# About this archive This archive includes all supporting datasets for the accepted Journal of Functional Programming paper "Transparent Fault Tolerance for Scalable Functional Computation". The contents are: 1. A SPIN model of HdpH-RS scheduling. The hdph_scheduler.pml file is a Promela file corresponding to section 5 of the paper, "Validating Reliable Work Stealing". It can be verified with the SPIN model checker, which can be downloaded for free from http://spinroot.com . 2. Scripts for generating graphs. The files plot-runtime.R, plot-scaleup.R and plot-timeoffailure.R are R scripts for plotting runtime results presented in section 7, "Evaluation". 3. Scripts for generating runtime results. The files with filename pattern run-*.sh , e.g. run-mandel-nodes-scaleup.sh , are scripts for executing the four benchmarks SumEuler, Summatory Liouville, N-Queens and Mandelbrot on the Beowulf and HPC clusters described in section 7. 4. Runtime and failure results. The files with filename patterns results-*.Rdata and results-*.data are the raw runtime and failure results plotted in section 7 and tabled in appendix B. 3. Benchmark source code. The benchmark Haskell source code files for SumEuler, Summatory Liouville, N-Queens and Mandelbrot are files sumeuler.hs summatory-liouville.hs queens.hs mandel.hs respectively. They can be compiled and executed with GHC once the HdpH-RS Haskell library is installed. They are freely available: - GHC https://www.haskell.org/ghc - HdpH-RS https://github.com/robstewart57/hdph-rs