'DeltaWestTc.txt' is the experimental critical temperature data of the sample. 'IV_0.35k.txt' and 'IV_2.5k.txt' are the experimental current versus voltage data at 0.35K and 2.5K. 'Images' contains scanning electron macrograph images of the sample, as well as a photograph of the helium sorption refrigerator and nano-optical setup. 'FWHM of spot size.opj' is the experimental data for focused light spot FWHM diameter. 'Fine_scanning_map.txt' is the experimental data for reflection map of the device region. 'Counts_map.txt' is the experimental data for counts map of the device region. '20150820_1411.txt' is the experimental data for the DCR and SDE versus bias current. 'Jitter_WithFilter.txt' is the experimental data of TCSPC instrumnet response histogram with a low pass filter.