These data files correspond to the experiments reported in Section 6 of the following paper: A. Kwanashie, R.W. Irving, D.F. Manlove and C.T.S. Sng, Profile-based optimal matchings in the Student-Project Allocation problem, Technical Report 1403.0751, Computing Research Repository, Cornell University Library, 2015. Available from This is the full version of the following paper: A. Kwanashie, R.W. Irving, D.F. Manlove and C.T.S. Sng, Profile-based optimal matchings in the Student-Project Allocation problem, in Proceedings of IWOCA 2014: the 25th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, volume 8986 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 213-225, Springer, 2015 Publisher final version: Author final version: The various subfolders contain the instances, matchings and results summaries for the experiments in Section 6 of the Technical Report. The subfolder names make it clear which experiments the data correspond to. Each instance file (apart from those in Section 6.4) is in the following format: lines containing student preference lists lines containing project information lines containing supervisor information Each student preference list is of the following format: : <1st-choice project ID> <2nd-choice project ID> etc. Each line of project information is of the following format: : : Each line of supervisor information is of the following format: : : : Instance files in Section 6.4 do not contain information about project lower quotas or supervisor lower quotas in the lines of project and supervisor information, respectively.