789', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1789-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4217, 'Erskine, Ralph, 1685-1752', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comer\'s conflict : or, The beginner\'s battle with the devil, when essaying to come to Christ by faith. : In two discourses upon Luke ix 42. before and after the sacrament of the Lord\'s Supper, at Kinglassie, July 20. 1735. / By the late Reverend Mr. Ralph Erskine, minister of the gospel at Dunfermline', 'The tenth edition', 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. and M. Robertson, 1789', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1789-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4218, 'Erskine, Ebenezer, 1680-1754', 0, NULL, 0, 'The believer exalted in imputed righteousness. : a sermon, preached at a sacramental occasion. By the late Rev. Mr Ebenezer Erskine, Minister of the Gospel at Stirling.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. and M. Robertson, 1788', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1788-01-01 00:00:00', '1788-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4219, 'Guthrie, James, 1612?-1661', 0, NULL, 0, 'A cry from the dead; or, the ghost of the famous Mr. James Guthrie appearing. Being the last sermon he preached in the pulpit of Stirling, before his martyrdom at Edinburgh, June 1661. To which is added, His last speech upon the scaffold.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. & J. Robertson, M,DCC,LXXX [1780]', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, John', 'Robertson, James', '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1780-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 14.5, 'minor decorations only', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4220, 'Guthrie, William, 1620-1665', 0, NULL, 0, 'Christ\'s care of his people under afflicting dispensations. : Two sermons preached on the seventeenth day of August, 1662, from Matthew XIV. 24, 25, 26. By Mr William Guthrie, author of the Trial of a saving interest in Christ, and Minister of the Gospel at Finwick', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. & M. Robertson, 1787', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1787-01-01 00:00:00', '1787-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4221, 'Gray, Andrew', 0, NULL, 0, 'The great importance of a suitable preparation ror death. : A sermon, on Psalm LXXXIX. 48. What man is he that liveth, and shall not see death, &c. By the late Reverend Mr. Andrew Gray, Minister of the Gospel in Glasgow', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. & M. Robertson, 1789', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1789-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4222, 'Renwick, James, 1662-1688', 0, NULL, 0, 'The saints\' duty in evil times : In two sermons preached from Isa. xxvi. 20. By Mr. James Renwick, Minister of the Gospel, who suffered in the Grass-Market of Edinburgh, upon the 17th day of February, 1688 ...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. & M. Robertson, 1787', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1787-01-01 00:00:00', '1787-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4223, 'Russel, Robert', 0, NULL, 0, 'An earnest invitation to the Throne of Grace: or, The saint\'s duty and exercise... By the Rev. Mr. Robert Russel, Minister of the Gospel at Wedhurst in Sussex.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, 1788', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1788-01-01 00:00:00', '1788-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4224, 'Pirie, Alexander', 0, NULL, 0, 'A plea for the protestant faith: or, An antidote against the infectious contagion of antichristian darkness; vended by Mr. Alexander Pirie, late of Abernethie, now at Blair-Logie, near Stirling... Addressed to the young and rising generation. By a member of the Associate Session at Auchtermuchty', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by William Smith for the author; and sold by him, and the booksellers, 1771', 'Glasgow', 'Smith, William', NULL, '1771-01-01 00:00:00', '1771-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 14.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4225, 'Deans, Archibald', 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the last words of Christian Ker; who died at Edinburgh, the 4th of February, 1702, in the 11th year of her age... By Mr. Archibald Deans, Minister of the Gospel at Bowden', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. & M. Robertson, 1787', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1787-01-01 00:00:00', '1787-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4226, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A father\'s advice and directions to his son, with respect to the right management, and conducting of his life and conversation... To which is annexed, A brief dissertation on the improvement of our time', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. & M. Robertson, 1787', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1787-01-01 00:00:00', '1787-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4227, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A history of that cruel and bloody tribunal, the Inquisition; : as practised in Spain, Portugal, Italy, and the East and West Indies, on all whom the Church of Rome brands with name of heretic...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. & M. Robertson, 1789', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1789-01-01 00:00:00', '1789-12-31 00:00:00', '60', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut at end of text', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4228, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Humphray Clinker\'s oration against the growth of Popery. : With his numerous reasons why he never will be a Papist. Or, Popery in its old black spots and wicked practices...', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4229, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The policy of Satan, to destroy the Christian religion; : displayed from history, under the form of a dialogue among the infernal spirits, who are introduced as his chief agents in it...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by the booksellers of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Air, Kilmarnock, Irvine, Greenock, and Paisley, 1779', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1779-01-01 00:00:00', '1779-12-31 00:00:00', '68', 12.7, NULL, 'Price six-pence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4230, 'Crookshank, William', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Popery in Scotland, during the reign of James VII. : Abridged from Crookshank\'s History of the Church of Scotland, with notes; useful to be read by all protestants in this country at present. To which is subjoined an appendix ...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by William Smith; for William McArthur, bookseller in Paisley, [17--]', 'Glasgow', 'Smith, William', 'McArthur, William', '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '80', 14.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4231, 'Poole, Matthew', 0, NULL, 0, 'Popery unmasked : or, A dialogue between a Popish priest and an English Protestant. Wherein the principal points and arguments of both religions are truly proposed, and fully examined. By the Reverend and learned Mr. Matthew Poole, authoriof the Synopsis criticorum, and Annotations on the Bible', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Rob. Chapman and Alex. Duncan, and sold by them and the booksellers of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee, Perth, St. Andrews, Montrose, Bamf, Inverness, Stirling, Dumfries, Paisley, Kilmarnock, Air, Irvine, Greenock, 1779', 'Glasgow', 'Chapman, Robert', 'Duncan, Alexander', '1779-01-01 00:00:00', '1779-12-31 00:00:00', '154', 13.9, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4232, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the life and death of Mr. John Welch, minister of the Gospel at Air...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by James Duncan, and are to be sold at his shop near the foot of the Salt-market, Anno. Dom. M.DCC.XXII [1722]', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, James', NULL, '1722-01-01 00:00:00', '1722-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 14.4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4233, 'Webster, James', 0, NULL, 0, 'The two great promises of the covenant of grace, and it\'s foundation unfolded: or an action sermon preached in the Tolbooth Kirk, on Sabbath, March 7th, 1714... By the famous, faithfull and zealous Mr. James Webster, late minister of the Gospel in Edinburgh', NULL, '[Edinburgh?] ; Printed in the year, 1720', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1720-01-01 00:00:00', '1720-12-31 00:00:00', '28', 14, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4234, 'Deans, Archibald', 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the last words of Christian Ker, who died at Edinburgh, on the fourth of February, 1702, in the eleventh year of her age...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by William Duncan, and are to be sold at his shop, in the Salt-Market, 1727', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, William', NULL, '1727-01-01 00:00:00', '1727-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 12.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4235, 'Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661', 0, NULL, 0, 'The door of salvation open\'d: or, A loud and shril voice from heaven, to unregenerate sinners on earth... By Mr. Samuel Rutherfoord', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by Robert Brown in the middle of Forrester\'s-Wynd, 1726', 'Edinburgh', 'Brown, Robert', NULL, '1726-01-01 00:00:00', '1726-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 12.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4236, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A panegyric on the town of Paisley, by a North Country Man', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, for Robert Smith, bookseller, 1815', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', 'Smith, Robert', '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 6.1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4237, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Panegyric to the memory of Mr. Alexander Wilson, poet and ornithologist, composed for, and delivered at his anniversary, on Monday the 7th July 1817, held in the Tontine Inn, Paisley. : To which is added, a song', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, for R. Smith, bookseller, 1817', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', 'Smith, Robert', '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 8.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4238, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Soiled leaves; or Mud sketches, : comprising the Baillie and his breeches, a tale; The eating house, a sketch, &c.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed for the public, 1825', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 13.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4239, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lang Mills detected, : a poem. &c...', NULL, 'Paisley : Published by R. Smith & Co., 1832', 'Paisley', 'Smith, Robert', 'Caldwell, G.', '1832-01-01 00:00:00', '1832-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 8.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Colophon: G. Caldwell, printer', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4240, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Clootie and Willie, &c.', NULL, '[Paisley?] : [18--]', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 12.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Title page not available for cataloguing', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4241, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A piece of prose on the marriage state, then rendered into verse - with a conclusion. : Together with twenty good rules, and some pieces of metre: A piece of verse composed from Bunyan. A few select sentences. By John Knox, enterer of webs', NULL, 'Paisley : [Pri]nted by J. Neilson, 1825', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1825-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 13.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4242, 'Service, David', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Caledonian herd-boy, : with other poems, by David Service, S.M....', 'Third edition', 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, for the author, and sold by him and all the booksellers; also by M. Service, bookseller, Yarmouth, 1814', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1814-01-01 00:00:00', '1814-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 12.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4243, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Female policy detected; or, The arts of designing woman, laid open. By E.W...', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for, and sold by the booksellers, 1791', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1791-01-01 00:00:00', '1791-12-31 00:00:00', '108', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration facing title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4244, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A tale of three bonnets', NULL, '[Glasgow?], [17--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Title page not available for cataloguing. P. 3 has A2 printed at foot.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4245, 'James I', 0, NULL, 0, 'Christ\'s kirk on the green. : in three cantos. Containing, a very humorous description of a country wedding, with a squabble that ensued: also, how a peace was made up, and a\' things \'greed again. / Written by King James the First, when confined a prisoner in England', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, 1791', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1791-01-01 00:00:00', '1791-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4246, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'The gentle shepherd: a Scots pastoral comedy, by Allan Ramsay. A new edition, with the sance carefully corrected. To which is added, Familiar epistles between Lieutenant William Hamilton and the author...', 'New edition', 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. & M. Robertson, 1783', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1783-01-01 00:00:00', '1783-12-31 00:00:00', '84', 14.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4247, 'Leigh, Edward', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the twelve Caesars, first emperors of Rome... By Edward Leigh, Esq.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed in the year MDCCLXXI [1772]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1772-01-01 00:00:00', '1772-12-31 00:00:00', '119', 14.4, '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4248, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An old man\'s experience: or, Poor Richard\'s maxims improved. ...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, 1798', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1798-01-01 00:00:00', '1798-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4249, 'Blair, Robert, 1699-1746', 0, NULL, 0, 'The grave. : A poem. By Robert Blair...', 'The fiftieth edition', 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 18) Saltmarket, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4250, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A historical catechism: containing ingenious answers to many notable questions of several wonderful matters in ancient history...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. & M. Robertson, 1781', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1781-01-01 00:00:00', '1781-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4251, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jerusalem\'s captivities lamented: or, a plain description of Jerusalem, from Joshua\'s time to the year 1517, both from scripture and ancient history...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, 1793', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1793-01-01 00:00:00', '1793-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4252, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A true relation of the death of Sir Andrew Barton, a pirate and rover', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caption title.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4253, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A king or a consul? : to which is added, The contented ruricologist. Owen\'s advice to Michael. The humble beggar. The invasion', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, [1803]', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page. Date in colophon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4254, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Britannia pensive, and Minerva\'s consolation. : To which are added, We hail the annual return. A sup of good whiskey. The resolute lady, or, Fortunate footman', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4255, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A fig for the grand Bonaparte. : To which are added, The naval heroes. Dear Mary, Adieu! Dunganna\'s lady. A hunting song. Stick a pin there. Arrival at Portsmouth. Wit and beauty', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1803', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4256, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'To arms! to arms! and George and Britain save. : To which are added, The plowman\'s ditty. Being an answer to that foolish question, What have the poor to lose? My bonny Bet. Nanny wilt thou fly with me. The parting kiss', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1804', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1804-01-01 00:00:00', '1804-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4257, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The penitent prisoner, or, Spendrift clapt into limbo. : Also, The drunken wife of Galloway, or, Drink hooly & fairly. And The flowers of the forest', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [18--]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4258, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The songster. No. 4. : The old man\'s wish, a song by Dr. Pope. Winifreda, an old song. To which are added An extract from a letter, written by A. Wilson, author of Watty and Meg &c. A curious love letter, with the answer, and an epigram', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson, 1807', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4259, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wee wifukie, or This is no me. : To which are added, The churlish husband, and The betray\'d lover', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4260, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The challenge. : To which are added, Beauty\'s blossom. The Glasgow volunteers. The parting kiss. Lay thy loof in mine lass. Absent Florinda', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, [1805]', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page. Date in colophon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4261, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The brave British boys, or, Admiral Sayer\'s expedition. : To which is added, Aboard of a man of war, and The reform\'d drunkard', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed by T. Johnston, [18--]', 'Falkirk', 'Johnston, Thomas', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4290, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent new songs. : The mountains high. Oran do Sheumas Mac\'Ille-athann an drobhar le h aon do chuid leannanan', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the present year [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4291, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent new songs : The banks of Tweed. The whipman\'s delight', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4292, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent new songs. : Lord Balhavens unhappy voyage. The Cochrainprivateer', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4293, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Mrs. Plunket\'s sorrowful song. : for herself and children, and her deor Jamie, who was executed at Glasgow the 11th of January, 1791. To which are added, Auld Rob Morris, My dog and my gun', NULL, '[Glasgow?] ; Printed this present year, [1791?]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1791-01-01 00:00:00', '1791-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4294, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Joly Crispin\'s ramble. Or the shoemakers song, : to which is added, Totterdown-hill', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in June the 29, 1785', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1785-01-01 00:00:00', '1785-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4295, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent old song, called Adam o\' Gordon. : To which is added I\'ll never leave thee', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1795', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4296, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Laird of Logie, an old song. : To which are added, Lord Thomas and fair Annet, and Short repose', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4297, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The milk maid. : To which are added The gipsey. Friendship and wine. Jolly Bacchus. Unkind Amanda. Drive the cold winter away. The tempest of war. A pastoral song', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1795', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4298, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dejected maid. : To wich are added, A new song on the brave Admiral Lockhart, who commanded the Tartar last war. Grag all ma chree, with the Answer. Different humours. Love in my pocket. Damon and Phillis. Mirth and true friendship', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4299, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The young man\'s dream; : with The maid\'s kind answer. To which are added, The rover. The milk-maid. The returning sailor. The rat tat too, or chickibiddy. The confederate nymph', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4300, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The beds of roses. To which are added, Captain Agra. The reformed drunkard. The choice of a wife. The choice of a husband. O! wonder to hear!', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4301, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Middlesex flora; or, the ship-wreck\'d sailor. To which are added, The charming beauty. Neptune\'s mistake. The despairing shepherdess. The parson\'s foible.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 16, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4302, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The two sailors outwitted; or, Eggs and bacon. : To which is added, The smart Robin Gray. The martial invitation. The jealous husband well paid. The lover\'s summons. Englisg good ale', NULL, '[Glasgow?] : Entered according to order., [1790?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1790-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4303, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Macpherson\'s rant. : To which are added The poet\'s dog. Auld sir Simon the King. The friar and Sons of care', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4304, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The frolicksome lady; or, The happy footman. To which are added, The woman\'s weapon. A hunting song. Envy has eyes. The maid of the mill', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4305, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Fair Marg\'ret of Graignargat: or, The indulgent mother and disobedient daughter : to which are added, Sweet Jean of Tyrone, and The rover', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4306, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sir Dilberry Diddle captain of militia. : To which is added, New hearts of oak. A pretty week\'s work. The braes of Ballanden. Lovely nymph', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year 1794', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1794-01-01 00:00:00', '1794-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4307, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The courtship and marriage of Bryan O\'Lin. To which are added Lovely Nancy and the handsome serjeant. The spotted cow. O gentle sleep. Sweet and smart', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1796', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4308, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dunghill cock or, Turnpin\'s valiant exploits. : To which is added, Rob\'s Jock, a very old ballad. And The Highland queen', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4309, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The crafty farmer : To which are added Bright Belinda. The faithful swain. Young Daphne', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1796', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4310, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The female robber. : To which are added The mariner\'s wife. The jolly sailor. The sailor\'s return', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1796', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4311, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The flowers of Falkirk. : To which are added Praise of Carron Braes. The Dublin baker. Push about the jorum', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1796', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4312, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The rambling boy with The answer. To which are added, The gallant sailor. The new way of Adm Benbow. The cheating tribe', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [c.1790?]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1785-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4313, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The whirlie wha. : And Kind Robin lo\'es me. The frolicksome lover. Also, Bob and his landlady', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4314, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'New fashions; or, A puff at the guinea pigs. : To which are added, Bonny Llizie Bailie, and The cold winter night', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [c.1790?]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4315, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The turn-coat: or, Jack of all religions. To which are added, The British Tars. And The prentice boy', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [c.1790?]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1785-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4316, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Shefield prentice. : To which are added Sweet Poll of Plymouth. The Highland laddie. The orange woman', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1795', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4317, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Tamie Lamie\'s cure for a drunken wife. To which are added Edwin and Ethilinde. The maid\'s complaint for Jockey', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1796', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4318, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Paisley. : To which are added Robin A\'Boon. My deary an thou dic [sic]. And Now or never', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1795', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4319, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The farmer\'s daughter, with the answer. : To which are added, The disconsolate lover. The sailor\'s lamentation. With the Answer', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [c.1790?]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1785-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4320, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The laird of Glenlee. { And Polly Oliver, to which are added Willie\'s the lad for me, and The power of love', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [c.1790?]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1785-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4321, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The weaver\'s praise. : To which are added, Golden days of godd Queen Bess. The golden days we now possess. Thro\' the wood laddie', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [c.1790?]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1785-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4322, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The roving maids of Edinburgh, : with I\'ll go no more a crusing, to which is added, Tjhe young ladies thanks to the repenting virgin for her seasonable advice', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed this present year, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4323, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailing trade. : To which are added The Battle of Boyn. And The soldier\'s farewell', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1795', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4324, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Captain Johnston\'s last farewell, Bonny Jean of Aberdeen, with The rambling boy', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4325, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wandering prince of Troy. : To which are added, Sarah Collins, and May-eve: or, Kate of Aberdeen', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [c.1790?]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1785-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4326, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The farmer and lace-merchant : To which are added On board a man of war. Thirsis and Aurelia', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1796', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4327, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Ovely Molly, the frolicksome maid, who went to Giberalter, and was a single soldier turn\'d a captain, yet chaste. : With My dog and my gun. And The sailor dear', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4328, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Duke of Gordon\'s three daughters. : To which is added The jolly miller', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1796', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4329, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Kitty of Coleraine. Black-eyed Susan. Merrily bounds the bark. The Bay of Biscay. The cabin boy. March to the battle field. Bonny Dundee. Bide ye yet.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1850?]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page. In verse. Dated from examination of text and style.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4330, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of new songs. : 1 Robinson Crusoe. 2 Jack at the windlass. 3 The sons of Britannia', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by G. Angus, in the Side, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4331, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The accomplish\'d courtier; or, a new school of love: ...', NULL, 'Newcastle : ... [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page. Imprint illegible in copy catalogued.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4332, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Northumberland garland. : Containing four excellent new songs. I. The young ladies love for the Northumberland Grenadiers. II. Peggy Bond. III. The answer. IV. Britons conquests', NULL, '[S.l.] : Licensed and entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4333, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The female drummer. : To which are added, The female robber. Poor Turpin\'s sister. A memorable battle fought by the great Montrose ... And logie o\' Buchan', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4334, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The young man\'s dream, The maid\'s kind answer, Bess the gawkie, and a playhouse song', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in 1788', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1788-01-01 00:00:00', '1788-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4335, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs : viz. The dearth of the meal. The devil and baker. The new cut halfpenny. And My mother did so before me', NULL, '[S.l.] : Licensed and entered, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4336, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dame of honour. To which are added, Fint a crum of thee she faws, and The shannon-side: or, Cap. Thunderbolt\'s intrigue.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4337, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The brides burial. Homeward bound', NULL, 'Alnwick printed, [17--]', 'Alnwick', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nColophon at the foot of p. 8 reads : Glasgow, Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4338, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six penny-worth of wit, for one penny', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', NULL, 14.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caption title. Pp 23- lacking in copy catalogued', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4339, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The constant lovers: or, Grigor\'s ghost: in three parts', NULL, '[?]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut at end of text. Most of title page missing in copy catalogued.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4340, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The crafty farmer : To which are added, The soldier\'s farewel. The female robber', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4341, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Goudhurst garland, in three parts.... To which is added, Why flutters my heart', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4342, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of the Lambton worm near Lambton Castle, County of Durham. : To which is annexed, a prose account of the same, from Surtees\' History of Durham. Also, The Laidley worm, of Spindleston Heugh. By Duncan Frasier, the Cheviot bard', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed and sold by W. and T. Fordyce, 48, Dean-str. Newcastle, and at 43, Myton Gate, Hull, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Fordyce, W.', 'Fordyce, T.', '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4344, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of Robin Hood, the renowned out-law : who lived and died A.D. 1198; being the ninth year of the reign of King Richard I. commonly called Coeur de Lion.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4345, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The country kirn, and other tales', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed for the booksellers, by J. M\'Nairn, [18--]', 'Newton-Stewart', 'McNairn, J.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4346, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The white snake of Dalry Moat; : to which are added Lochinvar and the page, and The life of Captain Dudley', NULL, 'Falkirk : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Falkirk', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4347, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the life and sufferings, of Jane Stewart, daughter of an eminent manufacturer in Glasgow; : with a copy of an affecting letter to her parents', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for Patrick Brown, [18--]', 'Edinburgh', 'Brown, Patrick', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.3, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4348, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of songs, &c. XIV : containing The anchor\'s weigh\'d. The shepherd\'s son. All the smart jackets are on for the races. The Highland laddie. Victory. Opossum up a gum tree', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed for tye booksellers, [18--]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4349, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Kentshire tragedy, or, The constant lover\'s overthrow. : To wehich are asdded The prentice boy. The bonny lass of Anglesey. Lovely nymph', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1796', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4350, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jamie and Nancy; or, The Yarmouth tragedy, : laying open, how by the cruelty of parents, two lovers were destroyed', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4351, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Oxfordshire tragedy: or, The virgin\'s advice: : in two parts... To which is added, A remedy for pain', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4352, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new, songs; : 1, Ulster tragedy. 2, Darby and Joan. 3, Soger laddie. 4, Andro and his cutty gun', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4353, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs; : entitled, Robin A\'boan, Lord Johnny, The \'squire\'s daughter: or, Auchnauchly tragedy', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4354, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s tragedy; or, false oaths punished. To which are added, Mary\'s dream, and The distressed sailor, on the rocks of Scilly. The new way of Taliho', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4355, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical ballad of the miller of Whittingham mill: or, A warning to all young men and maidens', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1796', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4356, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The deserter. : By others blest with genius rays\' Let noble acts be told, While I, content with humbler praise, A simple tale unfold. The Spaniard left the hostile plain, To seek his native land, Beneath the sails that swept the main, Cabeysa join\'d the band: ...', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4357, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The prodigal daughter; or The disobedient lady. : In five parts Being a true relation of one Jean Nicholson...', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the Company of Flying Sationers, 1786', NULL, 'Company of Flying Stationers', NULL, '1786-01-01 00:00:00', '1786-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4358, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Love and grief, or, The death of the Sutherlands; : a ballad founded on fact, and contains the affecting story of William Earl of Sutherland and his Countess. Having lost an only son, they endeavoured to dispel their grief by a journey to Bath... To which are added See your country righted. Fair Susanna', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4359, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical end of, William & Margaret. To which are added, Wolf\'s lament. Jamie out at sea. The sailor\'s courtship. Jamie with his trousers on.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4360, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The perjured maid, who forswore herself for riches. : Giving an account, what an example she was made, which I hope will be a warning to all young people. To which are added Lovely Amora', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1796', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1796-01-01 00:00:00', '1796-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4361, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wandering shepherdess, or the betrayed damesel. : To which is added, Paddy Whack\'s trip to Paris', NULL, 'Edinburgh : J. Morren, printer, [1800?]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4362, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of fair Rosamond, concubine to King Henry the II', NULL, 'Penrith : Printed by J. Allison ..., [18--]', 'Penrith', 'Allison, J.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4363, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'The monk and the miller\'s wife : or, All parties pleas\'d, an unco tale. By Allan Ramsay', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. and M. Robertson, MDCCLXXXVI [1786]', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1786-01-01 00:00:00', '1786-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4364, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The age and life of man: or, A description of the nature, rise, and fall, according to the twelve months of the year. : To which are added, Our trade to work in clay began, and The royal cottager', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, No. 20. Saltmarket, 1809', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4365, 'M\'Vite, William', 0, NULL, 0, 'The affecting history of Lady Bertha, a poem. By William M\'Vite, Dumfries. : To which is added, the Laidley Worm of Spindleston Heugh. Printed from an ancient manuscript ...', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by M. Angus & Son, in the Side, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4366, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough and William of Cloudeslie : Who were three archers good enough, the best in the North Country', NULL, 'Newcasle [sic] : Printed by M. Angus & Son, in the Side, [18--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4367, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A most affecting dialogue, which lately took place, betwixt a weaver and his wife, in Paisley, about the present hard times...', NULL, '[Paisley?] : Printed for, and sold by the booksellers, [18--]', 'Paisley', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4368, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. : Liberty\'s tree. A favourite new song. The barn c[o]urtship. Auld lang syne', NULL, '[S.l.] : s.n.], [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4369, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The weaver and the tailor; : to which are added, The bonny Scotch lad and his bonnet so blue. And, The sailor laddie', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4371, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasant history of Jack Horner. : Being a truly instructive, pleasant, and delightful entertainment for youth', NULL, 'Whitehaven : Printed by B.N. Dunn, in the Market-place, [18--]', 'Whitehaven', 'Dunn, B.N.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4372, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasant history and love adventures, of Roswal and Lillian. : With their love song. To which is added. Edwin and Emma', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed in the year, M,DCC,LXXXV [1785]', 'Edinburgh', NULL, NULL, '1785-01-01 00:00:00', '1785-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4373, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough, and William of Cloudeslie, who were three archers good enough, the best in the North Country', NULL, 'Paisley: : Printed by J. Neilson, for W. Jenkins, bookseller, 18, Saltmarket, Glasgow, [1800?]', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', 'Jenkins, W.', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4374, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The dominie deposed; or, Some reflections on his intrigue with a young lass, and what happened thereupon; intermixed with admonitions to all precentors and dominies. : With the sequel. By William Forbes, A.M. late schoolmaster at Petercoulter. To which is added Maggy Johnston\'s elegy. A noted brewer of twopenny ale', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold by J. Morren, East Campbell\'s Close, Cowgate, [ca 1800]', 'Edinburgh', 'Morren, John', NULL, '1790-01-01 00:00:00', '1810-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4375, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wonderful magic pill; or, Davie and Bess. : A tale, relating Davie\'s courtship to Bess, and how he forsook her. How Nanse, Bessie\'s mother, went to the doctor for a pill, which she got, with directions how to use it. - How it had the desired effect, by being put into Davie\'s pouch by Bess at a wedding, which recovered Davie\'s love for Bess, and they were married...', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1806', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4376, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The crafty chambermaid. : In three parts...', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4377, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Black-ey\'d Susan. : In four parts ... To which nis added, The flower in its lustre', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4378, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Reily\'s courtship to Cooleen Bawn. : To which is added, Reily\'s trial fror running away with Cooleen Bawn. Reily\'s releasement and marriage with Cooleen Bawn. The hum, a hum', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4379, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The golden bull or the crafty princess. : In four parts.', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 15.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4380, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The northern lord; : In four parts. Giving an account of his good & bad fortune', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, [17--]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, M.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4381, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The monk and miller\'s wife; or, All parties pleased', NULL, 'Penrith : Printed by Anthony Soulby, [c.1800]', 'Penrith', 'Soulby, Anthony', NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 11.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4382, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs. : Blind beggar\'s daughter of Bethnal Green New married couple. The deserter. Jamie frae Dundee', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [ca 1800]', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4383, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Love in a barn, or the country courtship, in three parts...', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4384, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs. : I. The loyal lovers of Exeter; or, the two lovers that died by the road. II. Lovely Molly\'s valour in the wars. III. The young man\'s courtship. IV. My bottle and friend. V. Sweet Willie, O', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page. Page 8 incorrectly numbered \'2\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4385, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : 1, The Irish girl. 2. Donnel and Flora. 3. Etrick banks', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4386, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Billy Taylor. : To which is added. 2. Since he\'s gone, Farewell he, 3. The sailor\'s wedding. 4. The done over taylor', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4387, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two excellent new songs. : 1. The new way of Carrick Fergus, 2, The black-smith\'s run away bride', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4388, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : 1. Tit for tat, a new song 2[. H]ad awa\' frae me Donald. 3. The bonny house of Airly', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4389, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Life, trial and behaviour of Miss Mary Smith, of Thornbury in Gloucestershire, who poisoned her father, Sir John Smith, for love of a young man; : with her dying speech at the place of execution, which was in Gloucester market-place ... Likewise, an account how the young man died for grief, &c.', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4390, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs : 1 The perjured maid 2 Jacky and his wife 3 miss Mally Bann 4 The dandy, O', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4391, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs : 1 Monro\'s tragedy. 2 A touch on the times. 3 The lady\'s love with a prentice boy, 4 One bottle more. 5 The complaint of the genius of Britain', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4392, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A full and particular account of the [...] barberous and inhuman murder ...', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4393, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs, : viz. I. The volunteer boys. II. John Anderson my Joe. III. Tibbie Fowler. IV. The invasion of Ireland', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4394, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lovely soldier. : To which is added. Cupid\'s revenge ... The Princess Elizabeth\'s lamentation, while a prisonor [sic] at Woodstock, 1554. The happy bee', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4395, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Alexander Davidson\'s misfortunes. : To which is added, A soliloquy, wrote in a country churchyard, by the Rev. Mr Mitchell, at Thorn, in Yorkshire', NULL, '[S.l.] : Licensed and entered, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4396, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bonny Jean of Tyrone. : To which is added, The young man\'s dream, with the maid\'s answer', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed this present year, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4397, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The maid selling her barley, or, Cauld and raw. : To which are added, Britons never shrink. And Push about the jorum', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4398, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : Containing, No dominies for me. To which is added, The maid gaed to the mill. And The conquest of Quebec', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year, 1795', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4399, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical history of Gill Morice : To which is added, My ain kind deary O', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed this present year, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-01 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4400, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four excellent new songs : viz. The life and death of a toper. The loyal lovers. Gramachree Molly, and Baccanalians to Neptune', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-01 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4401, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A new song in praise of Stirling Volunteers. : To which are added Grigel MacCree, Robert and Nell, and The true-lover\'s farewell', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, 1795', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1795-01-01 00:00:00', '1795-12-01 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4402, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The faithless sea captain, or, The betrayed virgin\'s garland; : in thee parts', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed this present year, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-01 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4403, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The poor nevoy press\'d at the desire of the deceitful uncle: or, Young Grigor\'s ghost. : In three parts', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-01 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4404, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wandering prince of Troy. : To which are added, May-eve: or, Kate of Aberdeen. I\'d rather be excus\'d', NULL, '[S.l.] : Licensed and entered, 1792', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1792-01-01 00:00:00', '1792-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4405, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A penny-worth of wit', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caption title. Woodcut below title.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4406, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three most excellent new songs. : Duke of Gordon\'s daughters. Haughs of Cromdale. The batchelor\'s pride', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4407, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three most excellent new songs, : viz. The babes in the wood. The banks of the Dee. And Young Jamie\'s answer', NULL, '[S.l.] : Licensed and entered, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4408, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The farmer\'s son; : to which are added, The recruiting officer. The blind boy', NULL, '[S.l.] : Licensed and entered, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4409, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A song on the peace. : To which are added, The maid that tends the goats. Advice to the fair. And The negro boy', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed for the booksellers, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1780-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4410, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Atheist converted, or, the unbeliever\'s eyes opened...', NULL, '[Edinburgh] : Printed and sold in Niddery\'s Wynd., 1785', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1785-01-01 00:00:00', '1785-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPrinter possibly Alexander Robertson.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4411, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five excellent new songs, : I, The Britons resolution to conquer the rebels in North America. II, Time enough yet. III, Gillicrankie. VI, [sic] Lovely Nancy. V. Bide ye yet', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and sold in Niddery\'s Wynd., 1773', 'Edinburgh', 'Robertson, Alexander', NULL, '1773-01-01 00:00:00', '1773-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nPrinter possibly Alexander Robertson.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4412, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs : The battle of Prestonpans. To which are added Johnny Cope. The dusky night', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Printed by J. Robertson, [ca 1800]', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', NULL, '1770-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4413, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The modern songster, : being a collection of new songs, 1 The branch of the vine. 2 A Bacchanalian song. 3 Jolly Bacchanals. 4 A Bacchanalian song', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [ca 1800]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1770-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4414, 'Dean, Henry', 0, NULL, 0, 'The whole art of legerdemain; or, hocus pocus in perfection... Written by H. Dean', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for Robert Smith, junior; bookseller at Milton\'s Head, Salt-Mercat, MDCCLXXII [1762]', 'Glasgow', 'Smith, Robert', NULL, '1762-01-01 00:00:00', '1762-12-31 00:00:00', '119', 12.8, '51', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4415, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Laoidh an amadain mhoir', NULL, 'Glasgow : Thos. Duncan, printer, (Gibson\'s Land), Saltmarket, [ca 1815]', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, Thomas', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 14.8, NULL, 'Prios da scillin', NULL, NULL, 'Caption title.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4416, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The last words of Mr. Donald Cargil, when on the scaffold, July 27th 1681', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed by Jo. Reid, in the year 1702', 'Edinburgh', 'Reid, John', NULL, '1702-01-01 00:00:00', '1702-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4417, 'John Thomson\'s Man', 0, NULL, 0, 'A short survey of the difficulties & inconveniences that may attend a married life: with some observations thereon...', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year 1704', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1704-01-01 00:00:00', '1704-12-31 00:00:00', '23', 14.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4418, 'Renwick, James, 1662-1688', 0, NULL, 0, 'The saint\'s duty in evil times : in two sermons preached from Isaiah xxvi. 20. / by Mr. James Renwick, Minister of the Gospel, who suffered in the Grass-Market of Edinburgh, upon the 17th day of February, 1688', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by J. & J. Robertson, M,DCC,LXXVII [1777]', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, J.', '1777-01-01 00:00:00', '1777-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4419, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The best security against the day of wrath. : a sermon preached immediately before the celebration of the Lord\'s Supper, at Ettrick, June 7th, 1713. By the Reverend Mr. Thomas Boston, late Minister of tye Gospel at Ettrick...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed in the year MDCCLXIII [1763]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1763-01-01 00:00:00', '1763-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 15.7, NULL, 'Price one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4420, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of the particular soliloquies and covenant engagements, of Mrs. Janet Hamilton, the deceased lady of Alex. Gordon of Earlston ... Taken from a Glasgow copy, printed in the year 1754', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed in the year 1799', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4421, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'David\'s repentance : or, The true penitent bewailing his sins', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1803', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4422, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The ancient and modern history of Buck-haven in Fife-shire. : Wherein is contained, the antiquities of their old dress. The Bucky boat, with the flag of a green tree: with their dancing, Willy and his trusty rappier; their burgess ticket with a view of their new college; the noted sayings and exploits of wise Willy in the Brae, witty Eppie the ale-wife, and lingle-tail\'d Nancy. / By Merry Andrew, at Tamtallan', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1803', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, '12', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4423, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the Haverel wives; or, The folly of witless women displayed. / Written by Humphray Clinker, the clashing wives clerk : being a comical conference between Maggy and Janet his two old aunts. With Janet\'s advice to Maggy, concerning marriage ... To which is added, An oration on the virtues of the old women and the pride of the young...', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall, 1803', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Charles', NULL, '1803-01-01 00:00:00', '1803-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4424, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Seven excellent new songs. : I. A new song in praise of the West Fencibles. II. A new song on the Papist Bill. III. The Quaker\'s courtship. IV. The joys of Highland Donald\'s wife. V. The love and rage of Highland Donald. VI. Brave Donald M\'Craw. VII. Cuckold\'s comfort', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4425, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Three excellent new songs. : I. The Glasgow Volunteers. II. A new song, called the Royal George; or, Down with Washington. III. Lesly\'s march', NULL, '[S.l.] : Entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1776-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4426, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The copy of a love letter from a recruit in the Glasgow Regiment, to his sweet-heart in the country...', NULL, '[S.l.] : Printed in the year, 1778', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1778-01-01 00:00:00', '1778-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4427, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The copy of a comical love letter from an Irishman, a soldier in the Royal Glasgow Volunteers, to his sweet-heart in Glasgow...', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4428, 'Greene, Robert, 1558?-1592', 0, NULL, 0, 'Dorastus and Fawnia: or, The life and adventures of a German princess.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, 1799', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1799-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4429, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack Horner, : containing the witty pranks he play\'d, from his youth to his riper years, being pleasant for winter evenings', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.8, '6', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4430, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Some of the most remarkable passages in the life of the honourable Colonel James Gardiner; who was slain at the battle of Prestonpans, in the rebellion in 1745. / By P. Doddridge, D.D.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4431, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life & transactions of Mrs. Jane Shore. Concubine to King Edward IV. : Containing an account of her parentage, wit and beauty. Her marriage with Mr. Shore. The King\'s visits to her, her going to court, and leaving her husband. Her great distress and misery after the King\'s death, &c.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1800', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4432, 'Trenck, Friedrich, Freiherr von der, 1726-1794', 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and surprising adventures of Frederick Baron Trenck : Carefully corrected and abridged. To which is added, a short supplement; giving an authentic account of his more recent transactions, till he fell a victim to the prevailing system of anarchy in France...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1809.', NULL, 0, 'Trenck, Friedrich, Freiherr von der, 1726-1794', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4433, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the four Kings, of Canterbury, Colchester, Cornwall, & Cumberland, their queens and daughters. : Being the merry tales of Tom Hodge and his school-fellows.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1809.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4434, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The famous history of the learned Friar Bacon. : Giving a particular account of his birth, and parentage, with the many wonderful things he did in his life-time, to the amazement of all the world.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1801.', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '2', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2 woodcuts on title page.\r\nColophon at foot of p. 24 reads : Glasgow, printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 18) Saltmarket, 1807.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4435, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of John Cheap the chapman. Containing, above a hundred merry exploits done by him and his fellow traveller, Drouthy Tom, a sticked shaver. In three parts..', NULL, 'Glasgow, : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket., 1801', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1801-01-01 00:00:00', '1801-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4436, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Jack and the giants. : In all its parts. Containing, I. Jack\'s birth and parentage, his dispute with a country vicar, &c. II. How he slew a monstrous giant, on the mount of Cornwal, and got the name of Jack the Giant-Killer. III. How King Arthur\'s son met with Jack...', NULL, 'Glasgow: : Printed by J. and J. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1802', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and J.', NULL, '1802-01-01 00:00:00', '1802-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4437, 'Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748', 0, NULL, 0, 'Watts\' Divine songs for the instruction of youth..., [Isaac Watts]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1852', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1852-01-01 00:00:00', '1852-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '19', 'Price one penny.', 'New and improved series, no. 94', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4438, 'Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748', 0, NULL, 0, 'Sins and sorrows spread before God : a sermon. By the Rev. Isaac Watts', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, '99', '\'99\' printed at foot of title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4439, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The English minstrel: containing a selection of the most popular songs of England. No. II', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1850', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, 'Price one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4440, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The celebrated history of the renowned Robin Hood, the merry outlaw of Sherwood Forest. To which is added The professor of signs.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration of stag on title page.\r\nThere are variants with \'23\' and \'23.\' printed below border. These also have a significant variation in the text at the bottom of p. [3].', NULL, 0, 'Robin Hood (Legendary character)', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4441, 'Dewar, Neil', 0, NULL, 0, 'Narrative of the shipwreck and sufferings of Neil Dewar, (who has lost both his legs and arms) seaman of the Rebecca of Quebec, wrecked on the coast of Labradore, 20th November, 1816', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed for Neil Dewar. By John Malcolm, [18--]', 'Greenock', 'Dewar, Neil', 'Malcom, John', '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1843-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 14.2, '1', 'Price sixpence', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4442, 'Bunyan, John, 1628-1688', 0, NULL, 0, 'The pilgrim\'s progress from this world to that which is to come. Delivered under the similitude of a dream.', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed by Caldwell and Son, 2, New Street, 1839', 'Paisley', 'Caldwell and Son', NULL, '1839-01-01 00:00:00', '1839-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14.2, '20', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4443, 'Scott, Sir Walter, 1771-1832', 0, NULL, 0, 'The lady of the lake, : a melo-drama, in three acts, / by Sir Walter Scott', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Carmichael, Neil & Co. 43, Trongate, and sold by James Neil, 17, Bazar, 1829', 'Glasgow', 'Carmichael, Neil & Co', 'Neil, James', '1829-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '36', 10.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Frontispiece.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4444, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of Scots proverbs / by Allan Ramsay', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by A. Napier, and sold by Robert Hutchison bookseller, No. 10, Saltmarket, [18--]', 'Glasgow', 'Napier, A.', 'Hutchison, Robert', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caption title. Imprint from colophon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4445, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith : being an allegorical dialogue. Containing nothing but what is recorded in scripture', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page. \'2 R\' printed at foot of title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'49\' printed at foot of title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4446, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sir Neil and Glengyle, the Highland chieftains; : a tragical ballad', NULL, 'Glasgow : William Inglis, 5, Melville Place, [18--]', 'Glasgow', 'Inglis, William', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4447, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Will and Jean. / By Hector Macneil. With Watty and Meg: or, The wife reformed. By Alexander Wilson', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.7, NULL, 'Price one penny', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4448, 'Pythagoras', 0, NULL, 0, 'The golden verses of Pythagoras. Translated from the Greek, by Nicholas Rowe, Esq.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for R. Scott, bookseller, Argyle-Street, [18--]', 'Glasgow', 'Scott, R.', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4449, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The reciter, : contaning [sic] a variety of the most popular pieces...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1837', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1837-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '[8]', 12.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page. Only p. 2 is numbered.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4450, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wizard\'s book of magic or, evening amusements, for the fireside', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4451, 'Telford, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'History of John Telford, native of St. Johns, New Brunswick, : being an account of his life, during his infancy, boyhood, and up to the present time. Written by himself', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. Muir, 49, Trongate Street, [182-?]', 'Glasgow', 'Muir, John', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1829-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4452, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Sentimental Valentine Writer, containing a selection of The Best and Newest Valentine Poetry', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, 1855', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1855-01-01 00:00:00', '1855-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', 'One Penny', 'New and improved series', '13', 'In verse.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4453, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Adam Bell, Clym of the Clough, and William of Cloudeslie', NULL, 'Glasgow : Francis Orr and Sons, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', 'Orr, Francis', NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIn verse.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nThere is a 4-line verse on the title page: They fought together as brethren true, /Like hardy men and bolde; /Many a man to the ground threy threw, /And many a heart made colde.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4454, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A few rare proverbs, original and select', NULL, '[Glasgow] : [s.n.], [18--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caption title.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4455, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new hocus pocus! : containing the art of performing the newest tricks with dice, cards, cups, &c. / By the great magician', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.2, '1', NULL, NULL, '84', 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4456, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Watty and Meg, or, The wife reformed; : and The ladies petition to the doctor', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [18--]', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, '130', 'Illustration on title page. \'130.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4457, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Indian\'s memorial', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. Muir, 49, Trongate Street, [18--]', 'Glasgow', 'Muir, John', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '4', 'Price one penny', NULL, NULL, 'On title page before title: Please to purchase this tract of a poor Indian (a native of Madras, Bengal,) in distress, and in a strange country, who seeks protection on the hospitable shores of Great Britain.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4458, 'Megee, John', 0, NULL, 0, 'An account of many wonderful instances of divine providence which have occurred to John Megee, ... Written by himself', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by Thomas Duncan, 159, Saltmarket, [18--]', 'Glasgow', 'Duncan, Thomas', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caption title. Imprint from colophon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4459, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A very interesting crack that took place between the Glasgow bridges, on the departure of the Stockwell Bridge doom\'d to disappear in which Auld Granny points out. her pedigree of antiquity, with an account, of some misterious individuals. She had the high honour of bearing across. : To which is added. An original song on the Bonny Lass o\' Aberdour. Also Rabbie Harvey and the bull', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for D. Scott, London : Nidgie & Co, Dublin : W. Bleek, [18--]', 'Glasgow', 'Scott, D.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Imprint from colophon.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4460, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Thomas Raeburn, the Ayrshire hermit', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by William Inglis, 5, Melville Place, 132, Trongate, [18--]', 'Glasgow', 'Inglis, William', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1860-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 15.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4461, 'Spearing, George', 0, NULL, 0, 'Wonderful account of Mr. George Spearing, a Lieutenant in the Navy, who fell into a coal pit in Northwoodside, near Glasgow; where he remained seven days and seven nights, without any other support than rain water. Also, the surprising manner of his deliverance... Published by himself for the information of his friends and the public', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed and sold by John Muir, 53, Prince\'s Street, [17--]', 'Glasgow', 'Muir, John', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1799-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4462, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Moses; giving an Account of his birth, his being found by Pharaoh\'s daughter in the ark of bulrushes, and the miracles wrought by him for the deliverance of the children of Israel. Embellished with cuts.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '15 (including 1 used twice)', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'2 N\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Moses (Biblical leader)', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4463, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Gotham in alarm : a farce, in three acts, as peformed by His Majesty\'s Servants, at the Theatre-Royal, Gotham Square. By An Odd Fellow', 'Sixth edition', 'Glasgow : A. Napier, printer, 43, Trongate, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Napier, A.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 14.7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4464, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'More news from Gotham, : being a continuation of Gotham in alarm : a farce, in three acts, as peformed by His Majesty\'s Servants, at the Theatre-Royal, Gotham Square. By An Odd Fellow', 'Second edition', 'Glasgow : Printed by A. Napier, 43, Trongate, 1816', 'Glasgow', 'Napier, A.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 14.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4465, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'James Block\'s lament; or, The true penitent. : Together with The ass\'s reply', NULL, 'Paisley : Printed for the author, by J. Neilson, 1816', 'Paisley', 'Neilson, John', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1816-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4466, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lady\'s advice to her lover. : To which are added, Fair Margaret\'s misfortunes. Loch-Eroch-side. The lover\'s petition. Lothario\'s absence. Youth the fittest time for love', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 18.) Saltmarket, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4467, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The tragical end of William & Margaret. To which are added, Wolf\'s lament. The sailor\'s courtship. Jamie with his trousers on.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4468, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The annual return of St Andrew\'s Day, November 30th, M,DCCC,IV. : To which are added, The wounded Hussar. Stick a pin there. The tar\'s happy return. Jack\'s disaster, or Turn in or turn out. Father Dennis\'s comfort. The forsaken nymph. A hunting song', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4469, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The bush aboon Traquire : To which are added, The Duke of Lorain\'s courtship to a Princess Royal. The maid in Bedlam. And The shepherd outwitted', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1805', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1805-01-01 00:00:00', '1805-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4470, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The farmer\'s daughter, with the answer. : To which are added, The sailor\'s lamentation, with the answer. The disconsolate lover. The green purse.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1806', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1806-01-01 00:00:00', '1806-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4471, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wounded hussar : To which are added, Gragal ma Chree, with the answer. Neptune\'s mistake. The charming beauty. The happy marriage', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 18.) Saltmarket, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4472, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An old Scots song, entitled Gill Morice. : To which is added, The protest', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 18.) Saltmarket, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J.', 'Robertson, M.', '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4473, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The goodman\'s grief for the ewie wi the crooked horn. : To which are added, Sweet and smart. The sailor in the west. The pigeon on an errand. The bird. A new song. The lover\'s chain.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 18.) Saltmarket, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, J. and M.', NULL, '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4474, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The crafty farmer; o, The biter bit. : To which are added, The female robber, and The soldier\'s farewel', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 18.) Saltmarket, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4475, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Donald M\'Donald. :To which are added, The despairing lover. The island of the ocean. Flower of the forest. Lay thy loof in mine lass. The patriot fair', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 18.) Saltmarket, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4476, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wedding of Ballyporeen. : To which are added, The parson\'s foible. Neptune\'s mistake. The happy marriage. Catch hold on to-day', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 18.) Saltmarket, 1807', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1807-01-01 00:00:00', '1807-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4477, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bess the gawkie: or, Jamie slighted : To which are added, The broom of Cowden Knows. The woman\'s praise of tea; with the man\'s answer. The thirsty lover', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4478, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blaeberries; or, The highland laird\'s courtship to a farmer\'s daughter. : To which are added, The humble beggar, and The ups and downs of life', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, 20. Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4479, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Battle of the Boyn; or, King William crossing the Boyn Water. : Giving a full description of that bloody battle, fought on the first of July, 1690. To which are added, The virgin\'s choice. Tarry woo is ill to spin. Let ambition fire thy mind', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4480, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The two babes in the wood; or, The Norfolk gentleman\'s last will & testament. : To which is added, Bid the coachman drive.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4481, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The blackamoor in the wood : a lamentable ballad on the tragical end of a gallant lord and virtuous lady; together with the untimely death of their two children, wickedly performed by a heathenish and blood-thirsty villain their servant. The like of which cruelty was never heard of. To which is added, The cobler\'s happiness', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4482, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hunting of Chevy-chace', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4483, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The haughs of Crumdel, a memorable battle fought by the great Montrose and the clans against Oliver Cromwell. : To which are added, I\'d think on thee my love. Mutual love. The fumbler\'s rant. Lay thy loof in mine lass', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4484, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The challenge. : To which are added, Dear is my little native vale. Bessy Bell and Mary Gray. Never till now I knew love\'s smart. Bonny Christy. The laugh spoil\'d. The cobler\'s merit', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4485, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The farmer\'s son. : To which are added, Billy and Molly\'s parting. Merry may the maid be. The joyful widower. The Caledonian laddie. The maid\'s advice', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4486, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The flowers of the forest, composed on the memorable battle of Flodden, fought Sep. 5th 1513. : To which are added, Auld Rob Morris. A sodger\'s courtship. The invasion. How can I be sad on my wedding day?', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4487, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The shepherds of Galloway. : To which are added, The merits of printing. The poor man\'s counsel: or, The married man\'s guide. The yellow-hair\'d laddie. Be wary my Celia', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4488, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The gude forgi\'e me for liein\'. : To which are added, The northern garland; or, The Bonny lass of Banaphie. The negro\'s complaint. The young kintry laird\'s courtship. Let\'s be jovial fill your glasses', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4489, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The girl I left behind me, with the answer. : To which are added, Low down in the broom. Anna\'s urn, all my comfort! She\'s what I dare not name', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4490, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The nephew press\'d: or Young Grigor\'s ghost. : In three parts. To which are added, The green purse. Aspire no farther', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4491, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Duke of Gordon\'s three daughters. : To which are added, John Uproar\'s chant. The shepherd\'s complaint. Stella and Flavia', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4492, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Beauties of Glasgow. : To which are added, I wonder\'d what he meant. The crisis; or Britain\'s glory. The heire\'s resolution', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4493, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Duke of Hamilton and Lord Mohun\'s fight. : To which are added, Captain Glen\'s unhappy voyage to New Barbary. New infancy. Woe\'s my heart that we should sunder. Brave Donald M\'Craw', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4494, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The humours of the age: or, A touch on all trades. : To which are added, The young man\'s declaration. A bonny wee wifie. Harvest home. The wounded hussar', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4495, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Jamie & Nancy; or, The Yarmouth tragedy, : laying open how by the cruelty of parents, two lovers were destroyed.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No 20) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4496, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The lady\'s diary. : To which are added, The land o\' the leal. Marjory Miller. Improve the present hour. Och hey, Johnny lad. Lang and dreary is the night. Lassie wi\' the lint-white locks', NULL, 'Glasgow : Prnited [sic] by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4497, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The age & life of man: or, A description of the nature, rise, and fall, according to the twelve months of the year. : To which are added, The Caledonian laddie, and Johnny Bluster\'s wife', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4498, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Andrew Lammie: or, Mill o\' Tiftie\'s Annie. : This tragedy was acted in the year 1674. To which is added, Cynthia\'s perplexity', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, 20. Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4499, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The banks of the Dee, with The answer. : To which are added, The beggar\'s resolution. The siege of Carrick-Fergus. To Lethe repair. As sure as a gun', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1809', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4500, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Grand Lodge. : To which are added, In praise of free masonry. The taylor\'s downfal. The Scotish exile. Wandering Willie. Davy Jones\'s locker. To-morrow or next day', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1809', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4501, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Buchanshire tragedy; or Sir James the Ross. : An historical ballad, printed from the Original Manuscript. To which is added, Of a\' the airts the wind can blaw', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1809', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4502, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The jovial cruising sailor. : To which are added, Wer\'t thou but my ain thing. Bessy Bell and Mary Gray. The county of Cavin. The laugh spoil\'d.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4503, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The sailor\'s tragedy or, False oaths punished. : To which are added, Mary\'s dream. The bird. A new song. Dear is my little native vale. The lover\'s chain. Never till now I knew love\'s smart', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (20) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4504, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The servants\' pedigree; or, their pride laid open. : To which are added, O\'er the hills and far away. Celia\'s complaint for the loss of her shepherd. The auld man\'s best argument', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4505, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The rambling boy, with The answer. : To which are added, O\'er the muir amang the heather. Cynthia\'s perplexity. Imperial chit chat. Let\'s be jovial fill your glasses', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4506, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Middlesex flor; or, the ship-wreck\'d sailor. : To which are added, The charming beauty. Neptune\'s mistake. The despairing shepherdess. The parson\'s foible', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4507, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent old song intitled, Maggy Lauther. : To which are added, The thirsty lover. Anna\'s urn, all my comfort! Wit and beauty. Sylvia\'s charms. Advice to the fair sex. The sailor\'s return', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. and M. Robertson, 20. Saltmarket, 1808', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1808-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4508, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The old hulk laid up or, The new way of Tom Tough. : To which are added, Jenny Dang the weaver. Lang and dreary is the night. Improve the present hour. Bonny banks o\' Doon. Och hey, Johnny lad', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, Saltmarket, 1809', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4509, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The snug little island. : To which are added, Britain\'s contest. The land o\' the leal. Lassie wi\' the lint-white locks', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J. & M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1809', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4510, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent old song, intitled, Young Beichan and Susie Pye. : To which are added, If e\'er I do well \'tis a wonder. Roger and Dolly. Drink while you can', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J.and M. Robertson, (No. 20.) Saltmarket, 1809', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4511, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The rock & a wee pickle tow; : with the mother\'s advice to her daughters. To which are added, To-morrow or next day. Wandering Willie. Britons only conquer to save. Nottingham ale', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed by J.& M. Robertson, (20.) Saltmarket, 1809', 'Glasgow', 'Robertson, James', 'Robertson, Matthew', '1809-01-01 00:00:00', '1809-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4512, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Confusion: or, the World in Disorder', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [18--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 1305, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caption title.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4543, NULL, 0, 'Burness, John, 1771-1826', 0, 'The prophecies of Thomas the Rhymer, and The comical story of Thrummy Cap and the ghaist', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse and prose.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nVariant exists with \'114\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.1(27), L.C.2852.E(19).', NULL, 0, 'Thomas, the Rhymer, 1220?-1297? Prophecies.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4544, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of Sir William Wallace, the renowned Scottish champion', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal and external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page of bust of man with crown on head.\r\n\'ix. 4\' printed at bottom right of the title page.\r\nVariant exists with \'107\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : ABS.1.203.018(13).\r\nThere is another variant with a different illustration. StEdNL : ABS.1.203.018(12).', NULL, 0, 'Wallace, William, Sir, d. 1305.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4545, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The travels and adventures of Wm. Lithgow, in Europe, Asia, and Africa, during nineteen years.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal and external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nVariant exists with \'122.\' printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.2(23), L.C.2852.E(27), L.C.2893(4), NG.1177.d.12(12).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4546, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and death of fair Rosamond, concubine to King Henry II.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nTitle page includes an illustration\r\n\'No. 14,\' printed top left of title page.\r\nVariant exists with \'No. 14,\' printed beneath imprint and type set slightly differently. StEdNL : L.C.2851(16), L.C.2892(34).', NULL, 0, 'Clifford, Rosamond.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4547, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical tricks of Lothian Tom. With a selection of anecdotes.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, '6', 'The title, imprint and illustration are printed within a decorative border. Under the imprint and outside the border is \'6\'. The illustration is of a young man wearing a hat sitting on a rock with a house in the background.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nThere are two variants with different illustrations.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4548, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five Popular songs. The Angel\'s Whisper. Helen The Fair. The Wind Blew The Bonny Lassie\'s Plaidy Awa. Mistress Johnston Do You Ever Think On Me, Peg?', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nVariant exists with \'59\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.4(23), L.C.2852(19).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4549, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and meritorious transactions of John Knox, the great Scottish reformer.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nX\' printed beneath the imprint.\r\nThere is a variant with \'61.\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : H.17.e.24(8), [Ao].8/3.2(7), L.C.2852.C(12), NG.1177.d.12(5).', NULL, 0, 'Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572 Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4550, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The knight of Elle; a scarce and favourite old Scotch ballad', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33', 'Illustration on title page is of a man in classical(?) dress, reaching forward. This differs from the copy at L.C.2845(2). StEdNL.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nL.C.2892(5) has \'No.33\' in top left hand corner.\r\nA variant exists with \'38\' printed beneath the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4551, 'Ramsay, Allan, 1686-1758', 0, NULL, 0, 'An excellent collection of the best Scotch proverbs, selected by Allan Ramsay', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\nThere is a variant with \'54\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2852.C(4).\r\nThis title page has an illustration of two men standing. This differs from the item placed at [Ao].8.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4552, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The story of Blue Beard; or, The effects of female curiosity. To which is added The murder hole an ancient legend', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'vii. 4\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nPrinted height of title page 14 cm.\r\nThere is a variant with \'20\' printed bottom right of the title page. StEdNL : MAS.619(6).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4553, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical sayings of Paddy from Cork : with his coat buttoned behind. Being an elegant conference between English Tom and Irish Teague; with Paddy\'s catechism: and his supplication when a mountain sailor. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, '21', 'Illustration on title page of two drunks holding each other up.\r\n\'21\' printed below border.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nBoth the illustration and the typeface and layout on the title page differ from the items at StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.1(18), 5.1009(16[14]), Mas.619(22), YY.8/2.1(32), L.C.2894(22), L.C.2852.A(23).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4554, 'Macneill, Hector, 1746-1818', 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Will and Jean: or, The sad effects of drunkenness.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '2', NULL, NULL, '36', 'Dated from external evidence.\r\n\'36.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nTitle page includes illustration of two men assisting a drunkard down a street with a woman looking on. This differs fron the item placed at L.C.2852.B(9). The text is identical. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4555, 'Sinclair, George, d. 1696 ', 0, NULL, 0, 'Satan\'s invisible world discovered... to which is added The marvellous history of Major Weir and his sister, [George Sinclair]', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nThere is a variant with \'116\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2852.E(21).\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nPrinted height of title page 13.7 cm.', NULL, 0, 'Weir, Thomas Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4556, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of the life and death of the great warrior Robert Bruce, King of Scotland.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'ix. 5\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'108\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2852.E(12).\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, 'Robert I, King of Scots, 1274-1329.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4557, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of Fair Rosamond, otherwise Eleanor Clifford; and her royal paramour, Henry the Second, King of England...', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '92', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'ix. 3\'\' is printed at the bottom right of the title page.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn prose and verse.\r\nThere is a variant with \'92.\' printed bottom the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2852.D(24).', NULL, 0, 'Clifford, Rosamond.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4558, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The spaewife; or Universal fortune-teller... Also, A distinct treatise on moles', NULL, '[Glasgow] : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 14, '2', NULL, NULL, '76', 'Dated from examination of text and style. Place of publication from external evidence.\r\n\'76.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant without a full stop after the \'76\'. StEdNL : NG.1177.D.12(30).\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4560, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Thomas Hickathrift.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'viii. 7\' is printed at the bottom right of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'75.\' printed at foot of the title page. StEdNL : MF.SP.499(6).\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4561, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Grinning made easy; or, Funny Dick\'s unrivalled collection of jests, jokes, bulls, epigrams &c. With many other descriptions of wit and humour.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '74', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'T\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'74.\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2852.C(26).\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4562, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The new pictorial Bible', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, 'probably 45 (incl. missing pages)', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from examination of text and style.\r\n \'2 M\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'40.\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2852.B(15).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4563, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Joseph and his brethren, embellished with cuts; to which is added, The life, journeyings, and death of the Apostle Paul.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'2 Q\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'41\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : ABS.1.80.255(8).', NULL, 0, 'Joseph (Son of Jacob)\r\nPaul, the Apostle, Saint.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4564, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, embellished with cuts; to which is added An account of Jonah\'s mission to the Ninevites.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.7, '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'2 P\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'42\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : NG.1177.D.12(42).', NULL, 0, 'Abraham (Biblical patriarch)\r\nIsaac (Biblical patriarch)\r\nJacob (Bibli', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4565, 'Ogilvie, William, 1688 or 9-1729', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Laird of Cool\'s ghost: being several conferences... betwixt... Mr. Ogilvie... and the ghost of Mr. Maxwell, late Laird of Cool... as it was found in Mr. Ogilvie\'s closet after his death - written with his own hand', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, '48', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'48.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with no full stop after the \'48\' which is printed in different type. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.2(22). B : \'48.\' printed', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4566, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The wife of Beith: being an allegorical dialogue. Containing nothing but what is recorded in Scripture.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, '49', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'49.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nThere is a variant with \'49\' without a full stop, and one with \'2 R\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : H.17.d.56(6); also one with nothing printed below imprint.\r\nBased on the tale by Geoffrey Chaucer.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4567, 'Perrault, Charles, 1628-1703', 0, NULL, 0, 'The sleeping beauty of the wood; an entertaining tale, to which is added Paddy and the bear, a true story', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, '52', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nTitle page includes illustration of a girl holding a caged bird in her hand, with a cat. There is a floral border surrounding the title page with \'52.\' printed below it. There is a variant with \'vii 5\' at bottom right of the title page at StEdNL : Mas.618(14). These both differ from the variant at StEdNL : L.C.2852.B(30), which has no title page border; its illustration is of a different girl with an uncaged bird perched on her hand and no cat.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4568, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of Jack the giant killer.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'vii 3\' printed bottom right of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'62.\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : MAS.621(4).\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4569, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and wonderful prophecies of Donald Cargill. Who was executed at the Cross of Edinburgh, on the 26th July, 1680…', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '123', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'2 B\' printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'123.\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : NG.1177.D.12(14).', NULL, 0, 'Cargill, Donald, 1619?-1681.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4570, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Life and Death of Judas Iscariot, Or The Lost and Undone Son of Perdition', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '20', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nIllustration on title page\r\n\'20\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'129\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2852.F(6).', NULL, 0, 'Judas Iscariot Biography.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4571, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of the Kings and Queens of Scotland and England; from the reign of James the first to Victoria... Part II', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1845?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1845-01-01 00:00:00', '1845-12-31 00:00:00', '24', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from internal evidence.\r\n\'ix. 2\' printed bottom right of the title page\r\nThere is a variant with \'134 .\' printed at the foot of the title page.. StEdNL : L.C.2852.F(14).\r\nIllustration on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4572, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'An elegy in memory of that valiant champion, Sir R. Grierson, late Laird of Lag, who died Dec. 23d, 1733. Wherein the Prince of Darkness commends many of his best friends, who were the chief managers of the late persecution.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'2 c\' printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'142.\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2852.F(21).\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.', NULL, 0, 'Grierson, Robert, Sir.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4573, 'Perrault, Charles, 1628-1703', 0, NULL, 0, 'The sleeping beauty of the wood; an entertaining tale, to which is added Paddy and the bear, a true story', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nTitle page includes illustration of a girl holding a caged bird in her hand, with a cat. There is a floral border surrounding the title page with \'vii 5\' printed at bottom right. There is a variant with \'52\' at bottom right of the title page at StEdNL : Mas.619(7). These both differ from the variant at StEdNL : L.C.2852.B(30), which has no title page border; its illustration is of a different girl with an uncaged bird perched on her hand and no cat.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4574, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The celebrated history of the renowned Robin Hood, the merry outlaw of Sherwood Forest. To which is added The professor of signs.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [ca. 1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1850-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, '23', 'Illustration of stag on title page.\r\n\'23.\' printed below border.\r\nThere is a variant without \'23.\' printed below border.', NULL, 0, 'Robin Hood (Legendary character)', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4575, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Five songs. Abraham Newman. The three brothers of Dundee. The birken tree. The harper of Mull. The lass o\' Ballochmyle.', NULL, 'Newton-Stewart : Printed and sold wholesale and retail, by J. M\'Nairn, [1820-1837?] ', 'Newton-Stewart', 'McNairn, Joseph', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1837-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThere is a variant with \'Newland\' in place of \'Newman\' on the title page. The text is identical. StEdNL : L.C.2858(23).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4576, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Lovely Jean. To which are added, The bush aboon Traquair, The lass in yon town, The pitcher, The death of Wolfe', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed and sold by M. Randall, 1820 ', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\nThere is a variant in which \'Lovely\' in the title is misspelled \'Lovley\' StEdNL : H.17.e.24(19), L.C.2872(32).', NULL, 0, 'Wolfe, James, 1727-1759 Death and burial.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4577, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two songs : The flowers of the forest; composed on the battle of Flowden Field, fought 5th September, 1513. To which is added, Johnny Cope\'s defeat at the battle of Prestonpans. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Title page woodcut illustration is a basket of flowers within a garland, unframed. There are lines beneath \'Two songs\' in the title. \r\nThere are three variants : A : The illustration is enclosed in a rectangular frame. There is a diamond shaped decoration beneath \'Two songs\' in the title. StEdNL : L.C.2856(16). B : This lacks the rectangular frame. StEdNL : L.C.2856(18). C : This lacks the rectangular frame and ’Dunbar’ on p. 7 is misspelled ’Dumbar’ StEdNL : L.C.2856(19). The texts are identical.', NULL, 0, 'Cope, John, Sir, d. 1760', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4578, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two songs : The flowers of the forest; composed on the battle of Flowden Field, fought 5th September, 1513. To which is added, Johnny Cope\'s defeat at the battle of Prestonpans. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Title page woodcut illustration is a basket of flowers within a garland, unframed. There are three variants : A : The illustration is enclosed in a rectangular frame. There is a diamond shaped decoration beneath \'Two songs\' in the title. StEdNL : L.C.2856(16). B : This lacks the rectangular frame and has lines beneath ’Two songs’ in the title. StEdNL : L.C.2856(17). C : This lacks the rectangular frame and ’Dunbar’ on p. 7 is misspelled ’Dumbar’ StEdNL : L.C.2856(19). The texts are identical.', NULL, 0, 'Cope, John, Sir, d. 1760', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4579, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Two songs : The flowers of the forest; composed on the battle of Flowden Field, fought 5th September, 1513. To which is added, Johnny Cope\'s defeat at the battle of Prestonpans. ', NULL, 'Kilmarnock : Printed for the booksellers, [1815-1820?] ', 'Kilmarnock', NULL, NULL, '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Title page woodcut illustration is a basket of flowers within a garland, unframed. ’Dunbar’ on p. 7 is misspelled ’Dumbar’.\r\nThere are three variants : A : The illustration is enclosed in a rectangular frame. There is a diamond shaped decoration beneath \'Two songs\' in the title. StEdNL : L.C.2856(16). B : This lacks the rectangular frame and has lines beneath ’Two songs’ in the title. StEdNL : L.C.2856(17). C : This lacks the rectangular frame. StEdNL : L.C.2856(18). The texts are identical.', NULL, 0, 'Cope, John, Sir, d. 1760', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4580, 'Kirkton, James, 1628-1699', 0, NULL, 0, 'History of the life & sufferings of the Rev. John Welch : sometime minister of the gospel at Ayr. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '64', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\n\'64.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere are two variants. A : \'2 A\' printed at the foot of the title page and a different decorative border. StEdNL : Hall.224.h.4(16). B : \'64.\' printed at the foot of the title page and a different decorative border. StEdNL : L.C.2852.C(15).', NULL, 0, 'Welch, John, 1568?-1622.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4581, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The pleasures of matrimony : Interwoven with sundry comical and delightful stories, with the charming delights and ravishing sweets of wooing and wedlock, in all its diverting enjoyments / By Author Reid, Glasgow. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '109', 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nIllustration on title page.\r\n\'109.\' printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant without \'109.\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2847(26).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4582, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The reciter : a choice selection of the most popular poems, for recitation. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.3, '0', NULL, NULL, '15', 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nOn title page : \"The manner of speaking is as important as the matter.\" Chesterfield.\r\n\'15.\' printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant without \'15.\' printed at the foot of the title page and type set slightly differently. StEdNL : L.C.2847(19).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4583, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The comical history of Simple John and his twelve misfortunes : which happened all in twelve days after the unhappy day of his marriage. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Dated from external evidence.\r\nTitle page includes illustration of a leprechaun reading a book.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nVariant exists with identical text and title page illustration but with type set slightly differently on title page and with p. 20 misprinted. StEdNL : L.C.2847(31), RB.s.836(2), L.C.2893(2).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4584, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'John Falkirk\'s cariches : to which is added Tam Merrilees; a capital story. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nAnonymous: attributed to Dougal Graham.\r\n\'s\' printed at foot of title page.\r\nThere are two variants. A : \'59\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2852.C(10). B : Nothing printed at foot of title page. StEdNL : L.C.2848(1).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4585, 'Graham, Dougal, 1724-1779', 0, NULL, 0, 'The coalman\'s courtship to the creel-wife\'s daughter : In three parts. I. Containing a very curious diologue [sic] between the carter and his mother, who instructs him in the true art of courtship. II. Sawny\'s visit to his sweet-heart, and what passed bet', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 12.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nAttributed to Dougal Graham.\r\nThere is a variant with \'131.\' printed at the foot of the title page. StEdNL : L.C.2852.F(10), L.C.2852.F(11), L.C.2888(11).\r\nBoth the illustration and typeface on the title page differ from the copy at Hall.224.h.4(2). The text is identical. StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4586, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'History of Sir William Wallace the renowned Scottish champion : Containing an account of his valliant [sic] transactions against the English, and his mournful fate at London, after he was betrayed into the hands of his enemies; how he was put to death, and his body quartered, and sent to various places', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.1, '1', NULL, NULL, '107', 'Dated from examination of text and style.\r\nThe title page contains an illustration of two figures, one lying prone, and has no border. \r\n\'107\' printed at foot of title page.\r\nVariant exists without \'107\' on title page. StEdNL : L.C.2848(13).\r\nThis is different from the items placed at L.C.2852.E(11) and Mas.618(13).', NULL, 0, 'Wallace, William, Sir, d. 1305.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4587, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The life and astonishing adventures of Peter Williamson : who was carried off when a child from Aberdeen and sold for a slave. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13, '1', NULL, NULL, '83', 'Dated from internal and external evidence.\r\n’83.’ printed beneath the imprint.\r\nTitle page includes an illustration of the head and shoulders of a male figure. This differs from the copies at L.C.2852.D(9) and Mas.620(21). The text is identical. StEdNL.\r\nThere is a variant without ’83.’ printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2848(16).', NULL, 0, 'Williamson, Peter, 1730-1799 Kidnapping.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4588, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Sir Neil and Glengyle, the Highand chieftains : a tragical ballad. And The drunken exciseman. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nThere is a variant with \'5.\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2851(5)', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4589, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The old Scotch ballad of Andrew Lammie; or Mill of Tifty\'s Annie. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '6', 'Illustration on title page.\r\n’No. 6.’ printed top left of title page\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nThere is a variant with \'6.\' printed beneath the imprint and type set slightly differntly. StEdNL : L.C.2851(6).\r\nThere is a 4-line verse on the title page. \r\nThe title page includes an illustration of a young man reclining on a rock. This differs from the copies at L.C.2845(24) and L.C.2845(33). StEDNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4590, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The hunting of Chevy-chase : a bloody battle, fought by Earls Douglas and Percy. Where above fourteen hundred Scotsmen, and near two thousand Englishmen, were slain in one day. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '8', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'No. 8.\' printed top left of the title page.\r\nThere is avariant with \'8.\' printed beneath the imprint. StEDNL : L.C.2851(9).', NULL, 0, 'Percy, Henry, Lord, 1364-1403.\r\nDouglas, James Douglas, Earl of, ca. 1', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4591, 'Bruce, Michael, 1746-1767', 0, NULL, 0, 'Sir James the Rose : an old Scottish tragic song. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'In verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nThere is a variant with \'11.\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2851(12).\r\nTitle page includes an illustration of a kilted soldier leaning on a musket. This differs from the item at L.C.2845(29). StEdNL.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4592, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Young Grigor\'s ghost : an old Scotch song. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '13', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'No. 13.\' printed top left of the title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'13\' is printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2851(14).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4593, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The penny-worth of wit\'s garland : in three parts. Part I. - Showing how a merchant was deluded from his lady by a harlot. Part II. - How he sailed into a far country. Part III. - How he returned to the British shore. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '19', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'19\' is printed beneath the imprint.\r\nVariant exists with \'No. 19.\' printed top left of title page. StEdNL : L.C.2851(22), L.C.2892(28).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4594, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Rosanna : the Oxford tragedy. In two parts. Part I. How fair Rosanna, of the city of Oxford was by a young gentleman betrayed of her virginity. Part II. His cruelty in murdering her, and how a rose-bush sprung upon her grave, which blossoms all the year t', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '20', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'No. 20.\' printed top left of title page.\r\nVariant exists with \'20\' is printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2851(23).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4595, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The battle of Roslin : And John Highlandman\'s remarks on Glasgow. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, '23', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'No. 23.\' printed top left of title page.\r\nVariant exists with \'23\' printed beneath the imprint and type set slightly differently. StEdNL : L.C.2851(26).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4596, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The humourous adventures of Jump Jim Crow. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '27', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n\'No. 27.\' printed top left of title page.\r\nVariant exists with \'27\' printed beneath the imprint and type set slightly differently. StEdNL : L.C.2851(30).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4597, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Kate Dalrymple and The flowers of the forest : To which is added : Loud roared the dreadful thunder. The bonny blue bonnet. This is no my plaid. Ye banks and braes. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nThere is a variant with \'30.\' printed beneath the imprint StEdNL [Ao].8/3.4(33) : L.C.2851(33).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4598, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Six favourite songs : The sailor\'s epitaph. Blue-eyed Mary. The song of the olden time. Black-eyed Susan. Roy\'s wife. Green bushes. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '51', 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\n51\' is printed beneath the imprint.\r\nVariant exists with \'33\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2851(37).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4599, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Four songs : Cherry-cheeked Patty. Judy O\'Flannikin. No peace about the house. Maggie Lauder. ', NULL, 'Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers, [1840-1850?] ', 'Glasgow', NULL, NULL, '1840-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Illustration on title page.\r\nIn verse.\r\nDated from internal and external evidence.\r\nThere is a variant with \'68.\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : [Ao].8/3.4(8), L.C.2852(28).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4600, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Bessy Bell and Mary Gray : Broom o\' Cowdenknowes; The lassie o\' the Glen. O are ye sleeping, Maggie, and As I came by Loch-Erroch side. ', NULL, '[Stirling] : Sold wholesale by J. Fraser & Co. printers, Stirling, [1816-1820?] ', 'Stirling', 'John Fraser & Co.', NULL, '1816-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, '21', 'In verse.\r\nWoodcut on title page.\r\n\'[No. 21]\' printed beneath the imprint.\r\nDated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.\r\nThere is a variant without \'[No. 21]\' printed beneath the imprint. StEdNL : L.C.2877(20).', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4601, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of the wicked life and horrid death of Dr John Faustus. : Shewing, how he sold himself to the Devil, to have power for 24 years to do what he pleased. Also the things done by him and Mephostophiles. With an account how the Devil came for him at the end of 24 years, and tore him in pieces', NULL, 'Stirling, : Printed this present year., [1800?] ', 'Stirling', NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1800-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nDated from external evidence.\r\nThere is a variant in which the decorative border on p. 3 is different and the layout of the text on title page is slightly different. The text block is identical. StEdNL : L.C.2866(6)', 'ESTC T165667', 0, 'Faust, d. ca. 1540.', 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4602, 'Whittle, Thomas', 0, NULL, 0, 'The Midford Galloway', NULL, '[S.l.] : [s.n.], [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4603, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'New songs : General Moore\'s retreat. Sally\'s love for a young man. Highland Mary', NULL, 'Dumfries : Published, and sold wholesale, by John Sinclair, bookseller, [17--]', 'Dumfries', 'Sinclair, John', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.7, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4604, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of new songs. : 1 My Nannie, O. 2 Shannon\'s flowery banks. 3 O\'er the moor among the heather. 4 Can you to the battle go. 5 Lillies of the valley', NULL, 'Newcastle : G. Angus, printer, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nThere is a variant with \'Side\' as the printer\'s address in the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4605, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Newcastle songster; : being a choice collection of songs, descriptive of the language and manners of the common people of Newcastle upon Tyne and the neighbourhood... Part II', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.9, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4606, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Nothing like grog. : To which are added. Nanny wilt thou fly wi\' me. Every inch a sailor. Poor Jack', NULL, 'Stirling : Printed by M. Randall, [17--]', 'Stirling', 'Randall, Mary', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4607, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of new songs. : 1 The new ploughboy. 2 The Belfast maid\'s lamentation. 3 Black, brown, and fair. 4 The spotted cow. 5 The gaily circling glass', NULL, 'Newcastle : G. Angus, printer, Side, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4608, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of new songs. : 1 My Nannie, O. 2 Shannon\'s flowery banks. 3 O\'er the moor among the heather. 4 Can you to the battle go. 5 Lillies of the valley', NULL, 'Newcastle : G. Angus, printer, Side, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.\r\nThere is a variant without \'Side\' in the imprint.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4609, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Portsmouth ghost. : Being a full and particular account of a strange, wonderful, and dreadful appearing of the ghost of Madam Johnson, a beautiful young lady of Portsmouth. Shewing: ...', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Flesh-Market, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1700-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4610, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Polly Oliver. : To which is added, Arthur O\'Bradly. And The jolly miller', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [18--]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4611, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Paudien o\' Rafferty : to which are added, The chapter of donkies. Paddy M\'Shane\'s seven ages. And Crazy Jane', NULL, 'Greenock : Printed by William Scott, [18--]', 'Greenock', 'Scott, William', NULL, '1810-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4612, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The Preston Pans garland, : composed of three new songs. 1. A new song on the battle of Preston Pans. 2. Jockey and Jenny. The complaining lover', NULL, '[S.l.] : Licensed and entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1745-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 14.2, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4613, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Pretty Betty\'s garland, : containing three excellent new songs. I. Pretty Betty. II. Jack at the windlass. III. Saturday night at sea', NULL, '[S.l.] : Licensed and entered according to order, [17--]', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 13.6, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4614, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of new songs. : 1. Poll and my partner Joe. 2. Mary of the Tyne. 3. Bonny Bet of Aberdeen. 4. The spotted cow. 5. Jessie, the flower o\' Dumblane. 6. Anna', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by George Angus, in the Side, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4615, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of new songs. : 1 Pretty maid milking her cow. 2 The soldier\'s last letter to his sweetheart. 3 Johnny\'s grey breeks', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by George Angus, in the Side, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4616, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'New songs. : The ploughman. Whisky I adore. The rigs of barley. The borrow\'d kiss. The kiss repaid', NULL, 'Dumfries : Printed by G. M Lachlan, for John Sinclair, bookseller, [18--]', 'Dumfries', 'M\'Lachlan, G.', 'Sinclair, John', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 11.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4617, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of new songs. : 1 Robinson Crusoe. 2 Jack at the windlass. 3 The sons of Britannia', NULL, 'Newcastle : M. Angus & Sons, printers, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, M.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4618, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of new songs. : 1. The roses blaw. 2. The death of Parker. 3. The banks of the Clyde', NULL, 'Newcastle : George Angus, printer, Side [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.8, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4619, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A collection of new songs. : 1 Robin Adair. 2 Second thoughts are best. 3 The bonnet so blue. 4 Jack Munro', NULL, 'Newcastle : Printed by George Angus, in the Side, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Angus, George', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '8', 12.5, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Woodcut on title page.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4620, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The skylark. : a new song book, being a choice collection of celebrated new songs. Namely, Paddy Carey ...', NULL, 'Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Flesh-Market, [17--]', 'Newcastle upon Tyne', 'Marshall, J.', NULL, '1750-01-01 00:00:00', '1825-12-31 00:00:00', '24', 13.8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '17 songs listed on title page', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4643, 'Perrault, Charles', 0, NULL, 0, 'The entertaining tales of Mother Goose for the amusement of youth, embellished with elegant engravings.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by Jas. Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '[4], 36, [2]', 11.7, '8', 'Sixpence', NULL, NULL, '7 full page engravings not included in pagination; additional illusration on engraved title page.\r\nLabel on front wrapper: Lumsden & Son\'s new edition of Mother Goose.\r\nTitle at head of p.1: Tales of past times.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 66.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4644, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Giles Gingerbread.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 11.5, '9', NULL, 'Lumsden & Son\'s superior edition of penny books', NULL, 'First and last pages constitute wrapper, with title and imprint on both, and text on versos.\r\nTitle on back wrapper and at head of text: Giles Gingerbread.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 76.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4645, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of John Gilpin', NULL, '[Glasgow : Published by Lumsden & Son, s.a.?]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1808-01-01 00:00:00', '1850-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 8.2, '9', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Provisional title and description as no complete copy identified.\r\n8 captioned engravings, unnumbered, printed in terracotta on one side of paper, with additional captioned engraving in black on back wrapper.\r\nDoes not match Roscoe & Brimmell nos 89, 89a.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4646, 'La Motte, Marie Catherine de, Comtesse d\'Aubnoy', 0, NULL, 0, 'Mother Bunch\'s Fairy tales. : Published for the amusement of all those little masters and misses who, by duty to their parents, and obedience to their superiors, aim at becoming great lords and ladies', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, [1817?]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1817-01-01 00:00:00', '1817-12-31 00:00:00', '71, [3]', 8.2, '7', 'Sixpence', NULL, NULL, 'Frontispiece black, other 6 etchings green and not part of numbered paging.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 102.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4647, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The moving market: or Cries of London', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale, by Lumsden & Son, [1820?]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '15', 8.5, '13', 'One penny', 'Lumsden & Son\'s juvenile library', NULL, 'Not listed in Roscoe & Brimmell.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4648, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The history of Robin Hood', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 12.1, '4', NULL, 'Lumsden and Son\'s superior edition of penny books', NULL, 'Wrappers included in pagination.\r\nTitle page is front wrapper.\r\nTitle on back wrapper: The history of Robin Hood and Little John.\r\nTitle at head of text: Robin Hood.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 113.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4649, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The parent\'s gift, or Child\'s guide to learn the ABC …', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale, by Lumsden & Son, [s.a.]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '15', 8.3, '26', 'One penny', 'Lumsden & Son\'s juvenile library', NULL, 'Title page is p. 2; series title on front wrapper.\r\nCaption title: The royal alphabet.\r\nNot listed in Roscoe and Brimmell.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4650, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Adventures of Captain Gulliver, in a voyage to Lilliput', NULL, 'Edinburgh : Printed and published by G. Ross, [s.a.]', 'Edinburgh', 'Ross, G.', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', '1813-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '47', 8.7, '14', 'Twopence', 'Ross\'s juvenile library', NULL, 'Imprint on front wrapper: Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son.\r\nNot listed in Roscoe & Brimmell.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4651, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Toby Tickle\'s puzzling-cap', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by Lumsden & Son, [1820]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1820-01-01 00:00:00', '1820-12-31 00:00:00', '11', 11.7, '12', NULL, 'Lumsden & Son\'s superior edition of penny books', NULL, 'Front wrapper is title page.\r\nTitle at head of text: Toby Tickle\'s riddles.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 128.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4652, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The waggon load of amusement', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by Lumsden & Son, [s.a]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 11.6, '21', NULL, 'Lumsden & Son\'s superior edition of penny books', NULL, 'Front wrapper is title page.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 135.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4653, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The waggon load of amusement', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale, by Lumsden & Son, [s.a]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1830-01-01 00:00:00', '1840-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 8.5, '23', 'One penny', 'Lumsden & Son\'s juvenile library', NULL, 'Title page on verso of frontispiece.\r\nNot listed in Roscoe & Brimmell.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4654, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'A description of Bartholomew Fair and the funny folks there', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by James Lumsden and Son, [s.a]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '12', 8.3, '16', 'One penny', NULL, NULL, '16 captioned engravings, unnumbered, printed in terracotta on one side of paper, with additional engravings in black on wrappers.\r\nFront wrapper is title page.\r\nIllustration of man with bells on front wrapper, \'My lovely charming pretty Joan,/ Make Toby let my nose alone …\' on back.\r\nNot listed in Roscoe & Brimmell.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4655, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The trial and execution of the sparrow', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published and sold wholesale by Lumsden and Son, [s.a]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '10', 8, '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Framed text with 8 engravings, printed in terracotta on one side of paper, with additional engravings in black on wrappers.\r\nFront wrapper is engraved title page.\r\nIllustration \'Behold the wren so small ...\' on back wrapper.\r\nNot listed in Roscoe & Brimmell.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4656, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The shipwrecked sailor boy', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale, by Lumsden and Son, [s.a]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 8.3, '12', 'One penny', 'Lumsden & Son\'s juvenile library', NULL, 'Title page on verso of frontispiece.\r\nNot listed in Roscoe & Brimmell.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4657, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'Virtue its own reward; or The history of Eliza Lovedale, and her brother Dicky', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published, and sold wholesale, by Lumsden and Son, [s.a]', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1830-12-31 00:00:00', '16', 8.3, '10', 'One penny', 'Lumsden & Son\'s juvenile library', NULL, 'Title page on verso of frontispiece.\r\nNot listed in Roscoe & Brimmell.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4658, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'How shall I please my father?', NULL, 'London : James Blackwood, [s.a.]', 'London', 'Blackwood, James', NULL, '1800-01-01 00:00:00', '1880-12-31 00:00:00', '33-49', 12, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Single gathering *D.\r\nFront wrapper is unnumbered title page; back wrapper has poem: \'For the Sabbath morning\'.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4659, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 'The moving market: or, Cries of London. For the amusement of good children.', NULL, 'Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son, 1815', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1815-01-01 00:00:00', '1815-12-31 00:00:00', '32', 8.7, '28', 'Twopence', 'Ross\'s Jevenile Library', NULL, 'Caption title: The London cries.', 'Roscoe & Brimmell, no. 104.', 0, NULL, 0); INSERT INTO `Books` (`Books_ID`, `Author_1`, `Author_1_corporate`, `Author_2`, `Author_2_corporate`, `Title`, `Edition`, `Imprint`, `Place`, `Publisher_Name1`, `Publisher_Name2`, `Date1`, `Date2`, `Pagination`, `Printed_Size`, `Illustration`, `Price`, `Series`, `Series_Number`, `Book_Notes`, `Bibliographic_Reference`, `Serial`, `Subject_Name`, `Subject_Name_corporate`) VALUES (4660, 'Hannay, George K.', 0, NULL, 0, 'The concordance of the New Testament', NULL, 'Glasgow : James Lumsden & Son, 1844', 'Glasgow', 'Lumsden, James, c.1750-c.1830', 'Lumsden, James, 1778-1856', '1844-01-01 00:00:00', '1844-12-31 00:00:00', '135', 9.4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'On verso of title page: Glasgow: Edward Khull, printer to the University.\r\nNot listed in Roscoe & Brimmell.', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); # 4624 records # # Table structure for table 'Copies' # DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Copies`; CREATE TABLE `Copies` ( `Copy_ID` INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Books_ID` INTEGER DEFAULT 0, `Repository_Code` VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT 'GUL', `Call_Number` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `Item` DOUBLE NULL, `Book_Size` FLOAT NULL DEFAULT 0, `Copy_Notes` LONGTEXT, INDEX (`Call_Number`), INDEX (`Copy_ID`), PRIMARY KEY (`Copy_ID`), INDEX (`Repository_Code`), INDEX (`Books_ID`) ) ENGINE=myisam DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; SET autocommit=1; # # Dumping data for table 'Copies' # INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (141, 141, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (142, 142, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (143, 143, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 27, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (144, 144, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.35', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (145, 145, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 31, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (146, 146, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 23, 15.2, 'Cropped at top. Copy at BE3-h.5'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (147, 147, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.36', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (148, 148, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 11, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom. Imprint has been cut away.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (149, 149, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.1', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (150, 1048, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.14', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (151, 151, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 15, 15.9, '\'21.\' printed at the foot of the title page.\r\nCropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (152, 3038, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 10, 15.7, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (153, 153, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 13, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (154, 154, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 26, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (155, 155, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 23, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (156, 156, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 30, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (157, 157, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (158, 158, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 36, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (159, 159, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 10, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (160, 160, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.35', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (161, 161, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 27, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (162, 162, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 9, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (163, 163, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 33, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (164, 164, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.38', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (165, 165, 'GUL', 'BG57-e.11', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (166, 166, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.26', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (167, 167, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 36, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (168, 168, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.12', 6, NULL, 'This is another copy, imperfect, wanting all after p. 12.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (169, 169, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.27', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (170, 170, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 27, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (171, 171, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 25, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (172, 172, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.19', 2, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (173, 173, 'GUL', 'BG57-e.11', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (174, 175, 'GUL', 'BG57-g.4', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (175, 176, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.27', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (176, 177, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (177, 178, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 29, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (178, 179, 'GUL', 'BE5-f.26', NULL, NULL, 'Calf binding.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (179, 180, 'GUL', 'BG56-l.16', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (180, 181, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 1, 16.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (181, 182, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 27, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (182, 465, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 8, 16.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (183, 184, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 12, 16, 'Cropped at top,'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (184, 185, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 48, 16, 'Cropped at top. Copy at Mu25-f.4'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (185, 186, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 31, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (186, 187, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.12', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (187, 188, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.35', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (188, 189, 'GUL', 'Mu7-i.43', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (189, 190, 'GUL', 'BG57-g.9', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (190, 191, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.27', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (191, 192, 'GUL', 'BG57-g.9', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (192, 193, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 10, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (193, 194, 'GUL', 'Bm20-g.2', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (194, 1913, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (195, 196, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (196, 197, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 31, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (197, 198, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 27, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (198, 199, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (199, 200, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 28, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (200, 201, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 29, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (201, 202, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 7, 14.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (202, 203, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 20, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (203, 204, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 9, 17.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (204, 205, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 32, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (205, 206, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 45, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (206, 207, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (207, 208, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (208, 209, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 33, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (209, 210, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 2, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (210, 211, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 19, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (211, 212, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.14', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (212, 213, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (213, 214, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 39, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (214, 215, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 31, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (215, 216, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 38, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (216, 217, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 31, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (217, 218, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 41, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (218, 219, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 15, 17.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (219, 220, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 14, 17, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (220, 221, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 7, 15.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (221, 222, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (222, 223, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (223, 224, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 10, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (224, 225, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 18, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (225, 226, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 37, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (226, 227, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (227, 228, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 21, 16.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (228, 229, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (229, 230, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (230, 231, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (231, 232, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (232, 233, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (233, 234, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 34, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (234, 235, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 28, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (235, 4037, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 34, 15.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (236, 237, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 37, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (237, 238, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 30, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (238, 239, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (239, 240, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 38, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (240, 241, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 29, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (241, 242, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (242, 243, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 29, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (243, 244, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (244, 245, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 3, 14.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (245, 246, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 15, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (246, 247, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 21, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (247, 248, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 34, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (248, 249, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 22, 16.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (249, 4051, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 1, 16.8, 'Cropped ast top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (250, 251, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (251, 252, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 10, 15.7, 'Cropped at top. Copy at BE3-h.10.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (252, 253, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 33, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (253, 4421, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 2, 15.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (254, 255, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 4, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (255, 256, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (256, 257, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 34, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (257, 258, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 40, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (258, 259, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (259, 260, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 34, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (260, 261, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 39, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (261, 262, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 37, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (262, 263, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (263, 264, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 42, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (264, 265, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 33, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (265, 266, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 27, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (266, 267, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 38, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (267, 268, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 32, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (268, 269, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 25, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (269, 270, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 23, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (270, 271, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (271, 272, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (272, 4422, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 3, NULL, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (273, 274, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 33, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (274, 275, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 26, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (275, 276, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.39', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (276, 277, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (278, 279, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (279, 280, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 30, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (280, 281, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (281, 282, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 28, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (282, 283, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (283, 284, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.9', 41, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (284, 285, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 18, 15.4, 'Cropped at top. Copy at Bh13-c.8, book no. 1638, is by Bowman, Newcastle-on-Tyne.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (285, 286, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 21, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (286, 287, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.10', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (287, 288, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (288, 289, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 34, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (289, 290, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (290, 291, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.12', 7, NULL, 'Imperfect, wanting all after p. 16'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (291, 292, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 32, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (292, 293, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.28', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (293, 294, 'GUL', 'Mu43-i.3', 4, NULL, 'Title page wanting'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (294, 295, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.38', 6, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (295, 296, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 26, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (296, 297, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (297, 298, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.27', 7, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (298, 299, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 6, 16.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (299, 300, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (300, 301, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 57, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (301, 302, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (302, 303, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.35', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (303, 304, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (304, 305, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.30', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (305, 306, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.36', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (306, 307, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 3, 17.2, 'Cropped at top. Parts 2 and 3 have call numbers Bh13-c.22 items 4-5.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (307, 308, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.1', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (308, 309, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 7, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (309, 310, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 5, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (310, 311, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (311, 312, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 1, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (312, 313, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.36', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (313, 314, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 5, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (314, 315, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.14', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (315, 316, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 8, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (316, 317, 'GUL', 'T.C.L. 1223', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (317, 318, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.1', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (318, 319, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 11, 18.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (319, 320, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 2, 15.4, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (320, 321, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (321, 322, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 1, 15.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (322, 323, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 3, 15.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom, pages unevenly folded'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (323, 324, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 23, 15.4, 'Cropped at top. Copy at BE3-h.11.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (324, 325, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (325, 326, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 38, 15.3, 'Cropped at top, front-back page fold uneven'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (326, 327, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.2', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (327, 328, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 20, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (328, 329, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.19', 3, 15.2, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (329, 330, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.2', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (330, 1147, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2359', 7, 14.6, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (331, 332, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.32', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (332, 333, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (333, 334, 'GUL', 'Mu56-h.29', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (334, 335, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 34, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (335, 336, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 4, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (336, 337, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (337, 338, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.33', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (338, 339, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 11, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (339, 340, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.14', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (340, 341, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (341, 3142, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 9, 15.5, 'Cropped at top,'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (342, 343, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (343, 344, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (344, 345, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (345, 346, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (346, 347, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 35, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (347, 1616, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (348, 349, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (349, 350, 'GUL', 'BG57-g.9', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (350, 351, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 41, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (351, 352, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 35, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (352, 353, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.2', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (353, 354, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (354, 355, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (355, 356, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (356, 357, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.14', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (357, 358, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 25, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (358, 359, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 27, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (359, 360, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 32, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (360, 361, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 23, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (361, 362, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (362, 363, 'GUL', 'Mu40-f.20', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (363, 364, 'GUL', 'Mu48-k.24', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (364, 365, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 26, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (365, 366, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (366, 367, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 6, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (367, 368, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.26', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (368, 369, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.36', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (369, 370, 'GUL', 'h.3.11', 4, 18.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (370, 371, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 9, 15.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (371, 372, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.2', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (372, 373, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.26', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (373, 374, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 3, 14.5, 'Cropped at top. Copy at BE3-h.10.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (374, 375, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 26, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (375, 376, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (376, 377, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (377, 378, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (378, 379, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (379, 380, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 39, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (380, 381, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (381, 382, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (382, 383, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.26', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (383, 384, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.15', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (384, 385, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.35', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (385, 386, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 31, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (386, 387, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 32, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (387, 388, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (388, 389, 'GUL', 'h.3.11', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (389, 390, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 20, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (390, 391, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (391, 392, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 29, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (392, 393, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 49, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (393, 394, 'GUL', 'Mu56-h.29', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (394, 3233, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 4, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (395, 396, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (396, 397, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (397, 398, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 20, 15.6, 'Cropped at top, Newcastle version at Bh13-c.8, book no. 1284'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (398, 399, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (399, 400, 'GUL', 'Mu26-c.58', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (400, 401, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 31, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (401, 402, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 21, 15.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (402, 1291, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.14', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (403, 404, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 22, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (404, 405, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 4, 17.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (405, 406, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.26', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (406, 407, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 22, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (407, 408, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.26', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (408, 409, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 21, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (409, 410, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 25, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (410, 411, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 54, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (411, 412, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.12', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (412, 413, 'GUL', 'h.3.11', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (413, 414, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 47, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (414, 415, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.36', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (415, 416, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.32', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1, 1, 'GUL', 'Mu31-d.37', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2, 2, 'GUL', 'Mu40-h.26', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3, 3, 'GUL', 'Mu45-i.12', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4, 4, 'GUL', 'Af-c.7', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5, 5, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.28', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6, 6, 'GUL', 'Mu1-f.43', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7, 7, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.26', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (8, 8, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.27', 9, NULL, 'Library copy imperfect: pp. 9-10 torn, affecting text. - Euing'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (9, 9, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.14', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (10, 10, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.36', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (11, 11, 'GUL', 'Mu47-f.33', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (12, 12, 'GUL', 'Mu49-g.1', NULL, NULL, 'Imperfect.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (13, 13, 'GUL', 'Mu49-i.13', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (14, 14, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (15, 15, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 34, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (16, 16, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (17, 17, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (18, 18, 'GUL', 'Mu1-i.33', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (19, 19, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 12, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (20, 20, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.9', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (21, 21, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 11, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (22, 22, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (23, 23, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (24, 24, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (25, 25, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.23', 7, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (26, 26, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 10, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (27, 27, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 4, 16.3, 'Cropped at top. Copy at BE3-h.8.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (28, 28, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 25, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (29, 29, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (30, 30, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (31, 31, 'GUL', 'Mu49-h.31', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (32, 32, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.9', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (33, 33, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (34, 34, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (35, 35, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 8, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (36, 36, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 23, 14.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (37, 37, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (38, 38, 'GUL', 'Mu34-i.25', NULL, NULL, 'xvi, 90 p.,'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (39, 39, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.10', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (40, 40, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.12', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (41, 41, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.39', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (42, 42, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 14, NULL, 'In text: Fair Ellen.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (43, 43, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 35, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (44, 44, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 27, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (45, 519, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 16, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (46, 46, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 37, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (47, 47, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 16, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (48, 48, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 10, NULL, '8 p.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (49, 49, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 8, NULL, '8 p.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (50, 50, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (51, 51, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 43, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (52, 52, 'GUL', 'BG57-e.11', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (53, 53, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.9', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (54, 54, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (55, 55, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 26, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (56, 56, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (57, 57, 'GUL', 'BG57-g.4', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (58, 58, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.27', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (59, 59, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (60, 60, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.26', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (61, 61, 'GUL', 'Mu1-f.43', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (62, 62, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 33, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (63, 63, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 56, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (64, 64, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 20, 15.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (65, 65, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 32, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (66, 66, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 31, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (67, 67, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.46', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (68, 68, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 1, 15.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (69, 69, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (70, 70, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 36, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (71, 71, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 30, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (72, 72, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.9', 54, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (73, 73, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (74, 74, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.35', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (75, 75, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (76, 76, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 30, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (77, 77, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (78, 78, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 18, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (79, 79, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 40, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (80, 80, 'GUL', 'Mu56-h.28', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (81, 81, 'GUL', 'Mu15-i.28', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (82, 82, 'GUL', 'Mu56-i.2', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (83, 83, 'GUL', 'Mu40-h.31', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (84, 84, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 55, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (85, 85, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.9', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (86, 86, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.14', 3, NULL, '125.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (87, 87, 'GUL', 'Mu40-h.31', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (88, 88, 'GUL', 'Mu47-g.34', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (89, 89, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (90, 90, 'GUL', 'Mu31-e.27', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (91, 3131, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (92, 92, 'GUL', 'Mu56-h.18', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (93, 93, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.35', 12, NULL, 'Signed: W.C.B'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (94, 94, 'GUL', 'BG57-g.9', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (95, 95, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 40, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (96, 96, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.9', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (97, 97, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 1, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (98, 98, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 20, 15.7, 'Cropped at top. Copy at BE3-h.10.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (99, 99, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.35', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (100, 100, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.30', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (101, 101, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.35', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (102, 102, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 13, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (103, 103, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 6, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (104, 104, 'GUL', 'Mu40-f.20', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (105, 105, 'GUL', 'Mu40-f.20', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (106, 106, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 6, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (107, 107, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 11, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (108, 108, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2350', 15, 15.8, 'Cropped at top. Imperfect copy at Mu25-f.35'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (109, 109, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (110, 110, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (111, 111, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.36', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (112, 112, 'GUL', 'Bh12-f.42', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (113, 113, 'GUL', 'Bh12-f.42', 3, NULL, 'Pp 11-12 wanting.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (114, 114, 'GUL', 'Bh12-f.42', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (115, 115, 'GUL', 'Bh12-f.42', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (116, 116, 'GUL', 'Bh12-f.42', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (117, 117, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (118, 118, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (119, 119, 'GUL', 'Bh12-f.40', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (120, 120, 'GUL', 'Mu56-h.29', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (121, 121, 'GUL', 'Mu41-c.6', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (122, 122, 'GUL', 'Mu49-h.30', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (123, 123, 'GUL', 'Mu48-k.24', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (124, 124, 'GUL', 'Mu45-i.13', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (125, 125, 'GUL', 'Mu56-h.29', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (126, 126, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (127, 127, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.9', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (128, 4036, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 33, 15.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (129, 129, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 17, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (130, 130, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 25, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (131, 131, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 25, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (132, 4024, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (133, 133, 'GUL', 'Mu33-h.13', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (134, 134, 'GUL', 'Mu33-h.13', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (135, 135, 'GUL', 'Mu31-d.37', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (136, 136, 'GUL', 'Mu40-h.25', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (137, 137, 'GUL', 'Mu1-f.43', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (138, 138, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (139, 139, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 28, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (140, 140, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (416, 417, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.19', 11, 14.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (417, 418, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.38', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (418, 419, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.37', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (419, 420, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.37', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (420, 421, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.31', 5, 13.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (421, 422, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 51, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (422, 423, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 3, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (423, 424, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 25, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (424, 425, 'GUL', 'Mu36-h.19', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (425, 426, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.27', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (426, 427, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 9, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (427, 428, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (428, 429, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.1', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (429, 430, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (430, 431, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.36', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (431, 432, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.1', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (432, 433, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (433, 434, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.15', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (434, 435, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.15', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (435, 436, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (436, 437, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.28', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (437, 438, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (438, 439, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (439, 440, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (440, 441, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (441, 442, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (442, 443, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 39, 16.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (443, 444, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.32', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (444, 445, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.27', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (445, 446, 'GUL', 'BG56-l.15', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (446, 447, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.27', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (447, 448, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (448, 449, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.35', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (449, 450, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (450, 451, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 46, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (451, 452, 'GUL', 'Mu40-f.20', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (452, 453, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.16', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (453, 454, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 1, 14.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (454, 455, 'GUL', 'Mu43-i.3', 2, 14.5, 'Lacks pp 17-24.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (455, 456, 'GUL', 'Mu33-h.20', NULL, 12.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (456, 457, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.27', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (457, 458, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.27', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (458, 459, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.10', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (459, 1082, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.10', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (460, 461, 'GUL', 'BG57-g.9', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (461, 462, 'GUL', 'Mu45-g.29', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (462, 463, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 24, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (463, 464, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (464, 465, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (465, 466, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 42, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (466, 467, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (467, 468, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (468, 469, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 43, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (469, 470, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 26, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (470, 471, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 19, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (471, 472, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 46, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (472, 473, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.10', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (473, 474, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.10', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (474, 475, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.1', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (475, 476, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.9', 25, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (476, 404, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 9, NULL, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (477, 478, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 40, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (478, 479, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 3, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (479, 480, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (480, 481, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 13, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (481, 482, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (482, 483, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 44, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (483, 482, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 19, 14.9, 'Cropped at top (head of title cut away)'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (484, 485, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 15, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (485, 486, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 26, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (486, 487, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 25, 16.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (487, 488, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 17, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (488, 489, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 27, 16.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (489, 490, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 18, 14.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (490, 491, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 36, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (491, 492, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 12, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (492, 493, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.19', 7, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (493, 494, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 16, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (494, 495, 'GUL', 'BG56-l.15', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (495, 496, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (496, 497, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 1, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (497, 498, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 17, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (498, 499, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.26', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (499, 500, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 6, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (500, 501, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (501, 502, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 9, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (502, 503, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.15', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (503, 504, 'GUL', 'BE5-f.25', NULL, 12.5, 'Modern paper wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (504, 505, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.27', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (505, 506, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 10, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (506, 507, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (507, 508, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.26', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (508, 509, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 4, NULL, 'Title page cropped immediately below border, so this could be the variant edition with \'118\' printed below border.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (509, 510, 'GUL', 'Mu53-g.39', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (510, 511, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (511, 512, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (512, 513, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.14', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (513, 514, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 35, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (514, 515, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (515, 516, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 30, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (516, 517, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (517, 518, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (518, 519, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 6, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (519, 520, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (520, 521, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (521, 522, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (522, 523, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (523, 524, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (524, 525, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (525, 526, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (526, 527, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 23, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (527, 528, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (528, 529, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (529, 530, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (530, 531, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 45, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (531, 532, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 13, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (532, 533, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.35', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (533, 534, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 19, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (534, 535, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (535, 536, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 5, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (536, 537, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.12', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (537, 538, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 29, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (538, 539, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.12', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (539, 2272, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (540, 541, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (541, 542, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 43, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (542, 543, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (543, 544, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (544, 545, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (545, 546, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 44, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (546, 547, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (547, 548, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.1', 5, NULL, '\'Vice\' is spelled \'Vic\' on title page of this copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (548, 549, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 14, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (549, 550, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 8, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (550, 551, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.40', 15, 15.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (551, 552, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.26', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (552, 553, 'GUL', 'Mu45-i.12', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (553, 554, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.2', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (554, 555, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 2, 16, 'Cropped at top. Copy at BE3-h.11.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (555, 556, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 8, 15.1, 'Cropped at top. Copy at BE3-h.10.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (556, 557, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 29, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (557, 558, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (558, 559, 'GUL', 'BG57-l.15', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (559, 560, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.28', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (560, 561, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (561, 562, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (562, 563, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (563, 564, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.2', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (564, 565, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.19', 4, 14.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (565, 566, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.1', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (566, 567, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.1', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (567, 568, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 31, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (568, 569, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2359', 8, 14.6, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (569, 570, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 30, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (570, 571, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 19, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (571, 572, 'GUL', 'RB 1200', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (572, 573, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.39', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (573, 574, 'GUL', 'BG56-g.16', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (574, 575, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (575, 576, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 10, 17.7, 'Cropped top and bottom. Copy at BE3-h.8.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (576, 577, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 14, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (577, 578, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.2', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (578, 579, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.1', 1, 15.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (579, 580, 'GUL', 'h.3.11', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (580, 581, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.36', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (581, 582, 'GUL', 'Mu53-i.31', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (582, 583, 'GUL', 'Bh12-f.40', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (583, 584, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (584, 585, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.27', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (585, 586, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (586, 587, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 20, 14.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (587, 588, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.10', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (588, 589, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 15, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (589, 590, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (590, 591, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (591, 592, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (592, 593, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.2', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (593, 594, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 50, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (594, 595, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.12', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (595, 596, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (596, 597, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 34, 16.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (597, 598, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (598, 599, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 2, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (599, 600, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (600, 601, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 7, NULL, 'Lacks pp. 7-18 containing illustrations 11-34.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (601, 602, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (602, 603, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 37, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (603, 604, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (604, 717, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 32, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (605, 606, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (606, 607, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (607, 608, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (608, 609, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 45, 16.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (609, 610, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2308', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (610, 611, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (611, 612, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 38, 15.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (612, 613, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 8, NULL, '2 copies at BE3-h.4'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (613, 614, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 26, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (614, 615, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 29, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (615, 616, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (616, 617, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 10, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (617, 618, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (618, 619, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (619, 320, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 16, 14.9, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (620, 621, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (621, 622, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (622, 623, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 35, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (623, 624, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 643', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (624, 625, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 12, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (625, 626, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (626, 627, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2355', 8, 16.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (627, 628, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 23, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (628, 629, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (629, 630, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2355', 2, 13.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (630, 631, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (631, 3256, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 23, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (632, 633, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (633, 265, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 10, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (634, 635, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 53, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (635, 636, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 41, 16.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (636, 4022, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 3, 15.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (637, 638, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2355', 7, 16.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (638, 639, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 43, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (639, 640, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 50, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (640, 641, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 25, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (641, 642, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (642, 643, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 23, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (643, 644, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 36, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (644, 645, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2355', 14, 16.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (645, 646, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2306', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (646, 647, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2355', 10, 16.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (647, 648, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (648, 649, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (649, 650, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (650, 651, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 29, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (651, 652, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 50, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (652, 653, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2355', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (653, 654, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (654, 655, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 32, 14.9, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (655, 656, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 21, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (656, 657, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2355', 11, 16.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (657, 658, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (658, 659, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 33, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (659, 660, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (660, 661, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (661, 662, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 36, NULL, '\'51\' printed beneath the imprint.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (662, 663, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 45, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (663, 664, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 3, 13.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (664, 665, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 48, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (665, 666, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 52, NULL, '\'37.\' printed to the left of the imprint.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (666, 4527, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 39, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (667, 668, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 46, 16.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (668, 669, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 40, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (669, 670, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 2, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (670, 671, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (671, 672, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (672, 673, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 34, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (673, 674, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 46, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (674, 675, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 30, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (675, 676, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (676, 1635, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 38, 14.9, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (677, 678, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (678, 679, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2355', 13, 16.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (679, 680, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 46, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (680, 681, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 49, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (681, 682, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 33, 16.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (682, 683, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 31, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (683, 684, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (684, 2007, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 44, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (685, 686, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (686, 687, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 40, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (687, 688, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 14, 15.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (688, 689, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 11, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (689, 690, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2355', 6, 15.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (690, 691, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2355', 5, 15.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (691, 692, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2355', 1, 13.5, 'Pasted in blue card cover'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (692, 693, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2355', 3, 14.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (693, 694, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 48, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (694, 695, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (695, 696, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (696, 697, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 26, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (697, 698, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 28, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (698, 699, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (699, 700, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 1, 11.6, 'Full book size approx. 7.5 cm wide x 11.8 cm deep (allowing for cropping)'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (700, 701, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 42, NULL, '\'19\' printed at foot of title page.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (701, 702, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 54, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (702, 703, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (703, 704, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (704, 705, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 40, 16.4, 'Cropped at top. Inscription on last page: Mrs Robert Nicol.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (705, 706, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 31, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (706, 707, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2359', 13, 14.6, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (707, 3252, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 17, 14.9, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (708, 709, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 29, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (709, 710, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 32, 16.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (710, 711, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.38', 11, 16.5, 'Book printed by half-sheet imposition; these 2 copies folded and bound without separation. Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (711, 712, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (712, 3616, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (713, 714, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2355', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (714, 4521, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2358', 15, 16.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (715, 716, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 9, 15.7, 'Cropped at top. copy at Sp Coll 2535.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (716, 717, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 42, NULL, 'Dated Paisley version at Bh13-d.27, book no. 1159'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (717, 718, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 47, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (718, 719, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.33', 2, 9.8, 'Plain pink wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (719, 720, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.38', 3, 16.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (720, 721, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 19, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (721, 722, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 4, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (722, 723, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.40', 9, 14.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (723, 724, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 14, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (724, 725, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 2, 17.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (725, 726, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 17, 16.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (726, 727, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 3, 17.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (727, 728, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.40', 13, 14.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (728, 729, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 21, 16.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (729, 730, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 2, 15.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (730, 731, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.14', 7, 18.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (731, 732, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 20, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (732, 733, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 5, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (733, 734, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 34, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (734, 735, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 10, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (735, 736, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.31', 5, 9.9, 'Blue wrappers, pasted down, with illustration \'John Bull, Spaniard\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (736, 737, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.28/9', NULL, 12, 'Green wrappers.\r\n1 of 10 in slipcase entitled: Lumsden\'s toy books.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (737, 738, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.39', 1, 16.4, 'Cropped at top. Copy defaced by crossings out of individual words.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (738, 739, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 3, 15.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (739, 740, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.13', 9, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (740, 741, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 23, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (741, 742, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 25, 16.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (742, 743, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 18, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (743, 1838, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 5, 16.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (744, 2436, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.38', 7, 17.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (745, 746, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 8, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (746, 747, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 28, 14.8, 'Cropped at top into type area on some pages, damage to centre of last page and lower outside corner, no title page.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (747, 748, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 22, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (748, 749, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 1, 16.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (749, 750, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 21, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (750, 751, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 6, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (751, 752, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.38', 4, 16.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (752, 753, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.40', 3, 16.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (753, 754, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 33, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (754, 755, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 13, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (755, 756, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 38, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (756, 757, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 1, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (757, 758, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 15, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (758, 759, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 9, 14.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (759, 760, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.37', 14, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (760, 761, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.40', 1, 15.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (761, 762, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 34, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (762, 763, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 11, 14.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (763, 1597, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (764, 765, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 4, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (765, 766, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 25, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (766, 767, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 40, 15, 'Cropped top and bootom, page folds uneven.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (767, 768, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.37', 11, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (768, 2237, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 21, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (769, 770, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 29, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (770, 771, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 6, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (771, 772, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 21, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (772, 773, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 27, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (773, 773, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (774, 775, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 41, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (775, 776, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 61, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (776, 777, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 25, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (777, 778, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 8, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (778, 779, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 31, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (779, 780, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 3, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (780, 781, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.28/3', NULL, 13.2, 'Grey-purple wrappers; pink label.\r\n1 of 10 in slipcase entitled: Lumsden\'s toy books.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (781, 782, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 11, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (782, 783, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 11, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (783, 784, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 15, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (784, 785, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 1, 17.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (785, 786, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 30, 16.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (786, 787, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 23, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (787, 788, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.38', 2, 16.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (788, 252, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 19, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (789, 2764, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 25, 16.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (790, 791, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 1, 14.3, 'Cropped top and part bottom, fold uneven'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (791, 792, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 24, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (792, 793, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 23, 14.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (793, 794, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 10, 16.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (794, 795, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 21, 17.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (795, 796, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 2, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (796, 797, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 44, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (797, 798, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 24, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (798, 799, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 8, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (799, 800, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 17, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (800, 801, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 5, 17.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (801, 802, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 23, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (802, 803, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 14, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (803, 804, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 45, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (804, 805, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 20, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (805, 806, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 14, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (806, 807, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 7, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (807, 808, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 11, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (808, 809, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 13, 14.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (809, 810, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 6, 16.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (810, 811, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 8, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (811, 812, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 9, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (812, 813, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 1, 16.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (813, 814, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 37, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (814, 815, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 10, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (815, 816, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 19, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (816, 817, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 9, 13.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (817, 818, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 43, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom, page folds uneven.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (818, 819, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.13', 7, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (819, 820, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 71, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (820, 821, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 6, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (821, 822, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 17, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (822, 823, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 22, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (823, 824, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 7, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (824, 825, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 12, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (825, 826, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 2, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (826, 827, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 16, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (827, 828, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.17', NULL, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom, was possibly originally hard-bound - appeared to be stich-bound in about 12 folios.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (828, 829, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 5, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (829, 830, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 18, 14.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (830, 831, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 7, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (831, 832, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 18, 16.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (832, 833, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 6, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (833, 1093, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 14, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (834, 835, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 69, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (835, 836, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 62, 14.3, 'Pages 7-8 appear to be missing, Hey Jonnie Coup not here (see title), Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (836, 338, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 23, 14.1, 'Cropped at bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (837, 838, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 4, 16.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (838, 839, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.13', 4, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (839, 840, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 13, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (840, 841, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.34', 4, 10.2, 'Yellow wrappers.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (841, 842, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.31', 2, 9.9, 'Blue wrappers, with illustration of \'Queen Josephine\' on front, \'Emperor Nappy\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (842, 843, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.30', 2, 11.3, 'No wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (843, 844, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 57, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (844, 845, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 45, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (845, 846, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 17, 17.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (846, 847, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.13', 8, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (847, 848, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 3, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (848, 849, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 4, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (849, 850, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.32', 7, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (850, 851, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 16, 14.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (851, 852, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 11, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (852, 853, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 50, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (853, 854, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 61, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (854, 855, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 53, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (855, 856, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 52, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (856, 857, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 57, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (857, 858, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 14, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (858, 859, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.38', 3, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (859, 860, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 14, 17.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (860, 861, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 2, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (861, 862, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 26, 16.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (862, 863, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.38', 7, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (863, 864, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 25, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (864, 865, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 51, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (865, 866, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.31', 6, 9.9, 'Yellow wrappers, with illustration of horseman on front, \'The bad boy\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (866, 867, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 4, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom trims into print area.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (867, 868, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.6', 4, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom, has a paper cover.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (868, 869, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.38', 11, 15.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (869, 870, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 8, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (870, 871, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 29, 17.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (871, 872, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 31, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (872, 873, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 16, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (873, 874, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.40', 10, 12.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (874, 875, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 28, 17.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (875, 876, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 12, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (876, 877, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 6, 14.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (877, 878, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.21', NULL, NULL, 'Missing.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (878, 879, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.29/2', NULL, 13.7, 'Pink wrappers, black label.\r\n1 of 7 in slipcase entitled: Lumsden\'s toy books.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (879, 880, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 16, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (880, 881, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 19, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (881, 882, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 12, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (882, 883, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 7, 17.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (883, 884, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 14, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (884, 885, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.29/1', NULL, 13.5, 'Yellow wrappers.\r\n1 of 7 in slipcase entitled: Lumsden\'s toy books.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (885, 886, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 50, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (886, 887, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.39', 11, 16.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (887, 888, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 14, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (888, 889, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 7, 15, 'Cropped at top into page numbers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (889, 890, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 36, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (890, 891, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 51, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (891, 892, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.40', 5, 17.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (892, 893, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 15, 14.3, 'Cropped, pages unevenly folded.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (893, 894, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 69, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (894, 895, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 3, 17.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (895, 896, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 60, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (896, 897, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 40, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (897, 898, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 33, 14.2, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (898, 899, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 29, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (899, 900, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 17, 16.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (900, 901, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 25, 16.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (901, 902, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 20, 17.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (902, 903, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 18, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (903, 904, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.30', 1, 13, 'Blue-grey wrappers, probably supplied later by binder, with illustration \'Mr Franklin\' pasted on front.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (904, 905, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 6, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (905, 906, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 58, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (906, 907, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 16, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (907, 908, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 18, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (908, 909, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 14, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (909, 910, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 3, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (910, 911, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.28/4', NULL, 13.1, 'Pink wrappers.\r\n1 of 10 in slipcase entitled: Lumsden\'s toy books.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (911, 912, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 4, 17.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (912, 913, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.14', 3, 18.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (913, 914, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.14', 5, 17.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (914, 915, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 8, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (915, 916, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 39, 14.2, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (916, 917, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 22, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (917, 918, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 18, 16.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (918, 919, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 19, 16.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (919, 920, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 23, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (920, 921, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 44, 14.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (921, 922, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.38', 12, 16, 'Cropped at top, pages unevenly trimmed at outside edge.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (922, 923, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 19, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (923, 924, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 40, 16.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (924, 925, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 16, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (925, 926, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 68, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (926, 927, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 22, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (927, 928, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 12, 14.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (928, 929, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 12, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (929, 930, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 67, 16.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (930, 931, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.39', 3, 16.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (931, 932, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 15, 16.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (932, 933, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.6', 1, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom, has a facing page (book probably had a paper cover)'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (933, 934, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.39', 5, 17.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (934, 935, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 55, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (935, 936, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 20, 14.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (936, 937, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 12, 16.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (937, 938, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.13', 3, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (938, 939, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 60, 14.2, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (939, 940, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 65, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (940, 941, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 22, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (941, 942, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 1, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (942, 943, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 22, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (943, 944, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 54, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (944, 945, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 7, 16.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (945, 946, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 14, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (946, 947, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 15, 17.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (947, 948, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 16, 16.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (948, 949, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 17, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (949, 950, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 52, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (950, 951, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 26, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (951, 952, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 20, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (952, 953, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 21, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (953, 954, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 28, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (954, 955, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 28, 16.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (955, 956, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 15, 14.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (956, 957, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.38', 4, 15.5, 'Cropped at top, page folds uneven.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (957, 958, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 54, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (958, 959, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 37, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (959, 960, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 26, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (960, 961, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 14, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (961, 962, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 3, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (962, 963, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 20, 14.9, 'Cropped at top. Top corner, back page torn away.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (963, 964, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 35, 16.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (964, 965, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 12, NULL, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (965, 966, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 12, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (966, 967, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 13, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (967, 968, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 11, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (968, 969, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 3, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (969, 970, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 10, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (970, 971, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.38', 5, 16.2, 'Book printed by half-sheet imposition; these 2 copies folded and bound without separation. Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (971, 972, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 3, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (972, 973, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 10, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (973, 974, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 30, 14.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (974, 975, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 42, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (975, 976, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 8, 17.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (976, 977, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 8, 17.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (977, 978, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 22, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (978, 979, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 3, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (979, 980, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 8, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (980, 981, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 6, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (981, 982, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 9, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (982, 983, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 14, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (983, 984, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 27, 15, 'Cropped at top, bottom edge damaged.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (984, 985, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 10, 17.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (985, 986, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 11, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (986, 987, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 13, 17.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (987, 988, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 6, 13.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (988, 989, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 16, 16.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (989, 990, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 2, 15.2, 'Cropped at top, first leaf damaged.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (990, 991, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 10, 16.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (991, 992, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 12, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (992, 993, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 23, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (993, 994, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 31, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (994, 995, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 3, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (995, 996, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.1', 7, 16, 'Cropped at top, fold uneven'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (996, 997, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 24, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (997, 998, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 8, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (998, 999, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 2, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (999, 1000, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 19, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1000, 1001, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 7, 14.3, 'G1004-1921.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1001, 1002, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 32, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1002, 1003, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 11, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1003, 1004, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 8, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1004, 1005, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 7, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1005, 1006, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 28, 15.5, 'Cropped at top, back page damaged at bottom outer corner.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1006, 1007, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 6, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1007, 1008, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 13, 14, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1008, 1009, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 15, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1009, 1010, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 27, 16.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1010, 1011, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 13, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1011, 1012, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 7, 15.8, 'Cropped at top, damage to bottom corner of page 3/4.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1012, 1013, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 35, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1013, 1014, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 15, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1014, 1015, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 11, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1015, 1016, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 29, 17, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1016, 1017, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 18, 16.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1017, 1018, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 10, 17.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1018, 1019, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.33', 1, 9.9, 'Blue-grey wrappers.\r\nCropped and gilded at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1019, 1020, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 9, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1020, 1021, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 13, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1021, 1022, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.31', 4, 9.9, 'Pale yellow wrappers, with illustration of \'Queen Josephine\' on front, \'Emperor Nappy\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1022, 1023, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.32', 2, 16.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1023, 1024, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.32', 11, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1024, 1025, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 16, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1025, 1026, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 4, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1026, 1027, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 2, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1027, 1028, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 12, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1028, 1029, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 11, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1029, 1030, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 10, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1030, 1031, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 12, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1031, 1032, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 5, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1032, 1033, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.37', 7, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1033, 1034, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 5, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1034, 1035, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 14, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1035, 1036, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 43, 14.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1036, 1037, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.31', 4, 13.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1037, 1038, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 1, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1038, 1039, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 25, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1039, 1040, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 13, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1040, 1041, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 25, 14.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1041, 1042, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 13, 16.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1042, 1043, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 11, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1043, 1044, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 7, 17, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1044, 1045, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.13', 16, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1045, 1046, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.19', 8, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1046, 1047, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.23', 1, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1047, 1048, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 22, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1048, 1049, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 12, 16.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1049, 1050, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.1', 4, 17, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1050, 1051, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.23', 3, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1051, 1053, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.1', 2, 17, 'Cropped at top; page folds variable;'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1052, 1054, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 4, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1053, 1055, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1054, 1056, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.19', 10, 15.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1055, 1057, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 16, 17.2, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1056, 1058, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 9, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1057, 1059, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 1, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1058, 1060, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.1', 3, 17, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1059, 1061, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 7, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1060, 1062, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 11, 17.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1061, 1063, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.23', 2, 16.2, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1062, 1064, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 3, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1063, 1065, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.1', 6, 17.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1064, 1066, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.26', NULL, 13.2, 'Copies at Bh13-c.22, Bh13-c.25'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1065, 1067, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.24', NULL, 12.5, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1066, 1068, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1067, 1069, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 15, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1068, 1070, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.23', 4, 16.2, 'Cropped top and bottom. Copy at Bh13-d.36'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1070, 1072, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.23', 5, 16.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1071, 1073, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 14, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1072, 1074, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.1', 5, 16.9, 'Cropped at top. p. 2 blank.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1073, 1075, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 2, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1074, 1076, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 17, 15.7, 'flawed copy: page sequence runs: 1, 4, 9, 12, 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24. Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1075, 1077, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 6, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1076, 1078, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 1, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1077, 1079, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 2, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1078, 1080, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 28, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1079, 1081, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 8, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1080, 1082, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.14', 4, 18, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1081, 1083, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 10, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1082, 1084, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 3, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1083, 1085, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 15, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1084, 1086, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 5, 15.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1085, 1087, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 2, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1086, 1088, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 19, 14, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1087, 1089, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 2, 16.5, 'Cropped at top, several hand-written annotations.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1088, 1090, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 27, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1089, 1091, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 43, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1090, 1092, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 21, 16.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1091, 1093, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 25, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1092, 1094, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.28/8', NULL, 12, 'Green wrappers.\r\n1 of 10 in slipcase entitled: Lumsden\'s toy books.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1093, 1095, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 20, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1094, 1096, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 18, 17.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1095, 1097, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.13', 15, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1096, 1098, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.28/7', NULL, 12.2, 'Green wrappers.\r\n1 of 10 in slipcase entitled: Lumsden\'s toy books.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1097, 1099, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.19', 1, 15.4, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1098, 1101, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 1, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1099, 311, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 20, 15.5, 'Not found at Bh13-c.11 (November 1999)'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1100, 1103, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 10, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1101, 1104, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 1, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1102, 1105, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 12, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1103, 1106, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.38', 2, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1104, 1107, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 5, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1105, 1108, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.32', 9, 17.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1106, 1109, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 4, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1107, 1110, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 18, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1108, 1111, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.28/5', NULL, 12.6, 'Grey-blue wrappers.\r\n1 of 10 in slipcase entitled: Lumsden\'s toy books.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1109, 1112, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 17, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1110, 1113, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 2, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1111, 1114, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 3, 16.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1112, 1115, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 22, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1113, 1116, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.32', 10, 17.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1114, 1117, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.13', 11, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1115, 1118, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.37', 6, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1116, 1119, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.35', 6, 10, 'Blue wrappers, with illustration \'Oyster Nan, a French cook\' at back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1117, 1120, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.39', 7, 17.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1118, 1121, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.37', 9, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1119, 1122, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 3, 16.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1120, 1123, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.32', 4, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1121, 1124, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 8, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1122, 1125, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.29/6', NULL, 13.5, 'Pink wrappers.\r\n1 of 7 in slipcase entitled: Lumsden\'s toy books.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1123, 1126, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.32', 12, 17.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1124, 1127, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.37', 4, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1125, 1128, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 2, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1126, 1129, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.37', 1, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1127, 1130, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 1, 17, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1128, 1131, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.6', 6, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom, has a paper cover.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1129, 1132, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 20, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1130, 1133, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 5, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1131, 1134, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.37', 3, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1132, 1135, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 4, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1133, 1136, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 2, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1134, 1137, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 3, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1135, 1138, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 26, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1136, 1139, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.37', 16, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1137, 1140, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.39', 10, 17.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1138, 1141, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.29/5', NULL, 13.6, 'Pink wrappers.\r\n1 of 7 in slipcase entitled: Lumsden\'s toy books.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1139, 1142, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 17, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1140, 1143, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.40', 14, 13.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1141, 1144, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.37', 2, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1142, 1145, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 8, 17.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1143, 1146, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 2, 16.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1144, 1147, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 23, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1145, 1148, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.31', 1, 9.9, 'Blue wrappers, with illustration of knight on horseback on front, \'Lord Nelson\' and \'Britaion expects every man will do his duty\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1146, 1149, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.14', 1, 18, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1147, 1150, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 10, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1148, 1704, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1149, 1152, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 15, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1150, 1153, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 64, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom nipping print area.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1151, 1154, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 17, 14.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1152, 2764, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 25, 16.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1153, 1156, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 9, 16.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1154, 1157, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 1, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1155, 1158, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 39, 16.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1156, 1159, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 10, 16.2, 'Cropped at top. - Glasgow version at Sp. Coll 2349, book no. 717'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1157, 1160, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.31', 3, 13.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1158, 1161, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 16, 14.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1159, 1162, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 68, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1160, 1163, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 17, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1161, 1164, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 29, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1162, 1165, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 29, 14.8, 'Cropped at top, back page damaged.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1163, 1166, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 5, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1164, 1167, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 46, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1165, 1168, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 30, NULL, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1166, 1169, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 38, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1167, 1170, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 7, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1168, 1171, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.40', 4, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1169, 1172, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 21, 16.6, 'Cropped at top, pages enevenly folded.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1170, 1173, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 23, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1171, 1174, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 16, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1172, 1175, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 34, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1173, 1176, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 3, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1174, 1177, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 6, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1175, 1178, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 19, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1176, 1179, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 35, 16.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1177, 1180, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 14, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1178, 1181, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 65, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1179, 1182, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 9, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1180, 1183, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 39, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1181, 1184, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 63, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1182, 1185, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 1, 12.2, 'Cropped all around.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1183, 1186, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 7, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1184, 1187, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 64, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1185, 1188, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 3, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1186, 1189, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 6, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1187, 1190, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.37', 10, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1188, 1191, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 13, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1189, 1192, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 18, 14.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1190, 1193, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 48, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1191, 1194, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 24, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1192, 1195, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 3, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1193, 1196, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 23, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1194, 1197, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 48, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1195, 1198, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 13, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1196, 1199, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 17, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1197, 1200, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 24, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1198, 1201, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 2, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1199, 1202, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 62, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1200, 1203, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.13', 5, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1201, 1204, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 22, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1202, 1205, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 5, 17.5, 'A fragment - page numbers are 14-16 (front page not numbered). Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1203, 1206, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.40', 6, 16.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1204, 1207, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.19', 5, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1205, 1208, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 21, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1206, 1209, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 1, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1207, 1210, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 45, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1208, 1211, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 11, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1209, 1212, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 19, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1210, 1213, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 8, 17.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1211, 1214, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 7, 15.4, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1212, 1215, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 5, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1213, 1216, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 1, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1214, 1217, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 4, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1215, 1218, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 9, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1216, 1219, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.38', 10, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1217, 1221, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.13', 10, 14.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1218, 1222, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 5, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1219, 1223, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 37, 17.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1220, 1224, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 16, 16.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1221, 1225, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.37', 13, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1222, 1226, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 1, 15.5, 'Cropped top and bottom.Includes a list of 19 \'penny histories\''); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1223, 1227, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.40', 16, 16.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1224, 1228, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 3, 15.5, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1225, 1229, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 32, 16.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1226, 1230, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 7, 17.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1227, 1231, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 11, 17.4, 'Cropped at top, back page damaged.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1228, 1232, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 31, 17.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1229, 1233, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 61, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1230, 1234, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.40', 7, 16.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1231, 1235, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 25, 14.3, 'Cropped at top, pages unevenly folded'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1232, 1236, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 16, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1233, 1237, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 12, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1234, 1238, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 60, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1235, 1239, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 14, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1236, 1240, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 16, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1237, 1241, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 2, 17.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1238, 1242, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.13', 6, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1239, 1243, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 44, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1240, 1244, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 16, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1241, 1245, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 18, 15.3, 'Cropped at top. Copy at BE3-h.8.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1242, 1246, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 41, 17.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1243, 1247, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 7, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1244, 1248, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 39, 15, 'Damage to lower outer corner.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1245, 1249, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 7, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1246, 1250, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.37', 12, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1247, 1251, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 2, 17.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1248, 1252, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 4, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1249, 1253, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 17, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1250, 1254, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 38, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1251, 1256, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.40', 17, 16.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1252, 1257, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 64, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1253, 1258, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 11, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1254, 1259, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 4, 17.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1255, 1260, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 6, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1256, 1261, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 2, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1257, 1262, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 32, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1258, 1263, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.23', 6, 16.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1259, 1264, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.13', 1, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1260, 1265, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.33', 5, 9.1, 'Mottled brown/white wrappers. Pasted down.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1261, 1266, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.39', 12, 17.7, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1262, 1267, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.37', 8, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1263, 1268, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 6, 16.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1264, 1269, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.40', 11, 12.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1265, 1270, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 7, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1266, 1271, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 12, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1267, 1272, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 4, 16.8, 'Cropped at top, complete to page 22, last page(s) missing.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1268, 1273, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 21, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1269, 1274, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 28, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1270, 1275, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 58, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1271, 1276, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 47, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1272, 1277, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 40, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1273, 1278, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 17, 16.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1274, 1279, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 5, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1275, 1280, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 9, 16.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1276, 1281, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 26, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1277, 1282, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 57, 15.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1278, 1283, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.37', 17, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1279, 1284, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 17, 15.4, 'Cropped at top. - Copy at BE3-h.5. Glasgow version at Bh13-c.7, book no.398.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1280, 1285, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 3, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1281, 1286, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 15, 17.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1282, 4659, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.34', 1, 10.2, 'Blue-grey wrappers, with illustration \'Anger, laughter\' at back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1283, 1288, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 35, 14, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1284, 1289, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 32, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1285, 1290, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 1, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1286, 1291, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 10, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1287, 4025, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 5, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1288, 1293, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 8, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1289, 1294, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 8, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1290, 1295, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 15, 14.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1291, 1296, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 56, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1292, 1297, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 15, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1293, 1298, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 2, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1294, 1299, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 1, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1295, 1300, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 10, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1296, 1301, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 8, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1297, 1302, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 5, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1298, 1303, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.37', 18, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1299, 1304, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 3, 15.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom (some lines lost where bottom edge trimmed).'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1300, 1305, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 13, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1301, 1306, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 19, 15.9, 'Cropped at top. Page 5-6 missing.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1302, 1307, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 59, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1303, 1308, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 48, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1304, 1309, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 14, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1305, 1310, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 13, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1306, 1311, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 5, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1307, 1312, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 5, 13, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1308, 1313, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 76, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1309, 1314, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 10, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1310, 1315, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 1, 16.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1311, 1316, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 39, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1312, 1317, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 67, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1313, 1318, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 75, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1314, 1319, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 63, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom. Damage to lower outer corner, p 5-6.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1315, 1320, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 4, 15, '\'66\' printed beneath the imprint.\r\nCropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1316, 1321, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 24, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1317, 1322, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.16', NULL, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1318, 1323, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 2, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1319, 1324, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.6', 5, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom, has a facing page (book probably had a paper cover).'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1320, 1325, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 12, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1321, 1327, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 55, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1322, 1328, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 70, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1323, 1329, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 18, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1324, 1330, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 10, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1325, 1331, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.32', 1, 9.7, 'Pink wrappers.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1326, 1332, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 43, 14.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1327, 1333, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 28, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1328, 1334, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 18, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1329, 1335, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 74, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1330, 1336, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 4, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1331, 1337, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 29, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1332, 1338, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.28/10', NULL, 12, 'Grey wrappers.\r\n1 of 10 in slipcase entitled: Lumsden\'s toy books.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1333, 1339, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 24, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1334, 1340, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 9, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1335, 1341, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 21, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1336, 1342, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.14', 6, 18.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1337, 1343, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 14, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1338, 1344, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 54, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1339, 1345, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 14, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1340, 1346, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 20, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1341, 1347, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 30, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1342, 1348, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 44, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1343, 1349, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 6, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1344, 1350, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 19, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1345, 1351, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 32, 18.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1346, 1352, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 73, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1347, 1353, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 14, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom, uneven page folds.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1348, 1354, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 7, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1349, 1355, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 19, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1350, 1356, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 37, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1351, 1357, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.13', 13, 14.8, 'Cropped top and bottom. Another edition at Bh13-d.33.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1352, 1358, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.37', 5, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1353, 1359, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 35, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1354, 1360, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 13, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1355, 1361, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 11, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1356, 1362, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 5, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1357, 1363, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 65, 14.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1358, 1364, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 6, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1359, 1365, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 52, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1360, 1366, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 17, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1361, 1367, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 36, 16.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1362, 1368, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 1, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1363, 1369, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 2, 15, 'Imposition error in this copy: wrong pages interposed.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1364, 1370, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 16, 14.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1365, 1371, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 31, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1366, 1372, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 28, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1367, 1373, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 38, 16.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1368, 1374, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 8, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1369, 1375, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 7, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1370, 1376, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 49, 16.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1371, 1377, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 48, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1372, 1378, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.32', 6, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1373, 1379, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 19, 15.9, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1374, 1380, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 1, 16.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1375, 1381, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 36, 16.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1376, 1382, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.32', 1, 16.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1377, 1383, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 11, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1378, 1384, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 3, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1379, 1385, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 21, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1380, 1386, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 53, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1381, 1387, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 9, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1382, 1388, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.6', 2, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom, has a facing page (book probably had a paper cover).'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1383, 1389, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.6', 3, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom, has a facing page (book probably had a paper cover)'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1384, 1621, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 17, 16, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1385, 1391, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 4, 15.9, 'Cropped at top, pages 1/2 and 7/8 damaged.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1386, 1392, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.38', 12, 17, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1387, 1393, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 2, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1388, 1394, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 7, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1389, 1395, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.14', 2, 18.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1390, 1396, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 12, 15.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1391, 1397, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 21, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1392, 1398, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 34, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1393, 1399, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 22, 16.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1394, 1400, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 12, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1395, 1401, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 28, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1396, 1402, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 42, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1397, 1403, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 15, 16.5, 'Cropped at top, torn.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1398, 1404, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 22, 14.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1399, 1405, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 23, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1400, 1406, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 6, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1401, 1407, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 13, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1402, 1408, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 21, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1403, 1409, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 50, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1404, 1410, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.15', NULL, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1405, 1411, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 21, 15.9, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1406, 1412, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.13', 2, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1407, 1413, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 26, 14.5, 'Cropped at top, corners damaged.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1408, 1414, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.40', 2, 17.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1409, 1415, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 25, 17.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1410, 1416, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 47, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1411, 1417, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 24, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1412, 1418, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 4, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1413, 1419, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 10, 16.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1414, 1420, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 22, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1415, 1421, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 19, 14.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1416, 1422, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 21, 14.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1417, 1423, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 47, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1418, 1424, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 12, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1419, 1425, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 32, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1420, 1426, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 36, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1421, 1427, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 15, 15.9, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1422, 1428, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 10, 14.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1423, 1429, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.40', 12, 11.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1424, 1430, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 13, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1425, 1431, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 17, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1426, 1432, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 5, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1427, 1433, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 4, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1428, 1434, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 7, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1429, 1435, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 4, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1430, 1436, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 10, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1431, 1437, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 30, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1432, 2234, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 30, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1433, 1439, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 18, 14.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1434, 1440, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 16, 15.9, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1435, 4567, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 7, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1436, 1442, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 3, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1437, 1443, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 20, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1438, 1444, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 49, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1439, 1445, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 18, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1440, 1446, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 8, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1441, 1447, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 41, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1442, 1448, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 31, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1443, 1449, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 29, 14.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1444, 1450, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.29/3', NULL, 13.7, 'Pink wrappers.\r\n1 of 7 in slipcase entitled: Lumsden\'s toy books.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1445, 1451, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 15, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1446, 1452, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 8, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1447, 1453, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 7, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1448, 1454, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.37', 15, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1449, 1455, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 11, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1450, 1456, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 10, 17.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1451, 1457, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 2, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1452, 1458, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 9, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1453, 1459, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 4, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1454, 1460, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 11, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1455, 1461, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 32, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1456, 1462, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 9, 15, 'Cropped at top, pages damaged.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1457, 1507, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.31', 3, 10, 'Blue wrappers, pasred down, with illustration \'Merry cobbler,schoolmaster\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1458, 1037, 'GUL', 'BD1-i.67', 4, 15.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1459, 1465, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 6, 16.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1460, 1466, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 13, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1461, 1467, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 2, 16.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1462, 1468, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 71, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1463, 1469, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 22, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1464, 1470, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 16, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1465, 1471, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 47, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1466, 1472, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 21, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1467, 1473, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 22, 15.6, 'Cropped at top. Copy at BE3-h.8.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1468, 1474, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 9, 14.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1469, 1475, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 14, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1470, 1476, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 19, 15.5, 'Centre sheet (4 pages) missing.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1471, 1477, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 24, 14.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1472, 1478, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 35, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1473, 1479, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 1, 16.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1474, 1480, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 48, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1475, 1481, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 29, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1476, 1482, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 56, 14.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1477, 1483, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 49, 14.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1478, 1484, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 7, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1479, 1485, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 8, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1480, 4020, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 33, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1481, 1487, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 9, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1482, 1488, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 20, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1483, 1489, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 19, 16.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1484, 1490, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 26, 16.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1485, 1491, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 6, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1486, 1492, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 16, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1487, 1493, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 31, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1488, 1494, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.38', 10, 18, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1489, 1495, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 16, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1490, 1496, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 5, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1491, 1497, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 14, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1492, 1498, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 5, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1493, 1499, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 4, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1494, 1500, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 2, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1495, 1501, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 4, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1496, 1502, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 2, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1497, 1503, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 49, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1498, 1504, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 18, 14.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1499, 1505, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 14, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1500, 1506, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 2, 14.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1501, 1507, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.21', NULL, NULL, 'Missing.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1502, 1508, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.34', 2, 10.2, 'Drab wrappers, with illustration of \'Aunt Dorothy, Lady Hearty\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1503, 1509, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 63, 14.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1504, 1510, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 20, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1505, 1511, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 1, 14.5, 'Cropped at top (into print area on some pages).'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1506, 1512, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 7, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1507, 1513, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 21, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1508, 1514, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.38', 1, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1509, 1515, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 27, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1510, 1516, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 72, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1511, 1517, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.28/1', NULL, 13.4, 'Grey-green wrappers; pink label.\r\n1 of 10 in slipcase entitled: Lumsden\'s toy books.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1512, 1518, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 6, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1513, 1519, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 19, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1514, 1520, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 33, 14.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1515, 1521, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 11, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1516, 1522, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 25, 15.6, 'Title page missing. Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1517, 1523, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 37, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1518, 1524, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 27, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1519, 1525, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 2, 14.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1520, 1526, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 2, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1521, 1527, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 21, 15.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1522, 1528, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 13, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom, pages unevenly folded.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1523, 1529, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 56, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1524, 1530, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 21, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1525, 1531, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.32', 5, 30, 'Folded in bound volume of height 18.3 cm.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1526, 1532, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 20, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1527, 1533, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 18, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1528, 1534, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 3, 15.5, 'Cropped at top, outer edges of pages damaged, \'the humours of Glen\' is not included (pages missing?).'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1529, 1535, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 11, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1530, 1536, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 34, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1531, 1537, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 5, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1532, 1538, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 21, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1533, 1539, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 9, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1534, 1540, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 17, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1535, 1541, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 17, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1536, 1542, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 9, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1537, 1543, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 16, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1538, 1544, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.29/7', NULL, 13.4, 'Pink wrappers.\r\n1 of 7 in slipcase entitled: Lumsden\'s toy books.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1539, 1545, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.38', 9, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1540, 1546, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 9, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1541, 1547, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 13, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1542, 1548, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 11, 14.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1543, 1549, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 12, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1544, 1550, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.39', 6, 17.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1545, 1551, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.28/2', NULL, 13.8, 'Pale blue wrappers.\r\n1 of 10 in slipcase entitled: Lumsden\'s toy books.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1546, 1552, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 12, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1547, 1553, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 12, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1548, 1554, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 23, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1549, 1555, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 18, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1550, 1556, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 12, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1551, 1557, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 3, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1552, 1558, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 11, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1553, 1559, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 15, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1554, 1560, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 8, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1555, 1561, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 34, 14.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1556, 1562, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 17, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1557, 1563, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 3, 14.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1558, 1564, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 35, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1559, 1565, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 3, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1560, 1566, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.34', 5, 10.2, 'Blue wrappers.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1561, 1567, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.31', 7, 10, 'Blue-grey wrappers, pasted down, with illustration of man carrying sack at back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1562, 1568, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.35', 2, 10, 'Plain drab wrappers.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1563, 1569, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.33', 4, 10.1, 'Pink wrappers, with illustration \'Anger, laughter\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1564, 1570, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.30', 3, 13.8, 'Blue-grey wrappers, probably supplied later by binder.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1565, 1571, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 18, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1566, 1572, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 41, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1567, 1573, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 20, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1568, 1574, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.28/6', NULL, 14, 'Pink wrappers.\r\nCropped.\r\n1 of 10 in slipcase entitled: Lumsden\'s toy books.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1569, 1575, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 42, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1570, 1576, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 17, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1571, 1577, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 36, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1572, 2214, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 29, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1573, 1579, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.13', 14, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1574, 1580, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 24, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1575, 1581, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 19, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1576, 1582, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 10, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1577, 1583, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 66, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1578, 1584, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 16, 17.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1579, 1585, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.38', 5, 15.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1580, 1586, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 70, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1581, 1587, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 55, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1582, 1588, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 6, 15.9, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1583, 1589, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.13', 17, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1584, 1590, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 22, 16.4, 'Several pages uncut at bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1585, 1591, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 6, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1586, 1592, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 4, 15.9, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1587, 1593, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.39', 9, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1588, 1594, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 20, 14.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1589, 1595, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 28, 14.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1590, 1596, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 58, 14.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1591, 1597, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 5, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1592, 1598, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 3, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1593, 1599, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 10, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1594, 1600, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 3, 17.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1595, 1601, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 4, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1596, 1602, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.39', 2, 17.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1597, 1603, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 42, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1598, 1604, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 25, 14.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1599, 1605, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 17, 15.4, 'Cropped at top, incomplete ( last 2? Pages missing).'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1600, 1606, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 5, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1601, 1607, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 7, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1602, 1608, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 31, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1603, 1609, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 10, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1604, 1610, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 59, 14.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1605, 1611, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 16, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1606, 1612, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 16, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1607, 1613, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 16, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1608, 1614, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 9, 17.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1609, 1615, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 36, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1610, 1616, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 40, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1611, 1617, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 46, 14.3, 'Cropped top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1612, 1618, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 51, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1613, 1619, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 9, 14.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1614, 1620, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 32, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1615, 1621, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 11, 15.7, 'Cropped at top. Copy at BE3-h.8'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1616, 1622, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 12, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1617, 1623, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.4', 10, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1618, 1624, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 3, 14.8, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1619, 1625, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 9, 14.7, 'Cropped at top, trimming cuts into print area'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1620, 1626, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 19, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1621, 1627, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 20, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1622, 1622, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 14, 15.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1623, 1629, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 22, 15, 'Cropped at top, serious damage to this book which is little more than a fragment'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1624, 1630, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 23, 15, 'Cropped at top, serious damage, esp. to lower part of book'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1625, 543, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 13, 14.4, 'Cropped at top, damage to edges'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1626, 1632, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 41, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1627, 1633, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 45, 14.8, 'Cropped at top, damage to outer edge, esp. at lower outside corner.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1628, 1634, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 46, 15, 'A fragment: two printed pages badly damaged at outer edges, Cropped at top, unprinted front and back'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1629, 1635, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 7, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1630, 3247, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 8, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1631, 1637, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 12, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1632, 1638, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 13, 15.3, 'Cropped at top. See Glasgow version at Bh13.c-7, book no. 285'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1633, 1639, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 16, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1634, 1640, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 11, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1635, 1641, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 17, 15.4, 'Cropped at top. Copy at Be3-h.11.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1636, 1642, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.9', 18, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1637, 1643, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 5, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1638, 1644, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 6, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1639, 1645, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 10, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1640, 1646, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 12, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1641, 1647, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 13, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1642, 1648, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 14, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1643, 1649, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 15, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1644, 1650, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 17, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1645, 1651, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 18, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1646, 1652, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 19, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1647, 1653, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 23, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1648, 1654, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 26, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1649, 1655, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 27, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1650, 1656, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 28, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1651, 1657, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 30, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1652, 1658, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 33, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1653, 1659, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 35, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1654, 1660, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 38, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1655, 1661, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 3, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2530, 1895, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2351', 7, 15.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2531, 1896, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2351', 8, 15.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2532, 26, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (3)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2533, 668, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (4)', NULL, 12.9, 'Single sheet uncut but folded'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2534, 47, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (6))', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2535, 773, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (10)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2536, 50, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (11)', NULL, 11.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2537, 785, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (12)', NULL, 11.4, 'Single sheet uncut but folded'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2538, 59, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (13)', NULL, 11.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2539, 64, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (14)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2540, 71, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (17)', NULL, 11, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2541, 74, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (20)', NULL, 11.4, 'Single sheet uncut but folded'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2542, 78, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (224b)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2543, 807, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (23)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2544, 101, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (24)', NULL, 13, 'Single sheet uncut but folded'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2545, 809, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (25)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2546, 818, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (26)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2547, 822, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (28)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2548, 102, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (29)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2549, 830, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (30)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2550, 1241, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (35)', NULL, 17.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2551, 884, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (38)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2552, 184, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (40)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2553, 185, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (41)', NULL, 17.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2554, 905, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (42)', NULL, 14.7, 'Single sheet uncut but folded'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2555, 919, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (45)', NULL, 15.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2556, 202, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (46)', NULL, 17, 'Single sheet uncut but folded'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2557, 928, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (47)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2558, 929, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (48)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2559, 940, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (50)', NULL, 16.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2560, 972, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (51)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2561, 981, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (53)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2562, 252, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (54)', NULL, 15.3, 'Pages 4 & 5 have been transposed'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2563, 1034, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (61)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2564, 1084, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (63)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2565, 300, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (64)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2566, 1093, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (67)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2567, 305, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (68)', NULL, 15.3, '1 illustration'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2568, 323, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (70)', NULL, 15.4, 'Last page numbered 34, but work contains only 22 pages, no text missing.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2569, 332, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (72)', NULL, 17.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2570, 1174, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (77)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2571, 1182, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (78)', NULL, 15.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2572, 356, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (79)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2573, 1191, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (80)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2574, 366, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (81)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2575, 629, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (82)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2576, 1819, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (84)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2577, 1249, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (87)', NULL, 15.5, 'L.1 of \'Lovely Jean\' \'wind\' reads \'win\''); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2578, 1253, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (88)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2579, 404, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (92)', NULL, 16.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2580, 1879, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (93)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2581, 1301, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (94)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2582, 1307, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (95)', NULL, 16.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2583, 1897, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (1)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2584, 1899, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (5)', NULL, 15.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2585, 3131, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (7)', NULL, 16.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2586, 1898, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (2)', NULL, 15.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2587, 1901, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (8)', NULL, 17.1, 'folded uncut sheet'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2588, 1902, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (9)', NULL, 16.8, 'Very badly damaged; most of pp.5&6 and parts of pp.7&8 missing'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2589, 1903, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (15)', NULL, 16.9, 'Missing front page to p.5 & pp.39-42; p.110 last page'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2590, 1904, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (16)', NULL, 16.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2591, 1905, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (18)', NULL, 17.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2592, 1906, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (19)', NULL, 16.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2593, 1907, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (21)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2594, 1908, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (27)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2595, 1909, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (32)', NULL, 17.2, 'folded uncut sheet'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2596, 1910, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (33)', NULL, 15.5, 'Some ink annotations'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2597, 1912, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (36)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2598, 1913, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (43)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2599, 1914, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (49)', NULL, 16.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2600, 1915, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (52)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2601, 1916, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (55)', NULL, 15.7, 'Pages disbound'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2602, 1917, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (56)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2603, 1918, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (62)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2604, 1919, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (65)', NULL, 16.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2605, 1920, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (66)', NULL, 17.4, 'folded uncut sheet'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2606, 602, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (69)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2607, 1922, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (71)', NULL, 15.3, 'pages uncut'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2608, 1923, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (73)', NULL, 15.8, 'folded uncut sheet'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2609, 1924, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (74)', NULL, 17.5, 'folded uncut sheet'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2610, 1925, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (75)', NULL, 17.3, 'folded uncut sheet'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2611, 1926, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (76)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2612, 1927, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (85)', NULL, 16.7, 'bottom half of pp23 & 24 missing'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2613, 1928, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (86)', NULL, 17.6, 'pages partially disbound'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2614, 1929, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (89)', NULL, 16.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2615, 1930, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (90)', NULL, 16.8, 'Pages trimmed so first word of title missing.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2616, 1931, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (91)', NULL, 17.1, 'folded uncut sheet'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2617, 1932, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (31)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2618, 1933, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (96)', NULL, 16.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2619, 1934, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (97)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2620, 1935, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (98)', NULL, 17, 'folded uncut sheet'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2621, 1936, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (99)', NULL, 17, 'folded uncut sheet'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2622, 1937, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (100)', NULL, 16.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2623, 1938, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (101)', NULL, 15.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2624, 1911, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (34)', NULL, 16.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2625, 145, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (105)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2626, 454, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (116)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2627, 1381, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (118)', NULL, 15.9, 'Pages 7&8 missing; pasges 3-6 badly damaged'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2628, 1597, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (120)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2629, 428, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (121)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2630, 1339, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (129)', NULL, 15.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2631, 492, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (131)', NULL, 15.2, 'Bottom part of front page with imprint details missing & bottom part of p.2 5th verse of \'Braes of Galloway\''); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2632, 299, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (146)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2633, 1608, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (149)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2634, 586, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (150)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2635, 3616, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (151)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2636, 1404, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (157)', NULL, 15.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2637, 465, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (158)', NULL, 15.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2638, 496, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (160)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2639, 528, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (161)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2640, 636, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (162)', NULL, 17.2, 'Folded, uncut sheet'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2641, 613, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (163)', NULL, 17.2, 'Folded, uncut sheet'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2642, 538, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (164)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2643, 1532, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (165)', NULL, 15.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2644, 1552, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (167)', NULL, 15.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2645, 1878, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (169)', NULL, 15.4, 'In title \'Country\' spelt Kintra; no.130 in series'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2646, 1571, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (170)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2647, 612, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (175)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2648, 1291, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (179)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2649, 1320, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (181)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2650, 1217, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (184)', NULL, 15.4, 'pp. 11-16 uncut at bottom edge and misnumbered from p.13. No.165 in series'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2651, 1260, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (185)', NULL, 16.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2652, 324, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (189)', NULL, 15.6, 'Bound with Part II; pp.7-10 bottom edge uncut'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2653, 648, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (189)', NULL, 15.5, 'Bound with Part I'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2654, 146, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (193)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2655, 26, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.L6', 8, 16.3, 'Former owner: W.L. Lorimer'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2656, 771, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 4, 15.8, 'Mavor Collection'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2657, 773, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.L6', 1, 15.8, 'Former owner: W.L. Lorimer'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2658, 775, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 5, 15.8, 'Mavor collection'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2659, 47, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.L6', 10, 15.6, 'Former owner: W.L. Lorimer'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2660, 791, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 58, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2661, 56, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 1, 16.3, 'Donated by Paisley Public Library'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2662, 56, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 2, 15.9, 'Donated by Paisley Public Library'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2663, 64, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 8, 15.8, 'Mavor Collection'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2664, 804, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 53, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2665, 606, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 9, 15.7, 'Mavor Collection'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2666, 78, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 10, 14.3, 'Mavor Collection'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2667, 101, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.A2', 15, 16.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2668, 830, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 12, 15.2, 'Mavor Collection'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2669, 613, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.A2', 5, 16.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2670, 872, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 60, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2671, 877, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 56, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2672, 884, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P3', 3, 16.1, 'Donated by Paisley Public Library'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2673, 898, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 61, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2674, 899, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 26, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2675, 907, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 6, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2676, 621, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.J2', 4, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2677, 1913, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 19, 15.3, 'Mavor Collection'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2678, 919, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 24, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2679, 919, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.T4', 5, 15.7, 'Donated by Mrs Margaret Thomson'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2680, 220, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 72, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2681, 221, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 39, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2682, 943, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 5, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2683, 219, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 34, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2684, 219, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 73, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2685, 224, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 54, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2686, 225, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 29, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2687, 956, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.F2', 9, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2688, 956, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 50, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2689, 228, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 71, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2690, 995, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.F2', 4, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2691, 995, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 51, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2692, 244, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 41, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2693, 245, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 15, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2694, 247, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.B5', 5, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2695, 249, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 32, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2696, 998, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.F2', 10, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2697, 998, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 52, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2698, 1034, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 22, 15.7, 'Mavor Collection'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2699, 1084, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 5, 15.5, 'Donated by Paisley Public Library'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2700, 299, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.L6', 5, 15.8, 'Former owner: W.L. Lorimer'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2701, 300, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 6, 16.5, 'Donated by Paisley Public Library'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2702, 300, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 7, 15.3, 'Mavor Collection'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2703, 1088, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 55, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2704, 1091, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 69, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2705, 1092, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.L6', 16, 15.6, 'Former owner: W.L. Lorimer'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2706, 1619, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 59, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2707, 1093, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 23, 15.9, 'Mavor Collection'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2708, 1113, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.B5', 6, 15.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2709, 1124, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 8, 16, 'Donated by Paisley Public Library'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2710, 1135, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 25, 16.3, 'Mavor Collection'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2711, 1155, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 21, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2712, 338, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.L6', 14, 15.1, 'Former owner: W.L. Lorimer'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2713, 338, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 9, 17, 'Donated by Paisley Public Library'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2714, 338, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 10, 16, 'Donated by Paisley Public Library'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2715, 1161, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 68, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2716, 674, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.J2', 10, 15.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2717, 1168, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 17, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2718, 1211, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 14, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2719, 1214, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.B5', 8, 15.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2720, 367, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.L6', 4, 15.4, 'Former owner: W.L. Lorimer'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2721, 374, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 31, 15.3, 'Mavor Collection'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2722, 1147, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.B5', 9, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2723, 1339, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.T4', 4, 15.2, 'Donated by Mrs Margaret Thomson'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2724, 1339, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 16, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2725, 1288, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 49, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2726, 668, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.A2', 9, 16.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2727, 609, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.A2', 7, 16.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2728, 1353, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 38, 15.4, 'Mavor Collection'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2729, 1250, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 42, 16.8, 'Mavor Collection'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2730, 454, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 15, 15.5, 'Donated by Paisley Public Library'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2731, 1404, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 16, 14.1, 'Donated by Paisley Public Library'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2732, 1637, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.B5', 2, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2733, 1417, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 18, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2734, 480, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 9, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2735, 482, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 70, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2736, 481, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 30, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2737, 1420, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.F2', 6, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2738, 1420, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 42, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2739, 1421, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 46, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2740, 1422, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 63, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2741, 1430, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.F2', 2, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2742, 1430, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 67, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2743, 1431, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.F2', 5, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2744, 1431, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 33, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2745, 1431, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 43, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2746, 1431, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.L6', 13, 14.9, 'Former owner: W.L. Lorimer'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2747, 487, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 12, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2748, 489, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 13, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2749, 490, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 74, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2750, 1437, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 7, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2751, 1439, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.F2', 8, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2752, 1439, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 44, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2753, 496, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.L6', 11, 15.6, 'Former owner: W.L. Lorimer'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2754, 1451, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.B5', 12, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2755, 1484, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 62, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2756, 1488, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 19, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2757, 1489, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 22, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2758, 1493, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 8, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2759, 100, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.L6', 2, 15.5, 'Former owner: W.L. Lorimer'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2760, 636, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.A2', 12, 16.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2761, 1513, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 25, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2762, 2272, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 20, 15.9, 'Donated by Paisley Public Library'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2763, 2272, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 21, 15, 'Donated by Paisley Public Library'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2764, 1532, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 2, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2765, 1559, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 11, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2766, 1559, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.T4', 3, 16, 'Donated by Mrs Margaret Thomson'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2767, 271, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.J2', 2, 15.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2768, 587, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.L6', 3, 15.7, 'Former owner: W.L. Lorimer'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2769, 1608, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 55, 15.3, 'Mavor Collection'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2770, 1608, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 56, 15.1, 'Mavor Collection'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2771, 1608, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 22, 16.7, 'Donated by Paisley Public Library'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2772, 596, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 24, 16.7, 'Donated by Paisley Public Library'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2773, 596, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 25, 16.3, 'Donated by Paisley Public Library'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2774, 1421, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.F2', 7, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2775, 743, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 31, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2776, 743, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.T4', 1, 15.9, 'Donated by Mrs Margaret Thomson'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2777, 638, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 12, 15.8, 'Donated by Paisley Public Library'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2778, 428, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.T4', 8, 17.5, 'Donated by Mrs Margaret Thomson'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2779, 1504, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 65, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2780, 1528, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 19, 16.2, 'Donated by Paisley Public Library'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2781, 1898, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 2, 15.7, 'Mavor Collection'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2782, 1901, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.A2', 8, 16.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2783, 1905, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.A2', 3, 16.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2784, 1909, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.A2', 4, 16.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2785, 202, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.A2', 1, 16.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2786, 252, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 4, 16.3, 'Donated by Paisley Public Library'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2787, 1920, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.A2', 14, 16.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2788, 1931, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.A2', 10, 16.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2789, 1997, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 3, 15.4, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2790, 1616, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 48, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2791, 492, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 37, 15.4, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2792, 500, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.B5', 11, 15.5, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2793, 1998, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.J2', 9, 15.6, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2794, 705, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.J2', 8, 15.6, 'Cropped top and bottom; series number partly missing.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2795, 1452, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.B5', 3, 15.5, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2796, 1640, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.B5', 7, 15.5, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2797, 485, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.B5', 13, 15.6, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2798, 485, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.L6', 15, 15.4, 'Copy notes: cropped at bottom. Former owner: W.L. Lorimer.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2799, 1939, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 102', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2800, 1940, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 104', NULL, 16.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2801, 1941, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 106', NULL, 17.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2802, 1942, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 107', NULL, 15.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2803, 1943, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 108', NULL, 16.5, 'Pages 5 & 6 missing covering \'And sae will we yet\' and part of \'The Harper of Mull\' and'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2804, 1944, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 108', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2805, 1945, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 111', NULL, 16.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2806, 1946, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 112', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2807, 1947, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 114', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2808, 1948, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 115', NULL, 16.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2809, 1949, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 117', NULL, 15.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2810, 1950, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 119', NULL, 17.2, 'Folded, uncut sheet'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2811, 1951, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 124', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2812, 1952, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 125', NULL, 15.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2813, 1953, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 126', NULL, 17.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2814, 1955, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 128', NULL, 16.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2815, 1954, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 127', NULL, 15.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2816, 1956, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 130', NULL, 15.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2817, 1957, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 132', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2818, 1958, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 133', NULL, 15.8, 'Folded, uncut sheet'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2819, 1959, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 134', NULL, 16, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2820, 1960, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 135', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2821, 1961, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 136', NULL, 16.3, 'Pages partially disbound'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2822, 1962, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 137', NULL, 16.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2823, 1963, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 138', NULL, 15.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2824, 1964, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 139', NULL, 16.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2825, 1965, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 140', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2826, 1966, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 141', NULL, 16.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2827, 1967, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 142', NULL, 16.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2828, 1968, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 143', NULL, 16.5, 'Pages disbound'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2829, 1969, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 144', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2830, 1970, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 145', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2831, 1971, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 147', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2832, 1972, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 148', NULL, 16.8, 'Folded, uncut sheet'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2833, 1973, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 152', NULL, 17.5, 'Folded, uncut sheet'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2834, 1974, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 153', NULL, 17.2, 'Folded, uncut sheet'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2835, 1975, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 154', NULL, 15.5, 'Pages partially disbound'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2836, 1976, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 155', NULL, 15.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2837, 1977, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 156', NULL, 17.2, 'Pages 7&8 missing covering part of \'A New SONG, call\'d, Sleepy Davy.\' and the whole of \'Britons to Arms\''); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2838, 1978, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 159', NULL, 16.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2839, 1979, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 166', NULL, 16, 'Last 2 lines of \'To a Milliner\' are incomplete'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2840, 1980, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 168', NULL, 15.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2841, 1981, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 171', NULL, 16.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2842, 1982, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 172', NULL, 17.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2843, 1983, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 173', NULL, 17.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2844, 1984, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 174', NULL, 16.4, 'Last line on title page and p.7 cropped'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2845, 1985, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 176', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2846, 1986, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 177', NULL, 16.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2847, 1987, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 178', NULL, 17, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2848, 1988, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 180', NULL, 18.7, 'pp. 21-24 top edge uncut'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2849, 1989, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 182', NULL, 18.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2850, 1990, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 186', NULL, 17.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2851, 1991, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 187', NULL, 17.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2852, 1992, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 183', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2853, 1993, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 188', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2854, 1994, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 190', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2855, 1995, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 (C4) 191', NULL, 17.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2856, 1641, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (194)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2857, 1046, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (196)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2858, 1217, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (200)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2859, 1885, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (201)', NULL, 15, 'Pages out of sequence due to incorrect folding'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2860, 703, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (206)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2861, 534, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (209)', NULL, 15, 'No.78 in series'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2862, 534, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (211)', NULL, 15, 'No.78 in series'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2863, 407, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (221)', NULL, 14.9, 'No.132 in series'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2864, 384, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (212)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2865, 402, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (214)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2866, 615, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (215)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2867, 442, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (216)', NULL, 15.1, 'First line \' ha\'f\' reads \'half\''); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2868, 1622, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (222)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2869, 285, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (218)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2870, 621, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (220)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2871, 129, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (223)', NULL, 15.1, 'Pages 1-4 repaired'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2872, 465, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (224)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2873, 299, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (225)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2874, 271, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (226)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2875, 494, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (227)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2876, 1147, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (229)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2877, 697, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (235)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2879, 1884, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (238)', NULL, 15.1, 'In \'The History..Cat\' \'proceding\' reads as \'proceeding\'; \'Perseverance Against Fortune\' = 9.5 pages; In \'The Birth-Day Gift\' L.3 reads \'indolence\' not \'indulgence\''); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2880, 615, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (243)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2881, 589, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (247)', NULL, 15.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2882, 519, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (248)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2883, 409, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (249)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2884, 1999, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (192)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2885, 2000, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (197)', NULL, 17.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2886, 2001, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (198)', NULL, 14.9, 'Incomplete'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2887, 2002, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (199)', NULL, 15.8, 'pp.17-24 partially uncut'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2888, 2003, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (202)', NULL, 14.9, 'pp.13-24 uncut'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2889, 2004, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (203)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2890, 2005, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (204)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2891, 2006, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (205)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2892, 2007, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (207)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2893, 2008, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (208)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2894, 2009, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (210)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2895, 2010, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (213)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2896, 2011, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (217)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2897, 2012, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (219)', NULL, 15.1, 'Last line of pages 7 & 19 cropped'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2898, 2013, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (228)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2899, 2014, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (230)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2900, 2015, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (232)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2901, 2016, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (233)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2902, 2017, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (234)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2903, 2018, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (237)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2904, 2020, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (240)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2905, 2019, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (239)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1656, 1662, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.20', NULL, 12.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1657, 1663, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 8, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1658, 1664, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 13, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1659, 1665, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 21, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1660, 1666, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 27, 14.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1661, 1667, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 30, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1662, 1668, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 37, 16.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1663, 1669, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 6, 15.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1664, 1670, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 40, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1665, 1671, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.1', 41, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1666, 4026, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 6, 15.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1667, 1673, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 6, 15.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1668, 1674, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 14, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1669, 1675, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 15, 15.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1670, 1676, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 16, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1671, 1677, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 18, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1672, 1678, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 21, 15.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1673, 1679, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 23, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1674, 1680, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 24, 15.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1675, 1681, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 26, 16.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1676, 1682, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 27, 16.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1677, 1683, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 30, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1678, 1684, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 33, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1679, 1685, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 39, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1680, 1686, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 53, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1681, 1688, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 1, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1682, 1689, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 12, 14.9, 'Cropped at top, unever folding'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1683, 1690, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 1, 15, 'Cropped at top, some damage to copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1684, 481, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 17, 16, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1685, 1692, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 2, 14.7, 'Cropped at top, back page soiled'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1686, 1693, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 4, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1687, 1694, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 5, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1688, 1695, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 6, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1689, 1697, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 9, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1690, 1698, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 10, 15.3, 'Cropped at top - into print area on some pages'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1691, 1699, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 11, 16.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1692, 1700, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 12, 15.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1693, 1701, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 13, 14.5, 'Cropped at top - into print area on some pages'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1694, 1702, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 14, 14.7, 'Cropped at top - into print area on some pages'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1695, 1703, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 15, 14.7, 'Cropped at top - into print area on some pages'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1696, 118, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 15, 16, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1697, 1705, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 18, 14.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1698, 1706, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 20, 14.8, 'Cropped at top, some damage to copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1699, 1707, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 21, 14.7, 'Cropped at top, carries handwritten marks and signature: James Horn August 24 1809'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1700, 1708, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 24, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1701, 1709, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 26, 14.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1702, 1710, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 27, 14.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1703, 1711, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 28, 15.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1704, 1712, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 29, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1705, 1713, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 30, 14.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1706, 1714, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 31, 15.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1707, 1715, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 32, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1708, 1716, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 33, 15.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1709, 1717, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 34, 15.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1710, 1718, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 36, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1711, 1719, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 37, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1712, 1720, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 40, 17.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1713, 1489, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 2, 14.9, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1714, 1724, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 45, 14.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1715, 1725, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 1, 15.1, 'Cropped at top - into print area on some pages'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1716, 1726, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 71, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1717, 1727, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 3, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1718, 1730, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 4, 14.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1719, 1731, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 5, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1720, 1732, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 6, 14.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1721, 1733, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 8, 14.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1722, 1736, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 9, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1723, 1737, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 10, 14.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1724, 1738, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 11, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1725, 1739, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 12, 15.5, 'Cropped at top, into print area of pages 3-6'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1726, 1740, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 13, 15.3, 'Cropped at top, into print area of pages 3-6'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1727, 1741, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 14, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1728, 1742, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 15, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1729, 1743, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 16, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1730, 1744, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 17, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1731, 1745, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 19, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1732, 1746, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 20, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1733, 1747, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 21, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1734, 1748, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 23, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1735, 1749, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 23, 16.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1736, 1750, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 24, 14.7, 'Cropped at top (into print area, pages 3-8)'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1737, 1751, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 26, 14.7, 'Cropped at top (into print area, pages 3-7)'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1738, 1752, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 28, 14.5, 'Cropped at top (into print area)'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1739, 1753, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 29, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1740, 1754, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 30, 14.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1741, 1755, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 31, 14.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1742, 1756, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 32, 14.6, 'Cropped at top (into print area)'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1743, 1757, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 33, 14.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1744, 1758, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 34, 14.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1745, 1759, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 36, 14.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1746, 1760, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 37, 14.6, 'Cropped at top into print area on pages 3-6'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1747, 1761, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 38, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1748, 1762, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 39, 14.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1749, 1763, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 40, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1750, 1764, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 41, 14.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1751, 1765, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 44, 15.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1752, 1766, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 46, 17.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1753, 1767, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 47, 16.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1754, 1768, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 48, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1755, 1769, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 49, 14.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1756, 1770, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 50, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1757, 1771, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 51, 14.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1758, 1772, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 52, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1759, 1773, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 54, 14.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1760, 1774, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 55, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1761, 1775, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 56, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1762, 1776, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 57, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1763, 1777, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 59, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1764, 1778, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 60, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1765, 1779, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 62, 14.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1766, 1780, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 63, 14.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1767, 1781, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 64, 14.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1768, 1782, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 65, 14.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1769, 1787, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 66, 14.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1770, 1788, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 67, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1771, 1789, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 68, 14.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1772, 1790, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 69, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1773, 1791, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 70, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1774, 1792, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 2, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1775, 1793, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 72, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1776, 1794, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 73, 14.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1777, 1795, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 74, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1778, 1796, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 77, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1779, 1797, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 78, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1780, 1799, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 80, 15.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1781, 1800, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 82, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1782, 1801, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 83, 15.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1783, 1802, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 84, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1784, 1803, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 85, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1785, 1804, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 86, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1786, 1805, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 87, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1787, 1806, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 88, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1788, 1808, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 6, 15.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1789, 1809, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 18, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1790, 1810, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 5, 16.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1791, 1811, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 19, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1792, 1812, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 11, 15.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1793, 1813, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 1, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1794, 1814, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 7, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1795, 1816, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 15, 15.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1796, 1817, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 26, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1797, 1818, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 12, 14.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1798, 1819, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 4, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1799, 1820, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 17, 15, 'Cropped at top, top half of front page (page 1-2) lost'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1800, 1821, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 4, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1801, 1822, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 22, 15.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1802, 1823, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 1, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1803, 1824, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 3, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1804, 1825, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 5, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1805, 1826, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 6, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1806, 1827, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 7, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1807, 1828, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 8, 16.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1808, 1829, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.33', 9, 16.9, 'Cropped at top. Copy at Be3-h.2'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1809, 16, 'GUL', 'Mu22-c.18', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1810, 16, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1811, 16, 'GUL', 'Mu49-e.17', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1812, 17, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.46', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1813, 18, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.45', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1814, 18, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1815, 18, 'GUL', 'Mu15-i.28', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1816, 19, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 33, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1817, 21, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 12, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1818, 21, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 18, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1819, 26, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1820, 27, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1821, 30, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1822, 37, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 33, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1823, 37, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1824, 37, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1825, 38, 'GUL', 'Mu35-h.22', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1826, 38, 'GUL', 'Mu38-i.6', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1827, 39, 'GUL', 'Mu45-i.12', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1828, 1192, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 20, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1829, 42, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 18, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1830, 225, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 8, 14.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1831, 773, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1833, 773, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1834, 47, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 27, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1835, 50, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 27, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1836, 50, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1837, 54, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1838, 54, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1839, 54, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1840, 55, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1841, 1536, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 14, 15.5, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1842, 56, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.12', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1843, 56, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1844, 56, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1845, 56, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1846, 56, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1847, 56, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1848, 56, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 17, 14.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1849, 59, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1850, 59, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 27, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1851, 59, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 28, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1852, 64, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1853, 64, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 23, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1854, 67, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1855, 71, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 36, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1856, 71, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1857, 1829, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2346', 9, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1858, 1622, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 10, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1859, 1621, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 11, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1860, 78, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 21, 15.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1861, 1881, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 39, 14.9, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1862, 78, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1863, 78, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1864, 78, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 17, 15.8, 'Cropped at top. Copy at Mu25-f.30.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1865, 81, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1866, 86, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1867, 98, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1868, 98, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1869, 99, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2350', 18, 16.3, 'Cropped top and bottom. Wider than most chapbooks: 12.7 cm. Numeral \'18\' pencilled above imprint.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1870, 100, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1871, 100, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1872, 100, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1873, 102, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1874, 102, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1875, 102, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1876, 103, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.33', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1877, 103, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1878, 106, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1879, 338, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 4, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1880, 118, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1881, 118, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2350', 14, 16.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1882, 3381, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2350', 13, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1883, 119, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1884, 121, 'GUL', 'Mu26-c.57', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1885, 129, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1886, 129, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1887, 137, 'GUL', 'Mu40-h.31', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1888, 146, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1889, 146, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 35, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1890, 1048, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.16', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1891, 1048, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 2, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1892, 153, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2359', 5, 14.6, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1893, 154, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1894, 159, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1895, 159, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.26', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1896, 162, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2350', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1897, 162, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 36, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1898, 164, 'GUL', 'BD1-i.67', 2, NULL, 'Euing copy, inscribed in ink: \'Glasgow Printed 1820.\''); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1899, 4414, 'GUL', 'Mu56-f.4', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1900, 172, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 20, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1901, 898, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1902, 435, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 45, 14.9, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1903, 184, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1904, 184, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1905, 187, 'GUL', 'Mu48-k.24', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1906, 193, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1907, 193, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2358', 10, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1908, 193, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1909, 1913, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 9, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1910, 1913, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1911, 1913, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1912, 1913, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1913, 196, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1914, 196, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 10, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1915, 196, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1916, 203, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 36, 16.3, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1917, 204, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.26', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1918, 209, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1919, 209, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1920, 209, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 23, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1921, 211, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1922, 212, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 34, 15.5, 'Cover woodcut hand coloured. Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1923, 214, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 27, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1924, 219, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1925, 220, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1926, 228, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1927, 247, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 51, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1928, 247, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 6, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1929, 249, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1930, 252, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1931, 252, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1932, 271, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 44, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1933, 276, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1934, 278, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1935, 292, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1936, 292, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1937, 292, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1938, 292, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1939, 295, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2359', 9, 14.6, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1940, 297, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1941, 297, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 23, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1942, 297, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1943, 1473, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 1, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1944, 299, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1945, 299, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1946, 3242, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 27, 14.9, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1947, 299, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 25, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1948, 300, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1949, 300, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1950, 300, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1951, 300, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 28, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1952, 302, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1953, 302, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1954, 302, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1955, 519, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 9, 14.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1956, 1619, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 24, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1957, 1571, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 13, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1958, 305, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1959, 305, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1960, 305, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1961, 309, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2350', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1962, 309, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 8, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1963, 309, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2358', 9, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1964, 310, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1965, 310, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 39, 15.4, 'Cropped at top. 2 copies bound at BE3-h.4'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1966, 310, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1967, 310, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1968, 839, 'GUL', 'h.3.11', 7, 18.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1969, 311, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 24, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1970, 311, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.33', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1971, 312, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1972, 314, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1973, 319, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 27, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1974, 319, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.33', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1975, 320, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2359', 4, 14.6, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1976, 321, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1977, 322, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1978, 328, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 37, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1979, 328, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 10, 15.6, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1980, 329, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 22, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1981, 338, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2350', 8, 16.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1982, 338, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1983, 338, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1984, 338, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1985, 338, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1986, 1621, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 9, 14.9, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1987, 338, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 19, 16.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1988, 338, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 26, 16.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1989, 338, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1990, 185, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 15, 15.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1991, 4146, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.35', 2, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1992, 108, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.35', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1993, 339, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 31, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1994, 339, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 28, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1995, 340, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1996, 340, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 25, NULL, 'Dated 1839'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1997, 341, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1998, 310, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 22, 14.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (1999, 341, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2000, 341, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2350', 17, 15.5, 'Cropped at top. Copies at BE3-h.5 and Bh13-c.18.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2001, 250, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 18, 15.8, 'Cropped top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2002, 343, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2003, 4016, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 3, 16.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2004, 1616, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 46, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2005, 4027, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 7, 15.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2006, 1616, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2007, 351, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2008, 351, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2009, 352, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 17, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2010, 352, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2011, 352, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2012, 352, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2013, 356, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.12', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2014, 356, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 42, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2015, 356, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2016, 356, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2017, 356, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 18, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2018, 364, 'GUL', 'Mu2-g.27/17', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2019, 364, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 26, 16.4, 'Cropped top and bottom. Imprint cut away.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2020, 366, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 12, 16, 'Cropped at top. Copy at Sp Coll 2353.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2021, 367, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2022, 367, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 18, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2023, 371, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 30, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2024, 371, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2025, 373, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2026, 374, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2027, 384, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 52, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2028, 391, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2029, 392, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 31, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2030, 1642, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 33, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2031, 396, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2032, 396, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2033, 396, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2034, 1291, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.16', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2035, 316, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 5, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2036, 1619, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2037, 409, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2038, 845, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2039, 409, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2040, 409, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2041, 409, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2042, 410, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.11', 32, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2043, 410, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2044, 4565, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2045, 418, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.31', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2046, 418, 'GUL', 'BD1-i.67', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2047, 419, 'GUL', 'BD1-i.67', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2048, 419, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.31', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2049, 420, 'GUL', 'BD1-i.67', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2050, 421, 'GUL', 'BD1-i.67', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2051, 429, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.2', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2052, 429, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.12', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2053, 434, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 51, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2054, 441, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.12', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2055, 4028, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 8, 15.7, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2056, 441, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2057, 441, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2058, 4029, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 9, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2059, 4018, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 6, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2060, 442, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 5, 15.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2061, 4018, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 20, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2062, 450, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2063, 454, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2064, 454, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.12', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2065, 454, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 1, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2066, 454, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2067, 454, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2068, 454, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2069, 454, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 27, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2070, 4192, 'GUL', 'Mu43-i.3', 3, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2071, 4191, 'GUL', 'Mu43-i.3', 1, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2072, 465, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2073, 465, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 13, 16.1, 'Copped at top. Copy at Bh13-d.20.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2074, 4023, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 47, 14.9, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2075, 465, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 23, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2076, 471, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 32, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2077, 477, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2078, 480, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2079, 481, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2080, 485, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 41, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2081, 486, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2082, 487, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2083, 489, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.34', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2084, 493, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 28, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2085, 493, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 16, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2086, 1631, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 55, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2087, 496, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2088, 500, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 43, 14.6, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2089, 502, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2090, 506, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 54, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2091, 506, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 35, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2092, 507, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 29, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2093, 3141, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2094, 513, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.7', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2095, 513, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 1165', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2096, 513, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 26, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2097, 519, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2098, 519, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2350', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2099, 519, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2100, 519, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 38, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Copies at BE3-h.5 and BE3-h.8'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2101, 519, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2102, 519, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2103, 519, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2104, 519, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2105, 528, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 19, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2106, 528, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2107, 528, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2108, 532, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 35, 15.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2109, 534, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 16, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2110, 534, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 41, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2111, 538, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 30, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2112, 538, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2113, 538, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2114, 538, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 25, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2115, 2272, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2116, 2272, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2117, 2272, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 18, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2118, 2272, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 25, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2119, 2272, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2120, 2272, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 26, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2121, 4030, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 10, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2122, 549, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 38, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2123, 550, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 34, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2124, 550, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2125, 551, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2126, 556, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2127, 556, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2350', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2128, 556, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2129, 556, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 51, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Copies at BE3-h.5 and BE3-h.8.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2130, 556, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2131, 556, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2132, 556, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2133, 556, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2134, 565, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2359', 2, 14.5, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2135, 3381, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.3', 9, 17.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2136, 1884, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 53, 14.9, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2137, 576, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2350', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2138, 576, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 29, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2139, 577, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 47, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2140, 577, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 30, 15, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2141, 577, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2142, 577, 'GUL', 'Mu41-g.35', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2143, 586, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2144, 586, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.30', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2145, 587, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2146, 587, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 15, 15, 'Cropped at top. Copy at BE3-h.10.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2147, 589, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2350', 7, 15.6, 'Cropped at top. Copy at Bh13-c.18.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2148, 589, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 26, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2149, 589, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2150, 589, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2151, 153, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 14, 14.9, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2152, 589, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 13, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2153, 1495, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 4, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2154, 589, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2155, 589, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2156, 589, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2157, 596, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 52, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2158, 596, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2159, 596, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2160, 596, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2161, 608, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 29, 15.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2162, 613, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 44, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2163, 639, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 37, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2164, 648, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2165, 650, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 23, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2166, 3247, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 4, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2167, 661, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 12, 14.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2168, 681, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 13, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2169, 697, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 30, 15.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2170, 699, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2358', 14, 13.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2171, 711, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 31, 15.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2172, 972, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 6, NULL, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2173, 715, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2359', 1, 14.1, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2174, 719, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.34', 8, 9.7, 'Plain grey-green wrappers.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2175, 719, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.36', 2, 9.7, 'Blue-grey wrappers.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2176, 736, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.32', 3, 10, 'Grey wrappers, with illustration \'Oyster Nan, a French cook\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2177, 736, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.34', 3, 10, 'Purple wrappers, with illustration \'Anger, laughter\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2178, 736, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.35', 5, 10.1, 'Drab wrappers, with illustration \'John Bull, Spaniard\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2179, 739, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 8, NULL, 'Cropped at top. Lower righthand corner of t.p. torn off; part of text missing on verso.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2180, 741, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 32, NULL, 'Cropped at top..'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2181, 743, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2182, 763, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2183, 764, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2184, 4031, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 11, 15.3, 'Cropped ast top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2185, 767, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2186, 2237, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 37, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2187, 771, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 47, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2188, 4032, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 26, 15.9, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2189, 773, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2190, 773, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2191, 773, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.1', 8, 16.3, 'Unevenly folded. Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2192, 1552, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2193, 787, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 41, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2194, 787, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2195, 338, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 9, 16.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2196, 790, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 26, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2197, 791, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2198, 791, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2199, 804, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2200, 804, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2201, 804, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2202, 805, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2203, 805, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2204, 809, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2205, 809, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2206, 822, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2207, 822, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2208, 825, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.29', 20, NULL, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2209, 830, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2210, 484, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 5, NULL, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2211, 842, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.34', 7, 10.2, 'Blue wrappers, with illustration of \'The cobbler in his stall\' on front, \'Darry and his wife Joan\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2212, 842, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.37', 3, 10.3, 'Lacks wrappers. Cropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2213, 845, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2214, 3601, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 3, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2215, 4022, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.19', 12, 15.4, 'Cropped at top. Copy at BE3-h.5'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2216, 863, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2217, 866, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.32', 4, 10, 'Blue wrappers, with illustration \'Harrowing\' on front, \'Ploughing\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2218, 866, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.35', 4, 9.7, 'Blue wrappers, with illustration of man driving pig on front, \'Tommy Playlove, and his little dog,Pompey\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2219, 866, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.37', 2, 10.1, 'Blue wrappers, with illustration of sunrise over landscape on front, \'The moon, refulgent lamp of night …\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2220, 866, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2357', 1, 10.3, 'Pink wrappers, with illustration of sunrise over landscape on front, \'The moon, refulgent lamp of night …\' on back.\r\nCropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2221, 872, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2222, 875, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.39', 8, 17.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2223, 877, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2224, 877, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2225, 884, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2226, 884, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2227, 884, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 50, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2228, 893, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 38, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2229, 893, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2230, 898, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 23, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2231, 898, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 30, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2232, 898, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2233, 898, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 21, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2234, 905, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2235, 916, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2236, 919, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2237, 919, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2238, 924, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.5', 33, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2239, 925, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2240, 927, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2241, 927, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2242, 929, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 44, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2243, 341, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 2, 15.7, 'Some pages cropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2244, 943, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2245, 952, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 29, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2246, 952, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2247, 956, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2248, 1827, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 7, 15.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2249, 963, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2250, 975, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2251, 981, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2252, 981, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2253, 1000, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2254, 1014, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2255, 1019, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.35', 8, 10, 'Pink wrappers.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2256, 1019, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.36', 3, 9.7, 'Blue-grey wrappers.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2257, 1022, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.32', 2, 10, 'Drab wrappers, with illustration of \'Queen Josephine\' on front, \'Emperor Nappy\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2258, 1022, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.35', 3, 9.9, 'Drab wrappers, with illustration of \'Darry and his wife Joan\' on front, \'The cobbler in his stall\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2259, 1022, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.37', 1, 9.9, 'Lacks wrappers. Cropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2260, 1025, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.32', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2261, 1834, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.38', 8, 16.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2262, 1034, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2263, 1035, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2358', 13, 15.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2264, 1041, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2265, 1046, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 49, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2266, 1046, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2358', 5, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2267, 1048, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.19', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2268, 1070, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 17, 15.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2269, 4553, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 50, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2270, 1622, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 11, 15.7, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2271, 4021, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 23, 15.5, 'Lacks title page'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2272, 1060, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 24, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2273, 1828, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 12, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2274, 1066, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.27', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2275, 1067, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.25', NULL, 12.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2276, 1084, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 49, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2277, 1088, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2278, 1088, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2279, 1091, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2280, 1092, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2281, 1092, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 26, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2282, 1093, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2283, 1096, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 23, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2284, 1099, 'GUL', 'P23-i.29', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2285, 311, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.19', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2286, 1828, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2346', 8, 15.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2287, 311, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2350', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2288, 1641, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 14, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2289, 1103, 'GUL', 'P23-i.31', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2290, 1109, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 27, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2291, 1112, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2292, 1112, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.2', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2293, 1119, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2357', 2, 9.8, 'Drab wrappers, with illustration of man with sack at back.\r\nCropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2294, 1124, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.39', 4, 16.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2295, 1126, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 41, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2296, 1146, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 31, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2297, 1148, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.33', 3, 10, 'Blue wrappers, with illustration sunrise on front, \'The moon, refulgent lamp of night ...\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2298, 1148, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.34', 6, 10.2, 'Drab wrappers, with illustration of tiger on front, \'In a beautiful skin, none e\'er can surpass, the African zebra ...\' on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2299, 1148, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.37', 4, 10.3, 'Pink wrappers, with illustration of soldiers marching on front, pedlar with donkey on back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2300, 1151, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2301, 1155, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2302, 1159, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2303, 1163, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.38', 1, 17, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2304, 1168, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2305, 1173, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2306, 1173, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2307, 1174, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2308, 1179, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 31, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2309, 1182, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2310, 1191, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2311, 1192, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2312, 1202, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2313, 1211, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 28, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2314, 1212, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2315, 3712, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 23, 15.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2316, 834, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 3, 16.2, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2317, 1237, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2318, 1242, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.32', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2319, 1249, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2320, 1252, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.36', 5, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2321, 1253, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2322, 1259, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2323, 1263, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2324, 1265, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.34', 9, 9.2, 'Mottled brown/white wrappers.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2325, 1279, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2326, 1284, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2327, 1287, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2357', 3, 10.5, 'Drab wrappers, with illustration \'Anger, laughter\' at back. Pasted down.\r\nCropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2328, 1288, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2329, 1291, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2330, 1301, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2331, 1302, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.35', 11, 15.9, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2332, 1304, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2333, 1307, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2334, 1316, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2335, 1320, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 15, NULL, '\'66\' printed beneath the imprint.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2336, 1331, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.35', 7, 9.9, 'Pink wrappers.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2337, 1331, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.36', 1, 9.5, 'Brown wrappers.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2338, 1336, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2339, 1339, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 23, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2340, 1341, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2341, 1345, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2350', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2342, 589, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.18', 19, 15.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2343, 1353, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2344, 1353, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2345, 1831, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 43, NULL, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2346, 1368, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2347, 1826, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 22, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2348, 717, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.8', 19, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2349, 1369, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.13', 14, NULL, 'Correctly imposed'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2350, 1370, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 23, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2351, 1383, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2352, 1383, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.20', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2353, 1385, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 4, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2354, 1385, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2355, 1392, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.40', 8, 15.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2356, 1396, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2357, 1832, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 35, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2358, 1399, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.12', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2359, 1401, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2360, 1401, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2361, 1404, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2362, 1404, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.22', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2363, 1405, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.21', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2364, 1406, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2365, 1420, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 26, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2366, 1420, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 2, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2367, 1847, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 23, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2368, 1428, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 13, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2369, 4033, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 28, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2370, 4020, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 27, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2371, 1433, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 6, NULL, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2372, 1434, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 12, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2373, 1434, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2374, 1434, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 34, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2375, 1439, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2376, 1441, 'GUL', 'P23-i.31', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2377, 1444, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.18', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2378, 1445, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.27', 19, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2379, 1450, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.29/4', NULL, 13.7, 'Pink wrappers.\r\n1 of 7 in slipcase entitled: Lumsden\'s toy books.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2380, 1996, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2358', 11, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2381, 1452, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 9, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2382, 1455, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 10, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2383, 1455, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2384, 1455, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.23', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2385, 1455, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.38', 9, 17.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2386, 1463, 'GUL', 'BD1-i.67', 6, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2387, 1463, 'GUL', 'BD1-i.67', 8, 15.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2388, 1464, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.27', 8, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2389, 1470, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2390, 1470, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2391, 1470, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 15, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2392, 1473, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2393, 1473, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2350', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2394, 1493, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 11, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2395, 1495, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 29, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2396, 1495, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2397, 1495, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.30', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2398, 1504, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2399, 1507, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.32', 5, 10, 'Grey-green wrappers, pasted down, with illustration of man with bell and load on head at back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2400, 1513, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2401, 1513, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2402, 1523, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 28, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2403, 1523, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2404, 1528, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2405, 1528, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2406, 1530, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.6', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2407, 1530, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.8', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2408, 1536, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.24', 27, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2409, 1536, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.25', 31, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2410, 1552, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 6, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2411, 1552, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.9', 16, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2412, 4015, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.13', 12, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2413, 1556, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 4, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2414, 1559, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.26', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2415, 1567, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.35', 1, 10.1, 'Blue wrappers, with illustration \'Oyster Nan, a French cook\' at back.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2416, 1568, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.36', 4, 10, 'Plain buff wrappers.\r\nLacks pp 19-20 (illustrations).'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2417, 1580, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.10', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2418, 1590, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.38', 6, 16.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2419, 1591, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2420, 1594, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2421, 1594, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.7', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2422, 1597, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 13, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2423, 1607, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 14, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2424, 1608, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.19', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2425, 1612, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.16', 17, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2426, 1612, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.17', 20, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2427, 1612, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.12', 53, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2428, 1616, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 9, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2429, 1619, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.10', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2430, 1619, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.4', 8, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2431, 1621, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2350', 6, 15.8, 'Cropped at top. Copy at Bh13-c.18.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2432, 1622, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2350', 5, 15.8, 'Cropped at top. Copies at BE3-h.5, Bh13-c.18.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2433, 1622, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 3, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2434, 1640, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.38', 8, 17.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2435, 1655, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 62, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2436, 1656, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 66, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2437, 1660, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.2', 59, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2438, 1666, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 35, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2439, 1667, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2440, 1668, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 53, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2441, 1670, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 42, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2442, 1671, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 43, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2443, 1674, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 25, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2444, 1675, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 27, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2445, 1678, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 25, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2446, 1679, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 58, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2447, 1680, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 61, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2448, 1685, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 22, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2449, 1688, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2450, 1694, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 7, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2451, 1704, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.5', 19, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2452, 1762, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 45, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2453, 1794, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.14', 5, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2454, 3142, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2349', 4, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2455, 1887, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2358', 17, 17.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2456, 1682, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 75, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2457, 1681, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 76, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2458, 1627, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 79, 15.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2459, 1162, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.3', 81, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2460, 285, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 6, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2461, 1086, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.15', 18, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2462, 1205, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2463, 1835, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 2, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2464, 1836, 'GUL', 'Bh13-c.22', 4, 17.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2466, 1839, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2346', 1, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2467, 1840, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2346', 2, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2468, 1841, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2346', 3, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2469, 1842, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2346', 4, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2470, 1843, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2346', 5, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2471, 1844, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2346', 6, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2472, 1845, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2346', 7, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2473, 1847, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2346', 10, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2474, 1848, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2350', 9, 16.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2475, 1850, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 1, 16.8, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2476, 1851, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 4, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2477, 1852, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 6, 16.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2478, 1853, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 8, 16.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2479, 1854, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 9, 16.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2480, 1855, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 12, 16.8, 'Pages 15-22 missing. Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2481, 1856, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 16, 17, 'Cropped at top and bottom, and tight to print at right'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2482, 1857, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 17, 17, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2483, 1858, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 18, 12.2, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2484, 1859, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 19, 12.2, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2485, 1860, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 20, 12.2, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2486, 1861, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 21, 17, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2487, 1863, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2347', 22, 17, 'Cropped top and bottom. Last pages missing.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2488, 1864, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 3, 13.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2489, 1865, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 4, 13.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2490, 1866, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 5, 13.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2491, 1867, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 6, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2492, 4034, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 30, 15.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2493, 184, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 18, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2494, 571, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 20, 16.5, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2495, 4035, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 32, 15.8, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2496, 1869, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 17, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2497, 589, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2354', 25, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2498, 1870, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 4, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2499, 1639, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 15, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2500, 1640, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2348', 27, 14.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2501, 1641, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 24, 15.6, 'Cropped at top. Copy at Be3-h.11.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2502, 1635, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 25, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2503, 605, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 28, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2504, 1871, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 42, 16.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2505, 1872, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 43, 16.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2506, 1873, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2352', 49, 16.2, 'Cropped at top. Handwritten note on front: Jessie McBenir Bridgend Perth 1852'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2507, 1874, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2355', 4, 14.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2508, 1875, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2355', 15, 16.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2509, 1048, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2359', 3, 14.6, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2510, 1217, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2359', 6, 14.6, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2511, 1635, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2359', 10, 14.6, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2512, 1105, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2359', 11, 14.6, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2513, 1291, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2359', 12, 14.6, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2514, 4056, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 7, 14.4, 'Cropped top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2515, 620, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 1, 12.6, 'Cropped top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2516, 1879, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2358', 1, 15.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2517, 4546, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2358', 2, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2518, 4554, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2358', 3, 15.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2519, 1641, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2358', 6, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2520, 1884, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2358', 7, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2521, 1885, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2358', 8, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2522, 1222, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2358', 12, 15.9, 'Cropped top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2523, 1886, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2358', 16, 16.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2524, 1889, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2351', 1, 15.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2525, 1890, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2351', 2, 15.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2526, 1891, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2351', 3, 15.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2527, 1892, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2351', 4, 15.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2528, 1893, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2351', 5, 15.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2529, 1894, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2351', 6, 15.3, 'Cropped top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2906, 2021, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (241)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2907, 2022, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (242)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2908, 2023, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (244)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2909, 2024, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (245)', NULL, 15.1, 'Last line of page 16 cropped'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2910, 2025, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (246)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2911, 569, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (236)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2912, 954, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(15)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2913, 216, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(11)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2914, 95, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(10)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2915, 207, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(4)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2916, 823, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(23)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2917, 544, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(9)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2918, 66, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(20)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2919, 1499, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(18)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2920, 65, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(31)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2921, 762, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(19)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2922, 491, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(17)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2923, 14, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(16)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2924, 1009, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(14)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2925, 525, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(13)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2926, 524, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(20)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2927, 266, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(17)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2928, 1003, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(9)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2929, 1000, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(6)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2930, 790, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(4)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2931, 226, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(3)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2932, 376, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(30)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2933, 704, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(12)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2934, 467, 'NLS', 'L.C.2804(6)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2935, 570, 'NLS', 'L.C.2803(13)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2936, 521, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(25)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2937, 34, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(24)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2938, 99, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(14)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2939, 108, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(13)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2940, 1276, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(1)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2941, 1397, 'NLS', 'L.C.2787(2)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2942, 1227, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(34)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2943, 1229, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(33)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2944, 85, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(92)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2945, 85, 'NLS', 'L.C.2794(3)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2946, 409, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.23(22)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2947, 409, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(23)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2948, 409, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1958(14)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2949, 409, 'NLS', 'L.C.2789(1)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2950, 525, 'NLS', 'MF.134 ; REEL 3', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2951, 409, 'NLS', '5.1009(16[18])', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2952, 409, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(4)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2953, 409, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(7)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2954, 409, 'NLS', '5.1796(22)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2955, 592, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(29)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2956, 2026, 'NLS', 'APS.1.204.206', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2957, 2026, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(3)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2958, 2027, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(12)', NULL, 18.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2959, 2028, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(30)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2960, 2028, 'NLS', 'L.C.2804(16)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2961, 2029, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(4)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2962, 2030, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(5)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2963, 2031, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(6)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2964, 2032, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(7)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2965, 2033, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(8)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2966, 2034, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(9)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2967, 2035, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(10)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2968, 2036, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(15)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2969, 2037, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(16)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2970, 2037, 'NLS', 'L.C.2798(2)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2971, 2038, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(17)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2972, 2039, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(27)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2973, 2040, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A.(29)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2974, 2040, 'NLS', 'RB.S.451(3)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2975, 2041, 'NLS', 'L.C.2787(1)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2976, 2042, 'NLS', 'L.C.2787(3)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2977, 2043, 'NLS', 'L.C.2787(4)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2978, 2044, 'NLS', 'L.C.2787(6)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2979, 2045, 'NLS', 'L.C.2787(7)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2980, 2046, 'NLS', 'L.C.2787(8)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2981, 2047, 'NLS', 'L.C.2787(9)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2982, 2048, 'NLS', 'L.C.2788(1)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2983, 2049, 'NLS', 'L.C.2788(2)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2984, 2050, 'NLS', 'L.C.2788(3)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2985, 2051, 'NLS', 'L.C.2788(4)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2986, 2052, 'NLS', 'L.C.2788(5)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2987, 2053, 'NLS', 'L.C.2788(6)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2988, 2054, 'NLS', 'L.C.2788(7)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2989, 2055, 'NLS', 'L.C.2788(8)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2990, 2056, 'NLS', 'L.C.2788(9)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2991, 2057, 'NLS', 'L.C.2788(10)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2992, 2058, 'NLS', 'L.C.2788(11)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2993, 2059, 'NLS', 'L.C.2787(5)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2994, 2060, 'NLS', 'L.C.2787(11)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2995, 2061, 'NLS', 'L.C.2787(12)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2996, 2062, 'NLS', 'L.C.2787(13)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2997, 2063, 'NLS', 'L.C.2787(14)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2998, 2064, 'NLS', 'L.C.2787(15)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (2999, 2065, 'NLS', 'L.C.2787(17)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3000, 2066, 'NLS', 'L.C.2787(18)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3001, 2067, 'NLS', 'L.C.2790(1)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3002, 2068, 'NLS', 'L.C.2790(2)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3003, 2069, 'NLS', 'L.C.2790(3)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3004, 2070, 'NLS', 'L.C.2790(4)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3005, 2071, 'NLS', 'L.C.2790(6)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3006, 2072, 'NLS', 'L.C.2790(7)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3007, 2073, 'NLS', 'L.C.2790(8)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3008, 2074, 'NLS', 'L.C.2791(1)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3009, 2075, 'NLS', 'L.C.2791(3)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3010, 2076, 'NLS', 'L.C.2791(4)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3011, 2077, 'NLS', 'L.C.2791(5)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3012, 2078, 'NLS', 'L.C.2791(7)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3013, 2079, 'NLS', 'L.C.2791(9)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3014, 2080, 'NLS', 'L.C.2791(10)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3015, 2081, 'NLS', 'L.C.2791(12)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3016, 2082, 'NLS', 'L.C.2793(1)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3017, 2083, 'NLS', 'L.C.2793(2)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3018, 2084, 'NLS', 'L.C.2793(3)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3019, 2085, 'NLS', 'L.C.2794(1)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3020, 2085, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(94)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3021, 637, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 36, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3023, 2088, 'NLS', 'L.C.2794(4)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3024, 2089, 'NLS', 'L.C.2794(5)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3025, 2090, 'NLS', 'L.C.2794(8)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3026, 2091, 'NLS', 'L.C.2794(10)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3027, 2092, 'NLS', 'L.C.2794(12)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3028, 2093, 'NLS', 'L.C.2792(1)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3029, 2093, 'NLS', 'NG.1176.G.1(7)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3030, 2094, 'NLS', 'L.C.2792(2)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3031, 2094, 'NLS', 'NG.1176.G.1(19)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3032, 2094, 'NLS', 'NG.1176.G.3(5)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3033, 2095, 'NLS', 'L.C.2792(4)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3034, 2096, 'NLS', 'L.C.2792(5)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3035, 2096, 'NLS', 'NG.1176.G.2(5)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3036, 2096, 'NLS', 'NG.1176.G.3(11)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3037, 2097, 'NLS', 'L.C.2792(6)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3038, 2098, 'NLS', 'L.C.2792(7)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3039, 2099, 'NLS', 'L.C.2792(8)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3040, 2099, 'NLS', 'NG.1176.G.1(28)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3041, 2099, 'NLS', 'NG.1176.G.3(6)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3042, 2100, 'NLS', 'L.C.2798(1)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3043, 2101, 'NLS', 'L.C.2798(3)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3044, 2102, 'NLS', 'L.C.2798(4)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3045, 2103, 'NLS', 'L.C.2798(5)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3046, 2104, 'NLS', 'L.C.2798(6)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3047, 2105, 'NLS', 'L.C.2798(7)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3048, 2106, 'NLS', 'L.C.2798(8)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3049, 2107, 'NLS', 'L.C.2798(9)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3050, 2108, 'NLS', 'L.C.2798(10)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3051, 2109, 'NLS', 'L.C.2832(17)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3052, 2110, 'NLS', 'L.C.2832(18)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3053, 2111, 'NLS', 'L.C.2832(19)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3054, 2112, 'NLS', 'L.C.2832(20)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3055, 2113, 'NLS', 'L.C.2832(21)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3056, 2114, 'NLS', 'L.C.2832(22)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3057, 2115, 'NLS', 'L.C.2832(23)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3058, 2116, 'NLS', 'L.C.2795(1)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3059, 2117, 'NLS', 'L.C.2795(2)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3060, 2118, 'NLS', 'L.C.2795(4)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3061, 2119, 'NLS', 'X.201.H.1(1)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3062, 2119, 'NLS', 'L.C.2795(5)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3063, 2120, 'NLS', 'L.C.2795(6)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3064, 2121, 'NLS', 'L.C.2795(7)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3065, 2121, 'NLS', 'MF.134 ; REEL 4832, NO. 04.', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3066, 2122, 'NLS', 'L.C.2795(8)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3067, 2123, 'NLS', 'L.C.2797(1)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3068, 2123, 'NLS', 'APS.1.200.037', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3069, 2125, 'NLS', 'L.C.2797(3)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3070, 2126, 'NLS', 'L.C.2797(4)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3071, 2127, 'NLS', 'L.C.2797(5)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3072, 2128, 'NLS', 'L.C.2797(7)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3073, 2129, 'NLS', 'L.C.2797(8)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3074, 2130, 'NLS', 'L.C.2797(10)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3075, 2131, 'NLS', 'L.C.2797(11)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3076, 2132, 'NLS', 'L.C.2797(12)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3077, 2133, 'NLS', 'L.C.2797(13)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3078, 2134, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(1)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3079, 2135, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(2)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3080, 2136, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(3)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3081, 2137, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(4)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3082, 2138, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(5)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3083, 2139, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(6)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3084, 2140, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(7)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3085, 2141, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(8)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3086, 2142, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(9)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3087, 2143, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(10)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3088, 2144, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(11)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3089, 2145, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(15)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3090, 2146, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(16)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3091, 2147, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(17)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3092, 2148, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(18)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3093, 2149, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(19)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3094, 2150, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(20)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3095, 2156, 'NLS', 'L.C.2799(6)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3096, 2157, 'NLS', 'L.C.2799(7)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3097, 2158, 'NLS', 'L.C.2799(8)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3098, 2159, 'NLS', 'L.C.2799(9)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3099, 2160, 'NLS', 'L.C.2799(10)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3100, 2161, 'NLS', 'L.C.2799(11)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3101, 2162, 'NLS', 'L.C.2799(12)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3102, 2163, 'NLS', 'L.C.2801(1)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3103, 2163, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.83.53(2)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3104, 2164, 'NLS', 'L.C.2801(3)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3105, 2165, 'NLS', 'L.C.2801(5)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3106, 2166, 'NLS', 'L.C.2803(1)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3107, 2166, 'NLS', 'L.C.2888(4)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3108, 2166, 'NLS', 'L.C.2813(4)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3109, 2167, 'NLS', 'L.C.2803(2)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3110, 2168, 'NLS', 'L.C.2803(4)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3111, 2169, 'NLS', 'L.C.2803(5)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3112, 2170, 'NLS', 'L.C.2803(6)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3113, 2171, 'NLS', 'L.C.2803(7)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3114, 2171, 'NLS', 'L.C.2886(8)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3115, 2172, 'NLS', 'L.C.2803(8)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3116, 2173, 'NLS', 'L.C.2803(9)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3117, 2174, 'NLS', 'L.C.2803(10)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3118, 2175, 'NLS', 'L.C.2803(14)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3119, 2176, 'NLS', 'L.C.2804(1)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3120, 2177, 'NLS', 'L.C.2804(2)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3121, 2178, 'NLS', 'L.C.2804(4)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3122, 2179, 'NLS', 'L.C.2804(5)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3123, 2181, 'NLS', 'L.C.2804(9)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3124, 2182, 'NLS', 'L.C.2804(10)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3125, 2183, 'NLS', 'L.C.2804(12)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3126, 2184, 'NLS', 'L.C.2804(13)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3128, 2185, 'NLS', 'L.C.2804(14)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3129, 2186, 'NLS', 'L.C.2804(15)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3130, 2187, 'NLS', 'L.C.2804(18)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3131, 2188, 'NLS', 'L.C.2804(19)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3132, 2188, 'NLS', 'RB.S.842(3)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3133, 2189, 'NLS', 'L.C.2804(20)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3134, 2190, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(1)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3135, 2191, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(2)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3136, 2192, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(3)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3137, 2193, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(5)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3138, 2194, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(6)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3139, 2195, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(7)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3140, 2195, 'NLS', 'RB.S.827(1)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3141, 2196, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(9)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3142, 2197, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(12)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3143, 2198, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(13)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3144, 2199, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(14)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3145, 2200, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(8)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3146, 2201, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(17)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3147, 2202, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(19)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3148, 2203, 'NLS', 'L.C.280(21)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3149, 2205, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(25)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3150, 2206, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(26)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3151, 2207, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(1)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3152, 2208, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(2)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3153, 2209, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(3)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3154, 2210, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(4)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3155, 2211, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(5)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3156, 2212, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(6)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3157, 2213, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(7)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3158, 2214, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(8)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3159, 2215, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(10)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3160, 2216, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(11)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3161, 2217, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(12)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3162, 2218, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(15)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3163, 2219, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(18)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3164, 2220, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(20)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3165, 2221, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(21)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3166, 2222, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(23)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3167, 2223, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(24)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3168, 2224, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(25)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3169, 2225, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(26)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3170, 2226, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(27)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3171, 2227, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(28)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3172, 2228, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(29)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3173, 2229, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(30)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3174, 2230, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(32)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3175, 2231, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(1)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3176, 2232, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(10)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3177, 2233, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(11)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3178, 2234, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(12)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3179, 2235, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(5)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3180, 2236, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(16)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3181, 2237, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(18)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3182, 2238, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(19)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3183, 2239, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(21)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3184, 2240, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(22)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3185, 2241, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(23)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3186, 2242, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(26)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3187, 2243, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(27)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3188, 2244, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(28)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3189, 2245, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(31)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3190, 2246, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(32)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3191, 2247, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(1)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3192, 2248, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(2)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3193, 2249, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(3)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3194, 2250, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(4)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3195, 2251, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(5)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3196, 2252, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(6)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3197, 2253, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(7)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3198, 2254, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(8)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3199, 2255, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(9)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3200, 2256, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(2)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3201, 2257, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(14)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3202, 2258, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(7)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3203, 2259, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(8)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3204, 1092, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (250)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3205, 367, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (255)', NULL, 15.4, 'pp. 7-10 & 13-20 uncut'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3206, 321, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (256)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3207, 715, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (261)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3208, 3165, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (262)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3209, 3165, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (264)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3210, 339, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (263)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3211, 271, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (265)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3212, 556, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (266)', NULL, 15.4, 'Book complete, but does not include \'Life of William Burke\''); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3213, 338, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (267)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3214, 1207, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (268)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3215, 435, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (269)', NULL, 15.2, 'Dated 1850'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3216, 1621, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (271)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3217, 311, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (272)', NULL, 15.4, 'pp. 3-12 &pp.21-24 uncut'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3218, 573, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (273)', NULL, 15.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3219, 1884, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (274)', NULL, 15.4, 'In \'The History..Cat\' \'proceding\' reads as \'proceeding\'; \'Perseverance Against Fortune\' = 9.5 pages; In \'The Birth-Day Gift\' L.3 reads \'indolence\' not \'indulgence\''); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3220, 1885, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (276)', NULL, 15.3, 'pp.7-12 uncut'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3221, 329, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (277)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3222, 681, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (278)', NULL, 15.4, '\'A Wedding-Ring Fit For the Finger\' is 20.1-page prose sermon.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3223, 193, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (279)', NULL, 15.3, 'Contents page & 22-page prose'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3224, 435, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (280)', NULL, 15.4, 'Dated 1850'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3225, 118, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (281)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3226, 309, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (283)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3227, 485, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (284)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3228, 453, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (286)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3229, 1101, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (288)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3230, 409, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (289)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3231, 863, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (290)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3232, 1046, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (291)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3233, 519, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (292)', NULL, 14.7, 'On title page \'booksewller\' reads as \'Bookseller\''); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3234, 2020, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (293)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3235, 2006, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (294)', NULL, 14.8, 'Dated 1850'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3236, 626, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (295)', NULL, 14.8, 'Dated 1850'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3237, 153, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (296)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3238, 442, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (297)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3239, 556, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (298)', NULL, 14.8, 'Does not contain the work entitled \'Life of William Burke\'.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3240, 550, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (299)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3241, 402, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (300)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3242, 338, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (302)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3243, 312, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (306)', NULL, 14.9, '2nd illustration on last page'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3244, 1635, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (307)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3245, 1622, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (308)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3246, 493, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (310)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3247, 2005, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (311)', NULL, 14.9, 'Dated 1850'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3248, 1011, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (312)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3249, 1473, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (313)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3250, 550, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (314)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3251, 1884, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (316)', NULL, 14.8, 'In \'The History..Cat\' \'proceding\' reads as \'proceeding\'; \'Perseverance Against Fortune\' = 9.5 pages; In \'The Birth-Day Gift\' L.3 reads \'indolence\' not \'indulgence\''); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3252, 434, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (317)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3253, 2015, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (318)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3254, 341, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (319)', NULL, 14.8, 'L.1 \'catle\' reads as \'castle\''); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3255, 1245, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (320)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3256, 650, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (321)', NULL, 14.8, 'pp.17-20 & 21-24 uncut'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3257, 442, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (323)', NULL, 15.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3258, 556, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (324)', NULL, 15.6, 'Does not contain \'Life of William Burke\''); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3259, 1291, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (325)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3260, 1092, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (326)', NULL, 15.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3261, 656, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (327)', NULL, 15.3, 'pp.7-10 uncut; pp.13-14 torn'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3262, 453, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (328)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3263, 409, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (331)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3264, 863, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (332)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3265, 519, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (333)', NULL, 14.9, '\'Booksewller\' reads as \'Bookseller\''); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3266, 314, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (314)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3267, 503, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (336)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3268, 1608, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (338)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3269, 312, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (339)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3270, 2005, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (340)', NULL, 15.4, 'Dated 1850'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3271, 1622, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (341)', NULL, 15.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3272, 1889, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (342)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3273, 605, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (343)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3274, 493, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (344)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3275, 1011, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (345)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3276, 550, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (347)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3277, 1884, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (349)', NULL, 15.3, 'In \'The History..Cat\' \'proceding\' reads as \'proceeding\'; \'Perseverance Against Fortune\' = 9.5 pages; In \'The Birth-Day Gift\' L.3 reads \'indolence\' not \'indulgence\''); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3278, 2015, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (352)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3279, 341, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (352)', NULL, 15.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3280, 1245, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (353)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3281, 650, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (354)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3282, 428, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (355)', NULL, 15.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3283, 805, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (358)', NULL, 15.3, 'In \'Yarrow\' L.4 \'love\' reads as \'luve\'. In \'Bessie Bell and Mary Gray\' L.2 \' bonnie\' reads as \'bonny\'. Held in Edinburgh Room;'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3284, 767, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (359)', NULL, 15.5, 'In \'Fair Ellen\' L.3 \'he\' reads as \'her\'; held in Edinburgh Room'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3285, 845, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (360)', NULL, 14.8, 'Held in Edinburgh Room'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3286, 898, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (365)', NULL, 14.8, 'Held in Edinburgh Room'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3287, 881, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (366)', NULL, 15, 'Held in Edinburgh Room'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3288, 1041, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (367)', NULL, 15, 'Held in Edinburgh Room'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3289, 1612, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (368)', NULL, 15.3, 'Held in Edinburgh Room'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3290, 693, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (371)', NULL, 13.7, 'Held in Edinburgh Room; L.1 \'Preface\' reads as \'…writings which are daily issuing…press\'; in \'A Young Man…Dead\' L.1 starts \'An honest decent Tradesman in Auld Reekie…\''); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3291, 1874, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (372)', NULL, 13.2, 'Held in Edinburgh Room; In \'An Auld Maiden\'s Lamentation L1. \'har\' = \'hear\'; \'Address To Critics\' = 8 8-line verses & 2-line unnumbered ending.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3292, 692, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (391)', NULL, 13.2, 'Held in Edinburgh Room'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3293, 2260, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (251)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3294, 2261, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (252)', NULL, 15.6, '\'Raising the Wind\' L.3 \'e3\'er\' reads as e\'er; In work title \'Death\' reads as \'Deeth\''); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3295, 2262, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (270)', NULL, 15.4, 'pp.21-25 unopened'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3296, 2263, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (275)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3297, 2264, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (282)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3298, 1635, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (283b)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3299, 2266, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (285)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3300, 2267, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (287)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3301, 2268, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (301)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3302, 2269, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (303)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3303, 2270, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (304)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3304, 2271, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (305)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3305, 2272, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (309)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3306, 2273, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (315)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3307, 2274, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (322)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3308, 2275, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (326b)', NULL, 15.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3309, 2277, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (329)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3310, 2278, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (335)', NULL, 15.6, 'pp.13-16 unopened'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3311, 2279, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (337)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3312, 2280, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (346)', NULL, 15.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3313, 2281, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (348)', NULL, 15.3, 'pp.13-16 unopened'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3314, 2282, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (350)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3315, 2283, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (356)', NULL, 15.7, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3316, 2284, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (357)', NULL, 16.9, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3317, 2285, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (361)', NULL, 15.5, 'Edinburgh Room copy: pp.5 & 6 torn with verses 4-5 & 10-12 incomplete'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3318, 2286, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (362)', NULL, 15.5, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3319, 2287, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (363)', NULL, 15.2, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3320, 2288, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (364)', NULL, 15.6, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3321, 2289, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (369)', NULL, 14.9, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3322, 2290, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (370)', NULL, 15.7, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3323, 2291, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (373)', NULL, 13.7, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3324, 2292, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (374)', NULL, 13.7, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3325, 2293, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (375)', NULL, 13.7, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3326, 2294, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (376)', NULL, 13.7, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3327, 2295, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (377)', NULL, 13.2, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3328, 2296, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (378)', NULL, 13.2, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3329, 2297, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (379)', NULL, 13.7, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3330, 2298, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (380)', NULL, 13.4, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3331, 2299, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (381)', NULL, 13.6, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3332, 2300, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (382)', NULL, 13.1, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3333, 2301, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (383)', NULL, 12.1, 'Edinburgh Room copy; copy incomplete pp.13-24 missing'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3334, 2301, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (384)', NULL, 12.1, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3335, 2302, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (385)', NULL, 8, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3336, 2303, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (386)', NULL, 13.3, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3337, 2304, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (387)', NULL, 13.7, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3338, 2305, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (388)', NULL, 13.2, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3339, 2306, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (389)', NULL, 13.7, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3340, 2307, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (390)', NULL, 13.7, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3341, 2308, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (392)', NULL, 13.7, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3342, 2309, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (394)', NULL, 13.7, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3343, 2310, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (395)', NULL, 13.6, 'Edinburgh Room copy; broadsheet entitled \'The Showman\' inserted between p.48 & glossary'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3344, 2311, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (397)', NULL, 13.6, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3345, 2312, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (398)', NULL, 13.6, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3346, 2313, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (400)', NULL, 13.5, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3347, 2314, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4 (399)', NULL, 13.7, 'Edinburgh Room copy'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3348, 1637, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4(326d)', NULL, 15.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3349, 295, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4(326e)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3350, 485, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4(326f)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3351, 2267, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4(328a)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3352, 1886, 'EPL', 'Z 2014 C4(231)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3353, 2316, 'EPL', 'Z 2014C4(326c)', NULL, 15.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3354, 780, 'NLS', 'L.C.2809(24)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3355, 432, 'NLS', 'L.C.2809(25)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3356, 1349, 'NLS', 'L.C.2809(28)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3357, 1216, 'NLS', 'L.C.2811(1)', NULL, 11, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3358, 1063, 'NLS', 'L.C.2811(13)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3359, 1554, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(1)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3360, 1091, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(11)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3361, 1330, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(17)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3362, 1422, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(19)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3363, 1595, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(25)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3364, 1280, 'NLS', 'RB.S.451(29)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3365, 1280, 'NLS', 'L.C.2810(8)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3366, 1550, 'NLS', 'L.C.2810(11)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3367, 1590, 'NLS', 'L.C.2813(5)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3368, 1201, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(4)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3369, 858, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(6)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3370, 876, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(9)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3371, 1170, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(10)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3372, 1406, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(16)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3373, 1406, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(15)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3374, 1406, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(16)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3375, 898, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(14)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3376, 898, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(17)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3377, 898, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817.A(21)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3378, 898, 'NLS', 'L.C.2887(1)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3379, 804, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(18)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3380, 804, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(18)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3381, 927, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(19)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3382, 144, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(20)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3383, 1031, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(25)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3384, 845, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(26)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3385, 816, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(27)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3386, 1572, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(28)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5102, 2584, 'NLS', 'L.C.2822(6)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5103, 2585, 'NLS', 'L.C.2822(7)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5104, 2585, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1241(6)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5105, 2585, 'NLS', 'L.C.2888(12)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5106, 2586, 'NLS', 'L.C.2822(8)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5107, 2587, 'NLS', 'L.C.2822(9)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5108, 2587, 'NLS', 'L.C.2821(6)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5109, 2588, 'NLS', 'L.C.2822(10)', NULL, 14.1, 'The title page is surrounded by manuscript writing, possibly contemporary with publication.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5110, 2588, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1241(26)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5111, 2589, 'NLS', 'L.C.2822(12)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5112, 2589, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(5)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5113, 2590, 'NLS', 'L.C.2822(13)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5114, 2591, 'NLS', 'L.C.2822(14)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5115, 2592, 'NLS', 'L.C.2821(1)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5116, 2593, 'NLS', 'MF.SP.15(7)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5117, 2593, 'NLS', 'RY.1.4.207', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5118, 2593, 'NLS', 'L.C.2821(2)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5119, 2594, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1241(24)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5120, 2594, 'NLS', 'L.C.2821(3)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5121, 2595, 'NLS', 'L.C.2824(2)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5122, 2595, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1241(25)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5123, 2595, 'NLS', 'L.C.2821(4)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5124, 2596, 'NLS', 'L.C.2821(7)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5125, 2597, 'NLS', 'L.C.2821(9)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5126, 2598, 'NLS', 'L.C.2821(11)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5127, 2599, 'NLS', 'L.C.2821(12)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5128, 2600, 'NLS', 'L.C.2821(13)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5129, 2601, 'NLS', 'L.C.2821(14)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5130, 2602, 'NLS', 'L.C.2821(15)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5131, 2603, 'NLS', 'L.C.2821(16)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5132, 2604, 'NLS', 'L.C.2821(17)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5133, 2605, 'NLS', 'L.C.2820(5)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5134, 2606, 'NLS', 'L.C.2820(4)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5135, 2607, 'NLS', 'L.C.2820(6)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5136, 2608, 'NLS', 'L.C.2820(8)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5137, 2609, 'NLS', 'L.C.2820(9)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5138, 2610, 'NLS', 'L.C.2820(10)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5139, 2610, 'NLS', 'L.C.2886(9)', NULL, 13.7, 'There are manuscript notes and corrections throughout.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5140, 2611, 'NLS', 'L.C.2820(11)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5141, 2612, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(6)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5142, 2613, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(7)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5143, 2614, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(10)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5144, 2615, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(15)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5145, 2616, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(16)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5146, 2617, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(69)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5147, 2617, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(17)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5148, 2618, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(18)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5149, 2619, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(19)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5150, 2620, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(20)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5151, 2621, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(21)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5152, 2622, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(35)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5153, 2623, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(37)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5154, 2624, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(82)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5155, 2624, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(38)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5156, 2625, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(39)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5157, 2626, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(77)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5158, 2626, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(41)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5159, 2627, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(45)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5160, 2628, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(49)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5161, 2629, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(50)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5162, 2630, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(52)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5163, 2631, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(54)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5164, 2632, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(55)', NULL, 12, 'There are two other works in this chapbook - \'Bet of Buchlyvie\' and \'Charlie he\'s my darling\', evidence suggests these belong with another chapbook.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5165, 2633, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(59)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5166, 2634, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(61)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5167, 2635, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(1)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5168, 2636, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(4)', NULL, 11.9, 'Written in manuscript on title page after \'Bonaparte\'s 2d marriage\' : To Maria Louisa daughter of Emperor of Austria. This is possibly contemporary with publication.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5169, 2637, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(78)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5170, 2637, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(5)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5171, 2638, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(8)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5172, 2639, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(9)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5173, 2640, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(12)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5174, 2641, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(13)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5175, 2641, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(72)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3387, 1041, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(2)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3388, 1041, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(29)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3389, 1041, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(1)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3390, 881, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(30)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3391, 805, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1958(25)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3392, 805, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(31)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3393, 805, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(52)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3394, 805, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(2)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3395, 767, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(32)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3396, 767, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(5)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3397, 1470, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(5)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3398, 1470, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(33)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3399, 1470, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(9)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3400, 1505, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(34)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3401, 1370, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(38)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3402, 1370, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(10)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3403, 1341, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(39)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3404, 840, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(5)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3405, 852, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(10)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3406, 1288, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(12)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3407, 1288, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(15)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3408, 855, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(13)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3409, 877, 'NLS', 'APS.1.99.53', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3410, 877, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(22)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3411, 1090, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(23)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3412, 1612, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(25)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3413, 470, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(2)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3414, 273, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(13)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3415, 1189, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(23)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3416, 815, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(27)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3417, 1362, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(28)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3418, 893, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(32)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3419, 857, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(41)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3420, 857, 'NLS', 'APS.1.86.47', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3421, 275, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(45)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3422, 1624, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(48)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3423, 647, 'NLS', 'L.C.2819(3)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3424, 647, 'NLS', 'RB.S.841(18)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3425, 645, 'NLS', 'L.C.2819(4)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3426, 248, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(16)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3427, 234, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(29)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3428, 657, 'NLS', 'RB.S.841(21)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3429, 657, 'NLS', 'L.C.2819(12)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3430, 1072, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(1)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3431, 25, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(2)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3432, 1109, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(6)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3433, 1109, 'NLS', 'L.C.2881(14)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3434, 1171, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(13)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3435, 760, 'NLS', 'L.C.2822(11)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3436, 760, 'NLS', 'L.C.2821(8)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3437, 1124, 'NLS', 'L.C.2822(15)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3438, 1252, 'NLS', 'L.C.2821(10)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3439, 1049, 'NLS', 'L.C.2820(7)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3440, 411, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(11)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3441, 347, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(14)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3442, 126, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(74)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3443, 126, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(27)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3444, 284, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(33)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3445, 284, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(85)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3446, 507, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(73)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3447, 507, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(40)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3448, 439, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(42)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3449, 1401, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(56)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3450, 354, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(57)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3451, 1907, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(58)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3452, 1907, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(60)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3453, 1432, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(2)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3454, 1416, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(3)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3455, 200, 'NLS', 'APS.1.99.41', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3456, 200, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(30)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3457, 177, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(31)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3458, 811, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(32)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3459, 1244, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(34)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3460, 1461, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(36)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3461, 1938, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(43)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3462, 43, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(44)', NULL, 11.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3463, 386, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(48)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3464, 1387, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(9)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3465, 558, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(12)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3466, 476, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(17)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3467, 450, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(18)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3468, 242, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(19)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3469, 557, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(23)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3470, 535, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(24)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3471, 535, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(31)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3472, 591, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(25)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3473, 1165, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(27)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3474, 1408, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(29)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3475, 1477, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(30)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3476, 464, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(32)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3477, 163, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(34)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3478, 163, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(36)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3479, 1015, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(35)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3480, 1514, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(19)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3481, 1359, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(26)', NULL, 12.9, 'On title page in manuscript : See story of Joceline Percy [ e]'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3482, 428, 'NLS', '5.5691(24)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3483, 428, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(14)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3484, 428, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(27)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3485, 306, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(20)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3486, 1538, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(2)', NULL, 11, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3487, 1538, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1958(15)', NULL, 11, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3488, 1430, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(4)', NULL, 10.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3489, 995, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(5)', NULL, 10.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3490, 1433, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(9)', NULL, 10.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3491, 1433, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(10)', NULL, 10.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3492, 1421, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(11)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3493, 956, 'NLS', 'APS.1.204.167', NULL, 10.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3494, 956, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(13)', NULL, 10.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3495, 1439, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(14)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3496, 1484, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(15)', NULL, 10.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3497, 998, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(17)', NULL, 11, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3498, 1161, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(20)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3499, 925, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(1)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3500, 1513, 'NLS', '5.1796(17)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3501, 1513, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(3)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3502, 1168, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(4)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3503, 1493, 'NLS', 'APS.1.99.55', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3504, 1493, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(6)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3505, 1493, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(11)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3506, 1211, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(8)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3507, 1532, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(10)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3508, 1571, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(12)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3509, 787, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(14)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3510, 899, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(15)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3511, 919, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(17)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3512, 1400, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(20)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3513, 1400, 'NLS', 'APS.1.99.30', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3514, 743, 'NLS', 'APS.1.200.011', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3515, 743, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(22)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3516, 1437, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(25)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3517, 1559, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(24)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3518, 952, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(27)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3519, 943, 'NLS', 'APS.1.99.35', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3520, 943, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(26)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3521, 1536, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(28)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3522, 1178, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(30)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3523, 101, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(1)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3524, 101, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(2)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3525, 1909, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(4)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3526, 202, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(5)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3527, 609, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(8)', NULL, 11, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3528, 609, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(9)', NULL, 11, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3529, 1920, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(11)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3530, 1920, 'NLS', 'Hall.197.H.1(21', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3531, 185, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(14)', NULL, 11.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3532, 1931, 'NLS', 'Hall.197.H.1(29', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3533, 1931, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(15)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3534, 785, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(16)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3535, 1950, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(17)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3536, 636, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(22)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3537, 636, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(23)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3538, 1241, 'NLS', 'APS.1.201.040', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3539, 1241, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(25)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3540, 613, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(26)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3541, 74, 'NLS', 'APS.1.202.019', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3542, 74, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(27)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3543, 718, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(19)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3544, 718, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(31)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3545, 1768, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(11)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3546, 1772, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(12)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3547, 1262, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(14)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3548, 1794, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(15)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3549, 1792, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(17)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3550, 1402, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3551, 829, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3552, 1692, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3553, 1442, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3554, 1680, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(34)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3555, 1122, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3556, 1443, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3557, 1520, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3558, 1770, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3559, 1782, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3560, 1677, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3561, 1366, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3562, 1764, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3563, 1773, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3564, 1773, 'NLS', 'APS.1.79.198', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3565, 1787, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3566, 1776, 'NLS', 'FB.S.66(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3567, 1776, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3568, 1543, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3569, 1771, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3570, 1779, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3571, 1777, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3572, 1673, 'NLS', 'RB.S.834(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3573, 1673, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3574, 1795, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(28)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3575, 1565, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(31)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3576, 1749, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3577, 1715, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3578, 1183, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3579, 1671, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3580, 779, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3581, 1775, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3582, 1541, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3583, 1712, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3584, 1670, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3585, 978, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3586, 1711, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3587, 1780, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3588, 1781, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3589, 1564, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3590, 1763, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(27)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3591, 1774, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(31)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3592, 1697, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3593, 1697, 'NLS', 'L.C.2844.A(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3594, 1713, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3595, 1446, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3596, 1691, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3597, 1561, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3598, 1460, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3599, 1679, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3600, 1762, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3601, 1577, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3602, 1350, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3603, 1709, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3604, 1788, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3605, 1710, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3606, 1710, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3607, 1678, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3608, 1769, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(27)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3609, 1682, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(30)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3610, 1681, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(31)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3611, 1790, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(32)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3612, 1440, 'NLS', 'L.C.2843(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3613, 1283, 'NLS', 'L.C.2843(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3614, 1283, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3615, 1142, 'NLS', 'L.C.2843(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3616, 1142, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3617, 744, 'NLS', 'L.C.2843(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3618, 1294, 'NLS', 'L.C.2843(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3619, 429, 'NLS', 'L.C.2843(13)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3620, 203, 'NLS', 'L.C.2841(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3621, 170, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(6)', NULL, 10.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3622, 171, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(11)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3623, 84, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(22)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3624, 1316, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(33)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3625, 1316, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3626, 1385, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(34)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3627, 356, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3628, 356, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(35)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3629, 356, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(56)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3630, 356, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3631, 1552, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(36)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3632, 1552, 'NLS', '1938.19(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3633, 1552, 'NLS', '5.1009(16[19])', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3634, 1552, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3635, 1552, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3636, 1552, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(59)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3637, 1552, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3638, 1523, 'NLS', '5.1009(16[24])', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3639, 1523, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3640, 1523, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3641, 1523, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(55)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3642, 1523, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(62)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3643, 1523, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(37)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3644, 1523, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3645, 1182, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3646, 1182, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3647, 1182, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(38)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3648, 1369, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.23(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3649, 1369, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(39)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3650, 1369, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3651, 454, 'NLS', '5.1899(29)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3652, 454, 'NLS', '5.1009(16[21])', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3653, 454, 'NLS', 'APS.1.99.36', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3654, 454, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3655, 454, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3656, 454, 'NLS', 'Hall.197.H.1(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3657, 454, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3658, 454, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(40)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3659, 454, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3660, 822, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(50)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3661, 822, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(41)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3662, 1530, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(31)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3663, 1530, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(42)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3664, 389, 'NLS', 'L.C.2840(15)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3665, 711, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(27)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3666, 1958, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(29)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3667, 1494, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(30)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3668, 327, 'NLS', 'L.C.2844(1)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3669, 327, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.A(15)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3670, 370, 'NLS', 'L.C.2844(2)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3671, 443, 'NLS', 'L.C.2844(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3672, 415, 'NLS', 'L.C.2844(11)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3673, 581, 'NLS', 'L.C.2844(13)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3680, 763, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.23(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3681, 763, 'NLS', 'L.C.2844.A(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3682, 29, 'NLS', 'L.C.2844.A(23)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3683, 337, 'NLS', 'L.C.2844.A(25)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3684, 326, 'NLS', 'L.C.2844.A(27)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3685, 1850, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3686, 715, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3687, 4528, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3688, 312, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.1(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3689, 312, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3690, 312, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3691, 4522, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3692, 549, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3693, 549, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3694, 549, 'NLS', 'Mas.620(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3695, 4523, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3696, 1635, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(27)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3697, 1635, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.4(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3698, 1635, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3699, 2265, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3700, 1635, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3701, 1635, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3702, 4524, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.1(8)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3703, 4524, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(6)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3704, 4529, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(12)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3705, 666, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(11)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3706, 1320, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3707, 1320, 'NLS', 'APS.1.96.51', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3708, 1320, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3709, 1320, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3710, 1320, 'NLS', 'Mas.620(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3711, 4525, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3712, 667, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.1(3)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3713, 4526, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.4(6)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3714, 667, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(9)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3715, 4527, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(22)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3716, 1451, 'NLS', '[Ao].8.3.1(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3717, 1451, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3718, 1451, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3719, 1451, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3720, 1451, 'NLS', 'PDL.56/51', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3721, 4530, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3722, 1046, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.1(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3723, 1046, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3724, 4531, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.4(18)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3725, 662, 'NLS', 'NF.117.F.16(9)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3726, 662, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(25)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3727, 662, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(29)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3728, 662, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(28)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3729, 4532, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3730, 4532, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3731, 4532, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3732, 1949, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3733, 109, 'NLS', 'RB.S.837(1)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3734, 109, 'NLS', 'Mas.621(12)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3735, 109, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(4)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3736, 4533, 'NLS', 'Mas.618(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3737, 1452, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3738, 1452, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3739, 1452, 'NLS', 'Mas.621(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3740, 1452, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3741, 1452, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3742, 703, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3743, 703, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3744, 4534, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3745, 4535, 'NLS', 'RB.S.836(4)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3746, 4535, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(12)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3747, 678, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(25)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3748, 1640, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3749, 1640, 'NLS', 'PDL.56/49', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3750, 1640, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3751, 1640, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3752, 4536, 'NLS', 'Mas.618(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3753, 4540, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3754, 4540, 'NLS', 'L.C.2848(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3755, 4540, 'NLS', 'L.C.2885(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3756, 701, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(15)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3757, 701, 'NLS', 'CAM.1.G.1(4)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3758, 701, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(21)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3759, 701, 'NLS', 'MF.SP.499(5)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3760, 4537, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(15)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3761, 1035, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3762, 1035, 'NLS', 'PDL.56/61', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3763, 4538, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3764, 1035, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(30)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3765, 502, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3766, 502, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3767, 502, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3768, 4539, 'NLS', 'Mas.618(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3769, 4539, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3770, 623, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(24)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3771, 4541, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.4(11)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3772, 623, 'NLS', 'L.C.2848(2)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3773, 623, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(9)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3774, 863, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3775, 863, 'NLS', 'L.C.2848(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3776, 146, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3777, 4542, 'NLS', 'L.C.2848(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3778, 513, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.1(27)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3779, 513, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3780, 4543, 'NLS', 'L.C.2848(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3781, 322, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.203.018(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3782, 3251, 'NLS', 'L.C.2848(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3783, 532, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3784, 532, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(27)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3785, 532, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3786, 532, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3787, 4545, 'NLS', 'L.C.2848(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3788, 1616, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3789, 1616, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3790, 1616, 'NLS', 'L.C.2887(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3791, 71, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.23(28)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3792, 71, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(2)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3793, 791, 'NLS', 'APS.1.99.54', NULL, NULL, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3800, 538, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3801, 975, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3802, 300, 'NLS', 'RB.S.834(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3803, 300, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3804, 300, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3805, 300, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3806, 300, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3807, 297, 'NLS', 'RB.S.834(20)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3808, 297, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(48)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3809, 297, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(6)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3810, 297, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(12)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3811, 2272, 'NLS', '5.1009(16[22])', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3812, 2272, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(34)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3813, 2272, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3814, 2272, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3815, 2272, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3816, 528, 'NLS', 'RB.S.834(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3817, 528, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(28)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3818, 528, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.23(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3819, 528, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3820, 396, 'NLS', 'RB.S.834(18)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3821, 396, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(7)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3822, 396, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(15)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3823, 396, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(15)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3824, 59, 'NLS', 'RB.S.834(22)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3825, 59, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(22)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3826, 59, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(23)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3827, 59, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(16)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3828, 59, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(4)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3829, 1619, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3830, 50, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3831, 50, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3832, 1504, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3833, 352, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(20)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3834, 292, 'NLS', '5.1009(16[23])', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3835, 292, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(17)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3836, 292, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(2)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3837, 292, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(21)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3838, 292, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(18)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3839, 1088, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3840, 209, 'NLS', 'H.27.E.24(14)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3841, 209, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(23)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3842, 1173, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.23(27)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3843, 1173, 'NLS', 'RB.S.834(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3844, 1173, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3845, 1173, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3846, 196, 'NLS', 'RB.S.834(17)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3847, 196, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(9)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3848, 196, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(20)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3849, 196, 'NLS', 'Hall.197.H.1(2)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3850, 196, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(25)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3851, 596, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(1)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3852, 596, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(10)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3853, 596, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(10)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3854, 596, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(26)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3855, 596, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(9)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3856, 1192, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3857, 1192, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(27)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3858, 789, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(40)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3859, 789, 'NLS', 'RB.S.834(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3860, 789, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(28)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3861, 37, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(10)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3862, 37, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(29)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3863, 302, 'NLS', 'RB.S.834(14)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3864, 302, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(30)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3865, 1528, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(27)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3866, 1528, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.23(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3867, 1528, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3868, 1528, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(31)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3869, 1528, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3870, 56, 'NLS', '5.1009(16[17])', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3871, 56, 'NLS', 'Hall.197.B', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3872, 56, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3873, 56, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3874, 56, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(32)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3875, 589, 'NLS', 'APS.1.200.007', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3876, 589, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3877, 589, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3878, 589, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3879, 589, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(33)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3880, 589, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3881, 589, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3882, 4546, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3883, 1880, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3884, 1880, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(34)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3885, 1620, 'NLS', '5.1899(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3886, 1620, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(32)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3887, 1620, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(32)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3888, 1895, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(35)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3889, 1895, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(35)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3890, 1895, 'NLS', 'L.C.2887(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3891, 1081, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(37)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3892, 1081, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(39)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3893, 1891, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(41)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3894, 1891, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(39)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3895, 1891, 'NLS', 'L.C.2887(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3896, 357, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(42)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3897, 4550, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(5)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3898, 357, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(40)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3899, 1894, 'NLS', '5.1899(5)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3900, 1894, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(42)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3901, 1894, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(44)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3902, 1997, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(44)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3903, 1997, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(31)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3904, 1997, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3905, 1892, 'NLS', 'APS.1.200.027', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3906, 1892, 'NLS', '5.1899(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3907, 1892, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(47)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3908, 1892, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3909, 1892, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(36)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3910, 1893, 'NLS', '5.1899(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3911, 1893, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(48)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3912, 1893, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3913, 1893, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3914, 1893, 'NLS', 'L.C.2887(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3915, 689, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3916, 689, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3917, 689, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(33)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3918, 688, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3919, 688, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3920, 4548, 'NLS', '5.1899(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3921, 2023, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3922, 2023, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3923, 617, 'NLS', 'MF.7(17[6])', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3924, 617, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3925, 2260, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3926, 1915, 'NLS', '5.1899(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3927, 1915, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3928, 2011, 'NLS', '[Ao].8.3/4(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3929, 2011, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3930, 2011, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3931, 1926, 'NLS', 'MF.7(17[8])', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3932, 1926, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3933, 1926, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3934, 1890, 'NLS', 'PDL.56/56', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3935, 1890, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3936, 1890, 'NLS', 'L.C.2887(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3937, 1890, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(35)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3938, 1889, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3939, 1889, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.203.018(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3940, 1889, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(36)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3941, 655, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3942, 655, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(37)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3943, 605, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(38)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3944, 706, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3945, 706, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(39)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3946, 1113, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3947, 1113, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3948, 1113, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.D(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3949, 323, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3950, 323, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3951, 323, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.D(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3952, 1217, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(18', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3953, 1217, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3954, 1217, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3955, 1217, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.D(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3956, 1897, 'NLS', 'RB.S.837(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3957, 1897, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.D(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3958, 367, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3959, 367, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3960, 4549, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.4(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3961, 367, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.D(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3962, 367, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3963, 1291, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3964, 1291, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3965, 403, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.4(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3966, 1291, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3967, 1291, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3968, 1291, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.D(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3969, 4551, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.D(22)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3970, 675, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(4)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3971, 19, 'NLS', 'Mas.618(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3972, 19, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3973, 19, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3974, 19, 'NLS', 'Mas.621(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3975, 19, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3976, 598, 'NLS', 'Mas.621(18)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3977, 598, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(3)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3978, 598, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(4)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3979, 1222, 'NLS', 'Mas.620(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3980, 1222, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3981, 1105, 'NLS', '5.1796(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3982, 1105, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3983, 1105, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3984, 686, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(10)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3985, 665, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(11)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3986, 453, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3987, 500, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3988, 4552, 'NLS', 'Mas.618(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3989, 500, 'NLS', 'Mas.621(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3990, 500, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3991, 500, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3992, 1048, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(32)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3993, 1048, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3994, 150, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.4(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3995, 1048, 'NLS', '5.1009(16[14])', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3996, 1048, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3997, 1048, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3998, 4440, 'NLS', '5.1772(17[4])', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (3999, 612, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4000, 1147, 'NLS', 'RB.S.828(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4001, 1147, 'NLS', 'Mas.620(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4002, 1147, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(36)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4003, 1147, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(29)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4004, 2022, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4005, 1881, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4006, 1637, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.4(13', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4007, 1637, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4008, 699, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4009, 4562, 'NLS', 'H.17.D.56(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4010, 601, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4011, 316, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.80.255(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4012, 4563, 'NLS', 'H.17.D.56(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4013, 316, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4014, 316, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4015, 309, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(49)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4016, 4564, 'NLS', 'H.17.D.56(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4017, 309, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(42)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4018, 309, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4019, 309, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.86.29(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4020, 309, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(43)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4021, 309, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4022, 295, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4023, 295, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4024, 295, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4025, 310, 'NLS', 'Mas.620(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4026, 310, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4027, 310, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4028, 310, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4029, 4565, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(42)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4030, 417, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4031, 4565, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4032, 4565, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4033, 569, 'NLS', 'Mas.621(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4034, 569, 'NLS', 'PDL.56/54', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4035, 569, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4036, 1441, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(30)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4037, 615, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(5)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4038, 494, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4039, 1390, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.4(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4040, 494, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(29)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4041, 494, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4042, 339, 'NLS', 'Hall.191.F.4(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4043, 339, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4044, 339, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4045, 339, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4046, 339, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4047, 314, 'NLS', 'Mas.621(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4048, 4568, 'NLS', 'Mas.618(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4049, 314, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4050, 314, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4051, 314, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4052, 1641, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4053, 1641, 'NLS', 'PDL.56/59', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4054, 1641, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4055, 1641, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4056, 1641, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4057, 608, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4058, 1639, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(55)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4059, 1639, 'NLS', 'Mas.620(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4060, 1639, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4061, 621, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4062, 707, 'NLS', '5.1796(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4063, 707, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(28)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4064, 707, 'NLS', 'Mas.620(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4065, 707, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4066, 669, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(1)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4067, 669, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(24)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4068, 1214, 'NLS', 'Mas.620(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4069, 1214, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4070, 4561, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.4(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4071, 639, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4072, 639, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4073, 328, 'NLS', 'MF.SP.499(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4074, 328, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(29)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4075, 328, 'NLS', 'CAM.1.G.1(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4076, 328, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4077, 328, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4078, 4560, 'NLS', 'Mas.618(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4079, 328, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(27)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4080, 328, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4081, 498, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(30)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4082, 4558, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(28)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4083, 550, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(33)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4084, 550, 'NLS', 'Mas.620(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4085, 550, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4086, 550, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.D(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4087, 550, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4088, 4557, 'NLS', 'Mas.618(8)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4089, 644, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.D(24)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4090, 506, 'NLS', 'Mas.620(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4091, 506, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4092, 506, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4093, 506, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.D(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4094, 398, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.D(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4095, 2278, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.86.29(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4096, 2278, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(33)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4097, 2278, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.D(28)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4098, 2020, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4099, 2020, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4100, 247, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4101, 247, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4102, 320, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(31)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4103, 320, 'NLS', 'Mas.620(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4104, 320, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4105, 698, 'NLS', 'Mas.620(18)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4106, 698, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(5)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4107, 717, 'NLS', 'APS.1.200.006', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4108, 717, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(6)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4109, 717, 'NLS', 'Mas.620(19)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4110, 402, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4111, 402, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4112, 697, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4113, 1136, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4114, 4556, 'NLS', 'Mas.618(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4115, 1136, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.203.018(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4116, 1136, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4117, 9, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(14)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4118, 705, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4119, 1993, 'NLS', 'PDL.56/58', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4120, 1993, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4121, 1993, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4122, 4555, 'NLS', 'RB.S.836(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4123, 485, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4124, 485, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4125, 1228, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4126, 1228, 'NLS', 'Mas.620(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4127, 1228, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4128, 1228, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4129, 321, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4130, 321, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4131, 321, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4132, 212, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4133, 212, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4134, 371, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4135, 4569, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.4(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4136, 371, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(28)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4137, 628, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(1)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4138, 86, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(21)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4139, 86, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(2)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4140, 1922, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(33)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4141, 1922, 'NLS', '5.1796(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4142, 1922, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4143, 1922, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4144, 1115, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4145, 1115, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4146, 1115, 'NLS', 'Mas.620(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4147, 211, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4148, 211, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4149, 211, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4150, 211, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4151, 4570, 'NLS', 'H.17.D.56(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4152, 2262, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(39)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4153, 2262, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4154, 1878, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4155, 407, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4156, 407, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4157, 324, 'NLS', 'PDL.56/52', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4158, 324, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4159, 648, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(22)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4160, 4571, 'NLS', 'Mas.618(15)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4161, 648, 'NLS', 'PDL.56/53', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4162, 648, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(14)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4163, 4572, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.4(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4164, 577, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4165, 271, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(36)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4166, 271, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(28)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4167, 271, 'NLS', '5.1796(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4168, 271, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4169, 674, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(5)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4170, 674, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(23)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4171, 340, 'NLS', 'Mas.620(20)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4172, 340, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(24)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4173, 340, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(24)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4174, 340, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893(14)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4175, 319, 'NLS', 'H.17.D.56(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4176, 319, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4177, 319, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4178, 477, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(25)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4179, 1899, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(45)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4180, 1899, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.G(1)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4181, 503, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.G(2)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4182, 1011, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(46)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4183, 1011, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4184, 1011, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.G(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4185, 2264, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(41)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4186, 2264, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(38)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4187, 2264, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.G(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4188, 626, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(34)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4189, 626, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.G(5)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4190, 2008, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4191, 2008, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.G(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4192, 2017, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4193, 2017, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.G(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4194, 384, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.G(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4195, 2018, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.G(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4196, 1884, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(48)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4197, 1884, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.G(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4198, 434, 'NLS', 'APS.1.87.83', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4199, 434, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.G(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4200, 1885, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(45)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4201, 1885, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(37)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4202, 1885, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.G(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4203, 2003, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.G(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4204, 2005, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(32)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4205, 2005, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.G(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4206, 2006, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4207, 2006, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.G(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4208, 435, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.G(16)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4209, 2015, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.G(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4210, 2281, 'NLS', 'NF.1177.D.12(38', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4211, 2281, 'NLS', 'APS.1.96.22', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4212, 2281, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4213, 2281, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.G(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4214, 656, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.H(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4215, 661, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.H(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4216, 658, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.H(4)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4217, 4019, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.H(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4218, 4019, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.H(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4219, 643, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.H(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4220, 329, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(39)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4221, 329, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.H(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4222, 311, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(40)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4223, 311, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.H(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4224, 1869, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.H(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4225, 493, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.H(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4226, 193, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(44)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4227, 193, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4228, 193, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(40)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4229, 193, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.H(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4230, 602, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(44)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4231, 602, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.H(14)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4232, 629, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.H(15)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4233, 2004, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.H(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4234, 2004, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.H(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4235, 2014, 'NLS', 'RB.S.837(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4236, 2014, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.J(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4237, 2266, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4238, 2266, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.J(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4239, 1106, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.J(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4240, 220, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4241, 219, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4242, 249, 'NLS', 'L.C.1574(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4243, 249, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4244, 255, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4245, 492, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4246, 221, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4247, 244, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(10)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4248, 488, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4249, 907, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4250, 245, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4251, 225, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1958(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4252, 225, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4253, 497, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4254, 1488, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4255, 1417, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4256, 1489, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4257, 486, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4258, 481, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4259, 481, 'NLS', 'L.C.2887(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4260, 484, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4261, 4575, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4262, 228, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4263, 487, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4264, 489, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4265, 224, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(27)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4266, 490, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(29)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4267, 1380, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4268, 1380, 'NLS', 'L.C.2888(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4269, 427, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4270, 1225, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4271, 364, 'NLS', 'NG.1175.F.13(7)', NULL, NULL, 'The titlepage is mutilated. The imprint has been cut off.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4272, 364, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(8)', NULL, NULL, 'The titlepage is mutilated. The imprint has been cut off.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4273, 1259, 'NLS', 'MF.SP.64(31)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4274, 1259, 'NLS', 'RY.1.6.324(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4275, 1259, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4276, 1929, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4277, 564, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(11)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4278, 1607, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4279, 1607, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4280, 408, 'NLS', 'APS.1.84.113', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4281, 408, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(15)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4282, 1584, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4283, 159, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.23(13)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4284, 159, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(18)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4285, 159, 'NLS', 'L.C.2888(17)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4286, 860, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4287, 860, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861.A(31)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4288, 1112, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4289, 870, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4290, 870, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4291, 1445, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.23(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4292, 1445, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4293, 1297, 'NLS', 'L.C.2854(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4294, 1334, 'NLS', 'L.C.2854(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4295, 651, 'NLS', 'L.C.2854(14)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4296, 365, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(5)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4297, 270, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(27)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4298, 972, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.23(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4299, 972, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(45)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4300, 1495, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4301, 1495, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(46)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4302, 1007, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(47)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4303, 1980, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4304, 1051, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4305, 393, 'NLS', 'RB.S.2556', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4306, 393, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(5)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4307, 618, 'NLS', 'Mas.621(16)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4308, 618, 'NLS', 'L.C.2857(2)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4309, 2277, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4310, 442, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4311, 442, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4312, 341, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4313, 341, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(30)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4314, 341, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(35)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4315, 341, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4316, 341, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4317, 1101, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(32)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4318, 1101, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4319, 1101, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4320, 1473, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4321, 1473, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4322, 1473, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4323, 1473, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(31)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4324, 1622, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(37)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4325, 1622, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4326, 1622, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4327, 1622, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4328, 1622, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4329, 1622, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893.A(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4330, 1622, 'NLS', 'L.C.2986.A(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4331, 1621, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(34)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4332, 1621, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4333, 1621, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4334, 1621, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4335, 1621, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893.A(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4336, 1621, 'NLS', 'L.C.2986.A(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4337, 118, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(27)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4338, 118, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(28)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4339, 118, 'NLS', 'Hall.191.F.4(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4340, 118, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4341, 118, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4342, 118, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893.A(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4343, 118, 'NLS', 'L.C.2986.A(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4344, 162, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4345, 162, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4346, 162, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4347, 27, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4348, 27, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4349, 576, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4350, 576, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4351, 576, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4352, 385, 'NLS', 'L.C.2855(15)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4353, 738, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4354, 738, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4355, 1598, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4356, 106, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861.A(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4357, 106, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(64)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4358, 107, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4359, 107, 'NLS', 'MF.13(7[50])', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4360, 107, 'NLS', 'MF.13(7[57])', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4361, 107, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861.A(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4362, 107, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4363, 556, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.23(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4364, 556, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(28)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4365, 556, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4366, 556, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4367, 556, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4368, 556, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861.A(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4375, 1597, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4376, 1597, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861.A(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4377, 1597, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(29)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4378, 1597, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4379, 1159, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861.A(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4380, 750, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861.A(28)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4381, 1237, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4382, 1237, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861.A(29)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4383, 1237, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(30)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4384, 519, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(30)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4385, 519, 'NLS', '5.1796(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4386, 519, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.23(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4387, 519, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4388, 519, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4389, 519, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4390, 519, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861.A(30)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4391, 519, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4392, 749, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4393, 749, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4394, 1537, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4395, 1537, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4396, 451, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(7)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4397, 33, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(8)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4398, 568, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(9)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4399, 568, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(28)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4400, 832, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4401, 832, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4402, 1535, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4403, 784, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4404, 784, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4405, 1475, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4406, 1487, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4407, 1487, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4408, 988, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4409, 796, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4410, 796, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4411, 831, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4412, 201, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4413, 944, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4414, 1576, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4415, 1371, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4416, 1202, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4417, 79, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4418, 906, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4419, 1471, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4420, 351, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4421, 404, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4422, 1300, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4423, 1308, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4424, 1306, 'NLS', 'L.C.2865(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4425, 932, 'NLS', 'L.C.2868(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4426, 848, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4427, 355, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869(9)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4428, 1560, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4435, 1097, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4436, 1097, 'NLS', 'L.C.2860(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4437, 977, 'NLS', 'L.C.2860(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4438, 977, 'NLS', 'L.C.2860(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4439, 571, 'NLS', 'L.C.2871(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4440, 830, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4441, 830, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.23(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4442, 830, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4443, 1913, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4444, 1913, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4445, 1913, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(61)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4446, 1506, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(33)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4447, 1506, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4448, 1249, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4449, 1249, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(32)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4450, 4576, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(29)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4451, 1383, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4452, 1383, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4453, 1383, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(30)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4454, 184, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4455, 184, 'NLS', 'L.C.2887(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4456, 1193, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4457, 775, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4458, 129, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4459, 129, 'NLS', 'L.C.2887(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4460, 21, 'NLS', 'Hall.197.H.1(13', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4461, 21, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4462, 21, 'NLS', 'L.C.2887(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4463, 1912, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4464, 1093, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4465, 1093, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4466, 1093, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4467, 1191, 'NLS', 'APS.1.99.52', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4468, 1191, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4469, 1191, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4470, 807, 'NLS', 'Hall.197.H.1(18', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4471, 807, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4472, 102, 'NLS', '1956.2(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4473, 102, 'NLS', 'Hall.197.H.1(23', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4474, 102, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4475, 586, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(47)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4476, 586, 'NLS', '1956.2(16)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4477, 586, 'NLS', 'Hall.197.H.1(12', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4478, 586, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(26)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4479, 586, 'NLS', 'L.C.2887(6)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4480, 587, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4481, 587, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(29)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4482, 587, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(28)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4483, 496, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(30)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4484, 1542, 'NLS', 'APS.1.96.39', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4485, 1542, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(33)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4486, 1353, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.23(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4487, 1353, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(34)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4488, 100, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(37)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4489, 299, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4490, 1253, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.23(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4491, 1253, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4492, 1253, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4493, 606, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(16)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4494, 606, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(5)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4495, 606, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(18)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4496, 606, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(7)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4497, 1819, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4498, 1819, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(44)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4499, 1819, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4500, 374, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4501, 374, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(43)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4502, 374, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4503, 374, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4504, 47, 'NLS', 'Mas.1046(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4505, 47, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4506, 47, 'NLS', 'L.C.2887(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4507, 1034, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4508, 1034, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4509, 1034, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4510, 1405, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.23(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4511, 1405, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4512, 1405, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4513, 1405, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4514, 1404, 'NLS', 'APS.1.99.31', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4515, 1404, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4516, 1404, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4517, 1404, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4518, 809, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1958(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4519, 809, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4520, 809, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4521, 809, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4522, 809, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4523, 905, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4524, 905, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4525, 905, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4526, 905, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4527, 1301, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4528, 1301, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4529, 771, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4530, 771, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(58)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4531, 771, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4532, 1608, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1958(21)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4533, 1608, 'NLS', '5.1899(37)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4534, 1608, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(24)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4535, 1384, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(42)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4536, 1384, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4537, 1384, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876.A(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4538, 1898, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.23(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4539, 1898, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4540, 884, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4541, 884, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4542, 884, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(28)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4543, 884, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4544, 1174, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(29)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4545, 78, 'NLS', '5.1796(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4546, 78, 'NLS', 'APS.1.99.20', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4547, 78, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.93.53', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4548, 78, 'NLS', '1956.2(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4549, 78, 'NLS', 'APS.1.99.21', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4550, 78, 'NLS', 'Hall.197.H.1(22', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4551, 78, 'NLS', 'APS.1.99.22', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4552, 78, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(30)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4553, 78, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876.A(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4554, 78, 'NLS', 'L.C.2887(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4555, 305, 'NLS', '1956.2(15)', NULL, 11.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4556, 305, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(31)', NULL, 11.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4557, 1084, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4558, 1084, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(32)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4559, 1084, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(60)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4560, 1084, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4561, 465, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4562, 465, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1958(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4563, 465, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(33)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4564, 64, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(39)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4565, 64, 'NLS', 'L.C.2887(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4566, 26, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(40)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4567, 1271, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4568, 1129, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4569, 318, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(19)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4570, 308, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(3)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4571, 1239, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4572, 1135, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4573, 330, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(14)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4574, 372, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(16)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4575, 372, 'NLS', 'L.C.2888(15)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4576, 536, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4577, 98, 'NLS', 'L.C.2878(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4578, 98, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4579, 366, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.23(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4580, 366, 'NLS', 'L.C.2878(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4581, 366, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4582, 981, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4583, 981, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4584, 981, 'NLS', 'L.C.2878(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4585, 981, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4586, 252, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4587, 252, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4588, 252, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4589, 252, 'NLS', 'L.C.2878(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4590, 252, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4591, 1200, 'NLS', 'L.C.2880(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4592, 1073, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4593, 1279, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4594, 1279, 'NLS', 'L.C.2885(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4595, 928, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876.A(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4596, 1138, 'NLS', 'L.C.2881(11)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4597, 1659, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(27)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4598, 1345, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4599, 1345, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893.A(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4600, 1345, 'NLS', 'L.C.2986.A(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4601, 1455, 'NLS', 'RB.S.842(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4602, 1455, 'NLS', 'L.C.2883(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4603, 103, 'NLS', 'Mas.622(19)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4604, 103, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.D(6)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4605, 103, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(19)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4606, 103, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893(18)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4607, 2280, 'NLS', '5.1024(52)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4608, 2280, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(47)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4609, 2280, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.D(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4610, 1163, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4611, 1379, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(26)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4612, 1158, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4613, 1510, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(31)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4614, 164, 'NLS', 'MF.SP.82(13)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4615, 164, 'NLS', 'H.17.D.61', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4616, 164, 'NLS', 'RY.1.3.9', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4617, 164, 'NLS', 'L.C.2879(1)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4618, 164, 'NLS', 'NG.1527.A.2(2)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4619, 1160, 'NLS', 'MF.SP.629(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4620, 1160, 'NLS', 'Hall.133.H.3(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4621, 1160, 'NLS', 'L.C.2879(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4622, 419, 'NLS', 'MF.SP.629(4)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4623, 419, 'NLS', 'Hall.133.H.3(1)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4624, 419, 'NLS', 'L.C.2879(4)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4625, 418, 'NLS', 'MF.SP.82(12)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4626, 418, 'NLS', 'Hall.133.H.3(2)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4627, 418, 'NLS', 'H.17.D.61(2)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4628, 418, 'NLS', 'RY.1.3.8', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4629, 418, 'NLS', 'L.C.2879(5)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4630, 1037, 'NLS', 'MF.SP.629(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4631, 1037, 'NLS', 'Hall.133.H.3(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4632, 1037, 'NLS', 'L.C.2879(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4633, 1599, 'NLS', 'L.C.2886(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4634, 934, 'NLS', 'RB.S.451(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4635, 934, 'NLS', 'L.C.2886(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4636, 1407, 'NLS', 'L.C.2931(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4637, 307, 'NLS', 'L.C.2985(1)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4638, 765, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4639, 1458, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4640, 1676, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(9)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4641, 1667, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4642, 1428, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4643, 1555, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(16)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4644, 1701, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4645, 1765, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4646, 1753, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(19)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4647, 1748, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4648, 1746, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4649, 1745, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(23)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4650, 463, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(25)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4651, 1583, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(27)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4652, 512, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(33)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4653, 51, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(34)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4654, 401, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(39)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4655, 1766, 'NLS', 'RB.M.201(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4656, 1374, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(49)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4657, 826, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(53)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4658, 410, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(56)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4659, 210, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(63)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4660, 1714, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(67)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4661, 798, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(28)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4662, 799, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(71)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4663, 1814, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(74)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4664, 821, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(75)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4665, 1796, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(77)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4666, 794, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(81)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4667, 1717, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(85)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4668, 1381, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(86)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4669, 1800, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(92)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4670, 1243, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(95)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4671, 1447, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(97)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4672, 1546, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(98)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4673, 1549, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(99)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4674, 1319, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(104)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4675, 1831, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(108)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4676, 1482, 'NLS', 'APS.1.79.46', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4677, 2322, 'NLS', 'L.C.2795(2)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4678, 2323, 'NLS', 'L.C.2798(11)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4679, 2334, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(13)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4680, 2335, 'NLS', 'L.C.2807(15)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4681, 2490, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817.A(1)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4682, 2491, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(1)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4683, 2492, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(4)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4684, 2493, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(5)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4685, 2494, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(7)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4686, 2495, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(6)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4687, 2496, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(8)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4688, 2497, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(9)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4689, 2498, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(10)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4690, 2499, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(11)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4691, 2500, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(12)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4692, 2501, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(14)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4693, 2502, 'NLS', '1956.2(19[2])', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4694, 2502, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(15)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4695, 2503, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(16)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4696, 2504, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(17)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4697, 2505, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(18)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4698, 2506, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(19)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4699, 2507, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(20)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4700, 2508, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(21)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4701, 2509, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(22)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4702, 2510, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(24)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4703, 2511, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(25)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4704, 2512, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(26)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4705, 2513, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(29)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4706, 2514, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(30)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4707, 2515, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(31)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4708, 2516, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(33)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4709, 2517, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(34)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4710, 2518, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(35)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4711, 2519, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(36)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4712, 2520, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(37)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4713, 2521, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(38)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4714, 2522, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(39)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4715, 2523, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(40)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4716, 2524, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(42)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4717, 2525, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(43)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4718, 2526, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(44)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4719, 2527, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(46)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4720, 2528, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(47)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4721, 2529, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(49)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4722, 2529, 'NLS', 'L.C.2885(2)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4723, 2530, 'NLS', 'L.C.2819(1)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4724, 2530, 'NLS', 'RB.S.841(17)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4725, 2531, 'NLS', 'L.C.2819(2)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4726, 2532, 'NLS', 'L.C.2819(5)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4727, 2533, 'NLS', 'L.C.2819(6)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4728, 2534, 'NLS', 'RB.S.841(19)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4729, 2534, 'NLS', 'L.C.2819(7)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4730, 2535, 'NLS', 'Bute.923(32)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4731, 2535, 'NLS', 'L.C.2819(8)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4732, 2535, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(24)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4733, 2536, 'NLS', 'L.C.2819(9)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4734, 2537, 'NLS', 'L.C.2819(10)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4735, 2537, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(26)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4736, 2538, 'NLS', 'RB.S.841(20)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4737, 2538, 'NLS', 'L.C.2819(11)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4738, 2539, 'NLS', 'L.C.2819(13)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4739, 2540, 'NLS', 'RB.S.841(22)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4740, 2540, 'NLS', 'L.C.2819(14)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4741, 2541, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(3)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4742, 2541, 'NLS', 'L.C.2881(13)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4743, 2542, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(4)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4744, 2543, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(5)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4745, 2543, 'NLS', 'L.C.2881(15)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4746, 2544, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(7)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4747, 2544, 'NLS', 'L.C.2881(16)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4748, 2545, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(8)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4749, 2546, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(9)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4750, 2547, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(10)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4751, 2798, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1958(10)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4752, 2798, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(1)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4753, 2799, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(2)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4754, 2800, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(12)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4755, 2800, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(4)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4756, 2801, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(5)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4757, 2802, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(59)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4758, 2802, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(6)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4759, 2803, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(3)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4760, 2804, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(7)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4761, 2805, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(8)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4762, 2806, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(9)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4763, 2807, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(10)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4764, 2808, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(11)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4765, 2809, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(13)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4766, 2810, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(53)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4767, 2810, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(14)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4768, 2811, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(15)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4769, 2971, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(14)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4770, 2972, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(15)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4771, 2973, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(16)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4772, 2974, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(17)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4773, 2975, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(18)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4774, 2976, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(19)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4775, 2977, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(20)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4776, 2978, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(21)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4777, 2979, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(23)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4778, 2980, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(24)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4779, 2981, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(25)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4780, 2982, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(26)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4781, 3288, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(2)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4782, 3289, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(3)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4783, 3290, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(6)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4784, 3291, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(13)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4785, 3292, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(14)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4786, 3293, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(17)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4787, 3294, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(22)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4788, 3295, 'NLS', 'L.C.2859(24)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4789, 3296, 'NLS', 'L.C.2854(4)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4790, 3297, 'NLS', 'L.C.2854(10)', NULL, 13.3, 'An attempt has been made to obliterate the second title (The wicked life...) from the title page and the final page and a-half has been cut from the book in order to remove this work.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4791, 3298, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.78.429(9)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4792, 3298, 'NLS', 'L.C.2854(12)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4793, 3299, 'NLS', 'L.C.2854(13)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4794, 2317, 'NLS', 'L.C.2790(5)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4795, 2318, 'NLS', 'L.C.2791((8)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4796, 2319, 'NLS', 'L.C.2794(9)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4797, 2320, 'NLS', 'L.C.2794(11)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4798, 2321, 'NLS', 'L.C.2792(3)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4799, 2325, 'NLS', 'L.C.2797(9)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4800, 2327, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(13)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4801, 2329, 'NLS', 'L.C.2803(3)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4802, 2330, 'NLS', 'L.C.2803(13)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4803, 2331, 'NLS', 'L.C.2804(3)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4804, 2332, 'NLS', 'L.C.2804(17)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4805, 2333, 'NLS', 'L.C.2806(22)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4806, 2336, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(10)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4807, 2337, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(11)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4808, 2338, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(12)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4809, 2339, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(13)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4810, 2340, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(14)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4811, 2341, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(15)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4812, 2342, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(17)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4813, 3300, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.78.429(1)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4814, 3300, 'NLS', 'L.C.2854(15)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4815, 3966, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(40)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4816, 3967, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(41)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4817, 3968, 'NLS', 'APS.1.86.55', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4818, 3968, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(42)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4819, 3969, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(43)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4820, 3970, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(44)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4821, 3971, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(45)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4822, 3972, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(47)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4823, 3973, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(48)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4824, 3974, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(50)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4825, 3975, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(51)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4826, 3976, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(52)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4827, 3977, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(54)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4828, 3978, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(55)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4829, 3979, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(59)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4830, 3980, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(60)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4831, 3981, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(61)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4832, 2769, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(16)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4833, 2770, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(18)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4834, 2771, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(19)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4835, 2882, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(21)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4836, 2883, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(22)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4837, 2883, 'NLS', 'L.C.2884(6)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4838, 2884, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(23)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4839, 2884, 'NLS', 'L.C.2884(10)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4840, 2885, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(24)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4841, 2885, 'NLS', 'L.C.2880(9)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4842, 2886, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(25)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4843, 2887, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(26)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4844, 2888, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(27)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4845, 2889, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(2)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4846, 2890, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(4)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4847, 2984, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(28)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4848, 2985, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(29)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4849, 2986, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(30)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4850, 2987, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(31)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4851, 2988, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(32)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4852, 3334, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(37)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4853, 3335, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(38)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4854, 3336, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(39)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4855, 3337, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(40)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4856, 3338, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(41)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4857, 3339, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1332(27)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4858, 3339, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(42)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4859, 3340, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(43)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4860, 3341, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(44)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4861, 3342, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(48)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4862, 3343, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(49)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4863, 3344, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(50)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4864, 3345, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(51)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4865, 3346, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(52)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4866, 2436, 'NLS', 'RB.S.451(25)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4867, 2436, 'NLS', 'RB.S.842(1)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4868, 2436, 'NLS', 'L.C.2885(1)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4869, 2436, 'NLS', 'L.C.2810(10)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4870, 2436, 'NLS', 'MF.134, REEL 1430, NO. 35.', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4871, 2437, 'NLS', 'L.C.2810(12)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4872, 2438, 'NLS', 'L.C.2813(1)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4873, 2439, 'NLS', 'L.C.2813(2)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4874, 2440, 'NLS', 'L.C.2813(3)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4875, 2441, 'NLS', 'L.C.2813(6)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4876, 2442, 'NLS', 'L.C.2813(7)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4877, 2443, 'NLS', 'L.C.2813(8)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4878, 2444, 'NLS', 'L.C.2813(9)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4879, 2445, 'NLS', 'L.C.2813(10)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4880, 2445, 'NLS', 'L.C.2881(9)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4881, 2446, 'NLS', 'L.C.2813(11)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4882, 2447, 'NLS', 'L.C.2813(13)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4883, 2448, 'NLS', 'L.C.2813(14)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4884, 2449, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(1)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4885, 2450, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(2)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4886, 2451, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(3)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4887, 2452, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(5)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4888, 2453, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(7)', NULL, 11.5, 'The \'I\' in Edinburgh has failed to print.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4889, 2454, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(8)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4890, 2455, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(11)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4891, 2456, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(12)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4892, 2457, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(13)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4893, 2458, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(14)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4894, 2459, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(21)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4895, 2460, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(22)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4896, 2461, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(23)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4897, 2462, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(24)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4898, 2463, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(35)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4899, 2464, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(36)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4900, 2465, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(37)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4901, 2466, 'NLS', 'L.C.2815(40)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4902, 2467, 'NLS', 'APS.1.79.207', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4903, 2467, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(1)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4904, 2467, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817.A(22)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4905, 2468, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(2)', NULL, 10.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4906, 2469, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(3)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4907, 2470, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(4)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4908, 2747, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(17)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4909, 2748, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(18)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4910, 2749, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(21)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4911, 2750, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(22)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4912, 2751, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(24)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4913, 2752, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(25)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4914, 2753, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(27)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4915, 2754, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(76)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4916, 2754, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(1)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4917, 2755, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(7)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4918, 2756, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(8)', NULL, 10.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4919, 2757, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(12)', NULL, 11, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4920, 2758, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(16)', NULL, 11, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4921, 2759, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(18)', NULL, 10.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4922, 2760, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(19)', NULL, 11.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4923, 2761, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(21)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4924, 2762, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(22)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4925, 2763, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.78.239(10)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4926, 2763, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.A(23)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4927, 2764, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(2)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4928, 2772, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(21)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4929, 2773, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(29)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4930, 2471, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(6)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4931, 2472, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(7)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4932, 2473, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(8)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4933, 2474, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(11)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4934, 2475, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(14)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4935, 2476, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(16)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4936, 2477, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(17)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4937, 2478, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(18)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4938, 2479, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(19)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4939, 2480, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(20)', NULL, 12.2, 'The \'P\' in \'printed\', in the imprint, has failed to print.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4940, 2481, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(21)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4941, 2482, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(24)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4942, 2483, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(26)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4943, 2484, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(6)', NULL, 11.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4944, 2484, 'NLS', 'L.C.2786.A(32)', NULL, 11.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4945, 2484, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(27)', NULL, 11.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4946, 2484, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(11)', NULL, 11.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4947, 2485, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(29)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4948, 2486, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(28)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4949, 2487, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(30)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4950, 2488, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(31)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4951, 2489, 'NLS', 'L.C.2816(32)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4952, 2343, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(18)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4953, 2343, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(21)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4954, 2344, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(19)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4955, 2345, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(20)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4956, 2346, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(22)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4957, 2347, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(23)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4958, 2348, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(24)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4959, 2349, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(25)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4960, 2350, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(26)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4961, 2351, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(27)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4962, 2352, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(28)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4963, 2353, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(30)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4964, 2354, 'NLS', 'L.C.2809(1)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4965, 2355, 'NLS', 'L.C.2809(2)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4966, 2356, 'NLS', 'L.C.2809(9)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4967, 2357, 'NLS', 'L.C.2809(11)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4968, 2358, 'NLS', 'L.C.2809(13)', NULL, 14.2, 'Horizontal chain lines.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4969, 2358, 'NLS', 'MF.134 REEL 7041, NO.12', NULL, 14.2, 'Horizontal chain lines.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4970, 2359, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812.(1)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4971, 2360, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(2)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4972, 2361, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(3)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4973, 2362, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(4)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4974, 2363, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(5)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4975, 2364, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(6)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4976, 2365, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(7)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4977, 2366, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(8)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4978, 2367, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(9)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4979, 2368, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(10)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4980, 2369, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(11)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4981, 2370, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(12)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4982, 2371, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(13)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4983, 2372, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(14)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4984, 2373, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(15)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4985, 2374, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(16)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4986, 2375, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(17)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4987, 2376, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(18)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4988, 2377, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(19)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4989, 2378, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(20)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4990, 2379, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(21)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4991, 2380, 'NLS', 'L.C.2812(22)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4992, 2381, 'NLS', 'L.C.2810(5)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4993, 2382, 'NLS', 'L.C.2810(7)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4994, 2382, 'NLS', 'RB.S.451(10)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4995, 2383, 'NLS', 'L.C.2808(16)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4996, 2384, 'NLS', 'L.C.2809(14)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (4997, 2385, 'NLS', 'L.C.2809(15)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5010, 2407, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(5)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5011, 2407, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817(3)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5012, 2408, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(6)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5013, 2409, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(7)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5014, 2410, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(8)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5015, 2411, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(9)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5016, 2412, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(10)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5017, 2413, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(13)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5018, 2414, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(12)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5019, 2415, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(14)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5020, 2416, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(15)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5021, 2417, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(16)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5022, 2418, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(22)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5023, 2419, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(20)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5024, 2420, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(21)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5025, 2421, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(23)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5026, 2422, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(24)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5027, 2423, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(26)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5028, 2424, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(27)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5029, 2425, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(28)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5030, 2426, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(29)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5031, 2427, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(30)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5032, 2428, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(31)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5033, 2429, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(32)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5034, 2430, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(33)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5035, 2431, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(36)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5036, 2431, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(37)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5037, 2432, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(35)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5038, 2433, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(34)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5039, 2433, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(39)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5040, 2434, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(38)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5041, 2435, 'NLS', 'L.C.2814(40)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5042, 2435, 'NLS', 'L.C.2894(16)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5043, 2390, 'NLS', 'L.C.2809(26)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5044, 2391, 'NLS', 'L.C.2809(27)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5045, 2392, 'NLS', 'L.C.2809(29)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5046, 2393, 'NLS', 'L.C.2809(30)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5047, 2394, 'NLS', 'L.C.2811(2)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5048, 2395, 'NLS', 'L.C.2811(4)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5049, 2396, 'NLS', 'L.C.2811(6)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5050, 2397, 'NLS', 'L.C.2811(8)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5051, 2398, 'NLS', 'L.C.2811(9)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5052, 2765, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(5)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5053, 2766, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(7)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5054, 2767, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(9)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5055, 2768, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(13)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5056, 2324, 'NLS', 'RB.S.841(9)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5057, 2324, 'NLS', 'L.C.2797(6)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5058, 2328, 'NLS', 'L.C.2796(14)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5059, 2794, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(9)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5060, 2795, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(10)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5061, 2796, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(13)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5062, 2797, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(16)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5063, 2548, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(11)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5064, 2549, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(12)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5065, 2550, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(14)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5066, 2551, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(15)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5067, 2552, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(16)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5068, 2553, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(17)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5069, 2554, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(18)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5070, 2555, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(19)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5071, 2556, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(20)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5072, 2557, 'NLS', 'L.C.2818(21)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5073, 2558, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817.A(2)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5074, 2559, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817.A(3)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5075, 2560, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817.A(4)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5076, 2561, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817.A(5)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5077, 2562, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817.A(6)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5078, 2563, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817.A(7)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5079, 2563, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817.A(9)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5080, 2564, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817.A(8)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5081, 2565, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817.A(11)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5082, 2566, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817.A(10)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5083, 2567, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817.A(13)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5084, 2568, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817.A(14)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5085, 2569, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817.A(15)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5086, 2570, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817.A(16)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5087, 2571, 'NLS', 'L.C.2817.A(18)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5094, 2578, 'NLS', 'L.C.2820(1)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5095, 2579, 'NLS', 'L.C.2822(1)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5096, 2579, 'NLS', 'L.C.2931(3)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5097, 2580, 'NLS', 'L.C.2822(2)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5098, 2581, 'NLS', 'L.C.2822(3)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5099, 2582, 'NLS', 'L.C.2822(4)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5186, 2650, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(47)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5187, 2651, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(51)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5188, 2652, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(53)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5189, 2653, 'NLS', 'L.C.2823(62)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5190, 2654, 'NLS', 'L.C.2824(1)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5191, 2655, 'NLS', 'L.C.2824(3)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5192, 2656, 'NLS', 'L.C.2824(5)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5193, 2657, 'NLS', 'L.C.2824(4)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5194, 2658, 'NLS', 'L.C.2824(6)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6318, 3601, 'NLS', 'NG.1170.I.9(4)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6319, 3601, 'NLS', 'NG.1170.I.9(5)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6320, 3601, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(20)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6321, 3601, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876.A(15)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6322, 3601, 'NLS', 'L.C.2887(3)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6323, 3602, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1958(24)', NULL, 11.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6324, 3602, 'NLS', 'YY.8/2.1(4)', NULL, 11.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6325, 3602, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(1)', NULL, 11.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6326, 3603, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(2)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6327, 3604, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(4)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6328, 3605, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(6)', NULL, 11, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6329, 3606, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(7)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6330, 3607, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(8)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6331, 3608, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(9)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6332, 3609, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(13)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6333, 3610, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(11)', NULL, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6334, 3610, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(14)', NULL, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6335, 3611, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(18)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6336, 3612, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(23)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6337, 3613, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(27)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6338, 3614, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(34)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6339, 3615, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(35)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6340, 3616, 'NLS', 'APS.2.91.41', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6341, 3616, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(36)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6342, 3617, 'NLS', 'L.C.2874(37)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6343, 3618, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(1)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6344, 3619, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(2)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6345, 3620, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(3)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6346, 3621, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(4)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6347, 3622, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(5)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6348, 3623, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(7)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6349, 3624, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(8)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6350, 3625, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(9)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6351, 3626, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(10)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6352, 3627, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(11)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6353, 3628, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(12)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6354, 3629, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(13)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6355, 3412, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(20)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6356, 3413, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(21)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6357, 3414, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(22)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6358, 3415, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(23)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6359, 3416, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(25)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6360, 3417, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861.A(1)', NULL, 11, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6361, 3418, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861.A(2)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6362, 3419, 'NLS', 'RB.S.841(15)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6369, 3424, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861.A(10)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6370, 3425, 'NLS', 'RB.S.843(11)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6371, 3425, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861.A(11)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6372, 3426, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861.A(8)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6373, 3427, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861.A(17)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6374, 3427, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(3)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6375, 3428, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861.A(24)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6376, 3429, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861.A(26)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6377, 3430, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(2)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6378, 3954, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(20)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6379, 3955, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(24)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6380, 3956, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(26)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6381, 3957, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(29)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6382, 3958, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(30)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6383, 3959, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(31)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6384, 3960, 'NLS', '5.1899(16)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6385, 3961, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(32)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6386, 3962, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(35)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6387, 3963, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(36)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6388, 3964, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(37)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6389, 3965, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(38)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6390, 3982, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(62)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6391, 3983, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(64)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6392, 3984, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(65)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6399, 3630, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(14)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6400, 3631, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(15)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6401, 3632, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(16)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6402, 3633, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(18)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6403, 3634, 'NLS', 'L.C.2875(20)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6404, 3635, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(1)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6405, 3636, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(2)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6406, 3637, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(4)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6407, 3638, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(5)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6408, 3639, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(6)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6409, 3640, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(7)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6410, 3641, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(10)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6411, 3642, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(11)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6412, 3643, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(12)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6413, 3644, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(13)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6414, 3645, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(15)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6415, 3646, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(17)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6416, 3647, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(18)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6417, 3648, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(19)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6418, 3648, 'NLS', 'L.C.2888(16)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6419, 3649, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(20)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6420, 3662, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(11)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6421, 3663, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(12)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6422, 3664, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(13)', NULL, 11.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6423, 3664, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(26)', NULL, 11.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6424, 3665, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(14)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6425, 3666, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(15)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6426, 3667, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(16)', NULL, 12.2, 'The first part of the title has failed to print.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6427, 3668, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(17)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6428, 3669, 'NLS', '5.1059(16)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6429, 3669, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(18)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6430, 3670, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(19)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6431, 3670, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(34)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6432, 3671, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(20)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6433, 4600, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(22)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6434, 3672, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(23)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6435, 3673, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(24)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6436, 3673, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876.A(11)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6437, 3674, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(25)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6438, 3675, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(27)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6439, 3675, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(32)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6440, 3675, 'NLS', '5.3533(23)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6441, 3676, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(29)', NULL, 11, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6442, 3677, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(30)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6443, 3678, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(31)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6444, 3679, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(33)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6445, 3680, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(35)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6446, 3681, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(36)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6447, 3682, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(38)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6448, 3683, 'NLS', 'L.C.2878(5)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6449, 3684, 'NLS', 'L.C.2878(6)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6450, 3685, 'NLS', 'L.C.2880(1)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6451, 3686, 'NLS', 'L.C.2880(2)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6452, 3687, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(18)', NULL, 13.9, 'Vertical chain lines.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6453, 3687, 'NLS', 'L.C.3136', NULL, 13.9, 'Vertical chain lines.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6454, 3687, 'NLS', 'L.C.2880(3)', NULL, 13.9, 'Vertical chain lines.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6455, 3688, 'NLS', 'L.C.2880(4)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6456, 3689, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.203.018(08)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6457, 3689, 'NLS', 'L.C.2880(7)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6458, 3690, 'NLS', 'APS.1.94.67', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6459, 3690, 'NLS', 'L.C.2880(8)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6460, 3691, 'NLS', 'L.C.2880(10)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6461, 3692, 'NLS', 'L.C.2880(11)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6462, 3693, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(1)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6463, 3694, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(2)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6464, 3695, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(3)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6465, 3696, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(4)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6466, 3697, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(5)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6467, 3698, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(6)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6468, 3699, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(7)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6469, 3700, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(9)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6470, 3701, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(57)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6471, 3701, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(11)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6472, 3702, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(12)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6473, 3703, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(13)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6474, 3704, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(14)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6475, 3705, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(15)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6476, 3706, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(21)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6477, 3707, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(58)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6478, 3707, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(22)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6479, 3708, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(23)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6480, 3709, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(24)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6481, 3710, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(1)', NULL, 11.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6482, 3711, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(15)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6483, 3712, 'NLS', 'RB.S.842(10)', NULL, 10, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6484, 3712, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.24(23)', NULL, 10, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6485, 3712, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(17)', NULL, 10, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6486, 3713, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(57)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6487, 3714, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(63)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6488, 3715, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876.A(1)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6507, 3732, 'NLS', 'L.C.2881(7)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6508, 3733, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.204.070(9)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6509, 3733, 'NLS', 'L.C.2881(8)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6510, 3734, 'NLS', 'L.C.2881(17)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6511, 3735, 'NLS', 'L.C.2884(4)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6512, 3736, 'NLS', 'L.C.2884(5)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6513, 3737, 'NLS', 'L.C.2884(7)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6514, 3738, 'NLS', 'L.C.2884(8)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6515, 3739, 'NLS', 'L.C.2884(9)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6516, 3740, 'NLS', 'L.C.2884(11)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6517, 3741, 'NLS', 'L.C.2884(12)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6518, 3742, 'NLS', 'L.C.2884(13)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6519, 3743, 'NLS', 'L.C.2884(14)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6520, 3744, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(1)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6521, 3745, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(2)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6522, 3746, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(3)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6523, 3747, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(4)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6524, 3748, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(5)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6525, 3749, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(6)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6526, 3750, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(1)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6527, 3750, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(7)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6528, 3751, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(8)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6529, 3752, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(9)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6530, 3753, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(10)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6531, 3754, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(11)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6532, 3755, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(12)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6533, 3756, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(13)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6534, 3757, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(14)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6535, 3758, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(15)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6536, 3759, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(16)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6537, 3760, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(17)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6538, 3761, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(18)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6539, 3762, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(19)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6540, 3763, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(20)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6541, 3764, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(21)', NULL, 13.3, 'Horizontal chain lines.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6542, 3765, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(22)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6543, 3766, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(23)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6544, 3767, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(24)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6545, 3768, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(26)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6546, 3769, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(28)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6547, 3770, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(29)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6548, 3771, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(30)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6549, 3772, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893.A(6)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6550, 3773, 'NLS', 'L.C.2895(1)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6551, 3774, 'NLS', 'L.C.2895(3)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6552, 3775, 'NLS', 'L.C.2895(6)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6553, 3776, 'NLS', 'L.C.2895(7)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6554, 3777, 'NLS', 'L.C.2895(9)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6555, 3778, 'NLS', 'L.C.2895(10)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6556, 3778, 'NLS', 'L.C.2895(24)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6557, 3779, 'NLS', 'L.C.2895(11)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6558, 3780, 'NLS', 'L.C.2895(14)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6559, 3781, 'NLS', 'MF.134 REEL 942, NO. 8.', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6560, 3781, 'NLS', 'L.C.2895(15)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6561, 3782, 'NLS', 'L.C.2895(16)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6562, 3783, 'NLS', 'L.C.2895(19)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6563, 3784, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(2)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6564, 3785, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(3)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6565, 3786, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(4)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6566, 3787, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(5)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6567, 3788, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(6)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6568, 3789, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(7)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6569, 3790, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(9)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6570, 3791, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(10)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6571, 3792, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(11)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6572, 3793, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(12)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6573, 3794, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(13)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6574, 3795, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(14)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6575, 3796, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(15)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6576, 3797, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(16)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6577, 3798, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(17)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6578, 3799, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(18)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6579, 3800, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(20)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6580, 3801, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(21)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6581, 3802, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(23)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6582, 3803, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(22)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6583, 3804, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(24)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6584, 3805, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(25)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6585, 3806, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(26)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6586, 3807, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(27)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6587, 3808, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(28)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6588, 3809, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(29)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6589, 3810, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(30)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6590, 3811, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(31)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6615, 3850, 'NLS', 'L.C.2890(21)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5195, 2659, 'NLS', 'L.C.2824(7)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5196, 2660, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(1)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5197, 2661, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(2)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5198, 2662, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(3)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5199, 2663, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(4)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5200, 2664, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(5)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5201, 2665, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(6)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5202, 2666, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(7)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5203, 2667, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(8)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5204, 2668, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(10)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5205, 2669, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(75)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5206, 2669, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(11)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5207, 2669, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(14)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5208, 2670, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(13)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5209, 2671, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(15)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5210, 2672, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(86)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5211, 2672, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(16)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5212, 2673, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(20)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5213, 2674, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(21)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5214, 2675, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(22)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5215, 2676, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(26)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5216, 2677, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(28)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5217, 2678, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(33)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5218, 2679, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(37)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5219, 2680, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(38)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5220, 2681, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(39)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5221, 2682, 'NLS', 'L.C.2826(40)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5222, 2683, 'NLS', 'L.C.2824(10)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5223, 2684, 'NLS', 'L.C.2824(11)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5224, 2684, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.B(13)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5225, 2685, 'NLS', 'L.C.2824(12)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5226, 2685, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.B(14)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5227, 2686, 'NLS', 'L.C.2824(13)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5228, 2686, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(28)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5229, 2687, 'NLS', 'L.C.2824(14)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5230, 2688, 'NLS', 'L.C.2824(16)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5231, 2688, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.B(21)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5232, 2689, 'NLS', 'L.C.2825.A(4)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5233, 2690, 'NLS', 'L.C.2825.A(10)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5234, 2691, 'NLS', 'L.C.2825.A(13)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5235, 2692, 'NLS', 'L.C.2825.A(9)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5236, 2693, 'NLS', 'L.C.2825.A(11)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5237, 2694, 'NLS', 'L.C.2825.A(12)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5238, 2695, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.B(1)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5239, 2696, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.B(5)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5240, 2697, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.B(6)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5241, 2698, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.B(7)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5242, 2699, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.B(15)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5243, 2700, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.B(16)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5244, 2701, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.B(19)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5245, 2702, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.B(20)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5246, 2703, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.B(8)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5247, 2704, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828.B(9)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5248, 2705, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(1)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5249, 2706, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(2)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5250, 2707, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(3)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5251, 2708, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(4)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5252, 2709, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(5)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5253, 2710, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(6)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5254, 2711, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(7)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5255, 2712, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(8)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5256, 2713, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(9)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5257, 2714, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(10)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5258, 2715, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(11)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5259, 2715, 'NLS', 'L.C.2885(5)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5260, 2716, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(12)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5261, 2716, 'NLS', 'RB.S.825(3)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5262, 2717, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(13)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5263, 2718, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(14)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5264, 2719, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(15)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5265, 2720, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(16)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5266, 2721, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(18)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5267, 2722, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(20)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5268, 2723, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(21)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5269, 2724, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(22)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5270, 2725, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(23)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5271, 2726, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(24)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5272, 2726, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1958(16)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5273, 2727, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(25)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5274, 2728, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(28)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5275, 2729, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(29)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5276, 2730, 'NLS', '5.3950(4)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5277, 2730, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(30)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5278, 2731, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(31)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5279, 2732, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(32)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5280, 2733, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(33)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5281, 2734, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(34)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5282, 2735, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(35)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5283, 2736, 'NLS', 'L.C.2828(36)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5284, 2737, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(1)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5285, 2738, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(2)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5286, 2739, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1241(23)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5287, 2739, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(4)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5288, 2740, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(8)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5289, 2741, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(9)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5290, 2742, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(11)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5291, 2743, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(12)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5292, 2744, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(13)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5293, 2745, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(15)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5294, 2746, 'NLS', 'L.C.2827(16)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5295, 2774, 'NLS', 'L.C.2829(23)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5296, 2775, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(3)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5297, 2776, 'NLS', 'APS.1.202.052', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5298, 2776, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(6)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5299, 2777, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(7)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5300, 2778, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(10)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5301, 2779, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(12)', NULL, 11.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5302, 2780, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(13)', NULL, 11.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5303, 2781, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(18)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5304, 2781, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(19)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5305, 2782, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(20)', NULL, 10.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5306, 2783, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(21)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5307, 2784, 'NLS', 'Hall.197.H.1(14)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5308, 2784, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(28)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5309, 2785, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(30)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5310, 2786, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(1)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5311, 2787, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(2)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5312, 2788, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(3)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5313, 2789, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(4)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5314, 2790, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(5)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5315, 2791, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(6)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5316, 2792, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(7)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5317, 2793, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(8)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5318, 2812, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(67)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5319, 2812, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(16)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5320, 2813, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(17)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5321, 2814, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(18)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5322, 3260, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.H(7)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5323, 3261, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.J(1)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5324, 3262, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.J(4)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5325, 3263, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.J(5)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5326, 3264, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.J(6)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5327, 3265, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.J(9)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5328, 3266, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.J(10)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5329, 3267, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.J(11)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5330, 3268, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.J(12)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5331, 3269, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.J(13)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5332, 3270, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.J(14)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5333, 3271, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.J(15)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5334, 3272, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.J(17)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5335, 3273, 'NLS', 'RB.S.836(9)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5336, 3273, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.J(16)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5337, 3274, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.J(18)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5338, 3470, 'NLS', 'L.C.2866(15)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5339, 3471, 'NLS', 'L.C.2866(16)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5340, 3472, 'NLS', 'L.C.2866(17)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5341, 3473, 'NLS', 'L.C.2866(18)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5342, 3474, 'NLS', 'L.C.2866(19)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5343, 3475, 'NLS', 'L.C.2868(1)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5344, 3476, 'NLS', 'L.C.2888(3)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5345, 3476, 'NLS', 'L.C.2868(2)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5346, 3477, 'NLS', 'L.C.2868(3)', NULL, 10.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5347, 3478, 'NLS', 'L.C.2868(4)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5348, 3479, 'NLS', 'L.C.2868(5)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5349, 3480, 'NLS', 'L.C.2868(6)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5350, 3480, 'NLS', 'L.C.2888(5)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5351, 3481, 'NLS', 'L.C.2868(7)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5352, 3482, 'NLS', 'L.C.2868(9)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5353, 3483, 'NLS', 'L.C.2868(10)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5354, 3484, 'NLS', 'L.C.2868(11)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5355, 3650, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(21)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5356, 3651, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(1)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5357, 3652, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(2)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5358, 3652, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(37)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5359, 3653, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(3)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5360, 3654, 'NLS', 'L.C.2876(22)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5361, 3655, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(4)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5362, 3656, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(5)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5363, 3657, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(6)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5364, 3658, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(7)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5365, 3659, 'NLS', '5.2327(2)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5366, 3659, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(8)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5367, 3659, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(28)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5368, 3660, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(9)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5369, 3661, 'NLS', 'L.C.2877(10)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5370, 3814, 'NLS', 'L.C.2898(32)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5371, 3815, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(3)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5372, 3816, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(4)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5373, 3817, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(6)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5374, 3818, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(8)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5375, 3819, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(11)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5376, 3820, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(12)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5377, 3821, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(13)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5378, 3822, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(13A)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5379, 3823, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(15)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5380, 3824, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(17)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5381, 3825, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(19)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5382, 3826, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(20)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5383, 3827, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(21)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5384, 3993, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(79)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5385, 3994, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(80)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5392, 4001, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(90)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5393, 4002, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(91)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5394, 4003, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(93)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5395, 4004, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(94)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5396, 4005, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(96)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5397, 4006, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(100)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5398, 4007, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(101)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5399, 2815, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(19)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5400, 2816, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(20)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5401, 2817, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(21)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5402, 2818, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(22)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5403, 2819, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(23)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5404, 2820, 'NLS', 'RB.S.842(8)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5405, 2820, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(24)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5406, 2821, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(25)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5407, 2822, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853(26)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5408, 2823, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(19)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5409, 2823, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(4)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5410, 2824, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(18)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5411, 2825, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(20)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5412, 2826, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(22)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5413, 2827, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(23)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5414, 2828, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(24)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5415, 2829, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(26)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5416, 2830, 'NLS', 'L.C.2834(27)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5417, 2831, 'NLS', 'MF.134 ; REEL 3739, NO. 06.', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5418, 2831, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(1)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5419, 2832, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(2)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5420, 2833, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(3)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5421, 2834, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(4)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5422, 2835, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(5)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5423, 2836, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(6)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5424, 2837, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(7)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5425, 2838, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(8)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5426, 2839, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(9)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5427, 2840, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(11)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5428, 2841, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(12)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5429, 2842, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(13)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5430, 2843, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(14)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5431, 2844, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(15)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5432, 2845, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(16)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5433, 2845, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1332(2)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5434, 2846, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(18)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5435, 2847, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(20)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5436, 2848, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(21)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5437, 2849, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1332(1)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5438, 2849, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(17)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5439, 2850, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(22)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5440, 2851, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(23)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5441, 2852, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(24)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5442, 2853, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(25)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5443, 2854, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(26)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5444, 2855, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(27)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5445, 2856, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(28)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5446, 2857, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(29)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5447, 2858, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(30)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5448, 2859, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(31)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5449, 2860, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(32)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5450, 2861, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(33)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5451, 2862, 'NLS', 'L.C.2835(35)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5452, 2863, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(1)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5453, 2864, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(2)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5454, 2865, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(3)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5455, 2866, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(4)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5456, 2867, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(5)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5457, 2868, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(6)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5458, 2869, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(7)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5459, 2870, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(8)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5460, 2871, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(9)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5461, 2872, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(10)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5462, 2873, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(11)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5463, 2874, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(12)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5464, 2875, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(13)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5465, 2876, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(14)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5466, 2877, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(16)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5467, 2878, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(15)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5468, 2879, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(17)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5469, 2880, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(18)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5470, 2880, 'NLS', 'L.C.2884(2)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5471, 2881, 'NLS', 'L.C.2833(20)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5472, 2891, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(12)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5473, 2892, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(17)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5474, 2893, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(20)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5475, 2894, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(21)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5476, 2895, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(22)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5477, 2896, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(23)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5478, 2897, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(24)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5479, 2898, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(25)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5480, 2899, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(26)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5481, 2900, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(27)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5482, 2901, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(29)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5483, 2902, 'NLS', 'APS.1.79.205', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5484, 2902, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(30)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5485, 2903, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(32)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5486, 2904, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(33)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5487, 2905, 'NLS', 'L.C.2837(34)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5488, 2906, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(2)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5489, 2907, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(3)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5490, 2908, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(4)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5491, 2909, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(5)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5492, 2910, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(6)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5493, 2911, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(8)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5494, 2912, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(10)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5495, 2913, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(11)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5496, 2914, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(16)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5497, 2914, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1332(6)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5498, 2915, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(20)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5499, 2916, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(22)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5500, 2917, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(28)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5501, 2918, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(29)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5502, 2919, 'NLS', 'L.C.2836(30)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5503, 2920, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(1)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5504, 2921, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1267(16)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5505, 2921, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(2)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5506, 2922, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(3)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5507, 2923, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(6)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5508, 2924, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(7)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5509, 2924, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(13)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5510, 2925, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(11)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5511, 2926, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(12)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5512, 2927, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(16)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5513, 2928, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(17)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5514, 2929, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(20)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5515, 2930, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(21)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5516, 2931, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(24)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5517, 2932, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(28)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5518, 2933, 'NLS', 'L.C.2838(29)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5519, 2934, 'NLS', 'L.C.2843(1)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5520, 2935, 'NLS', 'L.C.2843(3)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5521, 2936, 'NLS', 'L.C.2843(4)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5522, 2937, 'NLS', 'L.C.2843(9)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5523, 2938, 'NLS', 'L.C.2843(10)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5524, 2939, 'NLS', 'L.C.2843(12)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5525, 2940, 'NLS', 'L.C.2843(14)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5526, 2941, 'NLS', 'L.C.2843(15)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5527, 2942, 'NLS', 'L.C.2841(3)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5528, 2943, 'NLS', 'L.C.2843(16)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5529, 2944, 'NLS', 'L.C.2841(9)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5530, 2945, 'NLS', 'L.C.2841(10)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5531, 2946, 'NLS', 'L.C.2841(11)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5532, 2947, 'NLS', 'L.C.2841(12)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5533, 2948, 'NLS', 'L.C.2841(14)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5534, 2949, 'NLS', 'L.C.2841(16)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5535, 2950, 'NLS', 'L.C.2841(13)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5536, 2951, 'NLS', 'L.C.2841(17)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5537, 2952, 'NLS', 'APS.1.87.11', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5538, 2952, 'NLS', 'L.C.2841(18)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5539, 2953, 'NLS', '5.1009(16[11])', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5540, 2953, 'NLS', 'RB.S.836(5)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5541, 2953, 'NLS', 'L.C.2841(20)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5542, 2953, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.C(17)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5543, 2954, 'NLS', 'L.C.2841(21)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5544, 2955, 'NLS', 'L.C.2841(22)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5545, 2956, 'NLS', 'L.C.2841(23)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5546, 2957, 'NLS', 'L.C.2841(24)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5547, 2958, 'NLS', 'L.C.2841(26)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5548, 2959, 'NLS', 'L.C.2839(9)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5549, 2960, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(1)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5550, 2961, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(2)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5551, 2962, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(3)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5552, 2963, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(4)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5553, 2964, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(5)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5554, 2965, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(7)', NULL, 11, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5555, 2966, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(8)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5556, 2967, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(9)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5557, 2968, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(10)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5558, 2969, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(12)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5559, 2970, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(13)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5560, 2983, 'NLS', 'L.C.2842(27)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5561, 2989, 'NLS', 'L.C.2840(2)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5562, 2990, 'NLS', 'L.C.2840(3)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5563, 2991, 'NLS', 'L.C.2840(4)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5564, 2992, 'NLS', 'L.C.2840(5)', NULL, 13.8, 'Contemporary inscription on title page reads : A satire on the union of the Kingdoms, said to be by Dr Arbuthnot. Sir William Bennet.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5565, 2993, 'NLS', 'L.C.2840(6)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5566, 2994, 'NLS', 'L.C.2840(7)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5567, 2994, 'NLS', 'L.C.2884(3)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5568, 2995, 'NLS', 'L.C.2840(8)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5569, 2996, 'NLS', 'L.C.2840(9)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5570, 2997, 'NLS', 'L.C.2840(10)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5571, 2997, 'NLS', 'L.C.2886(7)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5572, 2998, 'NLS', 'L.C.2840(11)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5573, 2999, 'NLS', 'L.C.2840(12)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5574, 3000, 'NLS', 'L.C.2840(13)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5575, 3001, 'NLS', 'L.C.2840(14)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5576, 3002, 'NLS', 'L.C.2840(16)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5577, 3003, 'NLS', 'L.C.2840(17)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5578, 3235, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.D(16)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5579, 3236, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.D(17)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5580, 3237, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.D(21)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5581, 331, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(28)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5582, 3238, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(12)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5583, 3239, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(13)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5584, 3240, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(17)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5585, 3241, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(18)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5586, 3242, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(20)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5587, 3243, 'NLS', 'RB.S.836(11)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5588, 3244, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(16)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5589, 3244, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.J(7)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5590, 3245, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(22)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5591, 3245, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(23)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5592, 3246, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(28)', NULL, 12.9, 'On title page in manuscript : Attributed ????? to Dugald Grahame.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5593, 1636, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.4(16)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5594, 3247, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(15)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5595, 4580, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(16)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5596, 3248, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.D(14)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5597, 3249, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.D(15)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5598, 3250, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.D(19)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5599, 4586, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(10)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5600, 3252, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(16)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5601, 3253, 'NLS', '3.2720(14)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5602, 3253, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(8)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5603, 3253, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(65)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5604, 3287, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(36)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5605, 3301, 'NLS', 'L.C.2854(16)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5606, 3302, 'NLS', 'L.C.2854(18)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5607, 3303, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(1)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5608, 3304, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(2)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5609, 3305, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(3)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5610, 3306, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(4)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5611, 3307, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(6)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5612, 3308, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(7)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5613, 3309, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(8)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5614, 3310, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(9)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5615, 3311, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(10)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5616, 3312, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(11)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5617, 3313, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(12)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5618, 3314, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(13)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5619, 3315, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(14)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5620, 3316, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(15)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5621, 3317, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(16)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5622, 4577, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(17)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5623, 4578, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(18)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5624, 4579, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(19)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5625, 3318, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(20)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5626, 3319, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(21)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5627, 3320, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(22)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5628, 3321, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(23)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5629, 3322, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(24)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5630, 3323, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(25)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5631, 3324, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(26)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5632, 3325, 'NLS', 'L.C.2899(25)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5633, 3325, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(28)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5634, 3326, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(29)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5635, 3327, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1332(21)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5636, 3327, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(30)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5637, 3328, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(31)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5638, 3329, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(32)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5639, 3330, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(33)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5640, 3331, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1332(30)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5641, 3331, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(34)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5642, 3332, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1332(26)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5643, 3332, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(35)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5644, 3333, 'NLS', 'L.C.2856(36)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5645, 3347, 'NLS', 'RB.S.841(1)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5646, 3347, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(12)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5647, 3348, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(13)', NULL, 9.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5648, 3349, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(16)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5649, 3350, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(17)', NULL, 10.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5650, 3351, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(18)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5651, 3352, 'NLS', 'APS.1.81.128', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5652, 3352, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(19)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5653, 3353, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(22)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5654, 3353, 'NLS', 'L.C.2855(5)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5655, 3354, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(23)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5656, 3355, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(24)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5657, 3356, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(28)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5658, 3357, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(29)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5659, 3358, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(30)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5660, 3359, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(31)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5661, 3360, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(33)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5662, 3361, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(32)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5663, 3362, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(34)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5664, 3363, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(35)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5665, 3364, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1332(13)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5666, 3364, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(36)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5667, 3365, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(1)', NULL, 11.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5668, 3366, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(2)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5669, 3366, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(3)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5670, 3367, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(4)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5671, 3368, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(6)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5672, 3369, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(7)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5673, 3370, 'NLS', 'RB.S.2559', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5674, 3370, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(8)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5675, 3371, 'NLS', 'L.C.2853.A(9)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5676, 3372, 'NLS', 'L.C.2857(1)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5677, 3373, 'NLS', 'L.C.2857(3)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5678, 3374, 'NLS', 'Mas.621(17)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5679, 3374, 'NLS', 'L.C.2857(4)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5680, 3375, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(5)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5681, 3376, 'NLS', 'RB.S.824(11)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5682, 3376, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(7)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5683, 3377, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(8)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5684, 3378, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(10)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5685, 3379, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(11)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5686, 3380, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(14)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5687, 3381, 'NLS', '5.1072(10)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5688, 3381, 'NLS', 'NG.1177.D.12(17)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5689, 3381, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(17)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5690, 3382, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(19)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5691, 3382, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(23)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5692, 3383, 'NLS', 'L.C.2861(21)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5693, 3384, 'NLS', 'L.C.2855(1)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5694, 3385, 'NLS', 'L.C.2855(2)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5695, 3386, 'NLS', 'L.C.2855(9)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5696, 3387, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.78.429(11)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5697, 3387, 'NLS', 'L.C.2855(10)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5698, 3388, 'NLS', 'L.C.2855(12)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5699, 3389, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.78.429(6)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5700, 3389, 'NLS', 'L.C.2855(13)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5701, 3390, 'NLS', 'L.C.2855(14)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5702, 3391, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.78.429(5)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5703, 3391, 'NLS', 'L.C.2855(16)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5704, 3392, 'NLS', 'L.C.2855(17)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5705, 3393, 'NLS', 'L.C.2855(18)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5706, 3394, 'NLS', 'APS.1.202.028', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5707, 3394, 'NLS', 'L.C.2855(19)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5708, 3395, 'NLS', 'L.C.2855(20)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5709, 3396, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(1)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5710, 3397, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(2)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5711, 3398, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(3)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5712, 3398, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(20)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5713, 3399, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(4)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5714, 3399, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(19)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5715, 3400, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(5)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5716, 3401, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(6)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5717, 3402, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(7)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5718, 3402, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(10)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5719, 3403, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(10)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5720, 3404, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(11)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5721, 3404, 'NLS', 'L.C.2882(8)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5722, 3405, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(12)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5723, 3405, 'NLS', 'L.C.2880(5)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5724, 3406, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(13)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5725, 3406, 'NLS', 'L.C.2880(6)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5726, 3407, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(14)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5727, 3408, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(16)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5728, 3409, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(17)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5729, 3410, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(18)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5730, 3411, 'NLS', 'L.C.2863(19)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5731, 3004, 'NLS', 'L.C.2840(18)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5732, 3005, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(1)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5733, 3006, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(2)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5734, 3007, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(3)', NULL, 11.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5735, 3008, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(4)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5736, 3009, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(5)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5737, 3010, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(6)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5738, 3011, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(7)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5739, 3012, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(8)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5740, 3013, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(9)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5741, 3014, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5742, 3015, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(11)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5743, 3016, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(12)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5744, 3017, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(13)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5745, 3018, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(14)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5746, 3019, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(15)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5747, 3020, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(16)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5748, 3020, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(16)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5749, 3021, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(17)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5750, 3022, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(18)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5751, 3023, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(19)', NULL, 11, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5752, 3023, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(2)', NULL, 11, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5753, 3024, 'NLS', 'APS.1.77.127', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5754, 3024, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(20)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5755, 3025, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(21)', NULL, 11.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5756, 3026, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(22)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5757, 3027, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(23)', NULL, 11.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5758, 3028, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(24)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5759, 3029, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(25)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5760, 3030, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(26)', NULL, 11.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5761, 3031, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(28)', NULL, 11.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5762, 3032, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(31)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5763, 3032, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(21)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5764, 3033, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(32)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5765, 3034, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(33)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5766, 3035, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(34)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5767, 3036, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(35)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5768, 3037, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(36)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5769, 3037, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(25)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5770, 3038, 'NLS', 'L.C.2845(37)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5771, 3038, 'NLS', 'H.17.E.25(12)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5772, 3039, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(1)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5773, 3040, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(2)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5774, 3041, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.78.239(5)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5775, 3041, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(3)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5776, 3042, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(4)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5777, 3043, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(5)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5778, 3044, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(6)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5779, 3045, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(7)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5780, 3046, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(9)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5787, 3053, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(16)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5788, 3054, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(17)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5789, 3055, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(18)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5790, 3056, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(19)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5791, 3057, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(20)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5792, 3058, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(21)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5811, 3076, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(40)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5812, 3078, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(41)', NULL, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5813, 3079, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(42)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5814, 3080, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(43)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5815, 3081, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(44)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5816, 3082, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(45)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5817, 3083, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(46)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5818, 3084, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(47)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5819, 3085, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(48)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5820, 3086, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(49)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5821, 3087, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(50)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5822, 3088, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(51)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5823, 3089, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(52)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5824, 3090, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(53)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5825, 3091, 'NLS', 'MF.134, REEL 910, NO. 28', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5826, 3091, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(54)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5827, 3092, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(55)', NULL, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5829, 3093, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(56)', NULL, 15, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5884, 3138, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(13)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5885, 3139, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(14)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5886, 3140, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(15)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5887, 3141, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.1(12)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5888, 3141, 'NLS', 'BLK.493', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5889, 3141, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(23)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5896, 4581, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.E(13)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5897, 3144, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(27)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5898, 3145, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(30)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5899, 3146, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(19)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5900, 4582, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(14)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5901, 3147, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(31)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5902, 3147, 'NLS', 'RB.S.836(2)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5903, 4583, 'NLS', 'L.C.2848(9)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5904, 3147, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893(2)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5905, 3148, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(20)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5906, 3149, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(21)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5907, 3150, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(23)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5908, 3151, 'NLS', 'L.C.2847(29)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5909, 3152, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(2)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5910, 3153, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(3)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5911, 3153, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(15)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5912, 3154, 'NLS', 'Hall.195.I.1(7)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5913, 3154, 'NLS', 'Mas.621(13)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5914, 3154, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(5)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5915, 3155, 'NLS', 'RB.S.836(7)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5916, 3155, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(6)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5917, 3156, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(7)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5918, 3157, 'NLS', '5.1540(32)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5919, 3157, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(8)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5920, 709, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(14)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5921, 3158, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(10)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5922, 3159, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(13)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5923, 3160, 'NLS', 'MF.G.0529(02)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5924, 3160, 'NLS', 'RY.III.E.16(10)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5925, 3160, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(33)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5926, 3161, 'NLS', 'L.C.2849(20)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5927, 3161, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(20)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5928, 3161, 'NLS', 'L.C.2885(10)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5929, 4584, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.4(10)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5930, 471, 'NLS', 'L.C.2848(1)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5931, 3162, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(10)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5932, 3163, 'NLS', 'NE.117.F.16(11)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5933, 3163, 'NLS', 'L.C.2848(3)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5934, 4585, 'NLS', 'L.C.2848(6)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5935, 3164, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(10)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5936, 3164, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(11)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5937, 3164, 'NLS', 'L.C.2888(11)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5938, 3165, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.5(5)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5939, 3165, 'NLS', 'PDL.56/63', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5940, 3165, 'NLS', 'RB.S.836(1)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5941, 3165, 'NLS', 'L.C.2848(8)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5942, 3166, 'NLS', 'L.C.2848(10)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5943, 3167, 'NLS', 'L.C.2848(11)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5944, 4566, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(27)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5945, 3168, 'NLS', 'L.C.2848(15)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5946, 3169, 'NLS', 'L.C.2848(16)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5947, 4587, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.D(10)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5948, 3170, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(3)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5949, 3170, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(5)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5950, 3171, 'NLS', 'RB.S.834(15)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5951, 3171, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850(4)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5952, 3172, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.B(14)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5953, 3172, 'NLS', 'MF.134 ; REEL 910, NO. 30.', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5954, 3172, 'NLS', 'L.C.2901.G(18)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5955, 3173, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.A(13)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5956, 3174, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.A(14)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5957, 3175, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(1)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5958, 3175, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(50)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5959, 3176, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(3)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5960, 3176, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(51)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5961, 3177, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(2)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5962, 3177, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(48)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5963, 3178, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(4)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5964, 3178, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(13)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5965, 3179, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(5)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5966, 4588, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(11)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5967, 3180, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(6)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5968, 4589, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(7)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5969, 4589, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(4)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5970, 3181, 'NLS', '5.1009(16[16])', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5971, 3181, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(8)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5972, 3181, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(45)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5973, 3182, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(9)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5974, 4590, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(12)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5975, 3182, 'NLS', 'L.C.2887(20)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5976, 3183, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(49)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5977, 3183, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(10)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5978, 3184, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(53)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5979, 3184, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(11)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5980, 3185, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(12)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5981, 4591, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(44)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5982, 3186, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(13)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5983, 3187, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(14)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5984, 4592, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(27)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (5985, 3187, 'NLS', 'L.C.2887(21)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6016, 3198, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(30)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6017, 4596, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(7)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6018, 3199, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(31)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6019, 3199, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(31)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6020, 3199, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(53)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6021, 3200, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(33)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6022, 3200, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(33)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6023, 4597, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(26)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6024, 3201, 'NLS', '5.1899(32)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6025, 3201, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(19)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6026, 3201, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(46)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6027, 3202, 'NLS', '5.1899(7)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6040, 3206, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(40)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6041, 3207, 'NLS', '5.1899(10)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6042, 3207, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(41)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6043, 3207, 'NLS', 'L.C.2851(43)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6044, 3207, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(23)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6045, 3208, 'NLS', '[Ao].8.3/4(43)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6070, 3218, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(35)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6071, 3219, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(18)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6072, 3219, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(10)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6073, 3220, 'NLS', 'L.C.2892(38)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6074, 3220, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(21)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6075, 3220, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(3)', NULL, 12, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6100, 3230, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.4(1)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6101, 3230, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852(40)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6102, 3231, 'NLS', 'Mas.620(12)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6103, 3231, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(10)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6104, 3231, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.D(7)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6105, 3232, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(14)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6106, 3232, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.D(10)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6107, 3233, 'NLS', 'RB.S.836(8)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6108, 3233, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(4)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6109, 3233, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.D(12)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6110, 3234, 'NLS', 'L.C.2850.D(14)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6111, 3254, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(9)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6112, 3255, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(16)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6113, 632, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.H.4(5)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6114, 3256, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(20)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6115, 3257, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(27)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6116, 3257, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(28)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6117, 3258, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.F(18)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6118, 3259, 'NLS', 'Hall.191.F.4(2)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6119, 3259, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.H(3)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6120, 3275, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(4)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6121, 3276, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(7)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6122, 3277, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(9)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6123, 3278, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(11)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6124, 3279, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(28)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6125, 3280, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(30)', NULL, 16, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6126, 3281, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(31)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6127, 3282, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(32)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6128, 3283, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(33)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6129, 3284, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(34)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6130, 3285, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(37)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6131, 3286, 'NLS', 'L.C.2858(38)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6132, 3431, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(4)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6133, 3431, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(26)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6134, 3432, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(5)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6135, 3432, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(22)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6136, 3433, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(6)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6137, 3434, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(10)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6138, 3435, 'NLS', 'L.C.2862(27)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6139, 3436, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(1)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6140, 3437, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(2)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6141, 3438, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(3)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6142, 3439, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(4)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6143, 3440, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(5)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6144, 3441, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(7)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6145, 3442, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(9)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6146, 3443, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(12)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6147, 3444, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(13)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6148, 3445, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(15)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6149, 3446, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(18)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6150, 3447, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(24)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6151, 3448, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(25)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6152, 3449, 'NLS', 'L.C.2864(26)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6153, 3450, 'NLS', 'L.C.2865(1)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6154, 3451, 'NLS', 'L.C.2865(2)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6155, 3452, 'NLS', 'L.C.2865(3)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6156, 3453, 'NLS', 'L.C.2865(4)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6157, 3454, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1879(11)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6158, 3454, 'NLS', 'L.C.2865(5)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6159, 3455, 'NLS', 'L.C.2865(6)', NULL, 15.2, 'Horizontal chain lines.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6160, 3456, 'NLS', '2.316(8)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6161, 3456, 'NLS', 'L.C.2865(8)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6162, 3457, 'NLS', 'L.C.2865(9)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6163, 3458, 'NLS', 'L.C.2865(11)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6164, 3459, 'NLS', 'L.C.2865(12)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6165, 3460, 'NLS', 'L.C.2865(13)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6166, 3461, 'NLS', 'L.C.2865(14)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6167, 3462, 'NLS', 'L.C.2866(1)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6168, 3463, 'NLS', 'L.C.2866(3)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6169, 3464, 'NLS', 'L.C.2866(4)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6170, 3465, 'NLS', 'L.C.2866(5)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6171, 3466, 'NLS', 'L.C.2866(8)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6172, 3467, 'NLS', 'L.C.2866(9)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6173, 3468, 'NLS', 'L.C.2866(6)', NULL, 13.9, 'Imperfect. Title page mutilated - missing parts of tye title supplied in manuscript.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6174, 4601, 'NLS', 'L.C.2866(7)', NULL, 13.9, 'Cropped at head with loss of first line of title and some page numbers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6175, 3469, 'NLS', 'L.C.2866(14)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6176, 3485, 'NLS', 'L.C.2888(2)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6177, 3485, 'NLS', 'L.C.2868(12)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6178, 3486, 'NLS', 'L.C.2868(14)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6179, 3487, 'NLS', 'L.C.2868(15)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6180, 3488, 'NLS', 'L.C.2868(16)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6181, 3489, 'NLS', 'L.C.2868(17)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6182, 3490, 'NLS', 'L.C.2868(18)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6183, 3491, 'NLS', 'L.C.2868(19)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6184, 3492, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869(1)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6185, 3493, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869(2)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6186, 3494, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869(3)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6187, 3495, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869(4)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6188, 3496, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869(5)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6189, 3497, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869(6)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6190, 3497, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(10)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6191, 3498, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869(7)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6192, 3499, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869(10)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6193, 3499, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(2)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6194, 3500, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869(12)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6195, 3501, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869(13)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6196, 3502, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869(14)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6197, 3503, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869(15)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6198, 3504, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869(17)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6199, 3505, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869.A(3)', NULL, 11, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6200, 3506, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869.A(5)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6201, 3506, 'NLS', 'L.C.2871(1)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6202, 3507, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.204.070(1)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6203, 3507, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869.A(8)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6204, 3508, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869.A(9)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6205, 3508, 'NLS', 'L.C.2889(25)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6206, 3509, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869.A(10)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6207, 3510, 'NLS', 'MF.SP.15(8)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6208, 3510, 'NLS', 'RY.1.4.208(1)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6209, 3510, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869.A(13)', NULL, 14.2, 'Ink inscription on title page : Dundee 29 March 1809.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6210, 3511, 'NLS', 'L.C.2869.A(14)', NULL, 11, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6211, 3512, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(1)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6212, 3513, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(2)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6213, 3514, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(35)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6214, 3514, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(3)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6215, 3515, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(51)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6216, 3515, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(4)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6217, 3516, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(5)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6218, 3517, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(6)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6219, 3518, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(32)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6220, 3518, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(7)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6221, 3519, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(8)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6222, 3520, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(9)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6223, 3521, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(10)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6224, 3522, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(37)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6225, 3522, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(11)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6226, 3523, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(34)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6227, 3523, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(12)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6228, 3524, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(13)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6229, 3525, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(48)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6230, 3525, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(14)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6231, 3526, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(15)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6232, 3527, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(31)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6233, 3527, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(16)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6234, 3528, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(17)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6235, 3529, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(18)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6236, 3530, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(19)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6237, 3531, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(20)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6238, 3532, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(21)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6239, 3533, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(22)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6240, 3534, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(17)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6241, 3534, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(23)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6242, 3535, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(25)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6243, 3536, 'NLS', 'L.C.2870(26)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6244, 3537, 'NLS', 'L.C.2867(1)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6245, 3538, 'NLS', 'L.C.2867(9)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6246, 3539, 'NLS', 'L.C.2860(1)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6247, 3540, 'NLS', 'L.C.2860(2)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6248, 3541, 'NLS', 'L.C.2860(4)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6249, 3542, 'NLS', 'L.C.2860(6)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6250, 3543, 'NLS', 'L.C.2860(8)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6251, 3544, 'NLS', 'L.C.2860(9)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6252, 3545, 'NLS', 'L.C.2860(10)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6253, 3546, 'NLS', 'L.C.2860(14)', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6254, 3547, 'NLS', 'L.C.2860(15)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6255, 3548, 'NLS', 'L.C.2860(12)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6256, 3549, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.204.070(3)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6257, 3549, 'NLS', 'L.C.2871(3)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6258, 3550, 'NLS', 'L.C.2871(4)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6259, 3551, 'NLS', 'L.C.2871(7)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6260, 3552, 'NLS', 'L.C.2871(8)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6261, 3553, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(1)', NULL, 11.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6262, 3554, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(2)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6263, 3555, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(16)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6264, 3555, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(3)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6265, 3556, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(4)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6266, 3557, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(5)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6267, 3558, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(6)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6268, 3559, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(7)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6269, 3560, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(8)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6270, 3560, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(26)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6271, 3561, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(9)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6272, 3562, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(10)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6273, 3563, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(11)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6274, 3564, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(12)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6275, 3565, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(13)', NULL, 11.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6276, 3566, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(15)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6277, 3567, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(28)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6278, 3567, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(17)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6279, 3568, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(30)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6280, 3568, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(18)', NULL, 12.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6281, 3569, 'NLS', 'ABS.1.202.150(43)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6282, 3569, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(19)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6283, 3570, 'NLS', 'BLK.609', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6284, 3570, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(20)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6285, 3571, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(21)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6286, 3572, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(22)', NULL, 12.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6287, 3573, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(24)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6288, 3574, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(25)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6289, 3575, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(27)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6290, 3576, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(28)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6291, 3577, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(31)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6292, 3578, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(33)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6293, 3579, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(34)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6294, 3580, 'NLS', 'L.C.2872(35)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6295, 3581, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(1)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6296, 3582, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(2)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6297, 3583, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(4)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6298, 3584, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(6)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6299, 3585, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(7)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6300, 3586, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(8)', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6301, 3587, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(10)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6302, 3588, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(11)', NULL, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6303, 3589, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6304, 3590, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(15)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6305, 3591, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(17)', NULL, 12.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6306, 3592, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(24)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6307, 3593, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(27)', NULL, 12.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6308, 3594, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(28)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6309, 3595, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(31)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6310, 3596, 'NLS', 'Hall.197.H.1(19)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6311, 3596, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(32)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6312, 3597, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(35)', NULL, 11.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6313, 3598, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(36)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6314, 3599, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(38)', NULL, 11.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6315, 3600, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(39)', NULL, 11.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6316, 3601, 'NLS', 'Hall.197.H.1(25)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6317, 3601, 'NLS', 'NG.1170.I.9(3)', NULL, 11.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6616, 3851, 'NLS', 'L.C.2890(22)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6617, 3852, 'NLS', 'RB.S.842(7)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6618, 3852, 'NLS', 'L.C.2890(23)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6619, 3853, 'NLS', 'L.C.2890(24)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6620, 3854, 'NLS', 'L.C.2890(26)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6621, 3855, 'NLS', 'L.C.2890(28)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6622, 3856, 'NLS', 'L.C.2890(29)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6623, 3857, 'NLS', '1973.41(18)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6624, 3857, 'NLS', 'L.C.2890(30)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6625, 3858, 'NLS', 'L.C.2890(31)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6626, 3859, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(2)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6627, 3860, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(4)', NULL, 14.5, 'Possibly part of a larger work - signed \'C\' on title page.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6628, 3861, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(5)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6629, 3862, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(6)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6630, 3863, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(8)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6631, 3864, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(9)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6632, 3865, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(10)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6633, 3866, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(11)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6634, 3867, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(12)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6635, 3868, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(13)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6636, 3869, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(14)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6637, 3870, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(15)', NULL, 12.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6638, 3871, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(16)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6639, 3872, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(17)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6640, 3873, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(19)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6641, 3899, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(16)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6642, 3900, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(17)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6643, 3901, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(18)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6644, 3902, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(19)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6645, 3903, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(20)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6646, 3904, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(21)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6647, 3905, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(22)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6648, 3906, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(23)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6649, 3907, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(24)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6650, 3908, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(25)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6651, 3909, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(26)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6652, 3910, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(27)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6653, 3911, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(28)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6654, 3912, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(29)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6655, 3913, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(30)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6656, 3914, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(31)', NULL, 12.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6657, 3915, 'NLS', 'MF.SP.629(6)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6658, 3915, 'NLS', 'Hall.133.H.3(4)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6659, 3915, 'NLS', 'L.C.2879(2)', NULL, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6660, 3916, 'NLS', 'L.C.2886(1)', NULL, 14, 'There are manuscript notes and corrections throughout.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6661, 3917, 'NLS', 'L.C.2886(3)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6662, 3918, 'NLS', 'RB.S.1241(11)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6663, 3918, 'NLS', 'L.C.2886(4)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6664, 3919, 'NLS', 'L.C.2886(6)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6665, 3920, 'NLS', 'L.C.2886(10)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6666, 3921, 'NLS', 'L.C.2886(11)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6667, 3922, 'NLS', 'L.C.2886(13)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6668, 3923, 'NLS', 'L.C.2886(14)', NULL, 13, 'Bound with an interleaved page with manuscript notation.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6669, 3924, 'NLS', 'L.C.2909.C(6)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6670, 3925, 'NLS', 'L.C.2918', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6671, 3926, 'NLS', 'L.C.2931(1)', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6672, 3927, 'NLS', 'L.C.2931(2)', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6673, 3928, 'NLS', 'L.C.2932', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6674, 3929, 'NLS', 'L.C.2935', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6675, 3930, 'NLS', 'L.C.2937', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6676, 3931, 'NLS', 'L.C.2938', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6677, 3932, 'NLS', 'L.C.2939', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6678, 3933, 'NLS', 'L.C.2940', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6679, 3934, 'NLS', 'L.C.2942', NULL, 14.6, 'In manuscript on title page : Monday 29 April 1833.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6680, 3935, 'NLS', 'L.C.2977', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6681, 3936, 'NLS', 'L.C.2980', NULL, 14.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6682, 3937, 'NLS', 'L.C.2981', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6683, 3938, 'NLS', 'L.C.2983', NULL, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6684, 3939, 'NLS', 'L.C.3013', NULL, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6685, 3940, 'NLS', 'L.C.2984', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6686, 3941, 'NLS', 'L.C.2986', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6687, 3942, 'NLS', 'L.C.2891(1)', NULL, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6688, 3943, 'NLS', 'L.C.2891(9)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6689, 3944, 'NLS', 'RB.S.825(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6690, 3944, 'NLS', 'L.C.2891(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6691, 3944, 'NLS', 'L.C.2888(20)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6692, 3945, 'NLS', 'L.C.3062', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6693, 3946, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(1)', NULL, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6694, 3947, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(2)', NULL, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6695, 3948, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(4)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6696, 3949, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(3)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6697, 3950, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(5)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6698, 3951, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(8)', NULL, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6699, 3952, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(11)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6700, 3953, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(15)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6701, 3991, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(76)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6702, 3992, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(78)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6703, 4008, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(102)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6704, 4009, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(103)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6705, 4010, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(106)', NULL, 12.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6706, 4011, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(107)', NULL, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6707, 4012, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(109)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6708, 4013, 'NLS', 'RB.S.910(110)', NULL, 14.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6709, 4014, 'NLS', 'APS.1.97.47', NULL, 11.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6710, 3874, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(20)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6711, 3875, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(21)', NULL, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6712, 3876, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(22)', NULL, 13.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6713, 3877, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(23)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6714, 3878, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(24)', NULL, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6715, 3879, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(25)', NULL, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6716, 3880, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(26)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6717, 3881, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(27)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6718, 3882, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(28)', NULL, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6719, 3883, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(29)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6720, 3884, 'NLS', 'L.C.2900(30)', NULL, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6721, 3885, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(1)', NULL, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6722, 3886, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(2)', NULL, 13.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6723, 3887, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(3)', NULL, 13.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6724, 3888, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(5)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6725, 3889, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(6)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6726, 3890, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(7)', NULL, 14.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6727, 3891, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(8)', NULL, 13.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6728, 3892, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(9)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6729, 3893, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(11)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6730, 3894, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(10)', NULL, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6731, 3895, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(12)', NULL, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6732, 3896, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(13)', NULL, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6733, 3897, 'NLS', 'L.C.2897(14)', NULL, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6734, 3898, 'NLS', 'L.C.2987(15)', NULL, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6735, 1622, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.28', 19, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6736, 4038, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 35, 15.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Part of additional torn-out page between pp 2 and 3'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6737, 4039, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 36, 15.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6738, 4040, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 37, 15.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6739, 4041, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 38, 15.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6740, 4042, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 39, 15.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6741, 4043, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 40, 15.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6742, 4044, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 42, 15.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6743, 4045, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 43, 15.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6744, 4046, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2356', 44, 15.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6745, 1888, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2357', 4, 14.6, 'Drab wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6746, 1882, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2358', 4, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6747, 500, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2359', 14, 14.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6748, 3142, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2359', 15, 14.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom, removing some text, including series number on title page'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6749, 1222, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2359', 16, 14.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6750, 1878, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2359', 17, 14.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6751, 4022, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2359', 18, 14.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6752, 4047, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 6, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6753, 4048, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 11, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6754, 4049, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.35', 20, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6755, 4052, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 2, 16.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6756, 4053, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 3, 16.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6757, 3749, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 4, 16.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6758, 4054, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 5, 16.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6759, 4055, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 6, 16.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6760, 4056, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 7, 16.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Press cutting on guard inserted after p. 2'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6761, 4057, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 1, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6762, 4058, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 2, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6763, 2170, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 3, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6764, 4059, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 5, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Page numbers partially cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6765, 4060, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 6, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6766, 4061, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 8, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6767, 4062, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 9, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Some page numbers cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6768, 4063, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 11, 13.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6769, 3749, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 12, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6770, 4064, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 13, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6771, 1530, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 15, 14.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6772, 4065, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 16, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6773, 4066, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 17, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6774, 4067, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 18, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6775, 4068, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 19, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6776, 4069, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 20, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6777, 4070, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 160', 21, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6778, 1023, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 8, 16.9, 'Cropped at top. Mounted press cutting inserted between pp 4 and 5.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6779, 634, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 19, 15.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6780, 708, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.18', 30, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6781, 1876, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2355', 16, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6782, 1877, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2355', 17, 14.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6783, 677, 'GUL', 'Sp Coll 2353', 25, 16.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6784, 1486, 'GUL', 'Bh13-d.11', 4, 16.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6785, 494, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.1(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6786, 1631, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6787, 1192, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 4, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6788, 528, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 18, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6789, 132, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.13', 24, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6790, 1530, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 2, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6791, 1041, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 3, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6792, 1182, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 4, 15.2, 'Cropped at top. Date upsidedown on verso of title-page.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6793, 292, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 9, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6794, 1370, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 12, 14.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6795, 209, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.3', 15, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6796, 837, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 9, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6797, 1292, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 12, 15.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6798, 1840, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 14, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6799, 1839, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 15, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6800, 1841, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 16, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6801, 4028, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 17, 15.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6802, 1672, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 19, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6803, 1846, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.17', 20, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6804, 342, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 3, 15.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6805, 1868, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 10, 14.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6806, 2673, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 11, 15.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6807, 2627, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 13, 14.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6808, 2276, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 19, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6809, 4071, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 35, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6810, 4072, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 36, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6811, 4073, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 41, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6812, 2222, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 42, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6813, 4074, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 43, 15.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6814, 961, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 44, 15.9, 'Press cutting on Robin Adair tipped in at p. 7.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6815, 4075, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 45, 15.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6816, 2200, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 46, 14.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6817, 969, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 47, 15.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6818, 2231, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 48, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6819, 4076, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 49, 15.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6820, 2234, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 50, 15.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6821, 3717, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 51, 15.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6822, 1438, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.16', 52, 15.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6823, 152, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6824, 152, 'NLS', 'L.C.2830(29)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6825, 2124, 'NLS', 'L.C.2797(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6826, 2151, 'NLS', 'L.C.2799(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6827, 2152, 'NLS', 'L.C.2799(2)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6828, 2153, 'NLS', 'L.C.2799(3)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6829, 2154, 'NLS', 'L.C.2799(4)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6830, 2155, 'NLS', 'L.C.2799(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6831, 2180, 'NLS', 'L.C.2804(8)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6832, 2204, 'NLS', 'L.C.2805(24)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6833, 2326, 'NLS', 'L.C.2797(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6834, 3077, 'NLS', 'L.C.2846(40)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6835, 769, 'NLS', 'L.C.2873(21)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6836, 4078, 'GUL', 'BG56-f.27', 12, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6837, 4079, 'GUL', 'BG56-l.16', 1, 12.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6838, 4080, 'GUL', 'BG56-l.16', 2, 12.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6839, 4081, 'GUL', 'BG57-g.4', 6, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6841, 4083, 'GUL', 'BG57-g.9', 6, 15.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6842, 4084, 'GUL', 'Mu1-i.33', 1, 16.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6843, 4085, 'GUL', 'Mu1-i.33', 2, 16.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6844, 4086, 'GUL', 'Mu1-i.33', 3, 16.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6845, 4087, 'GUL', 'Mu1-i.33', 4, 16.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6846, 4088, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 2, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6847, 4087, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 3, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6848, 4089, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 4, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6849, 4090, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 5, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6850, 4091, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 12, 15.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6851, 4092, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 13, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6852, 4093, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 14, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6853, 4094, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 15, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6854, 4095, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 16, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6855, 4096, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 18, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6856, 4097, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 19, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6857, 4098, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 20, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6858, 4084, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 24, 16.7, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6859, 4099, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 25, 16.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6860, 4100, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 26, 16.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6861, 3546, 'GUL', 'Mu1-h.41', 28, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6862, 4101, 'GUL', 'Mu1-f.43', 1, 16.4, 'Cropped at top. Beginning of title missing.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6863, 569, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 9, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6864, 1621, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 12, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6865, 103, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 17, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6866, 319, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 18, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6867, 309, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 19, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6868, 316, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 20, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6869, 1661, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 21, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6870, 1345, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.34', 24, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6871, 2742, 'GUL', 'Mu24-f.36', 5, 15.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6872, 2382, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.1', 7, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6873, 2436, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.1', 8, 15.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6874, 745, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.1', 9, 15.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6875, 2600, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.2', 4, 15.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6876, 1455, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 1, 15.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6877, 4102, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 2, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6878, 1827, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 5, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6879, 4024, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 6, 15.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6880, 4025, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 8, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6881, 498, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 12, 15.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6882, 1826, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 13, 14.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6883, 1824, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 17, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6884, 4047, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 18, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6885, 4048, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.4', 19, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6886, 1102, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.10', 1, 16.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6887, 460, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.10', 8, 16.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6888, 4103, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.10', 9, 16.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6889, 4104, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.10', 10, 16.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6890, 4105, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.10', 11, 16.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6891, 4106, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.10', 4, 16.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6892, 4107, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.10', 5, 16.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6911, 1452, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.16', 8, 15.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6912, 705, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.16', 9, 15.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6913, 4116, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 2, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6914, 556, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 3, 16.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6915, 575, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 4, 16.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6916, 1607, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 5, 16.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6917, 3292, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 6, 16.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6918, 4117, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 7, 14, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6919, 4118, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 8, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6920, 1101, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 9, 16.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6921, 4119, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 10, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6922, 3376, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 11, 16.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6923, 4120, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 12, 14.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6924, 1473, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 13, 15.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6925, 4121, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 14, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6926, 2019, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 15, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6927, 4122, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 16, 16.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6928, 4018, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 17, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6929, 519, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 18, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6930, 1808, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 19, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6931, 1112, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 20, 16.1, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6932, 860, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 21, 16.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6933, 1584, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.27', 22, 16.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6934, 3601, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.30', 1, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6935, 78, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.30', 4, 15.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6936, 64, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.30', 5, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6937, 3601, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.30', 8, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6938, 1192, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.30', 10, 15.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6939, 118, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.33', 5, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6940, 409, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.33', 6, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6941, 1661, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.33', 7, 16.7, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6942, 1473, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.33', 8, 15.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6943, 1622, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.33', 9, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6944, 1621, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.33', 10, 15.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6945, 4123, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 1, 15.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6946, 4124, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 3, 15.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6947, 4125, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 4, 15.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6948, 4126, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 5, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6949, 4127, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 6, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6950, 4128, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 7, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6951, 4129, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 8, 14.5, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6952, 4130, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 9, 15.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6953, 3568, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 10, 15.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6954, 4131, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 11, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6955, 4132, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 12, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6956, 1292, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 13, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6957, 4133, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 14, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Part of title torn away; the rest barely legible'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6958, 4134, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 17, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6959, 4135, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 18, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Part of imprint cut away.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6960, 4136, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 19, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Hole on title page, with loss of some text.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6961, 4137, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 20, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Imprint and bottom line of text cut away on most pages.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6962, 4138, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 21, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6963, 4139, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 22, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6964, 4140, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 23, 14.8, 'Cropped at top. Some page numbers cut away at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6965, 4141, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 24, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Some page numbers cut away at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6966, 4142, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 25, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6967, 1546, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 26, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6968, 1718, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 27, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6969, 2982, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 28, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Pp 3-4 incorrectly bound before title page, and pp 5-6 at end.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6970, 4143, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 29, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6971, 4144, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 30, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6972, 4145, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.34', 31, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6973, 845, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.35', 8, 15.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6974, 1370, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.35', 9, 14.2, 'Pages unopened at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6975, 1160, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.37', 1, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6976, 4147, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.39', 3, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6977, 4148, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.39', 4, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6978, 4149, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.39', 5, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6979, 4150, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.39', 6, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6980, 4151, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.39', 7, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6981, 4152, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.39', 9, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6982, 4153, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.39', 10, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6983, 4154, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.39', 11, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6984, 4155, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.39', 12, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6985, 4156, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 2, 14.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6986, 4152, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 3, 14.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6987, 4157, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 5, 14.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6988, 4158, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 6, 14.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6989, 4159, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 7, 14.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6990, 4160, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 8, 14.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6991, 4161, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 9, 14.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6992, 4162, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 11, 14.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6993, 4163, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 12, 14.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6994, 4149, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 16, 14.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6995, 4164, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 18, 14.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6996, 4151, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 19, 14.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6997, 4165, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 20, 14.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Lacks pp 7-8.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6998, 1867, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.44', 27, 14.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (6999, 4090, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.45', 3, 17.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7000, 4084, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.45', 6, 16.7, 'Cropped at top. Pages bound in incorrect order.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7001, 4096, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.45', 8, 14.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7002, 4166, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.45', 10, 15.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7003, 4167, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.45', 12, 15.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Title page detached.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7004, 4085, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.46', 1, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7005, 4087, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.46', 6, 16.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7006, 4086, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.46', 8, 16.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7007, 4096, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.46', 10, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7008, 4091, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.46', 12, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7009, 4093, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.46', 13, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7010, 4094, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.46', 14, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7011, 4097, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.46', 15, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7012, 4168, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 2, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7013, 4169, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 3, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7014, 4170, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 4, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7015, 4171, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 5, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7016, 4172, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 8, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7017, 4093, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 12, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7018, 4173, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 13, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7019, 4174, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 14, 16.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7020, 67, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 15, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7021, 30, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 16, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7022, 4094, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 19, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7023, 4175, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 20, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7024, 4088, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 21, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7025, 4098, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 22, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7026, 4096, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.48', 24, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7027, 4176, 'GUL', 'Mu26-c.57', 4, 16, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7028, 4177, 'GUL', 'Mu26-c.57', 6, 16, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7029, 4178, 'GUL', 'Mu26-c.57', 7, 16, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7030, 4179, 'GUL', 'Mu26-c.57', 8, 16, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7031, 4180, 'GUL', 'Mu26-c.57', 9, 16, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7032, 4181, 'GUL', 'Mu26-c.57', 10, 16, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7033, 4182, 'GUL', 'Mu26-c.57', 11, 16, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7034, 4183, 'GUL', 'Mu26-c.57', 12, 16, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7035, 4184, 'GUL', 'Mu26-c.57', 13, 16, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7036, 4185, 'GUL', 'Mu26-c.57', 14, 16, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7037, 4186, 'GUL', 'Mu26-c.58', 2, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7038, 4187, 'GUL', 'Mu26-c.58', 3, 15.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7039, 4188, 'GUL', 'Mu26-c.58', 5, 16, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7040, 4016, 'GUL', 'Mu2-g.27/1', NULL, 16.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7041, 4189, 'GUL', 'Mu2-g.27/16', NULL, 16.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7042, 4190, 'GUL', 'Mu2-g.27/19', NULL, 16.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7043, 4193, 'GUL', 'Mu43-i.3', 6, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7044, 4194, 'GUL', 'Mu36-h.19', 1, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7045, 4195, 'GUL', 'Mu36-h.19', 3, 14.7, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Some text cut away.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7046, 4196, 'GUL', 'Mu40-h.31', 5, 17.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7047, 4197, 'GUL', 'Mu40-h.31', 8, 17.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7048, 4198, 'GUL', 'Mu40-h.31', 9, 17.1, 'Part 1 only (Pp 1-8).'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7049, 4199, 'GUL', 'Mu40-h.31', 15, 16.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7050, 4200, 'GUL', 'Mu40-f.20', 5, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7051, 4201, 'GUL', 'Mu40-f.20', 1, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7052, 4202, 'GUL', 'Mu40-f.20', 2, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7053, 4203, 'GUL', 'Mu40-f.20', 3, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7054, 4204, 'GUL', 'Mu40-f.20', 4, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7055, 4205, 'GUL', 'Mu40-f.20', 12, 12, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7056, 4206, 'GUL', 'Mu41-c.6', 2, 17.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7057, 1635, 'GUL', 'Mu41-g.35', 1, 15.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7058, 4207, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 1, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7059, 4208, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 2, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7060, 4209, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 3, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7061, 4210, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 4, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7062, 4211, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 5, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7063, 4212, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 6, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7064, 4213, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 7, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7065, 4214, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 8, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Text missing at foot of several pages.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7066, 4215, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 9, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7067, 4216, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 10, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7068, 4217, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 11, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7069, 4218, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 12, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7070, 4219, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 13, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7071, 4220, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 14, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7072, 4221, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 15, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7073, 4222, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 16, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7074, 4223, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 17, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7075, 4224, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 18, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7076, 4225, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 19, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7077, 4226, 'GUL', 'Mu43-g.15', 20, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7078, 4227, 'GUL', 'Mu45-i.12', 1, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7079, 4228, 'GUL', 'Mu45-i.12', 3, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7080, 4229, 'GUL', 'Mu45-i.12', 9, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7081, 731, 'GUL', 'Mu45-i.12', 10, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7082, 4230, 'GUL', 'Mu45-i.12', 11, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7083, 4231, 'GUL', 'Mu45-i.12', 12, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7084, 4232, 'GUL', 'Mu45-i.13', 1, 15.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Some text lost at top of some pages'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7085, 4233, 'GUL', 'Mu45-i.13', 2, 15.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7086, 4234, 'GUL', 'Mu45-i.13', 13, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7087, 4235, 'GUL', 'Mu45-i.13', 14, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7088, 4236, 'GUL', 'Mu48-k.24', 1, 13.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7089, 4237, 'GUL', 'Mu48-k.24', 2, 13.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7090, 4238, 'GUL', 'Mu48-k.24', 5, 15.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7091, 4239, 'GUL', 'Mu48-k.24', 7, 12.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7092, 4240, 'GUL', 'Mu48-k.24', 8, 15.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Lacks title page.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7093, 4241, 'GUL', 'Mu48-k.24', 9, 15.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7094, 1621, 'GUL', 'Mu48-k.24', 10, 15.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7095, 4242, 'GUL', 'Mu49-e.17', 5, 15.7, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7096, 4243, 'GUL', 'Mu49-h.30', 2, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7097, 4244, 'GUL', 'Mu49-h.30', 3, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Lacks title page'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7098, 4245, 'GUL', 'Mu49-h.30', 4, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7099, 4246, 'GUL', 'Mu49-h.30', 5, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7100, 4247, 'GUL', 'Mu49-h.30', 6, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7101, 4248, 'GUL', 'Mu49-h.30', 7, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7102, 4249, 'GUL', 'Mu49-h.31', 5, 15.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7103, 4250, 'GUL', 'Mu49-h.31', 4, 15.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7104, 4251, 'GUL', 'Mu49-h.31', 6, 15.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7105, 4252, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 1, 16, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7106, 4253, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 2, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7107, 1770, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 3, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7108, 1676, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 4, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7109, 1673, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 5, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7122, 1776, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 18, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7123, 1714, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 19, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7124, 1686, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 20, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7125, 1627, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 21, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7126, 1683, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 22, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7127, 1702, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 23, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7128, 1762, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 24, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7129, 2901, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 25, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7130, 4255, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 26, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7131, 1679, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 27, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7132, 4256, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 29, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7133, 1816, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 30, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7134, 4257, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 32, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7135, 1768, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 34, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7136, 1715, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 35, 15.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7137, 1771, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 36, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7138, 1674, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 37, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7139, 4258, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 38, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7140, 1555, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 39, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7141, 4259, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 40, 15.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7142, 1376, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 41, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7143, 1656, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 42, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7144, 4260, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 43, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7145, 1712, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 44, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7146, 4004, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 45, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7147, 4261, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 46, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7148, 2825, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 47, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7149, 1778, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 48, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7150, 2891, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 49, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7151, 1774, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 50, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7152, 2917, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 51, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7153, 2918, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.13', 52, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7154, 4262, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 3, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7155, 4263, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 4, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7156, 4264, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 5, 16.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7157, 4265, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 7, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Text missing at foot of several pages'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7158, 4266, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 8, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Text missing at foot of several pages'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7159, 4267, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 9, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7160, 4268, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 10, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7161, 4269, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 11, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7162, 4270, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 12, 16.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7163, 4271, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 14, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7164, 3040, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 15, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7165, 4272, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 16, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7166, 1382, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 18, 14.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7167, 4273, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 21, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7168, 4274, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 23, 14.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7169, 535, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 24, 16.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7170, 4275, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 25, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7171, 4276, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 26, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7172, 4277, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 28, 16.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7173, 4278, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 29, 15.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7174, 4279, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 30, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7175, 4280, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 31, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7176, 4281, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 32, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7177, 4282, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 33, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7178, 4283, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 34, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7179, 4284, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 35, 14.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7180, 4285, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.14', 37, 16.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7181, 4286, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 1, 16.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7182, 4287, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 2, 16.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7183, 4288, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 4, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7184, 3874, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 5, 16.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7185, 4289, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 8, 16.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7186, 4290, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 9, 16.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7187, 4291, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 10, 16.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7188, 4292, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 11, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7189, 4293, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 12, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7190, 4294, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 13, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7191, 4295, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 14, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7192, 4296, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 15, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7193, 4297, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 16, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7194, 4298, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 17, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7195, 4299, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 18, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7196, 4300, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 19, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7197, 4301, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 20, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7198, 3767, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 21, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7199, 4302, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 22, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7200, 4303, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 23, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7201, 4304, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 24, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7202, 4305, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 25, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7203, 4306, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 26, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7204, 4307, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 27, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7205, 4308, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 28, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7206, 4309, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 29, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7207, 4310, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 30, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7208, 4311, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 31, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7209, 3762, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 32, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7210, 4312, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 33, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7211, 4313, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 34, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7212, 4314, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 35, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7213, 4315, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 36, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7214, 3055, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 37, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7215, 4316, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 38, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7216, 4317, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 39, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7217, 4318, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 40, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7218, 3759, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 41, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7219, 4319, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 42, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7220, 4320, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 43, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7221, 4321, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 44, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7222, 4322, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 46, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7223, 4323, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 47, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7224, 4324, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 48, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7225, 3765, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 49, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7226, 4325, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 50, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7227, 4326, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 51, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7228, 4327, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 52, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7229, 4328, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.15', 53, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7230, 4329, 'NLS', 'APS.1.206.096', NULL, 17, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7231, 4330, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 1, 16, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7232, 4331, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 2, 15.7, 'Cropped at top. Imprint illegible.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7233, 4332, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 3, 17, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7234, 4333, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 4, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7235, 4334, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 5, 16.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7236, 4335, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 6, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7237, 4336, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 7, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7238, 1781, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 8, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7239, 4337, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 9, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7240, 1900, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 10, 17.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7241, 4338, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 11, 17.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Lacks pp 23- .'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7242, 4339, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 12, 17.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Lower half of title page and p. 2 missing.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7243, 4340, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 13, 17.3, 'Damaged and repaired.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7244, 4341, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 17, 17.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7245, 4342, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 20, 17.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7246, 4344, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 21, 17.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7247, 4345, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 22, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7248, 4346, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 23, 17.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7249, 4347, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 24, 13, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7250, 1451, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 25, 15.8, 'Lacks title page and pp 23-28.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7251, 1126, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 26, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7252, 4348, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.19', 27, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7253, 4349, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 1, 16.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7254, 4350, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 3, 16.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7255, 4351, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 5, 16.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7256, 4352, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 6, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7257, 4353, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 7, 16.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7258, 4354, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 8, 16.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7259, 3576, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 9, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7260, 4355, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 10, 16.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7261, 4356, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 13, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7262, 4357, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 15, 16.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7263, 4358, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 17, 16.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7264, 4359, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 19, 16.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7265, 4360, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 22, 16.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7266, 4361, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 23, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7267, 4362, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.20', 29, 16.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7269, 4363, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 1, 17, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7270, 2848, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 3, 16.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7271, 1556, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 4, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7272, 4364, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 5, 15.3, 'Cropped at top. Lacks pp 3-6.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7273, 1471, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 7, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7274, 254, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 18, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7275, 4365, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 21, 15.8, 'Cropped at top. Lacks pp 11-15.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7276, 1868, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.23', 22, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7277, 4366, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 12, 16, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7278, 1140, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 13, 16, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7279, 4367, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 28, 16, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7280, 4368, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.25', 35, 16, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7281, 1184, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 4, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7282, 536, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 20, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7283, 2988, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 32, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7284, 4369, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 39, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7285, 3849, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 41, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7286, 2617, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 42, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7287, 1475, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 48, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7288, 2209, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 52, 14.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7289, 1466, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.26', 53, 14.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7290, 4371, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 1, 16.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7291, 4372, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 2, 16, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7292, 4373, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 3, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7293, 2187, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 4, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7294, 2382, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 5, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7295, 745, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 6, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7296, 3551, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 7, 15.8, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7297, 3824, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 8, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7298, 3452, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 9, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7299, 839, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 10, 16.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7300, 4374, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 11, 16.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7301, 4375, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 12, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7302, 4376, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 13, 16.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Part of text missing at foot of pp 3-6.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7303, 4377, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 14, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7304, 4378, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 15, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7305, 4379, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 16, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7306, 4380, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 17, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7307, 4381, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 18, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7308, 2205, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 19, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7309, 2214, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 20, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7310, 1578, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 21, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7311, 4382, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 22, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7312, 4382, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 23, 14.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7313, 786, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 24, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7314, 2182, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 25, 16.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7315, 3384, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.21', 26, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7316, 3867, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 1, 17.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7317, 4384, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 2, 17.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7318, 4385, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 3, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7319, 4386, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 4, 17.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7320, 2377, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 5, 17.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7321, 4387, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 6, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7322, 4388, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 7, 16.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7323, 4389, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 8, 17.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7324, 4390, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 9, 17.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7325, 4391, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 10, 17, 'Cropped at top. Page number partly cut away at top of p. 3.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7326, 4392, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 11, 17.2, 'Cropped at bottom. Part of title missing.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7327, 4393, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 12, 17.2, 'Cropped at bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7328, 4394, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 13, 16.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7329, 2788, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 14, 17.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7330, 4395, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 15, 16.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7331, 4396, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 16, 17.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7332, 4397, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 17, 17.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7333, 4398, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 18, 17.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7334, 4399, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 19, 17.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7335, 4400, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 20, 17.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7336, 4401, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 21, 17.2, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7337, 4402, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 22, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7338, 4403, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 23, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7339, 4404, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 24, 16.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7340, 1391, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 25, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7341, 4405, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 26, 16.9, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7342, 4406, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 27, 16.6, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7343, 4407, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 28, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7344, 4408, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 29, 15.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7345, 4409, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 30, 17, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7346, 4410, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 31, 17, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7347, 4411, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 32, 16, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7348, 4412, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 33, 16.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7349, 4413, 'GUL', 'Mu52-e.24', 34, 16.6, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7350, 1160, 'GUL', 'Mu56-h.28', 1, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7351, 4415, 'GUL', 'Mu56-h.28', 1.1, 15.7, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7352, 4416, 'GUL', 'Mu56-h.29', 14, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7353, 4417, 'GUL', 'Mu56-h.29', 15, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7354, 4418, 'GUL', 'Mu56-i.2', 3, 16.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7355, 4419, 'GUL', 'Mu56-i.2', 5, 17.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7356, 4420, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 1, 15.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7357, 4423, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 4, 15.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7358, 184, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 5, 15.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7359, 496, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 6, 15.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7360, 102, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 7, 15.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7361, 1542, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 8, 15.4, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7362, 586, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 9, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7363, 129, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 10, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7364, 64, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 11, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7365, 299, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 12, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7366, 981, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 13, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7367, 26, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 14, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7368, 1913, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 15, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7369, 1253, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 16, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7370, 21, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 17, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7371, 1898, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 18, 14.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7372, 809, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 19, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7373, 47, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 20, 14.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7374, 1608, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 21, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7375, 1084, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 22, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7376, 3616, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 23, 15.4, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7377, 305, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.31', 24, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7378, 713, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 1, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7379, 195, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 2, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7380, 3942, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 3, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7381, 4424, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 4, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7382, 4425, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 5, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7383, 4426, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 6, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7384, 4427, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 7, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7385, 4428, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 8, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7386, 3741, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 9, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7387, 4429, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 10, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7388, 4430, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 11, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7389, 4431, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 12, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7390, 2883, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 13, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7391, 4432, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 14, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7392, 1699, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 15, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7393, 4433, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 16, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7394, 4434, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 17, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7395, 4435, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 18, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7396, 4436, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.11', 19, 16.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7397, 2008, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.17', 1, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7398, 643, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.17', 2, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7399, 2007, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.17', 3, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7400, 602, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.17', 4, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7401, 2004, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.17', 5, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7402, 4437, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.17', 6, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7403, 863, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.17', 7, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7404, 1635, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.17', 8, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7405, 706, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.17', 9, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7406, 703, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.18', 1, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7407, 685, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.18', 2, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7408, 310, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.18', 3, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7409, 328, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.18', 4, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7410, 4438, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.18', 5, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7411, 9, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.18', 6, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7412, 705, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.18', 7, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7413, 1136, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.18', 8, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7414, 402, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.18', 9, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7415, 598, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.19', 1, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7416, 2022, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.19', 2, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7417, 699, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.19', 3, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7418, 1809, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.19', 4, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7419, 681, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.19', 5, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7420, 328, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.19', 6, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7421, 550, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.19', 7, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7422, 3142, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.19', 8, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7423, 4438, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.19', 9, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7424, 1878, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.19', 10, 15.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7425, 534, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.20', 1, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7426, 1642, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.20', 2, 15.5, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7427, 706, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.20', 3, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7428, 402, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.20', 4, 15.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7429, 1136, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.20', 5, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7430, 371, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.20', 6, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7431, 577, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.20', 7, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7432, 1214, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.20', 8, 15.5, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7433, 4439, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.20', 9, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7434, 2281, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.21', 1, 14.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7435, 656, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.21', 2, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7436, 661, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.21', 3, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7437, 658, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.21', 4, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7438, 4019, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.21', 5, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7439, 643, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.21', 6, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7440, 329, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.21', 7, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7441, 1879, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.21', 8, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7442, 2017, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.21', 9, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7443, 4018, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.29', 1, 16, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7444, 3259, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.29', 2, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7445, 4440, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.29', 3, 17.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7446, 4441, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.29', 4, 17.2, 'Green wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7447, 556, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.28', 1, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7448, 1237, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.28', 2, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7449, 4442, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.28', 3, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7450, 1473, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.28', 4, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7451, 1622, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.28', 5, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7452, 1621, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.28', 6, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7453, 3381, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.28', 9, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7454, 27, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.28', 10, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7455, 576, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.28', 11, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7456, 19, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 1, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7457, 3180, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 2, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7458, 11, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 3, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7459, 2268, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 4, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7460, 1147, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 5, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7461, 3198, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 6, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7462, 1081, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 7, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7463, 699, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 8, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7464, 309, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 9, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7465, 4565, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 10, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7466, 662, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 11, 14.9, '\'51\' printed beneath the imprint.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7467, 3220, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 12, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7468, 314, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 13, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7469, 681, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 14, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7470, 1641, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 15, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7471, 1320, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 16, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7472, 1639, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 17, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7473, 707, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 18, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7474, 639, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 19, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7475, 328, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 20, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7476, 550, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 21, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7477, 534, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 22, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7478, 1642, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 23, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7479, 395, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.22', 24, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7480, 4443, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 1, 13.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7481, 4444, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 2, 13.6, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7482, 3153, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 3, 14.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7483, 1424, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 4, 14.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7484, 4445, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 5, 14.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7485, 4446, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 6, 13.9, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7486, 4447, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 7, 14, 'In original yellow wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7487, 300, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 8, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7488, 4448, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 9, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7489, 1552, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 10, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7490, 4449, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 11, 14, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7491, 3146, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 12, 15.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7492, 338, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 13, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7493, 589, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 14, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7494, 4450, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 15, 15.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7495, 4451, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 16, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7496, 2009, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 17, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7497, 4452, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 18, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7498, 2003, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 19, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7499, 311, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 20, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7500, 193, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 21, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7501, 4453, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 22, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7502, 3190, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 23, 15.3, '\'No. 19.\' printed top left of title page.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7503, 4454, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 24, 15.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7504, 1724, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.23', 25, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7505, 4455, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 1, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7506, 506, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 2, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7507, 2278, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 3, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7508, 667, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 4, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7509, 513, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 5, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7510, 1635, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 6, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7511, 1228, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 7, 14.8, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7512, 312, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 8, 15.2, '\'119\' printed beneath the imprint.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7513, 321, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 9, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7514, 532, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 10, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7515, 371, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 11, 14.8, '\'123.\' is printed at the foot of the title page.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7516, 1922, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 12, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7517, 4456, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 13, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7518, 577, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 14, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7519, 1217, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 15, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7520, 4457, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 16, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7521, 1575, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 17, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7522, 403, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 18, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7523, 203, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.24', 19, 15.3, 'Cropped at bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7524, 2954, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.25', 1, 16.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7525, 2949, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.25', 2, 16.2, 'Cropped at bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7526, 2952, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.25', 3, 16.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7527, 3173, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.25', 4, 16.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7528, 2951, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.25', 5, 16.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7529, 3713, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.25', 6, 13.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7530, 1808, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.25', 7, 15.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7531, 4458, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.25', 8, 16.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7532, 4459, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.25', 9, 16.7, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7533, 4460, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.25', 10, 17.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7534, 4461, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.25', 11, 15.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7535, 3110, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.25', 12, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7536, 4462, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.25', 13, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7537, 4570, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.25', 14, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7538, 4564, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.25', 15, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7539, 4563, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.25', 16, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7540, 4463, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.47', 5, 17, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7541, 4464, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.47', 6, 17, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7542, 4465, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.47', 7, 15.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7543, 1765, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 1, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7544, 1460, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 2, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7545, 1678, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 3, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7546, 1565, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 4, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7547, 1794, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 5, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7548, 1526, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 6, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7549, 1813, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 7, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7550, 2933, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 8, 15.1, 'Incomplete imprint on title page.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7551, 864, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 9, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7552, 3948, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 10, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7553, 1372, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 11, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7554, 1337, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 12, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7555, 1398, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 13, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7556, 1685, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 14, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7557, 1425, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 15, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7558, 1381, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 16, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7559, 1684, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 17, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7560, 1832, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 18, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7561, 1254, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 19, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7562, 1539, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 20, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7563, 2825, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 21, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7564, 1356, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 22, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7565, 1448, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 23, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7566, 1683, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 24, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7567, 1831, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 25, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7568, 1179, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 26, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7569, 1447, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 27, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7570, 4259, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 28, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7571, 1546, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 29, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7572, 1549, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 30, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7573, 4466, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 31, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7574, 1657, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 32, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7575, 1816, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 33, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7576, 1377, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 34, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7577, 1376, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 35, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7578, 1423, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 36, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7579, 2827, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 37, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7580, 4467, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 38, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7581, 1540, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 39, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7582, 1660, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 40, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7583, 777, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 41, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7584, 1469, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.6', 42, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7585, 1679, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 1, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7586, 1673, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 2, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7587, 1670, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 3, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7588, 1671, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 4, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7589, 1668, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 5, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7590, 1762, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 6, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7591, 1788, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 7, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7592, 1792, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 8, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7593, 1681, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 9, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7594, 3946, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 10, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7595, 1682, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 11, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7596, 1796, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 12, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7597, 799, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 13, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7598, 1814, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 14, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7599, 4468, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 15, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7600, 4469, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 16, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7601, 1716, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 17, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7602, 794, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 18, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7603, 1799, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 19, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7604, 1627, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 20, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7605, 897, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 21, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7606, 1210, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 22, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7607, 4470, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 23, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7608, 1800, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 24, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7609, 4003, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 25, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7610, 4004, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 26, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7611, 1162, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 27, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7612, 1167, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 28, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7613, 2826, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 29, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7614, 4471, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 30, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7615, 4472, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 31, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7616, 4473, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 32, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7617, 4474, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 33, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7618, 1646, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 34, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7619, 4475, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 35, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7620, 4476, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 36, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7621, 4477, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 37, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7622, 792, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 38, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7623, 4478, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 39, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7624, 4479, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 40, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7625, 4480, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.7', 41, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7626, 4481, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 1, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7627, 802, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 2, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7628, 4482, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 3, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7629, 4483, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 4, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7630, 4484, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 5, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7631, 1233, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 6, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7632, 873, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 7, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7633, 4485, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 8, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7634, 930, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 9, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7635, 4486, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 10, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7636, 926, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 11, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7637, 1656, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 12, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7638, 4487, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 13, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7639, 4488, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 14, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7640, 4489, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 15, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7641, 4490, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 16, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7642, 4491, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 17, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7643, 1805, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 18, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7644, 4492, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 19, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7645, 1804, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 20, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7646, 4493, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 21, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7647, 4494, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 22, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7648, 1802, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 23, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7649, 1801, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 24, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7650, 4495, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 25, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7651, 1187, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 26, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7652, 1184, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 27, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7653, 1238, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 28, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7654, 4496, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 29, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7655, 1655, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 30, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7656, 1707, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 31, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7657, 4497, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 32, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7658, 4498, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 33, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7659, 829, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 34, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7660, 1333, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 35, 15, 'Imperfect copy - lacks pp 7-8. Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7661, 4499, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 37, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7662, 1806, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 38, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7663, 4500, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 39, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7664, 4501, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.8', 40, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7665, 1472, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 1, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7666, 4502, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 2, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7667, 1181, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 3, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7668, 4503, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 4, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7669, 1296, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 5, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7670, 1817, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 6, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7671, 4487, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 7, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7672, 4504, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 8, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7673, 1409, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 9, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7674, 4505, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 10, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7675, 1686, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 11, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7676, 1797, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 12, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7677, 1365, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 13, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7678, 1275, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 14, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7679, 4506, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 15, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7680, 4507, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 16, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7681, 1510, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 17, 15.1, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7682, 1282, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 18, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7683, 865, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 19, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7684, 1533, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 20, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7703, 4132, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 39, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7704, 4515, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 40, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7705, 4516, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 41, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7706, 4517, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.9', 42, 15.1, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7707, 4518, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.36', 7, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7708, 1839, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.36', 8, 14.7, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7709, 4519, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.36', 9, 16.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7710, 4520, 'GUL', 'Mu25-f.36', 10, 16.3, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7711, 4547, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7712, 367, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.2(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7713, 4445, 'NLS', 'H.17.d.56(6)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7714, 4567, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7715, 4567, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(12)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7716, 4567, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.C(1)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7717, 4573, 'NLS', 'Mas.618(14)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7718, 4554, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.B(10)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7719, 612, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.3(17)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7720, 4574, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852A(27)', NULL, NULL, NULL); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7727, 153, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.1(22)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7728, 153, 'NLS', 'Hall.224.h.5(18)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7729, 153, 'NLS', 'L.C.2852.A(16)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7730, 153, 'NLS', 'L.C.2893(7)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7731, 153, 'NLS', 'Mas.619(13)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7732, 153, 'NLS', 'PDL.56/60', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7733, 1222, 'NLS', '[Ao].8/3.1(5)', NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7734, 4602, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 1, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom. Title page detached.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7735, 2810, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 2, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7736, 4603, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 3, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7737, 4604, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 5, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7738, 1382, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 6, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7739, 4605, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 7, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7740, 2624, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 8, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7741, 4606, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 9, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7742, 4607, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 10, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7744, 4608, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 11, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7745, 2209, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 12, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7746, 4128, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 13, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7747, 4609, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 14, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7748, 2672, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 15, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7749, 4610, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 17, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7750, 4611, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 18, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7751, 4612, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 19, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7752, 4613, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 20, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7753, 4614, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 21, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); 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INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7760, 4620, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 28, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7761, 4621, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 30, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7762, 4622, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 31, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7763, 4623, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 32, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7764, 4624, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 33, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7765, 4625, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 34, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7766, 4626, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 35, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7767, 2641, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 36, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7768, 4277, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 37, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7769, 4627, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 40, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7770, 4628, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 41, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7771, 4629, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 42, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7772, 4630, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 43, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7773, 2647, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 44, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7774, 4631, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 45, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7775, 2617, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 47, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7776, 4632, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 48, 15, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7777, 4056, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 49, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7778, 4633, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 52, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7779, 4634, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 54, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7780, 4635, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 55, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7781, 4636, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 56, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7782, 4637, 'GUL', 'BD20-i.10', 57, 15, 'Cropped at top and bottom.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7783, 1921, 'GUL', 'BG56-h.14', 6, 14.2, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7784, 45, 'GUL', 'BG56-h.14', 1, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7785, 91, 'GUL', 'BG56-h.14', 2, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7786, 183, 'GUL', 'BG56-h.14', 3, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7787, 348, 'GUL', 'BG56-h.14', 4, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7788, 2110, 'GUL', 'BG56-h.14', 5, 16.3, 'Cropped at top.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7789, 540, 'GUL', 'BG56-g.15', 3, 15.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7790, 137, 'GUL', 'BG56-g.15', 4, 15.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7791, 774, 'GUL', 'BG56-g.15', 6, 14.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7792, 152, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.A2', 13, 16.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7793, 255, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 36, 15.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7794, 289, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.T4', 2, 16.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7795, 409, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.L6', 17, 15.7, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7796, 465, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.S7', 1, 15, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7797, 569, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.B5', 1, 15.1, 'Cropped top and bottom. \'49\' at foot of title page'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7798, 589, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 23, 15.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7799, 666, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.J2', 13, 15.5, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7800, 681, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.J2', 7, 15.6, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7801, 787, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 27, 15.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7802, 845, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.L6', 12, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7803, 925, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 23, 15.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7804, 1291, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.L6', 6, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7805, 1383, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 43, 15.4, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7806, 1383, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 44, 15.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7807, 1400, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 28, 15.5, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7808, 1427, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 46, 17.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7809, 1433, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.F2', 1, 15.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7810, 1433, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 45, 15.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7811, 1538, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.F2', 3, 14.9, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7812, 1538, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 66, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7813, 1560, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 51, 15.6, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7814, 1616, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 48, 15.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7815, 1689, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 64, 14.8, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7816, 1925, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.A2', 11, 16.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7817, 1950, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.A2', 6, 16.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7818, 2717, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.T4', 7, 16.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7819, 2723, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.B5', 14, 16.9, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7820, 2730, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.T4', 6, 16.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7821, 2760, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.F2', 11, 15.3, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7822, 2760, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 47, 15.2, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7823, 2765, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 20, 15.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7824, 2768, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 10, 15.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7825, 2784, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.A2', 2, 16.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7826, 2975, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.P2', 17, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7827, 3146, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.J2', 15, 15.6, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7828, 3157, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.J2', 18, 15.6, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7829, 3170, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 57, 15.4, 'Cropped at top'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7830, 3192, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 4, 15.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7831, 3255, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.J2', 11, 15.6, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7832, 3275, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 35, 15.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7833, 3276, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 38, 15.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7834, 3277, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.K6', 40, 15.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7835, 3376, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.J2', 5, 15.6, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7836, 3411, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 57, 16.8, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7837, 3414, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 37, 17.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7838, 3459, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 24, 16.1, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7839, 3472, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 45, 17.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7840, 3486, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 13, 17.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7841, 3569, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.L6', 7, 15.1, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7842, 3584, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.B5', 10, 14.5, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7843, 3604, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 3, 15.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7844, 3614, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 11, 15, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7845, 3694, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 21, 16.6, 'Cropped at bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7846, 3698, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 1, 16.4, 'Cropped top and bottom'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7847, 3955, 'SUL', 'Res M 970.M2', 41, 16.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7848, 842, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/1', NULL, 10.2, 'Drab wrappers, with illustration of \'Queen Josephine\' on front, \'Emperor Nappy\' on back.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7849, 4638, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/2', NULL, 13, 'Pale yellow wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7850, 4639, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/3', NULL, 9.9, 'Drab wrappers. Pp 46-47 unopened.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7851, 1022, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/4', NULL, 10.1, 'Drab wrappers, with illustration of \'The cobbler in his stall\' on front, \'Darry and his wife Joan\' on back.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7852, 4640, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/5', NULL, 10.5, 'Blue wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7853, 885, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/6', NULL, 13.3, 'Blue wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7854, 866, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/7', NULL, 10.3, 'Yellow wrappers, with illustration of sunrise over landscape on front, \'The moon, refulgent lamp of night …\' on back.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7855, 4641, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/8a', NULL, 10.3, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7856, 4642, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/8b', NULL, 13, 'Pink wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7857, 4641, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/8c', NULL, 10.2, NULL); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7858, 4643, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/9', NULL, 13.1, 'Drab wrappers with pink label.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7859, 4644, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/10', NULL, 13, 'Pink wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7860, 1111, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/11', NULL, 13, 'Red wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7861, 4645, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/12', NULL, 9.9, 'Pink wrappers. Lacks front wrapper.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7862, 1148, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/13', NULL, 10.2, 'Blue wrappers, with illustration of soldiers marching on front, pedlar with donkey on back.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7863, 1019, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/14', NULL, 10, 'Grey wrappers.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7864, 4646, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/15', NULL, 10.1, 'Maroon stiff card wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7865, 4647, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/16', NULL, 10.3, 'Pink wrappers, with illustration of knight on horse at front, \'Lord Nelson\' and \'Britain expects every man will do his duty\' on back.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7866, 1331, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/17', NULL, 9.9, 'Grey wrappers. Lacks pp 45-47.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7867, 4648, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/18', NULL, 13, 'Green wrappers. Illustration of two horsemen on front wrapper, two men in conversation on back.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7868, 879, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/19', NULL, 13.5, 'Grey wrappers, green label.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7869, 4649, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/20', NULL, 10.2, 'Pink wrappers, with illustration of lion on front, vulture \'When fallen heroes strew the ground ...\' on back.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7870, 719, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/21', NULL, 9.1, 'Plain grey-green wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7871, 1569, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/22', NULL, 10.3, 'Blue wrappers, with illustration \'Anger, laughter\' on back.\r\nUnopened.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7872, 1568, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/23', NULL, 10.3, 'Plain pink wrappers. Lacks pp 19-20 (illustrations). Unopened.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7873, 4650, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/24', NULL, 10.1, 'Drab wrappers, with illustration of man with bell carrying load on head at back. First and last pages are paste downs.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7874, 4651, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/25', NULL, 13.1, 'Yellow wrappers, with illustration of seated man smoking pipe at front, woman seated under tree with three children at back.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7875, 4652, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/26', NULL, 13.4, 'Drab wrappers, with illustration of crowd at front, dancing couple at back.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7876, 4653, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/27', NULL, 10.2, 'Pink wrappers, with illustration of man driving pig on front, \'Tommy Playlove, and his little dog, Pompey\' on back.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7877, 1574, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/28', NULL, 13.2, 'Yellow wrappers.\r\nCropped.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7878, 4654, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/29a', NULL, 9.8, 'Drab wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7879, 4654, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/29b', NULL, 9.8, 'Blue wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7880, 4654, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/29c', NULL, 9.8, 'Blue wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7881, 4654, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/29d', NULL, 9.8, 'Blue wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7882, 4655, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/30', NULL, 9.8, 'Blue wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7883, 4656, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/31a', NULL, 10.2, 'Pink wrappers, with illustration of vulture on front, \'In quest of prey, at early day,/ with piercing eye, the kite doth fly …\' on back.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7884, 4656, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/31b', NULL, 10.3, 'Blue wrappers, with illustration \'Harrowing\' on front, \'Ploughing\' on back.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7885, 4657, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/32', NULL, 10.3, 'Blue wrappers, with illustration \'Riding on two horses\' on front, \'Riding on one horse\' on back.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7886, 4658, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/33', NULL, 13.3, 'Grey wrappers.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7887, 4659, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/34', NULL, 10.1, 'Blue wrappers, with illustration \'Prize, blank\' on back.'); INSERT INTO `Copies` (`Copy_ID`, `Books_ID`, `Repository_Code`, `Call_Number`, `Item`, `Book_Size`, `Copy_Notes`) VALUES (7888, 4660, 'GUA', 'DC112/16/35', NULL, 11.3, 'Pale blue wrappers.\r\nCropped.'); # 7877 records # # Table structure for table 'New_Books' # DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `New_Books`; CREATE TABLE `New_Books` ( `Books_ID` INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Author_1` VARCHAR(70), `Author_1_corporate` TINYINT(1), `Author_2` VARCHAR(70), `Author_2_corporate` TINYINT(1), `Title` LONGTEXT NOT NULL, `Edition` VARCHAR(100), `Imprint` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, `Place` VARCHAR(50), `Publisher_Name1` VARCHAR(70), `Publisher_Name2` VARCHAR(50), `Date1` DATETIME NOT NULL, `Date2` DATETIME, `Pagination` VARCHAR(50), `Printed_Size` INTEGER, `Illustration` VARCHAR(255), `Price` VARCHAR(50), `Series` VARCHAR(150), `Series_Number` VARCHAR(3), `Book_Notes` LONGTEXT, `Bibliographic_Reference` VARCHAR(50), `Serial` TINYINT(1), `Subject_Name` VARCHAR(70), `Subject_Name_corporate` TINYINT(1), INDEX (`Author_2`), INDEX (`Series_Number`), PRIMARY KEY (`Books_ID`), INDEX (`Series`), INDEX (`Books_ID`) ) ENGINE=myisam DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; SET autocommit=1; # # Dumping data for table 'New_Books' # # 0 records # # Table structure for table 'New_Copies' # DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `New_Copies`; CREATE TABLE `New_Copies` ( `Copy_ID` INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Books_ID` INTEGER DEFAULT 0, `Repository_Code` VARCHAR(3), `Call_Number` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `Item` DOUBLE NULL, `Book_Size` INTEGER, `Copy_Notes` LONGTEXT, INDEX (`Call_Number`), INDEX (`Copy_ID`), PRIMARY KEY (`Copy_ID`), INDEX (`Repository_Code`), INDEX (`Books_ID`) ) ENGINE=myisam DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; SET autocommit=1; # # Dumping data for table 'New_Copies' # # 0 records # # Table structure for table 'New_Work_Book_Link' # DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `New_Work_Book_Link`; CREATE TABLE `New_Work_Book_Link` ( `Works_ID` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `Books_ID` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, INDEX (`Books_ID`), PRIMARY KEY (`Works_ID`, `Books_ID`), INDEX (`Works_ID`) ) ENGINE=myisam DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; SET autocommit=1; # # Dumping data for table 'New_Work_Book_Link' # # 0 records # # Table structure for table 'New_Works' # DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `New_Works`; CREATE TABLE `New_Works` ( `Works_ID` INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Author` VARCHAR(70), `Author_Corporate` TINYINT(1), `Title_of_Work` VARCHAR(255), `First_Line` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `Verse` TINYINT(1), `Work_Notes` LONGTEXT, INDEX (`Author`), INDEX (`First_Line`), PRIMARY KEY (`Works_ID`), INDEX (`Title_of_Work`), INDEX (`Works_ID`) ) ENGINE=myisam DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; SET autocommit=1; # # Dumping data for table 'New_Works' # # 0 records