This directory contains all the experiments relevant to the thesis: Algorithmic Skeletons for Exact Combinatorial Search at Scale, B Archibald. The experiments rely on a custom job launcher to get around limitations of the test cluster. The job launcher assumes full single user access to all localities (via ssh). Building YewPar =============== A release version of YewPar, used in the thesis, can be found at: The correct dependencies of YewPar can be build using the following environment script within the main YewPar directory. ``` {.nix} with import (fetchTarball "") {}; let stdenv = overrideCC pkgs.stdenv pkgs.gcc7; boost = boost164; newHPX = stdenv.mkDerivation rec { name = "hpx-new"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "STEllAR-GROUP"; repo = "hpx"; rev = "51d3d007e5e7d1bad5eccd587569cc267b061246"; sha256 = "1bydsxsblgrqykw4rw50qmlbqn7q4msirfbcw3y9dv631svw34k5"; }; buildInputs = [ boost mpich2 hwloc gperftools]; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake pkgconfig python ]; cmakeFlags = [ "-DHPX_WITH_PARCELPORT_MPI=ON" "-DHPX_WITH_EXAMPLES=OFF" "-DHPX_WITH_TESTS=OFF" "-DMPI_LIBRARY=${mpich2}/lib/" ]; enableParallelBuilding = true; meta = { description = "C++ standard library for concurrency and parallelism"; homepage =; license = stdenv.lib.licenses.boost; platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ]; # stdenv.lib.platforms.linux; }; }; in stdenv.mkDerivation rec { name = "YewPar"; version = "0.0.1"; buildInputs = [ boost mpich2 newHPX gperftools hwloc ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ]; src = let inDir = path : dir : stdenv.lib.hasPrefix (toString dir) (toString path); filter = path : type : baseNameOf path == "CMakeLists.txt" || inDir path ./apps || inDir path ./lib; in builtins.filterSource filter ./.; enableParallelBuilding = true; } ``` Commands to build YewPar for the experiments are as follows: ``` {.bash} git clone cp experiment-env.nix YewPar # Assuming the script above is called experiment-env.nix cd YewPar nix-shell experiment-env.nix # Possibly with -jN to get parallel builds if required # Now in nix-shell mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(pwd)/install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DYEWPAR_BUILD_BNB_APPS_MAXCLIQUE_NWORDS=14 -DYEWPAR_BUILD_BNB_APPS_KNAPSACK_NITEMS=220 -DYEWPAR_BUILD_APPS_SIP_NWORDS=128 ../ make install # If successful we also build another version of maxclique for larget graphs. both maxclique-14 and maxclique-32 will be in $(pwd)/install/bin cmake -DYEWPAR_BUILD_BNB_APPS_MAXCLIQUE_NWORDS=32 ../ make install ``` The job launcher can be downloaded automatically via stack, by having the following `.yaml` file in the run directory of a job launch script. ``` {.yaml} resolver: lts-9.13 packages: - location: git: commit: eca5f21b1abcc660315d5fd5cba1ae805a160e0b ``` Experiments =========== Sub-directories each contain different experiments including run scripts (usually in \/scripts/run/). If you only want to recreate the data/plots of the thesis (without gathering new data) then you can simply call \`make\` in the root experiment directory. To run the experiments you will require a working Haskell implementation, and a python + pandas installation for running the analyses. Most of the instances (except for H49) can be found in the instances directory. - [Sequential Baselines](sequential-baselines/): Collects samples runs using the Sequential skeleton for all benchmark instances (except finite-geometry). - [CPP-comparison](maxclique-cpp-comparison/): Compares YewPar to a hand-written C++ Maximum Clique implementation from McCreesh. - [Incumbent Updates](incumbent-updates/): Records how often the incumbent is updated for a selection of maximum clique instances. - [Workpool Choice](workpool-choice/): Compares Depth-pool to Deque based scheduling. - [Depth-Bounded Depth Sweep](depth-tuning/): Investigates the performance of Depth-Bounded at different d~cutoff~ settings. Including work-stealing performance. - [Stack-Stealing](stack-stealing/): Investigates the performance of Stack-Stealing including chunking and work-stealing performance. - [Budget](budget-tuning/): Investigates the performance of Budget including work-stealing performance. - [Skeleton Comparison](skeleton-comparisons/): Compares the performance across the skeleton implementations. - [Scaling](larger-instances/): Investigates the skeletons at scale (i.e on up to 255 workers). - [H49](finite-geometry/H49/Makefile): Looks at the larger H(4,9) finite geometry instance at 255 workers. - [Ordered](ordered-skeleton/): Investigates the Ordered skeleton for both scale and repeatability