Read me file for attempted_suicide.assoc.logistic.gz The file attempted_suicide.assoc.logistic.gz refers to the binary outcome of attempted suicide. The items on the scale are: 0: no suicidal thoughts 1: attempted suicide The column names are defined as: SNP: rs number or ID string CHR: chromosome BP: physical (base pair) position A1: the tested allele TEST: the type of test performed NMISS: the number of non-missing individuals used for the test BETA: the effect size of A1 SE: standard error of effect size L95: the lower confidence interval u95: the upper confidence interval STAT: the test statistic of the SNP P: the p-value of the SNP F_A: frequency of affected individuals F_U: frequency of unaffected individuals A2: the other allele MAF: frequency of the A1 allele INFO: imputation score of the SNP NCHROBS: Number of allele observations