# This model is described in the manuscript Gilbert et al. 'Distemper, extinction and vaccination of # the Amur tiger' submitted to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United # States of America. The model was developed in the object-oriented programming language Ruby and # is a stochastic population viability model that incorporates the epidemiology of canine distemper # virus and is parameterized for the for the Amur tiger population in the Land of the Leopard # National Park in the Russian Far East with the objective of assessing feasability of vaccination # to reduce the fifty-year extinction probability of the population. # Filename to save output to FILENAME="TIGERVACC.csv" # Set attributes for the current run of the model: # Timesteps parameters Years = 90 WeeksPerYear = 365/7 AgeUpdate = 2 TimestepsPerYear = (WeeksPerYear / AgeUpdate).round YearIntroduceCDV = 40 SpringStart = (TimestepsPerYear * 0.23).round #set spring/summer to start approx. begining of April SpringEnd = (TimestepsPerYear * 0.80).round #set spring/summer to start approx. mid-November # Population Dynamics parameters: # Habitat capacity MaxTerritoryF = 9 MaxTerritoryM = 6 # Proportion of tiger territories on edge of protected area (see manuscript methods for justification) PropEdgeTerritories = 0.80 #Annual tiger survival based on Gilbert et al. 2014 PLoS ONE 9(10):e110811 FemaleSurvivalRate = [0.0,0.61,0.72,0.90,0.90,0.90,0.90,0.90,0.90,0.90,0.90,0.90,0.90,0.90,0.90,0.90,0.0] MaleSurvivalRate = [0.0,0.41,0.41,0.69,0.69,0.69,0.69,0.69,0.69,0.69,0.69,0.69,0.69,0.69,0.69,0.69,0.0] DependentCubSurvivalRate = 0.59**(1.0/TimestepsPerYear) # CDV infection parameters DogPrevalence = 0.0077 # See manuscript methods for justification WildCarnPrevalence = 0.034 # See SI Appendix Table S6 for justification MeanDogsEatenPerTigerPerYear = 0.965 # See SI Appendix Table S6 for justification MeanWildCarnEatenPerTigerPerYear = 2.76 # See SI Appendix Table S6 for justification InfectedMortalityRate = 0.35/3 # See SI Appendix Table S6 for justification # Adjust dogs eaten per year based on edge territories MeanDogsEatenPerDogEaterPerYear = MeanDogsEatenPerTigerPerYear / PropEdgeTerritories # What is the chance of finding a tiger corpse after it has died? ProbFindingDeadTiger = 2.0/8.0 # Estimated from 2010 Sikhote-Alin Biosphere Zapovednik outbreak ################################################################################################### # Initialize the tiger class and populate it with attributes class Tiger attr_reader :sex, :infectStatus, :nCubs, :alive, :dogsEatenPerTimestep, :wildCarnEatenPerTimestep, :eatDog, :territory, :edgeTerritory, :immuneStatus, :immuneCount, :vaccineType, :diedFromInfection, :diedNaturally def initialize(sex, age, territory, edgeTerritory, infected = false, nCubs=0, cubAge=0, infectStatus=0, immuneStatus = 0, immuneCount = 0, vaccineType = :none) @sex = sex @age = age @alive = true @diedFromInfection = false @diedNaturally = false if @sex == :F @nCubs = nCubs else @nCubs = 0 end @cubAge = cubAge @territory = territory @edgeTerritory = edgeTerritory @undead_territory = false @eatDog = !@territory || @edgeTerritory @dogsEatenPerTimestep = 0 @wildCarnEatenPerTimestep = 0 @infectStatus = infectStatus @infected = infected @immuneStatus = immuneStatus @immuneCount = immuneCount @vaccineType = vaccineType end ################################################################################################### # Create methods for use in model # Create a method for aging adult tigers and cubs def aging @age += 1 cubAging end # Create a method for advancing stage of infection def infectAdvance case @infectStatus when 1 then @infectStatus += 1 when 2 then @infectStatus += 1 when 3 then @infectStatus += 1 when 4 then @infectStatus = 4 end end # Create a model to vaccinate a tiger def vaccinate(vaccineType) @vaccineType = vaccineType case (@vaccineType) when :modifiedlive @immuneStatus = 1 @immuneCount = 0 else puts "Illegal vaccine!" end end # Create a method for aging dependant cubs def cubAging if @nCubs > 0 @cubAge += 1 end end # Create a method for counting territories def territory? @territory end # Create a method for counting edge territories def hasEdgeTerritory? @edgeTerritory end # Create a method for distributing territories between males and females as they become independant def self.isEmptyTerritory?(sex, population) territoryCount = population.count { |tiger| tiger.sex == sex && tiger.territory?} out = territoryCount < (sex == :F ? MaxTerritoryF : MaxTerritoryM) out end # Create a method for distributing edge territories between males and females as they become independant def self.getsEdgeTerritory?(sex, population) edgeTerritoryCount = population.count { |tiger| tiger.sex == sex && tiger.territory? && tiger.hasEdgeTerritory?} out = edgeTerritoryCount < ((sex == :F ? MaxTerritoryF : MaxTerritoryM) * PropEdgeTerritories).round out end # Create a method for promoting dependant cubs to the general population (18 months based on Kerley et al 2003) def cubPromote(population) newAdults = [] if @cubAge >= 39 @nCubs.times do sex = rand > 0.5 ? :F : :M age = 39 territory = Tiger.isEmptyTerritory?(sex, population + newAdults) edgeTerritory = territory && Tiger.getsEdgeTerritory?(sex, population + newAdults) infected = false newAdults << Tiger.new(sex, age, territory, edgeTerritory, infected) end @nCubs = 0 @cubAge = 0 else @cubAge = @cubAge end newAdults end # Create a method to enable females to reproduce (adjusted to reflect breeding frequency in Kerley et al. 2003) def reproduce r = rand if @age > 3.0 * TimestepsPerYear && @sex == :F && @nCubs == 0 && r <= 0.35 @nCubs = littersize @cubAge = 0 end end # Create a method to generate litter size def littersize r = rand if r <= 0.31 newCubs = 1 elsif r > 0.31 && r <= 0.50 newCubs = 2 elsif r > 0.50 && r <= 0.81 newCubs = 3 else newCubs = 4 end newCubs end # Create a method to determine whether tigers get infected from eating dogs def infectDogTiger(iterations) if @immuneStatus == 0 if @eatDog if iterations > YearIntroduceCDV * TimestepsPerYear @dogsEatenPerTimestep = poissonGen((MeanDogsEatenPerDogEaterPerYear)/TimestepsPerYear) probEatInfectedDog = 1.0 - (1.0 - DogPrevalence)**(1.0*@dogsEatenPerTimestep) ateInfectedDog = true if rand < probEatInfectedDog case @infectStatus when 0 then @infectStatus += 1 if ateInfectedDog end end end end end # Create a method to determine whether tigers get infected from eating wild carnivores def infectWildCarnTiger(timeOfYear, iterations) if @immuneStatus == 0 if iterations > YearIntroduceCDV * TimestepsPerYear if (timeOfYear >= SpringStart && timeOfYear <= SpringEnd) @wildCarnEatenPerTimestep = poissonGen(MeanWildCarnEatenPerTigerPerYear/TimestepsPerYear) probEatInfectedWildCarn = 1.0 - (1.0 - WildCarnPrevalence)**(1.0*@wildCarnEatenPerTimestep) ateInfectedWildCarn = true if rand < probEatInfectedWildCarn case @infectStatus # 0 = susceptible, 1, 2, 3 = infected (to imply a 45 day infectious period), 4 = recovered when 0 then @infectStatus += 1 if ateInfectedWildCarn end end end end end # Create a method to determine whether tigers are infected through contact with tigers def infectTigerTiger(population, malePrev, femPrev,currentCDV) if @immuneStatus == 0 case @sex when :M then contacts = 1.0 when :F then contacts = 0.5 end case @sex when :M then probContactInfectedTiger = 1.0 - (1.0 - femPrev)**(contacts.to_f) # To reflect prevalence in female population when :F then probContactInfectedTiger = 1.0 - (1.0 - malePrev)**(contacts.to_f) # To reflect prevalence in male population end case @infectStatus when 0 then @infectStatus += 1 if rand < probContactInfectedTiger end end end # Create a method to infect cubs whose mothers become infected def cubInfect if @nCubs != 0 && @infectStatus != 0 && @infectStatus != 4 && @immuneStatus == 0 deadCubs = 0 @nCubs.times do if rand < 0.5 deadCubs+=1 end end @nCubs = @nCubs - deadCubs end end # Create a method to determine whether tigers are infected def infected? if @infectStatus == 1 || @infectStatus == 2 || @infectStatus == 3 @infected = true @infectedCount = (@infected == true && @infectStatus == 1) elsif @infectStatus == 0 || @infectStatus == 4 @infected = false end end # Create a method to kill off a tiger def die! @alive = false @age = 0 @nCubs = 0 @cubAge = 0 @infectStatus = nil @undead_territory = @territory @territory = false @edgeTerritory = false end # Create a method to determine whether independant tigers are alive def survival(femaleSurvivalRate, maleSurvivalRate, infectedMortalityRate) infectionSurvivalChance = 1.0 infectionSurvivalChance = (1.0 - infectedMortalityRate) if @infected survivalChance = infectionSurvivalChance case (@sex) when :F survivalChance *= (femaleSurvivalRate[(@age/TimestepsPerYear)])**(1.0/TimestepsPerYear) when :M survivalChance *= (maleSurvivalRate[(@age/TimestepsPerYear)])**(1.0/TimestepsPerYear) end die! if rand > survivalChance naturalDeathChance = (1.0 - survivalChance / infectionSurvivalChance) / (1.0 - survivalChance) @diedFromInfection = (!@alive && (rand > naturalDeathChance)) @diedNaturally = (!@alive && (rand < naturalDeathChance)) end # Create a method to determine whether dependant tiger cubs die during the timestep def cubSurvival(dependentCubSurvivalRate) deadCubs = 0 @nCubs.times do if rand > dependentCubSurvivalRate deadCubs += 1 end end @nCubs = @nCubs - deadCubs end # Create a method to enable floater tigers to inherit empty territories def floaterTerritory(population) if !@territory territory = Tiger.isEmptyTerritory?(@sex, population) @edgeTerritory = territory && Tiger.getsEdgeTerritory?(@sex, population) @territory = territory end end # Create a method to introduce a survival parameter and remove dead tigers from the population def alive? @alive end # Create a method to generate a random number based on a Poisson distribution def poissonGen(lambda) l = Math.exp(-lambda) k = 0 p = 1 while p >= l k += 1 u = rand p = p *u end return k -1 end end ################################################################################################### # Set-up for simulation # Create initial cohort of tigers initialfemalecohort = 21 # Based on available tiger habitat in Land of the Leopard National Park initialmalecohort = 14 # Based on available tiger habitat in Land of the Leopard National Park population = [] prev = 0 malePrev = 0 femPrev = 0 currentCDV = 0 currentMaleCDV = 0 currentFemCDV = 0 currentCDVRecovereds = 0 currentNoCDV = 0 # Introduce a means of recording the number of tigers died from infection in the last timestep numberDiedFromInfection = 0 numberDiedNaturally = 0 # Assign tigers to territories of different types (edge, core) or floater class initialfemalecohort.times do sex = :F age = ((rand(7)+3).to_i)*TimestepsPerYear territory = Tiger.isEmptyTerritory?(sex, population) edgeTerritory = territory && Tiger.getsEdgeTerritory?(sex, population) infected = false numberCubs = (rand(3)+1) ageCubs = (rand(38)) population << Tiger.new(sex, age, territory, edgeTerritory, infected, numberCubs, ageCubs) end initialmalecohort.times do sex= :M age = ((rand(7)+3).to_i)*TimestepsPerYear territory = Tiger.isEmptyTerritory?(sex, population) edgeTerritory = territory && Tiger.getsEdgeTerritory?(sex, population) infected = false population << Tiger.new(sex, age, territory, edgeTerritory, infected) end # Introduce headers for data output File.open(FILENAME, "w") do |f| # Assign headers for vaccination runs headersVacc= ("Time, Year, TigerInfected, TigerRecovered, Suscep, Vaccinated, DeadFromInfection, NaturalDead, NumVaccinations, Prev, SeroPrev, PopulationSize, Cubs, FemaleTerri, MaleTerri, FemaleFloat, MaleFloat, TotalVaccinationEvents, TotalTigersVaccinated\n") f.write(headersVacc) # Introduce a time loop within which tigers will age and die totalTimeSteps = Years * TimestepsPerYear timeOfYear = 1 year = 0 # Introduce vaccination parameters VaccineEfficacy = 0.90 NumbTigersVacc = 2 # Number of tigers to vaccinate. vaccinationInterval1 = (40..90).step(1).to_a.map { |i| i * TimestepsPerYear } # Introduce means of counting vaccinated tigers vaccinationThisTimestep = 0 totalTigersVaccinated = 0 ################################################################################################### # Run vaccine simulation: # VACCINE STRATEGY 1: Annual vaccination strategy # Vaccinate 2 tigers in all territories and floaters in study area. # Each year for 50 years for iterations in 1..totalTimeSteps promotedCubs = [] if timeOfYear <= TimestepsPerYear - 1 timeOfYear += 1 else timeOfYear = 1 end year = iterations/TimestepsPerYear if vaccinationInterval1.any? {|date| date == iterations} vaccinationThisTimestep += 1 numToVaccinate = NumbTigersVacc totalTigersVaccinated += numToVaccinate population.select { |tiger| !tiger.territory? || tiger.territory? }.sample(numToVaccinate).each do |member| member.vaccinate(:modifiedlive) if rand <= VaccineEfficacy end end numberDiedFromInfection = 0 numberDiedNaturally = 0 population = population.select do |member| member.aging member.infectAdvance member.infectDogTiger(iterations) member.infectWildCarnTiger(timeOfYear, iterations) member.infectTigerTiger(population, malePrev, femPrev, currentCDV) member.cubSurvival(DependentCubSurvivalRate) member.cubInfect member.reproduce if member.territory? member.floaterTerritory(population) member.survival(FemaleSurvivalRate, MaleSurvivalRate, InfectedMortalityRate) numberDiedFromInfection += 1 if member.diedFromInfection numberDiedNaturally += 1 if member.diedNaturally member.alive? end population = population.each do |member| member.infected? end population.each do |member| promotedCubs += member.cubPromote(population) end currentCDV = population.count{|tiger| tiger.infectStatus == 1 || tiger.infectStatus == 2 || tiger.infectStatus == 3} prev = (currentCDV*1.0)/(population.length * 1.0) currentMaleCDV = population.count{|tiger| (tiger.infectStatus == 1 || tiger.infectStatus == 2 || tiger.infectStatus == 3) && tiger.sex == :M} malePrev = (currentMaleCDV*1.0)/(population.length * 1.0) currentFemCDV = population.count{|tiger| ( tiger.infectStatus == 1 || tiger.infectStatus == 2 || tiger.infectStatus == 3) && tiger.sex == :F} femPrev = (currentFemCDV*1.0)/(population.length * 1.0) currentCDVRecovereds = population.count { |tiger| tiger.infectStatus == 4} seroPrev = (currentCDVRecovereds*1.0)/ (population.length * 1.0) currentNoCDV = population.count{|tiger| tiger.infectStatus == 0} population += promotedCubs numberInfected = 0 numberRecovered = 0 forLiveVaccinated = 0 nCubsTotal = 0 occupiedTerritoryF = 0 occupiedTerritoryM = 0 floaterF = 0 floaterM = 0 population.each do |member| numberInfected +=1 if member.infected? numberRecovered +=1 if member.infectStatus == 4 forLiveVaccinated = population.count{|tiger| tiger.immuneStatus == 1} nCubsTotal += member.nCubs occupiedTerritoryF = population.count { |tiger| tiger.sex == :F && tiger.territory?} occupiedTerritoryM = population.count { |tiger| tiger.sex == :M && tiger.territory?} floaterF = population.count { |tiger| tiger.sex == :F && !tiger.territory?} floaterM = population.count { |tiger| tiger.sex == :M && !tiger.territory?} end countsVacc = ("#{iterations}, #{year}, #{currentCDV}, #{currentCDVRecovereds}, #{currentNoCDV}, #{forLiveVaccinated}, #{numberDiedFromInfection},#{numberDiedNaturally}, #{vaccinationThisTimestep}, #{prev}, #{seroPrev}, #{population.length}, #{nCubsTotal}, #{occupiedTerritoryF}, #{occupiedTerritoryM}, #{floaterF}, #{floaterM}, #{vaccinationThisTimestep}, #{totalTigersVaccinated}\n") f.write(countsVacc) end end