Running instructions The model is solved using the The General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) For details and software download see: To run the model a license file is required that allows use of Conopt, Minos and PathNLP solvers. Start by opening up the project file Malawi Model.gpr Run first Calibration.gms, save it and run the model simulation files. Results are stored in “Results simulations” (gdx and xlsx). To run simulations open Model simulation.gms The model code allows the user to choose among two different specifications for agents' expectations: Forward looking (FL) and Myopic (MYP). To run a forward looking model set FL=1 and then MYP=0. To run a myopic model set FL=0 and MYP=1. The following Labour market closures are specified: NATBARG: Fixed Nominal Gross Wage FIXRW: Fixed Real Wage; REGBARG: Wage Curve if e.g., FixRW=1, all the others have to be set to zero. Migration can be set on or off. MIG: Net migration Flows If Mig=1 migration is in operation in the model. If Mig=0, labour supply is fixed.