This repository contains all the measured and simulated data used in the paper. The folders "Figure 3" and "Figure 4" contain the raw detector values measured in the situations described by the respective figures, i.e. a siemens star target illuminated by a set of caustic intensity patterns at 9.5cm after the image plane of the SLM, and a binary "dolphin" target at 3cm, 9.5cm and 15cm after the image plane of the SLM, respectively. In each of these folders is a series of numbered subdirectories that each contain a single binary file. The title of each of these directories corresponds to the seed used in the caustics generator labview VI (which is also included in the repository) to generate the pattern associated with that measurement. The binary files contain a series of subsequent PMT values measured for that pattern. The binary files can be opened using the labview VI located in the folder "Data opener". The folder "Figure 2" contains the unprocessed camera images used in figure 2. The folder "Caustics Generator" contains a labview VI of the same name, as well as the necessary subVIs to run it. The method displayed in this VI was used to generate the caustic phases displayed on the SLM as well as the modelled intensity patterns used to create the figures in the paper. For all reconstructions in figures 3 & 4 the distance setting used was 9.5cm. The folder data opener contains a simple readout labview VI to opend the binary files contained in the data folders.