DATA ARCHIVE README: This document describes how to make use of the data used to produce the content of the manuscript, according to the open access regulations enforced by the funders. TITLE: Real-time imaging of methane gas leaks using a single-pixel camera CREATOR: Graham Gibson IDENTIFIER: DATES: Project started February 2015, Project ended October 2016, data released December 2016 SUBJECT: Gas imaging, computational imaging, Infrared cameras FUNDERS: UK Quantum Technology Hub in Quantum Enhanced Imaging (GrantNo.EP/M01326X/1) and the European Research Council (TWISTS,GrantNo.192382). RIGHTS: University of Glasgow METHODOLOGY: The experiment was controlled using software developed using the LabView 2014 and Vision development platforms (National Instruments). Software was run on a PC having an i7 processor and Windows 7 Professional. When recording data the control software saves two folders, one containing individual images which can be converted into a movie file using an additional LabView program, the other contains the raw infrared image pixel data. CONTENTS: GasSight Software: Contains the control software for the experiment and the software for creating the supplementary movies. Movie Data: Contains the original saved images (*.png) and the raw infrared image pixel data (*.txt). Manuscript Figures: Contains the data and images used to create the manuscript figures (constructed using Inkscape 0.91 drawing software). LaTeX Files: Contains the manuscript *.tex file and *.bib file.