Prism Models ------------ In all models scenario 2 can be recreated by uncommenting the lines ending with //Scenario 2 and commenting the lines ending with //Scenario 1. These lines are const int Miss = 900; // Scenario 1 //const int Miss = 900; // Scenario 2 and NoOfObjs : [0..3] init 3; // Scenario 1 // NoOfObjs : [0..3] init 3; // Scenario 2 uav_dtmc.prism -------------- Contains the discrete time markov chain model of the scenario, where the transitions are chosen uniform randomly. uav_mdp.prism ------------- Contains the markov decision process model of the scenario. The non-determinism will return maximal and minimal results. uav_rounded_mdp.prism --------------------- Non-deterministic markov decision process model of the scenario, where all constants have been rounded manually. Property Files -------------- uav_mdp.props ------------- Contains some properties that are of interest to the models. uav_mdp.bounded.props --------------------- Contains the time bound properties needed for the graphs. Results Files ------------- result_uav_mdp.txt ------------------ Log file from running all properties in uav_mdp.props against the model in Scenario 1 in uav_mdp.prism. summary_result_uav_mdp.txt -------------------------- Summary file containing just the most important information about the properties. (The columns are; Name, Probability, Time to check, RAM needed for matrix) Graphs ------ uav_deadline1.gra ----------------- Prism graph file, containing information from running Scenario 1. uav_deadline1.pdf ----------------- Graph resulting from running Scenario 1, produced by prism. uav_deadline2.gra ----------------- Prism graph file, containing information from running Scenario 2. uav_deadline2.pdf ----------------- Graph resulting from running Scenario 2, produced by prism.