Author: Marc Segales Supervisor: Prof. Duncan H. Gregory Supplementary data from the Ph.D thesis in Chemistry "Nanoconfinement of complex hydrides in porous hosts for hydrogen storage applications" The data presented in this folders is organized by experimental chapters (3 - 5), and a reference to this data has been made in the bulk of the thesis, where appropiate. Within the chapters folder, subfolders have been labeled according to the characterization technique used (e.g. BET, EDX,...) The name of the files correspond to the name of the samples, as mentioned and described in the thesis. The data supplied is readily usable. Explanations and images are presented for a clearer inspection in powerpoint presentations and word files. In some folders, raw data has been facilitated too. To open that data is necessary to use OriginPro8 v8.0724(B724).